

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王学1,2,, 李秀彬1,, 辛良杰1, 谈明洪1, 李升发1,2, 王仁靖1,2
1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Ecological compensation for winter wheat abandonment in groundwater over-exploited areas in the North China Plain

WANGXue1,2,, LIXiubin1,, XINLiangjie1, TANMinghong1, LIShengfa1,2, WANGRenjing1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:李秀彬(1962-), 男, 博士, 研究员, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110000940M), 主要从事土地利用变化及其效应相关研究。E-mail: lixb@igsnrr.ac.cn
基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41571095, 41271119)
-->作者简介:王学(1989-), 女, 博士, 主要从事土地利用变化研究。E-mail: wangx.12b@igsnrr.ac.cn


压减冬小麦种植面积是有效减少华北平原地下水用量最为有效的方法。近期,国家和地方政府均出台了土地休耕政策,拟在华北地下水超采区退耕冬小麦,实现“一季休耕、一季雨养”。然而,华北平原已经出现农户主动退耕冬小麦的现象。在此背景下,明确冬小麦退耕的瞄准目标、制订合理适度的补偿标准是土地休耕政策有效实施所面对的核心问题。本文利用农户问卷数据,构建多层次logit模型分析农户种植制度决策的影响因素,并计算冬小麦退耕的机会成本,旨在确定华北平原地下水超采区土地休耕政策的瞄准目标,并为农户补偿标准的制订提供建议。结果表明:① 地块层次的土地质量和灌溉条件是解释农户种植制度差异的关键因素,近70%的四等耕地和90%以上的旱地已退出冬小麦耕作,土地休耕政策应瞄准一、二、三等土地质量的水浇地;② 相似耕作条件的地块种植春、夏玉米的净收益大致相同,土地休耕的机会成本等于种植冬小麦的净收益;③ 仅考虑冬小麦对地下水资源的影响,土地休耕政策初期以地下水回升和地下水环境恢复为主要目标时,建议以350元/亩作为补偿标准参考值,后期目标转为维持地下水资源采补平衡时,可调整至280元/亩左右。

The North China Plain (NCP) is amongst the global "hotspots" in terms of groundwater over-exploitation, and irrigation for winter wheat is the primary cause. Shrinkage of area sown to winter wheat proves to be a practical strategy to reverse groundwater over-exploitation and to promote groundwater storage. Land retirement policy was introduced by the government to encourage the extension of spring maize single cropping system in groundwater over-exploited areas. In addition, since the 1990s, large areas in the NCP in which winter wheat and summer maize are being replaced by the single cropping system of spring maize, due to the active behaviors of farmers. Not all land parcels grow winter wheat at the moment. Therefore, it is crucial to reveal the targeted land parcels for winter wheat abandonment and to assess reasonable and proper standards for ecological compensation, prior to the implementation of land retirement policy. In this paper, a case study was carried out in Cangxian county of Hebei province. Multi-level logit models were constructed using household survey data, in order to detect the determinants across plot, household and village levels on farmers' cropping system decisions, and the opportunity costs for winter wheat abandonment were calculated using cost-benefit analysis. The aim of this study was to recognize land parcels with winter wheat and to give scientific support on standards for ecological compensation. Results showed that: (1) land quality and irrigation condition at the parcel level are two essential elements influencing farmers' cropping system decisions. Nearly 70% in total area of poor land and more than 90% in total area of unirrigated land has suffered winter wheat abandonment. The targeted land parcels for land retirement policy should be the irrigated ones with land qualities being good, relative good or relative bad. (2) There were no significant differences between the net-profits of spring maize and summer maize under similar farming conditions, and the opportunity cost for land retirement should be equal to the net-profit of winter wheat. (3) When only considering the influence of winter wheat on groundwater resources, the primary purpose of the land retirement policy is to reverse the groundwater table and to induce groundwater recovery and restoration at the preliminary stage, and a high level of 350 yuan/mu was recommended as the subsidies for ecological compensation; at a later stage, the primary purpose of the policy transited to the balance of exploitation and supplement of water resources, and a lower level of 280 yuan/mu was recommended.

Keywords:land retirement;ecological compensation;multi-level logit model;opportunity cost;groundwater over-exploited areas;North China Plain

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王学, 李秀彬, 辛良杰, 谈明洪, 李升发, 王仁靖. 华北地下水超采区冬小麦退耕的生态补偿问题探讨[J]. , 2016, 71(5): 829-839 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201605011
WANG Xue, LI Xiubin, XIN Liangjie, TAN Minghong, LI Shengfa, WANG Renjing. Ecological compensation for winter wheat abandonment in groundwater over-exploited areas in the North China Plain[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(5): 829-839 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201605011

1 引言

华北平原是中国的农业主产区之一,同时也是中国乃至世界上水资源短缺最为严峻的地区之一[1-2]。平原内部农业与水资源的矛盾非常尖锐。因地表水资源匮乏,地下水一直是维系平原农业生产与发展的命脉。然而,由于地下水的过度开采,河北、北京等地近30年来浅层地下水位普遍下降了20~40 m[3];20世纪70年代以来,平原地下水降落漏斗不断扩大和加深,形成了山前平原串珠状地下水降落漏斗和5×104 km2的深层地下水复合漏斗[3]。地下水过度开采也造成了严重的地面沉降和地裂现象:在天津、沧州和北京东北部形成了3个地面沉降中心,天津、塘沽的最大沉降量已超过3.1 m;2006-2010年,衡水市发生了10多起地裂现象,其中,武邑至阜城的地裂缝长达8 km[4]。华北平原已成为全世界最大的“地下水漏斗”和水环境最为脆弱的地区[5],地下水超采治理迫在眉睫。

2 材料与方法

2.1 案例区概况

案例区为河北沧县(图1),北靠京津,东临渤海,地理坐标为E116°27′~E117°09′,N38°3′~N38°5′。地处冲积平原向滨海平原过渡地带,地势低平,土壤类型以黄沙土为主,部分地区土壤盐碱化严重;属温带大陆性季风气候,年均气温13 ℃,年均降水量590 mm[16]。冬小麦—夏玉米一年两熟制是主要种植制度。近年来,春玉米一熟制面积不断扩张。冬小麦、夏玉米和春玉米成为最主要的农作物种类,播种面积占农作物总播种面积的90%以上[17-18]
沧县属沧州深层地下水漏斗区。该漏斗区面积约5551 km2,中心水位埋深约92 m,是河北省面积最大、漏斗中心水位最低的漏斗区。《2014年度河北省地下水超采综合治理试点调整农业种植结构和农艺节水项目实施方案》中,选取衡水、沧州、邢台、邯郸4个地区共43个县(市、区)进行冬小麦退耕试点,沧县也包括在内。
-->Fig. 1Location of the case study area

2.2 数据来源


2.3 研究方法

2.3.1 多层次logit模型 理论上,农户土地利用行为受地块的自然和位置特征、农户的经济和劳动力特征、村庄的区位和地理环境等不同层级因素的影响[20]。数据存在组内同质和组间异质的特征,不符合传统模型关于样本独立、正态分布和方差齐性的假设[21]。多层次模型可将传统模型中的随机误差项分解到与数据层次结构相应的水平上,使得个体的随机误差满足上述假定,是处理多层次数据的有效方法[22],被越来越多地应用于农户土地利用行为及其变化的解释[23-25]
式中:ρ2、ρ3分别表示农户和村庄的跨级相关系数; VAR(r0)VAR(u00)分别为农户层次和村庄层次随机截距的方差;π2/3为地块层次的残差[24]
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Definition and description of the independent variables for farmers' cropping systems in the study area
灌溉条件虚拟变量(水浇地=1, 旱地=0)0.850.360.001.00

注:土地质量主要依据各调查村庄在耕地包产到户时的土地质量等级划分结果,村庄之间借助冬小麦亩均产量进行订正。其中,一等地的冬小麦亩均产量> 450 kg/亩;二等地的冬小麦亩均产量介于400~450 kg/亩;三等地的冬小麦亩均产量介于350~400 kg/亩;四等地的冬小麦亩均产量≤ 350 kg/亩。灌溉条件中水浇地指临近机井,且机井灌溉设备已经配备,能够进行正常灌溉的耕地,旱地指远离机井、或虽临近机井但机井灌溉设备年久失修,无法灌溉的耕地。农机设备主要指农用拖拉机,用于农产品运输等。
2.3.2 机会成本计算 从管理者的角度而言,生态补偿标准通常以保护导致的净收益损失(机会成本)作为最小补偿,而以原有土地利用方式导致的损失(即生态成本或保护的生态收益)作为最高补偿[26]。补偿标准的确定主要有3种思路[27]:计算生态保护的机会成本,确定经济补偿量;采用商品价格法,计算生态效益的经济价值,作为补偿标准;综合考虑成本补偿、生态价值补偿和利益相关者参与激励等多种因素确定补偿标准。其中,机会成本支付原则是世界范围内应用最为广泛的生态补偿标准确定依据[13]。美国的耕地保护储备计划和中国的退耕还林两大生态补偿项目均以耕地休耕或退耕的机会成本作为补偿标准[28]
式中:p为农户出售农产品的价格(元/斤);Y为作物的单产(斤/亩); IseedIpesticideIfertilizerImachineryIirrigationIlabor分别表示单位面积的种子、农药、化肥、机械、灌溉和劳动力的投入成本(元/亩)。其中, Ilabor采用务农劳动力的影子工资(Wl,元/工日)乘以单位劳动投入(Labor,工日/亩)计算得到。Wl通常等于边际农业收入,即单位劳动投入带来的农业总收益的变化[29-30]

3 结果与分析

3.1 农户种植制度影响因素分析与退耕目标确定

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Results of multi-level logit models for factors influencing farmers' cropping systems in the study area
地块尺度(N = 521)
农户尺度(N = 134)
村庄尺度(N = 14)

注:*p < 0.1;**p < 0.05;***p < 0.01。
模型1也被称为“空模型”,主要用于检测高层次的变异是否显著,还可用于分析各层次对于被解释变量的解释程度[22]。结果显示,村庄层次的方差( VAR(u00))在0.01的水平显著,说明村际间两熟制的概率均值存在明显差异;而农户层次的方差( VAR(r0))并不显著。根据跨级相关系数ρ2和ρ3,农户和村庄两个层次对被解释变量变异的解释程度分别为3.2%和40.5%;地块层次的解释程度为其余的56.2%。由此,地块特征和村庄特征是造成种植制度差异的关键,而以地块层次的解释程度更大。
-->Fig. 2Land qualities and the ratios of sown areas to two cropping systems in the study area

-->Fig. 3Irrigation conditions and the ratios of sown areas to two cropping systems in the study area

3.2 生态补偿标准确定

3.2.1 务农劳动力的影子工资 利用农户问卷数据估计柯布—道格拉斯生产函数。其中,被解释变量为农户2014年种植冬小麦、夏玉米和春玉米总收益的对数值。借助Stata 13.0进行OLS回归,结果如表3所示。
根据表3,调整R2 = 0.914,说明模型的拟合效果较好,结果可信度高。其中,总劳动投入的弹性系数为0.099,将该系数带入公式(5),求出沧县2014年务农劳动力的平均影子工资为46.8元/工日,可将其带入公式(4)计算不同地块作物的净收益。值得一提的是,沧县农户的资本投入与播种面积之间存在极强的共线性,相关系数达0.952,在进行OLS回归时将其剔除。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Estimation results of Cobb-Douglas production function in the study area

注:*p < 0.1;**p < 0.05;***p < 0.01;优质耕地占比为农户一、二等级耕地面积占总耕地面积比重;受灾面积占比为农户2014年遭受旱灾的耕地面积占总耕地面积比重。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Results of independent-samples T test for plots with different irrigation conditions in the study area

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Results of independent-samples T test for plots with different land qualities in the study area

3.2.2 春、夏玉米净收益差异 因土地休耕政策尚未落实,无法获取同一地块种植夏玉米和春玉米的净收益,采用相似耕作条件地块种植春、夏玉米的净收益近似代替。具体地,分析相同土地质量或灌溉条件下地块种植春、夏玉米净收益平均值的差异,借助SPSS中的独立样本T检验进行(表4,表5)。
3.2.3 冬小麦机会成本与退耕补偿标准 如前所述,近70%的四等耕地和90%以上的旱地已出现农户主动退耕冬小麦现象,现有冬小麦主要布局在土地质量较好的一、二、三等水浇地上,因而上述类型地块将是未来土地休耕政策瞄准的重点。按照公式(3)计算冬小麦的净收益(图4)。
-->Fig. 4Land quality, net-profit per mu and cumulative percentage of area sown to winter wheat in the study area


4 结论与讨论

4.1 结论

(1)从地块、农户和村庄3个层次进行的种植制度决策影响因素分析显示,地块特征对农户种植制度选择行为的解释程度最高(56.2%),其次为村庄特征(40.5%),而农户特征的解释程度最小(3.2%);仅包括地块层次解释变量的多层次logit模型拟合效果最优(ROC = 0.920)。

4.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Agricultural land use is affected by government policies and leads to different consequences of regional sustainability. In this work, changes in cropping patterns including acreage, cropping locations and management-related environmental impacts were simulated under various policy scenarios for Quzhou County, China. This county is in China's major agricultural region, the North China Plain. Four dominant crop systems were categorized (winter wheat/summer maize, winter wheat/summer maize/spring maize, cotton, and vegetables) and analyzed, following two alternative policy scenarios that either prioritized government funding to subsidize crop production (“subsidy” scenario) or promoted advanced irrigation techniques (“technique” scenario). Input–output coefficients for all four crop systems were determined, mainly irrigation demand, yield, and price of produce, but other factors like a limited area of arable land and scarce regional water resources were also considered. For the simulation, a LINDO Inc. system was linked with the CLUE (Conversion of Land Use and its Effects) model. Temporal changes of crop systems were simulated with the LINDO system, whereas spatial dynamics of cropping patterns were simulated with the CLUE model, based on land suitability maps. The results show that crop patterns changed variably with time under the two scenarios, and water availability was the primary constraint on sustainability of land use. Under the subsidy scenario, winter wheat/summer maize/spring maize became dominant across the entire county, replacing other crop systems. In contrast, the vegetable system gradually occupied farmland surrounding the township under the technique scenario. The different policies produced opposite consequences for regional sustainability. Although a “subsidy” policy contributed to farmers’ income, it did not encourage water conservation for sustainable crop production, leading to land abandonment because of water shortage. In contrast, the “technique” policy partially cut direct financial benefits to farmers, but promoted water conservation and made a substantial contribution to agricultural sustainability.
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The results showed that after a 75-mm pre-sowing irrigation, soil water content and AWC in the root zone of a 2-m soil profile during sowing were 31.1% (or 90.7% of field capacity) and 16.1%, respectively. Rainfall events were variable and showed a limited impact on AWC. The AWC decreased significantly with the growth of wheat. At the jointing stage no water deficits occurred for all treatments, at the flowering stage water deficits were found only in the rain-fed treatment, and at harvest all treatments had moderate to severe soil water deficits. The SWU in the 2-m soil profile was negatively related to the irrigation water volume, i.e. applying 7502mm irrigation reduced SWU by 28.202mm. Regression analyses showed that relationships between ET and grain yield or WUE could be described by quadratic functions. Grain yield and WUE reached their maximum values of 742302kg/ha and 1.64502kg/m 3 at the ET rate of 509 and 38202mm, respectively. IWUE was negatively correlated with irrigated water volume. From the above results, three irrigation schedules: (1) pre-sowing irrigation only, (2) pre-sowing irrigation02+02irrigation at jointing or booting stage, and (3) pre-sowing irrigation02+02irrigations at jointing and flowering stages were identified and recommended for practical winter wheat production in the NCP.
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Agricultural Water Management, 2011, 98(5): 808-814.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2010.12.007URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
A groundwater crisis is going on in the North China Plain (NCP), due to the excessive water consumption of the traditional winter wheat (WW)/summer maize (SM) double cropping system (two harvests in one year). In order to improve the water use efficiency in this particular cropping system and to evaluate the sustainability of water usage in Chinese agroecosystems, two field experiments were conducted from October 2004 to September 2006 at two sites of the North China Plain. The field experiments included four treatments: (1) farmers' practice (FP) with two harvests in one year (WW/SM rotation), (2) FP with reduced input (RI) of water and nitrogen (WW/SM rotation), (3) three harvests in two years (TW, 1st year: WW/SM; 2nd year: spring maize), and (4) continuous spring-maize monoculture (CS) with one harvest per year (spring maize). In the treatments RI, TW and CS, the amount and timing of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization was optimized using TDR based soil moisture measurements and the N(min)-method, respectively. Data showed that the utilization efficiency of irrigation water can be improved by optimizing soil water management compared to the traditional water management (FP). However, the groundwater net consumption required for RI still surpassed 300 mm yr(-1). Both FP and RI, still overused groundwater resources. The groundwater consumption in the continuous spring maize (CS) was on average 139 mm yr(-1). Therefore, the CS system can show the potential to use groundwater sustainably in the long term. Water usage of the TW treatment was in between the water usage of the other treatments. The grain yields in the double cropping systems (FP and RI) were higher than that in the two other systems (TW and CS). But the CS treatment showed the higher W(UE) than others. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[9]Xu Yueqing, Mo Xingguo, Cai Yunlong, et al.Analysis on groundwater table drawdown by land use and the quest for sustainable water use in the Hebei Plain in China.
Agricultural Water Management, 2005, 75(1): 38-53.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2004.12.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Increased water use in the Hebei Plain during the last decades has caused serious groundwater level decline and many geological problems which have become the biggest threat to social-economic sustainability. Thus, to determine the factors resulting in the groundwater decline and to develop a practical plan for long-term groundwater use appear to be necessary in this region. In this paper, a water balance model is used in conjunction with regression techniques to estimate the groundwater recharge coefficient and the specific yield (defined as the ratio of the volume of water that a saturated rock or soil will release by gravity drainage to the volume of rock or soil) and the groundwater withdrawn by different water use sectors and the corresponding drop in the watertable are analyzed. The decline in water-table by different crops and water economic benefit of crops are discussed in detail in order to suggest sustainable use of groundwater resources in the Hebei Plain. Finally, sample policy scenarios are developed to show how groundwater in the Hebei Plain could be used in a sustainable manner. In our study, it is found that agriculture is the major consumer of groundwater, with about 85% of the total groundwater withdrawals, and groundwater depletion is mainly caused by agricultural water use. Production of winter wheat exerts a great negative influence on the groundwater system. Winter wheat is the most water consuming crop and result in significant decline of groundwater table. Water economic benefit of winter wheat is lower than that of other crops and withdrawing winter wheat sown area is rational option to make sustainable use of groundwater. With far-sighted and regional planning, the limited water resource can be used sustainably to generate maximum social benefits. This paper will provide information necessary for land-use planning in a severe water shortage region where farmland is mainly irrigated by groundwater. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[10]Shen Yanjun, Zhang Yucui, Scanlon B R, et al.Energy/water budgets and productivity of the typical croplands irrigated with groundwater and surface water in the North China Plain.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 181: 133-142.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.07.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Although irrigation has markedly increased agricultural productivity in the North China Plain, it has reduced groundwater levels by up to 0.8myr63641; and dried up the Yellow River for extended times since the 1970s. The objective of this study was to compare water, energy, and carbon fluxes in regions irrigated with groundwater and surface water (Yellow River) using almost four years of eddy covariance data from agricultural stations in Luancheng (water table depth: 6542m) and Weishan (near Yellow River, water table depth: 1–3m). Irrigation is mostly restricted to winter as summer grows during the rainy season. Mean annual ET was 693mmyr63641; for Luancheng site, which is higher than Weishan site (648mm, ignore partial years). About 65390–480mm of ET occurred during the season (from early October to next early June, about 247 days), 230–300mm in the season (from early June to late September, about 107 days). Annual crop yields were 656864kg/ha in the two regions. Annual water use efficiencies ranged from 4 to 6gCO60kg63641;H60O. Water use efficiencies were higher for than for . Annual cropland carbon budget (CCB) was 230–280gCm63642;yr63641; at the two sites and suggested a weak carbon sink. Irrigation compensated for seasonal and inter-annual variability in precipitation. Shifting the cropping pattern from –double crops to a single crop of could significantly reduce water withdrawal and lead to a more sustainable use of water resource in this region.
[11]Wang Xue, Li Xiubin, Xin Liangjie, et al.Impact of the shrinking winter wheat sowing area on agricultural water consumption in the Hebei Plain.
Acta Geographia Sinica, 2013, 68(5): 694-707.
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201305010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
以河北平原1998-2010 年11 地市的农业统计数据和22 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水量、水汽压、风速、日照时数和相对湿度等资料为基础,对该地区冬小麦播种面积的收缩情况及由此引发的耕作制度变化进行了分析;同时,结合作物系数法和逐旬有效降水量法,计算了不同耕作制度下的水分亏缺量,进而估算了该地区因耕作制度变化节省的水资源量。结果表明:① 该时段河北平原11 地市冬小麦的播种面积均呈收缩趋势,总面积下降了16.07%,约49.62&times;10<sup>4</sup> hm<sup>2</sup>。京津唐城市群表现最为明显,下降了47.23%;② 冬小麦的降水满足率仅为20%~30%,而春玉米和夏玉米均为50%以上;冬小麦&mdash;夏玉米一年两熟制所需的灌溉水资源量为400~530 mm,而春玉米一年一熟制仅为160~210 mm;③ 该时段河北平原因冬小麦播种面积收缩而节省的灌溉水资源量约为15.96&times;10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>3</sup>/a,相当于南水北调中线一期工程为京津冀三省市供水量的27.85%。
[王学, 李秀彬, 辛良杰. 河北平原冬小麦播种面积收缩及由此节省的水资源量估算
. 地理学报, 2013, 68(5): 694-707.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201305010URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
以河北平原1998-2010 年11 地市的农业统计数据和22 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水量、水汽压、风速、日照时数和相对湿度等资料为基础,对该地区冬小麦播种面积的收缩情况及由此引发的耕作制度变化进行了分析;同时,结合作物系数法和逐旬有效降水量法,计算了不同耕作制度下的水分亏缺量,进而估算了该地区因耕作制度变化节省的水资源量。结果表明:① 该时段河北平原11 地市冬小麦的播种面积均呈收缩趋势,总面积下降了16.07%,约49.62&times;10<sup>4</sup> hm<sup>2</sup>。京津唐城市群表现最为明显,下降了47.23%;② 冬小麦的降水满足率仅为20%~30%,而春玉米和夏玉米均为50%以上;冬小麦&mdash;夏玉米一年两熟制所需的灌溉水资源量为400~530 mm,而春玉米一年一熟制仅为160~210 mm;③ 该时段河北平原因冬小麦播种面积收缩而节省的灌溉水资源量约为15.96&times;10<sup>8</sup> m<sup>3</sup>/a,相当于南水北调中线一期工程为京津冀三省市供水量的27.85%。
[12]Feng Zhiming, Liu Dengwei, Zhang Yuehong.Water requirements and irrigation scheduling of spring maize using GIS and CropWat model in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17: 56-63.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-007-0056-3URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<a name="Abs1"></a>Due to the over use of available water resources, it has become very important to define appropriate strategies for planning and management of irrigated farmland. In this paper, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji) region was chosen as the case study area for its special political and economic status and its severe water problem. To achieve effective planning, the information about crop water requirements, irrigation withdrawals, soil types and climatic conditions were obtained in the study area. In the meantime, a GIS method was adopted, which extends the capabilities of the crop models to a regional level. The main objectives of the study are: 1) to estimate the spatial distribution of the evapotranspiration of spring maize; 2) to estimate climatic water deficit; 3) to estimate the yield reduction of spring maize under different rainfed and irrigated conditions. Based on the water deficit analysis, recommended supplemental irrigation schedule was developed using CropWat model. Compared to the rainfed control, the two or three times of supplemental water irrigated to spring maize at the right time reduced the loss of yield, under different scenarios.
[13]Han Hongyun, Yu Yonghong.Research on the payment for environmental services of the 'Grain for Green' program: cost basis, willingness to accept or environmental values
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[河北省人民政府办公厅, 河北省统计局.河北农村统计年鉴2014. 北京: 中国统计出版社, 2014.] [本文引用: 1]
[18]Wang Xue, Li Xiubin, Tan Minghong, et al.Remote sensing monitoring of changes in winter wheat area in North China Plain from 2001 to 2011.
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2015, 31(8): 190-199.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.08.028URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
为及时、准确地获取华北平原冬小麦时空分布信息,构建多源遥感监测系统,基于MODIS EVI时间序列数据和两景TM影像,建立华北平原冬小麦时序波谱曲线库,并结合农作物物候历制订统一规则,在此基础上,重建华北平原2001-2011年冬小麦播种面积时空变化过程。结果表明:1)多源遥感监测系统提取华北平原2001-2011年冬小麦信息,在栅格尺度上获得了稳定的较高分类精度,平均为76.36%;在县域行政单元尺度上,2011年的冬小麦遥感监测面积与统计数据的耦合度也较高(决定系数为0.89,均方根误差为1.29×104 hm2);2)华北平原2001-2011年的冬小麦播种面积呈持续上升趋势,2011年比2001年增加了156.05×104 hm2(14.96%);3)冬小麦播种面积大致呈"南增北减"的时空变化格局:平原中南部的鲁西南平原、胶莱平原、豫东平原和皖北平原冬小麦种植面积扩张趋势显著;而北部的京津冀地区冬小麦面积明显收缩。该研究旨在为华北平原调整农业种植结构、制订粮食安全策略及优化水资源管理提供数据支持,也可为大范围、长时间尺度的作物播种面积时空变化遥感监测提供方法借鉴。
[王学, 李秀彬, 谈明洪, . 华北平原2001-2011年冬小麦播种面积变化遥感监测
. 农业工程学报, 2015, 31(8): 190-199.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1002-6819.2015.08.028URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
为及时、准确地获取华北平原冬小麦时空分布信息,构建多源遥感监测系统,基于MODIS EVI时间序列数据和两景TM影像,建立华北平原冬小麦时序波谱曲线库,并结合农作物物候历制订统一规则,在此基础上,重建华北平原2001-2011年冬小麦播种面积时空变化过程。结果表明:1)多源遥感监测系统提取华北平原2001-2011年冬小麦信息,在栅格尺度上获得了稳定的较高分类精度,平均为76.36%;在县域行政单元尺度上,2011年的冬小麦遥感监测面积与统计数据的耦合度也较高(决定系数为0.89,均方根误差为1.29×104 hm2);2)华北平原2001-2011年的冬小麦播种面积呈持续上升趋势,2011年比2001年增加了156.05×104 hm2(14.96%);3)冬小麦播种面积大致呈"南增北减"的时空变化格局:平原中南部的鲁西南平原、胶莱平原、豫东平原和皖北平原冬小麦种植面积扩张趋势显著;而北部的京津冀地区冬小麦面积明显收缩。该研究旨在为华北平原调整农业种植结构、制订粮食安全策略及优化水资源管理提供数据支持,也可为大范围、长时间尺度的作物播种面积时空变化遥感监测提供方法借鉴。
[19]Zhang Bailin, Zhang Fengrong, Qu Baode, et al.Rural non-agricultural differences and their driving forces at the county level: A case study of 16 villages in Yishui, Shandong, East China.
Acta Geographia Sinica, 2015, 70(6): 1008-1021.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201506013URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[张佰林, 张凤荣, 曲宝德, . 山东省沂水县农村非农化程度差异及驱动力
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201506013URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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https://doi.org/10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.04.013Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[杨维鸽, 陈海, 杨明楠, . 基于多层次模型的农户土地利用决策影响因素分析
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https://doi.org/10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.04.013Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
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[23]Su Shiliang, Zhou Xiangcheng, Wan Chen, et al.Land use changes to cash crop plantations: crop types, multilevel determinants and policy implications.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.10.003URL [本文引用: 1]
[24]Zhang Ying, Li Xiubin, Song Wei.Determinants of cropland abandonment at the parcel, household and village levels in mountain areas of China: A multi-level analysis.
Land Use Policy, 2014, 41: 186-192.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.05.011URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Cropland abandonment accompanying economic development has been observed worldwide. China has experienced a large amount of land abandonment in recent years. However, the reasons for it are not entirely clear. Although abandonment decisions are made by individual households, the underlying conditions reflect processes operating at multiple levels. Therefore, we aimed to detect the influences on land abandonment at the parcel, household and village levels. We developed and employed a multi-level statistical model using farm household survey data and geographical maps of Wulong County. Our model revealed that of the variance in occurrence of land parcel abandonment, 7% and 13% can be explained at the household and village levels, respectively, while the remnant 80% can be explained at the land parcel features itself. We found that land abandonment is more prone to occur on parcels that are on steep slopes, have poor quality soil, or are remote from the laborers鈥 residences. Households with less agricultural labor per unit land area showed a high probability of land abandonment. We also found a nonlinear influence of labor age on land abandonment, with households comprising middle-aged laborers having a low land abandonment probability. Parcels in villages with high elevation, far from the county administrative center or with low prevalence of leased land are inclined to abandonment. We also found, surprisingly, that the household proportion of males among its agricultural laborers did not significantly influence the occurrence of land abandonment at the parcel level, probably due to the male agricultural laborers being overwhelmingly old (average age greater than 56 years). To alleviate land abandonment, we suggest improving land tenure and transfer security to ensure stable access to the land rental market, and also improving infrastructure in remote regions.
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Chinese Rural Economy, 2012: 11-20.
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Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2002, 22(4): 471-478.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2002.04.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
经济补偿作为一项政策措施 ,对保障当前西部开发进程中退耕还林还草工作的顺利展开 ,发挥着十分重要的作用。然而 ,作为我国植被生态建设中一个全新的举措 ,目前经济补偿政策的实施刚刚开始 ,有关的理论研究尚处于初步的探讨阶段。循着“为什么要补偿 ?→补偿多少 ?→如何补偿 ?”的思路 ,建立了经济补偿的概念模型 ,着重探讨了补偿标准的确定以及多层次补偿制度建立等问题 ,并对目前处于试点示范中的经济补偿政策进行了评述。
[黄富祥, 康慕谊, 张新时. 退耕还林还草过程中的经济补偿问题探讨
. 生态学报, 2002, 22(4): 471-478.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0933.2002.04.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
经济补偿作为一项政策措施 ,对保障当前西部开发进程中退耕还林还草工作的顺利展开 ,发挥着十分重要的作用。然而 ,作为我国植被生态建设中一个全新的举措 ,目前经济补偿政策的实施刚刚开始 ,有关的理论研究尚处于初步的探讨阶段。循着“为什么要补偿 ?→补偿多少 ?→如何补偿 ?”的思路 ,建立了经济补偿的概念模型 ,着重探讨了补偿标准的确定以及多层次补偿制度建立等问题 ,并对目前处于试点示范中的经济补偿政策进行了评述。
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[29]Xin Liangjie, Li Xiubin., Zhu Huiyi, et al.Validation of the inverse farm size-productivity relationship and its explanations: A case study of Jilin province.
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[辛良杰, 李秀彬, 朱会义, . 农户土地规模与生产率的关系及其解释的印证: 以吉林省为例
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[30]Du Yang.Effects of shadow wage rate on the labor supply of farmers household: An empirical study of household labor allocation in poor areas.
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[都阳. 影子工资率对农户劳动供给水平的影响: 对贫困地区农户劳动力配置的经验研究
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[31]Hu Yunkun, Moiwo J P, Yang Yonghui, et al.Agricultural water-saving and sustainable groundwater management in Shijiazhuang Irrigation District, North China Plain.
Journal of Hydrology, 2010, 393(3/4): 219-232.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.08.017URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Agricultural water-saving; Crop water-use; Equilibrium groundwater model; Sustainable water management
[32]Wang Xue, Li Xiubin, Fischer Günther, et al.Impact of the changing area sown to winter wheat on crop water footprint in the North China Plain.
Ecological Indicators, 2015, 57: 100-109.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.04.023URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The serious water scarcity and groundwater over-exploitation problems of the North China Plain (NCP) have aroused worldwide concerns. Achieving a reduction in agricultural water use is critical, because agriculture is the largest water consumer in the NCP. New solutions to these problems may lie in changes in the area sown to winter wheat across the NCP. In this study, the water footprint ( WF ) was applied as an aggregative indicator to evaluate the impact of the changing area sown to winter wheat. A Chinese version of the AEZ model, the China-AEZ model, was used for the evaluation. The results showed: (1) Green water plays a more significant role in winter wheat production in the southern part of the NCP than in the north; about a half of the water requirements for winter wheat are met by green water in the southern part of the NCP, compared to only a third in the north. (2) As a result of the north–south shift in the area sown to winter wheat during the period 1998–2011, the WF , the green water footprint ( WF green ) and the surface water footprint ( W F b l u e s ) mathContainer Loading Mathjax for winter wheat increased, respectively, by 45902×0210 6 02m 3 02yr 611 (0.9%), by 97302×0210 6 02m 3 02yr 611 (4.2%) and by 4702×0210 6 02m 3 02yr 611 (0.5%), whereas the groundwater footprint ( W F b l u e g ) mathContainer Loading Mathjax diminished by 56102×0210 6 02m 3 02yr 611 (3.4%). The contribution of green water also increased, from 46.3% in 1998 to 47.8% in 2011, concurrent with the changes in the area sown to winter wheat. (3) The Hebei Plain, in the northern part of the NCP, conserved 185602×0210 6 02m 3 02yr 611 of blue water footprint ( WF blue ) for winter wheat during the period 1998–2011, equivalent to about one third of the total amount of water supplied by the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project (MRP) in 2010. By comparison, WF and its components all increased in the southern provinces of the NCP. The diminishing requirement for groundwater and the increasing role of green water in winter wheat production encourage policies aimed at the further optimization of agricultural land use and the achievement of integrated blue-green water management in the NCP.
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