Progress and prospect of research on the Arctic Passage based on CiteSpace
WANG Wulin,1,2, GONG Jiao2, WANG Chengjin,1,31. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China 2. College of Environment and Resources, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China 3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Received:2020-09-3Revised:2020-10-10Online:2020-11-25 作者简介 About authors 王武林,男,湖南邵阳人,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为交通地理。E-mail:
摘要 当前北极航线已成为全球航运研究的重要议题,梳理其研究脉络及发展态势,对后续理论研究和实践探索具有重要的借鉴意义。本文以CNKI数据库和Web of Science核心合集数据库中的北极航线相关文献为数据基础,使用CiteSpace绘制国内外北极航线研究的合作网络图谱和关键词共现图谱,阐明北极航线研究的知识结构关系与演进规律。结果显示:①国内外北极航线研究分别开始于2007年和1991年,在2014年和2015年成为研究热点,国内研究文献年度分布趋势与国际后两阶段基本一致;②各领域****积极参与研究,国内外发文量最多的****分别是李振福(大连海事大学)和Ehlers S(俄罗斯科学院),研究以个人为主,团队合作较少;③大连海事大学交通运输管理学院和Russian Acad Sci(俄罗斯科学院)分别是国内外研究机构合作网络的核心,各研究机构间合作较少,跨区域、跨部门合作较少;④文献关键词词汇类别日趋多元化,研究主题和研究方法趋于多样化;北极航线研究主题集中在北极航线经济可行性、北极航线对经济贸易和海运网络的影响、北极航线通航环境与安全、国家北极航线政策与实施等方面,国内外研究侧重点有所不同;未来北极航线领域可能出现的研究热点有北极航线与冰上丝绸之路融合、航线人文环境、航线安全、联合研究等。 关键词:北极航线;研究进展;CiteSpace;可视化分析;文献计量
Abstract The Arctic Passage has become an important issue of global shipping in recent years. It is of great scientific significance to examine the research progress and trend and gain insights for future theoretical research and practical exploration. Based on the Arctic Passage literature search from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and the Web of Science Core Collection, the cooperative network graph and keyword co-occurrence network graph of the Arctic Passage research in China and internationally were drawn by the CiteSpace software, and the knowledge structure relationship and pattern of change of the Arctic Passage issue are revealed. The following results are derived: (1) The Chinese and international research of the Arctic Passage began in 2007 and 1991 respectively, and became a research hotspot in 2014 and 2015, then the annual distribution trends of Chinese research literature were basically the same as the latter two stages of international research; (2) Scholars in different fields are actively involved in related research, and the most published scholars in China and abroad are Zhenfu Li (Dalian Maritime University) and Ehlers S. (Russian Academy of Sciences) respectively. The academic research was mainly done by individual scholars with limited teamwork; (3) Transportation Management College of Dalian Maritime University and the Russian Academy of Sciences are the core of the cooperative network of Chinese and international research institutions respectively. There is little cooperation among research institutions and cross-regional and cross-sectoral; (4) The lexical categories of keywords are becoming more diversified, and the research topics and methods increasingly vary. The Arctic Passage research topics focus on the following four aspects: economic feasibility of the Arctic Passage, the impact of the Arctic Passage on the economic and trade and shipping networks, navigation environment and safety of the Arctic Passage, and national policy and implementation with the consideration of the Arctic Passage. The focus of Chinese and international research differed, future hotspots that may appear in the field of the Arctic Passage research include the integration of the Arctic Passage and Polar Silk Road, the humanistic environment of the Arctic Passage, the Arctic Passage safety and joint research, among others. Keywords:Arctic Passage;research progress;CiteSpace;visual analysis;bibliometrics
PDF (10708KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王武林, 龚姣, 王成金. 基于CiteSpace的北极航线研究进展与展望. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(11): 2075-2091 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.11.03 WANG Wulin, GONG Jiao, WANG Chengjin. Progress and prospect of research on the Arctic Passage based on CiteSpace. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(11): 2075-2091 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.11.03
北极航线研究领域主题丰富,学科分布广泛,梳理文献可看出,现有研究主要集中在北极航线对国际经济贸易的影响[4,5]、北极航线安全问题[6,7]、北极航线与“冰上丝绸之路”[8]、北极航线的利益和问题[9,10]等方面,这些研究分别从不同视角对北极航线进行分析,但仍缺少对北极航线研究成果的量化分析和综述性评价。本文基于CNKI数据库和Web of Science核心数据库,利用CiteSpace软件的文献计量法,对国内外北极航线研究领域文献进行系统性可视化分析和文献总结,探究北极航线的研究现状,客观揭示该研究领域的态势,为准确评价北极航线研究进展、梳理研究框架、拓展新的思路和方法提供借鉴和参考。
2 数据来源与研究方法
2.1 数据来源
为保证原始数据的准确性和科学性,本文使用中国知网(CNKI)数据库中的期刊文献作为国内中文文献来源,以中文核心期刊、CSSCI来源期刊、科学引文索引来源期刊、工程索引来源期刊为检索对象,检索主题设置为:北极航线或北极航道或东北航线或东北航道或西北航线或西北航道或北方海航道。使用Web of Science核心合集数据库作为国际(含中国)北极航线文献来源,检索主题设置为:“Arctic Passage” OR “Arctic Route” OR “Arctic Sea Route” OR “Arctic Shipping Route” OR “Northeast Passage” OR “Northeast Route” OR “Northwest Passage” OR “Northwest Route” OR “Northern Sea Route”。上述两个数据库检索时间都截至2019年12月31日。将检索到的文献进行筛选和整理,去除杂谈、新闻报道、无作者、书评、会议征稿以及明显与主题无关的文献,共得到国内文献282篇和国际文献291篇作为研究样本。
国际发文量在10篇以上的****有Ehlers S和Lasserre F,发文量4篇及以上的****还有Wang Y J、Khan F、Zhang R、Fan H M等。从第一作者发文量来看,发文较多的是Lasserre F、Ehlers S、Wang Y J、Hong D B,分别有4、3、3、2篇。从合作网络来看,****们呈部分集中、整体分散的状态,已形成以Ehlers S、Lasserre F、Wang Y J、Fan H M为核心的研究团队,团队之间相互独立,未形成合作紧密的网络。从作者的突现性和半衰期来看,影响力较大或期限较长的有:Ehlers S、Lasserre F、Khan F和Fan H M。国际主要****及其研究主题包括:Ehlers S主要研究北极航线运输模式和风险[25,26,27]、北极航行船舶[28];Lasserre F主要研究北极航线潜力和经济可行性[29]、航运企业[30,31];Wang Y J主要研究航线规划[32]、北极航线对海运网络的影响[33];Khan F主要研究航运风险[25,34,35];Fan H M主要研究航线通航环境[36]、通航风险[37];Yamaguchi H主要研究北极航线海冰及天气预报[38,39,40];Yang C S主要研究北极航线海冰识别[41,42];Hu H主要研究航运风险和网络[43]、航线经济可行 性[44,45]等。
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