Precipitation observation network and its data application in the alpine region of Qilian Mountains
HAN Chuntan,1,2, WANG Lei3, CHEN Rensheng,1, LIU Zhangwen1, LIU Junfeng1, YANG Yong1, LV Hanqin41. Qilian Alpine Ecology and Hydrology Research Station, Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, Lanzhou 730000, China 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. College of Geography and Environment, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250358, China 4. Hohhot Natural Resources Comprehensive Survey Center, China Geological Survey, Hohhot 010010, China
Abstract Precipitation is the fundamental replenishment source of surface and groundwater resources, which directly affects the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources and the distribution and development of mountainous cryosphere. The alpine region of the Qilian Mountains is an area of large amounts of precipitation and runoff. The characteristics of precipitation are greatly affected by topography. However, the existing precipitation observation network cannot reasonably reflect the changes of precipitation on the vertical topographic gradient. To determine how the spatial and temporal change of precipitation affects the hydrological and ecological processes of the alpine mountains, it is necessary to observe the changes of precipitation pattern and type from the vertical gradient of the catchment. This article summarized the gridded, stepped, and automated precipitation observation network in the alpine region of the Qilian Mountains. The network is formed by the Geonor T-200BM3 weighing-type all weather precipitation gauges. A precipitation calibration system is also built in the Aug-one Glacier periglacial area, which is based on the Double Fenced Intercomparison Reference (DFIR) recommended by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). In the Aug-one Glacier region, a preliminary analysis of precipitation datasets was conducted, and the applicability of GPM and TRMM precipitation datasets in the Qilian Mountains was evaluated using observational data. The development of this network is important for an in-depth understanding of the changes of rain, snow, and water vapor at different elevations, and minute division of the evaluation of precipitation resources in the alpine mountains. This network provides methods and data products for the comprehensive observation and evaluation of precipitation resources across China. Keywords:precipitation observation network;weighing-type gauge;Qilian Mountains;alpine mountains;Aug-one Glacier;TRMM;GPM;data application
PDF (11322KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 韩春坛, 王磊, 陈仁升, 刘章文, 刘俊峰, 阳勇, 吕汉秦. 祁连山高寒山区降水观测网络及其数据应用. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(10): 1987-1997 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.10.15 HAN Chuntan, WANG Lei, CHEN Rensheng, LIU Zhangwen, LIU Junfeng, YANG Yong, LV Hanqin. Precipitation observation network and its data application in the alpine region of Qilian Mountains. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(10): 1987-1997 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.10.15
在过去几十年中,流域尺度的系统观测得到了长足发展。美国国家科学基金会资助了“地球关键带”观测计划;欧洲水文观测站网主要包括3个水文观测计划:德国TERENO陆地环境观测流域[28,29],丹麦HOBE水文观测网络[30],以及奥地利HOAL野外水文实验室[31];还有在寒区建立的一些流域观测系统,例如美国和俄罗斯联合建立的南森和阿蒙森盆地观测系统(NABOS-II)[32],加拿大的寒区变化环境观测网络(CCRN)[33]和邦迪角北极流域观测站(CBAWO)[34],以及中国的黑河流域生态-水文过程综合遥感观测联合试验(HiWATER)[35,36]。上述大多数综合流域观测系统都集中在高山和寒冷地区(High-Mountain and Cold Regions,HiMACs)。由于这些地区条件艰苦、观测稀疏,理解这些地区的降水和冰冻圈要素变化仍面临着重大挑战[23]。随着全球气候变暖,HiMACs的水文过程将继续发生巨大变化,已有研究表明,在垂直海拔梯度上,从雪到雨的转变正朝着海拔更高的山区发展。IPCC研究表明,山区降水过程复杂且具有海拔依赖性,这些变化可以改变坡面径流的时间[37],因此需要可靠而准确的降水观测[38]。而且,在降水的观测过程中仍然存在明显的偏差和误差[39, 40]。为了确定降水变化如何影响高寒山区的水文和生态过程,需要从流域垂直海拔梯度观测降水形态和降水量的变化。目前,地面观测是获取降水数据的最准确、最简单的方法,观测数据通常用于验证和校准从遥感反演和模型模拟获得的降水数据集。但是,降水的地面观测点通常位于低海拔地区,并且其站点分布仅能满足国家气象部门的实际要求,而不是满足特定的科学研究需求[41]。在高海拔、高纬度地区,观测的极大困难导致寒区观测数据匮乏,数据精度较差,成为了制约当前全球变化、水循环/水资源和气候模式(GCMs)等研究领域的主要瓶颈之一。
Figure 6Relationship between the National Weather Station observations (a) and T-200BM3 precipitation gauge observations (b) and monthly inversion precipitation by TRMM and GPM
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