

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

张楠,1,2, 杨红强,1,2,31.南京林业大学经济管理学院,南京 210037
2.国家林业和草原局林产品经济贸易研究中心,南京 210037
3.南京大学长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心,南京 210093

Property rights change and management organization of timberland investment in European and North American countries

ZHANG Nan,1,2, YANG Hongqiang,1,2,31. College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
2. Research Center for Economics and Trade in Forest Products, The State Forestry Administration, Nanjing 210037, China
3. Center for the Yangtze River Delta’s Socioeconomic Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

通讯作者: 杨红强,男,陕西渭南人,博士,教授,博导,主要研究方向为气候变化与资源经济。E-mail: yhqnfu@aliyun.com


作者简介 About authors
张楠,女,江苏淮安人,硕博连续生,主要研究方向为气候变化与林地投资。Email: nanzhang@njfu.edu.cn

关键词: 林地投资;产权结构;林地投资管理组织(TIMOs);房地产信托投资基金(REITs);林主协会;林地剥离;社会资本

Timberland is an important alternative investment class selected by international investors. Timberland ownership structure and its associated management modes are important to timberland investment and portfolio performance. We reviewed the evolvement of timberland property rights and structure in typical European and North American countries and summarized different investors and management styles of timberland under different ownership regimes. We found that: (1) Most timberlands in European countries (for example, Sweden) and the United States are privately owned, whereas most timberlands in Canada are publicly owned. Private property rights were triggered by market speculations and landowners’ appeals while administrative public property rights still have a significant position in Canada and other countries. (2) Corporate models represented by Timberland Investment Management Organizations (TIMOs) and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), and industry associations such as Forest Landowners Association are typical management organizational modes of private timberland. The TIMOs and REITs have promoted the worldwide development of timberland investment. Management of public timberland takes forestry bureaus as the main body, and its operation depends on provincial forestry bureaus’ administrative coordination ability to realize the sustainable management of timberland. (3) Timberland in European and North American countries shows a tendency of private fragmentation and institutional concentration. The separation of timberland ownership from its management rights is obvious. Traditional forest products companies have shifted from owning timberland to divesting timberland while public timberland management has shifted from a single administrative perspective to a comprehensive multi-functional management. Furthermore, forest certification pays a close attention to timberland investment needs in addition to traditional ecological capacity assessment. At the end of this article, we provided some suggestions for accelerating the marketization of China’s timberland assets based on timberland investment within China and the changing trend of European and American countries, including improving internal governance structure of timberland property rights, cultivating forestry management subjects of appropriate scales, promoting the marketization process of forest certification, and developing constrained forestry public private partnership investment return mechanism.
Keywords:timberland investment;ownership structure;TIMOs;REITs;Forest Landowners Association;forestland divestiture;social capital

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张楠, 杨红强. 欧美典型国家林地投资的产权结构演变与组织模式比较. 资源科学[J], 2020, 42(7): 1361-1371 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.07.12
ZHANG Nan, YANG Hongqiang. Property rights change and management organization of timberland investment in European and North American countries. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2020, 42(7): 1361-1371 doi:10.18402/resci.2020.07.12

1 引言

“美丽中国”是新时代中国特色社会主义建设的重要目标,林业是建设“美丽中国”的主要支柱。国家十一部委联合制定《林业产业发展“十三五”规划》,明确林业发展要促进投资主体多元化并推进林业资源资产化,国家发展改革委与国家林业局发布《关于运用政府和社会资本合作模式推进林业建设的指导意见》进一步提出积极运用政府和社会资本合作模式(Public-Private Partnership,PPP)推进林业建设,国家林业局发布《关于加快培育新型林业经营主体的指导意见》,提倡依法自愿有偿推进林地适度规模流转,鼓励吸收社会资本实现林地投资主体多元化。中国目前林地总体数量和质量水平不高[1],林业建设主要依赖公共财政投资,但林业生产规模报酬呈递减状态[2],积极纳入社会资本投资林地和林业建设、加快林地投资多元化和创新林业经营管理组织模式是未来中国林业可持续经营的重要路径[3]


本文首先明晰界定林地和林地投资两者内涵,针对林地投资的“林地”界定主要涉及生态价值和资产价值[8]。生态视角下,世界各国和国际组织主要是从定义森林(forest)来确定林地(forestland),归纳起来可分为基于行政管理的内涵、基于土地覆盖或土地利用的内涵、结合土地覆盖及土地利用的内涵3类(图1)。其中第3类定义应用最为广泛,此类界定下的林地主要包括有森林覆盖的区域和规划用于发展森林的土地[9],其核心是通过可用于经营森林的土地维护生态平衡。联合国粮农组织(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,FAO)在“全球森林资源评估”(Global Forest Resources Assessment)中林地定义核心涉及“森林和其他林地”,其林地定义标准主要取决于两方面:一是有树木覆盖,二是没有其他主导用途[10],这种关于林地的定义与上述第3类本质一致,即林地要从森林和可用于森林经营的土地上确保生态功能和生态价值的实现。从资产角度,林地(timberland)指主要用于木材生产的林地[11]。在林业方面,“forestland”与“timberland”有所区别,“timberland”的木材生产力更高[8],“forestland”更倾向具有木材生产能力土地本身的自然生态功能;在投资领域,“timberland”与“forestland”虽然可以互换使用[12],但“timberland”侧重木材和拥有木材的土地现在及未来的投资价值,“forestland”则强调林地的生态价值。



Figure 1Perspectives in definition and expression of meaning of “forestland” and“timberland” based on investment objectives




2 欧美林地投资的产权分类及结构演变

2.1 私有林地代表国家的林权安排与结构演变


美国林地由多种所有制构成,到21世纪初期,根据产权归属可分为公有林和私有林(图2),其中私有林占2/3,公有林占1/3,基本格局以私有林为主。美国建国伊始,联邦政府西部所有新并入的土地实行国有化,通过地段分块向私人出售土地。1862年国会通过《宅地法》(Homestead Act),将土地私有化的模式从出售转变为免费申请,此举加速了私人免费土地拥有的合法性。除了《宅地法》,国会还通过了其他法案为私人占有土地提供便利,1873年的《木材培育法》(The Timber Culture Acts)、1874年的《鼓励西部大草原木材生长法》(Act to Encourage the Growth of Timber on Western Prairies)通过鼓励私人植树获得联邦土地,虽然当时林木种植质量不高,造成一定程度的土地投机盛行,但是客观上促进了林地产权私有化进程[18]。1924年的《克拉克-麦克纳里造林法》(Clarke-McNary Reforestation Act)授权政府组织与大学机构合作协助小型林地所有者,促进私人种植林地的合法性[19]。通过一系列法律法规的颁布实施,美国逐步确立了以私有产权为主的林地产权结构。



注:结合文献[20, 21]中关于美国工业私有及非工业私有林地变迁内容整理绘制。
Figure 2Current status of timberland ownership structure in the United States


欧洲林地所有权变化报告(Forestland Ownership Change in Europe: Significance for Management and Policy,FACESMAP)显示,28个欧洲国家的林地中约60%是私有林地,瑞典在欧洲国家林地产权变迁中最具代表性。1903年瑞典《森林法》启动小林主权益保护程序,以此为代表形成了瑞典林地所有制结构的私有产权基础,1965年的《土地贸易法》进一步加强对小型林地所有者经营林地的工业支持。20世纪90年代瑞典木材供应过剩,强调林地的环境保护功能,1994年《森林法》(修订案)将木材生产与环境保护相提并论,小型林地私有者得以减少参与低价值木材生产竞争,实质上增强其对木材市场波动的缓冲能力,小型私有林业得以稳定发展。




注:根据文献[22, 23]中关于瑞典林地产权及制度演变的重要事件及法律修订整理绘制。
Figure 3Swedish timberland system and its ownership evolution

2.2 公有林地代表国家的产权特征



3 两种产权结构下的林地投资主体及组织模式

3.1 林地私有产权下的公司制或协会制模式

目前国际上关于私有化林地产权的组织模式主要涉及两种代表形式,即以美国“林地投资管理组织”(Timberland Investment Management Organizations,TIMOs)和“房地产信托投资基金”(Real Estate Investment Trusts,REITs)为代表主体的公司制组织模式和以瑞典“林主协会”(Forest Landowners Association)为主体的协会制民间组织模式。


作为美国私有化林地产权经营组织主体,TIMOs和REITs各有优劣(表1)。TIMOs进行投资需要大量初始资本,且其评估使用的估值方法往往滞后于市场价值的变化[29];与TIMOs私募股权林地相比,REITs证券化林地可在公共证券交易所公开交易,流动性风险较小[29],同时投资者木材产品需求的改变及林地资产的兴趣也推动了REITs增长。与TIMOs不直接持有林地不同,规模较大的养老基金为节省向TIMOs支付的林地管理费用选择建立REITs团队直接收购林地[28]。在REITs发展过程中,投资团队寻找能直接进行林地投资的专业人员难度逐渐加大,同时美国林地剥离(①林地剥离是相对林地占有而言,林地占有是林产品公司(TIMOs等)为保障生产的原料供给而进行的林地投资和控制林地的行为,林地剥离是林产品公司因考虑降低风险且提高林地利用效率的需要,将原持有的林地通过转变为房地产资产等行业,或将资金转移至其他更低成本更高生产率林地的投资行为[16]。)进程和会计税务处理的变化改善了木材市场,降低了投资风险,TIMOs重新得到发展空间。目前TIMOs和REITs作为林地私有化产权下公司制的代表主体在国际林地投资领域具有重要影响,公司制林地投资组织模式呈国际化发展趋势。例如新西兰的大多数工业林都由TIMOs和物业管理公司拥有;由于TIMOs介入,澳大利亚50%人工林的管理已从原来政府公有管理转变为私有公司管理[31],美国养老基金形式的 TIMOs在瑞典和芬兰等北欧国家的林地投资正呈扩大趋势[28]

Table 1
Table 1Comparison between representative organizations of U.S. timberland investment (TIMOs and REITs)
Lars L?nnstedt等[16]
Bin Mei[32]
Daowei Zhang等[30]
Lars L?nnstedt等[16]
Le La等[29]
林地归属不直接持有林地直接持有林地Bob Flynn[28]
Bin Mei[32]
Yang Wan等[34]






Figure 4Swedish timberland investment organization (Forest Landowners Association) and its business organization modes

3.2 林地公有产权下的林务局监管模式

林地公有化产权下的主流经营组织是建立在行政制体系下的林务局监管模式。在公有化产权为主的加拿大,联邦政府公有林地所占比重较低,大部分林地归省或保留地所有,并由林务局负责管理[25]。加拿大省级林务局的主要职能是决策并负责促进加拿大林业可持续发展,省级林务局对其辖属林地享有高度自主管理权[24],通过木材许可证等行政措施调节林业企业参与林地投资,并根据蓄积量收取立木采伐费,综合实现宏观业务指导和协调服务。加拿大安大略东部模范森林(Eastern Ontario Model Forest,EOMF)通过小规模林地管理认证项目,减少小型林地持有者参与认证的限制,提高加拿大林地所有者林地认证管理参与度,从而优化匹配当地投资者的利益需求[37]。林务局行政分配公有产权林地的采伐权,并制定公有林投资者义务[20],林务局的行政协调有效保障了国际认可的森林管理委员会(Forest Stewardship Council,FSC)等林地资源管理标准得以落实,继而实现了加拿大林地资源的可持续经营。


4 欧美国家林地投资变化趋势及中国针对性关联问题

4.1 欧美国家林地投资变化趋势

4.1.1 林地所有权碎片化与投资机构拥有林地集中化


4.1.2 传统林产品公司由偏好林地占有转向林地剥离


4.1.3 公有林地由单一行政管理转向综合多功能管理


4.1.4 林地认证由传统生态能力评估转向兼顾林地投资需求评价


4.2 中国林地投资存在的关联问题


5 结论与启示

5.1 结论





5.2 启示







作者对美国乔治亚大学(University of Georgia) Richard Bin Mei 教授和密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University) Runsheng Yin 教授的前期讨论和有益建议表示感谢。

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Holmgren E, Keskitalo E C H, Lidestav G. Swedish forest commons: A matter of governance?
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2010,12(6):423-431.

DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2010.05.001URL [本文引用: 2]
AbstractAround 100 years ago, when Crown land in the interior of northern Sweden was privatized, part of the forest land was set aside as forest commons. Today, there are 33 such forest commons jointly managed and owned in common mainly by private forest owners. The forest commons may be looked upon as a means by which the state controls the production of and returns from the forests belonging to small and less affluent forest owners. Further, an attempt has been made to use the forests as a tool to move the self-interests of these small forest owners closer to providing public goods. Forest commons thus hold a contested status, as private lands under public control and as a partly de-regulated form of ownership. This paper examines the extent to which forest commons are currently managed directly by the government, comparing this with the general trend in forest policy towards governance and less prescriptive measures, which often take account of market and participative goals. Building upon Appelstrand (2007), this paper describes the major policy instruments relevant for forest commons from 1861 to 2005. We conclude that direct government management remains dominant, with the major legislation pertaining to forest commons dating back to the 1950s. While governance may seem to be inherent in the forest commons concept, the development of governance has not been fully realised given the relatively strict government-steered framework.]]>

刘克勇, 凡科军, 丁丽丽, . 美加公有林经营管理及其对中国国有林改革的借鉴
[J]. 林业经济, 2018,40(2):8-13.

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[ Liu K Y, Fan K J, Ding L L, et al. Public forest management of USA and Canada and their reference to China’s state-owned forest reform
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[本文引用: 3]

Nelson H, Vertinsky I. The Canada-US Softwood Lumber Disputes
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Maier C, Winkel G. Implementing nature conservation through integrated forest management: A street-level bureaucracy perspective on the German public forest sector
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Yin R S, Baek J. The US-Canada softwood lumber trade dispute: What we know and what we need to know?
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2004,6(2):129-143.

DOI:10.1016/S1389-9341(02)00104-1URL [本文引用: 1]
AbstractThe softwood lumber trade dispute between the US and Canada is the largest and longest lasting dispute between the two countries. This paper reviews both this dispute and the published studies that examine its effects. We first summarize the recent history of the dispute and the arguments of different parties to facilitate an understanding of its complicated context. We then review the literature, focusing on empirical assessments of the US trade restriction impacts and pointing out some of the weaknesses in previous studies. We argue that there remains a strong need for improved analysis of the issue, and suggest that it is constructive for future work to use an expanded list of variables, to take not only the structural econometric approach but also the nonstructural time-series one, and to examine short-term and long-term policy alternatives.]]>

Flynn B. Timberland investment more global than ever
[J]. Pulp & Paper International, 2015,57:16-19.

[本文引用: 5]

La L, Mei B. Portfolio diversification through timber real estate investment trusts: A cointegration analysis
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Zhang D W, Butler B J, Nagubadi R V. Institutional timberland ownership in the US South: Magnitude, location, dynamics, and management
[J]. Journal of Forestry, 2012,110(7):355-361.

DOI:10.5849/jof.12-015URL [本文引用: 4]
We have compiled an exhaustive list of timberland investment management organizations (TIMOs) and timberland real estate investment trusts (REITs) and used USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory Analysis data to quantify their acreage, distribution, dynamics, and management practices. We find that TIMOs and REITs own/manage about 16 million ac or 10% of the timberland across 11 southern states and that they manage these forests in a sustainable fashion in terms of growth-to-removals and reforestation. Furthermore, TIMOs and REITs own/manage more forest plantations than other owners and harvest more hardwood than is grown. Most of the timberland owned and managed by TIMOs and REITs, located mainly in the southern coastal plain and Piedmont regions, were previously owned by forest industry firms.

Korhonen J, Zhang Y, Toppinen A. Examining timberland ownership and control strategies in the global forest sector
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2016,70:39-46.

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Mei B. Timberland investments in the United States: A review and prospects
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Piao X R, Mei B, Xue Y. Comparing the financial performance of timber REITs and other REITs
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Wan Y, Clutter M L, Mei B, et al. Assessing the role of U. S. timberland assets in a mixed portfolio under the mean-conditional value at risk framework
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2015,50:118-126.

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Andersson T, Fredriksson T. Distinction between intermediate and finished products in intra-firm trade
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Sténs A, M?rald E. “Forest property rights under attack”: Actors, networks and claims about forest ownership in the Swedish press 2014-2017
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Glasbergen P. Smallholders do not eat certificates on global sustainability standards and local practices in Indonesia
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Sun C Y, Rahman M M, Munn I A. Adjustment of stock prices and volatility to changes in industrial timberland ownership
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2013,26:91-101.

DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2012.08.003URL [本文引用: 1]
In the United States, the majority of publicly traded and vertically integrated forest firms with both manufacturing facilities and timberland holdings have either sold their timberlands to private investors, or converted their corporate structure into Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). In this study, timberland ownership changes between 1997 and 2010 were reviewed, and their impact on publicly traded forest products firms was assessed. Changes in industrial timberland ownership were organized into four groups; 24 large timberland sales by public forest firms; six jumbo timberland sales; seven announcements related to timber REIT conversions: and four land acquisitions by timber REITs. Event analysis and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model were employed to evaluate event-induced abnormal returns and volatility. The review revealed that most vertically integrated forest firms in the United States had divested their timberlands between 1997 and 2010. Four timber REITs have been formed since 1998, and they own 15.5 million acres of timberlands at present. Timberland sales by forest firms and acquisitions by REITs generated negative abnormal returns, while conversions to REITs produced positive impacts. In most cases, these events also increased asset volatility. These findings help us understand the adjustment of stock returns and volatility due to past ownership changes, and may shed light on similar changes by privately held forest firms in the future. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.

Harris T, Baldwin S, Siry J J. United States Timberland Markets 2000 to Mid-2010: Transactions, Values & Market Research[R]. Athens:
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[本文引用: 1]

Brukas V, Weber N. Forest management after the economic transition: At the crossroads between German and Scandinavian traditions
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2009,11(8):586-592.

DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2009.08.009URL [本文引用: 1]
AbstractGermany and Scandinavia represent two paradigmatic forest management traditions, based on management for volume and management for profit, respectively. This study examines the prevailing silvicultural regimes and resulting economic outcomes in Germany and Sweden as benchmarks, and then corresponding analyses are performed for post-transition EU countries, represented by Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The analyses reveal a regional gradient where Poland stands closest to the German tradition, Latvia goes through a “scandinavisation”, and Lithuania takes an intermediate position. Poland adheres to longer rotations and follows the principle of self-sufficiency, while economic efficiency has gained increased importance in Latvia. The observed gradient is likely to be sustained in the coming decades as the survey of key forest sector stakeholders reveals ideological patterns that correlate with the pace of reform of State forestry in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.]]>

Borrass L, Kleinschmit D, Winkel G. The “German model” of integrative multifunctional forest management: Analyzing the emergence and political evolution of a forest management concept
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Cashore B, Gale F, Meidinger E, et al. Confronting sustainability: Forest certification in developing and transitioning countries
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[本文引用: 1]

Teitelbaum S, Wyatt S. Is forest certification delivering on First Nation issues? The effectiveness of the FSC standard in advancing First Nations’ rights in the boreal forests of Ontario and Quebec, Canada
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2013,27(1):23-33.

DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2012.09.014URL [本文引用: 2]

Cubbage F, Diaz D, Yapura P, et al. Impacts of forest management certification in Argentina and Chile
[J]. Forest Policy and Economics, 2010,12(7):497-504.

DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2010.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
AbstractIndividuals at ten firms in Argentina and Chile that had received Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or Sistema Chileno de Certificación Forestal (CERTFOR) forest management certification were interviewed to determine the management, environmental, social, and economic impacts of certification. All firms improved many practices in forest management, environmental protection, community relations, public affairs, economic, and environmental management systems in order to receive certification, with an average of 27 changes reported per firm that received forest certification. The amount of changes were fairly evenly distributed among forest management practices, social and legal aspects, and economic and system impacts. Most firms certified by FSC received several conditions or corrective action requests, but these represented only about one-third of the 27 changes those firms made to receive or maintain certification. Certification appeared to prompt similar changes in Argentina and Chile, and with FSC and CERTFOR. Certified firms usually hired only one or two new employees for certification, but did shift job responsibilities so that about 5% to 10% of personnel time was spent on certification. Individuals at interviewed firms were generally very satisfied with certification and all firms except one intended to re-certify.A fin de determinar los impactos de la certificación sobre el manejo forestal en relación a aspectos ecológicos, económicos y sociales fueron entrevistadas con diez empresas en Argentina y Chile que recibieron la certificación de Manejo Forestal Sustentable del Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) o Sistema Chileno de Certificación Forestal (CERTFOR). Todas las empresas mejoraron sus prácticas de manejo forestal, de protección ambiental, sus relaciones con la comunidad y con el público, su economía y sus sistemas de manejo ambiental a fin de recibir la certificación forestal, con un promedio de 27 cambios informados por cada firma que obtuvo la certificación. La cantidad de cambios estuvo uniformemente distribuida entre las prácticas de manejo forestal, los aspectos sociales y legales, y los aspectos económicos y de planificación. La mayoría de las firmas certificadas por FSC recibieron también varias solicitudes de acciones correctivas, pero éstas representan sólo un tercio del total de 27 cambios realizados por estas empresas para recibir o mantener la certificación. La certificación parece haber generado similar número de cambios en Argentina y Chile, ya sea FSC o CERTFOR. Alrededor 5% hasta 10% del tiempo de los empleados fue ganado con certificación forestal. Las personas entrevistadas en las empresas se encontraban por lo general satisfechas con la certificación y excepto una de las empresas, el resto de ellas proyectaban renovar la certificación forestal.]]>

朱文清, 张莉琴. 集体林地确权到户对林地流转的政策效果分析
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[ Zhu W Q, Zhang L Q. The impact of confirming collective forest land property rights to households on the forest land circulation behavior of farmers
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何文剑, 王于洋, 江民星. 集体林产权改革与森林资源变化研究综述
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[ He W J, Wang Y Y, Jiang M X. A review on the collective forestland tenure reform and changes in forest resources
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吉登艳, 马贤磊, 石晓平. 林地产权对农户林地投资行为的影响研究: 基于产权完整性与安全性: 以江西省遂川县与丰城市为例
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[ Ji D Y, Ma X L, Shi X P. The impact of forest property rights on forestland investments: From the perspective of property rights integrity and security: A case from Suichuan and Fengcheng of Jiangxi Province
[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2015,36(3):54-61.]

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白若舒, 李红勋. 中国森林认证对林场可持续经营影响评价研究
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[ Bai R S, Li H X. Research on impact assessment of CFCC on sustainable management of forest farm
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罗攀柱. 日本林业经营主体扶植政策展开过程及其对中国林业发展的启示
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[ Luo P Z. The process of policy support implementation to Japanese forestry operators and its enlightenment to Chinese forestry development
[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2018, (1):134-144.]

[本文引用: 2]

杨扬, 李桦, 薛彩霞, . 林业产权、市场环境对农户不同生产环节林业投入的影响: 来自集体林改试点省福建林农的调查
[J]. 资源科学, 2018,40(2):427-438.

DOI:10.18402/resci.2018.02.18URL [本文引用: 1]
基于福建429份农户调研数据,运用Tobit模型实证检验了林业产权、市场环境对农户不同生产环节林业投入的影响效应。研究结果表明:① 农户抚育环节投入大于种植环节;② 林权主体改革通过稳定产权对农户种植和抚育环节投入有一定促进作用,且造林补贴和林业贷款分别对种植投入和抚育投入具有促进作用,但采伐指标申请难易程度对两环节投入的影响均不显著;③ 市场环境中,农户造林意识的增强以及种植环节对劳动力的刚性需求,导致林业雇工价格越高,种植投入越多,林地租赁价格的提高则抑制了农户抚育投入的增加,而木材市场价格对两环节投入影响也均不显著。因此,为调动农户投入积极性,应进一步落实集体林权主体改革,推广森林抚育补贴,加大林业贷款支持力度,培育健康活跃的林业市场环境。
[ Yang Y, Li H, Xue C X, et al. Impact of forest property rights and market environment on peasant household forestry investments in different production links in Fujian
[J]. Resources Science, 2018,40(2):427-438.]

[本文引用: 1]

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