The impact of forestland fragmentation on farmers’ investment incentives on forestland
LIUJing1,, LIUCan1,2, YANGHongqiang3, XUShilei1, BAIXiuguang1, CHENGJuanjuan1, ZHANGHan1, 1. College of Economics and Management, Northwest A & F University, Yangling 712100, China;2. Economic and Development Research Center, State Forestry Administration, Beijing 100714, China3. College of Economics and Management, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China 通讯作者:通讯作者:张寒, 收稿日期:2017-11-1 修回日期:2018-07-12 网络出版日期:2018-10-25 版权声明:2018《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家自然科学基金面上项目(71873099)教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(18YJA790104)西北农林科技大学基本科研业务费人文社科项目(2018RWSK06) 作者简介: -->作者简介:刘晶,女,山西运城人,硕士生,研究方向为土地资源管理。
关键词:集体林权制度改革;林地细碎化;营林积极性;农户异质性;倾向值匹配 Abstract The new round collective forest tenure reform (CFTR) has been launched in China. Along with this reform, the fragmentation level of forestland may change, which would further affect farmers’ investment incentives on forestland. Using a large dataset collected by the State Forestry Administration, this study characterized the dynamic changes of forestland fragmentation. Moreover, the effect of this change on farmers’ forestland investments was further investigated under the perspective of farmers’ heterogeneities. The change of fragmentation is considered as an endogenous variable. Hence, the propensity score matching (PSM) method was employed to control the endogeneity bias. The results showed that the level of forestland fragmentation had been generally improved following the CFTR. Only 11.70% of households underwent an exacerbation. Due to this change, farmers’ capital and labor inputs on forestland significantly increased by 35%~37% and 10%~11%, respectively. Furthermore, farmers were inclined to input more capital on farmland, instead of labor. This phenomenon might be resulted from farmers’ behavior of off-farm employments. However, the above effects are not uniform among different farmers. From the perspective of farmers’ heterogeneities, the positive effects are only significant for households who are more relied on agricultural cultivation, households who have more commercial forests, households who have large forestland size, and households who are endowed with medium-high off-farm income rate. These findings will be beneficial to identify the policy targets in the following reform and will provide useful policy implications to improve farmers’ investment incentives on forestland.
Keywords:collective forest tenure reform;forestland fragmentation;investment incentives;farmers’ heterogeneity;;propensity score matching -->0 PDF (2620KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 刘晶, 刘璨, 杨红强, 许时蕾, 白秀广, 程娟娟, 张寒. 林地细碎化程度对农户营林积极性的影响[J]. 资源科学, 2018, 40(10): 2029-2038 LIUJing, LIUCan, YANGHongqiang, XUShilei, BAIXiuguang, CHENGJuanjuan, ZHANGHan. The impact of forestland fragmentation on farmers’ investment incentives on forestland[J]. RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2018, 40(10): 2029-2038
参考Tan等、王水连等的研究[17, 28],本文采用块均林地面积来衡量细碎化程度。通过1796个样本户2003年和2013年的数据对比发现,林地细碎化改善的农户占总样本量的57.57%,而细碎化加剧的农户仅占11.70%。这说明集体林改后大多数农户的林地更加平整,这也反映出集体林改政策的积极效果。本文把细碎化程度改善的农户视为处理组、其他农户作为控制组,运用PSM方法测算林地细碎化程度对农户营林积极性的因果效应。 借鉴Qin等和Xie等的研究[2,29],本文采用单位面积劳动力投入量和资本投入量来衡量营林积极性,其中资本由化肥、种子、农药和其他投入4项构成。表1显示,处理组和控制组劳动力投入强度差异微小,但处理组的平均资本投入强度比控制组高出约9.15%,平均化肥和平均农药投入分别高24.66%和65.88%。t统计量显示,两组农户的投入强度没有显著差异,但不能据此断定细碎化改善对营林积极性没有影响,因为农户进入处理组或者控制组并不是随机的,而t检验的结果没有考虑这种内生性。具体而言,林地细碎化的变动主要受两方面因素的影响。一是新一轮集体林改,按照规定,集体林地的产权变动需要经村民代表会议2/3以上代表同意方可实施[27],可见,集体林改后的林地调整、以及由此带来的细碎化变动,是农户的自选择行为;二是农户的林地流转行为。通过林地流转促进土地的规模化经营是新一轮集体林改、尤其是后续配套改革措施的重要着眼点之一。林地是否流转实际上是农户的土地资源配置决策,内生于其收益最大化的决策之中。因此,林地流转所引致的林地细碎化变动亦是内生变量。 Table 1 表1 表12013年研究区农户平均投入强度组间差异 Table 1Differences of investment intensities between treated and controlled groups in study area in 2013
在匹配前,需要首先进行平衡性检验,本文以KBM为例进行说明(见表2),t检验的结果表明,匹配前处理组和控制组在许多匹配变量上存在显著性差异。例如,户主性别、户主年龄、户主文化程度、户主是否是干部、家庭总收入、非农就业工资、经济林产品价格、道路是否硬化、林改时间等。匹配后的处理组和控制组在这些匹配变量上均没有显著性差异,且所有变量匹配后的标准偏差都大幅下降到10%以内。因此,本文的匹配结果满足平衡性要求,控制组和处理组在匹配后不存在系统性差异。 Table 2 表2 表2处理组和控制组匹配的平衡性检验(KBM) Table 2Balance test of treated and controlled groups before and after matching (KBM)
(1)在后续的配套改革阶段,应该强调平整林地、改善林地细碎化程度的重要性。虽然集体林改后大部分农户的林地细碎化程度得到改善,但仍有部分农户(约43%)的林地细碎化程度不变或者加剧。因此,应该通过林地流转或者林业合作社等手段,不断推进林地细碎化程度的改善,以提高农户营林的积极性。 (2)务农为主的农户应该作为集体林改政策的重点瞄准目标。考虑到这部分农户对林地细碎化程度的改善更加敏感,为了提高政策实施效果,后续配套改革不能一刀切,政府应重点关注和研究务农为主类农户的经济行为和利益诉求,考虑政策如何向这类农户倾斜。 (3)亟待解决生态公益林的营林积极性问题。集体林改通过“确权到户”形式将集体林地分配给农户,在这一过程中,主要承担“生态服务”功能的生态公益林和“经济”功能的商品林并未被明确区分对待。鉴于集体林改后林地细碎化程度改善并未显著提高生态公益林的营林积极性,生态公益林支持政策的缺位需要引起政府部门的重视。 (4)加快推进林地流转,发展完善农村金融。在集体林改后续配套改革中,应该通过林地流转实现林地向经营大户的集中,实现规模经济,提高经营效率。同时,鉴于现阶段林农经营林业的主要资金来源于自有资金,农户对林地投入的增加会受到资金不足的制约,尤其对低收入农户更为明显。因此,政府应不断发展完善农村金融体系,建立健全农村信贷市场,缓解资金的流动性约束。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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