Attitude of Taiwan residents towards tourism from China’s mainland
JIANGYiyi1,2,, JIZhongjuan3, XIETing4, 1. School of Sports Recreation and Tourism, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China2. China Tourism Academy, Beijing 100005, China3. School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China4. Department of Tourism and MICE, Beijing Institute of Petro-chemical Technology, Beijing 102617, China 通讯作者:通讯作者:谢婷, 收稿日期:2018-07-22 修回日期:2018-11-14 网络出版日期:2019-05-25 版权声明:2019《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家“****”青年拔尖人才课题国家旅游局科研立项重点项目(14TACK009)国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划课题 (TYEPT201404) 作者简介: -->作者简介:蒋依依,女,贵州贵阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为旅游市场、生态旅游等。
关键词:居民—社区关系;旅游支持度;影响因素;社区依恋;社区关注 Abstract Since the official opening of mainland residents’ travel to Taiwan in 2008, the mainland of China has gradually become an important tourist source market of Taiwan. The support of residents in Taiwan will not only affect the perception and satisfaction of mainland tourists, but also largely influence the tourism market policy between mainland and Taiwan, thus affect the normal communication between the two sides. It is of great academic value and important practical significance to understand Taiwan residents' support of mainland tourists to Taiwan. To reveal the impact of destination residents’ attitude to tourism development, this research built a structural equation model between community attachment, community concern, residents’ perceived benefit, residents’ perceived cost, and support of tourism based on social exchange theory. An on-site questionnaire survey was used to collect data. After excluding incomplete and unusable responses, a total of 341 usable questionnaires were retained for the analysis in SPSS23.0 and AMOS 20. The results of the study indicate that residents’ perceived benefit, perceived cost of tourism, and community concern were positively associated with their support of tourism. Community concern had both direct and indirect effects on attitude and it also affected tourism support attitude through perceived benefit. Community attachment had negative effect on tourism support attitude through perceived benefit. The interaction between community attachment and community concern did not positively affect their support. The relationship between Taiwan residents and community had both direct and indirect impacts on tourism development support. Tourism related policy attaches great importance to the protection of residents and community relations, and actively improve the residents’ participation in tourism development. Tourism managers can improve residents’ support for tourism development by improving the relationship between residents and communities. With increased awareness of the positive role of mainland’s tourism to Taiwan in regards to employment opportunities of ordinary people and youth, development space of Taiwan travel agencies and related industries, protection and revitalization of local culture, stimulating community vitality, optimizing infrastructure development, and other positive effects, support of Taiwan residents for mainland’s tourism may increase. Efforts should be made to expand Taiwan residents’ participation in order to further their understanding of and support to cross-strait economic and social developments.
新窗口打开 为了检验模型的拟合情况,确认数据模型是否是研究预期形式,首先进行测量模型的分析,利用SPSS 23.0和AMOS 20软件对模型进行了验证性因子分析(Confirmatory Factor Analysis,CFA)。在验证性因子分析和结构方程模型分析中,卡方检验(χ2 Test)是最常用的模型评鉴方法,在卡方检验中p>0.05,χ2/d.f.<3说明模型具有解释度。除了卡方检验,为了检验模型的拟合度,以及估计的假设模型与理论抽样导出的卡方值之间的差异程度,还应使用模型拟合指数和替代指数进行检验。最常见的模型拟合指数主要包括拟合指数(Goodness-of-fit Index,GFI)、调节括拟合指数(Adjusted GFI,AGFI)、正规拟合指数(Normed Fit Index,NFI)、非规准适配指数(Tacker-Lewis Index,TLI)。模型拟合指数介于0和1之间,指数越接近1,说明模型拟合度越高,GFI、AGFI、NFI、TLI的门槛值一般为0.8[50,51]。替代指数主要包括平均概似平方误根系数(Root Mean Error of Approximation,RMSEA)、非集中性参数(Non-Centrality Parameter,NCP)、Akaike 讯息指数(Akaike Information Criterion,AIC),数值越小越好,其中RMSEA不受样本大小和模型复杂度的影响,是重要的替代指数指标[52]。RMSEA介于0和1之间,数值越小越好,可接受的值为0.05到0.08;NCP、AIC的数值没有范围,但是越小越好[53]。 根据上述指标体系,本研究的验证性因子分析数据拟合度显示所有的拟合度指标都高于推荐指标(χ2=323.065,d.f.=125,χ2/d.f.=2.585,GFI=0.901,AGFI=0.865,RMSEA=0.068,NFI=0.900,TLI=0.921),即卡方值与自由度之比小于3,GFI、AGFI、NFI、TLI值都大于0.8,RMSEA值小于0.08,说明数据与测量模型之间有较好的拟合度。组合信度CR值大于0.7(表5),符合Hair等[54]****提出的指标建议,模型的收敛效度较好。 Table 5 表5 表5调查问卷中各观察变量的因子载荷 Table 5Factor loading of each observed variable
新窗口打开 表6显示了各个变量的相关系数矩阵,括号中的数据是R2。对比发现,每个潜变量的平均提炼方差值(AVE)都大于对应的R2,即各个变量之间具有区别效度[55]。量表的信度和效度都通过了检验。 Table 6 表6 表6各研究变量之间的相关系数矩阵及AVE值 Table 6Correlations among study constructs and average variance extracted (AVE)
从图2可以看出,在经过检验成立的假设路径中,支持度除受到获益感知的直接影响,社区依恋还通过获益感知对支持度产生了间接影响。此外,社区关注不仅直接对支持度有影响,还通过获益感知对支持度产生了间接影响。分别分析几条路径的直接效应和间接效应(表8),并对各条路径效应的显著性分别用Sobel、Aroian和Goodman等3种方法进行了检验(表9)。社区依恋通过获益感知对支持度的间接效应为-0.148,有负向的影响,即居民的社区依恋会通过他们的获益感知来影响旅游支持度。社区依恋度越高,获益感知越低,旅游支持度也越低,3种检验p值都小于0.05,间接效应显著。社区关注对支持度产生的直接效应是0.211,社区关注通过获益感知对支持度产生的间接效应是0.124,总计效应为0.335,3种检验的p值都小于0.01,间接效应显著。即居民的社区关注也会通过他们的获益感知来影响旅游支持度,居民的社区关注越高,获益感知度就越高,旅游支持度也越高。此外社区关注的提高,也会直接提升居民旅游支持度。 Table 8 表8 表8居民—社区关系与支持度间的直接、间接和总效应 Table 8Direct, indirect, and total effects among resident-community relationship and tourism support
(1)海峡两岸基于旅游发展所进行的合作与互动,在两岸关系和平发展进程中具有机制构建、利益联结、文化整合及社会融合等政治功能[63],能在深化两岸利益融合、共创两岸互利双赢、增进两岸同胞福祉、推动两岸关系和平发展方面发挥重要作用。尤为重要的是,调研中发现,大陆赴台旅游对于台湾居民对大陆现代化发展以及青年一代的理解与认识能发挥积极作用。台湾居民的支持,是推动大陆赴台旅游有序发展的重要力量。而本文通过对社区依恋、社区关注、影响感知与支持度的结构模型构建,获得了台湾居民的支持度受到多种因素影响的结论,特别是台湾居民的社区依恋和社区关注都会通过影响获益感知这个中介变量来间接影响他们对大陆游客赴台旅游的支持度等结论。上述结论有助于为相关旅游政策制定找到合适的突破口。因此,需要利用适当的方式,通过具体数字和生动案例,向台湾民众展现大陆赴台旅游对于解决台湾基层民众与青年就业,扩大台湾旅行社、民宿等产业发展空间,保护、活化与传播当地文化,激发社区活力,优化基础设施等方面的积极作用,努力扩大台湾民众参与越多受益越多的获得感,进一步争取台湾同胞对于两岸经济社会融合发展的理解与支持。2018年台湾县市长选举结果是态度影响行为,进而可能左右政策的具体体现,反映了台湾同胞对于持续与深化两岸合作的期盼,将助益两岸旅游合作机制的优化、范围的扩展、层级的提升,从而提升台湾民众的受益面和受益度。 (2)本文将大陆游客作为独立的研究对象,探究台湾居民针对大陆游客赴台旅游影响和态度的感知,丰富了以往不区分游客类型的相关研究。未来的研究既可以从不同游客群体比较,也可以从社区居民人口统计学特征分类,以及结合身份认同等影响因素等视角,细化台湾地区社区居民支持度的分析,从而为决策制定提供更为有益的理论依据。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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