Land compensation standard in ecologic fragile areas of red soil hilly region in the southern China
BAOGuiping1,, LIANGXiaoliang2, LIANGYing3, GENGBin2,, XUBaogen2 1. School of Business Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China2. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou 310018, China3. Dongfang College, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hangzhou 310000, China 通讯作者:通讯作者: 耿槟,E-mail: 收稿日期:2018-07-4 修回日期:2018-11-26 网络出版日期:2019-02-25 版权声明:2019《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41401624)浙江省哲学规划课题(18NDJC148YB)浙江省教育厅课题(Y201738556) 作者简介: -->作者简介: 包贵萍,女,浙江安吉人,硕士生,研究方向为生态补偿与耕地保护。E-mail:
关键词:生态修复;生态补偿标准;生态脆弱区;生态系统服务价值;耕地;红壤丘陵山区;中国南方 Abstract Under the condition of the market regulation malfunction, the idle cultivated land aggravated soil erosion and caused the tillage layer thinning in the ecological fragile zone of the southern China. Therefore, government should establish a scientific eco-compensation standard for guiding enterprises to grow crops on a reasonable scale as that is their important function for protecting the ecologic fragile areas of the Southern China. Based on the microeconomic activities of enterprises, this study built a 4D spatial theory of neo-cultivated land in hilly region of the Southern China. The 4D spatial theory is composed of four dimensions, which are respectively four aspects of the eco-compensation standard, the added eco-service value, the ratio of land-use change, and land area. Then, an ecological-restoration oriented eco-compensation standard was creatively constructed for newly cultivated land in ecologic fragile areas of red soil hilly region in the Southern China. This study also made an empirical research on Songyang in Zhejiang Province. The results indicate that the radio of enterprises converting their land-use and the compensation standard increased with the ecological remediation value of ecosystem service. The results specifically shows that: The area of neo-cultivated land is 720 hm2, and when the ecological remediation value of ecosystem service was set as 1000×104 yuan/a. If we use neo-cultivated land to plant tee trees,the conversion ratio of land-use reached 20.29% The required compensation standard of tee trees was 1.88×104 yuan/(hm2a), and the required compensation funds was 1354.71×104 yuan/a. If we use neo-cultivated land to plant navel oranges,the conversion ratio of land-use reached 50% The required compensation standard of navel oranges was 0.51×104 yuan/(hm2a),and the required compensation funds was 368.49×104 yuan/a. It is suggested that the newly cultivated land should be cultivated for ecological restoration in ecologic fragile areas of red soil hilly region in the south. Government should establish a targeted eco-compensation system in an accurate space orientation and optimized ecological compensation standard.
Keywords:ecological remediation;ecological compensation standard;ecologic fragile areas;ecosy-stem service value;cultivated land;the hilly red soil region;red soil hilly region;southern China -->0 PDF (3975KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 包贵萍, 梁小亮, 梁颖, 耿槟, 徐保根. 南方红壤丘陵耕地生态修复补偿标准研究[J]. 资源科学, 2019, 41(2): 247-256 BAOGuiping, LIANGXiaoliang, LIANGYing, GENGBin, XUBaogen. Land compensation standard in ecologic fragile areas of red soil hilly region in the southern China[J]. RESOURCES SCIENCE, 2019, 41(2): 247-256
南方红壤丘陵山地生态脆弱区新开垦耕地,市场失灵下农户弃耕抛荒,造成植被覆盖度低,地表水蚀严重,生态与环境问题越来越受到广泛关注。通过生态补偿引导企业租赁新开垦耕地,采用生态友好型利用方式,提高新开垦耕地生态系统服务供给,可能是解决南方红壤丘陵山地生态脆弱区生态修复问题的必要途径。 生态修复与保护目标下生态补偿标准确定是函待解决的核心问题。本研究在理论假设前提下,构建了生态补偿标准、新增生态系统服务价值、利用方式转化比例、土地面积的四维理论框架,基于问卷调查确定的生态补偿与土地利用方式转化比率、新增生态系统服务价值的关系函数,以南方红壤丘陵山地生态脆弱区新开垦耕地生态功能改善目标为引导,确定新开垦耕地的生态补偿标准,得出以下结论: (1)松阳县新开垦耕地种植茶树后,单位面积新增生态系统服务价值为41.04万元/(hm2·a);种植脐橙后,单位面积新增生态系统服务价值为16.68万元/(hm2·a)。 (2)720 hm2新开垦耕地,生态系统服务价值修复量定为1000万元/a时,需企业转换利用方式种植茶树面积比例为20.29%,补偿标准为1.88万元/(hm2·a),需补偿资金为1354.71万元/a;而种植脐橙转换面积比例为50.00%,补偿标准为0.51万元/(hm2·a),需补偿资金为368.49万元/a。 本研究以生态系统服务价值理论为基础,创建生态补偿标准、新增生态系统服务价值、利用方式转化比例、土地面积的四维分析模型,此模型的变量也可以进行替代和转换,这是值得拓展的部分。同时,将企业作为微观主体,可能更多地考虑到其利益的最大化,补偿政策的制定和执行考虑的影响因素较多,过程艰难,这将有待进一步的深入和研究。此外,由于南方红壤丘陵山地生态脆弱区各县市情况不同,本文测算所得的补偿价格可能与其他区域实际存在偏差,因此在实践中应以本文补偿标准测算方法为参考,再结合当地的实际情况,确定适宜的补偿标准。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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