Hu Huanyong Line based on geographical synthesis: Simulation and prediction under SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix
XIA Haibin,1,2,3, LIU Min,1,2,31. Key laboratory of Geographic Information Science, Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241 2. School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal university, Shanghai, 200241 3. Key Laboratory of Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis and Application of Natural Resources in Megacity, Ministry of Natural Resources, Shanghai,200062, China
Abstract In this paper, a population potential model under the influence of environmental factors is constructed, and four sets of the crop model and water model driven by climate system models are combined to simulate the spatiotemporal evolution trend of China's population in the near (2030) and medium (2050) periods under SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix. It is found that under the SSPs scenario, the gap between population proportions on the east and west sides of Hu Huanyong Line (also known as Hu Line) in China will be further enlarged in the future, while under the scenario of SSP-RCPS, the population proportion gap on both sides of the Hu Line will be somewhat narrowed compared with the SSP scenario alone. The reason for the former is that the urbanization development on the east side of the Hu Line is much higher than that on the west side. Under the background of population urbanization in China, the population on the east side of the Hu Line increases. The latter is due to the favorable change of hydrothermal conditions on the west side of the Hu Line under the influence of climate change, which further improves the environmental carrying capacity of the population. The impact of social and economic development on change of population proportion on both sides of the Hu Line is far greater than the impact of climate change. This paper aims to explore the possibility of the breakthrough of the Hu Line from north, middle and south sections. We believe that the middle section will act as the breakthrough point because the region where Yellow River and other rivers flow through have rich water resources, which is favorable to the development of urbanization. Keywords:Hu Huanyong Line;spatial and temporal population change;climate change;SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix;human-environment relationship;sustainable development
PDF (6081KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 夏海斌, 刘敏. 基于地理学综合视角的胡焕庸线IPCC复合情景(SSPs-RCPs)模拟和预测[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(10): 2838-2855 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200840 XIA Haibin, LIU Min. Hu Huanyong Line based on geographical synthesis: Simulation and prediction under SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix[J]. Geographical Research, 2021, 40(10): 2838-2855 doi:10.11821/dlyj020200840
本文利用跨部门影响模式相互比较项目(ISIMIP)提供的作物模型和水文模型的模拟数据。ISIMIP提供了一系列系统和部门的气候影响数据集成[46],其第一轮模拟周期ISIMIP Fast Track利用RCPs情景驱动五种全球气候模式进行模拟预测,使得ISIMIP Fast Track成为耦合模式比较计划(CMIP)工作的自然延伸[46],第二轮模拟周期ISIMIP2a允许在全球变暖的不同水平上改进对气候变化的生物物理和社会经济影响的估计[47]。本文选取ISIMIP2a所提供的HadGEM2-ES[48]和IPSL-CM5A-LR[49]两种模式,作物模型采用ISIMIP 2a提供的LPJmL和GEPIC[50]两种作物模型。这两种作物模型对玉米、小麦、水稻和大豆四种代表作物产量进行模拟,并对四种作物产量进行加权求和,得出具有可比性的代表作物产量[51]。水文模型采用LPJmL[52]和WaterGAP[53,54]两种模型模拟的年河流径流量。需要指出的是作物模型模拟不考虑农业生产的技术投入等社会经济因素,而水文模型不涉及任何水的提取(如灌溉)或任何其他人为引起的水循环变化。这意味着作物模型及水文模型所得的模拟数据都可以归因于气候模式的变化,避免了作物模型、水文模型模拟数据与社会经济数据之间的交互影响。选取以上模型的原因一方面是考虑气候模式和模型的代表性,同时ISIMIP2a提供了以上模型1970—2010年历史时期以及2010—2100年不同RCPs情景下的模拟数据。根据本文情景设定中需求,采用RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0以及RCP8.5四种代表性浓度路径驱动下未来近期(2030年)及中期(2050年)水资源模拟数据。某个时代的模拟值以该时代10年平均水平表示,如2000年水资源量为2000—2009年10年平均河流径流量表示,2000年作物产量以2000—2009年10年平均代表作物产量表示。为降低气候变化预估中单一模型误差,采用多模式集合的方法,将水文模型和作物模型模拟数据分为4个组别(表1),如第一组表示在HadGEM2-ES全球气候模式驱动下的LPJmL水文模型和LPJmL作物模型的模拟数据。
Tab. 1 表1 表1全球气候模式驱动下的水文模型和作物模型 Tab. 1Hydrological models and crop models driven by global climate model (GCM)
Tab. 2 表2 表2中国未来近中期(2030年、2050年)SSPs-RCPs复合情景下胡焕庸线两侧人口密度及人口比重比较 Tab. 2Comparison of population density and population proportion on both sides of Hu Line under the SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix in 2030 and 2050
注:基于自然资源部地图技术审查中心标准地图服务网站的标准地图(审图号:GS(2020)4619号)绘制,底图无修改。 Fig. 6Spatial changes of population in China from 2010 to 2050 under SSPs-RCPs scenario matrix
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