Spatial evolution and factors of global advanced maritime service industry
WANG Liehui,1,2,3,4, ZHANG Nanyi1, LIN Yushan11. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, Shanghai 200062, China 2. Research Center for China Administrative Division, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China 3. Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Guangzhou 511458, China 4. Future City Lab, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
Abstract The maritime service industry has become a key driving force for promoting the spatial structure adjustment and economic development of port cities and is also a core element for enhancing the global competitiveness of hub port cities. Based on the chain network model, the regression model and the list of British Lloyd's Maritime Enterprises, this paper studies the spatial shaping process of the node cities and inter-city links in the global advanced maritime service industry in 1982-2018. The study analyzes the relevance between the connectivity or the number of advanced maritime service producers in the node cities and the shipping, economic, political and cultural location factors. The analysis concludes as follows: (1) Advanced maritime service producers mainly gather in Europe, the Mediterranean and Asia-Pacific region. The east-west market formed by these three regions is the main line of the global advanced maritime service industry. The main spatial pattern changes from "T" shape to triangle. The barycenter of the network is constantly moving eastward and has moved from Europe to the Asia-Pacific region. (2) The network status of the node city is closely related to the strength of the connection between this node city and the top cities and has nothing to do with the extensiveness of the city connection. Node cities can quickly improve their strategic position by establishing strong links with international shipping service centers. (3) The location of the advanced maritime service industry is mainly influenced by capital, technology and market. Its layout is close to customers and markets. These three factors also affect the strength of the aggregation effect of high-end shipping service industry activities. The advanced maritime service industry tends to be knowledge-intensive. (4) With the influence of economic globalization and technological progress, the significance of the relevance between container throughput or regional economy and the layout of the advanced maritime service industry has increased. The significance of the population, ports and administrative centers disappear. The research results reveal the enlightenment and experience of the space-time evolution of the global advanced maritime service industry and provide useful references for the efficient development of international shipping service centers. Keywords:global advanced maritime service industry;spatio-temporal variations;chain network;factors
PDF (4395KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 王列辉, 张楠翌, 林羽珊. 全球高端航运服务业的时空演化及影响因素分析. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(3): 708-724 doi:10.11821/dlyj020191031 WANG Liehui, ZHANG Nanyi, LIN Yushan. Spatial evolution and factors of global advanced maritime service industry. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(3): 708-724 doi:10.11821/dlyj020191031
注:此图基于国家自然资源部标准地图服务系统的标准地图(审图号:GS(2016)1666号)绘制,底图无修改;图中显示全球相对城市网络联系度排名前20位的城市名称。 Fig. 1Global urban links based on maritime advanced producer services in 1982
注:此图基于国家自然资源部标准地图服务系统的标准地图(审图号:GS(2016)1666号)绘制,底图无修改;图中显示全球相对城市网络联系度排名前20位的城市名称。 Fig. 2Global urban links based on maritime advanced producer services in 1996
注:此图基于国家自然资源部标准地图服务系统的标准地图(审图号:GS(2016)1666号)绘制,底图无修改;图中显示全球相对城市网络联系度排名前20位的城市名称。 Fig. 3Global urban links based on maritime advanced producer services in 2006
注:此图基于国家自然资源部标准地图服务系统的标准地图(审图号:GS(2016)1666号)绘制,底图无修改;图中显示全球相对城市网络联系度排名前20位的城市名称。 Fig. 4Global urban links based on maritime advanced producer services in 2018
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