

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

程晗蓓,1,2, 刘于琪3, 田明4, 李志刚,1,21.武汉大学城市设计学院,武汉 430072
2.湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心,武汉 430072
3.香港大学城市规划与设计系,香港 999077
4.北京师范大学社会发展与公共政策学院,北京 100875

The effects of residential instability on migrants′ health in urban China

CHENG Hanbei,1,2, LIU Yuqi3, TIAN Ming4, LI Zhigang,1,21. School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2. Hubei Habitat Environment Engineering Research Center, Wuhan 430072, China
3. Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China
4. School of Social Development and Public Policy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

通讯作者: 李志刚(1976-),男,湖北天门人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为城市地理、城乡规划。E-mail: zhigangli@whu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors
程晗蓓(1990-),女,湖北武汉人,博士研究生,研究方向为人口迁移与流动、健康地理。E-mail: hanbei. cheng@whu.edu.cn

关键词: 流动人口;居住不稳定性;健康;性别差异;影响因素

Health research has long recognized the importance of residential instability. However, less attention has been paid to disclose their relationships against the background of frequent mobility in urban China. Thus, this study used multilevel linear models and grouping regression to explore the impacts of residential instability on migrants′ health based on the data collected from a questionnaire survey involving 9 cities and 2573 respondents. The results were as follows: (1) Migrants in urban China exhibited an ordinary level of subjective well-being (SWB) but reported preferable value in self-rated physical health (SRH). Notably, there were significant differences in health between genders. (2) Migrants′ health was affected by sociodemography, residential instability, as well as geographical factors. For instance, migrants working overtime and those living in cities with higher housing prices exhibited lower health outcomes. Married, well-educated, and high-income migrants were happier than the rest of the migrants. No evidence has shown that marital status, education level, and monthly income were significantly related to their physical health. (3) Residential instability had a statistical significance in health outcomes, and the strength of effect varied in different gender groups. In detail, interurban and intraurban mobilities were negatively related to migrants′ health in both subjective well-being and physical health. Importantly, these relationships were prominent in terms of males. In other words, frequent mobility can reduce their health. Besides, migrants moving with family members and owning purchased houses exhibited better health than those moving on their own and living in rented houses, especially in female groups. Moreover, migrants residing in neighborhoods with a higher proportion of locals had a higher probability of reporting better health. This result was also obvious in female migrants who concerned more on neighborhood safety. Finally, the number of friends was positively correlated with migrants′ health, which implied the health promotion of social capital in cities. All in all, this study confirmed that residential instability had a significant impact on migrants′ health and that gender played a moderating role in this relationship. Men were more sensitive and vulnerable to mobility factors, while women′s poor health was attributed to housing and neighborhood instability. Therefore, we call for the government to strengthen the housing attainment, education, medical services, etc. to increase migrants′ settlement intentions and reduce the frequency of mobility. On the other hand, community committees should encourage migrants to interact with locals to build a cohesive and supportive neighborhood for health promotion.
Keywords:migrants;residential instability;health;gender difference;determinants

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程晗蓓, 刘于琪, 田明, 李志刚. “居住不稳定性”对中国大城市流动人口健康的影响研究. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(1): 185-198 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190815
CHENG Hanbei, LIU Yuqi, TIAN Ming, LI Zhigang. The effects of residential instability on migrants′ health in urban China. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(1): 185-198 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190815

1 引言

进入新时代,伴随城镇化进程加速推进,流动人口及其健康问题愈加凸显。在此背景下,“健康中国”已被确立为国家战略,对流动人口的健康问题予以重点关注。因其“流动性”特征,流动人口的居住具有明显不稳定性[1],分析其对流动人口身心健康的影响具有重要意义。居住不稳定性与公共健康问题密切相关。例如,根据“美国国家住房报告”数据显示,2015年美国约有56.5万人居无定所和无家可归(Displacement & Homelessness),其中的40%患有慢性病(糖尿病、高血压和哮喘等)、35%患有重度抑郁、25%存在药物滥用等不良行为[2]。目前,这一领域的研究主要集中在:① 探讨迁居过程的时空不稳定性对健康的影响。诸多****关注了迁居频率、居留时间、迁居距离、方向、性质(自愿或迫迁)和模式等因素的影响。例如,Vanhoutte等发现儿童时期频繁迁居与个体幸福感无关,成年早期频繁迁居则对个体幸福感有显著正面影响[3]。Larson等发现长距离迁移与慢性疾病风险概率呈正相关[4]。② 关注居住状态如住房和邻里不稳定性对健康的影响,包括住房产权、成本(租金/购房借贷)、拥挤率、住房质量、建筑年代及邻里犯罪率、失业人口比等。例如,Windle等发现,自有住房者的健康水平高于公共租赁房者和私人租赁房者[5];Burgard等发现,租金变动、拖欠房租、止赎权等因素与健康不佳显著相关[6]。其中,租房者多存在社交网络脆弱和敏感问题,更易出现“社会孤立”或“一次性”人际关系,不利于其身心健康[7]。此外,房东的态度和行为也是影响租房者身心健康的关键变量[8]51,[9]

研究表明,不同“性别”的健康状况存在较大差异,其中女性移民在住房选择、住房支付能力、房源获取渠道和邻里社会资本等方面较为弱势,多重弱势因素交叠导致女性移民健康的不利发展。如Desmond发现,女性迁居概率显著高于男性,尤其是单亲母亲,其身心健康水平普遍较低[8]196。Saito等证实,邻里社会排斥对女性死亡风险影响更显著,相对贫困则与男性死亡风险显著相关[10]。Magdol围绕“压力脆弱性”(Stress Vulnerability)展开研究,认为压力因素如生活事件、地点的变化、社会关系的破坏等对健康有影响,并在不同性别间存在差异[11]。例如,迁居的女性比男性更容易受到环境压力的负面影响[11,12]


此外,已有研究对“居住不稳定性”(Residential Instability)并无明确定义,泛指个体或家庭居住地(在短时期或某一段时间内)的多次变化,或居住状态的非稳定性(如栖身公共空间、街道、不利住房条件、劣势邻里环境等)[25,26]。本文的“居住不稳定性”指的是流动人口在从乡村到城市稳定居留中经历的时空变化及各种住房和邻里不稳定性,如城市内部迁居频率、城市间流动次数、居留时间、当前住房属性等,本文试图考察“居住不稳定性”的过程和状态两个维度。

后文计划以北京、上海、深圳等9个城市为对象,通过实地调研采集第一手数据,定量分析居住不稳定性对个体健康的影响。本文的贡献有以下三方面:① 从微观主体出发,基于实地调研一手数据,聚焦典型大城市,揭示流动人口主观幸福感和自评生理健康水平,拓展该领域的研究对象。② 重点关注居住不稳定性因素的影响,拓展该领域的分析维度。③ 为破解当前中国转型期“流动性”增强和“移民化”加深背景下的流动人口公共健康问题提供解决思路和政策建议。

2 数据与方法

2.1 案例地城市与数据来源


Tab. 1
Tab. 1The number of respondents in 9 sample cities in this study


2.2 变量测量与研究框架





Fig. 1Research framework




2.3 研究方法

(1)直接效应分析 本文涉及的自变量具有多层嵌套的数据结构。传统线性模型方法只针对单一层级(个体或地方)进行分析,忽视了多层级因素带来的影响[12], [34]27。其次,传统线性模型中的样本多具有独立性,而同类群体健康具有交互传递作用(“同伴效应”)[35]。因此,本文采用多层线性模型,以检验不同层级因素对因变量的解释贡献,并有效处理样本相关性,提升分析精度[36]。具体而言,首先将个体因素和地方因素引入回归方程,见公式(1);第二,将居住不稳定性因素加入,考察所有变量,通过系数变化和模型拟合程度分析居住不稳定性对流动人口主观幸福感和自评生理健康的影响,见公式(2)。模型如下[34] 28

式中: Yij为调查地城市 j中受访者 i的两种健康结果; X1X2分别表示个体层级的个体因素和居住不稳性因素; Z为城市层级的地方因素; β0为模型总截距; β1β2μ分别表示各因素的回归系数; eij为模型的随机系数,代表不同城市 j中受访者 i的健康均值存在差异; vi为模型残差。

(2)调节效应分析 调节效应指在自变量X对因变量Y产生影响时,这种影响关系受到调节变量M的作用,影响程度因调节变量M不同而有所差异。效应检验方法包括建立乘积交互项(X×M)和分组回归两种[37]。本文调节变量为“性别”,是二分变量,为识别不同性别主体受到的具体影响,故采用分组回归,并利用费舍尔组合检验验证组间系数差异是否显著,由此判定“性别”因素的调节效应。此类方法已被广泛用于验证性别、种族/族裔和代际差异的调节效应研究中[12,38,39]

2.4 样本信息


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Definition and statistical description of variables in migrants among 9 cities





Fig. 2Percentage of respondents in terms of intraurban mobility and interurban mobility

3 实证结果

3.1 流动人口的主观幸福感与自评生理健康


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Gender difference of migrants′ health based on T test


注:*、**、***分别代表P < 0.1、P < 0.05、P < 0.01。





Fig. 3The results of correlation test in terms of migrants′ health targeted on critical factors


3.2 验证居住不稳定性对流动人口健康的影响


Tab. 4
Tab. 4The results of multilevel linear models on migrants’ health (all samples)
年龄-0.001 (0.001)-0.002 (0.001)-0.017***(0.003)-0.016***(0.003)
婚姻状况(#已婚)-0.203***(0.033)-0.119***(0.035)-0.026 (0.062)0.017 (0.066)
高中及专科0.211***(0.030)0.175***(0.030)0.011 (0.056)-0.017 (0.056)
本科及以上0.396***(0.037)0.330***(0.037)0.091 (0.068)0.011 (0.069)
个人月收入0.007***(0.002)0.006***(0.002)0.003 (0.004)0.002 (0.004)
雇主0.157***(0.061)0.099* (0.060)0.032 (0.112)0.002 (0.111)
自营劳动者0.105***(0.032)0.066**(0.031)0.061 (0.059)0.043 (0.058)
其他0.052 (0.047)0.032 (0.046)0.187**(0.087)0.172** (0.086)
城市间流动次数-0.114** (0.055)-0.141 (0.103)
本市居留时间0.002 (0.002)-0.002 (0.004)
流动模式(#家庭式流动)-0.120***(0.028)-0.045 (0.052)
租房-0.209***(0.044)0.019 (0.083)
借住或其他非正规居所-0.152***(0.048)0.066 (0.090)
二者数量相当0.070** (0.031)0.044 (0.058)
城市外来人口占比-0.268 (0.301)-0.263 (0.269)-0.003 (0.751)0.037 (0.751)
人均GDP0.016 (0.018)0.017* (0.016)-0.005 (0.044)0.003 (0.044)
城市平均房价-0.046* (0.033)-0.049* (0.029)-0.020* (0.081)-0.002***(0.081)
医疗卫生资源可及性0.012 (0.028)0.018 (0.025)0.018* (0.070)0.034* (0.070)
人均公园绿地面积0.245 (0.158)0.305** (0.142)-0.212 (0.392)-0.091 (0.392)
注:① ******分别代表P < 0.1、P < 0.05、P < 0.01,#表示参考组;② AIC数值越小,模型拟合程度越好;③ 地方因素中,城市外来人口占比和人均公园绿地面积数据来自各城市2018年统计年鉴;城市平均房价数据来自中国房价行情数据平台:http://www.creprice.cn/city/wh.html;医疗卫生资源可及性参照赵雪雁等[16]以每千人卫生技术人员数、每千人医疗机构床位数、每万人医院数标准化后等量加权测度。





3.3 “性别”因素的调节效应


Tab. 5
Tab. 5The modelling results of gender difference in the impact of residential instability on migrants’ health
城市内部迁居频率-0.031**(0.013)-0.021**(0.010)-0.010-0.029 (0.025)-0.058***(0.019)0.029*
城市间流动次数-0.092 (0.108)-0.125* (0.065)0.033*0.005 (0.206)-0.188 (0.119)0.193
本市居留时间0.002 (0.004)0.003 (0.003)-0.001-0.009 (0.007)0.001 (0.005)-0.010
流动模式(#家庭式流动)-0.123***(0.044)-0.117***(0.037)-0.006*-0.039 (0.083)-0.057 (0.067)0.018
租房-0.232***(0.069)-0.209***(0.058)-0.023*-0.039 (0.131)0.055 (0.106)-0.094**
借住或其他非正规居所-0.163** (0.074)-0.153**(0.063)-0.0100.028 (0.142)0.107 (0.115)-0.079**
当地经常往来朋友数量0.006** (0.003)0.005**(0.002)0.001*0.012***(0.005)0.018***(0.004)0.006
本地人居多0.178***(0.051)0.104**(0.042)0.074***0.385***(0.098)0.105 (0.077)0.280***
二者数量相当0.094* (0.049)0.050 (0.040)0.044* 0.206** (0.094)-0.062 (0.073)0.268***


4 结论与讨论






由于数据与方法的限制,本文仍存在以下不足之处:① 本研究主要基于横截面数据,用“城市内部迁居频率”和“城市间流动次数”分析频繁迁居对健康影响的大致效应,忽视了每次迁居行为对健康影响的独立效应。未来研究可以尝试采用纵向追踪健康数据,利用时间序列模型或离散时间逻辑斯蒂模型进行更为全面的实证。② 受限于数据可及性,本研究用自我报告值测度生理健康,虽能一定程度反映个体生命质量,但也可能存在模型估计偏差。未来研究可运用多指标综合测定生理健康水平,或借助传感器实时监测体征数据,进行更加精准和客观的分析。

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[ Liang Tongxin, Qi Yaqiang, Ye Hua. Occupational status, working conditions and health: Evidence from the 2012 China labor force dynamic survey
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杨菊华, 张娇娇, 张钊. 流动人口健康公平与社会融合的互动机制研究
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邱婴芝, 陈宏胜, 李志刚, . 基于邻里效应视角的城市居民心理健康影响因素研究: 以广州市为例
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China's internal rural-urban migrants experience social exclusion that may have significant mental health implications. This has historically been exacerbated by the hukou system. Echoing recent calls for interdisciplinary research on the interdependencies of urbanization and mental health, this review examines evidence of rural-urban migrants' mental health status in comparison with nonmigrants and its association with various dimensions of social exclusion. We found conflicting evidence on the mental health status of migrants in comparison with nonmigrants, but strong evidence that social exclusion is negatively associated with migrants' mental health: limited access to full labour rights and experience of social stigma, discrimination and inequity were the most significant factors. We discuss the limitations of current social epidemiological research and call for an attempt to use close-up, street-level ethnographic data on the daily experience of being a migrant in the mega-city, and describe our aim to produce a new sociological deep surveying instrument to understand migration, urban living, and mental health.

Li J, Liu Z. Housing stress and mental health of migrant populations in urban China
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刘扬, 周素红, 张济婷. 城市内部居住迁移对个体健康的影响: 以广州市为例
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[ Liu Yang, Zhou Suhong, Zhang Jiting. The impact of intra-urban residential mobility on residents′ health: A case study in Guangzhou City
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[ Wang Fenglong, Wang Donggen. Measures of subjective well-being: A review
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Biswas-Diener R, Diener E, Lyubchik N. Wellbeing in Bhutan
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Jylh? M. What is self-rated health and why does it predict mortality? Towards a unified conceptual model
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The association of self-rated health with mortality is well established but poorly understood. This paper provides new insights into self-rated health that help integrate information from different disciplines, both social and biological, into one unified conceptual framework. It proposes, first, a model describing the health assessment process to show how self-rated health can reflect the states of the human body and mind. Here, an analytic distinction is made between the different types of information on which people base their health assessments and the contextual frameworks in which this information is evaluated and summarized. The model helps us understand why self-ratings of health may be modified by age or culture, but still be a valid measure of health status. Second, based on the proposed model, the paper examines the association of self-rated health with mortality. The key question is, what do people know and how do they know what they know that makes self-rated health such an inclusive and universal predictor of the most absolute biological event, death. The focus is on the social and biological pathways that mediate information from the human organism to individual consciousness, thus incorporating that information into self-ratings of health. A unique source of information is provided by the bodily sensations that are directly available only to the individual him- or herself. According to recent findings in human biology, these sensations may reflect important physiological dysregulations, such as inflammatory processes. Third, the paper discusses the advantages and limitations of self-rated health as a measure of health in research and clinical practice. Future research should investigate both the logics that govern people's reasoning about their health and the physiological processes that underlie bodily feelings and sensations. Self-rated health lies at the cross-roads of culture and biology, therefore a collaborative effort between different disciplines can only improve our understanding of this key measure of health status.

党云晓, 张文忠, 余建辉, . 北京居民主观幸福感评价及影响因素研究
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[ Dang Yunxiao, Zhang Wenzhong, Yu Jianhui, et al. Residents′ subjective well-being and influencing factors in Beijing
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党云晓, 张文忠, 谌丽, . 居民幸福感的城际差异及其影响因素探析: 基于多尺度模型的研究
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Chen H, Liu Y, Li Z, et al. Urbanization, economic development and health: Evidence from China′s labor-force dynamic survey
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BACKGROUND: The frequent outbreak of environmental threats in China has resulted in increased criticism regarding the health effects of China's urbanization. Urbanization is a double-edged sword with regard to health in China. Although great efforts have been made to investigate the mechanisms through which urbanization influences health, the effect of both economic development and urbanization on health in China is still unclear, and how urbanization-health (or development-health) relationships vary among different income groups remain poorly understood. To bridge these gaps, the present study investigates the impact of both urbanization and economic development on individuals' self-rated health and its underlying mechanisms in China. METHODS: We use data from the national scale of the 2014 China Labor-force Dynamics Survey to analyze the impact of China's urbanization and economic development on health. A total of 14,791 individuals were sampled from 401 neighborhoods within 124 prefecture-level cities. Multilevel ordered logistic models were applied. RESULTS: Model results showed an inverted U-shaped relationship between individuals' self-rated health and urbanization rates (with a turning point of urbanization rate at 42.0%) and a positive linear relationship between their self-rated health and economic development. Model results also suggested that the urbanization-health relationship was inverted U-shaped for high- and middle-income people (with a turning point of urbanization rate at 0.0% and 49.2%, respectively), and the development-health relationship was inverted U-shaped for high- and low-income people (with turning points of GDP per capita at 93,462 yuan and 71,333 yuan, respectively) and linear for middle-income people. CONCLUSION: The impact of urbanization and economic development on health in China is complicated. Careful assessments are needed to understand the health impact of China's rapid urbanization. Social and environmental problems arising from rapid urbanization and economic growth should be addressed. Equitable provision of health services are needed to improve low-income groups' health in highly urbanized cities.

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Consumer-survivors (C/Ss) identify peer support as a resource that facilitates their recovery. However, little is known about the factors that influence or how the peer support relationship (PSR) develops/deteriorates. The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the PSR within the subculture of mental health. Using an ethnonursing method, the study focused on informants from two C/S organizations who received peer support (n = 14). Findings revealed that the PSRs may develop or deteriorate through three, overlapping phases. Contextual factors that influenced the development/deterioration of the PSR are discussed. Understanding the processes and factors that contribute to the development/deterioration of PSRs will enable clinicians and C/Ss to assess and promote the development of healthy, supportive PSRs in mental health.

Owen G, Harris R, Jones K. Under examination: Multilevel models, geography and health research
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[ Wen Zhonglin, Hau Kit-Tai, Chang Lei. A comparison of moderator and mediator and their applications
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Jonsson K R, Vartanova I, S?dergren M. Ethnic variations in mental health among 10-15-year-olds living in England and Wales: The impact of neighbourhood characteristics and parental behaviour
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Several studies indicate that young people from certain ethnic minority groups in Britain have significant mental health advantages over their White majority counterparts, but the reasons for these differences have not been adequately explored. This work analyses the impact of neighbourhood characteristics, measured by socioeconomic deprivation; crime; living conditions; ethnic density and parenting behaviour on the mental health of young people. To determine the impact of these factors on mental health among young people, geocoded data from waves 1, 3 and 5 of the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) are merged with small area statistics from the 2011 census, and multilevel linear regression models are fitted to the sample of 5513 (7302 observations) 10-15-year-olds of varying ethnicity residing in England and Wales. We find that mental health is generally poorer for White British youths, even after accounting for individual/family-level predictors, neighbourhood characteristics and parental behaviour than it is for minority youths. In keeping with results from studies of adult populations, neighbourhoods with high levels of deprivation are associated with poorer mental health. However, some aspects of parenting behaviour appear to have a more significant impact on the mental health of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds than on White British youths. Further research into factors that influence inter-ethnic disparities in mental health among young people is warranted, given that clear differences remain after the models in this study are fully adjusted.

王洪青, 彭纪生. 心理福利对辱虐管理的影响: 代际差异的调节作用
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何嘉明, 周素红, 谢雪梅. 女性主义地理学视角下的广州女性居民日常出行目的及影响因素
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Using multilevel analysis we find that residents of

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