

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

李茂娟1, 李天奇1, 朱连奇,1, 张树文2, 朱文博1, 张静静11. 河南大学环境与规划学院,开封 475004
2. 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所,长春 130102

Effect of land use change on gully erosion in black soil region of Northeast China in the past 50 years: A case study in Kedong county

LI Maojuan1, LI Tianqi1, ZHU Lianqi,1, ZHANG Shuwen2, ZHU Wenbo1, ZHANG Jingjing11. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China
2. Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130102, China

通讯作者: 朱连奇(1963- ),男,河南郸城人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事山地地理环境及资源开发利用研究。E-mail: lqzhu@henu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors

关键词: 土地利用;侵蚀沟裂度;东北黑土区;沟蚀

The black soil region of Northeast China is one of the most important grain producing areas in China. However, increasingly severe gully erosion has destroyed much farmland and reduced grain production. In this paper, a typical black soil region, located in Kedong county, Heilongjiang province of Northeast China, was chosen as the study area. Based on Corona imagery in 1965, SPOT 5 imagery in 2005 and Gaofen-1 imagery in 2015, the distributions of gullies in 1965, 2005 and 2015 were obtained by visual interpretation. Based on relief maps in 1954, MSS imagery in 1975 and Corona imagery in 1965, the land use data in 1965 were obtained. Based on TM imagery in 2005 and 2015, the land use data in 2005 and 2015 were obtained. Then by using erosion density as the main indicator, the change of erosion gully was analyzed from the perspective of land use change. The results revealed that the gully erosion in the study area deteriorated in the past 50 years. The area of severe erosion greatly increased and showed a contiguous development trend. The cultivated land was the most important type of land use in the study area, and gully erosion on the cultivated land was the most serious. With the increased gully erosion on cultivated land, grassland and construction land, forest land and unused land were constantly reclaimed. The gully density increased the most during the interchange between cultivated land and grassland. The gully density was still very high and changed greatly after cultivated land was returned to forest land and grassland in the short term. However, with the implementation of “returning farmland to forest” and the improvement of land use, the gully erosion is still developing, but it changed slower over the ten years. By analyzing gully density change in the process of land use conversion on different slopes from 2005 to 2015, we found that the development of gully erosion is prone to occur after the forest land, grassland and unused land are cultivated on higher slopes, and it is more difficult to manage gullies with higher slopes.
Keywords:land use;gully density;black soil region of Northeast China;gully erosion

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李茂娟, 李天奇, 朱连奇, 张树文, 朱文博, 张静静. 50年来东北黑土区土地利用变化对沟蚀的影响——以克东地区为例. 地理研究[J], 2019, 38(12): 2913-2926 doi:10.11821/dlyj020181234
LI Maojuan. Effect of land use change on gully erosion in black soil region of Northeast China in the past 50 years: A case study in Kedong county. Geographical Research[J], 2019, 38(12): 2913-2926 doi:10.11821/dlyj020181234

1 引言


中国的沟壑侵蚀主要发育在黄土高原地区、南方红壤丘陵区和东北黑土区。目前黄土区已开展大量关于沟蚀的研究,内容基本包含了沟蚀形态描述、发展阶段划分、沟蚀发展方式、影响因素和沟蚀预测模型建立等[18];红壤丘陵区主要关注细沟的侵蚀过程和水动力学特征研究[19],其他地区如横断山区[20]近年来也开始出现沟蚀的调查和分类研究。已有研究表明黄土高原区沟蚀产沙量约占流域侵蚀产沙量的50%~80%,南方红壤丘陵区和东北黑土区的沟蚀亦对各自地区的产沙量有重要贡献[18],东北黑土区尤其面临着沟蚀的严重威胁[21,22]。随着黑土区农业土地面积不断扩大,侵蚀沟数量不断增加,并呈现出小型细沟向大型冲沟发展的趋势,据调查全区侵蚀沟约25万条,造成耕地损失约4.83×105 hm2,每年因侵蚀沟发育造成的粮食损失3.62×109 kg,沟蚀带来的土壤退化已成为黑土区生态修复研究的重要问题[23]。目前黑土区沟蚀研究主要包括三个方面:一是小尺度下利用差分GPS系统对侵蚀沟进行短期监测,探讨侵蚀沟发育机制和影响因素[24,25,26,27];二是大时空尺度下利用遥感影像、航空相片和GIS技术提取不同时期的侵蚀沟分布状况,研究侵蚀沟空间分布规律、动态变化、影响因素以及发生风险评价等[28,29,30,31];三是利用地面测量、高分辨率卫星和低空无人机遥感相结合的多源多尺度侵蚀沟遥感监测体系对大尺度(大范围、长期)和小尺度(小范围、短期)侵蚀沟进行动态监测,实现对不同时空尺度侵蚀沟的有效识别和风险预警[32,33]。以上研究虽然基本掌握了黑土区气候[34,35]、地形地貌[36]、土壤和植被等[37]自然因素以及作物类型、耕作措施和防护林等[38,39]人为因素对沟蚀的影响规律,但土地利用变化驱动的沟蚀发展规律却没有受到足够的重视,专门性分析也不够。然而人类活动导致土地利用/覆被变化也是土壤侵蚀加剧的重要原因之一[40,41,42],在所有影响沟蚀的自然和社会因素中,土地利用变化影响最为重要[16]。因此,研究土地利用变化如何影响侵蚀沟的发展[43,44,45,46]和植被恢复[47,48]对沟蚀的控制作用,对黑土区的土壤环境保护、生态恢复和减缓土壤碳排放具有重要意义。


2 数据来源和研究方法

2.1 研究区概况

克东地区隶属黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市,为保证边界处侵蚀沟的完整性,本文基于克东县行政界限结合小流域进行了调整,得到研究区范围。研究区位于126°01′E~126°41′E、47°43′N~48°18′N,面积2 075 km2(图1a),属寒温带半湿润半干旱大陆性季风气候,春季干旱多风,夏季短促炎热,冬季寒冷漫长,年均降水量526.5 mm,年均径流深75 mm左右,降雨主要集中在7月、8月、9月且降雨强度大。该区域地处小兴安岭与松嫩平原过渡带的冲洪积波状平原,地势起伏明显,具有东北黑土区代表性漫川漫岗地形的特点[49];海拔在192~423 m之间,坡度多小于5°且坡长较长。受气候、土壤和地形等因素的影响,区域内土壤侵蚀作用明显,且以沟蚀为主。研究区作为重要的玉米和大豆产区,长期以来重用轻养地掠夺式开垦,尤其是近50年来的高强度连作,土壤结构被严重破坏,导致土壤理化性状恶化和肥力下降,造成水土流失面积扩大、侵蚀强度增加以及粮食减产幅度加大,威胁国家和地区粮食安全[23]。区域内土地大多已被开垦为耕地,垦殖率高达75%[50],不合理的土地利用方式已成为加速黑土区土壤侵蚀的重要因素。研究区自2003年开始实施“退耕还林”工程,土地开垦速度下降,用地状况有所改善。



Fig. 1Location and slope classification of the study area

2.2 坡度数据

对研究区1 :5万的地形图进行数字化,提取等高线数据,通过插值生成空间分辨率为30m的数字高程模型。利用ArcGIS空间分析模块,根据DEM生成坡度图层。根据《黑土区水土流失综合防治技术标准》(SL446-2009)中对黑土区坡度分级的规定,将坡度分为<0.25°、0.25°~1.5°、1.5°~3°、3°~4°、4°~5°和>5°六等级,获得研究区坡度分级图(图1b)。

2.3 侵蚀沟数据

侵蚀沟分布根据1965年的Corona(空间分辨率2.75 m)、2005年SPOT5(空间分辨率2.5 m)以及2015年的高分一号影像(空间分辨率2 m)目视解译获得。所有影像时间均选择6月下旬,云量低于10%。Corona影像来源于美国地质勘探局(USGS),SPOT5影像来源于北京揽宇方圆信息技术有限公司,高分一号影像来源于中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心。首先以纠正合格的1 :5万数字地形图为基准,选择控制点对SPOT5影像进行正射影像纠正,再以精校正后的SPOT5影像为参考对高分一号影像进行校正;Corona影像基于SPOT5影像选择控制点,并通过对当地老人的访问进行了控制点筛选以保证纠正的正确性。经过野外调查、解译标志建立、室内人工目视解译以及野外验证、室内补判、修改错误等工作后,形成研究区1965年、2005年和2015年侵蚀沟分布图(图2)。



Fig. 2Gully distribution in different years

2.4 土地利用数据

土地利用数据主要以1954年总参测绘局编制的第一代1 :10万地形图、1975年的Landsat/MSS影像(空间分辨率80 m)、2005年和2015年的Landsat/TM影像(空间分辨率分别为30 m和15 m)为主要数据源。Landsat/MSS和Landsat/TM影像均从美国地质勘探局(USGS)下载,时间选取6月中下旬,云量低于10%。数据的主要获取过程如下:首先利用GCP数据对原始遥感影像的几何畸变过程进行数学模拟,建立原始畸变图像与地理校正空间的数学对应关系并进行图像纠正。按照中国科学院LUCC分类系统[51],将研究区的土地利用分为耕地、林地、草地、水域、建设用地、未利用地6个一级类及12个二级类。基于野外调查资料和专家知识,参照有关地理图件,分析各类地物影像光谱特征,建立统一的影像判读标志。利用ArcGIS软件进行目视解译,最终形成研究区内土地利用数据。




Fig. 3Land use in different period

2.5 沟蚀评价指标

将侵蚀沟裂度作为沟蚀评价指标,侵蚀沟裂度为沟谷占坡面的面积比,指每平方公里内侵蚀沟的总面积,以m2/km2表示。为了在空间上衡量侵蚀沟的变化状况,基于滑动窗口算法[52],利用三期侵蚀沟空间分布数据计算研究区内的侵蚀沟裂度,获得研究区侵蚀沟裂度的分布状况(图4)。根据水利部2009年《黑土区水土流失综合防治技术标准》(SL446-2009)中规定的黑土区沟壑侵蚀强度判别标准,将侵蚀沟裂度分为六等级:侵蚀沟裂度小于2 500 m2/km2为无侵蚀;侵蚀沟裂度2 500~5 000 m2/km2为轻度侵蚀;侵蚀沟裂度5 000~10 000 m2/km2为中度侵蚀;侵蚀沟裂度10 000~15 000 m2/km2为强烈侵蚀;侵蚀沟裂度15 000~20 000 m2/km2为极强烈侵蚀;侵蚀沟裂度大于20 000 m2/km2为剧烈侵蚀。



Fig. 4Gully density distribution in different period

3 结果分析

3.1 侵蚀沟动态分析

根据侵蚀沟数据提取结果,1965年研究区侵蚀沟共767条,总长度约324 km,侵蚀土地面积约4.5 km2,最高裂度值为68 316 m2/km2;2005年侵蚀沟数量为2 322条,长度约1 122 km,侵蚀土地面积约19.1 km2,最高裂度值为134 256 m2/km2;至2015年侵蚀沟数量达到2 746条,长度约1 395 km,侵蚀土地面积约24.7 km2,最高裂度值为144 924 m2/km2。2015年侵蚀沟数量为1965年的3.5倍,长度增加至1965年的4.3倍,面积增长至5.5倍,最高裂度值约为1965年的2倍。

根据图4图5,1965年侵蚀沟裂度小于2 500 m2/km2的区域达到1 633.44 km2,占整个研究区面积的78.71%,侵蚀沟裂度值高于20 000 m2/km2的剧烈侵蚀区域约38.56 km2,仅占研究区面积的1.86%,且剧烈侵蚀区域呈散点状,很少有连片的情况。而到2005年侵蚀沟裂度小于2 500 m2/km2的区域面积减少至1 030.11 km2,占研究区面积已不到50%;同时剧烈侵蚀的区域面积显著增加,面积为340.15 km2,比例上升到16.39%,约为1965年的9倍;其他各个侵蚀等级的面积都有不同程度的增加,且剧烈侵蚀区域分布呈现出条带状、片状发展的趋势。2015年侵蚀沟裂度小于2 500 m2/km2的区域面积已下降至899.98 km2,占研究区面积的43.37%;中度侵蚀区(2 500~5 000 m2/km2)面积较2005年也稍有下降;其他各侵蚀等级的面积均呈现增加趋势,尤其是剧烈侵蚀区域面积达到449.50 km2,占研究区面积的21.66%,多呈片状分布于研究区内。整体上看,研究区内无侵蚀的区域面积大幅度减少,相对应地,剧烈侵蚀的区域面积大幅度增加,侵蚀状况呈现逐渐加重的趋势。



Fig. 5Change of gully density in different period

3.2 土地利用变化分析




Fig. 6Land use structure change from 1965 to 2015

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Land use transfer matrix from 1965 to 2005 (km2)


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Land use transfer matrix from 2005 to 2015 (km2)


由1965—2005年转移矩阵(表1)可知:40年间研究区不同土地利用类型之间发生转移的面积总数为500.84 km2,接近研究区总面积的1/4,区域内土地利用变化较大。其中未利用地共计减少228.09 km2,是变化面积最大的土地利用类型。各类用地之间转换关系可以大致归纳为:耕地转为建设用地和草地,林地、未利用地转为耕地和草地。


3.3 不同土地利用类型上的侵蚀沟状况分析




Fig. 7Gully density in different land use types from 1965 to 2015

图7表3可以看出,50年来耕地是侵蚀沟产生的主要土地利用类型:耕地沟壑面积占全部沟壑面积百分比从1965年的84.21%增长至2015年87.81%,侵蚀耕地面积增加17.89 km2。耕地的侵蚀沟裂度也从2 756.16 m2/km2升高至14 294.19 m2/km2,平均每年增加230.76 m2/km2,是裂度增长速度最快的土地利用类型,说明近50年来耕地沟蚀发展剧烈,相关研究也证实黑土区侵蚀沟主要分布在耕地上[53,54]

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Gully erosion condition in different land use types from 1965 to 2015
耕地3 802 905.7784.2116 678 296.5187.2521 696 567.6187.81
林地24 344.030.54341 799.501.79483 605.241.96
草地95 755.982.121 415 605.137.411 690 599.586.84
建设用地6 413.240.14411 189.022.15497 014.452.01
未利用地586 538.2112.99268 079.161.40340 290.671.38


草地的侵蚀沟裂度在3个时期都是最大的,50年间裂度从3 390.52 m2/km2增加到14 801.18 m2/km2,平均每年增加228.21 m2/km2,增长速度略低于耕地。这是因为草地多分布于耕地和河流的过渡地带,汇流加剧了侵蚀沟的发展。2015年草地的沟壑面积约为1965年的18倍,但沟壑面积所占比例先增后减,从1965年的2.12%增加至2005年的7.41%,到2015年比例稍有下降。林地的沟壑裂度在1965年是最小的,2005年之后裂度值仅高于未利用地,50年间平均增长速度为56.33 m2/km2,这说明林地具有较好的土壤保持功能。研究区的未利用地除极少量裸地外,均为沼泽,人类活动干扰较小,因此侵蚀沟裂度变化不大。值得注意的是,1965—2005年间未利用地中的沟壑面积大量减少,这是由于研究区中大量未利用地转变为耕地和草地,未利用地中的侵蚀沟也随之转变到其他用地类型中。除此之外,建设用地的侵蚀沟裂度50年来以平均每年110.65 m2/km2的速度持续增加,说明人类活动导致沟蚀加剧。研究区沟蚀状况的恶化说明毁林、毁草、破坏沼泽湿地易加剧水土流失。

3.4 土地利用变化下的侵蚀沟裂度变化分析

将土地利用变化图和侵蚀沟分布图叠加分析并经过统计,可以得出各时期土地利用类型转换过程中侵蚀沟裂度的变化(表4表5)。由表4结合表1土地利用转移矩阵可知,1965—2005年草地和耕地之间的转变带来的侵蚀沟裂度变化最大,多分布在研究区众多支流沿岸:草地转为耕地的面积为16.10 km2,侵蚀沟裂度增加34 223.91 m2/km2,年均变化855.60 m2/km2;耕地转为草地的面积为30.55 km2,侵蚀沟裂度增加22771.84 m2/km2,年均变化569.30 m2/km2。由于河流支流附近因地形等原因汇水线较为集中,是沟蚀发生风险较高的区域,不合理的土地利用变化更容易加剧汇水线地区侵蚀沟的形成和发展[55]。从表4中可以看出,大部分土地利用类型发生变化都会带来明显的侵蚀沟裂度变化。任何土地利用类型转变为耕地,均会带来较高的侵蚀沟裂度变化,尤其是林地和未利用地转变为耕地后,裂度变化为9 534.5 m2/km2和9 739.03 m2/km2,是原用地类型中的18倍和16倍,说明林地和未利用地被开垦为耕地后极易产生土壤侵蚀,呈现侵蚀沟发展加速的趋势。值得注意的是,耕地转变为林地和草地后侵蚀沟裂度增加速度不减。这是因为侵蚀沟一旦形成就不容易消失,退耕还林还草虽然是抑制侵蚀沟发展的有效手段,但过程较为漫长,因此耕地转换成林地或草地后的短时间内侵蚀沟裂度仍然很高。

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Gully density change in the process of land use conversion from 1965 to 2005 (m2/km2)
耕地9 118.5711 246.1722 771.845 431.766 692.38
林地9 534.51522.763 954.070.000.00
草地34 223.911 972.0619 387.770.002 229.12
建设用地3 835.983 495.470.001 641.000.00
未利用地9 739.035 406.706 212.035 766.32602.04


Tab. 5
Tab. 5Gully density change in the process of land use conversion from 2005 to 2015 (m2/km2)
耕地3 315.012 045.204 695.632 266.210.00
林地1 233.51634.11909.840.000.00
草地4 377.71190.033 186.950.000.00
建设用地1 746.150.000.00771.240.00
未利用地1 995.630.000.000.00419.34






Fig. 8Gully density annual change in the process of land use conversion

3.5 不同坡度下土地利用变化的侵蚀沟裂度变化分析




Fig. 9Gully density change in the process of land use conversion on different slopes from 2005 to 2015


4 结论与讨论







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Kotlyakov V M, Mathero J R, Sdasyuk G V , et al. Global change: geographical approaches (a review)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1988,85(16):5986-5991.

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Koven C D, Ringeval B, Friedlingstein P , et al. Permafrost carbon-climate feedbacks accelerate global warming
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011,108(36):14769-14774.

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Ferreira V, Samora-Arvela A, Panagopoulos T . Soil erosion vulnerability under scenarios of climate land-use changes after the development of a large reservoir in a semi-arid area
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2016,59(7):1238-1256.

DOI:10.1080/09640568.2015.1066667URL [本文引用: 1]

Morueta-Holmea N, Engemanna K, Sandoval-Acu?ac P , et al. Reply to Feeley and Rehm: Land use intensification increases risk of species losses from climate change
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015,112(45):E6085.

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Kumar J H, Stefanie H, Adisa A . Accounting for land use, biodiversity and ecosystem services in life cycle assessment: Impacts of breakfast cereals
The Science of the Total Environment, 2018,645(15):51-59.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.088URLPMID:30015118 [本文引用: 1]
This study considers the life cycle impacts of land use on biodiversity and ecosystem services associated with the production of a ubiquitous food type: breakfast cereals. For biodiversity, the impacts on five taxonomic groups have been assessed: mammals, birds, vascular plants, amphibians and reptiles. For ecosystem services, the potential loss in the following ecosystem services of soil has been considered: biotic production, erosion resistance, groundwater regeneration, infiltration and physicochemical filtration. The findings indicate that the main hotspot for the biodiversity loss is cocoa cultivation for all taxonomic groups, with a contribution of 27-67%. Cocoa is also a major contributor (35%) to the loss of biotic production, while rice is the largest contributor to erosion (34%), reduction in groundwater replenishment (43%) and physiochemical filtration (23%). Corn is the main cause of the infiltration reduction, accounting for 44% of the impact. Unlike the biodiversity impacts, which are almost entirely caused by agricultural activities, non-agricultural land use occurring in other life cycle stages (transport, packaging and manufacturing), has significant contribution to the reductions in groundwater replenishment and infiltration. The impacts on ecosystem services are almost entirely driven by land occupation, while the biodiversity impacts are caused by both land use change and occupation. The identification of cocoa as the main hotspot is unexpected as it is used only in very small quantities (&amp;lt;5% by mass) in breakfast cereals. Its high contribution to the impacts is partly due to the land use change in the ecoregion of the Eastern Guinean forests, which are home to a relatively large number of endemic species. The paper also discusses the limitations of the impact assessment methods for evaluating the biodiversity and ecosystem services and highlights the need for further development of indicators and methods to assess the land use impacts in life cycle assessment.

Pandey A, Chowdary V M, Mal B C . Identi?cation of critical erosion prone in the small agricultural watershed using USLE, GIS and remote sensing
Water Resources Management, 2007,21(4):729-746.

DOI:10.1007/s11269-006-9061-zURL [本文引用: 1]
In the present study, Karso watershed of Hazaribagh, Jharkhand State, India was divided into 200 × 200 grid cells and average annual sediment yields were estimated for each grid cell of the watershed to identify the critical erosion prone areas of watershed for prioritization purpose. Average annual sediment yield data on grid basis was estimated using Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE). In general, a major limitation in the use of hydrological models has been their inability to handle the large amounts of input data that describe the heterogeneity of the natural system. Remote sensing (RS) technology provides the vital spatial and temporal information on some of these parameters. A recent and emerging technology represented by Geographic Information System (GIS) was used as the tool to generate, manipulate and spatially organize disparate data for sediment yield modeling. Thus, the Arc Info 7.2 GIS software and RS (ERDAS IMAGINE 8.4 image processing software) provided spatial input data to the erosion model, while the USLE was used to predict the spatial distribution of the sediment yield on grid basis. The deviation of estimated sediment yield from the observed values in the range of 1.37 to 13.85 percent indicates accurate estimation of sediment yield from the watershed.

Haregeweyn N, Poesen J, Verstraeten G , et al. Assessing the performance of a spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment delivery model (WATEM/SEDEM) in Northern Ethiopia
Land Degradation & Development, 2013,24:188-204.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135904URLPMID:31865069 [本文引用: 1]
It is a substantial challenge to quantify the benefits which ecosystems provide to water supply at scales large enough to support policy making. This study tested the hypothesis that vegetation could reduce riverbank erosion, and therefore contribute to reducing turbidity and the cost of water supply, during a large magnitude flood along a 62?km riparian corridor where land cover differed substantially from natural conditions. Several lines of evidence were used to establish the benefits that vegetation provided to reducing eleven riverbank erosion processes over 1688 observations. The data and analyses confirmed that vegetation significantly reduced the magnitude of the riverbank erosion process which was the largest contributor to total erosion volume. For this process, a 1% increase in canopy cover of trees higher than five metres reduced erosion magnitude by between 2 and 3%. Results also indicate that riverbank erosion was likely to be affected by direct changes to the riparian corridor which influenced longitudinal coarse sediment connectivity. When comparing the impact of these direct changes on a relative basis, sand and gravel extraction was likely to be the dominant contributor to changed erosion rates. The locations where erosion rates had substantially increased were of limited spatial extent and in general substantial change in river form had not occurred. This suggests that the trajectory of river condition and increasing turbidity are potentially reversible if the drivers of river degradation are addressed through an ecosystem restoration policy.

Gao P, Niu X, Wang B , et al. Land use changes and its driving forces in hilly ecological restoration area based on GIS and RS of northern china
Scientific Reports, 2015,5:11038.

DOI:10.1038/srep11038URLPMID:26047160 [本文引用: 1]
Land use change is one of the important aspects of the regional ecological restoration research. With remote sensing (RS) image in 2003, 2007 and 2012, using geographic information system (GIS) technologies, the land use pattern changes in Yimeng Mountain ecological restoration area in China and its driving force factors were studied. Results showed that: (1) Cultivated land constituted the largest area during 10 years, and followed by forest land and grass land; cultivated land and unused land were reduced by 28.43% and 44.32%, whereas forest land, water area and land for water facilities and others were increased. (2) During 2003-2007, forest land change showed the largest, followed by unused land and grass land; however, during 2008-2012, water area and land for water facilities change showed the largest, followed by grass land and unused land. (3) Land use degree was above the average level, it was in the developing period during 2003-2007 and in the degenerating period during 2008-2012. (4) Ecological Restoration Projects can greatly change the micro topography, increase vegetation coverage, and then induce significant changes in the land use distribution, which were the main driving force factors of the land use pattern change in the ecological restoration area.

Valentin C, Poesen J, Li Y . Gully erosion: impacts, factors and control
Catena, 2005,63(2-3):132-153.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.049URLPMID:23968738 [本文引用: 1]
The use of river basin modelling to guide mitigation of non-point source pollution of wetlands, estuaries and coastal waters has become widespread. To assess and simulate the impacts of alternate land use or climate scenarios on river washload requires modelling techniques that represent sediment sources and transport at the time scales of system response. Building on the mean-annual SedNet model, we propose a new D-SedNet model which constructs daily budgets of fine sediment sources, transport and deposition for each link in a river network. Erosion rates (hillslope, gully and streambank erosion) and fine sediment sinks (floodplains and reservoirs) are disaggregated from mean annual rates based on daily rainfall and runoff. The model is evaluated in the Burdekin basin in tropical Australia, where policy targets have been set for reducing sediment and nutrient loads to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) lagoon from grazing and cropping land. D-SedNet predicted annual loads with similar performance to that of a sediment rating curve calibrated to monitored suspended sediment concentrations. Relative to a 22-year reference load time series at the basin outlet derived from a dynamic general additive model based on monitoring data, D-SedNet had a median absolute error of 68% compared with 112% for the rating curve. RMS error was slightly higher for D-SedNet than for the rating curve due to large relative errors on small loads in several drought years. This accuracy is similar to existing agricultural system models used in arable or humid environments. Predicted river loads were sensitive to ground vegetation cover. We conclude that the river network sediment budget model provides some capacity for predicting load time-series independent of monitoring data in ungauged basins, and for evaluating the impact of land management on river sediment load time-series, which is challenging across large regions in data-poor environments.

Kakembo V, Rowntree K M . The relationship between land use and soil erosion in the communal lands near Peddie town, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Land Degradation & Development, 2003,14(1):39-49.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135904URLPMID:31865069 [本文引用: 1]
It is a substantial challenge to quantify the benefits which ecosystems provide to water supply at scales large enough to support policy making. This study tested the hypothesis that vegetation could reduce riverbank erosion, and therefore contribute to reducing turbidity and the cost of water supply, during a large magnitude flood along a 62?km riparian corridor where land cover differed substantially from natural conditions. Several lines of evidence were used to establish the benefits that vegetation provided to reducing eleven riverbank erosion processes over 1688 observations. The data and analyses confirmed that vegetation significantly reduced the magnitude of the riverbank erosion process which was the largest contributor to total erosion volume. For this process, a 1% increase in canopy cover of trees higher than five metres reduced erosion magnitude by between 2 and 3%. Results also indicate that riverbank erosion was likely to be affected by direct changes to the riparian corridor which influenced longitudinal coarse sediment connectivity. When comparing the impact of these direct changes on a relative basis, sand and gravel extraction was likely to be the dominant contributor to changed erosion rates. The locations where erosion rates had substantially increased were of limited spatial extent and in general substantial change in river form had not occurred. This suggests that the trajectory of river condition and increasing turbidity are potentially reversible if the drivers of river degradation are addressed through an ecosystem restoration policy.

Gábris G, Kertész á, Zámbóa L . Land use change and gully formation over the last 200 years in a hilly catchment
Catena, 2003,50(2-4):151-164.

DOI:10.1016/S0341-8162(02)00141-8URL [本文引用: 1]

Zucca C, Canu A, Peruta R D . Effects of land use and landscape on spatial distribution and morphological features of gullies in an agropastoral area in Sardinia (Italy)
Catena, 2006,68(2-3):87-95.

DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2006.03.015URL [本文引用: 1]

Cotler H, Ortega-Larrocea M P . Effects of land use on soil erosion in a tropical dry forest ecosystem, Chamela watershed, Mexico
Catena, 2006,65(2):107-117.

DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2005.11.004URL [本文引用: 1]


During the past few decades, Mexico has been converting tropical dry forest (TDF) into cropland and pasture, with land degradation expressed as soil erosion being the main environmental consequence. The factors and processes influencing soil erosion are related to scale. At a microscale, the stability of soil aggregates has a significant impact on soil erodibility and strongly influences other soil properties. However, at plot and watershed scales, these relationships are less well known. The relationships between the distribution of soil aggregate size, soil properties and soil erosion were examined for two soil geomorphological units (hillslopes over granite and hillslopes over tuffs) and three land uses (TDF, unburned pasture and burned pasture) within the Chamela watershed of west–central Mexico. To evaluate soil aggregation as a parameter for upscaling soil erosion, the researchers measured microtopographic features at plot scales and interpreted 1:35,000 panchromatic aerial photographs at a watershed scale. Analysis of variance indicated significant differences in soil organic carbon (P < 0.05) and soil moisture (P < 0.01) contents between the two soil geomorphological units, and field tests showed differences in soil texture and structure.
As a consequence, the macroaggregate content (> 1 mm) and the mean weight diameter (MWD) are significantly greater (P < 0.05) with the same land use on the hillslopes over tuffs. At a plot scale, this is reflected by subtle erosion features (surface litter movement), while at a watershed scale 8 km·km− 2 of drainage density occurred without the development of gullies. On the hillslopes over tuffs, burned pasture has the lowest macroaggregate content and MWD, which may explain the stronger erosion features observed at the plot scale (as splash pedestals, terracettes, surface crusting and prerills) and higher drainage density (8–13 km·km− 2) with few gullies. Despite soil erosion differences, the macroaggregate content and MWD for TDF over granite are similar to those for burned pasture over tuff. The main conclusions of this study are that soil aggregation and MWD are useful indicators of the strength of erosion features at watershed and plot scales when evaluated in the same soil geomorphological unit. The soil aggregation differences between the two soil geomorphological units confirm the need for a geomorphological stratification of the landscape. Combining analysis of soil aggregation and soil erosion within a geomorphic framework helps identify landscape units susceptible to erosion and land degradation following land-use change.

Galang M A, Markewitz D, Morris L A , et al. Land use change and gully erosion in the piedmont region of South Carolina
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007,62(3):122-129.

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Gutiérrez á G, Schnabel S, Contador F L . Gully erosion, land use and topographical thresholds during the last 60 years in a small rangeland catchment in SW Spain
Land Degradation & Development, 2009,20(5):535-550.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135904URLPMID:31865069 [本文引用: 1]
It is a substantial challenge to quantify the benefits which ecosystems provide to water supply at scales large enough to support policy making. This study tested the hypothesis that vegetation could reduce riverbank erosion, and therefore contribute to reducing turbidity and the cost of water supply, during a large magnitude flood along a 62?km riparian corridor where land cover differed substantially from natural conditions. Several lines of evidence were used to establish the benefits that vegetation provided to reducing eleven riverbank erosion processes over 1688 observations. The data and analyses confirmed that vegetation significantly reduced the magnitude of the riverbank erosion process which was the largest contributor to total erosion volume. For this process, a 1% increase in canopy cover of trees higher than five metres reduced erosion magnitude by between 2 and 3%. Results also indicate that riverbank erosion was likely to be affected by direct changes to the riparian corridor which influenced longitudinal coarse sediment connectivity. When comparing the impact of these direct changes on a relative basis, sand and gravel extraction was likely to be the dominant contributor to changed erosion rates. The locations where erosion rates had substantially increased were of limited spatial extent and in general substantial change in river form had not occurred. This suggests that the trajectory of river condition and increasing turbidity are potentially reversible if the drivers of river degradation are addressed through an ecosystem restoration policy.

Martínez-Casasnovas J A, Romos M C, García-Hernández D . Effects of land-use changes in vegetation cover and sidewall erosion in a gully head of the Penedès Region (Northeast Spain)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2009,34(14):1927-1937.

DOI:10.1002/esp.v34:14URL [本文引用: 2]

Dotterweich M, Rodzik J, Zg?obicki W , et al. High resolution gully erosion and sedimentation processes, and land use changes since the Bronze Age and future trajectories in the Kazimierz Dolny area (Na??czów Plateau, SE-Poland)
Catena, 2012,95:50-62.

DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2012.03.001URL [本文引用: 1]
This paper presents the results of 40 years of research on the gully system in the Doly Podmularskie catchment (0.35 km(2) in size), which is situated in the south-western part of the loess-covered Naleczow Plateau in SE-Poland. Topographic, stratigraphic and pedologic investigations, and monitoring of a tributary gully (gully area: 0.7 ha, catchment: 2.5 ha) were combined with historical, archaeological and palaeoecological records. The results reveal a long and complex history in terms of the temporal and spatial extent and the impact of land use on gully erosion, and the long-term feed-back mechanisms between land use changes and natural processes since the end of the Pleistocene. Phases of gully erosion and subsequent filling occurred in the Bronze Age and around the 10th to 11th centuries. The most severe deepening and expansion of the gully took place in the 17th century. The results also show that field structures and land use intensity had a significant influence on the frequency and magnitude of run-off, soil erosion, piping, and landslide events. The last significant erosion phase started in the mid-19th century with renewed headward retreat and down-cutting within older gully fills. Today, most of the catchment is either forested or the land is covered in berry shrubs. In the future, the area will continue to produce sediments, because of the steep slopes and because there are still areas of bare soil with a low resistance to erosion, a legacy from past land uses, which will remain a factor affecting soil erosion and sedimentation processes in the future. This study is an example of how important it is to observe and understand slow geomorphologic processes and rare extreme events in the light of land use changes when investigating long-term human-environment interactions. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V.

郑粉莉, 徐锡蒙, 覃超 . 沟蚀过程研究进展
农业机械学报, 2016,47(8):48-59, 116.

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[ Zheng Fenli, Xu Ximeng, Qin Chao . A review of gully erosion process research
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2016,47(8):48-59, 116.]

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郝好鑫, 郭忠录, 王先舟 , . 降雨和径流条件下红壤坡面细沟侵蚀过程
农业工程学报, 2017,33(8):134-140.

URL [本文引用: 1]
为明确第四纪黏土发育红壤坡面侵蚀过程特征,采用人工模拟降雨和径流冲刷相结合试验,研究坡度、流量和降雨因素对坡面细沟侵蚀过程影响。结果表明:1)坡面侵蚀过程呈现明显阶段性,试验条件下侵蚀前3 min为层状面蚀为主的初始阶段,细沟出现后转变为细沟侵蚀为主的细沟发育阶段。降雨以及增加坡度和流量能加快细沟发育速度和侵蚀速率;2)各侵蚀阶段平均侵蚀速率关系为初始阶段>细沟发育阶段>细沟稳定阶段。初始阶段侵蚀速率对各水动力学参数响应关系为水流功率>坡度>水流剪切力>单位水流功率=流速>流量。细沟发育阶段平均侵蚀速率与水流功率、水流剪切力和坡度关系密切,而细沟稳定阶段侵蚀速率只与坡度和流量相关;3)水流功率是与初始阶段和细沟发育阶段关系最密切的水动力学参数,侵蚀初始阶段的层状面蚀、单独径流冲刷和降雨-径流作用下细沟侵蚀发生的临界水流功率分别为0.091、0.121、?1.691 N/(m·s)。试验在小尺度条件下初步揭示了红壤坡面细沟侵蚀过程特征,为南方红壤丘陵区土壤侵蚀预报模型和侵蚀防治提供理论参考。
[ Hao Haoxin, Guo Zhonglu, Wang Xianzhou , et al. Rill erosion process on red soil slope under interaction of rainfall and scouring flow
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2017,33(8):134-140.]

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为明确第四纪黏土发育红壤坡面侵蚀过程特征,采用人工模拟降雨和径流冲刷相结合试验,研究坡度、流量和降雨因素对坡面细沟侵蚀过程影响。结果表明:1)坡面侵蚀过程呈现明显阶段性,试验条件下侵蚀前3 min为层状面蚀为主的初始阶段,细沟出现后转变为细沟侵蚀为主的细沟发育阶段。降雨以及增加坡度和流量能加快细沟发育速度和侵蚀速率;2)各侵蚀阶段平均侵蚀速率关系为初始阶段>细沟发育阶段>细沟稳定阶段。初始阶段侵蚀速率对各水动力学参数响应关系为水流功率>坡度>水流剪切力>单位水流功率=流速>流量。细沟发育阶段平均侵蚀速率与水流功率、水流剪切力和坡度关系密切,而细沟稳定阶段侵蚀速率只与坡度和流量相关;3)水流功率是与初始阶段和细沟发育阶段关系最密切的水动力学参数,侵蚀初始阶段的层状面蚀、单独径流冲刷和降雨-径流作用下细沟侵蚀发生的临界水流功率分别为0.091、0.121、?1.691 N/(m·s)。试验在小尺度条件下初步揭示了红壤坡面细沟侵蚀过程特征,为南方红壤丘陵区土壤侵蚀预报模型和侵蚀防治提供理论参考。

董一帆, 聂勇, 熊东红 . 基于Google Earth影像的横断山区沟蚀及侵蚀沟类型调查研究
水土保持通报, 2018,38(3):151-157.

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[ Dong Yifan, Nie Yong, Xiong Donghong . Investigation of gully density and classification of Hengduan Mountainous Area based on Google Earth images
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018,38(3):151-157.]

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王立刚, 杨黎, 贺美 , . 全球黑土区土壤有机质变化态势及其管理技术
中国土壤与肥料, 2016, ( 6):1-7.

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[ Wang Ligang, Yang Li, He Mei , et al. Changing of soil organic matter in arable soil of global mollisols and its management technology
Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China, 2016, ( 6):1-7.]

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Zhang H Q, Xu E Q . An evaluation of the ecological and environmental security on China's terrestrial ecosystems
Scientific Reports, 2017,7:811.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00899-xURLPMID:28400605 [本文引用: 1]
With rapid economic growth, industrialization, and urbanization, various ecological and environmental problems occur, which threaten and undermine the sustainable development and domestic survival of China. On the national scale, our progress remains in a state of qualitative or semi-quantitative evaluation, lacking a quantitative evaluation and a spatial visualization of ecological and environmental security. This study collected 14 indictors of water, land, air, and biodiversity securities to compile a spatial evaluation of ecological and environmental security in terrestrial ecosystems of China. With area-weighted normalization and scaling transformations, the veto aggregation (focusing on the limit indicator) and balanced aggregation (measuring balanced performance among different indicators) methods were used to aggregate security evaluation indicators. Results showed that water, land, air, and biodiversity securities presented different spatial distributions. A relatively serious ecological and environmental security crisis was found in China, but presented an obviously spatial variation of security evaluation scores. Hotspot areas at the danger level, which are scattered throughout the entirety of the country, were identified. The spatial diversities and causes of ecological and environmental problems in different regions were analyzed. Spatial integration of regional development and proposals for improving the ecological and environmental security were put forward.

刘兴土, 阎百兴 . 东北黑土区水土流失与粮食安全
中国水土保持, 2009, ( 1):17-19.

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东北黑土区是我国重要的商品粮生产基地、著名的玉米带和大豆主产区,但水土流失对粮食生产的影响很大,主要表现在剥蚀表土、恶化土壤结构、降低土壤肥力和侵蚀沟侵吞耕地上,估算坡耕地水土流失导致的粮食减产和侵蚀沟导致的粮食损失总量达108亿kg左右.通过扩大农田灌溉面积、改造中低产田、治理水土流失、科学施肥、应用新品种和耕作栽培新技术等,在未来15~20年内,可实现增产粮食约2 000万t的目标,相当于全国为保障粮食安全需新增4 000万t粮食生产能力的50%.
[ Liu Xingtu, Yan Baixin . Soil and water loss and food security in the black soil region of Northeast China
Soil and Water Conservation in China, 2009, ( 1):17-19.]

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东北黑土区是我国重要的商品粮生产基地、著名的玉米带和大豆主产区,但水土流失对粮食生产的影响很大,主要表现在剥蚀表土、恶化土壤结构、降低土壤肥力和侵蚀沟侵吞耕地上,估算坡耕地水土流失导致的粮食减产和侵蚀沟导致的粮食损失总量达108亿kg左右.通过扩大农田灌溉面积、改造中低产田、治理水土流失、科学施肥、应用新品种和耕作栽培新技术等,在未来15~20年内,可实现增产粮食约2 000万t的目标,相当于全国为保障粮食安全需新增4 000万t粮食生产能力的50%.

孟令钦, 李勇 . 东北黑土区坡耕地侵蚀沟发育机理初探
水土保持学报, 2009,23(1):7-11, 44.

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[ Meng Lingqin, Li Yong . The mechanism of gully development on sloping farmland in black soil area, Northeast China
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2009,23(1):7-11, 44.]

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Wu Y Q, Zheng Q H, Zhang Y G , et al. Development of gullies and sediment production in the black soil region of Northeastern China
Geomorphology, 2008,101(4):683-691.

DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.03.008URL [本文引用: 1]

苏子龙, 崔明, 范昊明 . 基于东北漫岗黑土区坡耕地沟蚀防治的防护林带布局优化
应用生态学报, 2012,23(4):903-909.

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[ Su Zilong, Cui Ming, Fan Haoming . Optimization of shelterbelt distribution for the gully erosion control of cultivated slope land in rolling hill black soil region of Northeast China
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2012,23(4):903-909.]

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胡刚, 伍永秋, 刘宝元 , . 东北漫岗黑土区切沟侵蚀发育特征
地理学报, 2007,62(11):1165-1173.

DOI:10.11821/xb200711005URL [本文引用: 1]
随着人们对土壤侵蚀空间尺度认识的加深, 发育在更大空间尺度上的切沟愈来愈受到重视。切沟是土壤侵蚀的重要组成部分, 但现有的土壤侵蚀模型尚未包括切沟侵蚀部分。本研究利用高精度差分GPS, 在对东北典型漫岗黑土区切沟监测的基础上, 借助GIS 平台生成DEM, 通过DEM 的叠加分析, 探讨了沟内蚀积变化特征。并在此基础上, 提出了东北切沟侵蚀的概念模型, 认为冬春季冻融侵蚀产生沟内堆积&mdash;雨季径流产生侵蚀的过程可能是该区切沟发育的一种重要模式。
[ Hu Gang, Wu Yongqiu, Liu Baoyuan , et al. Growth characteristics of gully erosion over rolling hilly black soil area of Northeast China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2007,62(11):1165-1173.]

DOI:10.11821/xb200711005URL [本文引用: 1]
随着人们对土壤侵蚀空间尺度认识的加深, 发育在更大空间尺度上的切沟愈来愈受到重视。切沟是土壤侵蚀的重要组成部分, 但现有的土壤侵蚀模型尚未包括切沟侵蚀部分。本研究利用高精度差分GPS, 在对东北典型漫岗黑土区切沟监测的基础上, 借助GIS 平台生成DEM, 通过DEM 的叠加分析, 探讨了沟内蚀积变化特征。并在此基础上, 提出了东北切沟侵蚀的概念模型, 认为冬春季冻融侵蚀产生沟内堆积&mdash;雨季径流产生侵蚀的过程可能是该区切沟发育的一种重要模式。

闫业超, 张树文, 岳书平 . 近40a黑土典型区坡沟侵蚀动态变化
农业工程学报, 2010,26(2):109-115.

URL [本文引用: 1]
研究黑土区坡面侵蚀与沟谷侵蚀的动态变化对于正确认识黑土侵蚀的发生发展过程、制定合理的侵蚀防治对策具有重要理论与实际意义。该文以克拜东部黑土区为例,从1965年美国侦查卫星Corona影像和2005年法国Spot-5高分辨率遥感影像上提取侵蚀沟、植被、土地利用等信息,结合地形、降雨及土壤资料,以通用土壤流失方程为基本框架建立坡面侵蚀定量估算模型,在此基础上,对近40 a坡面侵蚀和沟谷侵蚀的动态变化进行深入分析。结果表明:研究区坡面侵蚀以轻度侵蚀为主,中度和强度侵蚀面积比例很小;40 a来坡面侵蚀总面积变化不大,但侵蚀强度的变化存在一定的地区差异;研究区1965年有侵蚀沟1 682条,2005年增加到2 561条,侵蚀沟平均每年侵吞耕地5.23 hm2;40 a来研究区坡沟侵蚀产沙比约为3.5︰1,总体上以坡面土壤流失为主。研究结果可为黑土区水土流失综合治理提供科学依据。
[ Yan Yechao, Zhang Shuwen, Yue Shuping . Dynamic change of hill slope and gully erosion in typical area of black soil region during the past 40 years
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2010,26(2):109-115.]

URL [本文引用: 1]
研究黑土区坡面侵蚀与沟谷侵蚀的动态变化对于正确认识黑土侵蚀的发生发展过程、制定合理的侵蚀防治对策具有重要理论与实际意义。该文以克拜东部黑土区为例,从1965年美国侦查卫星Corona影像和2005年法国Spot-5高分辨率遥感影像上提取侵蚀沟、植被、土地利用等信息,结合地形、降雨及土壤资料,以通用土壤流失方程为基本框架建立坡面侵蚀定量估算模型,在此基础上,对近40 a坡面侵蚀和沟谷侵蚀的动态变化进行深入分析。结果表明:研究区坡面侵蚀以轻度侵蚀为主,中度和强度侵蚀面积比例很小;40 a来坡面侵蚀总面积变化不大,但侵蚀强度的变化存在一定的地区差异;研究区1965年有侵蚀沟1 682条,2005年增加到2 561条,侵蚀沟平均每年侵吞耕地5.23 hm2;40 a来研究区坡沟侵蚀产沙比约为3.5︰1,总体上以坡面土壤流失为主。研究结果可为黑土区水土流失综合治理提供科学依据。

闫业超, 张树文, 岳书平 . 基于Corona和Spot影像的近40年黑土典型区侵蚀沟动态变化
资源科学, 2006,28(6):154-160.

URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Yan Yechao, Zhang Shuwen, Yue Shuping . Application of Corona and Spot imagery on erosion gully research in typical black soil regions of Northeast China
Resources Science, 2006,28(6):154-160.]

URL [本文引用: 1]

王文娟, 张树文, 方海燕 . 东北典型黑土区坡沟侵蚀耦合关系
自然资源学报, 2012,27(12):2113-2122.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.12.012URL [本文引用: 1]
东北黑土区是中国重要的商品粮基地,但是严重的水土流失给其粮食产量带来了严峻考验。论文在遥感和GIS支持下,选择黑龙江省乌裕尔河和讷谟尔河两流域包含的东北典型黑土区作为研究区,以USLE模型和SPOT 5影像为基础,分别获取了2005年研究区的坡面侵蚀量和侵蚀沟分布数据,据此分析了典型黑土区坡面侵蚀和沟蚀之间在不同等级、 坡度、 坡向等方面的耦合关系。研究发现微度侵蚀和轻度侵蚀是坡面侵蚀主要区域,沟蚀发展程度比较剧烈;坡度小于5°时,坡度是沟蚀产生的制约因素,当大于5°时,坡度已经不是侵蚀沟形成过程中的主要控制因素;阳坡坡面侵蚀量高于阴坡的坡面侵蚀量,坡向在东北典型黑土区不是影响沟蚀发育的首要因子;侵蚀强度在2 500 t/(km2·a)以下的地区,随着坡面侵蚀量的增大侵蚀沟密度增大,而当大于2 500 t/(km2·a)以后,侵蚀沟密度比较稳定。
[ Wang Wenjuan, Zhang Shuwen, Fang Haiyan . Coupling mechanism of slope-gully system in type black soil area of Northeast China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2012,27(12):2113-2122.]

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2012.12.012URL [本文引用: 1]
东北黑土区是中国重要的商品粮基地,但是严重的水土流失给其粮食产量带来了严峻考验。论文在遥感和GIS支持下,选择黑龙江省乌裕尔河和讷谟尔河两流域包含的东北典型黑土区作为研究区,以USLE模型和SPOT 5影像为基础,分别获取了2005年研究区的坡面侵蚀量和侵蚀沟分布数据,据此分析了典型黑土区坡面侵蚀和沟蚀之间在不同等级、 坡度、 坡向等方面的耦合关系。研究发现微度侵蚀和轻度侵蚀是坡面侵蚀主要区域,沟蚀发展程度比较剧烈;坡度小于5°时,坡度是沟蚀产生的制约因素,当大于5°时,坡度已经不是侵蚀沟形成过程中的主要控制因素;阳坡坡面侵蚀量高于阴坡的坡面侵蚀量,坡向在东北典型黑土区不是影响沟蚀发育的首要因子;侵蚀强度在2 500 t/(km2·a)以下的地区,随着坡面侵蚀量的增大侵蚀沟密度增大,而当大于2 500 t/(km2·a)以后,侵蚀沟密度比较稳定。

Rysinu I, Grigoriev I, Zaytseva M , et al. Long-term monitoring of gully erosion in Udmurt Republic, Russia
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Science, 2017,375:1-4.

[本文引用: 1]

蒲罗曼, 张树文, 王让虎 , . 多源遥感影像的侵蚀沟信息提取分析
地理与地理信息科学, 2016,32(1):90-94.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Pu Luoman, Zhang Shuwen, Wang Ranghu , et al. Analysis of erosion gully information extraction based on multi-resource remote sensing images
Geography and Geo Information Science, 2016,32(1):90-94.]

[本文引用: 1]

冯林, 李斌兵 . 利用无人机倾斜影像与GCP构建高精度侵蚀沟地形模型
农业工程学报, 2018,34(3):88-95.

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了提高侵蚀沟立体建模与监测的精度,该文采用消费级无人机作为低空遥感平台,以黄土高原一典型切沟为研究对象,通过无人机采集的倾斜影像与部署的地面控制点,采用多视立体运动恢复结构方法(structure from motion with multi-view stereo, SfM-MVS)构建了高精度侵蚀沟表面模型,对其建模精度与数字高程模型、正射影像等成果进行分析,并与传统正射航图建模成果进行了比较。结果表明:构建的侵蚀沟稠密点云模型的水平均方根误差约为0.096 m,高程均方根误差约为0.018 m,满足1:500比例尺数字线划图与正射影像图的要求。与正射航图建模成果相比,高程误差减小了50%;侵蚀沟稠密点云的整体密度与地面激光雷达相当,且避免了后者多站拼接造成的密度不均问题。除了沟头部分的小块内凹区域,沟壁、沟头部分没有明显的空洞,植被覆盖的区域也能够正常建模。而正射航图的建模成果中在沟头内凹部分以及植被覆盖部分存在大块的空洞;由侵蚀沟的数字高程模型与等高线图可见,构建的侵蚀沟模型能够准确地反映切沟的形态特征。总体而言,该方法在侵蚀沟的高精度建模与监测方面具有显著优势,具有推广应用的潜力。
[ Feng Lin, Li Binbing . Establishment of high precision terrain model of eroded gully with UAV oblique aerial photos and ground control points
Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2018,34(3):88-95.]

URL [本文引用: 1]
为了提高侵蚀沟立体建模与监测的精度,该文采用消费级无人机作为低空遥感平台,以黄土高原一典型切沟为研究对象,通过无人机采集的倾斜影像与部署的地面控制点,采用多视立体运动恢复结构方法(structure from motion with multi-view stereo, SfM-MVS)构建了高精度侵蚀沟表面模型,对其建模精度与数字高程模型、正射影像等成果进行分析,并与传统正射航图建模成果进行了比较。结果表明:构建的侵蚀沟稠密点云模型的水平均方根误差约为0.096 m,高程均方根误差约为0.018 m,满足1:500比例尺数字线划图与正射影像图的要求。与正射航图建模成果相比,高程误差减小了50%;侵蚀沟稠密点云的整体密度与地面激光雷达相当,且避免了后者多站拼接造成的密度不均问题。除了沟头部分的小块内凹区域,沟壁、沟头部分没有明显的空洞,植被覆盖的区域也能够正常建模。而正射航图的建模成果中在沟头内凹部分以及植被覆盖部分存在大块的空洞;由侵蚀沟的数字高程模型与等高线图可见,构建的侵蚀沟模型能够准确地反映切沟的形态特征。总体而言,该方法在侵蚀沟的高精度建模与监测方面具有显著优势,具有推广应用的潜力。

张永光, 伍永秋, 汪言在 , . 典型黑土区小流域浅沟侵蚀季节差异分析
地理研究, 2008,27(1):145-154.

URL [本文引用: 1]
通过2005年对黑龙江鹤山农场两个小流域进行定位观测,研究了典型黑土区浅沟侵蚀特征及其季节差异,并对作物类型和耕作措施对浅沟侵蚀的影响进行了分析。结果表明,两流域年浅沟侵蚀量达285.9 m3 km-2和290.8 m3 km-2,仅浅沟侵蚀量就超过了黑土区的土壤允许侵蚀量。浅沟侵蚀量呈现出沿坡面波动的变化,沿坡面向下存在浅沟侵蚀的强弱交替带。春夏浅沟侵蚀在侵蚀强度、浅沟形态及主要影响因素3个方面存在差异,春季浅沟侵蚀受融雪、冻融影响显著,侵蚀较夏季严重;与春季相比,夏季浅沟长度变短、宽度变大、深度变浅,浅沟体积与长度的相关性较春季差,这与夏季暴雨历时短、雨强大以及植被盖度大有关。耕作措施和作物类型影响浅沟侵蚀深度和浅沟分布,尤其在夏季比较明显。
[ Zhang Yongguang, Wu Yongqiu, Wang Yanzai , et al. Seasonal discrepancy of ephemeral gully erosion in Northeast China with black soils
Geographical Research, 2008,27(1):145-154.]

URL [本文引用: 1]
通过2005年对黑龙江鹤山农场两个小流域进行定位观测,研究了典型黑土区浅沟侵蚀特征及其季节差异,并对作物类型和耕作措施对浅沟侵蚀的影响进行了分析。结果表明,两流域年浅沟侵蚀量达285.9 m3 km-2和290.8 m3 km-2,仅浅沟侵蚀量就超过了黑土区的土壤允许侵蚀量。浅沟侵蚀量呈现出沿坡面波动的变化,沿坡面向下存在浅沟侵蚀的强弱交替带。春夏浅沟侵蚀在侵蚀强度、浅沟形态及主要影响因素3个方面存在差异,春季浅沟侵蚀受融雪、冻融影响显著,侵蚀较夏季严重;与春季相比,夏季浅沟长度变短、宽度变大、深度变浅,浅沟体积与长度的相关性较春季差,这与夏季暴雨历时短、雨强大以及植被盖度大有关。耕作措施和作物类型影响浅沟侵蚀深度和浅沟分布,尤其在夏季比较明显。

刘雨佳, 许秀泉, 范昊明 , . 东北黑土区横垄坡面融雪期细沟侵蚀特征研究
土壤通报, 2017,48(3):701-706.

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[ Liu Yujia, Xu Xiuquan, Fan Haoming , et al. Rill erosion characteristics on slope farmland of horizontal ridge tillage during snow-melting period in black soil region of Northeast China
Chinese Journal of Soil Science, 2017,48(3):701-706.]

[本文引用: 1]

黄萌, 范昊明 . 辽宁省侵蚀沟发育特性及地形分异特征
水土保持学报, 2017,31(5):93-98.

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[ Huang Meng, Fan Haoming . Development characteristics and topographic differentiation features of erosion gully in Liaoning province of China
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2017,31(5):93-98.]

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胡天然, 王树力 . 东北黑土区乌裕尔河流域侵蚀沟变化过程及影响因素
南京林业大学学报: 自然科学版, 2018,42(1):113-119.

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[ Hu Tianran, Wang Shuli . Factors affecting gully erosion Wuyuer river watershed of the black soil region
Journal of Nanjing Forestry University: Natural Sciences Edition, 2018,42(1):113-119.]

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Deng R X, Wang W J, Fang H Y , et al. Effect of farmland shelterbelts on gully erosion in the black soil region of Northeast China
Journal of Forestry Research, 2015,26(4):941-948.

DOI:10.1007/s11676-015-0110-4URL [本文引用: 1]

Yang J C, Zhang S W, Chang L P , et al. Gully erosion regionalization of black soil area in northeastern China
Chinese Geographical Science, 2017,27(1):78-87.

DOI:10.1007/s11769-017-0848-zURL [本文引用: 1]

王文娟, 邓荣鑫, 张树文 . 东北典型黑土区讷谟尔河流域土地利用变化对沟蚀影响研究
自然资源学报, 2016,31(5):833-843.

[本文引用: 2]

[ Wang Wenjuan, Deng Rongxin, Zhang Shuwen . Effect of land use change on gully erosion in Nemoer River basin of typical black soil region of Northeast China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2016,31(5):833-843.]

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李致颖, 方海燕 . 基于TETIS模型的黑土区乌裕尔河流域径流与侵蚀产沙模拟研究
地理科学进展, 2017,36(7):873-885.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.07.009URL [本文引用: 1]
为科学地认识中国东北黑土区流域土壤侵蚀特征,探讨TETIS模型在该区的适用性,本文以乌裕尔河流域为例,利用1971-1987年日径流与泥沙实测数据对TETIS模型进行了校正与验证,进而分析了流域土壤侵蚀强度特征及其与坡度、土地利用方式的关系。研究结果表明:TETIS模型在乌裕尔河流域适用性好,日径流与日输沙量的纳什效率系数在0.52~0.70之间,决定系数在0.60~0.71之间,体积误差均不超过15%。流域平均侵蚀模数为397.2 t/(km2·a),流域以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,约90%的产沙来自于坡面。平均土壤侵蚀模数随坡度的增大而增大,流域侵蚀量主要来自于0°~5°坡面。不同土地利用方式具不同的土壤侵蚀模数,耕地土壤侵蚀模数最大,达556.3 t/(km2·a)。坡度较大的耕地和植被覆盖度较低的区域是水土流失治理的重点。研究表明,TETIS模型在黑土区模拟土壤侵蚀产沙应用前景好,可为研究区制定水土保持措施提供科学依据。
[ Li Zhiying, Fang Haiyan . Simulation of runoff, soil erosion, and sediment yield using the TETIS model in the Wuyuer River Basin of the black soil region, Northeast China
Progress in Geography, 2017,36(7):873-885.]

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.07.009URL [本文引用: 1]
为科学地认识中国东北黑土区流域土壤侵蚀特征,探讨TETIS模型在该区的适用性,本文以乌裕尔河流域为例,利用1971-1987年日径流与泥沙实测数据对TETIS模型进行了校正与验证,进而分析了流域土壤侵蚀强度特征及其与坡度、土地利用方式的关系。研究结果表明:TETIS模型在乌裕尔河流域适用性好,日径流与日输沙量的纳什效率系数在0.52~0.70之间,决定系数在0.60~0.71之间,体积误差均不超过15%。流域平均侵蚀模数为397.2 t/(km2·a),流域以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,约90%的产沙来自于坡面。平均土壤侵蚀模数随坡度的增大而增大,流域侵蚀量主要来自于0°~5°坡面。不同土地利用方式具不同的土壤侵蚀模数,耕地土壤侵蚀模数最大,达556.3 t/(km2·a)。坡度较大的耕地和植被覆盖度较低的区域是水土流失治理的重点。研究表明,TETIS模型在黑土区模拟土壤侵蚀产沙应用前景好,可为研究区制定水土保持措施提供科学依据。

朱连奇, 许叔明, 陈沛云 . 山区土地利用/覆被变化对土壤侵蚀的影响
地理研究, 2003, ( 4):432-438.

URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Zhu Lianqi, Xu Shuming, Chen Peiyun . Study on the impact of land use/land cover change on soil erosion in mountainous areas
Geographical Research, 2003, ( 4):432-438.]

URL [本文引用: 1]

Selkim?ki M, González-Olabarria J R . Assessing gully erosion occurrence in forest lands in Catalonia (Spain)
Land Degradation & Development, 2017,28:616-627.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135904URLPMID:31865069 [本文引用: 1]
It is a substantial challenge to quantify the benefits which ecosystems provide to water supply at scales large enough to support policy making. This study tested the hypothesis that vegetation could reduce riverbank erosion, and therefore contribute to reducing turbidity and the cost of water supply, during a large magnitude flood along a 62?km riparian corridor where land cover differed substantially from natural conditions. Several lines of evidence were used to establish the benefits that vegetation provided to reducing eleven riverbank erosion processes over 1688 observations. The data and analyses confirmed that vegetation significantly reduced the magnitude of the riverbank erosion process which was the largest contributor to total erosion volume. For this process, a 1% increase in canopy cover of trees higher than five metres reduced erosion magnitude by between 2 and 3%. Results also indicate that riverbank erosion was likely to be affected by direct changes to the riparian corridor which influenced longitudinal coarse sediment connectivity. When comparing the impact of these direct changes on a relative basis, sand and gravel extraction was likely to be the dominant contributor to changed erosion rates. The locations where erosion rates had substantially increased were of limited spatial extent and in general substantial change in river form had not occurred. This suggests that the trajectory of river condition and increasing turbidity are potentially reversible if the drivers of river degradation are addressed through an ecosystem restoration policy.

Mukai S . Gully erosion rates and analysis of determining factors: A case study from the semi-arid main Ethiopian rift valley
Land Degradation & Development, 2017,28:602-615.

DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135904URLPMID:31865069 [本文引用: 1]
It is a substantial challenge to quantify the benefits which ecosystems provide to water supply at scales large enough to support policy making. This study tested the hypothesis that vegetation could reduce riverbank erosion, and therefore contribute to reducing turbidity and the cost of water supply, during a large magnitude flood along a 62?km riparian corridor where land cover differed substantially from natural conditions. Several lines of evidence were used to establish the benefits that vegetation provided to reducing eleven riverbank erosion processes over 1688 observations. The data and analyses confirmed that vegetation significantly reduced the magnitude of the riverbank erosion process which was the largest contributor to total erosion volume. For this process, a 1% increase in canopy cover of trees higher than five metres reduced erosion magnitude by between 2 and 3%. Results also indicate that riverbank erosion was likely to be affected by direct changes to the riparian corridor which influenced longitudinal coarse sediment connectivity. When comparing the impact of these direct changes on a relative basis, sand and gravel extraction was likely to be the dominant contributor to changed erosion rates. The locations where erosion rates had substantially increased were of limited spatial extent and in general substantial change in river form had not occurred. This suggests that the trajectory of river condition and increasing turbidity are potentially reversible if the drivers of river degradation are addressed through an ecosystem restoration policy.

Rahmati O, Haghizadeh A, Pourghasemi H R , et al. Gully erosion susceptibility mapping: the role of GIS-based bivariate statistical models and their comparison
Nat Hazards, 2016,82:1231-1258.

DOI:10.1007/s11069-016-2239-7URL [本文引用: 1]

Zabihi M, Mirchooli F, Motevalli A , et al. Spatial modelling of gully erosion in Mazandaran province, Northern Iran
Catena, 2018,161:1-13.

DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2017.10.010URL [本文引用: 1]

张晓东, 朱文博, 崔耀平 , . 伏牛山地区森林植被动态变化对水热条件的响应
地理研究, 2016,35(6):1029-1040.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201606003URL [本文引用: 1]
利用环境一号卫星不同时相多光谱数据,提取伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型。借助S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS EVI时间序列影像,并结合气温和降水数据,运用线性回归、相关性分析和ANUSPLIN插值等方法分析伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型变动对水热条件的响应方式。结果表明:① 伏牛山地区植被覆盖较高,EVI平均值为0.48,14年来总体呈上升趋势,但不同森林植被类型变化存在明显差异,其中占比例最大的落叶阔叶林的上升趋势最为明显。② 14年来伏牛山地区气温呈升高趋势,气温距平升高速度约为0.27℃/10a,降水距平百分率呈波动增加趋势。③ 伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型EVI变化和气温、降水的相关性存在明显差异,其中常绿阔叶林EVI与气温的相关性最高,常绿落叶混交林与气温的相关性最弱;除常绿落叶混交林与降水主要呈弱正相关外,其余森林植被类型与降水主要呈弱负相关。④ 伏牛山地区森林植被对气温和降水的响应总体上滞后性不明显,仅在局部区域内常绿落叶混交林与气温和降水存在半个月滞后期。
[ Zhang Xiaodong, Zhu Wenbo, Cui Yaoping , et al. The response of forest dynamics to hydro-thermal change in Funiu Mountain
Geographical Research, 2016,35(6):1029-1040.]

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201606003URL [本文引用: 1]
利用环境一号卫星不同时相多光谱数据,提取伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型。借助S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS EVI时间序列影像,并结合气温和降水数据,运用线性回归、相关性分析和ANUSPLIN插值等方法分析伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型变动对水热条件的响应方式。结果表明:① 伏牛山地区植被覆盖较高,EVI平均值为0.48,14年来总体呈上升趋势,但不同森林植被类型变化存在明显差异,其中占比例最大的落叶阔叶林的上升趋势最为明显。② 14年来伏牛山地区气温呈升高趋势,气温距平升高速度约为0.27℃/10a,降水距平百分率呈波动增加趋势。③ 伏牛山地区不同森林植被类型EVI变化和气温、降水的相关性存在明显差异,其中常绿阔叶林EVI与气温的相关性最高,常绿落叶混交林与气温的相关性最弱;除常绿落叶混交林与降水主要呈弱正相关外,其余森林植被类型与降水主要呈弱负相关。④ 伏牛山地区森林植被对气温和降水的响应总体上滞后性不明显,仅在局部区域内常绿落叶混交林与气温和降水存在半个月滞后期。

张静静, 郑辉, 朱连奇 , . 豫西山地植被NDVI及其气候响应的多维变化
地理研究, 2017,36(4):765-778.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
豫西山地是秦岭山系在河南境内的余脉,处于亚热带向暖温带的过渡区域,是气候变化的敏感区。利用S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS-NDVI时序影像,结合DEM、气温和降水数据,运用趋势分析、相关性分析等方法探讨豫西山地NDVI及其气候响应的多维变化。结果表明:① 14年来豫西山地NDVI呈增长态势,增速为0.041/10a。NDVI值随山地海拔升高先增后降,随坡度增加而增大,在各坡向的分布相差不大。② 植被在&lt;1100 m海拔区恢复概率最高,在&gt;1700 m区域退化概率最高;在10&#x000b0;~20&#x000b0;坡度区域恢复概率最高,在0&#x000b0;~5&#x000b0;区域退化概率最高;坡向对植被变化的分异作用不明显。③ 不同海拔、坡度、坡向上的植被所受影响因素不同,高海拔区植被动态主要受降水控制;不同坡度上的植被NDVI与气温的相关性均大于与降水的;在不同坡向上差异不明显。④ 崤山、熊耳山、伏牛山三大山脉北坡NDVI增速均大于南坡;北坡植被对降水变化较敏感,而南坡植被对气温变化较敏感。这些都是在全球变化背景下该区生态环境响应的重要信号,反映了过渡带生态响应因子对山地生态系统的重要性。
[ Zhang Jingjing, Zheng Hui, Zhu Lianqi , et al. Multi-dimensional changes of vegetation NDVI and its response to climate in western Henan Mountains
Geographical Research, 2017,36(4):765-778.]

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201704014URL [本文引用: 1]
豫西山地是秦岭山系在河南境内的余脉,处于亚热带向暖温带的过渡区域,是气候变化的敏感区。利用S-G滤波算法重构2000-2013年MODIS-NDVI时序影像,结合DEM、气温和降水数据,运用趋势分析、相关性分析等方法探讨豫西山地NDVI及其气候响应的多维变化。结果表明:① 14年来豫西山地NDVI呈增长态势,增速为0.041/10a。NDVI值随山地海拔升高先增后降,随坡度增加而增大,在各坡向的分布相差不大。② 植被在&lt;1100 m海拔区恢复概率最高,在&gt;1700 m区域退化概率最高;在10&#x000b0;~20&#x000b0;坡度区域恢复概率最高,在0&#x000b0;~5&#x000b0;区域退化概率最高;坡向对植被变化的分异作用不明显。③ 不同海拔、坡度、坡向上的植被所受影响因素不同,高海拔区植被动态主要受降水控制;不同坡度上的植被NDVI与气温的相关性均大于与降水的;在不同坡向上差异不明显。④ 崤山、熊耳山、伏牛山三大山脉北坡NDVI增速均大于南坡;北坡植被对降水变化较敏感,而南坡植被对气温变化较敏感。这些都是在全球变化背景下该区生态环境响应的重要信号,反映了过渡带生态响应因子对山地生态系统的重要性。

范昊明, 蔡强国, 陈光 , . 世界三大黑土区水土流失与防治比较分析
自然资源学报, 2005,20(3):387-393.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.03.010URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Fan Haoming, Cai Qiangguo, Chen Guang , et al. Comparative study of the soil erosion and control in the three major black soil regions in the world
Journal of Natural Resources, 2005,20(3):387-393.]

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.03.010URL [本文引用: 1]

阎百兴, 杨育红, 刘兴土 , . 东北黑土区土壤侵蚀现状与演变趋势
中国水土保持科学, 2008, ( 12):26-30.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Yan Baixing, Yang Yuhong, Liu Xingtu , et al. Situation and development trend of soil erosion in black soil region of Northeast China
Soil and Water Conservation in China, 2008, ( 12):26-30.]

[本文引用: 1]

刘纪远, 匡文慧, 张增祥 , . 20世纪80年代末以来中国土地利用变化的基本特征与空间格局
地理学报, 2014,69(1):3-14.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201401001URL [本文引用: 1]
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是人类活动与自然环境相互作用最直接的表现形式,本文采用相同空间分辨率的卫星遥感信息源和相同的技术方法,对中国1980 年代末到2010 年土地利用变化数据进行定期更新。在此基础上,提出并发展土地利用动态区划的方法,研究土地利用变化的空间格局与时空特征。我们发现:1990-2010 年的20 年间,中国土地利用变化表现出明显的时空差异。&#x0201c;南减北增,总量基本持衡,新增耕地的重心逐步由东北向西北移动&#x0201d;是耕地变化的基本特征;&#x0201c;扩展提速,东部为重心,向中西部蔓延&#x0201d;是城乡建设用地变化的基本特征;&#x0201c;林地前减后增,荒漠前增后减,草地持续减少&#x0201d;是非人工土地利用类型变化的主要特征。20 世纪末与21 世纪初两个10 年相比,中国土地利用变化空间格局出现了一些新特征,原有的13 个土地利用变化区划单元演变为15 个单元,且部分区划单元边界发生变化。主要变化格局特征为黄淮海地区、东南部沿海地区、长江中游地区和四川盆地城镇工矿用地呈现明显的加速扩张态势;北方地区耕地开垦重心由东北地区和内蒙古东部转向西北绿洲农业区;东北地区旱作耕地持续转变为水田;内蒙古农牧交错带南部、黄土高原和西南山地退耕还林还草效果初显。近20 年间,尽管气候变化对北方地区的耕地变化有一定的影响,但政策调控和经济驱动仍然是导致我国土地利用变化及其时空差异的主要原因。2000 年后的第一个10 年,土地利用格局变化的人为驱动因素已由单向国土开发为主,转变为开发与保护并重。在空间格局变化的分析方法方面,应用&#x0201c;动态区划法&#x0201d;开展世纪之交两个10 年中国LUCC空间格局变化的分析,有效揭示了20 年来中国LUCC&#x0201c;格局的变化过程&#x0201d;,即动态区划边界的推移、区划单元内部特征的变化与单元的消长等;以及&#x0201c;变化过程的格局&#x0201d;,即土地利用变化过程与特征的分阶段区域差异,清晰刻画了LUCC动态区划中区划单元的消长,单元边界的变动,以及前后10 年的变化强度特征,揭示了土地利用&#x0201c;格局&#x0201d;与&#x0201c;过程&#x0201d;之间的交替转化规律,以及不同类型和区域的变化原因,证明了该分析方法的有效性。
[ Liu Jiyuan, Kuang Wenhui, Zhang Zengxiang , et al. Spatiotemporal characteristics, patterns and causes of land use changes in China since the late 1980s
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(1):3-14.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201401001URL [本文引用: 1]
土地利用/土地覆被变化(LUCC)是人类活动与自然环境相互作用最直接的表现形式,本文采用相同空间分辨率的卫星遥感信息源和相同的技术方法,对中国1980 年代末到2010 年土地利用变化数据进行定期更新。在此基础上,提出并发展土地利用动态区划的方法,研究土地利用变化的空间格局与时空特征。我们发现:1990-2010 年的20 年间,中国土地利用变化表现出明显的时空差异。&#x0201c;南减北增,总量基本持衡,新增耕地的重心逐步由东北向西北移动&#x0201d;是耕地变化的基本特征;&#x0201c;扩展提速,东部为重心,向中西部蔓延&#x0201d;是城乡建设用地变化的基本特征;&#x0201c;林地前减后增,荒漠前增后减,草地持续减少&#x0201d;是非人工土地利用类型变化的主要特征。20 世纪末与21 世纪初两个10 年相比,中国土地利用变化空间格局出现了一些新特征,原有的13 个土地利用变化区划单元演变为15 个单元,且部分区划单元边界发生变化。主要变化格局特征为黄淮海地区、东南部沿海地区、长江中游地区和四川盆地城镇工矿用地呈现明显的加速扩张态势;北方地区耕地开垦重心由东北地区和内蒙古东部转向西北绿洲农业区;东北地区旱作耕地持续转变为水田;内蒙古农牧交错带南部、黄土高原和西南山地退耕还林还草效果初显。近20 年间,尽管气候变化对北方地区的耕地变化有一定的影响,但政策调控和经济驱动仍然是导致我国土地利用变化及其时空差异的主要原因。2000 年后的第一个10 年,土地利用格局变化的人为驱动因素已由单向国土开发为主,转变为开发与保护并重。在空间格局变化的分析方法方面,应用&#x0201c;动态区划法&#x0201d;开展世纪之交两个10 年中国LUCC空间格局变化的分析,有效揭示了20 年来中国LUCC&#x0201c;格局的变化过程&#x0201d;,即动态区划边界的推移、区划单元内部特征的变化与单元的消长等;以及&#x0201c;变化过程的格局&#x0201d;,即土地利用变化过程与特征的分阶段区域差异,清晰刻画了LUCC动态区划中区划单元的消长,单元边界的变动,以及前后10 年的变化强度特征,揭示了土地利用&#x0201c;格局&#x0201d;与&#x0201c;过程&#x0201d;之间的交替转化规律,以及不同类型和区域的变化原因,证明了该分析方法的有效性。

闫业超, 张树文, 岳书平 . 克拜东部黑土区侵蚀沟遥感分类与空间格局分析
地理科学, 2007,27(2):193-199.

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[ Yan Yechao, Zhang Shuwen, Yue Shuping . Classification of erosion gullies by remote sensing and spatial pattern analysis in black soil region of eastern Kebai
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2007,27(2):193-199.]

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李浩, 张兴义, 刘爽 , . 典型黑土区村级尺度侵蚀沟演变
中国水土保持科学, 2014,10(2):21-28.

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[ Li Hao, Zhang Xingyi, Liu Shuang , et al. Evolvement of gully erosion in village scale in the typical black soil area
Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2014,10(2):21-28.]

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杜书立, 李浩, 陈强 , . 典型黑土区侵蚀沟空间分布特征及主要影响因子分析: 以黑龙江省引龙河农场为例
土壤与作物, 2013,2(4):177-182.

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[ Du Shuli, Li Hao, Chen Qiang , et al. The spatial distribution and main impact factor of gully erosion in typical black soil region: A case study at Yinlonghe farm
Soil and Crop, 2013,2(4):177-182.]

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王文娟, 邓荣鑫, 张树文 . 东北典型黑土区沟蚀发生风险评价研究
自然资源学报, 2014,29(12):2058-2067.

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[ Wang Wenjuan, Deng Rongxin, Zhang Shuwen . Preliminary research on risk evaluation of gully erosion in typical black soil area of Northeast China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2014,29(12):2058-2067.]

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何莎莎, 叶露培, 朱文博 , . 太行山淇河流域2000—2015年土壤侵蚀和水源供给变化研究
地理研究, 2018,37(9):1775-1788.

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201809010URL [本文引用: 1]
山地生态系统的土壤侵蚀和水源供给变化对评估区域生态环境质量有重要意义。基于2000-2015年四期土地利用数据,借助InVEST模型对淇河流域近16年间山地生态系统的土壤侵蚀和水源供给变化进行评估。结果表明:① 研究区主要土地利用类型为耕地、草地和林地,共占流域总面积的90%以上。近16年间淇河流域的耕地面积显著减少,草地和水域面积大幅增加,建设用地扩张明显。② 平均土壤侵蚀模数显著降低,2000年土壤侵蚀模数为154.27 t/(hm2·a),2015年减少到32.09 t/(hm2·a);强度侵蚀、极强侵蚀和剧烈侵蚀由9.03%、12.19%和25.96%分别减少到7.17%、6.36%和4.21%,微度侵蚀、轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀由24.31%、16.96%和11.57%增加到41.89%、27.71%和12.68%;退耕还林、还草措施优化了土地利用格局,促进植被恢复,对治理土壤侵蚀起到了显著效果。③ 水源供给量整体呈现先增加后减少的趋势,2005年达到峰值(1.79亿m3)。相邻两期水源供给量增减变化不一,2000-2005年水源供给量增加的面积大于减少的面积,其水源供给的量值也呈增加趋势,水源供给能力整体增强;而2005-2010年、2010-2015年的水源供给能力随之减弱,其中,2010-2015年水源供给减少的较小;林地和草地面积的增加造成水源供给量降低,土壤水源涵养能力增强。土壤侵蚀和水源供给是山地生态脆弱性响应的重要指标,制定合理的水土保持措施对增强山区生态系统的服务能力具有重要意义。
[ Heng Shasha, Ye Lupei, Zhu Wenbo , et al. Soil erosion and water supply change in Qihe watershed of Taihang Mountains from 2000 to 2015
Geographical Research, 2018,37(9):1775-1788.]

DOI:10.11821/dlyj201809010URL [本文引用: 1]
山地生态系统的土壤侵蚀和水源供给变化对评估区域生态环境质量有重要意义。基于2000-2015年四期土地利用数据,借助InVEST模型对淇河流域近16年间山地生态系统的土壤侵蚀和水源供给变化进行评估。结果表明:① 研究区主要土地利用类型为耕地、草地和林地,共占流域总面积的90%以上。近16年间淇河流域的耕地面积显著减少,草地和水域面积大幅增加,建设用地扩张明显。② 平均土壤侵蚀模数显著降低,2000年土壤侵蚀模数为154.27 t/(hm2·a),2015年减少到32.09 t/(hm2·a);强度侵蚀、极强侵蚀和剧烈侵蚀由9.03%、12.19%和25.96%分别减少到7.17%、6.36%和4.21%,微度侵蚀、轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀由24.31%、16.96%和11.57%增加到41.89%、27.71%和12.68%;退耕还林、还草措施优化了土地利用格局,促进植被恢复,对治理土壤侵蚀起到了显著效果。③ 水源供给量整体呈现先增加后减少的趋势,2005年达到峰值(1.79亿m3)。相邻两期水源供给量增减变化不一,2000-2005年水源供给量增加的面积大于减少的面积,其水源供给的量值也呈增加趋势,水源供给能力整体增强;而2005-2010年、2010-2015年的水源供给能力随之减弱,其中,2010-2015年水源供给减少的较小;林地和草地面积的增加造成水源供给量降低,土壤水源涵养能力增强。土壤侵蚀和水源供给是山地生态脆弱性响应的重要指标,制定合理的水土保持措施对增强山区生态系统的服务能力具有重要意义。

张静静, 朱文博, 赵芳 , . 山地平原过渡带地形起伏特征及其对景观格局的影响: 以太行山淇河流域为例
中国科学: 地球科学, 2018,48(4):476-486.

[本文引用: 1]

[ Zhang Jingjing, Zhu Wenbo, Zhao Fang , et al. Spatial variations of terrain and their impacts on landscape patterns in the transition zone from mountains to plains: A case study of Qihe River Basin in the Taihang Mountains
Science China Earth Sciences, 2018,48(4):476-486.]

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王小燕, 杨勤科 . 中尺度流域土地利用变化对土壤侵蚀的影响: 以孤山川流域为例
水土保持通报, 2016,36(2):1-7, 349.

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[ Wang Xiaoyan, Yang Qinke . Effects of land use change on soil erosion in mesoscale watershed: A case study at Gushanchuan watershed
Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2016,36(2):1-7, 349.]

[本文引用: 1]

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