New reflections on the analysis of regional resilience in geographical sciences from a relational-dynamic perspective
LIYan1,2,, CHENWen1,2,3, SUNYang1,2 1. Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China2. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China3. College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 收稿日期:2018-03-22 修回日期:2019-05-15 网络出版日期:2019-07-20 版权声明:2019《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有 基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(41701640)中国博士后基金项目(2017M621851)国家自然科学基金重点项目(41130750)中国科学院科技服务网络计划项目(KFJ-SW-STS-174)中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所“一三五”重点培育方向自主部署项目(NIGLAS2017GH06) 作者简介: -->作者简介:李艳(1980-),女,山东青岛人,博士,助理研究员,研究方向为区域韧性、可持续治理与规划。E-mail:
关键词:区域韧性;关联演化视角;分析方法;情境分析;地理学 Abstract Regional resilience is the regional capability of a region to cope with the short- and long-term changes in the development process and to actively adjust and transform itself, which represents the adaptability, innovation and sustainability of the region. As a new concept, regional resilience reflects the new requirements of geographical research on sustainable development and regional studies. A relational-dynamic perspective as a new perspective and a new cognitive method of geographical analysis is introduced in this paper towards an understanding of the complexity of regional resilience. In accordance with the concept of contextuality, path dependence and contingency in Western economic geography as well as the multi-perspectival turns of economic geography during the past decades such as the relational turn, the institutional turn, the cultural turn and the evolutionary turn, the relational-dynamic perspective advocates a comprehensive recognition of the complex process of spatial evolution based on multi-dimensionality, which brings new thinking and new methods of regional resilience cognition. This study attempts to grasp the complexity of regional resilience analytically. It examines the latest findings of the international research progresses in the identification and evaluation of regional resilience in geographical sciences. Based on a relational-dynamic perspective, this study explores the construction of a cognitive framework of regional resilience, summarizes the methodology of the analyses on regional resilience with emphases on both context analysis and process analysis, and attempts to establish an assessment equation to evaluate regional resilience from the economic, social, environmental and institutional dimensions. By analyzing the generality and particularity of the research on regional resilience in China, this study tries to link the theoretical research on regional resilience to the practical Chinese issues in order to make a theoretical contribution to the regional resilience research, to promote the transdisciplinary discussion with knowledge integration and academic discussion of the research on regional resilience, regional development studies and relative cognitive fields in geographical sciences, and thus to provide scientific guidance for national and reginal sustainable development with decision-making reference to relative policies for the governments. It offers a new perspective for regional planners, scientists and policy makers to facilitate regional governance from an interdisciplinary and relational-dynamic perspective based on a resilience-based spatial cognition.
Keywords:regional resilience;relational-dynamic perspective;analytical methods;context analysis;geographical sciences -->0 PDF (2088KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 李艳, 陈雯, 孙阳. 关联演化视角下地理学区域韧性分析的新思考[J]. 地理研究, 2019, 38(7): 1694-1704 LIYan, CHENWen, SUNYang. New reflections on the analysis of regional resilience in geographical sciences from a relational-dynamic perspective[J]. Geographical Research, 2019, 38(7): 1694-1704
关联演化视角带来了区域韧性认知的新思维与新方法,一个区域各种地理尺度外部影响因素及其之间的关联、区域自身的经济、社会、环境、制度等区域资产、相关行动者及网络等均影响区域韧性的演化路径,可基于前述3.1章节情境分析与过程分析并重的方法进行区域韧性分析。过程分析可采用时间序列分析法,前文中已有介绍,此处不再重复;情境分析可采用多层级分析法、多维度分析法及网络分析法认知区域情境与区域韧性(图2)。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2基于关联演化视角的区域韧性认知与分析方法 -->Fig. 2Cognitive and analytical methods of regional resilience from a relational-dynamic perspective -->
理论上,构建中国地理学区域韧性理论框架,建立区域韧性多维综合评估指标体系。中国区域韧性研究的重点在于在借鉴西方发达国家经验的基础上,将区域韧性这一国际前沿理论结合中国实际进行转化,以解决中国的实际问题。区域韧性代表着一种面向未来的思维,即对于即将发生的或未发生的各种突发状况等外部不确定性因素所导致的变化,区域自身进行适应与创新的能力。宜构建中国地理学“基于韧性的分析”理论框架,建立区域韧性多维综合评估指标体系,依据具体工作目标与评估方向可有所侧重,例如,在环境脆弱区域宜同时结合气候变化[44]、生态环境脆弱性评估[45,46]等自然因素评估区域韧性;在区域经济分析中,可将产业结构作为区域韧性评估的一个方向[47]。结合时空尺度及驱动要素,运用数学模型进行区域韧性分析预测,在不同尺度对区域韧性进行分析评估,如各级城市群和各省级行政区等,特别是在人口密集的京津冀、长三角、珠三角三大城市群以及沿海各省级行政区域等,对比分析同一影响因子在不同空间尺度的影响。 实践上,转变国家治理与规划理念,倡导基于韧性提升的区域可持续治理与规划。中国的治理与规划实践倾向于重视并解决已有的问题,而对未来可能发生的不良状况重视程度不够,需要中国****及各级政府积极转变区域发展理念,由被动接受外界变化变为主动转型应对尚未发生的状况,以面向未来的区域韧性理念指导中国区域规划与国土空间规划,将区域韧性提升纳入区域规划与国家治理目标。区域韧性作为区域可持续发展评估的新兴领域,其探索性研究对于中国人口与经济活动密集区域具有重要现实意义,可选择长三角、珠三角等代表性区域进行实证研究。从网络与多样性、制度与政策等方面探寻建设高韧性区域的管理模式与必要条件,探索基于区域韧性强化的区域再兴策略。区域政策的实施有赖于具体的行动者,除各级政府、企业之外,社区参与有助于自下而上促进区域韧性建设,与中国自上而下的区域政策相结合,形成有效的反馈机制,有助于进一步提升区域韧性。转变以往中国区域治理偏重自上而下的方式,重规划而轻执行,鼓励各地区依据自身发展条件,研究制定地方韧性提升计划,注重在地方层面归纳总结适合不同地区的有针对性的具体治理路径的转变经验,服务于自下而上的多层级治理,为区域韧性提升奠定基础。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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