东北师范大学地理科学学院,长春 130024
Jiaoyufication community: Its formation mechanisms and socio-spatial consequences

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1 引言
中国长期存在着教育不公平的社会问题,优质教育资源匮乏且高度集中于中心城区,对优质教育资源的争夺而引发的学区房热、房地产热和随之而来的人口、社会经济空间极化和居住空间分异已成为中国社会共同关注的焦点[1,2,3,4,5],择校已经成为深刻影响中国城市居住空间分异及人口、社会经济空间重构的重要力量。自从“绅士化”一词被Glass创造以来,相继延伸出了“旅游绅士化”、“新建绅士化”、“乡村绅士化”、“超级绅士化”、“边缘绅士化”、“环境绅士化”、“学生化”等新的变体[5,6,7,8,9,10]。绅士化已经不是一个新的名词,但是教育与绅士化之间的关系直到2000年之后才引起少数****的关注[11,12,13,14]。目前相关的概念主要包括:教育绅士化(Jiaoyufication)[2]、学校绅士化(School gentrification)[15]、教育置换(Education displacement)[16]和教育迁移(Education-led migration)[12]。由于上述几个概念均指由教育引发的绅士化现象,为避免概念混淆,把它们统称为教育绅士化。教育绅士化是指中产阶层为了能使孩子接近优质教育资源(尤其是基础教育阶段)在学校周边社区内择居而引发的一系列城市物质景观和人口、社会经济升级现象。目前国内外关于教育绅士化的研究成果还非常少,不管是理论研究还是实证研究都非常匮乏。可将这些研究分为以下几个方面:
(1)对教育绅士化概念、内涵、过程及特征的研究。Posey-Maddox最早提出“School gentrification”一词,并将教育绅士化的特征归纳为中产阶层家庭数量的增加、物质环境的升级、对低收入家庭的排斥或边缘化以及学校文化或环境的改变[15]。“教育绅士化”(Jiaoyufication)一词由中国****吴启焰和陈培阳提出,借指中产阶层对学区内稀缺教育资源的争夺引发的绅士化现象,被认为是中国主流的教育绅士化现象[2,17]。而“Education displacement”(教育置换)和“Education-led migration”(教育迁移)均指发生于伦敦市公立学校学区内的绅士化现象[11,15,18]。
(4)教育绅士化对内城复兴及城市种族、人口、社会经济特征的影响研究。教育绅士化一直被欧美国家城市政府视为一种积极的内城复兴手段,在内城衰退地区新建学校是吸引中产阶层和资本回流进而复兴衰败地区的有效策略 [20,23]。此外,目前关于教育绅士化的研究主要集中在英、美两国,并且大多数****关注的都是主流的教育绅士化现象,即学区内发生的教育绅士化现象,却忽视了对其它教育绅士化现象的关注。在研究内容上也局限在教育绅士化对社会融合、内城复兴、教育公平的影响等方面,很少有****对不同国家不同地区教育绅士化的类型、形成机制和特征进行归纳,更缺乏比较研究的视角。此外,“教育-择居-绅士化”之间的微观机理以及由此引发的一系列城市人口、物质、社会经济空间重构和随之而来的社会公平议题还有待深入研究。
随着中国教育体制改革的推进,1997年国务院颁布了《关于规范当前义务教育阶段办学行为的若干原则意见》,开始允许社会力量投资基础教育,经过近20年的发展民办教育已成为中国基础教育不可或缺的新生力量。近年来,中国的许多城市都出现了一种新型的城市社区,即“学位房社区”( “学位房”与“学区房”是两个截然不同的概念,“学区房”针对公立学校,而私立学校不划分学区,其生源不受学区和户籍的限制。)。“学位房社区”是指由房地产开发商采用“房地产+名校”的开发模式与名校签订合作办学协议建立起来的新型城市社区。通常由开发商投资建设学校及相关的附属设施,而学校则优先对业主的孩子开放。对教育资源有迫切需求的中产阶层从其它地区迁移过来,而原有的低收入阶层在获得政府有限的拆迁赔偿后大都离开。我们假设这种城市社区属于一种新的教育绅士化现象,并根据绅士化的本质特征对其进行识别,探究学校的建设如何促进了社区的开发并引发了郊区的物质环境及人口、社会经济的升级,并对这种绅士化现象的表现特征、形成机制及其人口、社会空间效应进行研究。
2 研究区域、数据来源与研究方法
2.1 研究区域
目前长春市郊区一共有6个发展成熟的学位房社区,均采用“房地产+名校”的开发模式。如图1所示,这些社区分别是首地首城(东北师范大学附属中学实验学校)、力旺康城(吉大附中力旺实验学校)、绿地城(北京师范大学附属学校)、溢田风露(东北师范大学附属小学益田幼儿园)、远洋戛纳小镇(吉林省二实验远洋分校)、中信城(东北师范大学中信实验学校)。其中首地首城社区开发较早且发育比较成熟,具有较强的代表性。首地社区位于长春市东部郊区,其地理坐标为(125.37 E,43.94 N)。社区原名红星村,是一个以农村人口和农业景观为主的农村社区,共有208户村民(资料来自于二道区洋浦大街派出所和营口社区居委会。)。2011年8月吉林省首地房地产开发公司与东北师大附中签署《合作办学协议》,由首地公司投资1.2亿元建设东北师范大学附属中学实验小学,学校占地面积24395 m2,共有48个班级,学校已于2014年6月开始招生,业主的孩子具有入学优先权。截止2017年5月社区已建成3768户,入住3308户,入住率达87.8%(数据来自首地社区销售中心。)。
-->Fig. 1Case study area
2.2 数据来源与研究方法
物质环境升级、社会经济升级以及直接或间接的阶层置换是绅士化的本质特征[24,25,26,27]。由于社区是以新建方式进行的,因此可以通过对社区历史遥感影像数据的分析和解译来研究其物质景观变化。利用遥感影像数据平台(http://www.91weitu.com/)获取社区2009年/6月—2016年/5月的影像数据。借助Arcgis10.1分析平台,经过地理配准、空间校正、矢量化等操作,建立社区用地变化数据库研究社区物质景观升级过程。另一方面,阶层置换也是识别绅士化的关键,通常有两种途径来识别置换:3 社区物质景观及社会经济升级过程
3.1 物质景观升级
如表1、图2、图3所示,首地社区建设前该区域是一个以农业景观和农村居民为主的农村社区,社区的用地构成主要以农村居民点和农田为主。首地社区的建设可分为三个阶段,第一阶段为2009年/6月—2011年/9月,此阶段共开发用地142696.1 m2,占社区总用地面积的44.4%,其中新建住宅16栋,面积为11281.7 m2,商业建筑面积为4489.3 m2;第二阶段为2011年/9月—2013年/8月,此阶段共开发用地105267.2 m2,占社区总用地面积的32.7%,其中,居住、商业、绿化和道路用地分别增加了10088.7 m2、6021 m2和64762.4 m2。在此期间,首地公司还投资1.2亿建设了东北师范大学附属实验小学,学校占地面积24395 m2。第三个阶段为2013年/8月—2016年/5月,此阶段开发用地43472.0 m2,占总用地面积的13.5%。从上述分析可以发现,2009年/6月—2016年/5月间,社区的土地利用和物质景观出现了明显变化,社区实现了由以农业景观为主的农村社区向以城市景观为主的高档社区转变。Tab. 1
Tab. 1Land use changes of Shoudi community (m2,%)
时期 | 居住用地 | 商业用地 | 道路和绿化用地 | 学校用地 | 总计 | 百分比 |
2009年/6月—2011年/9月 | 11281.7 | 4489.3 | 126925.1 | 0.0 | 142696.1 | 44.4 |
2011年/9月—2013年/8月 | 10088.7 | 6021.0 | 64762.4 | 24395.0 | 105267.2 | 32.7 |
2013年/8月—2016年/5月 | 5687.9 | 3483.7 | 34300.5 | 0.0 | 43472.0 | 13.5 |

-->Fig. 2The physical upgrading and land use changes during 06/2009—05/2016

-->Fig. 3The scenery of Shoudi community and school
3.2 社区经济升级和教育产业的兴起
由于绅士化涉及资产的投资/再投资以及中产阶层的流动,经济升级和资产增值是绅士化的必然结果,社区房价变化在一定程度上可以反映出这一趋势和过程。为了研究学校的建设是否引起了社区房价的显著上升,对首地社区及其附近1000 m范围内具有相似区位的其它4个楼盘的房价进行对比(房价数据来自首地社区销售中心和房天下网站。)。如图4所示,可以发现:虽然2015年/9月以来5个社区的平均房价整体上都呈上升趋势,但首地社区的平均房价一直显著高于其它4个楼盘。2015年/9月—2018年/6月,首地社区的月平均房价从2015年/9月的7800元/m2上升到2018年/6月的10500元/m2,涨幅高达34.6%,远远高于其它楼盘,这表明学校的建设对社区房价的拉动作用十分明显,显著促进了社区房价的上涨和资产的增值。
-->Fig. 4Changes in housing price of Shoudi community and nearby region during 09/2015—06/2018
3.3 社区人口、社会升级及阶层置换
3.3.1 居民的人口、社会经济属性 如表2所示,将社区居民的年龄按5岁为一个间隔分为8个年龄段,可以发现,社区居民具有非常相近的年龄结构,大部分受访者的年龄都处于31~40岁之间,人口结构以中青年为主。样本中该年龄段的人口数量为234人,比重为65%。其中31~35岁之间的受访者有100名,所占比重为27.8%,36~40岁之间的受访者数量为134,比重为37.2%。此外,社区中还有很大一部分受访者的年龄处于30岁以下,而其它年龄段居民的比重很低,社区人口结构整体呈现出年轻化趋势。Tab. 2
Tab. 2The demographic and socio-economic attributes of sample residents
项目 | 属性 | 问卷(份) | 百分比(%) |
年龄(岁) | ≤25 | 26 | 7.2 |
25~30 | 62 | 17.2 | |
31~35 | 100 | 27.8 | |
36~40 | 134 | 37.2 | |
41~45 | 16 | 4.4 | |
46~50 | 6 | 1.7 | |
51~55 | 2 | 0.6 | |
≥56 | 14 | 3.9 | |
合计 | 360 | 100 | |
学历 | 高中及以下 | 62 | 17.2 |
专科 | 126 | 35.0 | |
本科 | 151 | 41.9 | |
研究生 | 21 | 5.8 | |
合计 | 360 | 100 | |
职业 | 个体商户 | 116 | 32.2 |
公司老板 | 28 | 7.8 | |
企业白领 | 48 | 13.3 | |
政府或事业单位人员 | 22 | 6.1 | |
教育、科研、文化、艺术相关领域 | 74 | 20.6 | |
务农或工厂工人 | 30 | 8.3 | |
公司员工 | 42 | 11.7 | |
合计 | 360 | 100 | |
月收入(元) | ≤4000 | 22 | 6.4 |
4000~5000 | 34 | 9.8 | |
5001~6000 | 44 | 12.7 | |
6001~7000 | 56 | 16.2 | |
7001~8000 | 74 | 21.4 | |
8001~10000 | 86 | 24.9 | |
≥10000 | 30 | 8.7 | |
缺失 | 14 | — | |
合计 | 360 | — |
3.3.2 阶层置换 居民购房目的可以反映其迁居动机,居民的迁移轨迹可以反映出社区新居民的来源,是识别是否发生人口置换的关键。如果社区现有居民大部分都是本地人,那么人口的置换就没有发生。如表3所示,可将社区居民的购房目的分为五大类,分别是:买房子送学位、环境好、作为一种投资、在附近工作以及房价便宜。调研样本中买房的居民有335户,租房的居民为25户。就居民的购房目的而言,为了孩子上学而购房的户数为264,其比重高达73.3%;其次是因工作方便而购房或租房,其比重为17.2%,因其他原因购房的比重很低,其中,环境好(3.3%)、房价便宜(3.9%)、作为一种投资(2.2%)。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3The purpose of residential property purchase of sample residents
问卷(份) |
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Former residence of sample residents
问卷(份) |
4 教育绅士化社区的形成机制及其社会空间效应
4.1 教育绅士化社区的形成机制
1979年Neil Smith提出了租差理论,该理论用实际地租和潜在地租解释了绅士化发生的动力机制[32]。实际地租(资本化地租)是现实状态下资本体现出的价值,潜在地租是土地在最高和最优利用状态下体现出的价值,当租差大到能够使开发者通过对建筑的修复翻新或再开发行为谋利时绅士化就会发生[33,34]。首地社区在区位上远离中心城区,也没有良好的资源禀赋优势,社区开发前只是一个以农业景观为主的农村社区,因此其实际地租和潜在地租都很低。本不具备进行社区开发的条件,但是在优质教育资源匮乏的背景下,房地产开发商将优质教育资源引入社区便可以极大提高土地的潜在地租和价值,当租差超过社区开发和学校建设成本时,开发商的再开发活动便有利可图。另一方面,就绅士化的发生地点而言,由于欧美国家经历了大规模的去中心化进程,根据租差理论,欧美国家的绅士化确实更容易发生在内城衰退地区。但中国的郊区化并没有造成中心城区的明显衰落。与城市中心区昂贵的地价和高昂的拆迁成本相比,郊区的地价和拆迁成本往往更低。此外,弱势群体往往也被边缘化在城市郊区,如果有合适的触发因素,郊区则更容易成为绅士化发生的地方。如图5所示,优质教育资源匮乏且空间分布不均衡以及教育体制改革背景下民办教育的崛起为私立学校和房地产投机活动在郊区的结合提供了前提,这也是教育绅士化社区产生的背景。这种绅士化现象涉及地方政府、房地产开发商、学校以及对教育资源有迫切需求的绅士阶层四大主体。为了弄清社区的拆迁过程和失地农民的安置状况,对二位社区原住居民进行了5~10分钟的访谈。

-->Fig. 5Formation mechanism of Jiaoyufication community and its socio-spatial consequences
4.2 教育绅士化社区的特征
教育绅士化社区具有不同于传统教育绅士化的表现特征和形成机制,两者在绅士化的参与主体、发生地点、阶层置换及物质景观升级方式等方面均有显著差异。如表5所示,就发生地点而言,传统的教育绅士化现象主要出现在公立学校学区之内,而教育绅士化社区则出现在非学区内;就参与主体而言,传统教育绅士化主要涉及学校和绅士阶层两个主体,而教育绅士化社区则涉及地方政府、房地产开发商、学校和绅士阶层四大主体;就物质景观升级和阶层置换的方式而言,由于传统的教育绅士化涉及不同阶层间直接的居住演替,其物质景观升级以缓慢渐进式的修缮升级为主,阶层置换也以直接置换为主具有传统绅士化的基本特征。而教育绅士化社区物质景观的升级是以大规模“拆除-新建”方式实现的,阶层的置换是以间接方式产生的,具有新建绅士化的基本特征。其阶层置换可分为两个阶段,第一阶段的阶层置换缘于地方政府的征地活动对低收入阶层的再安置。随着学校的建设和绅士阶层的涌入,社区的人口、社会经济属性发生彻底改变,第二阶段的阶层置换最终完成。Tab. 5
Tab. 5The characteristics of Jiaoyufication community
类型 | 发生地点 | 参与主体 | 阶层置换方式 | 物质景观升级 |
传统教育绅士化 | 学区内 | 学校、绅士阶层 | 直接置换 | 渐进式维护、修缮 |
教育绅士化社区 | 非学区内 | 地方政府、房地产开发商、学校、绅士阶层 | 间接置换,分两个阶段 | 大规模“拆除-新建” |
4.3 教育绅士化社区的社会空间效应
5 结论和讨论
5.1 结论
5.2 讨论
由于择校往往涉及整个家庭的居住选择,城市人口及社会空间分异就在不同阶层对优质教育资源竞争的过程中被固化在了城市空间上。教育绅士化已成为深刻影响城市居住空间分异及人口、社会经济空间重构的重要力量,但作为绅士化重要分支的教育绅士化现象依然没有引起足够的重视。从理论视角来说,教育绅士化现象具有地方根植性,其类型、表现特征和形成机制与地方背景密切相关。本文在中国语境下,发现了一种新的教育绅士化现象,并对其表现特征和形成机制进行了深入剖析,扩展了教育绅士化的形式和类型,在一定程度上丰富了教育绅士化的研究内容和研究视野。从政策视角来讲,目前对教育绅士化的批判主要集中在它对教育公平、城市居住空间分异、社会空间极化以及对低收入阶层的边缘化等方面。如何将其负面效应最小化,实现由“教育-择居-绅士化-社会不公平”到“教育-择居-绅士化-社会公平”之间的转变,依然是****和政策制定者们不能回避的话题。在教育资源质量和空间分布双重不均衡背景下,传统的“就近入学,禁止择校”政策只会进一步加剧城市的居住空间分异和社会分层。教育绅士化社区的出现平衡了教育资源的空间分配,也平衡了公办教育和民办教育间的比例,推动了教育供给主体的多元化,同时也为吸纳社会资本投资基础教育领域创新办学模式提供了新的探索和尝试。但是教育绅士化社区的出现与房地产投机活动密切相关,一方面需加强对这种开发模式的审批和管理,防止郊区无序蔓延,同时也要避免其沦为开发商牟利的噱头和工具,防止开发商借机炒房。另一方面也要避免学校被过度私有化和商业化,规范其收费和招生管理制度。此外,还需要关注社会公平,妥善安置失地农民。重视教育绅士化在引导城市发展、重塑城市人口、社会经济空间中的功能,对于教育资源的分配、城市住房及城市发展政策的制定都具有重要意义。The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[1] | . 以2015年北京市六环内的居住小区二手房房价为研究对象,应用基于特征价格的空间计量模型,研究北京市公共服务设施配置对房价的影响并提出相应建议。研究结果表明:在六环全域和分环线区域分析中,学区房显著影响房价,总体上学区房平均价格显著高于非学区房价格(约10%),这表明合理配置城市优质教育资源至关重要;地铁站点、商场、休闲娱乐设施等因素对房价的影响随距离增加而减弱;居住小区的绿化率和房价呈正相关关系。而依靠市场调节的超市、便利店等基本生活设施对房价影响并不显著;医院对房价影响的不显著是因为北京现有医疗机构服务对象已不再局限于本地居民,应按照疏解非首都功能、推动京津冀协同发展的要求,布局优化调整;公共汽车等出行方式对房价的总体影响并不显著,表明优化公共交通资源配置、促进公共交通出行是北京城市发展应该努力追求的方向。 . 以2015年北京市六环内的居住小区二手房房价为研究对象,应用基于特征价格的空间计量模型,研究北京市公共服务设施配置对房价的影响并提出相应建议。研究结果表明:在六环全域和分环线区域分析中,学区房显著影响房价,总体上学区房平均价格显著高于非学区房价格(约10%),这表明合理配置城市优质教育资源至关重要;地铁站点、商场、休闲娱乐设施等因素对房价的影响随距离增加而减弱;居住小区的绿化率和房价呈正相关关系。而依靠市场调节的超市、便利店等基本生活设施对房价影响并不显著;医院对房价影响的不显著是因为北京现有医疗机构服务对象已不再局限于本地居民,应按照疏解非首都功能、推动京津冀协同发展的要求,布局优化调整;公共汽车等出行方式对房价的总体影响并不显著,表明优化公共交通资源配置、促进公共交通出行是北京城市发展应该努力追求的方向。 |
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[3] | . 首先运用因子生态分析方法对广州市2010年的居住空间结构与居住人口特征进行分析,提取出6个主因子并划分为9类居住区,得出广州市居住空间具有明显的分异性。然后与2000年的居住空间结构进行比较,归纳出广州市居住空间演变具有历史延续性、市场及政策因素影响突出、空间拓展与城市发展同步、整体居住空间呈现"圈层+扇形"融合发展等特征。根据不同的空间层次特征,概括出四种演变模式:中心区稳定发展模式、近郊区商品房拓展模式、远郊区糅合发展模式和特定区保障房镶嵌模式。探讨了广州市居住空间结构的演变机制,包括历史发展惯性、房地产发展带动、住房保障影响、城市规划引导等四个方面。最后结合国内其他大城市相关研究推导出转型期中国大城市的居住空间结构。 . 首先运用因子生态分析方法对广州市2010年的居住空间结构与居住人口特征进行分析,提取出6个主因子并划分为9类居住区,得出广州市居住空间具有明显的分异性。然后与2000年的居住空间结构进行比较,归纳出广州市居住空间演变具有历史延续性、市场及政策因素影响突出、空间拓展与城市发展同步、整体居住空间呈现"圈层+扇形"融合发展等特征。根据不同的空间层次特征,概括出四种演变模式:中心区稳定发展模式、近郊区商品房拓展模式、远郊区糅合发展模式和特定区保障房镶嵌模式。探讨了广州市居住空间结构的演变机制,包括历史发展惯性、房地产发展带动、住房保障影响、城市规划引导等四个方面。最后结合国内其他大城市相关研究推导出转型期中国大城市的居住空间结构。 |
[4] | . 鉴于已有研究主要集中探讨住房价格的空间依赖性,较少涉及空间异质性对住房特征价格的影响,也很少尝试构建不同计量模型来比较模型间刻画住房价格影响因素空间分异的准确性,以长沙市中心城区为研究区,采用空间扩展模型和地理加权回归模型比较分析城市住房价格影响因素的空间分异,结果表明:1空间扩展模型和地理加权回归模型都表明,长沙市中心城区的住房属性边际价格随着区位的变化而变化,揭示住房价格影响因素具有显著的空间异质性;小区环境、交通条件、教育配套、生活设施等因素对住房价格的影响强度存在明显的空间分异。2地理加权回归模型和空间扩展模型都能对传统特征价格模型进行改进,但地理加权回归模型在解释能力和精度方面都超过空间扩展模型;对属性系数估计空间模式的分析,地理加权回归模型形成的结果比采用坐标多义扩展的空间扩展模型更为复杂和直观。 . 鉴于已有研究主要集中探讨住房价格的空间依赖性,较少涉及空间异质性对住房特征价格的影响,也很少尝试构建不同计量模型来比较模型间刻画住房价格影响因素空间分异的准确性,以长沙市中心城区为研究区,采用空间扩展模型和地理加权回归模型比较分析城市住房价格影响因素的空间分异,结果表明:1空间扩展模型和地理加权回归模型都表明,长沙市中心城区的住房属性边际价格随着区位的变化而变化,揭示住房价格影响因素具有显著的空间异质性;小区环境、交通条件、教育配套、生活设施等因素对住房价格的影响强度存在明显的空间分异。2地理加权回归模型和空间扩展模型都能对传统特征价格模型进行改进,但地理加权回归模型在解释能力和精度方面都超过空间扩展模型;对属性系数估计空间模式的分析,地理加权回归模型形成的结果比采用坐标多义扩展的空间扩展模型更为复杂和直观。 |
[5] | . 居住融合是社会群体混合分布程度的表现,对认识城市内部民族融合结构和互动关系具有重要的意义。以典型多民族聚居城市呼和浩特市为例,基于2000-2015年人口统计数据,采用融合指数法和反距离加权插值法,分析居住融合在城市、市辖区和街区三个尺度的演变过程,并运用双变量相关分析和多元线性回归模型,从城市居民的个体属性方面考察对居住融合的影响作用。分析结果表明,呼和浩特城市内部少数民族同汉族之间的混居程度持续加深,居住空间视角下的民族融合程度逐渐强化;居住融合程度最高的区域集中在汉族长期居住的玉泉区,随着时间推移,融合程度最高区域快速向整个市区扩散,居住融合空间向均匀化方向发展;城市中心区域存在三个点状分布的教育型和生活型民族聚居街区,但两类街区融合指数在考察期内上升趋势显著;个体属性中的年龄、性别、婚姻、教育、家庭、户籍、职业等要素对呼和浩特城市内部民族间居住融合具有显著影响。 . 居住融合是社会群体混合分布程度的表现,对认识城市内部民族融合结构和互动关系具有重要的意义。以典型多民族聚居城市呼和浩特市为例,基于2000-2015年人口统计数据,采用融合指数法和反距离加权插值法,分析居住融合在城市、市辖区和街区三个尺度的演变过程,并运用双变量相关分析和多元线性回归模型,从城市居民的个体属性方面考察对居住融合的影响作用。分析结果表明,呼和浩特城市内部少数民族同汉族之间的混居程度持续加深,居住空间视角下的民族融合程度逐渐强化;居住融合程度最高的区域集中在汉族长期居住的玉泉区,随着时间推移,融合程度最高区域快速向整个市区扩散,居住融合空间向均匀化方向发展;城市中心区域存在三个点状分布的教育型和生活型民族聚居街区,但两类街区融合指数在考察期内上升趋势显著;个体属性中的年龄、性别、婚姻、教育、家庭、户籍、职业等要素对呼和浩特城市内部民族间居住融合具有显著影响。 |
[6] | . Based on a review of the mutation of gentrification in the west, this paper examines the mechanism and consequences of China’s emerging gentrification under the background of market transition. Prawing on a detailed anlaysis of China’s political economic transformation in the post-reform era, this study shows that strong state intervention plays an important role in promoting China’s gentrification. This can be seen from three aspects. First, the state stimulates and accommodates the consumption demands of the emerging middle class through launching land and housing reforms. Second, to create optimal conditions for capital circulation, the state makes policy interventions and invests heavily in environment beautification and infrastructure construction. Third, the state mobilizes the most important resources, e.g. land and resettlement housing, to tackle the problem of fragmented property rights and to facilitate gentrification. Under market transition, China’s gentrification resembles its western counterparts, and shows two distinctive characteristics: the state plays a predominant role throughout the gentrification process; the social interests of low-income groups have been overwhelmed by the economic interests of local government and real estate developers. This particular form of state-sponsored gentrification in China is motivated by the pursuit of economic growth and urban development, at the cost of large-scale residential displacement. At the end of this paper, the authors elaborate the negative effects of gentrification in Chinese cities, and discuss possible solutions to overcome these adverse consequences. . Based on a review of the mutation of gentrification in the west, this paper examines the mechanism and consequences of China’s emerging gentrification under the background of market transition. Prawing on a detailed anlaysis of China’s political economic transformation in the post-reform era, this study shows that strong state intervention plays an important role in promoting China’s gentrification. This can be seen from three aspects. First, the state stimulates and accommodates the consumption demands of the emerging middle class through launching land and housing reforms. Second, to create optimal conditions for capital circulation, the state makes policy interventions and invests heavily in environment beautification and infrastructure construction. Third, the state mobilizes the most important resources, e.g. land and resettlement housing, to tackle the problem of fragmented property rights and to facilitate gentrification. Under market transition, China’s gentrification resembles its western counterparts, and shows two distinctive characteristics: the state plays a predominant role throughout the gentrification process; the social interests of low-income groups have been overwhelmed by the economic interests of local government and real estate developers. This particular form of state-sponsored gentrification in China is motivated by the pursuit of economic growth and urban development, at the cost of large-scale residential displacement. At the end of this paper, the authors elaborate the negative effects of gentrification in Chinese cities, and discuss possible solutions to overcome these adverse consequences. |
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[9] | . Rural gentrification refers to a process in which urban dwellers migrate to rural areas, in a pursuit of consuming the unique cultural ambience and a proximity to nature, with a certain degree of economic capital. It can be explained as the cause of multiple processes in the restructuring of local demographic structure and landscape changing. With special reference to the process of rural gentrification in Xiaozhou Village, Guangzhou, this paper explores the temporal-spatial characteristics of this process, as well as its evolvement alongside the changes in local socio-economic conditions. This paper reveals that there are two main processes in Xiaozhou's socio-spatial transformation, namely gentrification led by avant-garde artists and studentification led by incoming students. Owing to their different spatial demands, rental affordability, and magnitude, these two gentrification processes bring about different physical, cultural, social and economic influences to the local community. Yet, these two processes are tightly connected, and their socio-spatial evolvement experiences different stages of continuation, overlay, and displacement. While the avant-garde artists highlight the aesthetic values of the old architecture in the village, partially as a way to consume the symbolic meanings of rural space and rural landscape, the process of studentification places much more emphasis upon the use of newly built residential spaces and the development of housing spaces. In general, rural gentrification mitigates the economic predicament faced by Xiaozhou Village in a post-productivist era, and does not result in the displacement of indigenous villagers. However, the avant-garde artists are now facing displacement caused by rising housing costs due to the inflow of students. It is worth noting that, indigenous villagers are not the victims of rural gentrification, but become the promoters for the gentrification process through actively engaging in rent-seeking activities. This research also shows that, the differences of rural gentrification between China and Western countries mainly lie in four aspects, namely economic and physical impacts, the relationship between gentrification and urbanization, residential displacement, and driving forces of gentrification. These incongruences result from different socioeconomic background and dynamics of rural gentrification, as well as different land ownership and policies. Overall, this research is of theoretical and realistic significance in terms of examining the characteristics and dynamics of China's rural gentrification, and the unique development trajectory of China's rural community in an era of market transition. . Rural gentrification refers to a process in which urban dwellers migrate to rural areas, in a pursuit of consuming the unique cultural ambience and a proximity to nature, with a certain degree of economic capital. It can be explained as the cause of multiple processes in the restructuring of local demographic structure and landscape changing. With special reference to the process of rural gentrification in Xiaozhou Village, Guangzhou, this paper explores the temporal-spatial characteristics of this process, as well as its evolvement alongside the changes in local socio-economic conditions. This paper reveals that there are two main processes in Xiaozhou's socio-spatial transformation, namely gentrification led by avant-garde artists and studentification led by incoming students. Owing to their different spatial demands, rental affordability, and magnitude, these two gentrification processes bring about different physical, cultural, social and economic influences to the local community. Yet, these two processes are tightly connected, and their socio-spatial evolvement experiences different stages of continuation, overlay, and displacement. While the avant-garde artists highlight the aesthetic values of the old architecture in the village, partially as a way to consume the symbolic meanings of rural space and rural landscape, the process of studentification places much more emphasis upon the use of newly built residential spaces and the development of housing spaces. In general, rural gentrification mitigates the economic predicament faced by Xiaozhou Village in a post-productivist era, and does not result in the displacement of indigenous villagers. However, the avant-garde artists are now facing displacement caused by rising housing costs due to the inflow of students. It is worth noting that, indigenous villagers are not the victims of rural gentrification, but become the promoters for the gentrification process through actively engaging in rent-seeking activities. This research also shows that, the differences of rural gentrification between China and Western countries mainly lie in four aspects, namely economic and physical impacts, the relationship between gentrification and urbanization, residential displacement, and driving forces of gentrification. These incongruences result from different socioeconomic background and dynamics of rural gentrification, as well as different land ownership and policies. Overall, this research is of theoretical and realistic significance in terms of examining the characteristics and dynamics of China's rural gentrification, and the unique development trajectory of China's rural community in an era of market transition. |
[10] | . 绅士化是本世纪60年代城市化和城市社会空间转变过程中的一种新现象.西方****就此已作了较多的研究。作者首先对绅士化的起源、概念及西方****近20年来关于绅士化研究的内容作了介绍和总结。在此基础上提出.我国应借鉴西方研究的经验.在审视城市社会空间发展趋势、开展理论探索、研究具体问题、以厦发挥政府在城市社会空间转变中的引导作用等方面开展深入的研究。 . 绅士化是本世纪60年代城市化和城市社会空间转变过程中的一种新现象.西方****就此已作了较多的研究。作者首先对绅士化的起源、概念及西方****近20年来关于绅士化研究的内容作了介绍和总结。在此基础上提出.我国应借鉴西方研究的经验.在审视城市社会空间发展趋势、开展理论探索、研究具体问题、以厦发挥政府在城市社会空间转变中的引导作用等方面开展深入的研究。 |
[11] | . ABSTRACT This paper examines the relationship between education and gentrification in contemporary London. The paper draws on Stephen Ball's work on parental choice and educational markets in the context of empirical work that the authors have recently undertaken in five gentrified areas of inner London. The work of Mike Savage and Pierre Bourdieu is also referred to in the conception of a metropolitan habitus and how different middle-class groups operate within it. It is argued that parents pursue different educational strategies which are partly a consequence of their own economic capabilities and their 'consciences' but are also influenced by the nature of the 'circuits' of primary and secondary education in areas in which they live. Data are provided which confirm Ball's work on parental choice and it is suggested that education has now become a social 'field' alongside that of employment, housing and consumption in relation to the contemporary metropolitan habitus. |
[12] | . Although there is recurring empirical evidence of gentrifier families with young children, the importance of education-related factors in the migration and residential decision-making of rural gentrifiers have yet to be fully examined. Using the case study of Cranbrook, Kent, processes of education-led rural gentrification are revealed that are dominated by ‘counter-Londonising’ in-migrants paying premium property prices to buy into exclusive rural school catchment areas. A rural expression of circuits of education is identified, which, to date, are represented as urban-specific strands of gentrification. Conceptually, the paper sheds light on links between education-led urban and rural gentrification; illuminating counterurban population movements tied to the prioritisation of familial relations and domesticity in perceived child-friendly rural environments. |
[13] | . Recent scholarship on gentrification suggests the need to pay attention the role of the state in fostering new geographies of gentrification. This paper highlights the different agents and enablers of gentrification and the increasing importance of place-based community activism in inner city neighborhoods that is a response to a retrenching state. These agents include new types of gentrifiers: family-oriented, middle-class groups who have different interests and motivations from "traditional" (childless) gentrifiers. The neoliberalization of social service provision has enabled private groups, such as middle-class gentrifiers, to transform critical social institutions in gentrifying neighborhoods. One such institution is a charter school, which enables private management of public dollars to provide public education. Through interviews and archival analysis, these new dynamics in the gentrification process are explored by examining the importance of place-based community that is produced and consumed by gentrifiers in an intown neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. |
[14] | . Middle-class flight from urban public schools to suburban districts or private schools is a key source of educational inequality. Recently, however, a number of studies have focused on middle-class and upper-middle-class families who have made a different choice, opting to remain in the city and send their children to neighborhood public schools. While the movement of advantaged families into urban public schools has received positive attention in the media, this growing body of research tells a more complicated story. Middle-class families - with their economic, cultural, and social capital - can bring important resources to schools, resulting in widespread benefits. However, their engagement in urban public schools can also lead to marginalization and exclusion. We review the emergent literature on this topic, highlighting four themes: (i) parent preferences, identities, and values; (ii) the role of marketing campaigns and informal networks in attracting the middle class; (iii) the nature and consequences of middle-class parent engagement in urban schooling; and (iv) the relationship between neighborhood change and school change. We conclude by outlining a research agenda aimed at deepening our understanding of the mechanisms by which middle-class parent engagement in urban schooling may serve to mitigate, reproduce, or exacerbate educational inequalities. |
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[16] | . In this article we draw on Peter Marcuse's discussion of different types of displacement using evidence from a recent study we conducted in East London to argue that there is clear evidence of ‘exclusionary displacement’ and ‘displacement pressure’ in terms of education and specifically the choice of schooling. We show how the incoming middle classes in the Victoria Park area of inner East London have displaced not only existing poor residents but also many of the less affluent middle class from the favoured state schools in the area by adopting some schools and avoiding others. The preferred schools are often praised to the heavens whilst the shunned schools are similarly disparaged and deemed unacceptable. We suggest that it is this middle-class dichotomization of schooling which accounts for the kind of educational displacement we have observed. The main form that this takes is direct exclusionary displacement when middle-class pressure on favoured schools leads to local people being unable to get their children into them — normally because of ‘distance from school’ selection criteria. |
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[19] | . White flight from urban public schools has been well documented, but little attention has been paid to middle-class reinvestment in urban schools. This article combines findings from interviews with middle-class parents of Boston Public School students with demographic data from the city public elementary schools to examine the motivations of these parents and assess the potential ramifications of their decisions. While providing their children with a diverse school environment is a major consideration for these families, the process by which they select schools may, in the aggregate, contribute to an increase in racial segregation across the district as a whole. |
[20] | . Dominant approaches to the study of gentrification tend to attribute this process either to the production of urban space by elites or to the consumption of urban space by individual consumers. In this article, we take a preliminary step toward bridging this gap by illustrating how these groups may, in some cases, be the same actors. Drawing on in-depth interviews with middle-class parents in Boston, we explore the transitions that gentrifiers undergo as they age and have children. As young singles and childless couples, our respondents interacted with the city mainly as passive consumers. Years later, however, facing pressures to relocate in search of high-quality educational options, these parents emerged as active producers of the urban landscape through their substantial involvement in their children's public elementary schools. This school-based engagement reinforced their loyalties to their neighborhoods, dissuading them from moving to the suburbs. Since it is based on intense interactions with small local institutions, though, this strategy will likely be more difficult for parents to sustain in larger, less personal high schools. Thus, these parents may reconsider their dedication to city living as their children age. We discuss the implications of this research for urban theory and policy. |
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[22] | . Former industrial cities in the West are employing gentrification as urban policy. In these policies, women and families currently play an important role as gentrification pioneers. In my analysis of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, I propose the term genderfication to understand the gender dimensions of this process. Genderfication refers to the production of space for different gender relations. I analyse Rotterdam's urban planning program for becoming a child-friendly city', which entails replacing existing urban dwellings with new, larger and more expensive family-friendly homes' as a strategy for urban re-generation. Urban re-generation supplements regeneration in the form of material and economic restructuring, and refers to the replacement of part of the current population by a new and better suited generation. The child-friendly city program' is considered in tandem with punitive youth policies'. |
[23] | . Gentrification is generally associated with improvements in neighborhood amenities, but we know little about whether the improvements extend to public schools. Using administrative data (from spring 1993 to spring 2004) from the third largest school district in the United States, we examine the relationships between gentrification and school-level student math and reading achievement, and whether changes in the composition of the student body account for any changes in achievement. After testing several alternative specifications of gentrification, we find that, in Chicago, gentrification has little effect on neighborhood public schools. Neighborhood public schools experience essentially no aggregate academic benefit from the socioeconomic changes occurring around them. Furthermore, they may even experience marginal harm, as the neighborhood skews toward higher income residents. For the individual student, starting first grade in a school located in a gentrifying neighborhood has no association with the relative growth rate of their test scores over their elementary school years. Los Efectos de la Gentrificacion en Escuelas Publicas Locales (Micere Keels, Julia Burdick-Will y Sara Keene) Resumen La gentrificacion esta generalmente asociada a mejoras en los servicios locales. Sin embargo, sabemos poco sobre si estas mejoras se extienden a las escuelas publicas. Usando informacion administrativa (desde el verano del 1993 a la primavera del 2004) del tercer distrito escolar mas grande los EE.UU. examinamos la relacion entre gentrificacion y rendimiento a nivel escuela en matematicas y lectura, y si los cambios en la composicion del alumnado tienen efectos en dicho rendimiento escolar. Luego de probar varias alternativas, encontramos que, en Chicago, la gentrificacion tiene poco efecto en las escuelas publicas locales. Las escuelas publicas locales no experimentan en general algun beneficio academico agregado de los cambios socioeconomicos que ocurren alrededor de ellas. Es mas, estas incluso pueden experimentar un dano marginal en la medida que el espacio local es colmado de residentes de mayores ingresos. Para el estudiante, empezar el primer grado en una escuela ubicada en un barrio en gentrificacion no guarda alguna relacion con la mejora en sus pruebas escolares a lo largo de sus anos de educacion primaria. |
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[26] | . http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S074301670500032X |
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[29] | . http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13604810902982268 |
[30] | . In Shanghai, globalised urban images and a well-functioning accumulation regime are enthusiastically sought after by urban policy, and explicitly promoted as a blueprint for a civilised city life. The city is celebrating its thriving neo-liberal urbanism by implementing enormous new-build gentrification, mostly in the form of demolition090009rebuild development involving direct displacement of residents and landscapes. This study aims to understand demographic changes and the socioeconomic consequences of new-build gentrification in central Shanghai. The paper first examines demographic changes between 1990 and 2000 in central Shanghai, i.e. the changing distribution of potential gentrifiers and displacees. It then looks into two cases of new-build gentrification projects in central Shanghai, to compare residents' socioeconomic profiles in old neighbourhoods and new-build areas. This study also examines the impacts of gentrification on displacees' quality of life and socioeconomic prospects. Because the enlarging middle class and the pursuit of wealth-induced growth by the municipal government are turning the central city into a hotspot of gentrification, inequalities in housing and socioeconomic prospects are being produced and intensified in the metropolitan area. This study thus emphasises that critical perspectives in gentrification research are valuable and indispensable. Copyright 0008 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
[31] | . 61A simple, abstract model simulating gentrification from both supply and demand side perspectives is built.61Both integration and segregation of household are generated in the model at different rent gap thresholds and rent gap impacts, suggesting the potential of the model.61Gentrification starts in run-down areas neighboring wealthier regions in agreement with empirically observed gentrification. |
[32] | . Abstract Consumer sovereignty hypotheses dominate explanations of gentrification but data on the number of suburbanites returning to the city casts doubt on this hypothesis. In fact, gentrification is an expected product of the relatively unhampered operation of the land and housing markets. The economic depreciation of capital invested in nineteenth century inner-city neighborhoods and the simultaneous rise in potential ground rent levels produces the possibility of profitable redevelopment. Although the very apparent social characteristics of deteriorated neighborhoods would discourage redevelopment, the hidden economic characteristics may well be favorable. Whether gentrification is a fundamental restructuring of urban space depends not on where new inhabitants come from but on how much productive capital returns to the area from the suburbs. |
[33] | . 中产阶层化是城市居住空间分异研究的前沿领域,而"租差"是解读中产阶层化现象的核心概念。通过对Smith"租差"模型的借鉴与修正,提出中国政治经济制度转轨背景下,"租差"是由土地公有和房屋贬值产生的"实际租差"和房地产持续快速增值产生的"预期租差"两部分组成。在此基础上,以南京内城和典型中产阶层化区域为例,利用2001-2011年间房屋拆迁及补偿、土地出让与利用方式转变、住宅价格变动等数据,通过刻画城市更新运动中"租差"扩大与资本化实现、物质空间环境改善、邻里社会结构跃升和阶层置换过程,分析南京内城中产阶层化现象和"租差"的核心驱动作用。最后在揭示中产阶层化作为深度城市化手段和空间再生产策略的同时,批评其对城市传统文化的"创造性破坏",以及"租差"收益再分配中对被拆迁贫困群体的多重剥夺问题。 . 中产阶层化是城市居住空间分异研究的前沿领域,而"租差"是解读中产阶层化现象的核心概念。通过对Smith"租差"模型的借鉴与修正,提出中国政治经济制度转轨背景下,"租差"是由土地公有和房屋贬值产生的"实际租差"和房地产持续快速增值产生的"预期租差"两部分组成。在此基础上,以南京内城和典型中产阶层化区域为例,利用2001-2011年间房屋拆迁及补偿、土地出让与利用方式转变、住宅价格变动等数据,通过刻画城市更新运动中"租差"扩大与资本化实现、物质空间环境改善、邻里社会结构跃升和阶层置换过程,分析南京内城中产阶层化现象和"租差"的核心驱动作用。最后在揭示中产阶层化作为深度城市化手段和空间再生产策略的同时,批评其对城市传统文化的"创造性破坏",以及"租差"收益再分配中对被拆迁贫困群体的多重剥夺问题。 |
[34] | . 绅士化是西方国家再城市化过程中,城市中心区更新(复兴)的一种新的社会空间现象。Smith的租差理论从生产/供给的视角,认为绅士化出现的根本原因在于资本的逐利性。基于马克思主义的分析范式与路线,借助土地产权的理论视角,对Smith的租差理论进行重新诠释,认为绅士化与再开发,不仅是资本主导的"回归城市运动",更是资本与权利驱动下的城市空间再生产过程。由再开发转向再生产,从关注城市物质空间的变迁转而关注社会空间与物质空间的互动机理及其相应的空间效应,将是未来包括中国在内的城市空间研究的必然趋势。 . 绅士化是西方国家再城市化过程中,城市中心区更新(复兴)的一种新的社会空间现象。Smith的租差理论从生产/供给的视角,认为绅士化出现的根本原因在于资本的逐利性。基于马克思主义的分析范式与路线,借助土地产权的理论视角,对Smith的租差理论进行重新诠释,认为绅士化与再开发,不仅是资本主导的"回归城市运动",更是资本与权利驱动下的城市空间再生产过程。由再开发转向再生产,从关注城市物质空间的变迁转而关注社会空间与物质空间的互动机理及其相应的空间效应,将是未来包括中国在内的城市空间研究的必然趋势。 |