

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

朱莎1,2,, 姜珊1,2, 陶犁1,2
1. 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京 100048
2. 首都旅游研究院,北京 100048

Side-bet theory: How do B&B owners make commitment to tourism development in outer suburbs of Beijing ?

ZHUSha1,2,, JIANGShan1,2, TAOLi1,2
1. College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China
2. Captial Tourism Academy, Beijing 100048, China
-->作者简介:朱莎(1985-),女,河南安阳人,博士研究生,研究方向为旅游地理与旅游规划。E-mail: zhusha629@163.com


以往社区参与旅游发展主要从类型学或系统论视角进行剖析,较少从过程视角对社区居民的持续旅游参与行为展开研究。本文将旅游承诺行为作为居民持续旅游参与行为的概念表征,以揭示社区参与旅游发展的过程与机理。本研究以北京市级民俗户为研究对象,借鉴外围赌注理论的思想内涵,运用结构方程模型探索旅游增权与旅游承诺行为间的关系,以阐释社区居民持续旅游参与行为的动力机制与过程。研究结论表明:① 旅游增权对旅游承诺行为具有显著正向影响,其中社会增权与旅游承诺行为之间显著正相关,而经济和政治增权与旅游承诺行为之间显著负相关;② 居民感知旅游发展阶段在旅游增权与旅游承诺行为间发挥调节作用,当居民感知社区旅游处于起步、增长或转型阶段时,旅游增权对旅游承诺行为的影响作用相对较强;③ 基于居民感知旅游发展阶段的差异,旅游增权各维度与旅游承诺行为间的显著性关系也有所差异。本文结论对研究社区居民可持续旅游参与行为和维系社区居民参与旅游发展的积极性具有一定的理论和现实指导意义。

With traditional research focusing on the typology or complexity system approach to community participation in tourism development, little attention was paid to the process or mechanism of the residents’ sustainable participation behavior in tourism. Since the special emphasis on the process of consistent behavior, the conceptualization of commitment behavior provides a practical approach to explain the residents’ sustainable participation behavior in tourism. Based on the side-bet theory, this study collected data from B&B owners in outer suburbs of Beijing, and developed a conceptual framework that links residents’ tourism empowerment with tourism commitment behavior, to explain the dynamic process of residents’ sustainable participation behavior. The model also posits that the strength of this perceptual relationship is moderate by the stage of the tourism life cycle. Based on confirmation factor analysis and moderator effect analysis, this paper demonstrates that: (1) Generally, residents’ empowerment from tourism has positive and significant effects on tourism commitment behavior, while economic and political empowerments have negative significant ones on tourism commitment, and social empowerment exerts a positive significant effect on it. This replies that residents’ consistent participation behavior is mainly driven by social relationship in community but not economic or political factors in general. (2) The stage of tourism development shows a significant moderate effect between tourism empowerment and tourism commitment behavior; especially the moderate effect is stronger when residents recognize their community tourism as the stage of exploration, growth and revolution. (3) The relationship between tourism empowerment and tourism commitment behavior shows that there are differences in different grouped residents in the resident’s perception of community tourism stage. Tourism empowerment and its dimensions have different significant effects on residents’ consistent participation behavior regarding to the stage of tourism development. This paper demonstrates the theoretical basis in residents’ tourism commitment behavior research and provides a practical implication on improving resident re-participation enthusiasm for tourism development. Future research might explore more factors and relationships which influence residents’ tourism commitment behavior under the background of side-bet theory.

Keywords:tourism commitment behavior;tourism empowerment;Side-bet Theory;community participation;Beijing

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朱莎, 姜珊, 陶犁. 外围赌注和社区居民旅游承诺行为影响机制——以京郊市级民俗户为例[J]. 地理研究, 2019, 38(5): 1208-1221 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj020180048
ZHU Sha, JIANG Shan, TAO Li. Side-bet theory: How do B&B owners make commitment to tourism development in outer suburbs of Beijing ?[J]. Geographical Research, 2019, 38(5): 1208-1221 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj020180048

1 引言

在社区旅游发展过程中,追求经济利益往往导致社区文化及环境的破坏[1],为避免旅游业发展所带来各种负面影响,社区参与理念开始纳入可持续旅游发展领域[2]。最初的社区参与仅作为概括性术语(Umbrella Term)进入学术研究[3],其理念源自社会管理及政治学领域的公共参与思想,包括政治意识形态和社会实践活动两个层面的含义,政治意识形态下的公共参与和民主化社会背景具有密切联系,社会实践活动层面通常是指某项计划或决策因忽略公众参与而导致行动的失败[4]。在旅游研究领域内社区参与主要有两种研究视角:旅游决策过程参与和获取旅游发展收益[5]。在很多发展中国家,社区参与主要表现形式为居民能够从旅游业中获取收益而非参与旅游决策过程,其中自上而下推动式发展(Imposed Development)和象征性参与(Tokenistic Involvement)是这些国家或地区社区参与的主要形式,如亚洲、东欧和拉美等地区[6]。这种参与方式下本土居民难以实现对资源的有效控制,并缺乏可持续旅游发展意识,现实发展中往往因居民过于追求经济利益导致社区关系冲突、本土文化流失和生态环境破坏等问题,从而制约社区旅游可持续发展,因而如何让本地居民有效参与到社区旅游发展过程成为重要的研究议题[7]。目前社区参与研究主要围绕的社区参与的影响因素[8]、居民旅游态度与感知[9,10]、社区旅游利益相关者网络[11,12]、社区参与旅游发展制度[13,14]、生活质量[15,16]等方面展开研究,通过提高社区居民参与程度[17]实现社区旅游可持续发展的目的。现有社区参与研究主要从类型学[18](Typology)或系统论[19]视角展开研究,类型学视角下的社区参与将居民的旅游参与行为视为结果或目的,以识别社区参与影响因素和提高社区参与效率为目标;系统论则将社区旅游视作复杂网络系统,旨在解决社区旅游利益相关者之间的矛盾或博弈问题。目前较少从过程视角对社区居民可持续旅游参与行为的机理展开深入研究,过程视角关注事物与活动的静止或变化、持续或中断、发展或衰退等阶段性特征,以揭示引起事物与活动变化的动力机制[20]。从过程视角揭示旅游参与行为的持续性或阶段性变化特征,并探索各影响因素间的相互作用关系,有助于实现对旅游参与行为的规律性认识。另外,从居民感知视角对持续旅游参与行为展开研究,有助于认识和解释我国乡村旅游发展背景下社区居民被动式旅游参与行为的动力机制。因此,本文将旅游承诺行为作为社区居民可持续旅游参与行为的概念表征,以揭示可持续旅游参与行为过程与机制作为研究重点,为研究社区居民参与旅游发展和社区旅游可持续发展提供新的研究思路。

2 相关研究综述

2.1 承诺行为与旅游承诺行为

承诺用来解释人们从事某项活动或维系某段人际关系的持续性行为过程,主要应用在休闲行为[21]、人际关系[22]和组织行为学[23]等领域,具有态度和行为两种研究路径。其中承诺态度是从个体情感依附维度来分析持续行为的产生过程;承诺行为则是对行为间的替代性或行为一致性进行分析[21]。Buchanan[21]、Rusbult[22]和Meyer等[23]就分别从行为一致性、行为可替代性和个体情感依附维度来分析“持续性”行为的产生过程及机制,以解释个体愿意长期从事某项活动的原因。社区旅游发展背景下的居民旅游承诺行为也具有多维视角:① 旅游承诺行为一致性,通过先前被动旅游参与行为,居民主动选择持续参与旅游活动;② 旅游承诺行为的可替代性,居民选择参与旅游意味着放弃其他潜在就业机会;③ 旅游承诺行为的情感依附性,居民认同社区旅游发展理念,并愿意长期从事旅游发展。不同维度下旅游承诺行为的研究重点会有所差异。行为一致性是解释居民持续旅游参与行为的动力机制,可替代性维度用以分析居民在旅游业与其他潜在就业机会间选择行为,情感依附性则是从社会心理机制方面分析个体参与旅游发展的动机;而旅游承诺行为一致性研究,能够为解释居民持续旅游参与行为过程提供创新性研究视角。以往社区旅游研究主要将居民满意度或支持态度作为主要内容,但在有限旅游行业认知的影响下,社区居民往往是被动式参与社区旅游发展过程[5],在旅游商业环境或现实情境等外部因素的综合作用下,具有态度与行为的不一致性[24]。如居民虽对旅游业持有消极态度,但仍会选择参与旅游来获取收益[25]。与居民旅游影响感知或满意度相比,承诺行为能更好解释居民的持续性旅游参与行为[26]。借鉴承诺行为概念的思想内涵,将旅游承诺行为作为居民持续性旅游参与行为的概念表征,为解释社区居民旅游参与行为和社区旅游可持续发展提供新的研究思路。

2.2 外围赌注理论(Side-bet Theory)

在承诺行为研究领域中,代表性理论主要有外围赌注[27]和投入模型理论[22]。Becker最早提出“外围赌注(Side-bet)”来解释持续性行为的产生过程[27],该理论构成要素主要有:① 先前行为能够产生影响当前持续性行为的额外收益;② 行动者认识到这些额外收益会对当前行为产生的影响;③ 持续性行为结果的发生[28]。与Becker的外围赌注理论[27]视角不同,Rusbult等基于投入模型提出承诺关系概念,指出关系的满意度、可替代关系质量和个体投入(时间、金钱或精力等)是影响个体能否愿意长期维持某段关系的主要因素[29]。综合来看,外围赌注[27]与投入模型[22]都用以解释持续性承诺行为,但两个理论的侧重点有所不同。首先影响因素不同,外围赌注是对个体所处社会环境和承诺行为间的关系进行研究[27],而投入模型则是研究个体内向性特征对承诺行为的影响[22]。其次是作用机制不同,外围赌注是解释外在环境对个人持续性行为产生的结构效应[27],而投入模型则是解释个体追加性投入对持续性行为的连续性影响作用[22]。最后,两个理论均基于收益-成本的综合分析来解释承诺行为,但外围赌注所强调的收益是独立于个人主观意识的额外收益[27],而投入模型的收益是个人主观努力后的结果[22]。地理学研究范式侧重从“人-地关系”视角对居民持续旅游参与行为进行研究,将社区内外部环境作为居民旅游承诺行为的重要影响因素,能够体现居民旅游参与行为的地域性特征。因此本研究将外围赌注作为理论背景,即符合地理学研究传统,同时也能为社区参与旅游发展研究提供新的研究思路。结合本文研究案例,京郊民俗户的旅游参与行为是在外界力量(受政府政策或社区环境影响)作用下的被动式旅游参与方式[30]。通过先前被动式参与旅游活动,民俗户能够兼顾家庭和生计、维系社区内部关系、获得与外界沟通交流机会等[31]多方面的额外收益,这些预期外的收益反过来又会推动民俗户持续旅游参与行为。因此本文在借鉴承诺行为概念[21,22,23]和外围赌理论[27]内涵的基础,构建旅游承诺行为概念框架和假设模型,通过模型检验来阐释社区居民旅游承诺行为的过程与机理。

2.3 旅游增权

-->Fig. 1The concept model of residents’ tourism commitment behavior

2.4 假设模型

在社区旅游可持续发展研究领域内,社区间的异质性是影响同类型研究结论差异的重要因素,其中社区旅游发展阶段是需考虑的情境变量之一[24]。Johns曾将情境变量分为综合情境(Omnibus Context)和离散情境(Discrete Context)两个维度,其中离散情境变量适用于对个体行为具有直接影响或对变量间关系具有调节作用的变量,并提出运用社会或环境心理学方法分析离散情境变量对个体行为的影响[40]。本文将社区旅游发展阶段视作旅游承诺行为的离散情境变量,通过心理测量法获得居民感知社区旅游发展阶段类型[41],以检验社区旅游发展阶段在旅游增权和旅游承诺行为间的调节作用。在概括社区旅游发展阶段类型时,借鉴Bulter对旅游目的地发展阶段特征的描述[42],将京郊社区旅游发展阶段分为起步、增长、平稳、下滑和转型五种类型,其中起步阶段包括Bulter模型中的探索和参与阶段,是指社区配备有基本旅游接待服务设施并接待少量游客;增长阶段是指社区在各类媒介宣传作用下被外界所知晓,并吸引外来者参与本社区的旅游发展;停滞阶段是指社区目前以接待重游旅游者为主,游客量趋于稳定并拥有稳固的市场形象;衰退阶段是指社区现有旅游接待服务设施难以满足市场需求,旅游竞争力和游客均趋于下降趋势;改革阶段则指社区正依靠政府政策、吸引外资、开发新型旅游资源或建造人为景观等方式进行转型的阶段。由于各社区旅游业起步时间不同,区域内社区旅游所处阶段也有所不同。各市级民俗户因参与旅游发展时间不同,对社区旅游发展阶段感知也存在差异,而居民对社区旅游发展阶段感知的差异也会对他们的旅游承诺行为产生影响。最终,本文提出如下假设(图2):
-->Fig. 2Hypothesis model of tourism commitment behavior


3 研究过程与数据收集

3.1 案例地概况

北京乡村旅游业经历过自发发展阶段后转由政府主导管理,1998年由北京市农委等联合出台《北京市观光农业发展规划》,成立北京市观光农业领导小组来推行观光农业项目;2003年北京市旅游局和农委会等政府部门联合制定旅游业扶持政策,并于2009年正式颁布《乡村旅游民俗旅游村(户)等级划分与评定》,对各区县民俗村和民俗户进行统一规划与管理;2007年推出24条乡村旅游精品线路,确定“一村一色”、“一沟一品”的旅游特色功能定位;2011年北京旅游委提出“京郊旅游”的口号;2014年北京市旅游委组织京郊旅游专家深入民俗村进行入户诊断培训,帮助民俗户针对性解决旅游经营中遇到的问题等,由此看出政府意愿或决策对北京乡村旅游发展具有积极推动作用。目前,北京市级民俗户主要分布在怀柔、延庆、密云、平谷、房山和门头沟等远郊区县的172个民俗村,截止到2015年底,北京市级民俗户中一星级民俗户286家,二星级972家,三星级1357家,四星级396家,五星级13家。作为一种政府主导式的标准化乡村旅游管理模式,北京市级民俗村(户)为本研究提供较好的案例基础,主要表现为:① 各市级民俗村因旅游业发展历史和评定时间不同,具备研究不同旅游发展阶段情境下居民的持续性旅游参与行为的可行性;② 不同星级民俗户因旅游参与程度不同,在旅游增权方面也表现出差异,为检验旅游增权与居民旅游承诺行为间的关系提供可靠研究情境。

3.2 研究过程

-->Fig. 3The location of case villages in Beijing outer suburbs

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Information of B&B and case villages in Beijing outer suburbs


3.3 数据收集


4 研究结果

4.1 探索性因子分析

本研究测量量表的Cronbach'sαAlpha系数为 0.909 ,KMO值为0.889,Bartlett检验近似卡方值为9085.092,统计量显著性水平小于0.05,表明可对样本数据进行探索性因子分析。本文运用主成分分析方法提取5个特征值大于1的公因子,其中有18个指标载荷大于0.5,累计方差贡献率为66.95%(大于60%的最低标准)。

4.2 验证性因子分析

Tab. 2
Tab. 2The CR and AVE coefficient of latent variable


4.3 结构模型的验证与修正

基于探索性因子和结构性因子分析结果,构建出旅游承诺行为结构模型1(图4)和模型2(图5),其中模型1验证旅游增权各维度与旅游承诺行为的关系,模型2验证高阶潜在构念旅游增权和旅游承诺行为间的关系,并运用AMOS 21.0对数据和假设模型的适配度进行拟合检验。本研究主要参照CMIN/DFGFIAGFIRMSEA四项指标检验模型适配度指标,CMIN/DF为卡方自由度比值,表示假设模型的协方差矩阵与观察数据的适配度(若取值介于1~3则模型适配良好);GFI表示理论建构矩阵能够解释样本数据的观察矩阵的变异量,AGFI为调整后适配度指数(若>0.90表示模型与样本数据适配度良好);RMSEA为渐进残差均方和平方根(若该值<0.05,模型适配度佳,若值介于0.05~0.08间为可接受)。建构模型运算结果显示各项适配度指标均未达到理想标准,本文参照AMOS模型的输出结果,按照外因变量、误差项、内因变量的顺序和各变量间M.I指数高低对模型1和模型2进行修正。首先是增加经济增权、心理增权、社会增权和政治增权等潜在构念之间的共变性(图4),其次增加经济增权和心理增权指标变量的误差共变性(e1?e6,e2?e6,e4?e6)、经济增权和社会增权指标变量的误差共变(e1?e9)、政治增权指标变量的误差共变性(e14?e15)(图4图5)。修正后模型配适度指标达到理想标准,其中CMIN/DF(卡方自由度比值)分别为2.799和2.810(介于1~3之间),拟合优度指数GFI分别为0.921和0.924(>0.90),调整的拟合优度指数AGFI分别为0.922和0.918,近似误差的均方根RMSEA为0.060和0.061(<0.08,良好),说明调整后的模型为可接受模型(表3)。
注:** 表示在5%水平下显著。

-->Fig. 4The path analysis between economic/psychologic/social/political empowerment and tourism commitment behavior (Model 1)

注:*** 表示在1%水平下显著。

-->Fig. 5The path analysis between tourism empowerment and tourism commitment behavior (Model 2)

Tab. 3
Tab. 3The model fit indicator of Model 1 and Model 2
取值范围1~3> 0.90> 0.900.05~ 0.08可接受


4.4 研究假设检验

各研究假设命题的验证主要依据各潜在构念间的显著性关系(P值)和标准化系数(+或-)两项标准,通过结构方程模型的验证,共有2个假设通过验证(表4)。首先,旅游增权对旅游承诺行为具有显著性正向影响(βH1=0.33),即假设H1得到支持;其中经济、社会和政治增权对旅游承诺行为均有显著性影响,但仅社会增权对旅游承诺行为具有正向影响(βH1c=0.317),即假设H1c得到支持;经济和政治增权对旅游承诺行为具有显著负向影响(βH1a=-0.146; βH1d=-0.137),假设H1a和H1d均未得到支持,并验证了Boley研究中提出的“较低政治增权感知对居民态度产生负面影响”的结论[35];心理增权对旅游承诺行为不具有显著性影响,假设H1b未得到支持。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Significant test of hypothesis Model 1 and Model 2

Tab. 5
Tab. 5The moderate effect of resident perception of tourism development stage

Tab. 6
Tab. 6The grouped regression analysis results of tourism commitment behavior


5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论


5.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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This article presents a normative model of the argument for participatory tourism development. It is purposely tentative in manner to attract further attention from tourism scholars, practitioners and decision makers. The normative model of community participation in the tourism development process has been built on a set of 7 propositions. They deal with: the relationships between the particip...
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门户社区毗邻风景区且处于其出入口位置,在旅游发展中面临特殊的机遇和难题.依据社会交换理论,选择“社区参与度”、“居住区条件”、“对旅游机构信任度”、“旅游利益感知”、“旅游成本感知”、“社区满意度”和“旅游支持度”7 个结构变量构建社区旅游支持度测度模型,以黄山风景区的4 个门户社区为研究案例,对该模型进行检验,通过结构方程模型分析和因子分析,探讨模型内各变量对社区旅游支持度发挥作用的路径及造成同一风景区不同门户社区支持度差异的影响因素.研究结果表明:① 总体而言,旅游利益感知和社区满意度对旅游支持度有正向影响;居住区条件、对旅游机构信任度和社区满意度对旅游利益感知有正向影响;社区参与度、居住区条件和对旅游机构信任度对社区满意度有正向影响.社区参与度对旅游利益感知正向影响不显著,旅游成本感知这一变量与其他变量之间关系不大.②各地居民感知和旅游支持度存在差异,南门汤口各维度总体得分最高,北门甘棠—耿城次之,东门谭家桥第三,西门焦村得分最低.③ 门户社区与黄山风景区的空间关系、区位条件与交通格局、旅游经济发展水平等因素造成了各门户社区旅游支持度的差异.
[Wang Yong, Lu Lin.Community tourism support model and its application based on social exchange theory: Case studies of gateway communities of Huangshan Scenic Area
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https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201410014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
门户社区毗邻风景区且处于其出入口位置,在旅游发展中面临特殊的机遇和难题.依据社会交换理论,选择“社区参与度”、“居住区条件”、“对旅游机构信任度”、“旅游利益感知”、“旅游成本感知”、“社区满意度”和“旅游支持度”7 个结构变量构建社区旅游支持度测度模型,以黄山风景区的4 个门户社区为研究案例,对该模型进行检验,通过结构方程模型分析和因子分析,探讨模型内各变量对社区旅游支持度发挥作用的路径及造成同一风景区不同门户社区支持度差异的影响因素.研究结果表明:① 总体而言,旅游利益感知和社区满意度对旅游支持度有正向影响;居住区条件、对旅游机构信任度和社区满意度对旅游利益感知有正向影响;社区参与度、居住区条件和对旅游机构信任度对社区满意度有正向影响.社区参与度对旅游利益感知正向影响不显著,旅游成本感知这一变量与其他变量之间关系不大.②各地居民感知和旅游支持度存在差异,南门汤口各维度总体得分最高,北门甘棠—耿城次之,东门谭家桥第三,西门焦村得分最低.③ 门户社区与黄山风景区的空间关系、区位条件与交通格局、旅游经济发展水平等因素造成了各门户社区旅游支持度的差异.
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61The study answers the call for research about community-based tourism in island tourism destinations.61The study considers an island tourism destination whose economy is widely influenced by a significant degree of imperialism.61The study investigates the residents' perceived heritage proximity.61The study considers how residents would be willing to support the tourism development in their community.
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61Community-based tourism initiatives are growing phenomenon in developing countries.61Challenges of community-based homestay operation from the participants' views are explored.61Safety and security issues in community-based tourism project are missing link in the literature.
[14]王华, 郑艳芬. 遗产地农村社区参与旅游发展的制度嵌入性: 丹霞山瑶塘村与断石村比较研究
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[Wang Hua, Zheng Yanfen.Tourism participation of rural communities at the heritage sites in the perspective of institutional embeddedness: A comparative study of Yaotang village and Duanshi village in the Danxia Mountain
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[15]Kim K, Uysal M, Sirgy M J.How does tourism in a community impact the quality of life of community residents?
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2012.09.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The objective of this study is to test a theoretical model that links community residents' perceptions of tourism impact (economic, social, cultural, and environmental) with residents' satisfaction with particular life domains (material well-being, community well-being, emotional well-being, and health and safety well-being) and overall life satisfaction. The model also posits that the strength of these perceptual relationships is moderated by the stage of tourism development in the community. The model was tested using a survey of 321 respondents from communities varying in their level of tourism development. The results were mostly supportive of the overall model. Theoretical and managerial implications of the study findings are discussed.
[16]Uysal M, Sirgy M J, Woo E, et al.Quality of life (QOL) and well-being research in tourism
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2015.07.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61Quality of life (qol) and well-being research in tourism.61A short history of qol and tourism.61Tourism and qol from the perspective of community residents.61Tourism and qol from the perspective of community tourists.61Future research direction and areas.
[17]郭文, 黄震方, 王丽. 文化旅游地空间生产背景下居民社会空间感知模型与实证研究: 基于对周庄古镇的调查
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(4): 762-774.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在田野调查基础上,采用SPSS 18.0和AMOS 17.0数据统计软件对周庄文化旅游地空间生产背景下的居民社会空间感知进行了统计和处理,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,对居民社会空间感知模型以及不同职业和类型居民感知差异进行了测度研究,结果显示:1周庄居民社会空间感知总体上存在由利益关联、价值效能和情感眷恋组成的三维结构。2在感知次序上,呈现'利益关联→价值效能→情感眷恋'递减分异规律,本质上反映了深层结构是一种经济表层→社会感知→心理感知从外而内的感知规律。居民并未因具有参与旅游开发的机会权能而表现出对旅游开发的全面认同,在社会认同感知和心理认同感知层面还未得到深入,反映的居民社会空间感知是一个充满矛盾的感知结构。3不同职业和类型居民因参与旅游内容或程度不同对三维结构同样存在依次递减的分异规律,且每类群体间存在差异状态。研究认为,高质量的社会空间感知具有认知结构的全面性,居民社会空间感知结构的不平衡性对增进旅游空间生产的社会凝聚力提出新的诉求,提高居民空间参与程度和感知需要从有限参与→发展参与→充分参与的路径逐步改善。研究对周庄古镇旅游理性发展和可持续发展具有一定启发。
[ Guo Wen, Huang Zhenfang, Wang Li.A structural equation model for the empirical study of resident perception of social space in the context of space production at cultural tourist destination: Based on a survey of Ancient Town of Zhouzhuan
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(4): 762-774.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201504014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
在田野调查基础上,采用SPSS 18.0和AMOS 17.0数据统计软件对周庄文化旅游地空间生产背景下的居民社会空间感知进行了统计和处理,通过探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,对居民社会空间感知模型以及不同职业和类型居民感知差异进行了测度研究,结果显示:1周庄居民社会空间感知总体上存在由利益关联、价值效能和情感眷恋组成的三维结构。2在感知次序上,呈现'利益关联→价值效能→情感眷恋'递减分异规律,本质上反映了深层结构是一种经济表层→社会感知→心理感知从外而内的感知规律。居民并未因具有参与旅游开发的机会权能而表现出对旅游开发的全面认同,在社会认同感知和心理认同感知层面还未得到深入,反映的居民社会空间感知是一个充满矛盾的感知结构。3不同职业和类型居民因参与旅游内容或程度不同对三维结构同样存在依次递减的分异规律,且每类群体间存在差异状态。研究认为,高质量的社会空间感知具有认知结构的全面性,居民社会空间感知结构的不平衡性对增进旅游空间生产的社会凝聚力提出新的诉求,提高居民空间参与程度和感知需要从有限参与→发展参与→充分参与的路径逐步改善。研究对周庄古镇旅游理性发展和可持续发展具有一定启发。
[18]Tosun C.Towards a typology of community participation in the tourism development process
. Anatolia, 1999, 10(2): 113-134.
https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.1999.9686975URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Although the notion of community participation in tourism originates from the general concept of community participation in development studies, the subject of the former seems to have evolved and popularized in isolation from the meaning and scope of its origin. This article reveals that such isolation has ushered in a rigid and simple paradigm of community participation in tourism. This is assumed to be of one form and has universal validity without considering the existence of the different circumstances at various tourist destinations. It is suggested that the concept of community participation should be re-considered in terms of an adaptive categorical paradigm, which incorporates a range of various forms of community participation. These forms of participation are outlined for a variety of abstract situations with the aim of illustrating the legitimacy of different forms of community participation in tourism.
[19]Zhang Y, Cole S T, Chancellor C H.Residents' preferences for involvement in tourism development and influences from individual profiles
. Tourism Planning & Development, 2013, 10(3): 267-284.
https://doi.org/10.1080/21568316.2012.747984URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Community involvement in tourism development is a subject that has attracted the attention of tourism researchers largely due to the potentially unfair power distribution between residents and powerful interest groups. This attention, however, has not produced significant literature regarding the possibly varied levels of involvement in tourism planning and development preferred by different residents. The present study addresses that lack of information by exploring the range of residents' preferred involvement approaches based on their demographic and perceptual profiles. Study findings should help all residents with different involvement needs being fairly represented in community engagement. Extending Tosun's typology of community involvement with new content about involvement scope, this study identifies four types of involvement preferences: (1) involving all residents in decision-making; (2) involving some residents in decision-making; (3) excluding residents from decision-making; and (4) excluding residents from any tourism planning effort. Respondents' perceptual profiles, including perceived social costs, perceived environmental sustainability or costs of tourism, and self-evaluative tourism knowledge influences their preferences for involvement in tourism development, as do their demographic profiles, including tourism industry employment status and household income. The limited variance explained in the preference measures, however, suggests the need to explore additional individual profiles.
[20]Cánoves G, Villarino M, Priestley G K, et al.Rural tourism in Spain: An analysis of recent evolution
. Geoforum, 2004, 35(6): 755-769
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.03.005URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of Rural Tourism 1 The term Rural Tourism is applied in a wide sense, to cover a wide range of activities that are being developed in rural areas, directly related to the supply of services and experiences in tourist and leisure activities. 1 (RT) in Spain within a European context. The first step is to examine the development of different “models” of RT and trace some experiences of the application of European policy. In order to set the scene and understand this evolution, the collective imagery on which RT is based is also analysed. This is followed by a study of the development of tourist products and services in rural Spain since the 1980s, as diversification of the traditional sun/sand/sea (3S) tourist economy is sought. The analysis underlines the importance of the role of women, and the consequences of the activity for the economy of rural areas. The purpose is to identify differences in the pattern of evolution with more northern European countries, understand their causes and formulate recommendations for future development.
[21]Buchanan T.Commitment and leisure behavior: A theoretical perspective
. Leisure Sciences, 1985, 7(4): 401-420.
https://doi.org/10.1080/01490408509512133URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
The concept of commitment has been indirectly linked to a variety of topical areas in leisure research. The paper aims to identify and critique links between commitment and leisure behaviour, and to identify and discuss the attributes of committed behaviour. The contribution of integrating the concept of commitment into research regarding conflict, substitution, recreation specialization, and l...
[22]Rusbult C E.Commitment and satisfaction in romantic associations: A test of the investment model
. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 1980, 16(2): 172-186.
[本文引用: 8]
[23]Meyer J P, Allen N J.A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment
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[本文引用: 3]
[24]Sharpley R.Host perceptions of tourism: A review of the research
. Tourism Management, 2014, 42: 37-49.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2013.10.007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
It has long been recognised that it is incumbent on those responsible for the planning of tourism to seek to optimise the well-being of local residents whilst minimising the costs of tourism development. It is not surprising, therefore, that academic attention has long been paid to the social impacts of tourism in general and to the understanding of host communities' perceptions of tourism and its impacts in particular. Nevertheless, despite the significant volume and increasing scope of the research, the extent to which understanding of residents' perceptions of tourism has been enhanced remains uncertain. Thus, the purpose of this Progress Review is to explore critically the development of the research into residents' perceptions of tourism. Highlighting key themes and trends in the literature, it identifies a number of limitations in the research, including a narrow case study base, a dependence on quantitative methods, a focus on perceptions as opposed to responses, and the exclusion of the tourist from the majority of the research. Consequently, it argues for a multidimensional approach to the research.
[25]Reisinger Y, Kozak M, Visser E.Turkish Host Gaze at Russian Tourists: A Cultural Perspective. In Moufakkir, O. , & Reisinger, Y. (Eds. ), The Host Gaze in Global Tourism,
Wallingford: CABI, 2013: 47-66.
[本文引用: 1]
[26]邓新明. 中国情景下消费者的伦理购买意向研究: 基于TPB视角
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[Deing Xinming.Consumers’ ethical purchasing intention in Chinese Context: Based on TPB perspective
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[本文引用: 1]
[27]Becker H S.Notes on the concept of commitment
. American Journal of Sociology, 1960, 66(1): 32-40.
[本文引用: 9]
[28]Powell D M, Meyer J P.Side-bet theory and the three-component model of organizational commitment
. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 2004, 65(1): 157-177.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0001-8791(03)00050-2URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
We tested Becker’s (1960) side-bet conceptualization of commitment within the context of Meyer and Allen’s (1991) three-component model of organizational commitment. Employees (=202) from various organizations completed a survey including measures of (a) seven categories of side bets (b) affective, normative, and continuance commitment, and (c) turnover intention. The findings provided strong support for Becker’s theory. All seven side-bet categories correlated significantly with a revised measure of high-sacrifice continuance commitment, and structural equation modeling analyses revealed that the relations between the side bets and turnover intention were fully mediated by commitment. The findings also address issues pertaining to the dimensionality and measurement of continuance commitment, and help to explain relations among the three components of commitment.
[29]Rusbult C E, Martz J M, Agnew C R.The investment model scale: Measuring commitment level, satisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size
. Personal Relationships, 1998, 5(4): 357-387.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6811.1998.tb00177.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Three studies evaluated the reliability and validity of the Investment Model Scale, an instrument designed to measure four constructs, including commitment level and three bases of dependence-atisfaction level, quality of alternatives, and investment size. In all three studies, reliability analyses revealed good internal consistency among items designed to measure each construct. Also, principal components analyses performed on scale items revealed evidence of four factors, with items designed to measure each construct loading on independent factors. Studies 2 and 3 examined associations of model variables with instruments measuring diverse qualities of relationships and assorted personal dispositions. As anticipated, Investment Model variables were moderately associated with other measures reflecting superior couple functioning (e.g., dyadic adjustment, trust level, inclusion of other in the self), and were essentially unrelated to measures assessing personal dispositions (e.g., need for cognition, self-esteem). In addition, Study 3 demonstrated that earlier measures of Investment Model variables predicted later levels of dyadic adjustment and later relationship status (persisted vs. ended). It is hoped that the existence of a reliable and valid Investment Model Scale will promote further research regarding commitment and interdependence in ongoing close relationships.
[30]Komppula R.The role of individual entrepreneurs in the development of competitiveness for a rural tourism destination-A case study
. Tourism Management, 2014, 40: 361-371.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2013.07.007URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61The role entrepreneurs is underestimated in models of destination competitiveness.61DMO's roles in the models are overemphasized.61Especially in rural regions, even destinations without any kind of DMO do exist.61Municipalities have a crucial role as facilitators of entrepreneurial environment.61Without innovative, committed and risk-taking entrepreneurs no destination is to flourish.
[31]陈佳, 张丽琼, 杨新军, . 乡村旅游开发对农户生计和社区旅游效应的影响: 旅游开发模式视角的案例实证
. 地理研究, 2017, 36(09): 1709-1724.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201709009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Chen Jia, Zhang liqiong, Yang Xinjun, et al. The impact of tourism development on changes of households' livelihood and community tourism effect: A case study based on the perspective of tourism development mode
. Geographical Research, 2017, 36(9): 1709-1724.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201709009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[32]Su M M, Wall, G, Jin M. Island livelihoods: Tourism and fishing at Long Islands, Shandong Province, China
. Ocean & Coastal Management, 2016. 122(4): 20-29.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2015.11.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
61We analyzeYujialetourism in two fishing villages at Long Islands in China.61SLF is used to assess and compare tourism induced livelihood changes.61Relations between fishing andYujialetourism as livelihood options are discussed.61Local leadership is found to affectYujialetourism and its impacts on livelihoods.61Practical implications are discussed to enhance island livelihood sustainability.
[33]Látková P, Vogt C A.Residents’ attitudes toward existing and future tourism development in rural communities
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https://doi.org/10.1177/0047287510394193URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[34]Scheyvens R.Ecotourism and the empowerment of local communities
. Tourism Management, 1999, 20(2): 245-249.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-5177(98)00069-7URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
An empowerment framework is proposed as a suitable mechanism for aiding analysis of the social, economic, psychological and political impacts of ecotourism on local communities. The rationale behind this framework is that ecotourism should promote both conservation and development at the local level. The framework can be applied in both western and developing country contexts but, because it ta...
[35]Boley B B, McGehee N G, Perdue R R,et al. Empowerment and resident attitudes toward tourism: Strengthening the theoretical foundation through a Weberian lens
. Annals of Tourism Research, 2014, 49(6): 33-50.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2014.08.005URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
This study expands Perdue, Long, and Allen’s (1990) original model of resident attitudes toward tourism in two significant ways. It first proposes Weber’s theory of formal and substantive rationality (WFSR) as a way to strengthen social exchange theory. Secondly, WFSR is operationalized by using the Resident Empowerment through Tourism Scale (RETS) as substantive antecedents and the Personal Economic Benefit from Tourism Scale as a formal antecedent influencing resident attitudes. Ten of 14 hypotheses were confirmed, with Psychological Empowerment and Personal Economic Benefit having direct and positive effects on Support for Tourism. Implications include recognition of the importance of tailoring destination marketing and management efforts to empower residents psychologically, socially, and politically.
[36]左冰, 保继刚. 从“社区参与”走向“社区增权”: 西方“旅游增权”理论研究述评
. 旅游学刊, 2008, (4): 58-63.
[ Zuo Bing, Bao Jigang.From community participation to community empowerment: Review on theoretical study of “Tourism Empowerment” in Western countries
. Tourism Tribune, 2008, (4): 58-63.]
[37]Iverson R D, Roy P.A causal model of behavioral commitment: Evidence from a study of Australian blue-collar employees
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https://doi.org/10.1177/014920639402000102URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[38]Ko J W, Price J L, Mueller C W.Assessment of Meyer and Allen's three-component model of organizational commitment in South Korea
. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1997, 82(6): 961-973.
https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.82.6.961URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
3-component model of organizational commitment was investigated with samples from 2 different organizations in South Korea. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using covariance structure analysis. The results were mixed. Reliabilities of the Affective Commitment Scale (ACS) and the Normative Commitment Scale (NCS) were acceptable, whereas the reliability of the Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS) was low. The 3 scales had acceptable convergent validity, but the ACS and the NCS lacked discriminant validity. The construct validity of the ACS was supported, whereas the construct validities of the CCS and the NCS were questionable. Psychometric and conceptual problems were discussed, and suggestions for future research were advanced.
[39]Malhotra N K, Agarwal J, Peterson M.Methodological issues in cross-cultural marketing research: A state-of-the-art review
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[40]Johns G.The essential impact of context on organizational behavior
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https://doi.org/10.2307/20159208URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
I argue that the impact of context on organizational behavior is not sufficiently recognized or appreciated by researchers. I define context as situational opportunities and constraints that affect the occurrence and meaning of organizational behavior as well as functional relationships between variables, and I propose two levels of analysis for thinking about context--one grounded in journalistic practice and the other in classic social psychology. Several means of contextualizing research are considered.
[41]Vargas-Sánchez A, Porras-Bueno N, de los ángeles Plaza-Mejía M. Explaining residents’ attitudes to tourism: Is a universal model possible?
Annals of Tourism Research, 2011, 38(2): 460-480.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2010.10.004Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The topic of residents' attitudes towards tourism development has been analyzed by many authors, leading us to discuss the possibility of proposing a universal model to explain it. The difficulties and progress made in this field are argued. The main contribution of this study is the inclusion of variables for the "behaviour of tourists", "density of tourists" and "level of tourism development perceived by the resident", which are either absent or only minimally incorporated in the majority of models. We have constructed an enhanced explanatory model and tested it in the particular case of the Spanish province of Huelva, which is considered as an emerging destination. These findings have significant repercussions both in the scientific field and for tourism planning.
[42]Butler R W.The concept of a tourist area cycle of evolution: Implications for management of resources
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[本文引用: 1]
[43]O' Rourke N, Hatcher L. A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. North Carolina:
SAS Institute Inc., 2013: 97-99.
https://doi.org/10.1111/insr.12111_2URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Hatcher, Larry; O'Rourke, Norm
[44]Fornell C, Larcker D F.Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error: Algebra and Statistics
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https://doi.org/10.2307/3150979URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The author comments on Fornell and Larcker's article in the February 1981 issue of "JMR". He indicates some limitations of the analyses, pinpoints where they can be misleading, and introduces some new notions.
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