Migration, floating population and urbanization in China: Realities, theories, and strategies
版权声明:2019《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
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1 引言
2 中国人口迁移,流动人口与城市化: 现实与研究进展
Tab. 1
表 1
表 12010年中国城市及农村地区的暂住人口、户藉人口和总人口
Tab. 1Temporary population, hukou population and total population in urban and rural areas of China in 2010
地区种类 | 全国 | 市区 | 镇区 | 城市 | 农村 |
暂住人口(按行政区种类) | |||||
乡 | 58.75 | 34.40 | 15.04 | 49.28 | 9.54 |
镇居委会 | 29.29 | 17.65 | 8.51 | 26.05 | 3.21 |
镇村委会 | 105.60 | 61.16 | 26.52 | 87.41 | 18.39 |
街道 | 67.30 | 57.26 | 5.42 | 63.22 | 3.84 |
总暂住人口 | 260.94 | 170.47 | 55.49 | 225.96 | 34.98 |
户藉人口 | 1071.87 | 233.30 | 210.75 | 444.04 | 627.83 |
总人口 | 1332.81 | 403.77 | 266.24 | 669.90 | 662.81 |
暂住人口比例(%) | 19.58 | 42.22 | 20.85 | 33.73 | 5.28 |
根据1995年1%人口抽样调查和2010年人口普查[30,32],城市地区人均建筑面积从1995年的19.19 m2增加到2010年的32.74 m2。2010年人口普查也显示了中国城市住房短缺程度和住房质量。6.82%的家庭的人均建筑面积不到8 m2。9.97%的家庭没有厨房、15.63%的家庭没有厕所、13.35%的家庭没有自来水。这些数据表明,中国很大一部分的城市居民没有厨房、厕所和自来水等基本住房设施;有必要提高城市住房和公用设施供水的标准,尤其是对那些处于弱势和贫穷的城市居民。
3 中国人口迁移,流动人口与城市化: 理论与对策
3.1 双轨城市化理论模式
3.2 移民融合理论
3.3 劳动力市场分割理论
3.4 户口制度和农民工流动的结果
-->Fig. 1A conceptual framework of the causes of the problems of temporary population in China
3.5 新型可持续城市化的区域人地共生系统方法
4 可持续社区: 香港实例
香港有一个有效的城市规划制度。本文以香港的实例,展示怎样规划和发展一个可持续发展社区,以满足现代城市的城市居民不断上升的期望和要求。马鞍山是香港沙田区的一个新市镇。这个新市镇自20世纪90年代初开始建设,至2011年差不多完成了所有的发展。马鞍山总面积819 hm2。按人口普查数据,当地人口从1986年的13.8万人增加到2011年的20.2万人。马鞍山居民以华人为主,占95.4%。有8877人为印尼人、菲律宾人与印度人。1343人来自西方、日本等其他国家。马鞍山居民收入差别很大,月收入在一万港币以下的工作人口占33.27%,月收入在三万港币以上的工作人口占17.87%[60]。
马鞍山铁路全长11.4 km,总投资额140亿港元(其中政府资金80亿港元)。2001年开工建设,并于2004年12月21日投入运营,服务人口约为48万人。它将马鞍山至大围的行程时间减至15分钟,至尖沙咀东的行程时间减至30分钟。

-->Fig. 2Ma On Shan town center on Google Earth

-->Fig. 3Waterfront area in Ma On Shan new town
5 结论
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
参考文献 原文顺序
[1] | . ABSTRACT Underurbanization may be defined as the extent to which the actual rate of urban growth falls short of the rate that would have occurred if there had been perfect and instantaneous adjustments of the population to urban-industrial productivity advantages. Eastern European scholars argue that underurbanization has been sought and achieved as an explicit policy objective by socialist governments. In this paper, the Tolley model is used to estimate productivity-based urban growth rates. These, in turn, permit an examination of whether, and to what extent, underurbanization may have been characteristic of China since 1949. Underurbanization was found throughout the Maoist period with three explainable contrary episodes. However, pent-up demand for urbanward migration has been released during Deng's Four Modernizations, and China now appears to be overurbanizing. |
[2] | . Since the early 1980s, a large number of rural migrants have moved into Chinese cities. Most rural migrants are not granted permanent household registration in the city and are only registered temporarily. The temporary population refers to such rural migrants. They have a low social and economic status and do not enjoy many social welfare and economic opportunities reserved for the permanent urban residents. Due to their low socio-economic status, housing conditions for the temporary population is poor. The current housing reform in urban China has entirely focused on the local urban residents while the needs of the temporary population have been overlooked. How do the rural migrants make a living in Chinese cities? How are cities accommodating this large temporary population? What kind of policies might be adopted to manage migrants in Chinese cities? This paper will examine the current employment and housing situations, and the causes of temporary population in China. Possible policy response to the problem is also discussed. |
[3] | . 城镇人口数据不一致的问题非常严重,几乎没有系统的省级区域城市化数据.这种情况部分是因为 人口普查城镇人口定义的变化,部分是由城镇设置标准的变动引起的.人口普查是全国和各省区城镇人口数据的重要来源.但是由于人口普查的城镇人口定义在不断 变化,城镇人口数据很多是前后不一致的,必须进行相应调整.本文首先讨论改革时期新的城市化进程,澄清城镇人口定义的变化,然后概括地说明估计全国和区域 城镇人口所用的一个基于双轨城市化概念模式的区域方法.将调整后的1982年和2000年人口普查得到的城镇人口作为计算的基础数据,对 1982~2000年中国各省的城市化水平进行估计.在估计结果的基础上,分析1982~2000年中国城市化过程的主要空间特征.揭示了 1982~2000中国省级区域城市化发展的主要趋势.本文最后为将来城镇人口的统计提出一些建议. . 城镇人口数据不一致的问题非常严重,几乎没有系统的省级区域城市化数据.这种情况部分是因为 人口普查城镇人口定义的变化,部分是由城镇设置标准的变动引起的.人口普查是全国和各省区城镇人口数据的重要来源.但是由于人口普查的城镇人口定义在不断 变化,城镇人口数据很多是前后不一致的,必须进行相应调整.本文首先讨论改革时期新的城市化进程,澄清城镇人口定义的变化,然后概括地说明估计全国和区域 城镇人口所用的一个基于双轨城市化概念模式的区域方法.将调整后的1982年和2000年人口普查得到的城镇人口作为计算的基础数据,对 1982~2000年中国各省的城市化水平进行估计.在估计结果的基础上,分析1982~2000年中国城市化过程的主要空间特征.揭示了 1982~2000中国省级区域城市化发展的主要趋势.本文最后为将来城镇人口的统计提出一些建议. |
[4] | . 见: 彼得?卡尔. 克雷斯尔. . In: Kresl P K. |
[5] | . 新型城镇化是以人为核心的城镇化,因此农民城镇化意愿备受关注。基于2010年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2010)的数据,采用描述性统计和多层次Logistic回归模型,探讨了农民进城定居意愿和对不同等级城镇的选择偏好,并分析了其影响因素。研究表明:农民进城定居意愿较弱,且大多倾向于在县城或小城镇而非地级及以上城市定居。农民的进城意愿和城市偏好存在着显著的地理空间异质性。来自于同一村庄的农民,其进城意愿和对不同等级城镇的偏好具有较多的相似性。影响农民进城意愿的主要因素包括:个体人力资本禀赋、家庭人口结构、物质资本存量、城乡联系以及地区社会经济发展水平等。地区经济发展水平和地理区位是农民选择到小城镇而非地级及以上城市定居的主要影响因素。因此,促进县域城镇化发展,提高农民人力资本和家庭收入,是实现农村城镇化和农民市民化的有效途径。 . 新型城镇化是以人为核心的城镇化,因此农民城镇化意愿备受关注。基于2010年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2010)的数据,采用描述性统计和多层次Logistic回归模型,探讨了农民进城定居意愿和对不同等级城镇的选择偏好,并分析了其影响因素。研究表明:农民进城定居意愿较弱,且大多倾向于在县城或小城镇而非地级及以上城市定居。农民的进城意愿和城市偏好存在着显著的地理空间异质性。来自于同一村庄的农民,其进城意愿和对不同等级城镇的偏好具有较多的相似性。影响农民进城意愿的主要因素包括:个体人力资本禀赋、家庭人口结构、物质资本存量、城乡联系以及地区社会经济发展水平等。地区经济发展水平和地理区位是农民选择到小城镇而非地级及以上城市定居的主要影响因素。因此,促进县域城镇化发展,提高农民人力资本和家庭收入,是实现农村城镇化和农民市民化的有效途径。 |
[6] | . Since 1988 the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations has been issuing every two years revised and updated estimates and projections of the urban and rural populations of all countries in the world and of their major urban agglomerations. This note presents the main findings of the 2007 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects which are consistent with the size of the total population of each country as estimated or projected in the 2006 Revision of World Population Prospects. The 2007 Revision presents estimates and projections of the total urban and rural populations of the world for the period 1950-2050. The results are shown for development groups six major areas (i.e. Africa Asia Europe Latin America and the Caribbean Northern America and Oceania) and 21 regions. Data are further disaggregated for the 229 countries or areas of the world. The 2007 Revision also provides estimates and projections of the population of urban agglomerations with 750000 inhabitants or more in 2007 for the period 1950-2025. Estimates of the proportion of the population living in urban areas and the population of cities are derived on the basis of national statistics. The most common source of data on the proportion urban and the population of cities and urban agglomerations is the population census. For some countries the basic data are obtained from population registers or administrative statistics. (excerpt) |
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[8] | . The level of urbanisation in many developing countries such as China has remained at less than 50%, despite rapid urban population growth since the 1950s. Obtaining accurate information on urban population is essential for monitoring and studying the ongoing urbanisation process that is restructuring the societies of less urbanised countries. The difficulties in counting China's urban population have arisen from the accelerated urbanisation in China under a model of dual-track urbanisation since the early 1980s. Institutional settings for urbanisation have also been altered with the revision of criteria for city and town designation. These developments make it increasingly difficult to count urban population in China, causing frequent changes in the definition of urban population in five censuses from 1953 to 2000. Two approaches have been adopted to estimate urban population data series for inter-census periods. This paper proposes a third approach based on the concept of dual-track urbanisation, counting and estimating urban non-agricultural and agricultural populations separately. After thorough examination and comparison of the definition of urban population and data quality from five censuses, this paper obtains a set of more consistent urban population data after a series of adjustments. A new series of urban population data is estimated for 1982-2001. The results provide reliable urbanisation data for further study on urban transition and development in China. Copyright 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
[9] | . The Chinese household registration system (hukou), which divides the population into “agricultural” and “nonagricultural” sectors, may be the most important determinant of differential privileges in state socialist China, determining access to good jobs, education for one’s children, housing, health care, and even the right to move to a city. Transforming one’s hukou status from rural to urban is a central aspect of upward social mobility. Using data from a 1996 national probability sample, we show that education and membership in the Chinese Communist Party are the main determinants of such mobility. |
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[11] | |
[12] | . This article examines the fate of rural migrants in Shanghai, China's largest metropolis. Relying on data from a representative survey, it provides a profile of recent rural migrants and analyzes the pattern of occupational and income determination among them. The economic status between migrants and local residents is also compared. The authors show that despite a marked income improvement, rural migrants in Shanghai are still segregated from urban residents and argue that the social divide between urban and rural areas created under socialism has continued to function and may contribute to the formation of a dual society in urban China. |
[13] | . The concept of integration is central for understanding the experiences of groups in marginalized positions in contemporary urban societies. Research on integration has primarily focused on international migrants, especially immigrants. Yet internal migrants like rural-urban migrant workers in China also face formidable institutional, economic, cultural, and social barriers in the host society. Informed by integration theory, and drawing on a questionnaire survey of 1,100 migrants conducted in Wuhan, this research effort examines how institutional barriers intersect with economic, social/cultural, and identity integration to explain the experiences of rural migrant workers in Chinese cities. The authors' analysis, based on OLS and logit regressions, shows that the hukou system is a persistent barrier to migrant workers, despite improvement over time of their economic, social/cultural, and identity integration into urban society. Their findings also indicate that human capital is important for migrants' economic and identity integration. Moreover, migrant workers who are socially and culturally adapted, speak the dialect of the host society, and have the financial resources to be self-employed (or buy an apartment in the city) are more likely to develop a sense of belonging in the city than other migrants. |
[14] | . Established migration theories are mostly based on capitalist market economies and downplay the role of institutions in internal migration and labor market processes. In socialist and transitional economies such as those in Russia and China, however, investigations of migration and the labor market must begin by examining the nature and consequences of state institutions. In this article, I argue that the migration and labor market processes in Chinese cities are deeply influenced by an institution-based opportunity structure. The household registration (hukou) system, in particular, is interwoven with distribution of services and job opportunities. Most peasants who enter cities in response to increased demands for cheap labor are not granted urban citizenship and are treated as “outsiders” to the urban society. The experiences of these “temporary migrants” contrast with those of “permanent migrants” who are state-sponsored or have access to institutional resources. Using qualitative accounts from a 1995 village-level survey in Sichuan and Anhui and quantitative data from a survey I conducted in Guangzhou in 1998, this article examines the most salient differences among the three subpopulations with different resident statuses: nonmigrant urban natives, permanent migrants, and temporary migrants. I show that resident status is central to explaining migration processes and labor market segmentation in the Chinese city. The findings indicate that in terms of human capital attributes, mobility resources, and labor market entry and shifts, permanent migrants are the most privileged and successful elite, followed by nonmigrant natives, and finally by temporary migrants at the bottom of the hierarchy. These results hint at a new social order of stratification in Chinese cities, underscore the compelling relations between internal migration and labor market development in transitional economies, and suggest that in these economies the state deepens the bifurcation effects about which labor market segmentation theory is concerned. |
[15] | . Since the inauguration of reform in 1978, a large number of Chinese peasants were released from agricultural production and became "surplus labor." Because a large proportion of rural-urban population mobility assumes the form of temporary movement, attention to such movement is therefore essential to any assessment of social, economic and political changes in urban and rural China and of the overall urbanization process. The present study uses the 1 percent sample of the 1990 census data of China to study long-term rural to urban temporary economic migrants, the provincial pattern and variation of these migrants, and their economic activities represented by the occupational attainments in cities in comparison with urban residents. |
[16] | . Since the early 1980s, reduced migration control by the state and increasing economic liberalization in China have led to the movement of millions of peasants to the cities, creating various types of new 090008urban spaces090009 and 090008non-state spaces.090009 This influx has fundamentally changed the social, spatial and economic landscapes of the Chinese city, making the urban scene much more varied, lively and dynamic, but less safe and orderly than that of the Maoist era. Aside from the resulting expansion of city population, the Chinese city is also taking on some of the features common to other Third World cities, including the formation of migrant communities in both the cities and suburbs. In 1990, in the built-up areas of eight of China's largest cities, the 090008floating population090009 accounted for between 11.1 to 27.5 per cent of the total de facto urban population. At the same time, the urban population has also become much more diverse as peasants from different provinces group spontaneously in spatially distinct enclaves, producing a new urban mosaic that did not exist in Maoist China. Whereas some of enclaves are formed by non-Han minority groups, such as the two 090008Xinjiang villages090009 in Beijing where the Uygurs (more commonly but unofficially, 090008Uighurs090009) from Xinjiang have congregated, most of them are formed by Han-Chinese. The Han peasant enclaves, however, are far from uniform in social structure, economic activity, population size or physical appearance. |
[17] | . |
[18] | . A unique feature of migration in China is its two-track system, one consisting of permanent migration and temporary migration. This article examines whether and how hukou reforms and the maturation of migration streams since the 1980s have changed the two-track system. Using data on interprovincial migration from the 1990 and 2000 censuses, our empirical analysis focuses on the differentials between permanent migrants and temporary migrants and their changes over time. We document the size, migration reasons, and selectivity of migrants, and we evaluate the determinants of the dichotomy between permanent migrants and temporary migrants via logistic regression models. Our findings show that between 1990 and 2000 the gaps between interprovincial permanent migrants and temporary migrants did not narrow but in most aspects had widened. There is little evidence that hukou reforms have lowered the barriers to urban citizenship. At the same time, a larger spectrum of the rural population has joined the temporary migration streams. The net result is a persistence of the two-track migration system, where permanent migrants increasingly assume the position of social and economic elites and temporary migrants are the disadvantaged and disenfranchised. |
[19] | . Abstract This paper uses China's 1990 Census 1% microdata and studies interprovincial migration with reference to a core Chinese socioeconomic institution, the household registration ( hukou ) system. We first compared the socioeconomic characteristics and geographical patterns of long-distance hukou and non- hukou migratory flows, and developed a framework of dual migration circuits. With this framework, we used a statistical model to evaluate migration rates in relation to both origin and destination variables. It was found that these two types of migrants shared some general demographic characteristics, but displayed substantial socioeconomic differences. Hukou migrants tended to originate in urban areas, had an extremely high share of the college-educated and were employed in more skilled jobs, while non- hukou migrants were mostly from rural areas with much lower education attainment. Hukou labour migrants tended to move through government and formal channels, while non- hukou migrants relied on their own, often informal, sources for jobs. We used a set of place-to-place migration models to assess the differential effect of the same variables on different types of migration. While hukou and non- hukou migration (including rural labour migration) were, as expected, deterred by distance and moved mostly to more economically developed coastal provinces, the migration mechanisms and degree of the impact were not the same. Non- hukou migration rates were tied positively to the migration stock, a process consistent with a networked migration hypothesis, while hukou migration rates were not. Rural labour migrants moved away from provinces of high population pressure to those with more favourable ratios of land per labourer, in line with neoclassical predictions. Hukou migration moved in the opposite direction, reflecting a different set of factors at work. Our analysis indicates that the hukou system remained a relatively powerful institution in structuring migration in the 1980s. The study also illustrates the usefulness and limitations of applying existing migration models in a different sociopolitical context. Copyright 漏 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
[20] | . An Australian geographer examines the effects of the global financial crisis on China's migrant workers, based on a recent survey of over 2,700 such workers conducted during January-February 2009. The author focuses on the number of migrant workers returning to their home villages for the annual New Year holiday period, the types of workers that were laid off, options available to such workers upon losing employment, and the reasons underlying their subsequent moves. Implications of the findings for labor policy in China are briefly outlined and several directions for future research identified. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E240, G010, J610, J690. 7 tables, 68 references. |
[21] | . |
[22] | . Residential mobility patterns are an important indicator of the future socioeconomic standing of rural–urban migrants in the urban society. In Chinese cities there are significant barriers for migrants to settle permanently. Given this context and housing choices available to migrants, what types of housing career do they follow once in the city? Drawing from survey data from three large cities, this paper studies migrant intra‐urban residential mobility through three lenses—temporal patterns, spatial trajectories and tenure shifts. The majority of migrants are renters and remain so despite a lengthy residence in the cities. They experience a high level of mobility over time, but the trajectories of their moves are spatially confined and involve few tenure shifts. |
[23] | . . |
[24] | . For almost three decades, millions of rural rban migrants in China have continued to circulate between their urban migrant work and their rural home, maintaining a split-household arrangement where some family members are left behind. Based on a survey of migrants in Beijing's urban villages conducted in 2008, this article focuses on migrants' settlement intention. Consistent with recent studies, this research shows that the majority of rural migrants do not intend to stay permanently in cities. Having more family members in the city facilitates the earning of urban wages but is not necessarily indicative of a long-term plan to stay. Rather, the author's empirical analysis highlights migrants' labor market and social futures in the city as important factors of their settlement intention. These results underscore circular migration and split households as long-term practices among rural Chinese, in contrast to the conventional assumptions that those arrangements are temporary. |
[25] | . Against the backdrop of rapid urbanization, homeplace-based communities accommodating rural migrants from the same origin areas have proliferated in China's metropolitan cities. This phenomenon has attracted a wide range of political concern and media attention. However, little scholarly attention has been devoted to such rural migrant enclaves from the perspective of the social space, and to what extent and in what way 'the power of place' imposes influences upon the migration process and the labor-market process of rural migrants remain poorly understood. Based on field study and qualitative method, this paper aims to probe into the evolution process, basic characteristics, formation mechanism, and spatiality of Hubei Village, a homeplace-based community located in the city of Guangzhou, in the context of rapid urbanization. Our findings reveal that Hubei Village in general has become specialized in economic structure, homogeneous in sub-ethnic composition, and diversified in social stratum since the advent of the reform and opening up, and that abundant production networks and recruitment channels embedded with native space connections engender this community an enclave of key social and cultural distinction from surrounding areas. Our results suggest that Hubei Village plays a key role in accumulating and retaining all kinds of sub-ethnic elements, e.g. capital, labor force, and identity. Specifically, Hubei Village provides a place for the circuit of Hubei migrants' economic capital, for upward mobility of hubei labor migrants, and for integration of Hubei migrants into the host society of detonation cities. Our results further indicate that Hubei Village is a product of interrelated and interwoven forces at varied geographical scales, including market, institutional, and regional-level factors on a macro scale, factors related to urban expansion and infrastructure development on a meso scale, and factors related to competitive edges of Hubei garment factories, entrepreneurial spirit of Hubei migrants, and active response of local community on a micro scale. Based on our empirical study, we make a conclusive remark that homeplace-based communities, as new urban social spaces facilitated by grass-root efforts, make great contributions to the integration of neo-migrants in China's metropolitan cities. Therefore, governments should be cautious to carry out the wholesale demolition of homeplace-based communities, and should reconsider existing redevelopment policies toward urbanized villages. . Against the backdrop of rapid urbanization, homeplace-based communities accommodating rural migrants from the same origin areas have proliferated in China's metropolitan cities. This phenomenon has attracted a wide range of political concern and media attention. However, little scholarly attention has been devoted to such rural migrant enclaves from the perspective of the social space, and to what extent and in what way 'the power of place' imposes influences upon the migration process and the labor-market process of rural migrants remain poorly understood. Based on field study and qualitative method, this paper aims to probe into the evolution process, basic characteristics, formation mechanism, and spatiality of Hubei Village, a homeplace-based community located in the city of Guangzhou, in the context of rapid urbanization. Our findings reveal that Hubei Village in general has become specialized in economic structure, homogeneous in sub-ethnic composition, and diversified in social stratum since the advent of the reform and opening up, and that abundant production networks and recruitment channels embedded with native space connections engender this community an enclave of key social and cultural distinction from surrounding areas. Our results suggest that Hubei Village plays a key role in accumulating and retaining all kinds of sub-ethnic elements, e.g. capital, labor force, and identity. Specifically, Hubei Village provides a place for the circuit of Hubei migrants' economic capital, for upward mobility of hubei labor migrants, and for integration of Hubei migrants into the host society of detonation cities. Our results further indicate that Hubei Village is a product of interrelated and interwoven forces at varied geographical scales, including market, institutional, and regional-level factors on a macro scale, factors related to urban expansion and infrastructure development on a meso scale, and factors related to competitive edges of Hubei garment factories, entrepreneurial spirit of Hubei migrants, and active response of local community on a micro scale. Based on our empirical study, we make a conclusive remark that homeplace-based communities, as new urban social spaces facilitated by grass-root efforts, make great contributions to the integration of neo-migrants in China's metropolitan cities. Therefore, governments should be cautious to carry out the wholesale demolition of homeplace-based communities, and should reconsider existing redevelopment policies toward urbanized villages. |
[26] | . 改革开放以来,大量农村人口迁入城市,与城市本地居民"共居"于同一城市空间.农民工在迁入城市的空间分布,很大程度上决定着他们与城市居民接触"界面"的大小和交流机会的多少;农民工的居住状况,又在一定意义上反映了他们与城市居民社会差异的大小及相互融合的程度. . 改革开放以来,大量农村人口迁入城市,与城市本地居民"共居"于同一城市空间.农民工在迁入城市的空间分布,很大程度上决定着他们与城市居民接触"界面"的大小和交流机会的多少;农民工的居住状况,又在一定意义上反映了他们与城市居民社会差异的大小及相互融合的程度. |
[27] | . 61The new generation migrants are significantly different from the first generation ones in their individual characteristics.61However, they are still remarkable similar in their socioeconomic status and readiness for integration into the cities.61The generational change per se plays an insignificant role in changing migrants' situation in the cities.61Rural–urban disparity and the dominance of labour-intensive industries constrain the above changes. |
[28] | . This paper reveals Fujian's urbanization paths and reestimates its urbanization trend since the 1980s. In doing this, special attention is given to the profound socioeconomic changes affecting the province, especially the designation of small urban centers, the development of township and village enterprises (TVEs), and temporary residents. The economic development in Fujian province is an example wherein it divides China's urbanization process into 'formal' and 'informal' patterns. By using this concept of urbanization, it revealed a transformation from a state-sponsored and strictly controlled urbanization process into a dynamic development mainly promoted by local economic activities. It strongly suggests that the confines of China's official data on urbanization prevent a full appreciation of the essence of the urbanization process since 1978. The development of TVEs, facilitated by the creation of many small urban centers, together with more and more temporary residents, has become the main feature of the urbanization process in the Fujian province. Without these components, the analysis of urbanization provides only an incomplete and superficial picture of China's urban growth. |
[29] | . State-sponsored urbanization prevailed in the prereform China. A new track of spontaneous urbanization has emerged since 1978. However, state-sponsored urbanization has continued to be an important process of urbanization in the reform period. The Chinese pattern of urbanization since 1978 is distinguished by dual-track urbanization. This paper uses the dualtrack urbanization approach to examine the urbanization process in Pearl River Delta in the reform period. Whether urbanization takes place in main cities or low-order settlements has been a lasting theme of the urbanization inquiry. This issue is assessed by an analysis of the relative concentration and deconcentration of urban population among four groups of settlements: the primate city, cities with special economic zones, prefecture-level cities and county-level cities/counties. Contrary to previous research, it is found that both state-sponsored and spontaneous urbanization are driving a dispersed pattern of urbanization in the region. |
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[34] | . 讨论中国在改革时期双轨城市化兴起的政治经济因素。随后分析双轨城市化在珠江三角洲的趋势及其对空间发展的含义。1980-1990年代,城市化有扩散的倾向,但同时又选择性地集中在新发展的经济特区。但是,此后珠三角出现了国家主导的城市化在主要的城市中心集中的新趋势。本文所展示的复杂现实,对现有基于城市或小城镇的城市化理论提出了挑战。 . 讨论中国在改革时期双轨城市化兴起的政治经济因素。随后分析双轨城市化在珠江三角洲的趋势及其对空间发展的含义。1980-1990年代,城市化有扩散的倾向,但同时又选择性地集中在新发展的经济特区。但是,此后珠三角出现了国家主导的城市化在主要的城市中心集中的新趋势。本文所展示的复杂现实,对现有基于城市或小城镇的城市化理论提出了挑战。 |
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[39] | . Coping with Cultural and Racial Diversity in Urban America - 1990, Page 108 by Wallace E. Lambert, Donald M. Taylor. Read Coping with Cultural and Racial Diversity in Urban America now at Questia. |
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[41] | . ABSTRACT This report introduces a quantitative index that measures the degree of similarity between native- and foreign-born adults in the United States: the ability to distinguish the latter group from the former is defined as "assimilation." The Index of Immigrant Assimilation relies on Census Bureau data available in some form since 1900 and as current as 2006. The index reveals great diversity in the experiences of individual immigrant groups, which differ from each other almost as much as they differ from the native-born. They vary significantly in the extent to which their earnings have increased, their rate of learning the English language, and progress toward citizenship. Mexican immigrants, the largest group and the focus of most current immigration policy debates, have assimilated slowly, but their experience is not representative of the entire immigrant population. Collective assimilation rates are lower than they were a century ago, although no lower than they have been in recent decades. This is true despite the fact that recent immigrants have arrived less assimilated than their predecessors and in very large numbers. In addition to country of origin, the Index categorizes groups on the basis of date of arrival, age, and place of residence. Some groups have done far better or worse than the Index as a whole; Assimilation also varies considerably across metropolitan areas. The methodology used to compute the assimilation index is outlined in the report and detailed in an appendix. The assimilation index points to marks of success, to encouraging recent trends, and also to areas of concern. Within areas of concern, the index provides some insight into the nature of the problem and the universe of appropriate potential policy responses. However, the report neither proposes nor endorses any policy responses: its purpose is to present information in a manner useful to concerned citizens and policymakers who hope to make informed decisions regarding the proper course of action. (Contains 30 endnotes, 25 figures and 2 tables.) |
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[43] | . This paper uses a new data source to investigate differences in occupational achievement among a large number of ethnic groups. The November, 1979 Current Population Survey is a unique source since it provides information on both the ancestry and nativity of a large national sample of respondents. These data are particularly valuable because they permit the identification of first-, second- and third- or higher- generation individuals, thereby providing a clearer picture of the process of assimilation. We focus upon the achievements of men, age 20 to 64, classified simultaneously by nativity and ethnicity. Not surprisingly, there are notable differences in the occupational attainment of foreign- born men. Some of these differences are due to the diverse social and economic backgrounds of the different nationalities, but important differences in the rates of return to background characteristics are also evident. The assimilation perspective predicts that eventually ethnic background will no longer be an important determinant of socioeconomic achievement. By the third generation, we find this to be true for the most part, although important exceptions are discussed in this paper. |
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[45] | . This paper analyzes the relationship between earnings and the extent of assimilation, cohort quality change, and return migration experienced by the foreign-born population. The study uses the longitudinal data available in the Survey of Natural and Social Scientists and Engineers. The analysis reveals that there was a sizable decline in the skills of this population over the last two decades. In addition, the study shows that return migration is more likely among immigrants who did not perform well in the U.S. labor market. |
[46] | . The segmented assimilation theory offers a theoretical framework for understanding the process by which the new second generation--the children of contemporary immigrants--becomes incorporated into the system of stratification in the host society and the different outcomes of this process. This article examines the issues and controversies surrounding the development of the segmented assimilation theory and reviews the state of recent empirical research relevant to this theoretical approach. It also highlights main conclusions from recent research that bear on this theory and their implications for future studies. The geographical focus is on the United States. (EXCERPT) |
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[48] | . An economic behavioral model of rural urban migration is formulated which represents a realistic modification and extension of the simple wage differential approach commonly found in the literature and this probablistic approach is incorporated into a rigorous model of the determinants of urban labor demand and supply which when given values for the crucial parameters can be used among other things to estimate the equilibrium proportion of the urban labor force that is not absorbed by the modern industrial economy. Additionally the model will provide a convenient framework for analyzing the implications of alternative policies designed to alleviate unemployment by varying 1 or more of the principal parameters. A more realistic picture of labor migration in less developed nations would be one that views migration as a 2 stage phenomenon: in the 1st stage the unskilled rural worker migrates to an urban area and spends a certain period of time in the "urban traditional" sector; and the 2nd stage is reached with the eventual attainment of a more permanent modern sector job. This 2 stage process allows one to ask some basic questions concerning the decision to migrate the proportionate size of the urban traditional sector and the implications of accelerated industrial growth and/or alternative rural urban real income differentials on labor participation in the modern economy. In the model the decision to migrate from rural to urban areas is functionally related to 2 principal variables: the urban rural real income differential and the probability of obtaining an urban job. To understand better the nature of the supply function to be used in the overall model of the determinants of urban unemployment it is helpful to state the underlying behavioral assumptions of the model of rural urban migration: it is assumed that the percentage change in the urban labor force as a result of migration during any period is governed by the differential between the discounted streams of expected urban and rural real income expressed as percentage of the discounted stream of expected rural real income; the planning horizon for each worker is identical; the fixed costs of migration are identical for all workers; and the discount factor is constant over the planning horizon and identical for all potential migrants. The model demonstrates the overall net impact of allowing these parameters to vary over time and/or choosing alternative values. It underlines in a simple and plausible way the interdependent effects of industrial expansion productivity growth and the differential expected real earnings capacity of urban versus rural activities on the size and rate of increase in labor migration and therefore ultimately on the occupational distribution of the urban labor force. Possibly the most significant policy implication that emerged from the model is the great difficulty of substantially reducing the size of the urban traditional sector without a concentrated effort at making rural life more attractive. |
[49] | . No Abstract available for this article. |
[50] | . Current research in migration is moving on from neo-classical and behavioural perspectives to a more structural approach relating to wider processes, issues of power and the particular role of employers. Within this programme a key issue for investigation is the interaction between spatial mobility and the structuring of labour markets. This paper focuses on the significance of labour market segmentation - in terms both of job stability and gender - for migration, both theoretically and through an empirical analysis of data from the UK Labour force survey on sponsored and unsponsored moves. |
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[53] | . One of the striking outcomes of China's economic reforms is the emergence of inter-regional labour markets as rural workers have poured into the nation's urban and rural economies. Policy makers in China, as elsewhere in the world, have treated the inter-regional migrant labour force with ambiguity. Migration may increase efficiency, contribute to poverty reduction and make China's economy more competitive, but leaders fear the congestion, social unrest and loss of political control which might accompany an increasingly mobile labour force. |
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[56] | . In: Wong T, Rigg J. |
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[61] | . 本文基于对285名香港新移民的调查发现乐观取向、社会服务的使用是影响社会融合的重要因素,高乐观取向、更多使用社会服务的新移民社会融合程度更高。论文提出了相应的政策和服务建议。 . 本文基于对285名香港新移民的调查发现乐观取向、社会服务的使用是影响社会融合的重要因素,高乐观取向、更多使用社会服务的新移民社会融合程度更高。论文提出了相应的政策和服务建议。 |