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1. 辽宁师范大学自然地理与空间信息科学辽宁省重点实验室,大连 116029
2. 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101

Irregular neighborhood cellular automata land-use simulation based on the GA-MCE algorithm

YANGJun1,2,, ZHANGYongheng1, GEQuansheng2, LIXueming1
1. Liaoning Key Laboratory of Physical Geography and Geomatics, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, Liaoning, China
2. Key Laboatory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
-->作者简介:杨俊(1978- ),男,湖北孝昌人,博士,副教授,主要从事人居环境、土地利用变化与地理信息系统应研究。E-mail: yangjun@lnnu.edu.cn



The irregular neighborhood cellular automata land-use simulation determines the condition of cellular neighborhoods and their scope of influence in order to distinguish and calculate the cellular neighborhoods which have a high degree of influence on the central cellular by defining certain rules for the neighborhoods. Compared with the form of a neighborhood of the same size in the traditional cellular automaton model, irregular neighborhood cellular automata is far more realistic and effective. Based on modifying the cellular neighborhoods' range with the irregular neighborhood recognition algorithm and obtaining the parameters of the invert rules through a combination of the genetic algorithm and multi-criteria evaluation, we ran a simulation of land-use changes in Jinshitan National Tourist Holiday Resort from 2004 to 2010. The result shows that the coefficient of Kappa is 81.62%, which was obtained through Kappa analysis and testing of simulative accuracy and is highly reliable. In addition, the result shows that this approach has certain advantages regarding the simulation between class plots and smash plots plaque, which will improve the simulation model for land-use/cover changes.

Keywords:irregular neighborhood;cellular automata;land-use change simulation;genetic algorithm;land-use transition probability;Jinshitan National Tourist Holiday Resort

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杨俊, 张永恒, 葛全胜, 李雪铭. 基于GA-MCE算法的不规则邻域CA土地利用模拟[J]. , 2016, 35(7): 1288-1300 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607006
YANG Jun, ZHANG Yongheng, GE Quansheng, LI Xueming. Irregular neighborhood cellular automata land-use simulation based on the GA-MCE algorithm[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(7): 1288-1300 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607006

1 引言

土地资源是人类生产生活发展的物质基础,也是自然环境生态系统重要的组成部分,人类在不断发展的同时,通过对自然资源的索取,从而影响和改变着全球生态环境变化,而土地资源利用变化的直接表征体现在地表覆被状况的改变[1]。为了揭示和模拟土地利用变化对生态环境效应以及人口、经济、社会发展等需求的利益最大化,目前已有不少****提出了众多有价值的模拟模型和相关的理论方法[2-6]。例如,早期最具代表性的冯 ?杜能提出的杜能环模型以及美国农业部的土地利用潜力分类系统[7,8],但他们都只限于土地的分等定级,并没有对土地利用的适宜性以及变化机理做出说明,随后****对土地承载力以及环境效应通过土地利用变化做出了研究[9-11],现广泛用于土地利用变化研究的模型有系统动力学(System Dynamics,SD)模型[12,13]、马尔可夫(Markov)模型[14,15]、多智能体系统(Multi-Agent System,MAS)模型[16,17]以及元胞自动机(Cellular Automata,CA)模型[18],这些模型虽然都能很好地模拟和预测土地利用变化但在不同格局的时空演变中都发挥着各自的优缺点。

2 不规则邻域CA模型

2.1 不规则邻域CA的元胞邻域划分

元胞自动机模型主要是由元胞(cell)、元胞空间(cell space)、元胞邻居(cell neighbor)和元胞规则(cell rule)4部分构成[30]。理论上讲,元胞空间是任意维数的欧几里得空间,目前****主要研究的是一维和二维元胞自动机,对于常见的二维元胞自动机,传统CA模型的元胞空间都采用的是四方网格形,其成为主流模型的元胞空间优点在于直观而简单,适合于现有计算机的表达和显示,但缺点是不能较好地模拟各向同性的现象。虽然正六边形网格能较好地模拟各向同性现象,但他们都是人为定义的规则棋盘格网,这种规则棋盘状格网元胞空间大大限制了元胞自动机的空间模拟能力,对于不规则邻域元胞模拟具有一定的局限性[31]
式中:Xn维空间中的集合; Vi代表 xi的邻域;P代表 Rn中点 xixj间的距离; Vi代表几何的容量。若 ?Vijxj?ViXΡi,jΡi,κ成立,或 Vi=X那么称数据集X的邻域V为规则的,称其相应的邻域为规则邻域(图1);反之,则为不规则邻域(图2)。
-->Fig. 1Rules neighborhood

-->Fig. 2Irregular neighborhood

-->Fig. 3Rules neighborhood cellular space

-->Fig. 4Irregular neighborhood cellular space

不规则邻域元胞的邻域识别与计算如图5所示,首先在元胞空间上定义两个基向量e1、e2,通过在所划子区元胞空间内相邻元胞之间,确定 CiCj两不规则邻域的几何中心的连线与基向量所成的夹角来确定邻域范围,公式如下:
在二维元胞自动机中, pinpjn分别表示二维空间中(n=2)元胞 CiCj邻域的几何中心,在笛卡儿坐标系中点 pinpjn可以分别用向量( xin, yin)、( xjn, yjn)表示; βij代表基向量与两不规则几何面中心点之间的连线构成的夹角,利用它们之间的夹角来确定 CiCj两元胞之间的关系。可以看出当 yin-yjn0时, βji=π+βij;当 yin-yjn>0时, βji=βij-π
-->Fig. 5Irregular neighborhood cellular space identification computing

2.2 基于GA-MCE算法的转换规则参数提取

元胞自动机模型在地理模拟时,涉及到许多空间变量,转换规则的不同使得CA模型具有很大差异。在元胞自动机土地利用模拟预测模型中,转换规则往往反映土地利用状态与一系列空间变量的关系,即需要确定多种土地利用类型在区域环境影响因子的作用下它们各自的发展概率。区域土地利用发展概率与转换规则的制定有关,通常最简单的方法是基于(MCE)多准则评价将他们反映到CA模型上,这些变量所获得的参数值是通过权重的大小来实现各土地利用类型在区域环境影响转变的概率。为了提高模拟精度,本文采用多重分区参数提取方法,通过GA-MCE算法将遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)与多准则评价(MCE)相结合的方法,利用遗传算法快速高效地获取全局变量控制参数,通过多准则评价方法进行不规则邻域局部因子参数提取,增加限制性因子和随机变量,从而确保模型模拟的可靠性。
2.2.1 遗传算法(GA)全局转换参数的提取 遗传算法是20世纪70年代由霍兰德教授提出来的[32],它是一种基于自然选择和遗传变异等生物进化机制的全局性概率搜索算法,它的中心思想是“适者生存”,具体来讲,就是一种高度并行、随机和自适应的优化算法。① 首先将求解问题的每一种可能编码成一个向量,本文把各分区内多目标地类转换的参数及其阀值 psuit定义为染色体;② 根据所求解问题,计算出每个向量对所求解的最适值,适宜性越大,说明概率越大,本文通过各土地类型转换概率与其阀值进行比较;③ 通过选择、变异把适宜性低的淘汰掉,留下适应性较高的作为新个体;④ 通过每一次迭代,使新个体继承上一代的优良品质,最终朝向最优解的方向演化。
式中:q为研究区的分区总数; amq为第q区内m个空间变量权重; xmq为第q个子区的空间变量。
式中: 0<a0,q<1.5; -0.1<a1q,?,amq<-0.0001; 0.3<psuit<0.8
式中:若 f~大于等于 psuitq则为1,否则为0。
2.2.2 MCE局部变量转换参数提取 土地利用类型转换概率是通过一系列空间变量体现的,常用的方法是通过多准则评价(MCE)将他们反映到CA模型上,这些变量所获得的参数值是通过权重的大小来实现它们转变的概率。MCE最初是由Wu[33]提出,但仅限于表达城市用地概率,其表达式为:
式中: α为系数,取值为0~1;k为类别; rkti,j为评估状态S在位置(i, j)转化的适宜性; rmaxrkti,j的最大值。
式中: Ωkti,j表示在t时刻第k类元胞 i,j开发强度; conskti,j为约束条件,它的取值为0~1; γ是[0, 1]范围内变动的随机变量; α为控制随机变量变动幅度的参数。每种地类的开发强度 Ωkti,j和约束条件 conskti,j随着时间t的改变而改变,并且在每个分区所对应的值不同。在运算过程中,通过遗传算法确定一个阀值,将每种土地利用类型转变为其他用地类型概率的最大值与所提取的阀值做比较,确定该元胞在某一时刻是否发生转变。

2.3 不规则邻域CA模型构建

-->Fig. 6The technical route of irregular neighborhood cellular automata land-use simulation based on GA-MCE algorithm

3 模型应用与结果分析

3.1 研究区概述

金石滩国家旅游度假区(简称金石滩)位于121°99'E、39°07'N,地处辽东半岛南端,大连市东北部,由东西部两个半岛之间开阔的海水浴场构成了30 km的海岸线。全区陆地面积62 km2,海域面积58 km2,是国家著名的旅游度假区,产业结构主要以农业和旅游业为主。辖区内共有3个社区和7个行政村,分别是金石、金山、金满;满家滩村、庙上村、陈家村、什字街村、龙山村、葡萄沟村和河咀村,如图7所示。
-->Fig. 7Location of the study area

3.2 数据来源与处理

本文所需数据如表1所示。主要有1998年、2003年、2004年和2010年4个时间段的土地利用数据。为了使模拟成果更精确,遥感影像数据选取了2003年、2004年和2010年3期分辨率为2.5 m的SPOT5影像,土地利用现状以及行政区划,道路,海岸线数据都与大连市国土资源综合基础数据库相符,完全符合国家现行土地分类标准(GB/T 21010-2007),部分数据通过实地考察与检验并做了相应的纠正。
Tab. 1
Tab. 1Data sources and description
遥感影像SPOT5影像(10 m多光谱,2.5 m全色)

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Classification of land-use types

CA转换规则中,不同地区受区域内部自然条件、土地利用开发强度的不同,其在发展阶段土地利用演变有着明显的分异规律,元胞自动机中的这些空间变量参数可以有效地揭示它们之间的演化过程,如表3所示。通过遗传算法对各子区内空间变量参数进行获取,首先在2003年遥感图像上随机选取20%的样本点作为训练区,将初始种群设置为50, a0qpsuit的初始值均设为0.5,其他染色体初始值设为0.01,交叉率设为0.9,突变率为0.01采用精英选择策略和多样性操作算子,通过式(3)~式(5)计算获取各区模型转换参数。为综合考虑土地利用类型转变过程中的多重复杂因子,本文不仅考虑道路、铁路、城镇商业中心以及建设用地等因子,还加入了一些限制性因子和随机变量,通过MCE方法对遗传算法所获得参数进一步优化,为便于计算将权重全部取正,考虑在没有其他外在因素的影响下(如国家政策与自然灾害)可以通过区域内一组参数值来模拟某一地区的地表覆被变化。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3The CA control parameter of GA-MCE algorithm

-->Fig. 8Irregular neighborhood CA based on GA-MCE algorithm simulation of land use map


3.4 结果分析与验证

金石滩自1988年被确定为国家级风景名胜区,土地利用/覆被发生了巨大变化。如图9所示,1998年城镇建设用地还只是碎小板块,但随着国家旅游度假区的确立后,城镇建设在1998-2004年沿海岸线蔓延式向内陆迅猛增长;2004年以后,其城镇扩展模式由蔓延式变为依托主要交通干线两侧发展如图10所示。从图8a和图8c,可以看出金石滩在2004-2010年农用地和林地迅速减少,其中最突出的是满家滩村和龙山村,主要受主干道和海岸线影响因素较大,葡萄沟村和什字街村其受山地地形因限制,所以土地利用类型变化较小,通过土地利用现状及表4可以看出农用地、林地以及未利用的大部分转变为城镇建设用地,农用地在1998-2004年下降了12.32 km2,2004-2010年下降了4.73 km2,而建设用地在1998-2010年增长了25.37 km2比1998年4.512 km2增长了接近6倍,除了满家滩和龙山村增长迅速外,其余增长缓慢。林地在2004-2010年间向建设用地转化了15.62%,未利用地向建设用地转化了67.29%;水域变化主要是庙上村和河咀村,13.28%的水域面积变为城镇建设用地,主要形成是通过滩涂沼泽和河塘的填埋。
-->Fig. 9Urban construction simulation from 1998 to 2004

-->Fig. 10Urban construction simulation from 2004 to 2010

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Land-use transition probability matrix from 2004 to 2012

通过对比分析,基于GA-MCE算法的不规则邻域元胞自动机模型模拟的结果与实际土地利用分类结果非常相近,为进一步确定模型的可靠性,通过模拟计算2010年金石滩农用地总面积与大连市国土资源局2010年金石滩土地利用调查数据误差在0.17 km2;林地与水域的模拟分布结果与实际土地空间布局进行对比,在空间位置上高度一致。对于地类斑块比较零碎的区域,通过相应的对比分析,结果表明运用不规则邻域CA模型模拟的结果在零碎斑块地类判别精度上要优于标准规则邻域CA模型的模拟,尤其在不同土地利用类型的边界区域地类演化判别上具有很好识别度。经过对模型模拟的土地利用分类图与实际土地利用分类图进行Kappa系数检验,结果显示,在建设用地、农用地、水域、林地以及未利用地对应的Kappa系数分别为70.32%、79.42%、81.23%、87.58%和89.56%,总体Kappa系数为81.62%,分别比规则邻域标准CA模型高出1.83%、2.11%、0.1%、1.17%、和0.22%具有一定的优越性,因此,基于GA-MCE不规则邻域元胞自动机模型比传统标准规则邻域CA模型在模拟精度上有一定的提升,可有效解决不规则邻域边界元胞状态的精准划分。

4 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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本文综述了全球变化研究中土地 利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC)的主要模型,重点介绍了植被模型和引入社会驱动力的LUCC模型,并归纳出LUCC模型的以下发展趋势:①新一代的 LUCC模型应该能够模拟LUCC的主要社会经济和自然驱动力,包括从LUCC到驱动力和全球变化的主要反馈关系;②具有明确的空间关系,能够以适当的空 间分辨率,比较好地预测长期的(50~100a)土地利用和覆盖变化及有关的生物物理参数,如植被特征、资源的积聚和退化等;③能够更好地认识LUCC与 其主要驱动力之间的关系在局地、区域和全球尺度上的动态和后果;充分考虑土地利用和覆盖变化对政策、技术进步、人口增长、经济发展、市场变化等社会变量的 灵敏性,此外,还应注意意识、信仰等文化因素的影响;④发展新的LUCC建模方法,使LUCC模型能够与其它类型的全球变化模型,特别是气候模型建立联 系。
[Bai Wanqi, Zhao Shidong.A comprehensive description of the models of land use and land cover change study
. Journal of Natural Resources, 1997, 12(2): 74-80.]
本文综述了全球变化研究中土地 利用和土地覆盖变化(LUCC)的主要模型,重点介绍了植被模型和引入社会驱动力的LUCC模型,并归纳出LUCC模型的以下发展趋势:①新一代的 LUCC模型应该能够模拟LUCC的主要社会经济和自然驱动力,包括从LUCC到驱动力和全球变化的主要反馈关系;②具有明确的空间关系,能够以适当的空 间分辨率,比较好地预测长期的(50~100a)土地利用和覆盖变化及有关的生物物理参数,如植被特征、资源的积聚和退化等;③能够更好地认识LUCC与 其主要驱动力之间的关系在局地、区域和全球尺度上的动态和后果;充分考虑土地利用和覆盖变化对政策、技术进步、人口增长、经济发展、市场变化等社会变量的 灵敏性,此外,还应注意意识、信仰等文化因素的影响;④发展新的LUCC建模方法,使LUCC模型能够与其它类型的全球变化模型,特别是气候模型建立联 系。
[6]裴彬, 潘韬. 土地利用系统动态变化模拟研究进展
. 地理科学进展, 2010, 29(9): 1060-1066.
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Pei Bin, Pan Tao.Land use system dynamic modeling: Literature review and future research direction in China
. Progress in Geography, 2010, 29(9): 1060-1066.]
https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.09.006URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[7]约翰?冯?杜能. 孤立国同农业和国民经济的关系. 北京: 商务印书馆, 2009. [本文引用: 1]

[von Thünen Johann Heinrich. Isolate the Relationship with Agriculture and National Economy. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2009.] [本文引用: 1]
[8]谭少华, 倪绍祥. 20世纪以来土地利用研究综述
. 地域研究与开发, 2006, 25(5): 84-89.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2006.05.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
介绍和分析了土地利用和土地变 化的研究进展,为开展土地利用变化研究提供借鉴。在20世纪90年代以前,土地利用研究主要围绕土地利用调查、土地资源评价、土地利用规划等开展。20世 纪90年代以后,土地利用变化研究呈现综合化研究的趋势。研究内容、研究理念发生了根本的变革,在研究方法与手段、驱动机理、地区案例研究等方面取得了系 列的成果。
[Tan Shaohua, Ni Shaoxiang.Progress in the research on land use since 20th century
. Areal Research and Development, 2006, 25(5): 84-89.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2363.2006.05.019URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
介绍和分析了土地利用和土地变 化的研究进展,为开展土地利用变化研究提供借鉴。在20世纪90年代以前,土地利用研究主要围绕土地利用调查、土地资源评价、土地利用规划等开展。20世 纪90年代以后,土地利用变化研究呈现综合化研究的趋势。研究内容、研究理念发生了根本的变革,在研究方法与手段、驱动机理、地区案例研究等方面取得了系 列的成果。
[9]Unalan, Dilek.Integrating cumulative impacts into strategic environmental decision-making: Tourism development in Belek, Turkey
. Land Use Policy, 2013, 34(12): 243-249.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2013.03.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper focuses on the cumulative impacts of strategic proposals and projects, and searches how cumulative impact assessment (CIA) can be integrated into strategic decision-making. It reviews the CIA literature to address the shortcomings of impact assessments at both strategic and project levels. Subsequently, it suggests a synthesized approach bringing disturbance ecology and adaptive ecos...
[10]Pavón David, Ventura Montserrat, Ribas Anna, et al.Land use change and socio-environmental conflict in the Alt Empordà county (Catalonia, Spain)
. Journal of Arid Environments, 2003, 54(3): 543-552.
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">The aim of the present article is to examine the processes of change in land use over the last 40 years in a traditional, rural western Mediterranean area. It is hoped to link these processes to the role played by such socio-economic structural forces as agricultural modernisation, tourism, and environment conservation policies. It is also hoped to correlate the changes in land use with the appearance of conflicts of a social or environmental nature and demonstrate how these changes affect the basic resources of the area. It is therefore submitted that, to be really effective, the policies employed for the planning and regulation of rural Mediterranean areas must take these changes into account and assume the responsibility of attempting to resolve the related conflicts.</p>
[11]Engelen Guy, White Roger, Uljee Inge, et al.Using cellular automata for integrated modelling of socio-environmental systems
. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1995, 34(2): 203-214.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00546036URLPMID:24202047 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cellular automata provide the key to a dynamic modelling and simulation framework that integrates socio-economic with environmental models, and that operates at both micro and macro geographical scales. An application to the problem of forecasting the effect of climate change on a small island state suggests that such modelling techniques could help planners and policy makers design more effective policies - policies better tuned both to specific local needs and to overall socio-economic and environmental constraints.
[12]Rasmussen Laura Vang, Rasmussen Kjeld, Reenberg Anette, et al.A system dynamics approach to land use changes in agro-pastoral systems on the desert margins of Sahel
. Agricultural Systems, 2012, 107(1): 56-64.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2011.12.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Land use changes in the Sahel are influenced by multiple socio-economic and bio-physical driving forces that result in a complex and dynamic land use system. This paper outlines to what extent a system dynamics approach may serve to nuance the understanding of Sahelian agro-pastoral systems. Firstly, by using the Sahelian part of Northern Burkina Faso as a case study, we build a simple model that includes the most influential drivers of land use changes and their impacts in the land use system. As the developed model is proven to successfully simulate the main directions of change in the land use system, we employ the model to explore the impacts of important and realistic alterations in those factors driving land use change. This is done by generating ‘what if’ scenarios. The results show that ‘what if’ scenarios based on sudden events, such as a drop in millet prices or a total stop in circular migration, have a more pronounced impact on the system than other more long term alterations such as increased rainfall variability. As the developed model allows testing simple hypotheses about the dynamics of land use systems, the approach serves as a useful complementary tool to more established approaches in advancing land change science.
[13]陆文涛, 代超, 郭怀成. 基于Dyna-CLUE模型的滇池流域土地利用情景设计与模拟
. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1619-1629.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509002Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>以滇池流域为研究对象,基于1999年、2002年两期TM遥感解译数据和区域自然与社会经济数据,应用Dyna-CLUE模型模拟2008年滇池土地利用空间分布。结合滇池流域土地利用变化趋势与退耕还林政策,设定了三种土地需求情景,模拟2022年区域土地利用空间分布情况。研究结果表明:① 两期模拟结果Kappa系数分别为0.6814与0.7124,具有高度的一致性,表明Dyna-CLUE模型在滇池流域有较强的适用性。② 三种情景的模拟结果显示,至2022年流域内未利用地、耕地显著减少,建设用地、林地显著增加,水域与草地相对变化较小,因加大退耕还林政策实施力度,三种情景中,位于官渡区、呈贡区、嵩明县及晋宁县的耕地与林地呈现不同的变化情况。③ 滇池流域建设用地扩张,增加了滇池非点源污染负荷。不合理的土地利用布局,将会恶化滇池水质,加剧水环境压力。研究结果可为未来滇池流域土地利用合理规划与非点源污染控制提供参考依据和决策支持。</p>
[Lu Wentao, Dai Chao, Guo Huaicheng.Land use scenario design and simulation based on Dyna-CLUE model in Dianchi Lake Watershed
. Geographical Research, 2015, 34(9): 1619-1629. ]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201509002Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>以滇池流域为研究对象,基于1999年、2002年两期TM遥感解译数据和区域自然与社会经济数据,应用Dyna-CLUE模型模拟2008年滇池土地利用空间分布。结合滇池流域土地利用变化趋势与退耕还林政策,设定了三种土地需求情景,模拟2022年区域土地利用空间分布情况。研究结果表明:① 两期模拟结果Kappa系数分别为0.6814与0.7124,具有高度的一致性,表明Dyna-CLUE模型在滇池流域有较强的适用性。② 三种情景的模拟结果显示,至2022年流域内未利用地、耕地显著减少,建设用地、林地显著增加,水域与草地相对变化较小,因加大退耕还林政策实施力度,三种情景中,位于官渡区、呈贡区、嵩明县及晋宁县的耕地与林地呈现不同的变化情况。③ 滇池流域建设用地扩张,增加了滇池非点源污染负荷。不合理的土地利用布局,将会恶化滇池水质,加剧水环境压力。研究结果可为未来滇池流域土地利用合理规划与非点源污染控制提供参考依据和决策支持。</p>
[14]Muller Michael R, Middleton John.A Markov model of land-use change dynamics in the Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada
. Landscape Ecology, 1994, 9(2): 151-157.
https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00124382URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Regional Niagara is the site of an intense three-way land-use conflict among urban, agricultural and natural uses. Large scale spatial and temporal land-use data were used to investigate the dynamics of land-use change in this area. A first order Markov chain was used as a stochastic model to make quantitative comparisons of the land-use changes between discrete time periods extending from 1935 to 1981. The Markov model allowed for two main conclusions about the historic dynamics of land-use change in the Regional Municipality of Niagara. The urbanization of agricultural land was the predominant land-use change. A continuing ‘exchange’ of land area occurs between wooded and agricultural land-use categories that has little effect on the net amount of wooded land but which could undermine the long-term ecological value of remaining natural areas in Niagara.
[15]Guan DongJie, Li HaiFeng, Inohae Takuro, et al. Modeling urban land use change by the integration of cellular automaton and Markov model
. Ecological Modelling, 2011, 222(20-22): 3761-3772.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.09.009Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Spatially land use models are indispensable for sustainable land use planning. This study demonstrates a combined Markov-Cellular Automata model to analyze temporal change and spatial distribution of land use stressed by natural and socioeconomic factors in Saga, Japan. Firstly, area change and spatial distribution of land use are calculated using GIS technology, and then the transition among different land use types is analyzed to obtain the transformation matrices during a period of 1976-2006. Meanwhile, an integration evaluation procedure with natural and socioeconomic data is used to generate the transition potential maps. Secondly, using the transition potential maps and transition matrices, a Markov-Cellular Automata model is established to simulate spatial distribution of land use in 2006. Finally, we use this Markov-Cellular Automata model to forecast the future land use changes during the period of 2015-2042. As a consequence, area change simulation predicts a continuing downward trend in agriculture land and forestland areas, as well as an upward trend in built-up areas; spatial distribution simulation indicates that built-up land will expand toward suburban regions, and land use of urban center is at the decline stage. Hence, if the current trends keep constant without holistic sustainable development measures, severe land use decline will ensue. The study is anticipated to help local authorities better understand and address a complex land use system, and develop the improved land use management strategies that can better balance urban expansion and ecological conservation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[16]Ralha Célia G, Abreu Carolina G, Coelho Cássio G C, et al. A multi-agent model system for land-use change simulation
. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2013, 42(4): 30-46.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2012.12.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper presents a multi-agent model system to characterize land-use change dynamics. The replicable parameterization process should be useful to the development of simulation frameworks, important to environmental policy makers to analyze different scenarios during decision making process. The methodological two-fold approach intends to form a solid backbone based on: (i) the systematic and structured empirical characterization of the model; and (ii) the conceptual structure definition according to the agent-based model documentation protocol Overview, Design concepts and Details. A multi-agent system for land-use change simulation was developed to validate the model, which is illustrated with a case study of the Brazilian Cerrado using LANDSAT ETM images. The simulation results prove the model importance with a figure of merit greater than 50%, what means the amount of correctly predicted change is larger than the sum of any type of error. The results are very good compared with nine popular peer-reviewed land change models.
[17]Le Quang Bao, Park Soo Jin, Vlek Paul L G, et al. Land-Use Dynamic Simulator (LUDAS): A multi-agent system model for simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of coupled human-landscape system (I): Structure and theoretical specification
. Ecological Informatics, 2008, 3(2): 135-153.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2008.04.003Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper presents the concept and theoretical specification of a multi-agent based model for spatio-temporal simulation of a coupled human&ndash;landscape system. The model falls into the class of <em>all agents</em>, where the human population and the landscape environment are all self-organized interactive agents. The model framework is represented by four components: (i) a system of human population defining specific behavioural patterns of farm households in land-use decision-making according to typological livelihood groups, (ii) a system of landscape environment characterising individual land patches with multiple attributes, representing the dynamics of crop and forest yields as well as land-use/cover transitions in response to household behaviour and natural constraints, (iii) a set of policy factors that are important for land-use choices, and (iv) a decision-making procedure integrating household, environmental and policy information into land-use decisions of household agents. In the model, the bounded-rational approach, based on utility maximisation using spatial multi-nominal logistic functions, is nested with heuristic rule-based techniques to represent decision-making mechanisms of households regarding land use. Empirical verifications of the model's components and the application of the model to a watershed in Vietnam for integrated assessments of policy impacts on landscape and community dynamics are subjects of a companion paper.</p>
[18]邱炳文, 陈崇成. 基于多目标决策和CA模型的土地利用变化预测模型及其应用
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(2): 165-174.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>结合宏观用地总体需求与微观土地利用适宜性, 集成灰色预测模型、多目标决策模型、 元胞自动机模型、地理信息系统技术方法, 建立了GCMG 土地利用变化预测模型。GCMG 模型包括非空间和空间2 个模块, 非空间模块侧重依据宏观社会经济发展趋势预测研究区未 来的总体用地需求变化, 而空间模块集成多目标决策模型、元胞自动机、地理信息系统等技 术方法实现了基于土地适宜性的土地利用空间配置。运用该模型对龙海市2000-2010 年土地 利用变化进行了情景模拟, 结果表明园地和建设用地是该区域内变化最为显著的用地类型, 基本农田保护政策严格实施与否将对龙海市未来土地利用变化产生深远的影响。GCMG 模型 在龙海市的应用实例表明, 该模型将土地利用系统作为一个整体, 兼顾到区域宏观水平上的 土地利用需求与局部尺度上的土地利用适宜性, 能够较好地同时模拟不同土地利用类型以及 不同人类决策情景下的土地利用转换概率, 因而可为理解土地利用多尺度复杂系统提供一定 的帮助。</p>
[Qiu Bingwen, Chen Chongcheng.Land use change simulation model based on MCDM and CA and its application
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(2): 165-174.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>结合宏观用地总体需求与微观土地利用适宜性, 集成灰色预测模型、多目标决策模型、 元胞自动机模型、地理信息系统技术方法, 建立了GCMG 土地利用变化预测模型。GCMG 模型包括非空间和空间2 个模块, 非空间模块侧重依据宏观社会经济发展趋势预测研究区未 来的总体用地需求变化, 而空间模块集成多目标决策模型、元胞自动机、地理信息系统等技 术方法实现了基于土地适宜性的土地利用空间配置。运用该模型对龙海市2000-2010 年土地 利用变化进行了情景模拟, 结果表明园地和建设用地是该区域内变化最为显著的用地类型, 基本农田保护政策严格实施与否将对龙海市未来土地利用变化产生深远的影响。GCMG 模型 在龙海市的应用实例表明, 该模型将土地利用系统作为一个整体, 兼顾到区域宏观水平上的 土地利用需求与局部尺度上的土地利用适宜性, 能够较好地同时模拟不同土地利用类型以及 不同人类决策情景下的土地利用转换概率, 因而可为理解土地利用多尺度复杂系统提供一定 的帮助。</p>
[19]Waters Dennis P.Von Neumann's theory of self-reproducing automata: A useful framework for biosemiotics?
. Biosemiotics, 2012, 5(1): 5-15.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12304-011-9127-zMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Abstract<br/>As interpreted by Pattee, von Neumann’s Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata has proved to be a useful tool for understanding some of the difficulties and paradoxes of molecular biosemiotics. But is its utility limited to molecular systems or is it more generally applicable within biosemiotics? One way of answering that question is to look at the Theory as a model for one particular high-level biosemiotic activity, human language. If the model is not useful for language, then it certainly cannot be generally useful to biosemiotics. Beginning with the Universal Turing Machine and continuing with von Neumann’s Theory and Pattee’s interpretation, the properties of universality, programmability, underspecification, complementarity of description/construction, and open-ended evolutionary potential are shown to be usefully applicable to language, thus opening a new line of inquiry in biosemiotics.<br/>
[20]Wolfram Stephen.Cellular automata as models of complexity
. Nature, 1984, 311(5985): 419-424.
https://doi.org/10.1038/311419a0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Natural systems from snowflakes to mollusc shells show a great diversity of complex patterns. The origins of such complexity can be investigated through mathematical models termed `cellular automata'. Cellular automata consist of many identical components, each simple., but together capable of complex behaviour. They are analysed both as discrete dynamical systems, and as information-processing systems. Here some of their universal features are discussed, and some general principles are suggested.
[21]Yassemi S, Gi?evi? S, Schmidt M.Design and implementation of an integrated GIS-based cellular automata model to characterize forest fire behaviour
. Ecological Modelling, 2008, 210(1-2): 71-84.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.07.020URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The integration of geographic information systems (GIS) and environmental modelling has been widely investigated for more than a decade. However, such integration has remained a challenging task due to the temporal changes of environmental processes and the static nature of GIS. This study integrates GIS and cellular automata (CA) techniques to develop a fire behaviour model with a flexible and user-friendly end-user interface. The developed model incorporates topographic, forest fuel and weather variables. The performance of the implemented fire model is evaluated by comparison with fire spread simulations derived from Prometheus , the national Canadian fire behaviour modelling tool based on elliptical wave propagation principles. The developed fire behaviour model was tested using spatial data from the 2001 Dogrib Fire near Nordegg Alberta, Canada. Results from the simulations of the CA and wave propagation spread models indicate comparable agreement. This study shows that the GIS-CA model can simulate realistic forest fire scenarios. The developed GIS-based modelling tool enables dynamic animation within the GIS interface. Further, this tool can be adapted to other CA-based spatio-temporal modelling applications.
[22]Arsanjani Jamal Jokar, Helbich Marco, Kainz Wolfgang, et al.Integration of logistic regression, Markov chain and cellular automata models to simulate urban expansion
. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation & Geoinformation, 2013, 21(4): 265-275.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2011.12.014URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This research analyses the suburban expansion in the metropolitan area of Tehran, Iran. A hybrid model consisting of logistic regression model, Markov chain (MC), and cellular automata (CA) was designed to improve the performance of the standard logistic regression model. Environmental and socio-economic variables dealing with urban sprawl were operationalised to create a probability surface of spatiotemporal states of built-up land use for the years 2006, 2016, and 2026. For validation, the model was evaluated by means of relative operating characteristic values for different sets of variables. The approach was calibrated for 2006 by cross comparing of actual and simulated land use maps. The achieved outcomes represent a match of 89% between simulated and actual maps of 2006, which was satisfactory to approve the calibration process. Thereafter, the calibrated hybrid approach was implemented for forthcoming years. Finally, future land use maps for 2016 and 2026 were predicted by means of this hybrid approach. The simulated maps illustrate a new wave of suburban development in the vicinity of Tehran at the western border of the metropolis during the next decades.
[23]黎夏, 叶嘉安. 约束性单元自动演化CA模型及可持续城市发展形态的模拟
. 地理学报, 1999, 54(4): 3-12.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.1999.04.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
单元自动演化CA可以大大增强 GIS的空间模型能力,在国外被越来越多地应用于城市发展演化过程的模拟。本文探讨了如何通过CA与GIS的结合来进行可持续土地发展规划的新方法。提出 了基于约束性的CA模型,具体分析了局部、区域以及全局约束性对CA模型结果的影响。并将灰度的概念引进CA模型中来反映状态连续的变化,克服常规CA模 型的缺陷。将该模型应用于珠江三角洲地区来获得合理的城市发展空间布局,取得了较好的效果
[Li Xia, Ye Jiaan.Constrained cellular automata for modelling sustainable urban forms
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1999, 54(4): 3-12.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.1999.04.001URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
单元自动演化CA可以大大增强 GIS的空间模型能力,在国外被越来越多地应用于城市发展演化过程的模拟。本文探讨了如何通过CA与GIS的结合来进行可持续土地发展规划的新方法。提出 了基于约束性的CA模型,具体分析了局部、区域以及全局约束性对CA模型结果的影响。并将灰度的概念引进CA模型中来反映状态连续的变化,克服常规CA模 型的缺陷。将该模型应用于珠江三角洲地区来获得合理的城市发展空间布局,取得了较好的效果
[24]黎夏, 李丹, 刘小平, . 地理模拟优化系统GeoSOS及前沿研究
. 地球科学进展, 2009, 24(8): 899-907.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Xia, Li Dan, Liu Xiaoping, et al.Geographical simulation and optimization system (GeoSOS) and its cutting-edge researches
. Advances in Earth Science, 2009, 24(8): 899-907.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[25]黎夏, 刘小平, 何晋强, . 基于耦合的地理模拟优化系统
. 地理学报, 2009, 64(8): 1009-1018.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Xia, Liu Xiaoping, He Jinqiang, et al.A geographical simulation and optimization system based on coupling strategies
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2009, 64(8): 1009-1018.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[26]杨俊, 解鹏, 席建超, . 基于元胞自动机模型的土地利用变化模拟: 以大连经济技术开发区为例
. 地理学报, 2015, 70(3): 461-475.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201503009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
元胞自动机模型已经成为模拟土 地利用变化的重要方法。传统土地模拟方法中侧重于通过分析影响土地利用变化的因素来构建预测模型,较少从土地利用类型变化及其相互作用的空间角度来关注模 型构建。本文以1998年、2004年和2009年1:10000土地利用数据,利用Python语言结合GDAL与Numpy类库实现局部土地利用竞争 的元胞自动机模型原型开发,并用于模拟大连市经济技术开发区1998-2009年土地利用变化模拟。研究结果:1建立了发掘多地类之间相互作用关系的试验 方法,研究适用于具有明确物理意义的多地类元胞自动机模拟模型;2该模型具有好的模拟精度,对建设用地、农用地和林地等3种不同类型用地进行同时模拟,其 对应Kappa系数分别为0.762,0.634和0.678;3该模型建立了研究不同种地类协调作用的基本方法,可以用于进一步研究土地利用变化地类之 间驱动原理。
[Yang Jun, Xie Peng, Xi Jianchao, et al.LUCC simulation based on the cellular automata simulation: A case study of Dalian economic and technological development zone
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2015, 70(3): 461-475.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201503009URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
元胞自动机模型已经成为模拟土 地利用变化的重要方法。传统土地模拟方法中侧重于通过分析影响土地利用变化的因素来构建预测模型,较少从土地利用类型变化及其相互作用的空间角度来关注模 型构建。本文以1998年、2004年和2009年1:10000土地利用数据,利用Python语言结合GDAL与Numpy类库实现局部土地利用竞争 的元胞自动机模型原型开发,并用于模拟大连市经济技术开发区1998-2009年土地利用变化模拟。研究结果:1建立了发掘多地类之间相互作用关系的试验 方法,研究适用于具有明确物理意义的多地类元胞自动机模拟模型;2该模型具有好的模拟精度,对建设用地、农用地和林地等3种不同类型用地进行同时模拟,其 对应Kappa系数分别为0.762,0.634和0.678;3该模型建立了研究不同种地类协调作用的基本方法,可以用于进一步研究土地利用变化地类之 间驱动原理。
[27]Blecic Ivan, Cecchini Arnaldo, Trunfio Giuseppe A.Urban Cellular Automata with Irregular Space of Proximities: A Case Study. Lecture Notes In Computer Science
. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012, 9(1): 319-329.
[本文引用: 1]
[28]Baetens J M, De Baets B.Phenomenological study of irregular cellular automata based on Lyapunov exponents and Jacobians
. Chaos, 2010, 20(3): 33112-33112.
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3460362URLPMID:20887052 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Originally, cellular automata (CA) have been defined upon regular tessellations of the n n-dimensional Euclidean space, while CA on irregular tessellations have received only little attention from the scientific community, notwithstanding serious shortcomings are associated with the former manner of subdividing R n Rn. In this paper we present a profound phenomenological study of two-state, two-dimensional irregular CA from a dynamical systems viewpoint. We opted to exploit properly defined quantitative measures instead of resorting to qualitative methods for discriminating between behavioral classes. As such, we employ Lyapunov exponents, measuring the divergence rate of close trajectories in phase space, and Jacobians, formulated using Boolean derivatives and expressing the sensitivity of a cellular automaton to its inputs. Both are stated for two-state CA on irregular tessellations, enabling us to characterize these discrete dynamical systems, and advancing us to propose a classification scheme for this CA family. In addition, a relationship between these quantitative measures is established in extension of the insights already developed for the classical CA paradigm. Finally, we discuss the repercussions on the CA dynamics that arise when the geometric variability of the spatial entities is taken into account during the CA simulation.
[29]Pinto Nuno Norte, Antunes António Pais.A cellular automata model based on irregular cells: Application to small urban areas
. Environment & Planning B: Planning & Design, 2010, 37(6): 1095-1114.
https://doi.org/10.1068/b36033URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We present in this paper the development and application of a cellular automata model that uses irregular cells for simulating land-use change instead of the common regular cells based on the pixels of remote sensing images. The use of irregular cells combines urban form with reliable demographic, socioeconomic, and building data that are usually available for irregular census blocks. The calibration of the model is made through a procedure based on a particle swarm algorithm that optimises a measure of agreement derived from the kappa index for contingency matrices. The model was applied for simulating urban change in a small municipality in Portugal that registered high growth rates during the 1990s. Simulation results indicate the model's ability to capture land-use change in small urban areas.
[30]周成虎, 孙战利, 谢一春. 地理元胞自动机研究. 北京: 科学出版社, 1999. [本文引用: 1]

[Zhou Chenghu, Sun Zhanli, Xie Yichun.The Research of Geography Cellular Automata. Beijing: Science Press, 1999.] [本文引用: 1]
[31]Baets Jan M. Baetens Bernard.Cellular automata on irregular tessellations
. Dynamical Systems An International Journal, 2012, 27(4): 411-430.
https://doi.org/10.1080/14689367.2012.711300URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
To this day, most articles on cellular automata (CA) employ regular tessellations of 69, notwithstanding this kind of tessellation suffers from a few serious drawbacks limiting the appraisal of regular CA as full-fledged modelling tools. In this article, we propose an extension to the classical CA paradigm, by allowing irregular tessellations of 69, which, in essence, encloses the regular tessellations as a special case. After a short review on the major shortcomings of CA on regular tessellations, we establish a definition for CA on irregular tessellations of 69that is followed by a profound elaboration of its constituents. In addition, we propose a graph representation that is applicable to an important family of irregular CA, and, in accordance with the framework developed for CA on regular tessellations, we present an enumeration scheme for the -state, -sum irregular (outer-)totalistic CA. Illustrative examples conclude this article.
[32]Holland John H.Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems. Combridge: MIT Press, 1992. [本文引用: 1]
[33]Wu F.Simulation of land development through the integration of cellular automata and multicriteria evaluation
. Environment & Planning B: Planning & Design, 1998, 25(1): 103-126.
https://doi.org/10.1068/b250103URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Cellular automata (CA) simulation has become a popular method of exploring the behaviour of all kinds of self-organising systems. The city may clearly be viewed as such a system but one with a particularly complex set of transition rules. Many natural processes such as the spread of fire or vegetation can be modelled by a simple set of local rules. Insofar as the development of a piece of land depends on the neighbourhood situation as well as on the characteristics of a site, urban evolution can be treated in much the same way, with transition rules translating the evaluation of the location into a land conversion outcome. If this modelling paradigm is to be used to gain insight into real-world urban development processes, there is a need to discover ways of capturing the richness of land conversion behaviour in the simplifying mechanisms of CA. Our paper contributes to this research agenda by integrating multicriteria evaluation (MCE) into a CA simulation in order to define nondeterministic, multidimensional, and multilevel transition rules. An analytical hierarchy process is used to implement MCE-derived transition rules. The integrated MCE - CA model may be used in a gaming mode to explore how urban form evolves under different development regimes caricatured by the set of multicriteria weights. We use it to test loosely hypotheses about the nature of the regimes that have governed the expansion of a fast-growing southern Chinese city.
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