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1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049

Methods, tools and research framework of ecosystem service trade-offs

DAIErfu1,2,, WANGXiaoli1,2,3, ZHUJianjia1,2,3, ZHAODongsheng1,2
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. Key Laboratory of Land Surface Pattern and Simulation, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
-->作者简介:戴尔阜(1972- ),男,甘肃平凉人,研究员,博士生导师,主要从事自然地理综合研究、气候变化及其区域响应、土地利用变化模拟研究。E-mail: daief@igsnrr.ac.cn



Ecosystem services are the benefits humans received from the natural environment, which are closely related to the environmental process and human activities. With the deepening understanding one cosystem services, their relationships and integrated effects between different ecosystem services have been paid more and more attention both at spatial and temporal dimensions. Due to the complex relationships between diverse ecosystem services, there is likely to be a contradictory mutual relationship between various ecosystem services, which is mainly shown as reciprocal trade-offs or mutual gain synergies. Scientific understanding and weighing these trade-offs and synergies relationship would have contributed to ecosystem management and decision-making, and have great significance on realizing "win-win" polices for the economic development and ecological protection. In this paper, based on the literature review of ecosystem services worldwide, primary methods for trade-offs were firstly classified as statistical analysis, spatial analysis, scenarios analysis and ecosystem service flowing analysis, and summarized the advantages and disadvantages. In addition, some important models and tools for ecosystem service trade-offs were systematically reviewed. Furthermore, a theoretical framework of ecosystem service trade-offs analysis was proposed to explore the scale characteristics, interactions, overall benefit evaluation and optimization and drive mechanism of various ecosystem services. Eventually, this paper presented the prospects of future studies for ecosystem service trade-offs as following: (1) Quantizing and simulating the multi-scale spatial and temporal characteristics of the relationship between trade-offs and synergies is an important content in the study of ecosystem services trade-offs. (2) The models for ecosystem services trade-offs management would become the important methods to explore the interactions between various ecosystem services. (3) Model applications, parameter localization and regionalization are critical steps in the process of the ecosystem services research, shown as the flow of "quantitation, trade-offs and decision-making". (4) Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary comprehensive research is the most important direction in future trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services research. These prospects and reviews would help to offer revelation and reference for domestic relevant researches, and could provide the theoretic grounds for the practice of the study of the regional ecological environment management.

Keywords:ecosystem service;trade-offs;methods;trade-off analysis tools;research framework

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戴尔阜, 王晓莉, 朱建佳, 赵东升. 生态系统服务权衡:方法、模型与研究框架[J]. , 2016, 35(6): 1005-1016 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606001
DAI Erfu, WANG Xiaoli, ZHU Jianjia, ZHAO Dongsheng. Methods, tools and research framework of ecosystem service trade-offs[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(6): 1005-1016 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201606001

1 引言


2 生态系统服务权衡的研究方法

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Description of all ecosystem services trade-off methods


2.1 统计学方法

统计学方法在生态系统服务权衡研究中主要用于以下几方面:① 快速识别和定量比较生态系统服务之间的作用关系。例如Bai等采用相关性分析对比了白洋淀流域生物多样性、授粉服务、氮截留、磷截留、土壤保持、水源供给和植被固碳7种服务功能之间的作用关系类型和强度[22]。② 筛选典型的生态系统服务权衡/协同关系和影响因素。采用聚类分析和冗余分析可以对庞杂的生态系统服务和影响因子集合进行重要性排序和分类,将生态系统服务之间关系的研究转变为几种典型“生态系统服务簇”之间关系的研究[23,24],进而根据服务供给特征进行管理单元的聚类分析,提高权衡管理决策的针对性和工作效率。例如Turner等采用聚类分析将丹麦11种生态系统服务功能分为4类生态系统服务簇,并根据4类生态系统服务簇的供给能力差异将丹麦划分为6组生态系统服务供给类型区进行管理[25]。③ 方便采用易于操作的统计模型或多目标优化模型模拟不同类型生态系统服务价值、生态系统服务总体效益和影响因素之间的关系。例如Deines等采用赞比亚卡富埃河流域渔业产出与年径流量之间的数量模型,分析了水坝建设对渔业产出量的影响,结果表明水坝建设减小了鱼类丰富度,渔业产出每年会损失约230万美元[26];Bradford等采用生态系统服务的价值汇总和标准差计算来对比美国明尼苏达州5种森林管理方案对生态系统服务的影响,结果表明林分密度提高最有利于提升生态系统服务价值,减少服务冲突[27]

2.2 空间分析方法

空间分析方法是揭示生态系统服务权衡/协同时空尺度特征的重要途径,有利于权衡管理决策落实在特定空间位置上,具有以下优点:① 量化单一生态系统服务的空间特征和尺度效应。例如Turner等采用空间自相关方法研究了丹麦地区11种生态系统服务的尺度特征,结果表明畜牧生产、粮食生产和淡水供给服务在150 km的空间范围内为聚集分布,其他8种生态系统服务在50 km的空间范围内为聚集分布[25]。② 对比不同生态系统服务之间的空间特征差异。例如Egoh等采用空间叠加方法研究了南非境内淡水供给、水文调节、土壤保持、土壤形成、植被固碳5种生态系统服务之间的空间重合度,结果表明两种服务之间土壤积累和水文调节的空间重合度最大,植被固碳和淡水供给的空间重合度最小,任意4种生态系统服务的空间重合度总和约为30%,5种生态系统服务的空间重合度仅为5%[28]。③ 进行生态系统服务供给能力等级划分和空间特征比较。例如Cademus等对美国东南部湿地松林碳存储、木材生产和淡水供给3种服务进行级别划分和空间叠置,表明供给能力均较低的区域面积占到19.6%,供给能力中等的区域比例仅为1.1%,任意两种生态系统服务供给能力较高的比例为1.3%[29]。④ 基于不同时段的生态系统服务空间制图揭示服务权衡/协同的时间尺度特征。例如李屹峰等基于三期(1990年、2000年、2009年)土地覆被数据研究了密云水库流域淡水供给、植被固碳、土壤保持、水质净化4种生态系统服务的价值变化,结果表明森林面积增加有利于固碳服务和土壤保持服务的增加,但减少了区域淡水供给能力,建筑用地面积的增加大幅度削弱了水质净化服务[30]

2.3 情景模拟方法


2.4 服务流动性分析方法

上述四类方法从不同角度实现了生态系统服务权衡研究的定量化表达,促进了国内外生态系统服务权衡研究工作的推广,但仍存在一些限制和不足,需要在使用时加以注意和改进:① 数据的分辨率和精度。统计数据或空间数据分辨率较大时,有利于揭示不同区域上生态系统服务权衡的细节信息,但会增加数据处理难度;数据分辨率较小时,常采用汇总数据或代表性样点数据表征一个区域的生态系统服务,造成一些重要的生态系统服务权衡/协同关系可能因为相关性不显著而被忽视,也不可避免地掩盖区域内部环境异质性对生态系统服务的影响,进而降低服务权衡管理对策的区域实用性。② 时空尺度选取。时空尺度影响着生态系统服务权衡的研究对象。不同类型的生态系统服务,所对应的时空尺度范围不同。供给类的生态系统服务多依赖于生态系统尺度,而文化类的生态系统服务更多依赖于行政管理尺度。忽略两者的尺度差异会造成一些生态系统服务的价值估算误差,从而降低这些生态系统服务在权衡管理决策中的实践可行性。时空尺度也影响着情景模拟预案的关键环境因素。大尺度的土地利用动态变化模拟、景观动态变化模拟需考虑气候和城市化因素的影响;小尺度的景观动态模拟则需关注人类活动和管理措施对区域环境的影响。③ 生态系统服务需求量估算方法尚不成熟。目前,不同类型生态系统服务供给量的估算已经具有较统一、广泛接受的计算方法,但其需求量的计算方法还较少,且不同研究之间存在很大差异。如旅游休憩服务的需求量计算,有些****采用风景区一定范围内的居民数量和旅游者数量来表征[23],有些****采用单位面积的经济产出来表征[42]。因此,为了继续深入生态系统服务权衡研究,未来需要构建能够广泛接受的,普遍适用的不同类型生态系统服务需求量的计算方法,以扩展四类生态系统服务权衡研究方法的应用范围。

3 生态系统服务权衡模型

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Description of main ecosystem services trade-off valuation tools
InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosysytem services and tradeoffs)美国斯坦福大学和世界自然基金会生态生产功能公开可选景观或流域尺度物质量/货币美洲、非洲、亚洲等20个国家和地区具有多个生态系统服务评估模块,可以量化土地利用/覆被变化情景下的服务功能变化
ARIES(Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services)美国佛蒙特大学、西班牙巴斯克气候变化研究中心、美国国际保护协会、墨西哥生态协会价值转移公开可选景观或流域尺度物质量/货币美国普及特海湾、亚利桑那州、多米尼加共和国、非洲马达加斯加岛的一些区域通过人工智能和语义建模实现多种生态系统服务空间流动过程的评估和量化
NAIS(Natural Assets Information system)国际自然资产实验室空间信息工作组(SIG-NAL)价值转移非公开可选景观或流域尺度货币美国阿拉斯加州、加利福尼亚州、内华达州等区域通过文献数据确定不同景观类型的生态系统服务价值,评估不同规划或管理情景下的生态系统服务价值变化
EPM(Ecosystem Protfolio Model)美国地质调查局(USGS)人类偏好公开需要景观或流域尺度物质量/货币美国圣克鲁斯河流域基于多标准情景模拟框架、土地利用/覆被变化敏感模型等信息评价生态价值变化
EcoAIM(Ecosystem services Asset, Inventory and Management)Exponent公司人类偏好非公开需要景观或流域尺度价值指数美国马里兰州使用风险分析方法评估不同土地管理决策、生态学修复决策情景下的生态系统服务变化
ESValue(Valuing ecosystem services)Entrix公司人类偏好非公开需要景观或流域尺度价值指数美国佛罗里达州南部地区通过专家观点、文献数据、利益相关者偏好等确定生态系统服务相对价值,评估不同管理情景下的生态系统服务变化


3.1 InVEST模型


3.2 ARIES模型


3.3 其他模型


4 生态系统服务权衡的研究框架

-->Fig. 1Research framework of ecosystem service trade-offs


5 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

参考文献 原文顺序

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Ecosystem service (ES) trade-offs arise from management choices made by humans, which can change the type, magnitude, and relative mix of services provided by ecosystems. Trade-offs occur when the provision of one ES is reduced as a consequence of increased use of another ES. In some cases, a trade-off may be an explicit choice; but in others, trade-offs arise without premeditation or even awareness that they are taking place. Trade-offs in ES can be classified along three axes: spatial scale, temporal scale, and reversibility. Spatial scale refers to whether the effects of the trade-off are felt locally or at a distant location. Temporal scale refers to whether the effects take place relatively rapidly or slowly. Reversibility expresses the likelihood that the perturbed ES may return to its original state if the perturbation ceases. Across all four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios and selected case study examples, trade-off decisions show a preference for provisioning, regulating, or cultural services (in that order). Supporting services are more likely to be “taken for granted.” Cultural ES are almost entirely unquantified in scenario modeling; therefore, the calculated model results do not fully capture losses of these services that occur in the scenarios. The quantitative scenario models primarily capture the services that are perceived by society as more important—provisioning and regulating ecosystem services—and thus do not fully capture trade-offs of cultural and supporting services. Successful management policies will be those that incorporate lessons learned from prior decisions into future management actions. Managers should complement their actions with monitoring programs that, in addition to monitoring the short-term provisions of services, also monitor the long-term evolution of slowly changing variables. Policies can then be developed to take into account ES trade-offs at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Successful strategies will recognize the inherent complexities of ecosystem management and will work to develop policies that minimize the effects of ES trade-offs.
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As the human population grows and natural resources decline, there is pressure to apply increasing levels of top-down, command-and-control management to natural resources. This is manifested in attempts to control ecosystems and in socioeconomic institutions that respond to erratic or surprising ecosystem behavior with more control. Command and control, however, usually results in unforeseen consequences for both natural ecosystems and human welfare in the form of collapsing resources, social and economic strife, and losses of biological diversity. We describe the &ldquo;pathology of natural resource management,&rdquo; defined as a loss of system resilience when the range of natural variation in the system is reduced encapsulates the unsustainable environmental, social, and economic outcomes of command-and-control resource management. If natural levels of variation in system behavior are reduced through command-and-control, then the system becomes less resilient to external perturbations, resulting in crises and surprises. We provide several examples of this pathology in management. An ultimate pathology emerges when resource management agencies, through initial success with command and control, lose sight of their original purposes, eliminate research and monitoring, and focus on efficiency of control. They then become isolated from the managed systems and inflexible in structure. Simultaneously, through overcapitalization, society becomes dependent upon command and control, demands it in greater intensity, and ignores the underlying ecological change or collapse that is developing. Solutions to this pathology cannot come from further command and control (regulations) but must come from innovative approaches involving incentives leading to more resilient ecosystems, more flexible agencies, more self-reliant industries, and a more knowledgeable citizenry. We discuss several aspects of ecosystem pattern and dynamics at large scales that provide insight into ecosystem resilience, and we propose a &ldquo;Golden Rule&rdquo; of natural resource management that we believe is necessary for sustainability: management should strive to retain critical types and ranges of natural variation in resource systems in order to maintain their resiliency. A medida que la poblaci&oacute;n humana crece y los recursos naturales declinan, existen presiones para aplicar niveles crecientes de manejo de recursos naturales verticalistas y de comando-y-control. Esto se manifesta en los intentos de controlar los ecosistemas y en instituciones socioecon&oacute;micas que responden a los comportamientos err&aacute;ticos o sorpresivos de los ecosistemas con m&aacute;s control. Sin embargo, el comando-y-control tiene usualmente resultados imprevistos tanto para los ecosistemas naturales como para el bienestar humano, tales resultados toman la forma de recursos que colapsan, conflictos sociales y econ&oacute;micos y p&eacute;rdidas de la diversidad biol&oacute;gica. En el presente trabajo, describimos la &ldquo;patolog&iacute;a del manejo de los recursos naturales&rdquo; (definida como una p&eacute;rdida de la elasticidad del sistema cuando la magnitud de la variaci&oacute;n natural en el sistema es reducida), que condensa los resultados ambientales-sociales-econ&oacute;micos insostenibles producidos por el manejo de recursos con una &oacute;ptica de comando-y-control. Si los niveles de variaci&oacute;n natural en el comportamiento de un sistema son reducidos a trav&eacute;s de comando-y-control, entonces el sistema se hace menos elastico a las perturbaciones externas, lo cual resulta en crisis y sorpresas. Nosotros proveemos de varios ejemplos de esta patolog&iacute;a en el manejo. Una patolog&iacute;a extrema surge cuando las agencias de manejo de recursos, pierden de vista sus prop&oacute;sitos originales debido al &eacute;xito del uso de comando-y-control, eliminando la investigaci&oacute;n y el monitoreo y concentr&aacute;ndose en la eficiencia y el control. De esta forma, estas agencias se aislan de los sistemas bajo manejo y se hacen mas inflexibles en su estructura. Simultaneamente y por medio de la sobrecapitalizacion, la sociedad se hace m&aacute;s dependiente del comando-y-control, demanda con mayores intensidades e ignora los cambios ecol&oacute;gicos subyacentes o el colapso que se esta desarrollando. Las soluciones a esta patolog&iacute;a no pueden provenir de un mayor comando-y-control (reglamentos), sino que deben provenir de estrategias innovativas que involucren incentivos que lleven a ecosistemas mas elasticos, agencias m&aacute;s flexibles, industrias m&aacute;s autosuficientes y una ciudadania m&aacute;s instru&iacute;da. Discutimos varios aspectos del patr&oacute;n y din&aacute;mica de los ecosistemas a gran escala que proveen una comprensi&oacute;n de la elasticidad del ecosistema y proponemos una &ldquo;regla de oro&rdquo; sobre el manejo de los recursos naturales, la cual creemos es necesaria para la sostenibilidad: El manejo debe esforzarse para retener los tipos y magnitudes de variaci&oacute;n natural cr&iacute;ticos en los sistemas de recursos a los efectos de mantener su elasticidad.
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[11]Steffen W.Interdisciplinary research for managing ecosystem services
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https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0812580106URLPMID:19179277 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Climate Change Institute, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia. will.steffen@anu.edu.au
[12]Tilman D, Cassman K G, Matson P A, et al.Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices
. Nature, 2002, 418(6898): 671-677.
https://doi.org/10.1038/nature01014URLPMID:12167873 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.
[13]Faith D P, Magallon S, Hendry A P, et al.Evosystem services: An evolutionary perspective on the links between biodiversity and human well-being
. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2010, 2(1-2): 66-74.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2010.04.002URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
A framework for exploring regional-scale trade-offs among ecosystem services and biodiversity protection has been established for some time, and it is clear that optimizing these trade-offs provides a strategy to address targets for a reduced rate of biodiversity loss. Recent trade-off studies have highlighted the need for better biodiversity measures, to complement measures of ecosystem services. Biodiversity typically has been linked in this context to existence and other non-use values. We argue that biodiversity will have a stronger role in such trade-off analyses if measures of biodiversity better reflect additional current and future services. These 鈥榚vosystem services鈥 have been, and, if we are careful, can continue to be provided by the evolutionary process. Some services have been provided through evolution operating in the past, and a phylogenetic diversity measure can help us to quantify these current and potential future benefits derived from the tree of life. Furthermore, a variety of evosystem services are delivered through ongoing contemporary evolution, and value should therefore be placed on the maintenance of healthy evosystems. We argue that the concept of evosystem services could be useful as a complement to the traditional concept of ecosystem services. Together, these reflect a fuller range of the services supported by biodiversity, and thereby provide a sounder basis for conservation planning and decision-making.
[14]Smith P, Ashmore M R, Black H I J, et al. The role of ecosystems and their management in regulating climate, and soil, water and air quality
. Journal of Applied Ecology, 2013, 50(4): 812-829.
1. Ecosystems have a critical role in regulating climate, and soil, water and air quality, but management to change an ecosystem process in support of one regulating ecosystem service can either provide co-benefits to other services or can result in trade-offs. 2. We examine the role of ecosystems in delivering these regulating ecosystem services, using the UK as our case study region. We identify some of the main co-benefits and trade-offs of ecosystem management within, and across, the regulating services of climate regulation, and soil, water and air quality regulation, and where relevant, we also describe interactions with other ecosystem services. Our analysis clearly identifies the many important linkages between these different ecosystem services. 3. However, soil, water and air quality regulation are often governed by different legislation or are under the jurisdiction of different regulators, which can make optimal management difficult to identify and to implement. Policies and legislation addressing air, water and soil are sometimes disconnected, with no integrated overview of how these policies interact. This can lead to conflicting messages regarding the use and management of soil, water and air. Similarly, climate change legislation is separate from that aiming to protect and enhance soil, water and air quality, leading to further potential for policy conflict. 4. All regulating services, even if they are synergistic, may trade off against other ecosystem services. At a policy level, this may well be the biggest conflict. The fact that even individual regulating services comprise multiple and contrasting indicators (e.g. the various components of water quality such as nutrient levels, acidity, pathogens and sediments), adds to the complexity of the challenge. 5. Synthesis and applications. We conclude that although there are some good examples of integrated ecosystem management, some aspects of ecosystem management could be better coordinated to deliver multiple ecosystem services, and that an ecosystem services framework to assess co-benefits and trade-offs would help regulators, policy-makers and ecosystem managers to deliver more coherent ecosystem management strategies. In this way, an ecosystem services framework may improve the regulation of climate, and soil, water and air quality, even in the absence of economic valuation of the individual services
[15]Vidal-Legaz B, Martinez-Fernandez J, Picon A S, et al.Trade-offs between maintenance of ecosystem services and socio-economic development in rural mountainous communities in southern Spain: A dynamic simulation approach
. Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 131(1): 280-297.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[16]Chhatre A, Agrawal A.Trade-offs and synergies between carbon storage and livelihood benefits from forest commons
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2009, 106(42): 17667-17670.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0905308106URLPMID:19815522 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Not Available
[17]Egoh B N, Reyers B, Rouget M, et al.Identifying priority areas for ecosystem service management in South African grasslands
. Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(6): 1642-1650.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.01.019Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
Grasslands provide many ecosystem services required to support human well-being and are home to a diverse fauna and flora. Degradation of grasslands due to agriculture and other forms of land use threaten biodiversity and ecosystem services. Various efforts are underway around the world to stem these declines. The Grassland Programme in South Africa is one such initiative and is aimed at safeguarding both biodiversity and ecosystem services. As part of this developing programme, we identified spatial priority areas for ecosystem services, tested the effect of different target levels of ecosystem services used to identify priority areas, and evaluated whether biodiversity priority areas can be aligned with those for ecosystem services. We mapped five ecosystem services (below ground carbon storage, surface water supply, water flow regulation, soil accumulation and soil retention) and identified priority areas for individual ecosystem services and for all five services at the scale of quaternary catchments. Planning for individual ecosystem services showed that, depending on the ecosystem service of interest, between 4% and 13% of the grassland biome was required to conserve at least 40% of the soil and water services. Thirty-four percent of the biome was needed to conserve 40% of the carbon service in the grassland. Priority areas identified for five ecosystem services under three target levels (20%, 40%, 60% of the total amount) showed that between 17% and 56% of the grassland biome was needed to conserve these ecosystem services. There was moderate to high overlap between priority areas selected for ecosystem services and already-identified terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity priority areas. This level of overlap coupled with low irreplaceability values obtained when planning for individual ecosystem services makes it possible to combine biodiversity and ecosystem services in one plan using systematic conservation planning. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[18]Bai Y, Zheng H, Ouyang Z, et al.Modeling hydrological ecosystem services and tradeoffs: A case study in Baiyangdian watershed, China
. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013, 70(2): 709-718.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-012-2154-5Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
Policy makers and scientists consider that land use strategies are designed to provide direct benefits to people by protecting vital ecosystem services. However, due to lack of information and evaluation methods, there is no effective and systematic tool for assessing tradeoffs between direct human benefits and ecosystem services. Land use changes influence ecosystem properties, processes and components, which are the basis for providing services. Five alternative land use scenarios (no conversion of agricultural lands, no urban expansion, agricultural expansion, forestry expansion, and riparian reforestation) were modeled for the Baiyangdian watershed, China, a densely populated, highly modified watershed with serious water shortage and pollution problems. The model InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) is designed to inform decisions about natural resource management, with an aim to align economic forces with conservation. Three ecosystem services (agricultural production, hydropower production, and water quality) were modeled to balance direct benefits and hydrological ecosystem services using InVEST. The results showed that: hydropower production was the greatest in the forestry expansion, but the lowest in agricultural expansion; agricultural production was reduced the most in forestry expansion, while retained the most in riparian reforestation. Riparian reforestation also provided the highest N and P retention and lowest N and P exportation. Riparian reforestation was the optimal land use strategy, since it protected and enhanced the vital ecosystem services without undermining direct human benefits. This research presents an initial analytical framework for integrating direct human benefits and ecosystem services in policy planning and illustrates its application. Although there are important potential tradeoffs between ecosystem services, this systematic planning framework offers a means for identifying valuable synergies between conservation and development.
[19]战金艳, 史娜娜, 邓祥征. 鄱阳湖湖区核心生态系统服务功能空间辨识
. 地理研究, 2009, 28(4): 1022-1030.
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhan Jinyan, Shi Nana, Deng Xiangzheng.Spatial identification and representation of thecore ecosystem services in Poyang Lake area
. Geographical Research, 2009, 28(4): 1022-1030.]
Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[20]Willemen L, Veldkamp A, Verburg P H, et al.A multi-scale modelling approach for analysing landscape service dynamics
. Journal of environmental management, 2012, 100(10): 86-95.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.01.022URLPMID:22366361 [本文引用: 1]摘要
Shifting societal needs drive and shape landscapes and the provision of their services. This paper presents a modelling approach to visualize the regional spatial and temporal dynamics in landscape service supply as a function of changing landscapes and societal demand. This changing demand can result from different policy targets. In this paper we conceptualise the system in which these dynamics take place by explicitly addressing (i) the multifunctional character of a landscape, (ii) the different spatial levels at which interactions between landscape service supply, demand, and land management occur, and (iii) trade-offs in service supply as a result of land management actions. Next, we translate the resulting conceptual framework into an operational model. As a demonstration, this model is applied to simulate changes in landscape service supply driven by regional policies in a rural region of the Netherlands. This application demonstrates potential trade-offs, which emerge in a spatially explicit way in the region over time. It illustrates the potential relevance of modelling landscape service dynamics for environmental management and decision making.
[21]Su C H, Fu B J, He C S, et al.Variation of ecosystem services and human activities: A case study in the Yanhe Watershed of China. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of
Ecology, 2012, 44(2): 46-57.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[22]Bai Y, Zhuang C, Ouyang Z, et al.Spatial characteristics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a human-dominated watershed
. Ecological Complexity, 2011, 8(2): 177-183.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2011.01.007Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are intrinsically linked. Since human activities have both intensive and extensive impacts on the environment, it is critical to understand spatial relationships between conservation priorities for biodiversity and ecosystem services. The manner in which various aspects of biodiversity relate to ecosystem services and the spatial congruence between biodiversity and these services, is, however, unclear. In the present study in the Baiyangdian watershed, China, we investigated spatial characteristics of biodiversity and ecosystem services using correlation, overlap, and principal component, analyses. The spatial correlations between biodiversity and ecosystem services were found to be high. Biodiversity was positively correlated with soil retention, water yield and carbon sequestration and negatively correlated with N/P retention and pollination. Pairwise overlap was found to be the highest between N and P retention, biodiversity and carbon sequestration, and biodiversity and water yield. Other couples indicated moderate or small overlap. Principal component analysis indicated that biodiversity and six ecosystem services could be divided into two groups, which could be managed and conserved separately. It can be concluded that biodiversity priorities co-occur with water yield, soil retention and carbon sequestration, and do not co-occur with N/P retention and pollination. Conservation of a biodiversity hotspot was associated with maintaining 45.02% of a carbon sequestration hotspot, 42.05% of a water yield hotspot, and 23.29% of a soil retention hotspot, indicating that conserving biodiversity will also result in the protection of these services. The bundling of biodiversity and ecosystem services is thus both possible and practical. Our findings provide valuable information on congruence and divergence among conservation hotspots and the protection of ecosystem services. They also indicate that a systematic and comprehensive approach that can have wide-ranging policy implications in terms of optimizing conservation strategies for multiple ecosystem services. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[23]Raudsepp-Hearne C, Peterson G D, Bennett E M.Ecosystem service bundles for analyzing tradeoffs in diverse landscapes
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010, 107(11): 5242-5247.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0907284107URLPMID:20194739 [本文引用: 3]摘要
Abstract A key challenge of ecosystem management is determining how to manage multiple ecosystem services across landscapes. Enhancing important provisioning ecosystem services, such as food and timber, often leads to tradeoffs between regulating and cultural ecosystem services, such as nutrient cycling, flood protection, and tourism. We developed a framework for analyzing the provision of multiple ecosystem services across landscapes and present an empirical demonstration of ecosystem service bundles, sets of services that appear together repeatedly. Ecosystem service bundles were identified by analyzing the spatial patterns of 12 ecosystem services in a mixed-use landscape consisting of 137 municipalities in Quebec, Canada. We identified six types of ecosystem service bundles and were able to link these bundles to areas on the landscape characterized by distinct social-ecological dynamics. Our results show landscape-scale tradeoffs between provisioning and almost all regulating and cultural ecosystem services, and they show that a greater diversity of ecosystem services is positively correlated with the provision of regulating ecosystem services. Ecosystem service-bundle analysis can identify areas on a landscape where ecosystem management has produced exceptionally desirable or undesirable sets of ecosystem services.
[24]Locatelli B, Imbach P, Wunder S.Synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services in Costa Rica
. Environmental Conservation, 2014, 41(1): 27-36.
https://doi.org/10.1017/S0376892913000234URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Ecosystems services have become a key concept in understanding the way humans benefit from ecosystems. In Costa Rica, a pioneer national scheme of payment provides compensation for forest conservation that is assumed to jointly produce services related to biodiversity conservation, carbon storage, water and scenic beauty, but little is known about the spatial correlations among these services. A spatial assessment, at national scale and with fine resolution, identified the spatial congruence between these services, by considering the biophysical potential of service provision and socioeconomic demand. Services have different spatial distributions but are positively correlated. Spatial synergies exist between current policies (national parks and the payment scheme) and the conservation of ecosystem services: national parks and areas receiving payments provide more services than other areas. Biodiversity hotspots have the highest co-benefits for other services, while carbon hotspots have the lowest. This finding calls for cautiousness in relation to expectations that forest-based mitigation initiatives such as REDD (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) can automatically maximize bundled co-benefits for biodiversity and local ecosystem services.
[25]Turner K G, Odgaard M V, Bocher P K, et al.Bundling ecosystem services in Denmark: Trade-offs and synergies in a cultural landscape
. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2014, 125(10): 89-104.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2014.02.007URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We made a spatial analysis of 11 ecosystem services at a 10km脳10km grid scale covering most of Denmark. Our objective was to describe their spatial distribution and interactions and also to analyze whether they formed specific bundle types on a regional scale in the Danish cultural landscape. We found clustered distribution patterns of ecosystem services across the country. There was a significant tendency for trade-offs between on the one hand cultural and regulating services and on the other provisioning services, and we also found the potential of regulating and cultural services to form synergies. We identified six distinct ecosystem service bundle types, indicating multiple interactions at a landscape level. The bundle types showed specialized areas of agricultural production, high provision of cultural services at the coasts, multifunctional mixed-use bundle types around urban areas and forest recreation bundle types with high hunting potential. Thus we found that the distributions were both determined by historical and current socio-ecological influences. This gives a better understanding of the interactions between multiple services in the landscape and the way the landscape has been managed. However, the number, types and spatial distribution of such bundles are quite sensitive to the individual ecosystem services selected and the input data available to define these services. This should be taken into consideration in further research on how to utilize the existing synergies and the mitigating potential of trade-offs for a more holistic approach to landscape-scale ecosystem service management.
[26]Deines A M, Bee C A, Katongo C, et al.The potential trade-off between artisanal fisheries production and hydroelectricity generation on the Kafue River, Zambia
. Freshwater Biology, 2013, 58(4): 640-654.
https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.12055Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
1.Freshwater resource managers are increasingly obligated to consider the impacts of large river engineering projects on ecosystem services. We evaluated the effect of altered water regime from the operation of a large dam on the production of the downstream tropical floodplain fishery of the Kafue River, Zambia. We compared the benefits of increased hydropower relative to potentially lost fishery production. 2.We compiled a long-term data set consisting of experimental gillnet catches, artisanal harvesting effort and monthly river flows for 25years prior to and 29years after the 1977 completion of the upstream Itezhi-Tezhi Dam. As a metric of the flood regime, we calculated a canonical correlation score for each hydrological year before and after dam closure. For the period following dam construction, we used the Muskingum method of flood routing to estimate no-dam' flows through the fishery area and downstream hydroelectric turbines at the Kafue Gorge Dam. 3.We compared 16 alternative models of catch per unit effort (CPUE) with and without an effect of water regime on fish population growth rate. Using the two best fitting models, we estimated the total observed fishery harvest and simulated no-dam' fisheries harvest and found no significant effect of altered water regime on fishery production. 4.We estimate that the large upstream dam increases downstream hydropower production by about $18million USD per annum. The reduction in fishery production caused by the altered water regime is not significantly different than zero, although the average reduction amounts to about $2.3million annually. The total estimated value of harvest ranges from $1.3 million to $56 million annually. 5.Large observed declines in fish abundance over the 54-year study period are attributed primarily with similarly large increases in total fishing effort in this mostly open-access artisanal fishery. 6.These results contrast with other examples of the effects of flow alteration on fish, probably because levels of fisheries exploitation on the Kafue River are very high relative to better studied regions on other continents; our focus on the whole fish community; and the unprecedented length of the time series we considered. If the goal is to sustain fishery production, investments in altering flow regime are likely to be less effective than investments to decrease fishing effort.
[27]Bradford J B, D'Amato A W. Recognizing trade-offs in multi-objective land management
. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2012, 10(4): 210-216.
URL [本文引用: 3]
[28]Egoh B N, Reyers B, Rouget M, et al.Mapping ecosystem services for planning and management
. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 2008, 127(1-2): 135-140.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2008.03.013URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This study mapped the production of five ecosystem services in South Africa: surface supply, flow regulation, soil accumulation, soil retention, and storage. The relationship and spatial congruence between services were assessed. The congruence between primary production and these five services was tested to evaluate its value as a surrogate or proxy ecosystem service measure. This study illustrates that (1) most of South Africa's land surface is important for supplying at least one service, (2) there are low levels of congruence between the service ranges and even lower levels between the hotspots for different ecosystem services, and (3) primary production appears to show some potential as a surrogate for ecosystem service distribution. The implications of a heterogeneous landscape for the provision of ecosystem services and their management are highlighted and the potential for managing such services in a country like South Africa is discussed.
[29]Cademus R, Escobedo F J, McLaughlin D, et al. Analyzing trade-offs, synergies, and drivers among timber production, carbon sequestration, and water yield in Pinus elliotii forests in Southeastern USA
. Forests, 2014, 5(6): 1409-1431.
[本文引用: 1]
[30]李屹峰, 罗跃初, 刘纲, . 土地利用变化对生态系统服务功能的影响: 以密云水库流域为例
. 生态学报, 2013, 33(3): 726-736.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201205280787Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
[Li Yifeng, Luo Yuechu, Liu Gang, et al.Effects of land use change on ecosystem services: A case study in Miyun reservoir watershed
. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(3): 726-736.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201205280787Magsci [本文引用: 3]摘要
[31]Meehan T D, Gratton C, Diehl E, et al.Ecosystem-service tradeoffs associated with switching from annual to perennial energy crops in riparian zones of the US midwest
. Plos One, 2013, 8(11): 1-13.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0080093URLPMID:24223215 [本文引用: 2]摘要
Integration of energy crops into agricultural landscapes could promote sustainability if they are placed in ways that foster multiple ecosystem services and mitigate ecosystem disservices from existing crops. We conducted a modeling study to investigate how replacing annual energy crops with perennial energy crops along Wisconsin waterways could affect a variety of provisioning and regulating ecosystem services. We found that a switch from continuous corn production to perennial-grass production decreased annual income provisioning by 75%, although it increased annual energy provisioning by 33%, decreased annual phosphorous loading to surface water by 29%, increased below-ground carbon sequestration by 30%, decreased annual nitrous oxide emissions by 84%, increased an index of pollinator abundance by an average of 11%, and increased an index of biocontrol potential by an average of 6%. We expressed the tradeoffs between income provisioning and other ecosystem services as benefit-cost ratios. Benefit-cost ratios averaged 12.06 GJ of additional net energy, 0.84 kg of avoided phosphorus pollution, 18.97 Mg of sequestered carbon, and 1.99 kg of avoided nitrous oxide emissions for every $1,000 reduction in income. These ratios varied spatially, from 2- to 70-fold depending on the ecosystem service. Benefit-cost ratios for different ecosystem services were generally correlated within watersheds, suggesting the presence of hotspots - watersheds where increases in multiple ecosystem services would come at lower-than-average opportunity costs. When assessing the monetary value of ecosystem services relative to existing conservation programs and environmental markets, the overall value of enhanced services associated with adoption of perennial energy crops was far lower than the opportunity cost. However, when we monitized services using estimates for the social costs of pollution, the value of enhanced services far exceeded the opportunity cost. This disparity between recoverable costs and social value represents a fundamental challenge to expansion of perennial energy crops and sustainable agricultural landscapes.
[32]Lautenbach S, Volk M, Strauch M, et al.Optimization-based trade-off analysis of biodiesel crop production for managing an agricultural catchment
. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2013, 48(10): 98-112.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.06.006URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Political agendas worldwide include increased production of biofuel, which multiplies the trade-offs among conflicting objectives, including food and fodder production, water quantity, water quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Quantification of trade-offs among objectives in bioenergy crop production is most frequently accomplished by a comparison of a limited number of plausible sce...
[33]Burkhard B, Kroll F, Nedkov S, et al.Mapping ecosystem service supply, demand and budgets
. Ecological Indicators, 2012, 21(3): 17-29.
URL [本文引用: 2]
[34]Bagstad K J, Johnson G W, Voigt B, et al.Spatial dynamics of ecosystem service flows: A comprehensive approach to quantifying actual services
. Ecosystem Services, 2013, 4: 117-125.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2012.07.012URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
Recent ecosystem services research has highlighted the importance of spatial connectivity between ecosystems and their beneficiaries. Despite this need, a systematic approach to ecosystem service flow quantification has not yet emerged. In this article, we present such an approach, which we formalize as a class of agent-based models termed 鈥淪ervice Path Attribution Networks鈥 (SPANs). These models, developed as part of the Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) project, expand on ecosystem services classification terminology introduced by other authors. Conceptual elements needed to support flow modeling include a service's rivalness, its flow routing type (e.g., through hydrologic or transportation networks, lines of sight, or other approaches), and whether the benefit is supplied by an ecosystem's provision of a beneficial flow to people or by absorption of a detrimental flow before it reaches them. We describe our implementation of the SPAN framework for five ecosystem services and discuss how to generalize the approach to additional services. SPAN model outputs include maps of ecosystem service provision, use, depletion, and flows under theoretical, possible, actual, inaccessible, and blocked conditions. We highlight how these different ecosystem service flow maps could be used to support various types of decision making for conservation and resource management planning.
[35]Peh K S H, Balmford A, Bradbury R B, et al. TESSA: A toolkit for rapid assessment of ecosystem services at sites of biodiversity conservation importance
. Ecosystem Services, 2013, 5: 51-57.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2013.06.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Sites that are important for biodiversity conservation can also provide significant benefits (i.e. ecosystem services) to people. Decision-makers need to know how change to a site, whether development or restoration, would affect the delivery of services and the distribution of any benefits among stakeholders. However, there are relatively few empirical studies that present this information. One reason is the lack of appropriate methods and tools for ecosystem service assessment that do not require substantial resources or specialist technical knowledge, or rely heavily upon existing data. Here we address this gap by describing the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA). It guides local non-specialists through a selection of relatively accessible methods for identifying which ecosystem services may be important at a site, and for evaluating the magnitude of benefits that people obtain from them currently, compared with those expected under alternative land-uses. The toolkit recommends use of existing data where appropriate and places emphasis on enabling users to collect new field data at relatively low cost and effort. By using TESSA, the users could also gain valuable information about the alternative land-uses; and data collected in the field could be incorporated into regular monitoring programmes.
[36]Madin L, Bowers S, Schildhauer M, et al.An ontology for describing and synthesizing ecological observation data
. Ecological Informatics, 2007, 2(3): 279-296.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2007.05.004Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Research in ecology increasingly relies on the integration of small, focused studies, to produce larger datasets that allow for more powerful, synthetic analyses. The results of these synthetic analyses are critical in guiding decisions about how to sustainably manage our natural environment, so it is important for researchers to effectively discover relevant data, and appropriately integrate these within their analyses. However, ecological data encompasses an extremely broad range of data types, structures, and semantic concepts. Moreover, ecological data is widely distributed, with few well-established repositories or standard protocols for their archiving and retrieval. These factors make the discovery and integration of ecological data sets a highly labor-intensive task. Metadata standards such as the Ecological Metadata Language and Darwin Core are important steps for improving our ability to discover and access ecological data, but are limited to describing only a few, relatively specific aspects of data content (<em>e.g.</em>, data owner and contact information, variable &ldquo;names&rdquo;, keyword descriptions, <em>etc.</em>). A more flexible and powerful way to capture the semantic subtleties of complex ecological data, its structure and contents, and the inter-relationships among data variables is needed.</p><p id="">We present a formal ontology for capturing the semantics of generic scientific observation and measurement. The ontology provides a convenient basis for adding detailed semantic annotations to scientific data, which crystallize the inherent &ldquo;meaning&rdquo; of observational data. The ontology can be used to characterize the context of an observation (<em>e.g.</em>, space and time), and clarify inter-observational relationships such as dependency hierarchies (<em>e.g.</em>, nested experimental observations) and meaningful dimensions within the data (<em>e.g.</em>, axes for cross-classified categorical summarization). It also enables the robust description of measurement units (<em>e.g.</em>, grams of carbon per liter of seawater), and can facilitate automatic unit conversions (<em>e.g.</em>, pounds to kilograms). The ontology can be easily extended with specialized domain vocabularies, making it both broadly applicable and highly customizable. Finally, we describe the utility of the ontology for enriching the capabilities of data discovery and integration processes.</p>
[37]Wendland K J, Honzak M, Portela R, et al.Targeting and implementing payments for ecosystem services: Opportunities for bundling biodiversity conservation with carbon and water services in Madagascar
. Ecological Economics, 2010, 69(11): 2093-2107.
[38]Johnson G W, Snapp R R, Villa F, et al.Modelling ecosystem service flows under uncertainty with stochastic SPAN. In: International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Leipzig: Elsevier Sciltd, 2012: 1-8
[39]李双成. 生态系统服务地理学. 北京:科学出版社, 2014. [本文引用: 3]

[Li Shuangcheng.The Geography of Ecosystem Services. Beijing: Science Press, 2014.] [本文引用: 3]
[40]Villa F, Bagstad K J, Voigt B, et al.A methodology for adaptable and robust ecosystem services assessment
. Plos One, 2014, 9(3):1-18.
https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0091001URLPMID:24625496 [本文引用: 3]摘要
Ecosystem Services (ES) are an established conceptual framework for attributing value to the benefits that nature provides to humans. As the promise of robust ES-driven management is put to the test, shortcomings in our ability to accurately measure, map, and value ES have surfaced. On the research side, mainstream methods for ES assessment still fall short of addressing the complex, multi-scale biophysical and socioeconomic dynamics inherent in ES provision, flow, and use. On the practitioner side, application of methods remains onerous due to data and model parameterization requirements. Further, it is increasingly clear that the dominant 鈥渙ne model fits all鈥 paradigm is often ill-suited to address the diversity of real-world management situations that exist across the broad spectrum of coupled human-natural systems. This article introduces an integrated ES modeling methodology, named ARIES (ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services), which aims to introduce improvements on these fronts. To improve conceptual detail and representation of ES dynamics, it adopts a uniform conceptualization of ES that gives equal emphasis to their production, flow and use by society, while keeping model complexity low enough to enable rapid and inexpensive assessment in many contexts and for multiple services. To improve fit to diverse application contexts, the methodology is assisted by model integration technologies that allow assembly of customized models from a growing model base. By using computer learning and reasoning, model structure may be specialized for each application context without requiring costly expertise. In this article we discuss the founding principles of ARIES - both its innovative aspects for ES science and as an example of a new strategy to support more accurate decision making in diverse application contexts.
[41]Johnson G W, Bagstad K J, Snapp R R, et al.Service Path Attribution Networks (SPANs)
. International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, 2012, 3(2): 54-71.
https://doi.org/10.4018/jaeis.2012070104URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Ecosystem services are the effects on human well-being of the flow of benefits from ecosystems to people over given extents of space and time. The Service Path Attribution Network ( span ) model provides a spatial framework for quantifying these flows, providing a new means of estimating these economic benefits. This approach discovers dependencies between provision and usage endpoints, spatial competition among users for scarce resources, and landscape effects on ecosystem service flows. Particularly novel is the model鈥檚 ability to identify the relative density of these flows throughout landscapes and to determine which areas are affected by upstream flow depletion. span descriptions have been developed for a number of services(aesthetic viewsheds, proximity to open space, carbon sequestration, flood mitigation, nutrient cycling, and avoided sedimentation/deposition), which vary in scale of effect, mechanism of provision and use, and type of flow. Results using real world data are shown for the US Puget Sound region.
[42]McNally C G, Uchida E, Gold A J. The effect of a protected area on the tradeoffs between short-run and long-run benefits from mangrove ecosystems
. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011, 108(34): 13945-13950.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1101825108URLPMID:23812226 [本文引用: 3]摘要
Protected areas are used to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, protected areas can create tradeoffs spatially and temporally among ecosystem services, which can affect the welfare of dependent local communities. This study examines the effect of a protected area on the tradeoff between two extractive ecosystem services from mangrove forests: cutting mangroves (fuelwood) and harvesting the shrimp and fish that thrive if mangroves are not cut. We demonstrate the effect in the context of Saadani National Park (SANAPA) in Tanzania, where enforcement of prohibition of mangrove harvesting was strengthened to preserve biodiversity. Remote sensing data of mangrove cover over time are integrated with georeferenced household survey data in an econometric framework to identify the causal effect of mangrove protection on income components directly linked to mangrove ecosystem services. Our findings suggest that many households experienced an immediate loss in the consumption of mangrove firewood, with the loss most prevalent in richer households. However, all wealth classes appear to benefit from long-term sustainability gains in shrimping and fishing that result from mangrove protection. On average, we find that a 10% increase in the mangrove cover within SANAPA boundaries in a 5-km(2) radius of the subvillage increases shrimping income by approximately twofold. The creation of SANAPA shifted the future trajectory of the area from one in which mangroves were experiencing uncontrolled cutting to one in which mangrove conservation is providing gains in income for the local villages as a result of the preservation of nursery habitat and biodiversity.
[43]Loomis J, Timm K, Richardson L, et al.A benefit transfer toolkit for fish, wildlife, wetlands, and open space
. Western Economics Forum, 2008, 2(7): 33-43.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[44]Liu S, Costanza R, Troy A, et al.Valuing New Jersey's ecosystem services and natural capital: A spatially explicit benefit transfer approach
. Environmental Management, 2010, 45(6): 1271-1285.
We intend to estimate the value of ecosystem services in the U.S. State of New Jersey using spatially explicit benefit transfer. The aggregated net rent, a conservative underestimate for the total economic value of the state&#8217;s natural environment, ranged from <span class="latex"><span class="ss">11.6 <i>to</i></span><span class="cs"><span class="math">11.6 to </span></span></span>19.6 billion/year, conditional on how inclusive we were in selecting the primary studies used to calculate the central tendency values to transfer. In addition to calculating the range, mean, and standard deviation for each of 12 ecosystem services for 11 Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) types, we also conduct a gap analysis of how well ecosystem service values are represented in the literature. We then map these values by assuming a mean value for each LULC and apply this to spatial data. As to sensitivity analysis, we calculate the net present value of New Jersey&#8217;s natural environment utilizing three different methods of discounting. These research results provide a useful, albeit imperfect, basis for assessing the value of ecosystem services and natural capital, and their comparison with the value of conventional human and built capitals.
[45]Feng M, Liu S, Euliss N H, et al.Prototyping an online wetland ecosystem services model using open model sharing standards
. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2011, 26(4): 458-468.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.10.008URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Great interest currently exists for developing ecosystem models to forecast how ecosystem services may change under alternative land use and climate futures. Ecosystem services are diverse and include supporting services or functions (e.g., primary production, nutrient cycling), provisioning services (e.g., wildlife, groundwater), regulating services (e.g., water purification, floodwater retention), and even cultural services (e.g., ecotourism, cultural heritage). Hence, the knowledge base necessary to quantify ecosystem services is broad and derived from many diverse scientific disciplines. Building the required interdisciplinary models is especially challenging as modelers from different locations and times may develop the disciplinary models needed for ecosystem simulations, and these models must be identified and made accessible to the interdisciplinary simulation. Additional difficulties include inconsistent data structures, formats, and metadata required by geospatial models as well as limitations on computing, storage, and connectivity. Traditional standalone and closed network systems cannot fully support sharing and integrating interdisciplinary geospatial models from variant sources. To address this need, we developed an approach to openly share and access geospatial computational models using distributed Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques and open geospatial standards. We included a means to share computational models compliant with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Processing Services (WPS) standard to ensure modelers have an efficient and simplified means to publish new models. To demonstrate our approach, we developed five disciplinary models that can be integrated and shared to simulate a few of the ecosystem services (e.g., water storage, waterfowl breeding) that are provided by wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of North America.
[46]Bagstad K J, Semmens D J, Waage S, et al.A comparative assessment of decision-support tools for ecosystem services quantification and valuation
. Ecosystem Services, 2013, 5: 27-39.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2013.07.004URL [本文引用: 5]摘要
To enter widespread use, ecosystem service assessments need to be quantifiable, replicable, credible, flexible, and affordable. With recent growth in the field of ecosystem services, a variety of decision-support tools has emerged to support more systematic ecosystem services assessment. Despite the growing complexity of the tool landscape, thorough reviews of tools for identifying, assessing, modeling and in some cases monetarily valuing ecosystem services have generally been lacking. In this study, we describe 17 ecosystem services tools and rate their performance against eight evaluative criteria that gauge their readiness for widespread application in public- and private-sector decision making. We describe each of the tools′ intended uses, services modeled, analytical approaches, data requirements, and outputs, as well time requirements to run seven tools in a first comparative concurrent application of multiple tools to a common location – the San Pedro River watershed in southeast Arizona, USA, and northern Sonora, Mexico. Based on this work, we offer conclusions about these tools′ current ‘readiness’ for widespread application within both public- and private-sector decision making processes. Finally, we describe potential pathways forward to reduce the resource requirements for running ecosystem services models, which are essential to facilitate their more widespread use in environmental decision making.
[47]胡胜, 曹明明, 刘琪, . 不同视角下InVEST模型的土壤保持功能对比
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(12): 2393-2406.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201412016Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>土壤保持是生态系统的重要服务功能之一。黄土高原是世界上水土流失最严重的地区,黄河中游地区是黄河泥沙的主要来源,继续开展黄河中游地区土壤保持研究,对于当地的水土保持、土地利用结构调整、退耕还林、生态补偿以及水库管理具有重大意义。以黄河一级支流无定河的源头(营盘山库区)为研究区,采用生态系统服务和交易的综合评估模型InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs),从水文和土地利用两个角度出发,对研究区地块截留能力、输出能力和保持能力进行对比研究,重点探讨哪种角度的结果更科学合理,并进一步研究清淤情境下2010年营盘山库区的土壤保持能力及其空间格局特征。结果表明:① 基于子流域边界和土地利用边界的计算结果差异悬殊,水文学意义的子流域边界可以保证沉积物沿水文路径迁移过程的完整性,评价结果更科学合理;InVEST沉积物模型应该采用水文意义上的自然流域边界,而不宜将土地利用边界作为子流域单元进行评价。② 2010年营盘山库区在清淤情境下的沉积物截留总量为586482.60 t,输出总量为129868.61 t,平均输出量为12.93 t/hm<sup>2</sup>,保留总量为1559198.40 t,平均保留量为151.57 t/hm<sup>2</sup>。③ 地块的沉积物截留能力从上游至下游逐渐增强,而沉积物输出能力却刚好相反。无定河西侧支流的土壤保持能力比东侧支流偏高,两大支流平均土壤保持量低值区均出现在河流上游地区。</p>
[Hu Sheng, Cao Mingming, Liu Qi, et al.Comparative study on the soil conservation function of InVEST model under different perspectives
. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(12): 2393-2406.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201412016Magsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>土壤保持是生态系统的重要服务功能之一。黄土高原是世界上水土流失最严重的地区,黄河中游地区是黄河泥沙的主要来源,继续开展黄河中游地区土壤保持研究,对于当地的水土保持、土地利用结构调整、退耕还林、生态补偿以及水库管理具有重大意义。以黄河一级支流无定河的源头(营盘山库区)为研究区,采用生态系统服务和交易的综合评估模型InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs),从水文和土地利用两个角度出发,对研究区地块截留能力、输出能力和保持能力进行对比研究,重点探讨哪种角度的结果更科学合理,并进一步研究清淤情境下2010年营盘山库区的土壤保持能力及其空间格局特征。结果表明:① 基于子流域边界和土地利用边界的计算结果差异悬殊,水文学意义的子流域边界可以保证沉积物沿水文路径迁移过程的完整性,评价结果更科学合理;InVEST沉积物模型应该采用水文意义上的自然流域边界,而不宜将土地利用边界作为子流域单元进行评价。② 2010年营盘山库区在清淤情境下的沉积物截留总量为586482.60 t,输出总量为129868.61 t,平均输出量为12.93 t/hm<sup>2</sup>,保留总量为1559198.40 t,平均保留量为151.57 t/hm<sup>2</sup>。③ 地块的沉积物截留能力从上游至下游逐渐增强,而沉积物输出能力却刚好相反。无定河西侧支流的土壤保持能力比东侧支流偏高,两大支流平均土壤保持量低值区均出现在河流上游地区。</p>
[48]潘韬, 吴绍洪, 戴尔阜, . 基于InVEST模型的三江源区生态系统水源供给服务时空变化
. 应用生态学报, 2013, 24(1): 183-189.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>三江源是我国最大的水源供给和涵养生态功能区.近年来,受多种驱动因素的影响,三江源区生态系统退化严重,水源供给能力受到一定影响.本文探讨了1981&mdash;2010年三江源区降水和径流系数的变化规律,基于InVEST模型定量估算了1980&mdash;2005年三江源区生态系统的水源供给量,分析了不同时期水源供给量的时空变化特征及其成因.结果表明: 1981&mdash;2010年,三江源区的降水量整体呈先降低后增加的趋势,降水径流系数的递减趋势比较显著,表明区域地表产流能力下降;潜在蒸散发有减少趋势,但并不明显,其变化趋势为-0.226 mm&middot;a<sup>-1</sup>.1980&mdash;2005年,三江源区水源供给量整体呈下降趋势,且黄河源区的下降趋势最明显.三江源区水源供给量的时空变化是气候变化和土地利用共同作用的结果,气候因子主要通过改变降水和潜在蒸散来影响水源供给量;气候变化和土地利用导致的生态系统退化及下垫面改变可能是三江源区水源供给量下降的主要驱动力.</p>
[Pan Tao, Wu Shaohong, Dai Erfu, et al.Spatiotemporal variation of water source supply service in Three Rivers Source Area of China based on InVEST model
. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2013, 24(1): 183-189.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
<p>三江源是我国最大的水源供给和涵养生态功能区.近年来,受多种驱动因素的影响,三江源区生态系统退化严重,水源供给能力受到一定影响.本文探讨了1981&mdash;2010年三江源区降水和径流系数的变化规律,基于InVEST模型定量估算了1980&mdash;2005年三江源区生态系统的水源供给量,分析了不同时期水源供给量的时空变化特征及其成因.结果表明: 1981&mdash;2010年,三江源区的降水量整体呈先降低后增加的趋势,降水径流系数的递减趋势比较显著,表明区域地表产流能力下降;潜在蒸散发有减少趋势,但并不明显,其变化趋势为-0.226 mm&middot;a<sup>-1</sup>.1980&mdash;2005年,三江源区水源供给量整体呈下降趋势,且黄河源区的下降趋势最明显.三江源区水源供给量的时空变化是气候变化和土地利用共同作用的结果,气候因子主要通过改变降水和潜在蒸散来影响水源供给量;气候变化和土地利用导致的生态系统退化及下垫面改变可能是三江源区水源供给量下降的主要驱动力.</p>
[49]黄从红, 杨军, 张文娟. 生态系统服务功能评估模型研究进展
. 生态学杂志, 2013, 32(12): 3360-3367.
Magsci [本文引用: 6]摘要
[Huang Conghong, Yang Jun, Zhang Wenjuan.Development of ecosystem services evaluation models: Research progress
. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2013, 32(12): 3360-3367.]
Magsci [本文引用: 6]摘要
[50]The Natural Capital Project.URL [本文引用: 1]
[51]Bolte J P, Hulse D W, Gregory S V.Modeling biocomplexity: Actors, landscapes and alternative futures
. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2006, 22(5): 570-579.
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[52]Labiosa W, Forney W, Esnard A M, et al.An integrated multi-criteria scenario evaluation web tool for participatory land-use planning in urbanized areas: The Ecosystem Portfolio Model
. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2013, 41: 210-222.
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[53]李鹏, 姜鲁光, 封志明, . 生态系统服务竞争与协同研究进展
. 生态学报, 2012, 32(16): 5219-5229.
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201109161360Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Peng, Jiang luguang, Feng Zhiming, et al. Research progress on trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem services: An overview
. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(16): 5219-5229.]
https://doi.org/10.5846/stxb201109161360Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[54]李琰, 李双成, 高阳, . 连接生态系统服务与多层次人类福祉: 概念与服务分类框架
. 地理学报, 2014, 68(8): 1038-1047.
[本文引用: 1]

[Li Yan, Li Shuangcheng, Gao Yang, et al.Ecosystem services and hierarchic human well-being: Concepts and service classification framework
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014, 68(8): 1038-1047.]
[本文引用: 1]
[55]王云, 周忠学, 郭钟哲. 都市农业景观破碎化过程对生态系统服务价值的影响: 以西安市为例
. 地理研究, 2014, 33(6): 1097-1105.
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201406010Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用西安市土地利用解译图及社会经济数据,在界定都市农业景观的前提下,分析西安市都市农业景观破碎化过程,在此基础上分析都市农业景观破碎化对生态系统服务价值的影响。结果表明:① 1999-2011 年,西安市都市农业景观的斑块密度、分离度指数增加,都市农业景观呈破碎化趋势;② 都市农业景观分离度与都市农业生态系统服务总价值及各项价值均呈较强的负相关关系;破碎化过程中废物处理及土壤形成价值减少量最大,同时食物生产价值减少率最大,减少了12.73%,娱乐文化减少的价值量及减少率最小,为1.93%;③ 耕地、林地、水域呈景观破碎化趋势,而园地聚集度上升,同时耕地、林地、水域的生态系统服务价值下降,园地生态系统服务价值增加。
[Wang Yun, Zhou Zhongxue, Guo Zhongzhe.Impact of the urban agricultural landscape fragmentation on ecosystem services:A case study of Xi'an city
. Geographical Research, 2014, 33(6): 1097-1105.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201406010Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
利用西安市土地利用解译图及社会经济数据,在界定都市农业景观的前提下,分析西安市都市农业景观破碎化过程,在此基础上分析都市农业景观破碎化对生态系统服务价值的影响。结果表明:① 1999-2011 年,西安市都市农业景观的斑块密度、分离度指数增加,都市农业景观呈破碎化趋势;② 都市农业景观分离度与都市农业生态系统服务总价值及各项价值均呈较强的负相关关系;破碎化过程中废物处理及土壤形成价值减少量最大,同时食物生产价值减少率最大,减少了12.73%,娱乐文化减少的价值量及减少率最小,为1.93%;③ 耕地、林地、水域呈景观破碎化趋势,而园地聚集度上升,同时耕地、林地、水域的生态系统服务价值下降,园地生态系统服务价值增加。
[56]Daily G C, Polasky S, Goldstein J, et al.Ecosystem services in decision making: Time to deliver
. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 2009, 7(1): 21-28.
https://doi.org/10.1890/080025URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Over the past decade, efforts to value and protect ecosystem services have been promoted by many as the last, best hope for making conservation mainstream - att
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