

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

程佳佳1,2,, 王成金1,, 何嘉明3
1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 中山大学地理科学与规划学院 综合地理信息研究中心,广州 510275

Expansion of international terminal operators in the Pearl River Delta: Temporal path, spatial network and influence

CHENGJiajia1,2,, WANGChengjin1,, HEJiaming3
1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Center of Integrated Geographic Information Analysis, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China
通讯作者:通讯作者:王成金(1975- ),男,山东沂水人,研究员,博士生导师,主要研究方向为交通地理与区域发展。E-mail: cjwang@igsnrr.ac.cn
-->作者简介:程佳佳(1992- ),女,广东揭阳人,硕士,主要研究方向为交通地理与区域发展。E-mail: chengjj.14s@igsnrr.ac.cn



For a long period of time, port competition mainly existed between different individual ports. With the deregulation of port management, private capitals has been flowing into some ports, leading to the internal port competition and its development. The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region was the first to introduce foreign capitals and also experienced the most fierce market competition in its port construction process. It was also the pioneer for port deregulation in China, which strongly contributed to its prosperous export-oriented economy. On the basis of the related research at home and abroad, this paper chose thirty container ports in the PRD region as the study subjects. From the perspective of terminal operators, the authors analyzed the temporal entering path of the international terminal operators (ITOs), including structure, amount, joint terminal ventures and shareholdings of the entered ITOs and the timeline of the invested ports. Then, the authors depicted the container terminal network of the ITOs in the PRD region, especially the distribution of the invested ports and terminals, the evolution of handling capacities of the joint terminals and spatial disparities between different operators, in order to study the terminal networks' characteristics and expansion rule of the ITOs. Finally, the influence of the ITOs on PRD's port development was further explored, from the views of port construction, port management and terminalization of port competition. The research shows that: (1) the temporal entering path of the ITOs is greatly influenced by policies, reform and opening up, and ITOs are holding a dominant position in the PRD port market now, by means of substantial investments on large-scale ports. These operators initially invested in hub ports, and in the following stage invested in small and medium-sized ports for further expansion; (2) the entry of the ITOs, on one hand, helps to stabilize the supply and provide funding for port construction, and on the other hand, accelerates the differentiation of ownership and beneficiaries in terminals or berths within one port, which intensifies the internal port competition and leads to the terminalization of port competition; (3) Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), China Merchants Holdings (CMG) and Chu Kong Shipping Development Group Company Limited (CKSG) have established their own huge-scale terminal spatial network respectively, leading to the competition and cooperation pattern among each other. This study enriches not only the research perspective of port geography but also the basic categories of port research.

Keywords:international terminal operato;Pearl River Delta;market entry;temporal path;spatial network

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程佳佳, 王成金, 何嘉明. 国际码头企业的珠江三角洲进入路径与空间网络[J]. , 2016, 35(7): 1314-1328 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607008
CHENG Jiajia, WANG Chengjin, HE Jiaming. Expansion of international terminal operators in the Pearl River Delta: Temporal path, spatial network and influence[J]. 地理研究, 2016, 35(7): 1314-1328 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj201607008

1 引言


2 概念界定与数据来源

2.1 概念界定

开展研究工作之前,首先需要界定码头企业的概念内涵。码头企业(Terminal Operator)也称为码头运营商或码头经营企业。根据国际航运权威机构——伦敦德鲁里航运咨询公司的研究,码头运营商是指在全球主要经济区域有码头营运业务的营运商[33]。传统上,码头企业是指在港口码头上利用各种设施与设备专门从事货物装卸以及堆存等运输活动并经营泊位的功能性企业[34],包括和记黄埔、新加坡港务、迪拜环球港务集团、现代货箱、珠江船务、AP.穆勒等。随着现代物流资源的整合,拥有船舶的航运企业开始广泛涉足码头市场,从事货物海洋运输的企业和从事码头装卸的企业之间的传统功能边界逐渐模糊[35]。Slack等认为航运企业通过长期租赁世界各地的专用泊位来拓展自身的集装箱码头业务,如长荣海运、韩进海运、川崎汽船、东方海外、商船三井、马士基、中海码头等[32]。Olivier等认为传统码头运营商和航运企业是码头企业的主体[32,36,37]。ParolaRodrigue等提出了三种类型的码头企业,包括以码头业务为主要利润源的码头运营商、以码头业务为成本源的船公司、经营本公司航线的同时为第三方提供服务的集装箱码头子公司[38,34]。Bichou等提出了港航市场四类参与者:码头运营商、船公司、港口机构、货主[39]。同时,Notteboom等认为部分国际大型投资集团进行企业功能和市场业务扩张时,其投资、建设和经营集装箱码头的行为拓宽了码头企业的内涵[40]。根据上述****们的定义,本文的码头企业主要指广义上的码头企业,包括传统的码头企业、投资码头的航运企业及投资集团、金融机构、物流运输行业、贸易行业等其他类型企业,这些企业通过独资开发或收购并经营码头、和港口合资开发经营码头、购买港口经营者股份三种形式来投资码头。但专门的港口机构,例如广州港集团投资广州港、中国对外贸易运输总公司投资深圳港、惠州港务集团投资惠州港,其中的广州港集团、中国对外贸易运输总公司、惠州港务集团等均不作为码头企业进行处理。

2.2 样本与数据来源

本文选取珠江三角洲为研究地域。为使研究更为系统、全面,考虑到粤东西北少数港口、西江上非广东省境内的贵港港、梧州港也存在外资企业进行投资,且这些港口对于国际码头企业在珠三角构筑自身码头网络有着重要作用,作者选取30个集装箱港口作为研究样本,包括深圳、广州、中山、惠州、珠海、肇庆、汕头、湛江、阳江、清远、茂名、汕尾、梧州、贵港、江门、三埠、鹤山、新会、公益、三水、高明、南海、容奇、西南、新市、沙田、麻涌、太平、新塘、五和等港口。本文的国际码头企业特指国外、港澳台及中国大陆的大型企业,包括和记黄埔有限公司、招商局集团、香港珠江船务发展公司、新加坡港务集团、中海码头、中远太平洋、中国外运股份有限公司等。1984年,中国港口开始对外资开放,因此本文数据采集时间点从1985年开始。长期以来,全球范围内的港航业并未形成系统化的官方统计数据,本文数据主要源于《广东统计年鉴》《中国港口年鉴》《中国交通年鉴》、中国港口网、各码头企业门户网站、各港口城市《大黄页》中企业名录、部分航运咨询公司统计的数据等。具体数据包括两部分:① 1985年以来,珠江三角洲港口的统计数据,包括吞吐量、经营种类、码头岸线、泊位数量、泊位水深、泊位吨级、装卸能力等。② 1985年以来,参与投资珠江三角洲港口的码头企业的投资数据,包括投资方、股权、投资时间、投资额等。

3 国际码头企业进入珠三角的时间路径

3.1 国际码头企业结构

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Distribution and industrial structure of the ITOs in the Pearl River Delta


3.2 国际码头企业的进入时间表

-->Fig. 1The number of invested ports, joint ventures and ITOs in the Pearl River Delta from 1985 to 2013

20世纪80年代中期以来,国际码头企业的珠三角进入,大致可分为四个阶段(图1表2),每一阶段的企业进入都有特定的历史背景。第一阶段,1985-1992年,珠三角以其改革开放和进出口优势,吸引了不少外资,国际码头企业对中国港口码头的投资集中在珠三角,共引进11家企业,包括招商国际、珠江船务、和记黄埔、中外运、中远太平洋、现代货箱等,合资企业数量达到12家,1992年时外资股比首次达到50%,打破了不能控股的底限。这一时期进入的码头企业几乎全是大中型港资企业,主要原因有二:一是大中型企业发展阶段超前,呈现抢先占领国内外重要码头市场的发展战略;二是香港临近珠三角,港企与珠三角自古以来有着深刻的文化、社会价值观认同,其在珠三角码头的投资实质上也是香港航运功能的延伸。第二阶段,1993年原交通部提出鼓励中外合资、合作租赁、建设经营公用码头泊位和货主专用码头,越来越多的外资企业进入珠三角码头市场,同年就进入了6家,且外资股比开始超过50%;1994-2000年,政策逐渐对外资开放,共有10家外资企业进入中国市场,珠三角增长缓慢,仅引进2家,合资企业新增5家,2000年总量达到24家,但外资股权却大幅度提高,外资在盐田国际中所占股份达73%,形成绝对控股优势。这一时期进入的企业主要是中远集团、中海码头等中国大陆本土的大型码头企业,借鉴先前进入的港资企业对珠三角码头的投资、建设和经营经验,本土企业开始发展起来,并逐渐进军珠三角码头市场。第三,2001-2006年,国家出台的《“港口管理权下放地方政府和政企分开”港口管理体制改革》《外商投资产业指导目录》《港口法》《全国沿海港口总体规划》等政策使港口业进入以企业投资为主的时期,珠三角新引进4家外资企业,国际码头企业对珠三角的投资再度密集化,合资企业增长迅速,共新增18家,2003年外资首次占100%的股权。这一时期进入的最大码头企业是新加坡港务(PSA),2000年时新加坡港本部遭受重创,马士基、台湾长荣把集装箱转口业务几乎全部转到巴生港,导致2001年PSA营运收入出现30年来的第一次下滑,税后净利下跌8.9%,为了在全球范围内同和记黄埔形成竞争格局,被迫于2001年投资广州集装箱码头,进入和黄固有的珠三角地盘。之后进入的企业则比较分散,分别来源于英国、丹麦和印尼等。第四,2006年至今,进入珠三角码头市场的国际码头企业较少,仅2011年进入了1家,但此时世界主要的码头企业几乎均已进入珠三角,国际码头企业对该区域的投资开始进入平稳阶段,2013年时共有54家合资企业。总体而言,受改革开放及政策的影响,1993年、2000年是国际码头企业进入珠三角的两个转折点,且随时间推移外资参与广度不断提高,至2013年底,国际码头企业投资的珠三角码头泊位约260个,泊位岸线总长度约55 km,所投资的码头泊位设计能力达8352.5万TEU。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Entrance timeline of the ITOs into the Pearl River Delta


3.3 港口的进入时间表


4 国际码头企业的珠三角码头网络

4.1 参股码头的分布格局及演化

-->Fig. 2Evolution of loading and unloading capacities of invested terminals


4.2 国际码头企业的投资及参股差异

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Structure of the joint ventures and invested ports by ITOs in the Pearl River Delta
中远太平洋有限公司22深圳(17.5, 2005年后为0)、广州(39)

-->Fig. 3Container terminal networks of main ITOs in the Pearl River Delta


5 国际码头企业扩张对珠三角港口的影响

5.1 港口建设与经营市场


5.2 港口竞争码头化与码头空间竞争

-->Fig. 4Competitive pattern of container ports in the Pearl River Delta based on terminal operators


6 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839500000045URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The increased competition faced by ports is more focused than previously on the performance of logistics systems of which the individual terminals in ports are critical hubs. The changes in competitive conditions raise issues about appropriate public port policies and strategies of port managements. This paper argucs that the port industry should (and is) moving in the direction of more harmonized policies based on economic principles. Port policies based on cost recovery from users of port facilities and services need to be adopted as the international standard. The competitive environment favours considerable local autonomy. Port management, in addition to possible direct responsibility for terminal management, needs to focus on activities with economies of scale or scope. Such activities, which span the requirements of terminals and may even warrant inter-port cooperation, enhance the services available for many port users.
[22]Marcadon J.Containerization in the ports of Northern and Western Europe
. GeoJournal, 1999, 48(1): 15-20.
https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007032601786URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper examines some of the contemporary features of containerisation at the ports of Northern and Western Europe. Ports are having to adjust to a wide range of forces, both local and global. Enhanced competition between ports is shaping developments. Ports have to keep pace with technological developments and thus there are great pressures to expand their facilities. In addition, links with hinterland markets have to be improved and extended. The paper demonstrates that these pressures are being felt throughout the port system, and through a series of individual and regional examples the dynamism of the European port system is exposed.
[23]Song Dong-Wook.Regional container port competition and co-operation: The case of Hong Kong and South China
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2002, 10(2): 99-110.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0966-6923(02)00003-0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
As the entrep么t to the Chinese mainland, the economy of Hong Kong has enjoyed a high growth rate of economic development. When Hong Kong developed its container ports in order to accommodate the regional economic boom, its counterparts in China were left far behind; there was no serious port competition from China. However, as China develops its economy, the port of Hong Kong faces real challenges from Chinese ports, particularly from southern ones. Interestingly, the handover of its sovereignty to China in 1997 caused an issue of competition and co-operation between these ports. This paper aims to examine the possible competition and co-operation of the adjacent container ports in Hong Kong and South China from a strategic perspective.
[24]Ducruet C, Notteboom T E, De Langen P.Revisiting inter-port relationships under the New Economic Geography research framework
. In: Notteboom T E, Ducruet C, De Langen P W. Ports in Proximity: Competition and Coordination among Adjacent Seaports. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009: 11-28.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2009.08.022URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
We explored the utility of incorporating easily measured, biologically realistic movement rules into simple models of dispersal. We depart from traditional random walk models by designing an individual-based simulation model where we decompose animal movement into three separate processes: emigration, between-patch movement, and immigration behaviour. These processes were quantified using experiments on the omnivorous insect moving through a tomato greenhouse. We compare the predictions of the individual-based model, along with a series of biased random walk models, against an independent experimental release of . We find that in this system, the short-term dispersal of these insects is described well by our individual-based model, but can also be described by a 2D grid-based biased random walk model when mortality is accounted for.
[25]Airriess C.The regionalization of Hutchison port holding in mainland china
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2001, 9: 267-278.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0966-6923(01)00020-5URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Hong Kong-based Hutchison Port Holdings has been successful in capturing Mainland China's container port joint venture market share. After examining a handful of push and pull factors influencing the firm's regionalization drive, this research describes the firm's regional spatial strategies. In addition to traditional economic factors, Hutchison Port Holdings' market share dominance is explained by socio-cultural and political factors within the context of Mainland China's economic articulation with the global economy, and the institutional medium of a territorially defined “time-space governance” embedded within the political economy of pre- and post-1997 Hong Kong. The firm's superior joint venture bargaining position within this governance system is illustrated by its busiest joint venture ports of Shanghai and Yantian.
[26]Tongzon J.Port choice determinants in a competitive environment. In: IAME Panama 2002 Conference, 2002: 1-22. [本文引用: 1]
[27]王缉宪. 从物流角度分析珠江三角洲集装箱港口的竞争和货主的选择
. 见: 中山大学港澳珠江三角洲研究中心、香港大学香港珠江三角洲发展专责委员会. 提升珠江三角洲竞争力: 社会、经济与基础设施发展研讨会论文集. 广州:中山大学港澳珠江三角洲研究中心, 香港: 香港大学香港珠江三角洲发展专责委员会, 2002: 13.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Wang Jixian.Container port competition and the choice of shippers in the Pearl River Delta: An analysis from the perspective of logistics. Enhance the competitiveness of the Pearl River Delta: The Proceedings of the Symposium on the Development of Society, Economy and Infrastructure. Guangzhou: The Center for Studies of Hong Kong, Macao and Pearl River Delta Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Sun Yet-Sen University, Hong Kong: Specialized Committee on Development of Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta in The University of Hong Kong, 2002: 13.]URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[28]Cullinane K.The container shipping industry and the impact of China's accession to the WTO
. Research in Transportation Economics, 2005, 12(1): 221-245.
[本文引用: 2]
[29]Olivier D, Brian S B.Rethinking the port
. Environment and Planning A, 2006, 38(8): 1409-1427.
[本文引用: 2]
[30]Notteboom T E, Ducruet C, Langen P D.Ports in proximity-competition and coordination among adjacent seaports
. Ashgate, 2009, 18(3): 55-74.
https://doi.org/10.9774/GLEAF.978-1-909493-38-4_2URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The time for clinicians to use dermoscopy in evaluating and managing cutaneous malignancies is fast approaching. Currently, many dermatologists are using dermoscopy ( Noor et al., 2009 ; Terushkin et al., 2010 ; Venugopal et al., 2011 ) and questions pertaining to dermoscopy have become part of the final qualifying examinations for many dermatologists. There is also a mounting interest being expressed by general practice (GP) physicians (i.e, family physicians), subspecialty physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants in learning dermoscopy. The added benefit of dermoscopy has been documented for dermatologists, GPs, and even medical students. In other words, the use of dermoscopy has begun to diffuse beyond the hands of dermatologists. Dermoscopy has even become part of the clinical practice guidelines in some countries. In the publication “Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Melanoma in Australia and New Zealand,” the training and utilization of dermoscopy is recommended for clinicians routinely examining pigmented skin lesions. These guidelines are evidence-based best practice guidelines with grade A evidence, which means that the body of evidence can be trusted to guide practice.
[31]Theys C, Notteboom T E, Pallis A A, et al.The economics behind the awarding of terminals in seaports: Towards a research agenda
. Research in Transportation Economics, 2010, 27(1): 36-50.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.retrec.2009.12.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Terminal concessions in seaports have only recently gained interest in academic circles. Issues such as the allocation mechanisms (to be) used for granting those concessions, the determination of the concession term and concession fees, as well as the inclusion of special clauses aimed at assuring that the terminal operator will act in the interest of the port authority and the wider community, are increasingly relevant to both academics and the port industry. So far, insights from established economic theories have rarely been applied to terminal concessions in seaports. It, therefore, remains to be seen which kind of awarding procedure would be best for which type of terminal concession. This contribution provides a detailed overview of the different phases of the terminal awarding process, including a classification scheme for awarding procedures, and contains an extensive discussion on the economic issues that require further investigation. The paper concludes by proposing a comprehensive research agenda on the topic.
[32]Slack B, Frémont A.Transformation of port terminal operations: From the local to the global
. Transport Reviews, 2005, 25(1): 117-130.
https://doi.org/10.1080/0144164042000206051URL [本文引用: 4]摘要
The bases for the internationalization of the port terminal industry are explored. While the industry is being transformed by the penetration of transnational companies, there are important regional differences between Europe and North America. In Europe, the lead actors are companies that have arisen out of the industry itself, whereas in North America, most of the new actors are shipping lines. The consequences of this differentiation are substantial, since they represent fundamentally different types of organization, one being a product of horizontal integration based on multi-user berth operations, the other being an outcome of vertical integration and oriented towards dedicated berth use. The dissimilarities are explained in terms of governance, competition and capacity. Intraregional differences are also examined through the case of France, where an unwillingness to open French ports to global operators has affected the performance of those ports. The paper concludes by discussing some of the implications of the findings, including the issue of monopoly control of ports and the potential for conflict between the two models of contemporary cargo handling.
[33]Drewry Shipping Consultants.Annual Review of Global Container Terminal Operators
. London: The Maritime Executive, 2006.
[本文引用: 1]
[34]Rodrigue J P, Notteboom T E, Pallis A A.The financialization of the port and terminal industry: Revisiting risk and embeddedness
. Maritime Policy & Management, 2011, 38(2): 191-213.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2011.556675URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
The paper explores the evolving relationship between the port and terminal industry and the financial sector. Since the financial industry has taken an active role in global economic affairs, understanding global trade and transportation requires more than ever a perspective about financial issues and their impacts on transport operations. Paradoxically, the recent analytical emphasis on the strategies of port operators has rarely focused on one of the fastest and most radical changes ever to affect the maritime and port industries. The paper argues that through the lenses of financial issues-financialization-a unique dimension of the maritime industry can be understood. It analyses how a changing pattern in risk perception has supported a bubble in the period 2002 to 2008 and how financial interests in the industry have repositioned themselves since the start of the economic crisis in 2008. The analysis demonstrates how since then, the financial sector is-reluctantly-rediscovering the risks that are part of the maritime industry, notably those related to business cycles.
[35]Rodrigue J P, Notteboom T E.Foreland-based regionalization: Integrating intermediate hubs with port hinterland
. Research in Transportation Economics, 2010, 27(1): 19-29.
[本文引用: 1]
[36]Olivier D.Private entry and emerging partnerships in the container terminal industry: Evidence from Asia
. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 2005, 7(2): 87-115.
[本文引用: 1]
[37]Franc P, Horst M V.Understanding hinterland service integration by shipping lines and terminal operators: A theoretical and empirical analysis
. Journal of Transport Geography, 2010, (18): 557-566.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2010.03.004URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">In the present competitive environment of ports, the key determinant in port competition is the ability of a port to be integrated into the local maritime and hinterland transportation chain. Creating effective integrated hinterland chains requires the coordination of several actors both in port and the hinterland. By making use of insights from Transaction Cost Economics and Resource-based View, the paper helps to understand why and how shipping lines and terminal operating companies enlarge their scope in intermodal transport and in inland terminals. The paper discusses a number of cases from the Hamburg&ndash;Le Havre range, where shipping lines and terminal operating companies have changed their scope of activities in ports and hinterland networks. After the theoretical and empirical analysis the papers draws conclusions on the explanatory power of the theories in understanding hinterland service integration by shipping lines and terminal operators.</p>
[38]Parola F, Musso E.Market structures and competitive strategies: The carrier-stevedore arm-wrestling in northern European ports
. Maritime Policy and Management, 2007, 34(3): 259-278.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088830701343369URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Over the last few years, liner and stevedoring markets have been facing new challenges. The progressive concentration on the demand side (carriers) and the emergence of global alliances in the mid-1990s have triggered a similar process of consolidation on the supply side (stevedores). In turn, more recently, the strategic choices of pure terminal operators have led to the progressive involvement of carriers in port operations, both from a financial and a managerial point of view. This paper aims at analysing the current contest in northern Europe between customers and suppliers of port services. Substantial concentration in the stevedoring market and the emergence of dedicated facilities in that area, make this arm-wrestling stronger and stronger. At present, the liner market is following a number of strategic directions including the pursuit of economies of scale (larger vessels) and the supply of services using faster vessels (deployment of 'fewer' assets) in order to offer either new services or additional loops (scope). By exploring the strategic behaviours of the top carriers ('bigger' or 'more effective'), the paper attempts to outline the future evolution of the two industries in a 2015 vision, highlighting in particular scenarios for north European ports. Global alliances are weakening and a new era of M&As is probably approaching: how will the bargaining power change between port users and port customers? Which competitive paradigm will dominate?
[39]Bichou K, Bell M.Internationalisation and consolidation of the container port industry: Assessment of channel structure and relationships
. Maritime Economics and Logistics, 2007, 9(1): 35-51.
https://doi.org/10.1057/palgrave.mel.9100170URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The international consolidation of the container port industry is a relatively recent, yet radical trend in international shipping and logistics. Global strategies of vertical and horizontal integration evolving around port ownership and operations are undertaken by a variety of market players, both within and outside the international shipping and logistics markets. However, while much of the available literature on the subject has focused on the bases and various motives behind the change, little work has addressed the impacts on channel structure and relationships, including such aspects as control, power and conflict. By channel, we refer to an organised network of institutions that form the combined physical and non-physical path taken by goods and services as they move from original supplier to final consumer. However, in the context of this paper, the scope of the distribution channel is reduced to active members of the international shipping and logistics industry, that is, shippers, ocean carriers, ports, agents and intermediaries. This paper investigates the extent of channel power, conflict, role, performance and strategic concentration of shipping lines as international container terminal operators. A structural equations model is used to assess the impacts of global factors and consolidation on the container port industry, and test whether the direction of change would result in an increasing or decreasing risk of commoditisation and footloose mobility.Maritime Economics & Logistics (2007) 9, 35-51. doi:10.1057/palgrave.mel.9100170
[40]Notteboom T E, Rodrigue J P.The corporate geography of global container terminal operators
. Maritime policy and management, 2012, 39(3): 249-279.
https://doi.org/10.1080/03088839.2012.671970URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The terminal and stevedoring industry has expanded substantially in recent years with the emergence of global container terminal operators controlling large multinational portfolios of terminal assets. This paper deals with the emerging corporate geography in the container terminal industry with issues related to the similarities or differences among terminal locations, the processes leading to the expansion of these holdings and the interactions they maintain as nodes within the global freight distribution system. It will be demonstrated that terminal operators show varying degrees of involvement in the main cargo handling markets around the world and that business cycles and a changing world economic geography can alter the geographical orientation of operators investment strategies. We unravel the corporate geography of leading firms such as Hutchison Port Holdings, Port of Singapore Authority, DP World, and APM Terminals, but also operators that are more regionally focused, such as Ports America, Eurogate, SSA Marine, and ICTSI.
[41]王成金. M集装箱港口网络形成演化与发展机制M. 北京: 科学出版社, 2012. [本文引用: 1]

[Wang Chengjin.The Evolution and Development Mechanisms of Container Ports Network. Beijing: Science Press, 2012.] [本文引用: 1]
[42]Robinson R.Asia hub/feeder nets: The dynamics of restructuring
. Maritime Policy and Management, 1998, 25(1): 21-40.
[本文引用: 1]
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