

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 云南大学历史地理研究所, 云南 昆明 650091
2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所, 中国科学院陆地表层格局与模拟重点实验室, 北京 100101
3. 浙大宁波理工学院, 浙江 宁波 315100
4. 西安地图出版社, 陕西 西安 710054
5. 陕西师范大学西北历史环境与经济社会发展研究院, 陕西 西安 710119

基金项目: 国家重点研发计划"全球变化研究及应对"项目(批准号:2018YFA0605602)资助

作者简介: 潘威, 男, 38岁, 副教授, 历史自然地理研究, E-mail: panwei@ynu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P467;P468.0+26


The directional change of typhoon and social influence in coastal areas of Eastern China and Japan from 1650s to 1900s

PAN Wei1,2,,
WANG Yifan3,
BAI Jiangtao4,
1. Institute of Historical Geography, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, Yunnan
2. Key Laboratory of Terrestrial Surface Pattern and Simulation, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101
3. Ningbo Tech University, Ningbo 315100, Zhejiang
4. Xi'an Atlas Press, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi
5. Northwest Institute of Historical Environment and Economic and Social Development, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi

MSC: P467;P468.0+26

--> Received Date: 27 October 2020
Revised Date: 28 December 2020
Publish Date: 30 March 2021


The northwest Pacific region is the typhoon active region worldwide. Extending the sequence of typhoon activity to the period of instrument measurement is helpful to reveal the regional characteristics of typhoon activity over a long period. The study of typhoon phenomena in the historical period also helps to summarize the historical similarity of typhoon-society relations.
East China, including present-day Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Jiangsu provinces, and the Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu regions of Japan are in the active typhoon region worldwide(25°~30°N, 115°~125°E). In this study, various historical documents from China and Japan were used to reconstruct the typhoon frequency, movement track and other information of Eastern China, mainly Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu, as well as Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu, Japan in the 1650s and 1900s by using ArcGIS technology.
Extending the typhoon activity sequence to the instrumental measurement era can help reveal the long-time activity characteristics of typhoons in the region. And the study of typhoon phenomena in historical periods can also help summarize the historical similarity of typhoon-society relationships. In this study, by using various historical documentary materials such as Chinese and Japanese archives, local gazetteers, notebooks-diaries, modern newspapers, and early meteorological records, we extracted typhoon information, clarified the motion direction of single inbound typhoons through the diagnostic method of typhoon information in historical documents and the diagnostic method of spatial and temporal processes of single historical typhoons, and reconstructed information such as typhoon frequency changes and motion paths of the above-mentioned areas in the 1650s~1900s under ArcGIS environment. It was found that the 2~4 year cycle of Japan was concentrated in 1760s, while there was a 4~8 year cycle of East China typhoon at this time; until 1820~1850s, the 2 and 4 year cycles of Japanese typhoon were more obvious, while there was no cyclic fluctuation of East China typhoon at this time. In addition, in the 1820s, there was a sudden shift of typhoons in East China, and the number of westward typhoons increased significantly. As the westward typhoons penetrated deeper into the interior, the scope of typhoon disasters expanded, causing widespread severe rain and flooding in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which caused significant losses to the tax revenues of the Qing Dynasty and greatly shook the traditional financial foundation of the Qing Dynasty. In Japan, after 1820, typhoon activity extended from the Kansai region to the Kanto region.
Based on the reconstruction analysis in this paper, there was very serious flooding in both China and Japan during 1820s~1850s, characterized by frequent flooding in Eastern China and widespread "Typhoon disasters"(风水害) in Kanto and Kansai in Japan. This phenomenon is closely related to transformational movement path of typhoon in this stage. Tested by the M-K, in the 1820s, there is a wide range of severe flooding in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River caused by sudden change of the typhoon in Eastern China, significant increase of volume of the and expansion of typhoon disasters for thrust of westward typhoon inland, which caused a great loss of tax revenue of Qing Dynasty and greatly shakened the traditional financial foundation of it. In Japan, since 1820, typhoons extended from Kansai to Kanto, which seriously damaged "Typhoon disasters". This phenomenon lasted until 1850s, causing a nationwide famine in Japan, which led to the opposition between shoguns and other daimyos, middle and lower samurai, and became an important reason for the collapse of the Rule of the Tokugawa Shoguns.
In the early and middle 19th century, the abnormal typhoon activities in East Asia became one of the important reasons for weakening the traditional political systems in China and Japan. Thus, climate change indirectly promoted the Chinese and Japanese societies to enter the modern stage.
Eastern China/
the mid-19th century/
climate change


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