

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

湖南师范大学资源与环境科学学院, 湖南 长沙 410081

基金项目: 湖南省****基金项目(批准号:2018JJ1017)和国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41772373和41372181)共同资助

作者简介: 饶志国, 男, 42岁, 教授, 自然地理专业, E-mail: raozhg@hunnu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P595;P532+2


Is the pollen-based taiga biome score record from alpine Sahara sand peatland in southern Altai Mountains of northern Xinjiang an indicator of Holocene temperature history?

RAO Zhiguo,
GUO Haichun
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, Hunan

MSC: P595;P532+2

--> Received Date: 16 July 2020
Revised Date: 25 October 2020
Publish Date: 30 March 2021

内陆干旱地区的温度变化,可以通过对山地冰雪物质消融和盆地内蒸散发施加影响,进而影响该区域的水文过程和水资源供应,因此具有重要的研究价值。最近报道的来自北疆阿尔泰哈拉沙子(Sahara Sand Peatland,简称SSP)高山泥炭岩芯基于孢粉的taiga biome score(TBS)指标,被认为是全新世温度变化的指示器;其在约4000年以来的下降趋势,被认为指示了晚全新世期间的降温趋势,进而被用于质疑SSP之前报道的基于泥炭岩芯α-纤维素δ13C/δ18O记录得到的晚全新世增温趋势。然而对相关论著的仔细研读,发现将SSP的TBS指标解读为全新世温度变化指示器,并无可靠的支撑证据,且存在诸多值得商榷的地方。本文对这些值得商榷的问题进行简要的介绍,一方面可以为学术界同行深入理解内陆干旱地区全新世古气候历史提供更多的参考证据;另一方面,也希望在古气候相关研究工作中,能加强对"过程、机制"等的理解,而不仅仅是更多记录的发表。

Dongliang Zhang et al. (2020:Holocene vegetation dynamics and associated climate changes in the Altai Mountains of the arid Central Asia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 550:109744) use a pollen-based taiga biome score record from the alpine Sahara Sand Peatland(SSP) in the southern Altai Mountains, Central Asia, which is proposed as an indicator of temperature changes, to critique our α-cellulose δ13C/δ18O records from the same site. They suggest that the decrease in the taiga biome score during the past about 4, 000 years indicates a Late Holocene cooling trend, and therefore that the Late Holocene warming trend indicated by our α-cellulose δ13C/δ18O records is questionable. However, in our view there are substantial flaws in their publication, including: (1) To propose the stacked Holocene temperature record for 90°~30°N that reported by Marcott et al. (2013:A reconstruction of regional and global temperature for the past 11300 years. Science, 339 (6124): 1198~1201) can represent the Holocene temperature pattern of the Altai Mountains and surrounding areas is logically wrong; (2) To interpret the SSP taiga biome score record as an indicator of temperature changes is based on the misunderstanding of published literatures, and which supported by no evidence about the pollen transport processes and corresponding recording mechanisms; (3) The pollen-based AP(%) record from Kanas Lake has been cited by Dongliang Zhang et al. for a comparison with their SSP taiga biome score record. However, the pollen study results from the Narenxia peatland that located at the lakeside of Kanas Lake, which reported by Dongliang Zhang's group too, was not cited. Apparently, the Narenxia pollen study results is opposite to the Late Holocene cooling trend that proposed by Dongliang Zhang's SSP taiga biome score. That is, the study results from Narenxia and SSP that reported by the same group are self-contradictory; (4) Many highly relevant study results and evidence have been intentionally ignored by Dongliang Zhang et al., such as the study results of fossil beetle faunas and brGDGTs that directly from the SSP, and the published evidence about the hydrological processes and recording mechanisms which influencing the SSP α-cellulose δ18O record. Overall, we disagree with their suggestion that the variation of moss species during the past about 4000 years was the cause of the long-term positive trends evident in our SSP α-cellulose δ13C/δ18O records. In particular, they ignore our previously-reported comparison of the α-cellulose δ18O data from bulk peat samples with equivalent data from separated Carex pamirensis residues from the same peat samples. This comparison provides direct evidence which precludes variations in plant species as the main cause of the changes in α-cellulose δ18O.


相关话题/指标 过程 湖南师范大学 物质 湖南