1. 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室, 江西 南昌 330031
2. 桂林理工大学环境科学与工程学院, 广西 桂林 532100
3. 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 湖北 武汉 430074
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41072023)、国家自然科学基金青年项目(批准号:41402312)和江西省博士后基金项目(批准号:2016KY13)共同资助
作者简介: 谢哲宇, 男, 25岁, 硕士, 从事环境地球化学与古气候研究研究, E-mail:xiezheyu0707@163.com
通讯作者: 黄庭, E-mail:huangting@ncu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P941.78;P534.63;P532收稿日期:2019-04-22
Study on the atmospheric mercury deposition data that retrieved from Hani peat in Northeast China since 14 ka B. P.
Xie Zheyu1,,Qiu Bingqian1,
Xiao He2,
Huang Ting1,,,
Li Yajing1,
Liu Ya1,
Huang Shan1,
Wang Xianglian1,
Zhang Xiangwen1,
Cheng Shenggao3
1. Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resources Utilization, Ministry of Education, School of Resources Environment & Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University 330031, Jiangxi
2. College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 532100, Guangxi
3. School of Environmental Studies, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430074, Hubei
More Information
Corresponding author: Huang Ting,E-mail:huangting@ncu.edu.cn
MSC: P941.78;P534.63;P532--> Received Date: 22 April 2019
Revised Date: 29 August 2019
Publish Date: 30 November 2019
摘要:泥炭作为古气候与环境信息载体,对大气汞沉降有着良好记录。文章对AMS 14C定年的哈尼泥炭柱芯进行了汞含量测定,并计算其累积速率,重建了东北地区14 ka B.P.以来的大气汞沉降历史,研究了东北地区大气汞沉降对全新世气候变化和火山喷发事件的响应。结果表明,哈尼泥炭记录的东北地区大气汞沉降对包括YD事件、11.1 ka B.P.事件、10.3 ka B.P.事件、8.2 ka B.P.事件以及小冰期等气候突变寒冷事件有着良好响应,在突变寒冷事件期间大气汞含量和汞累积速率同时达到高峰值或者极高峰值。将东北地区全新世气候变化与大气汞沉降历史对比研究发现,气候干燥寒冷有利于促进东北地区大气汞沉降,反之亦然;同时,较大规模的火山喷发事件导致区域大气汞在短时间内急剧升高,泥炭沉积中大气汞沉降迅速增强。
关键词: 全新世/
Abstract:The Hani peat bog (42°12'50"N, 126°31'05"E) is located in the center of Changbai Mountain, Tonghua City, Jilin Province, Northeast China. The peat in this area deposits continuously and rapidly. Additionally, it is slightly influenced by human activities, making it an ideal region for paleoclimate change research in Northeast China. In this essay, the mercury content and the atmospheric mercury accumulation rate of Hani peat are measured. And the history of atmospheric mercury deposition since 14 ka B. P. is restored. Furthermore, the responses of atmospheric mercury deposition in Northeast China to the Holocene climate changes and volcanic eruptions are studied, and the possible internal mechanism is discussed.
According to the detailed records of colors of the sampling peat and lithology in the sampling site of Hani peatland, the peat-level control points were set. The AMS 14C dating technique was applied to determine the age of peat samples at control points. The 14C age data of a total of 13 peat plant celluloses were obtained and rectified, using CALIB 4.3 software. Combined with the depth and age data of peat profile, the segmented linear interpolation method was used to establish the chronological framework. The results show that the maximum depth of Hani peat profile is 9 meters, and the rectified lower age limit of Hani peat deposition is nearly 14 cal. ka B. P. The peat sample was processed with the aqua regia water bath digestion method, and the mercury content of the peat digestion solution was tested with the AFS-8230 Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometer. Based on the results, the Atmospheric mercury accumulation rate was figured out.
From what the research has shown, the mercury content in Hani peat ranges from 1.6 ng/g to 508.8 ng/g, with the average concentration of 45.1 ng/g; the atmospheric mercury accumulation rate of Northeast China ranges from 0.12 μg/(m2·a) to 102.63 μg/(m2·a), with the average deposition rate of 8.14 μg/(m2·a). The Hani peat has been a full record of the atmospheric mercury deposition history in Northeast China region since 14 ka B. P. The history can be divided into the following four stages:a wavelike decrease change between 14.0~11.5 ka B. P.; abnormally intense fluctuations between 11.5~8.0 ka B. P.; steady alternating decreasing fluctuation between 8.0~3.0 ka B. P.; a wavelike rapid fluctuating increase between 3.0~0 ka B. P. Hani peat is susceptible to cold climate events, such as YD event, 11.1 ka B. P. event, 10.3 ka B. P. event, 8.2 ka B. P. event and the Little Ice Age event. Atmospheric mercury content and accumulation rate both peaked at the same period of cold climate events. The comparative study of the Holocene climate change and atmospheric mercury deposition in the northeastern region indicates that the atmospheric mercury deposition is significantly enhanced in cold and dry conditions, but relatively weakened in the warm and humid conditions. These phenomena suggests that the cold and dry climate facilitates the atmospheric mercury deposition in Northeast China, vice versa. Besides, the atmospheric mercury deposition of the northeastern region corresponds to the volcanic eruptions in Northeast China and East Asia regions in the Holocene. During the intense volcanic eruption periods, the content and accumulation rate of atmospheric mercury deposition which are recorded by Hani peat both stay at a relatively high level or reach the extreme points.
Key words:Holocene/
paleoclimate change/
atmospheric mercury deposition/
Northeast China