

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

兰州大学资源环境学院, 西部环境教育部重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:41771002)和国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号:41730637)共同资助

作者简介: 秦冰雪, 女, 24岁, 硕士研究生, 自然地理学专业, E-mail:qinbx18@lzu.edu.cn
通讯作者: 李琼, E-mail:qli@lzu.edu.cn
中图分类号: P931.2;P542


Evaluation of bedrock corrosion resistance and its influence on channel width in eastern Qilian Mountains

QIN Bingxue,
LI Qiong,,
PAN Baotian,
WU Jiakun,
JI Xianghe,
CHEN Tai'an
Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems, Ministry of Education, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu

More Information
Corresponding author: LI Qiong,E-mail:qli@lzu.edu.cn
MSC: P931.2;P542

--> Received Date: 06 August 2020
Revised Date: 15 November 2020
Publish Date: 30 January 2021


Lots of empirical researches show that the width of bedrock channel is mainly affected by discharge, rock uplift rates, corrosion resistance of bedrock and sediment supply. Recently, most studies refer to the implications of discharge and rock uplift rates for the channel width, and a few studies on the effect of bedrock corrosion resistance and sediment supply, especially quantitative assessments of corrosion resistance. Therefore, how to reasonably evaluate the bedrock corrosion resistance has always been a difficult problem in geomorphology.
Our study area is eastern Qilian Mountains which located in the northeast of Tibetan Plateau. From the southwest to the northeast, it can be divided into three different topographic zones: the high mountain zone(HMZ), the low mountain zone(LMZ) and the corridor plain zone(CPZ). The rock uplift rate during Quaternary of the HMZ is about twice than the LMZ, and the lithologies are also different due to the various underlying strata in various zones. In the HMZ, there are mainly Caledonian granite and Ordovician metamorphic sandstone. There are Jurassic sandstone, Permian and Triassic sandstone, Cretaceous sandstone in the LMZ. Therefore, eastern Qilian Mountains is an ideal area for the evaluation of bedrock corrosion resistance and channel morphology study. We conducted our research mainly around three large bedrock rivers in the area, and the rivers are as follows:Xiying, Zamu, Huangyang. The trunk stream of Xiying are located in the LMZ, and other channels reaches are located in the HMZ. In addition, although Huangyang is located in the HMZ, its reach is mainly covered by Quaternary pluvial alluvial sediments.
In the paper, basing on the method for evaluating corrosion resistance of bedrock proposed by Selby, we considered comprehensively rock mass strength, joint(spacing, width, continuity and infill), weathering and water permeability to evaluate the corrosion resistance of the bedrock in eastern Qilian Mountains. In addition, we use remote sensing image to complete the missing channel width data of some reaches(the upper reaches of Zamu and Huangyang).
Compared with previous studies, only hardness is used to evaluate the corrosion resistance of bedrock, and the Selby evaluation method used in this paper is more reasonable. Comparing variations of bedrock corrosion resistance and channel width along the three bedrock rivers indicates that: in the more corrosion resistant reaches, channels are narrow, and in the less corrosion resistant reaches, channels are wide. Overall, the change of channel geometry in bedrock river is the result of the combined action of rock uplift, lithology and sedimentary flux. The influence of lithology on channel geometry is superimposed under the background of rock uplift. In some basins or river reaches, the influence of rock uplift and lithology is superimposed and strengthened, while in others, the two counteract and weaked each other. In addition, because of the "dual role" of sediment flux in erosion increases the complexity of channel geometry response disturbance adjustments, which makes the response of channel width and slope to bedrock corrosion resistance significantly different: when the river enters the relatively strong corrosion resistance reach, channel width and slope change together to respond to the disturbance of lithology, and the river becomes narrow and steep; conversely, when the river enters the relatively weak corrosion resistance reach, only the width changes, and the river becomes wide.
bedrock river/
channel width/
bedrock corrosion resistance/
Qilian Mountains


相关话题/基岩 综合 兰州大学 资源 环境学院