关键词:玉米;光合特性;干物质积累转运;籽粒灌浆 Abstract The objective of this study was to explore yield-forming characteristics of high yield maize varieties. Using three widely cultivated maize varieties Zhengdan 958 (ZD958), Xianyu 335 (XY335) and Jingke 968 (JK968), we tested grain yield, photosynthetic characteristics, dry matter accumulation and translocation, and grain filling characteristics. The yield of JK968 was the highest, and was 14.55% and 7.93% higher than that of ZD958 and XY335, respectively. The photosynthetic rate and canopy photosynthetic capacity showed JK968 > XY335 > ZD958 and silking stage > milk stage. The ear photosynthetic rate of JK968 at silking stage and milk stage was 7.84% and 16.78% higher than that of XY335, as well as 22.23% and 24.44% higher than that of ZD958, respectively. The photosynthetic capacity of JK968 at silking stage and milk stage was 38.77% and 58.41% higher than that of XY335, as well as 50.83% and 56.49% higher than that of ZD958, respectively. Dry matter accumulation after silking stage, the transfer amount of dry matter, translocation efficiency of dry matter and contribution to grain dry matter for JK968 were the highest, with 13.72%, 21.20%, 6.32%, and 4.77% higher than those of XY335, as well as 31.87%, 39.96%, 18.49%, and 10.42% higher than those of ZD958, respectively. There was a big difference in grain filling parameters among those different varieties, the average filling rate of JK968 (0.73 g 100-grain-1 d-1) and XY335 (0.75 g 100-grain-1 d-1) was higher than that of ZD958 (0.67 g 100-grain-1 d-1) and the active grain filling period of ZD958 (53.69 d) was longer than that of the JK968 (51.02 d) and XY335 (48.95 d). Maize yield was significantly correlated with net photosynthetic rate at P < 0.05, and with the dry matter accumulation after silking stage and the translocation rate at P < 0.01. Thus, JK968 had higher photosynthetic efficiency, dry matter accumulation after silking stage, translocation rate, grain filling rate and longer grain filling period, which is the main reason that JK968 had the higher yield than ZD958 and XY335.
由表2可知, 产量、穗粒数和百粒重在品种和年际间差异显著, 以京科968最高、先玉335次之、郑单958最低。其中, 京科968产量、实收穗数、穗粒数和百粒重分别较先玉335高7.93%、3.28%、0.23%和5.43%, 较郑单958高14.55%、2.20%、3.15%和15.53%。 Table 2 表2 表2参试品种的产量及产量构成因素 Table 2Yield and yield components of the tested varieties
年际 Year
品种 Variety
实收穗数 Panicle number (spike hm-2)
穗粒数 Grains per spike
百粒重 100-grain weight (g)
产量 Yield (kg hm-2)
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
63810 b
600.90 c
34.62 c
12812.55 c
先玉335 Xianyu 335
63180 c
650.81 b
35.37 ab
13852.50 b
京科968 Jingke 968
65055 a
698.60 a
35.42 a
14612.55 a
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
63675 b
589.80 c
33.54 c
12088.65 c
先玉335 Xianyu 335
62970 c
612.92 b
34.78 ab
13433.25 b
京科968 Jingke 968
65235 a
665.43 a
34.89 a
14155.05 a
变异来源 Sources of variation
品种Variety (V)
年份Year (Y)
同一列数字后不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异达0.05 显著水平。**表示在P < 0.01水平差异显著, *表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著。Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. **: significantly different at P < 0.01; *: significantly different at P < 0.05. 新窗口打开
2.3.2 冠层光合能力 由图2可知, 参试品种的叶面积指数随生育期天数呈S型变化, 播种后65 d之前差别不大, 之后则差异较大, 表现为京科968>郑单958>先玉335。叶面积指数在吐丝期达峰值, 其中京科968最大, 为5.32。先玉335和郑单958分别为4.62和4.35。由图1 (净光合速率)和图2可知, 冠层光合能力在品种间表现为京科968>先玉335>郑单958, 不同生育期间表现为吐丝期>乳熟期, 其中吐丝期京科968的冠层光合能力较先玉335和郑单958高38.77%和50.83%, 乳熟期分别高58.41%和56.49%。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图2参试品种叶面积指数和冠层光合能力 缩写同图1。误差线上字母不同表示品种类型间存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。 -->Fig. 2Leaf area index and canopy photosynthetic ability of the tested varieties Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 1. Different letters above error bars indicate significant difference between two types of varieties (P < 0.05). -->
2.4 干物质积累、分配及转运
由表3可知, 花后干物质的积累量、转移量、转运率以及干物质转运对籽粒的贡献率均表现为京科968>先玉335>郑单958。其中, 京科968的花后干物质积累量、转移量和转运率分别比先玉335高13.72%、21.2%、6.33%, 比郑单958高31.87%、39.96%和18.49%。收获指数在品种间差异不显著, 京科968为0.56, 郑单958和先玉335均为0.55。 Table 3 表3 表3参试品种的花后干物质积累、分配及转运 Table 3Accumulation and transportation of dry matter after silking of the tested varieties
干物质积累、分配及转运 Dry matter accumulation and transportation
郑单958 Zhengdan 958
先玉335 Xianyu 335
京科968 Jingke 968
花后干物质积累量 Dry matter accumulation after silking (kg hm-2)
8285.50 c
9608.00 b
10926.30 a
干物质转运量 Transfer amount of dry matter (kg hm-2)
2629.70 c
3036.70 b
3680.50 a
干物质转运率 Transfer rate of dry matter (%)
27.37 c
30.50 b
32.43 a
干物质转运对籽粒的贡献率 Contribution to grain of dry matter transportation (%)
26.87 b
28.32 a
29.67 a
收获指数 Harvest index
0.55 a
0.55 a
0.56 a
同一列数字后不同小写字母表示不同处理间差异达0.05 显著水平。Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at the 0.05 probability level among different treatments. 新窗口打开
2.5 灌浆特性
2.5.1 粒重和灌浆速率 由图3可知, 籽粒灌浆期间百粒重呈“慢—快—慢”的S型变化趋势, 籽粒灌浆速率呈“先升后降”的单峰变化。最大灌浆速率表现为先玉335>京科968>先玉335; 到达最大灌浆速率的时间以先玉335最早、郑单958次之、京科968最晚。 显示原图|下载原图ZIP|生成PPT 图3参试品种的籽粒灌浆动态和灌浆速率 缩写同图1。Abbreviations are the same as those given in Fig. 1. -->Fig. 3Grain filling dynamics and grain filling rate of the tested varieties -->
由表5可知, 产量与花后干物质积累量(0.99**)、干物质转运率(0.96**)极显著正相关, 与净光合速率(0.97*)显著正相关, 与平均灌浆速率正相关, 但未达到显著水平, 与活跃灌浆期呈负相关, 但不显著。 Table 5 表5 表5灌浆参数、干物质转运率和光合特性与产量的相关性分析 Table 5Correlation analysis of grain filling parameters, dry matter transfer rate and photosynthetic characteristics and yield
相关系数 Correlation coefficient
X1: 平均灌浆速率; X2: 活跃灌浆期; X3: 净光合速率; X4: 花后干物质积累量; X5: 干物质转运率; X6: 产量。**表示在P < 0.01水平差异显著, *表示在P < 0.05水平差异显著。X1: the average grain filling rate; X2: active grain filling stage; X3: net photosynthetic rate; X4: dry matter accumulation after siling; X5: translocation efficiency of dry matter; X6: yield. ** Significantly different at P < 0.01; * significantly different at P < 0.05. 新窗口打开
玉米产量与花后干物质积累量、干物质转运率极显著正相关, 与净光合速率显著正相关。京科968具有较高的花后干物质积累量、干物质转移量和干物质转移率, 较高的光合速率及冠层光合能力, 以及相对较高的灌浆速率和较长的活跃灌浆期, 是较郑单958和先玉335高产的重要原因。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. 作者已声明无竞争性利益关系。
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