Identification and screening of saline-alkali tolerant peanut cultivars during whole growth stage
YAN Cai-Xia1, WANG Juan1, ZHAO Xiao-Bo1, SONG Xiu-Xia2, JIANG Chang-Song3, SUN Quan-Xi1, YUAN Cui-Ling1, ZHANG Hao1, SHAN Shi-Hua,1,*1Shandong Peanut Research Institute, Qingdao 266100, Shandong, China 2Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Mudan District, Heze 274000, Shandong, China 3Haiyang Agricultural Technology Extension Center, Yantai 265100, Shandong, China
Taishan Scholars Project.ts201712080 Outstanding Talents and Innovation Team in Agricultural Research.13190194 Shandong Agriculture Research System.SDAIT-04-02 Agricultural Science and Technological Innovation Project of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science.CXGC2016A01
Abstract In order to improve the planting structure of coastal saline-alkali land and enlarge the growing area of peanut in the Yellow River Delta. A total of 22 peanut elite cultivars were tested in saline-alkali area of Dongying in 2016 and 2017. Nine trait indices were separately investigated for five randomly selected individuals during whole growth stage. Variance analysis, correlation analysis and clustering analysis were used to evaluate the saline-alkali tolerance of the materials and to screen saline-alkali tolerant indices. Variance analysis showed that the seedling rates of all cultivars had an obvious decrease compared with those of the control. The growth, development and yield formation were essentially inhibited by saline-alkali stress. There were great differences among tested materials based on nine identification indices. Correlation analysis indicated that RYP and RPY had a significantly positive correlation with RSDW, RMSH and RBL. Additionally, RPY was also obviously related to RSR, RRDW, and RYP. Based on the results of clustering analysis, tested materials were divided into four saline-alkali tolerance grades, in which seven belonged to high tolerant grade I, 11 to tolerant grade II, 3 to susceptible grade III and 1 to highly susceptible grade IV. Huayu 9307, Huayu 9312, Huayu 9313, 6P03, Huayu 9305 and Huayu 6303 could be widely grown in the coastal saline-alkali area as high yield cultivars. In conclusion, the results suggested that RSDW, RMSH, RSR, RYP, RBL, and RRDW could be taken as simple and intuitive indices in the identification of saline-alkali tolerant peanut genotypes. Keywords:peanut;whole growth period;saline-alkali tolerance;high-yield;identification
PDF (1350KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 闫彩霞, 王娟, 赵小波, 宋秀霞, 姜常松, 孙全喜, 苑翠玲, 张浩, 单世华. 全生育期鉴定筛选耐盐碱花生品种[J]. 作物学报, 2021, 47(3): 556-565. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.04107 YAN Cai-Xia, WANG Juan, ZHAO Xiao-Bo, SONG Xiu-Xia, JIANG Chang-Song, SUN Quan-Xi, YUAN Cui-Ling, ZHANG Hao, SHAN Shi-Hua. Identification and screening of saline-alkali tolerant peanut cultivars during whole growth stage[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2021, 47(3): 556-565. doi:10.3724/SP.J.1006.2021.04107
选取22个高产花生品种(系)作为试验材料, 其中大果花生14个, 小果花生8个, 全部为本课题组选育而成, 其亲本来源、正常栽培条件下百果重和品种类型如表2所示。由于试验地为自然撂荒地, 播前大水漫灌1次, 以降低表层土壤含量盐, 旋耕2次, 使土壤盐分更加均匀。播种前施总养分≥45%的高效复合肥(含14% N、16% P2O5、15% K2O) 225 kg hm-2作为基肥, 翻入15 cm下耕作层。采用完全随机区组试验设计, 起垄覆膜栽培, 垄长5 m, 垄宽0.85 m, 每垄2行, 行株距40 cm×17 cm, 小区面积约15 m2, 单粒播, 深度为3 cm, 3次重复。5月6日播种, 9月15日收获, 田间管理措施同常规。
Table 2 表2 表2供试的22个花生品种(系)的亲本来源、品种类型及在正常栽培条件下的百果重 Table 2Parents, variety type and 100-pod weight under normal soil conditions of 22 peanut accessions used in this study
Table 3 表3 表3盐碱胁迫对22个花生品种(系)成苗率的影响 Table 3Effects of saline-alkali stress on the seedling rate in 22 peanut cultivars
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
相对成苗率 RSR
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
相对成苗率 RSR
0.81 ab
花育9302 Huayu 9302
0.593 bcd
0.587 bcd
花育9303 Huayu 9303
0.757 abc
花育6301 Huayu 6301
0.703 abcd
花育9305 Huayu 9305
0.823 ab
花育6303 Huayu 6303
0.837 ab
花育9306 Huayu 9306
0.81 ab
花育6304 Huayu 6304
0.687 abcd
花育9307 Huayu 9307
0.88 a
花育6306 Huayu 6306
0.737 abcd
花育9308 Huayu 9308
0.51 cd
花育6307 Huayu 6307
0.83 ab
花育9309 Huayu 9309
0.743 abc
花育6312 Huayu 6312
0.643 abcd
花育9310 Huayu 9310
0.623 bcd
花育6314 Huayu 6314
0.703 abcd
花育9311 Huayu 9311
0.72 abcd
花育71 Huayu 71
0.59 bcd
花育9312 Huayu 9312
0.777 ab
花育9301 Huayu 9301
0.497 d
花育9313 Huayu 9313
0.747 abc
同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。 RSR: relative seedling rate. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among cultivars at the 0.05 probability level.
Table 4 表4 表4盐碱胁迫对22个花生品种(系)农艺性状和产量性状的影响 Table 4Effects of saline-alkali stress on peanut agronomic traits and yield traits in 22 peanut cultivars
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
相对主茎高 RMSH
相对侧枝长 RBL
相对地上部干重 RSDW
相对地下部干重 RRDW
相对单株产量 RYP
相对百果重 100-RPW
相对百仁重 100-RSW
1.013 defg
1 bcd
0.973 abc
0.663 bcde
0.947 a
0.933 abc
0.937 ab
0.84 ghij
0.767 fgh
0.83 cdef
0.747 abcd
0.807 abc
0.817 def
0.873 bc
花育6301 Huayu 6301
1.107 bcd
0.923 cde
0.8 cdef
0.897 a
0.833 abc
0.713 gh
0.853 bc
花育6303 Huayu 6303
1.033 cdef
0.96 bcde
1.023 ab
0.523 efgh
0.97 a
0.95 ab
0.983 a
花育6304 Huayu 6304
0.983 defgh
1.08 abc
0.787 def
0.837 ab
0.837 abc
0.783 efg
0.86 bc
花育6306 Huayu 6306
1.117 bcd
1.123 ab
0.737 ef
0.423 fgh
0.797 abc
0.913 abc
0.913 ab
花育6307 Huayu 6307
0.84 ghij
0.863 def
0.77 ef
0.403 gh
0.8 abc
0.653 h
0.757 d
花育6312 Huayu 6312
0.733 ijk
0.77 fgh
0.76 ef
0.643 cde
0.79 abc
0.787 efg
0.86 bc
花育6314 Huayu 6314
1.2 abc
1.107 ab
0.747 ef
0.7 bcde
0.707 abc
0.907 abc
0.917 ab
花育71 Huayu 71
0.927 efgh
0.963 bcde
0.79 def
0.527 efgh
0.763 abc
0.893 abcd
0.913 ab
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
相对主茎高 RMSH
相对侧枝长 RBL
相对地上部干重 RSDW
相对地下部干重 RRDW
相对单株产量 RYP
相对百果重 100-RPW
相对百仁重 100-RSW
花育9301 Huayu 9301
0.81 hij
0.62 h
0.47 g
0.21 i
0.73 abc
0.897 abc
0.937 ab
花育9302 Huayu 9302
0.897 fghi
0.93 cde
0.67 f
0.743 abcd
0.823 abc
0.867 cd
0.88 bc
花育9303 Huayu 9303
0.637 k
0.697 gh
0.76 ef
0.53 efgh
0.573 c
0.817 def
0.9 abc
花育9305 Huayu 9305
0.993 defg
1.007 bcd
0.957 abcd
0.573 defg
0.86 ab
0.923 abc
0.903 abc
花育9306 Huayu 9306
0.69 jk
0.657 h
0.857 bcdef
0.443 fgh
0.64 bc
0.76 fg
0.817 cd
花育9307 Huayu 9307
1.227 ab
1.073 abc
0.96 abcd
0.933 a
0.85 abc
0.877 bcd
0.87 bc
花育9308 Huayu 9308
0.813 hij
0.833 efg
0.723 f
0.363 hi
0.807 abc
0.913 abc
0.89 abc
花育9309 Huayu 9309
1.093 bcde
1.057 abc
0.777 def
0.61 def
0.733 abc
0.867 cd
0.93 ab
花育9310 Huayu 9310
1.097 bcde
1.087 abc
0.92 abcde
0.803 abc
0.913 ab
0.93 abc
0.923 ab
花育9311 Huayu 9311
1.11 bcd
1.067 abc
0.79 def
0.437 fgh
0.787 abc
0.857 cde
0.933 ab
花育9312 Huayu 9312
1.297 a
1.203 a
0.957 abcd
0.917 a
0.877 ab
0.97 a
0.947 ab
花育9313 Huayu 9313
1.133 abcd
0.97 bcde
1.063 a
0.923 a
0.877 ab
0.907 abc
0.89 abc
同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。 RMSH: relative main stem height; RBL: relative branch length; RSDW: relative shoot dry weight; RRDW: relative root dry weight; RYP: relative yield per pant; 100-RPW: relative 100-pod weight; 100-RSW: relative 100-seed weight. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant differences among cultivars at the 0.05 probability level.
Table 5 表5 表5盐碱胁迫下22个花生基因型的小区产量及其耐盐碱指数 Table 5Yield level per plot and tolerance index of 22 peanut genotypes under saline-alkali stress
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
小区产量 PY (kg hm-2)
相对小区产量 RPY
品种(系) Cultivar (line)
小区产量 PY (kg hm-2)
相对小区产量 RPY
2487 ab
0.81 a
花育9302 Huayu 9302
2247 ab
0.627 abcd
2153 ab
0.59 abcd
花育9303 Huayu 9303
1647 b
0.503 cd
花育6301 Huayu 6301
2247 ab
0.783 ab
花育9305 Huayu 9305
2533 ab
0.717 abcd
花育6303 Huayu 6303
2380 ab
0.847 a
花育9306 Huayu 9306
2287 ab
0.66 abcd
花育6304 Huayu 6304
1687 b
0.59 abcd
花育9307 Huayu 9307
2980 a
0.813 a
花育6306 Huayu 6306
2000 ab
0.683 abcd
花育9308 Huayu 9308
1687 b
0.47 d
花育6307 Huayu 6307
1667 b
0.61 abcd
花育9309 Huayu 9309
2247 ab
0.687 abcd
花育6312 Huayu 6312
1800 b
0.657 abcd
花育9310 Huayu 9310
2267 ab
0.667 abcd
花育6314 Huayu 6314
2000 ab
0.713 abcd
花育9311 Huayu 9311
2180 ab
0.713 abcd
花育71 Huayu 71
2133 ab
0.583 abcd
花育9312 Huayu 9312
2713 ab
0.78 abc
花育9301 Huayu 9301
1780 b
0.523 bcd
花育9313 Huayu 9313
2600 ab
0.83 a
同列不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。 PY: plot yield; RPY: relative plot yield. Values followed by different lowercase letters in the same column indicate significant difference among cultivars at the 0.05 probability level.
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