关键词:小麦; 黑麦; T1BL•1RS易位系; 赤霉病 Distribution of Wheat-Rye Translocation Line T1BL•1RS in Wheat and Its Association with Fusarium Head Blight Resistance LI Tao*, ZHENG Fei, QIN Sheng-Nan, LI Lei, GU Shi-Liang Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology / Co-innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops / Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of Ministry of Education, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Fund:This study was supported by the National Major Project of Breeding for New Transgenic Organisms (2012ZX08009003-004), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31171537), and the Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (PAPD) AbstractThe short arm of 1R chromosome (1RS) of rye carries resistant genes to stripe rust, leaf rust, stem rust, powdery mildew and aphids. To understand if 1RS also mediates resistance to wheat Fusarium head blight (FHB), we genotyped a panel of 192 wheat accessions from diverse geographic regions and a population of recombinant inbred lines (RIL) consisting of 184 lines developed from the cross of Ning 7840 and Chokwang by 1RS-specific molecular marker Xscm9 and evaluated FHB severities in three consecutive seasons in greenhouses using single floret inoculation method. The results demonstrated that 22 of 192 accessions carried a T1BL•1RS translocation, and the mean FHB severity (PSS) of varieties carrying T1BL•1RS translocation was significantly lower than that of lines without the translocation across the three experiments ( P < 0.05), indicating 1RS may have a positive effect on reducing FHB severity. 1RS-specific marker Xscm9 and Genome in situ hybridization (GISH) showed Ning 7840 carries T1BL•1RS translocation. In the population of RILs, irrespective of Fhb1 locus, the mean PSS of lines with T1BL•1RS translocation was significantly lower than that of those lines without T1BL•1RS. The effects of Fhb1 and 1RS on FHB resistance were additive and the interactions between them were not significant ( P= 0.48). The results of this study suggested that 1RS of rye most likely carries the genes resistant to FHB.
表1Fhb1和1RS组合的赤霉病扩展抗性 Table 1 Analysis of variance of 1RS and Fhb1 to type 2 resistance to Fusarium head blight
Xscm9× Xsts142
Xsts142is the closely linked marker to Fhb1 in the RIL population derived from Ning7840/Chokwang.Xscm9 is a 1RS-specific dominant marker. Xsts142是宁7840/Chokwang RIL群体中与Fhb1连锁紧密的鉴别标记; Xscm9为1RS特异分子标记。
表1Fhb1和1RS组合的赤霉病扩展抗性 Table 1 Analysis of variance of 1RS and Fhb1 to type 2 resistance to Fusarium head blight
表2Fhb1、1RS不同组合型品种的赤霉病病小穗率 Table 2 Rate of symptomatic spikelets of combinations contrasting in Fhb1 and 1RS
组合 Combination
频率 Frequency
病小穗率 Rate of symptomatic spikelets
平均 Mean
Xsts142is the closely linked marker to Fhb1 in the RIL population derived from Ning 7840/Chokwang.Xscm9 is a 1RS-specific dominant marker. Xsts142是宁7840/Chokwang RIL群体中与Fhb1连锁紧密的鉴别标记; Xscm9为1RS特异分子标记。
表2Fhb1、1RS不同组合型品种的赤霉病病小穗率 Table 2 Rate of symptomatic spikelets of combinations contrasting in Fhb1 and 1RS
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