研究方向:Developmental Psychopathology (发展心理病理学)
Emotion Regulation (情绪调节)
Emotion Socialization and Parenting Practice (情绪社会化与家庭教养方式)
Interpersonal Relationship (e.g., Parent-child, Romantic Partners, Father-Mother)
人际关系 (如亲子关系,浪漫关系,父母关系)
Neurophysiological and Behavioral Assessment (神经生理以及行为测量)
Child Emotional and Social Development (儿童情绪与社会发展)
Stanford University, Visiting Scholar
University of Georgia, Ph.D.
Teachers College, Columbia University, M.A.
Beijing Jiaotong University, B.A.
Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University, Jul. 2015 - Present
Assistant Professor, Beijing Normal University, Sep. 2012-Jul. 2015
Current Projects:
·American and Chinese FamilyEmotional Processes and Child Psychopathology
·NeuropsychophysiologicalAssessment of Parenting and Child Emotion Regulation
·Infant and Toddler Emotional Development
·Mindful Parenting in Families of Childrenwith Autism Spectrum Disorders
2、国家自然科学基金面上项目(**),基于情绪诱发实验探讨喜、怒、悲、恐四 种情志状态的脉象、脉图特点及其生理特化模式,参加。
8、国家自然科学基金青年项目(**),中层领导寻求反馈行为的发展及其影响: 一项追踪研,参加。
Selected SSCI/SCI Indexed Journal Publications (2014-2019):
* denotes corresponding author, *代表通讯作者
Ren, Y., Han,Z. R.*, Ahemaitijiang, N., Zhang, G. (inpress). Maternal Mindfulness and School-Age Children’s Emotion Regulation:Mediation by Positive Parenting Practices and Moderation by Maternal PerceivedLife Stress. Mindfulness. doi:10.1007/s12671-019-01300-w
Hu, X., Han,Z. R.*, Bai, L., & Gao, M. (2019).The mediating role of parenting stress in the relations between parentalemotion regulation and parenting behaviors in Chinese families of children withautism spectrum disorders: A dyadic analysis. Journal of Autism andDevelopmental Disorders, 49, 3983-3998.
Han, Z. R., Ahemaitijiang, N., Yan, J., Hu, X.*, Parent, J., Dale, C., DiMarzio, K., &Singh, N. (2019). Parent mindfulness, parenting, and child psychopathology inChina. Mindfulness. doi:10.1007/s12671-019-01111-z
Han, Z. R.*, Zhang, X., Davis, M., & Suveg, C. (2019). The role of children’s neurophysiologicalfunctioning in the links between emotion-parenting behaviors and child anxiety symptoms:A biological sensitivity to context framework. Family Process. doi:10.1111/famp.12438
Wang,Q., Han, Z. (co-first author). Han, Z., Hu, X., Feng, S., Wang, H.,& Yi, L. (2019). Autism symptoms modulate interpersonal neuralsynchronization in children with autism spectrum disorder in cooperativeinteractions. Brain Topography. doi:10.1007/s10548-019-00731-x
Hu,X., & Han, Z. R.* (2019). Effects of gesture-based match-to-sampleinstruction via virtual reality technology for Chinese students with autismspectrum disorders. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65, 327-336.
Ren, Y, Hu, X., Han, Z. R., Yang, X., &Li, M. (2019). Mindful parenting and parenting practices in Chinese families ofchildren with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Child and Family Studies, doi:10.1007/s10826-019-01549-8
Zou,X., Lin, X., Jiang, Y., Su, J., Qin, S., & Han, Z. R. (2019). Theassociations between mothers’ and grandmothers’ depressive symptoms, parentingstress, and relationship with children: An actor-partner interdependencemediation model. Family Process. doi:10.1111/famp.12502
Zhu,Y., Chen, X., Zhao, H., Chen, M., Tian, Y., Liu, C., Han, Z. R., Lin,X., Qiu, J., Xue, G., Shu, H., & Qin, S. (2019). Socioeconomic statusdisparities affect children’s anxiety and stress-sensitive cortisol awakeningresponse through parental anxiety. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 103, 96-103.
Ahemaitijiang,N., Hu, X., Yang, X., & Han, Z. R. (2019). Effects of mediation onthe soles of the feet on the aggressive and destructive behaviors of Chineseadolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Mindfulness. doi:10.1007/s12671-019-01246-z
Han, Z. R., Gao, M. M., Yan, J., Hu, X., Zhou, W., & Li, X. (2019). Correlates of parent-childphysiological synchrony and emotional parenting: Differential associations in varyinginteractive contexts. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, 1116-1123.
Hu,X., Han, Z. R.*, Wang, H., Hu, Y.,Wang, Q., Feng, S., & Yi, L. (2019). The relation of parental emotionregulation to child autism spectrum disorder core symptoms: The moderating roleof child cardiac vagal activity. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:2480.
Li,J.,Han, Z. R.*,Gao, M., Sun, X., & Ahemaitijiang, N.(2018). Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Difficulties inEmotion Regulation Scale (DERS): Factor structure, reliability, and validity. PsychologicalAssessment, 30, e1-e9.
Wang,H., Han, Z. R.*, Bai, L., & Li,X. (2018). Attachment experience and cortisol recovery from romantic conflictamong young Chinese couples: A dyadic analysis. International Journal ofPsychology, 55, 22-32.
Wang,H., Mai, X., Han, Z. R.*, Hu, Y.,Lei, X. (2019). Linkage between parent-child frontal resting electroencephalogram(EEG) asymmetry: The moderating role of emotional parenting. Journal ofChild and Family Studies, 28, 1116-1123.
Jin,Z., Zhang, X., &Han, Z. R.* (2018). Parentalemotionsocialization and child psychological adjustment among Chineseurban families: Mediation through child emotion regulation and moderationthrough dyadic collaboration.Frontiers in Psychology,8:2198.
Li,J., Ahemaitijiang, N., Han, Z. R.*, & Jin, Z. (2018). Grandparents’ parenting on children’s internalizingsymptoms: The serial mediation of parents’ psychological control and children’semotion regulation. Journal of Family Issues, 39, 3996-4018.
Li,P., &Han, Z. R.*(2018). Emotion regulation and psychologicalfunctioning of Chinese school-age children: A person-centered andmulti-informant approach.International Journal of Psychology, 53,7-15.
Zhang,X., Cui, Y.,Han, Z. R.*,& Yan, J.(2017).The heart of parenting: Parent HR dynamics and negative parenting whileresolving conflict with child.Journal of Family Psychology, 31,129-138.
Yan,J.,Han, Z. R.*,Tang, Y., & Zhang, X. (2017). Parentalsupport for autonomy and child depressive symptoms in middle childhood: Themediating role of parent–child attachment. Journal of Child and FamilyStudies, 25, 165-175.
McCullough,C.,Han, Z. R.*,Morelen, D., & Shaffer, A. (2017). Themoderating effects of maternal age at childbirth and emotion dysregulation onthe intergenerational continuity of emotionally maltreating parentingbehaviors.Journal of Family Issues, 38,948-971.
Han,Z. R.,Lei, X., Qian, J., Li, P., Wang, H., & Zhang, X.(2016). Parent and child psychopathological symptoms: The mediating role ofparental emotion dysregulation. Child and Adolescent Mental Health,21,161-168.
Gao,M., &Han, Z. R.*(2016). Cumulative family risksinfluence Chinese children’s emotion regulation: Meditation through familyexpressiveness.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25,1570-1580.
Liu,B., &Han, Z. R.*(2016). A dyadic analysis of theassociation between childhood emotional abuse and parenting stress with Chineseparents: The mediating effect of emotion dysregulation.Parenting:Science and Practice,16,187-205.
Yan,J.,Han, Z. R.*,& Li, P. (2016). IntergenerationalTransmission of Bonding Style and Emotion Socialization: Emotion Dysregulationas a Mediator.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25,165-175.
Hua,M.,Han, Z. R.,(co-first author) & Zhou, R. (2015).Cognitive reappraisal in preschoolers: Neuropsychological evidence of emotionregulation from an ERP study.Developmental Neuropsychology, 40,279-290.
Han,Z. R.,Qian, J., Gao, M., & Dong, J. (2015). Chinesefamily emotion regulation and parents’ responses to child negative emotions:Moderated mediation models.Journal of Child and Family Studies, 24,3570-3579.
Lei,X.,Han, Z. (co-first.author), Chen, C., Bai, L., Xue, G., & Dong, Q. (2016). Sex differences infiber connection from the striatum to subcortical and cortical regions. Frontiersin Computational Neuroscience,10:100.
Han,Z. R.*,& Shaffer, A. (2014). Parental expressed emotion inrelation to child behavior problems: Differential and mediating effects.Journalof Child and Family Studies, 23,1491-1500.
McCullough,C., Harding, H. G., Shaffer, A.,Han, Z. R.,& Bright, M.(2014). Intergenerational continuity of risk parenting: A person-orientedapproach to assessing parenting behaviors.Journal of Family Violence,29,409-418.
Suveg,C., Raley, J. N., Morelen, D., Wang, W.,Han, Z. R.,&Campion, S. P. (2014 Child and family emotional functioning: A cross-nationalexamination of families from China and United States.Journal of Childand Family Studies, 23,1444-1454.
Hua,M.,Han, Z. R. (co-firstauthor),Chen, S., Yang, M., Zhou, R.*, & Hu, S. (2014). LatentPositive Potential (LPP) modulation during affective picture processing inpreschoolers.Biological Psychology, 101,77-81.
Han,Z. R.,& Shaffer,A.* (2013). The relation ofparental emotion dysregulation to children’s psychopathology symptoms: Themoderating role of child emotion dysregulation.Child Psychiatry andHuman Development, 44, 591-601.
Publication in Chinese:
聂瑞虹, 许颖, &韩卓*(2015). 皮质醇日常节律与儿童问题行为及心理社会因素的关系,心理科学进展,23(4),1-11.
Abnormal Psychology (undergraduate, bilingual class)
Dynamic Group Process (undergraduate, bilingual class)
Emotion Regulation and Developmental Psychopathology (graduateseminar)
Introduction to Emotion Regulation (undergraduate seminar, bilingualclass)
Introduction to Psychology (graduate, English)
Mindfulness, Associate Editor 副主编
Journal of Child and Family Studies, Associate Editor 副主编
Frontiers in Psychology, Associate Editor 副主编
Professional Memberships:
Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD)
American Psychological Science (APS)
Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA)
Journal Ad-Hoc Reviewer:
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Developmental Psychology
Journal of Family Psychology
Social Development
British Journal of Developmental Psychology
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
励耘优秀青年教师奖 (Beijing Normal University)
京师英才一等奖 (Beijing Normal University)
优秀新生导师 (Beijing Normal University)
Most Promising Doctoral Candidate in Psychology (University ofGeorgia)
Charles D. Smock Memorial Award (University of Georgia)
Vice President International Travel Award (University ofGeorgia)
Walter Isaac Memorial Award (University of Georgia)
International Peace Scholarship (Philanthropic EducationalOrganization)
Excellent Research Award (Columbia University)
Martha E. Currie Scholarship (Teachers College, ColumbiaUniversity)
Former Research Assistants
胡燕南 (Department of Human Development and FamilyStudies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
李佳 (Graduate School of Education, University ofPennsylvania)
李晓梅(Department of Human Development andFamily Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
邵率 (Social Science Division, University ofChicago)
黄玉蕾 (长沙市雅礼中学初中部心理老师)
张菁宸 (Department of Family Social Science,University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)
张旭彤 (Department of Human Development and FamilyStudies, The Pennsylvania State University)
张雨珊 (Clinical and Counseling Psychology,Beijing Normal University)
周雯 (Evolutionary Anthropology, Duke University)
聂瑞虹(Developmental Psychology, BeijingNormal University)
马子奇(Entertainment Technology Center, CarnegieMellon University Richard Lewis Media Group)
严嘉 (Department of Human Development and FamilyScience, The Ohio State University)
张旻昱 (Department of Human Development and FamilySciences, The University of Texas at Austin)
晋竹筠(Clinical and Counseling Psychology, BeijingNormal University)
白柳 (Department of Human Development and FamilyStudies, The Pennsylvania State University)
李丽君 (Department of Family Social Science,University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)
李沛沛 (Aon Hewitt, Beijing Office)
罗浩贤 (Clinical and Counseling Psychology,Beijing Normal University)
高梦宇 (Department of Psychology, Notre DameUniversity)
王英璐 (榆林市第一中学心理老师)
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-21
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