

北京师范大学 /2013-07-29

 通讯地址:  北京师范大学物理学系 
邮政编码:  100875 
电话:  010-5880-1874 
电子信箱:  lixinqi@bnu.edu.cn ; xqli@red.semi.ac.cn 
      研究领域涉及量子耗散、量子输运、量子点物理,以及与量子计算和量子信息密切相关的量子物理和器件物理。目前的兴趣主要集中在固态量子计算及其相关物理研究方面,特别是量子态的相干操纵,相干控制以及量子测量等重要前沿问题。在以美国Physical Review为主的国际物理学核心刊物发表论文近60篇,取得了若干有价值的结果:(1)在共振隧穿系统中,用闭路格林函数理论研究了电磁环境效应、ac响应以及库仑阻塞,cotunneling等问题。(2)在mesoscopic Hall bar系统中研究了非均匀弱磁场下的输运性质,相关理论在后来(其他实验组)的实践中得到了卓有成效的应用。(3)在量子点物理方面,利用晶格驰豫理论,研究了单个量子点光跃迁谱线宽度,以及量子点中热载流子的能量驰豫,对phonon bottleneck问题提出了独特见解。(4)将介观物理中的Buttiker理论应用于分子系统中的电荷转移与输运问题,对著名的Marcus理论做了有意义的改进,并在DNA电荷转移与输运现象中得到了很好的检验。(5)设计了基于耦合量子点的量子计算机方案,研究了几何量子计算问题,建立了粒子数相关的条件量子主方程,并成功用于固态量子比特的量子测量和量子点输运的全计数统计研究。 
Xin-Qi Li, Zhao-Bin Su and Fu-Zhou Gong: Quantum Dynamics of a Dissipative Particle in Constant Field: Exact Path-Integral Approach, Phys. Rev. B 49, 16277 (1994).
Xin-Qi Li and Zhao-Bin Su: Quantum Transport Theory for the ac Response of Interacting Resonant Tunneling Devices, Phys. Rev. B 54, 10807 (1996).
F. M. Peeters and X. Q. Li: Hall Magnetometer in the Ballistic Regime, Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 572 (1998).
Xin-Qi Li and Yasuhiko Arakawa: Ultrafast Energy Relaxation in Quantum Dots through Defect States: A Lattice Relaxation Approach, Phys. Rev. B 56, 10423 (1997).
Xin-Qi Li, Hajime Nakayama and Y. Arakawa: Phonon bottleneck in quantum dots: Role of finite lifetime of the confined optical phonons, Phys. Rev. B 59, 5069 (1999).
Xin-Qi Li and Y. Arakawa: Optical linewidths in an individual quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 60, 1915 (1999).
Xin-Qi Li and Yijing Yan: Electrical transport through individual DNA molecules, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 2190 (2001).
Xin-Qi Li and Yijing Yan: Scattering matrix approach to electronic dephasing in long-range electron transfer phenomena, J. Chem. Phys. 115, 4169 (2001).
Xin-Qi Li and Y. Arakawa: Single qubit from two coupled quantum dots: an approach to semiconductor quantum computations, Phys. Rev. A 63, 012302 (2001).
Xin-Qi Li and YiJing Yan: Quantum computation with coupled quantum dots embedded in optical microcavities, Phys. Rev. B 65, 205301(2002).
Xin-Qi Li, Li-Xiang Cen, Guoxiang Huang, Lei Ma, and YiJing Yan: Non-adiabatic geometric quantum computation with trapped ions, Phys. Rev. A 66, 042320 (2002).
LiXiang Cen, Xin-Qi Li, YiJing Yan, HouZhi Zheng, and ShunJin Wang: Evaluation of holonomic quantum computation: adiabatic versus nonadiabatic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 147902 (2003).
Xin-Qi Li, Wen-Kai Zhang, Ping Cui, Jiushu Shao, ZhongshuiMa, and YiJing Yan: Quantum measurement of a solid-state qubit: A unified quantum master equation approach, Phys. Rev. B 69, 085315 (2004).
Xin-Qi Li, Ping Cui, and YiJing Yan: Spontaneous Relaxation of a Charge Qubit under Electrical Measurement, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 066803 (2005).
Xin-Qi Li, JunYan Luo, and Yong-Gang Yang, Ping Cui and YiJing Yan: Quantum master equation approach to quantum transport through mesoscopic systems, Phys. Rev. B 71, 205304 (2005).
Jinshuang Jin, Xin-Qi Li and YiJing Yan: Quantum coherence control of solid-state charge qubit by means of a sub-optimal feedback algorithm, Phys. Rev. B 73, 233302 (2006).
Shi-Kuan Wang, Jinshuang Jin, and Xin-Qi Li: Continuous weak measurement and feedback control of a solid-state charge qubit: physical unravelling of non-Lindblad master equation, Phys. Rev. B 75, 155304 (2007).
HuJun Jiao, Xin-Qi Li, and JunYan Luo: Quantum measurement characteristics of double-dot single electron transistor, Phys. Rev. B 75, 155333 (2007).
Shi-Kuan Wang, Hujun Jiao, Feng Li, Xin-Qi Li, and YiJing Yan: Full counting statistics of transport through two-channel Coulomb blockade systems, Phys. Rev. B 76, 125416 (2007).  
