Lianfeng Wu, Ph. D.

主要通过研究有益人类健康的分子或药物的作用机制,探索代谢疾病、肿瘤发生及衰老的分子机制,为促进人类健康提供理论基础和可能的干预措施。博士期间主要探索了天然免疫细胞毒性分子颗粒酶杀伤肿瘤细胞的分子机制,解析了颗粒酶M的结构,并基于该结构设计合成了其特异性抑制剂,为该领域提供了合理控制颗粒酶M活性的有效工具。该阶段成果发表于The Journal of Immunology,Cell Death and Differentiation和 Journal of Biochemical Chemistry等知名期刊。博士后期间致力于解决多年悬而未决的科学难题,即糖尿病药物二甲双胍的作用机制。一直以来,二甲双胍除作为治疗二型糖尿病的首选用药外,还被认为具有有抗癌、抗衰老等功效。研究运用遗传学、生物化学和细胞生物学方法,在癌症细胞和模式动物水平上,为二甲双胍抗癌抗衰老作用的信号通路提供了全新的认识。该工作在生物医学领域顶尖期刊Cell上以“Featured Article”形式发表并附有同行专家评论,随后被Science Signaling和Oncotarget杂志作为重要发现推荐介绍。
研究组现阶段致力于代谢与衰老相关疾病发生发展的分子机理的研究和代谢相关疾病的新型干预措施的开发。实验室主要研究内容包括:1)抗二型糖尿病药物二甲双胍的作用机制及二甲双胍类似药物的筛选;2)线粒体、溶酶体等细胞器在代谢及代谢相关疾病中的作用; 3)生物体能量代谢紊乱发生机制的研究。
1.Webster CM, Pino EC, Carr CE, Wu L, Zhou B, Cedillo L, Kacergis MC, Curran SP, Soukas AA. Genome-wide RNAi Screen for Fat Regulatory Genes in C. elegans Identifies a Proteostasis-AMPK Axis Critical for Starvation Survival. Cell Rep. 2017, 20 (3): 627-640.
2.Wu L, Zhou B, Oshiro-Rapley N, Li M, Paulo JP, Webster CM, Mou F, Kacergis MC, Talkowski ME, Carr CE, Gygi SP, Zheng B, Soukas AA. An ancient, unified mechanism for metformin growth inhibition in C.elegansand cancer.Cell.2016, 167 (7), 1705-1718. Designated as “Featured Article” with a Preview and also highlighted as an “Editor’s Choice” in Science Signaling.
3.Webster CM,Wu L, Douglas D, and Soukas AA. A non-canonical role for the C. elegans dosage compensation complex in growth and metabolic regulation downstream of TOR complex 2.Development. 2013, 140(17): 3601-36012.
4.Wang L, Li Q,Wu L, Liu S, Zhang Y, Yang X, Zhu P, Zhang H, Zhang K, Lou J, Liu P, Tong L, Sun F, and Fan Z. Identification of SERPINB1 as a physiological inhibitor of human granzyme H.J Immunol. 2013, 190(3): 1319-1330;
5.Yuan M, Pino E,Wu L, Kacergis M, and Soukas AA. Identification of Akt-independent regulation of hepatic lipogenesis by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 2.J Biol Chem. 2012, 287(35): 29579-2988;
6.Wang L, Zhang K,Wu L, Liu S, Zhang H, Zhou Q, Tong L, Sun F, and Fan Z. Structural insights into the substrate specificity of human granzyme H: the functional roles of a novel RKR motif.J Immunol. 2012, 188(2): 765-773;
7. Hu D, Liu S, Shi L, Li C,Wu L, and Fan Z. Cleavage of survivin by Granzyme M attenuates its stability and impairs its cytoprotective function.J Biol Chem. 2010, 285(24): 18326-18335;
8.Wu L, Wang L, Hua G, Liu K, Yang X, Zhai Y, Bartlam M, Sun F, and Fan Z. Structural basis for proteolytic specificity of the human apoptosis-inducing granzyme M. J Immunol. 2009, 183(1): 421-429;
9.Shi L,Wu L, Wang S, and Fan Z. Granzyme F induces a novel death pathway characterized by Bid-independent cytochrome c release without caspase activation.Cell Death Differ. 2009, 16(12): 1694-1704.