

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-04-17

Sabahat Malik Maths Tutor

联系方式 办公室
Teaching Building 322

University of Nottingham Ningbo China

199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo, 315100, China

+86 (8060)


MA Mathematics Education, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, U.K. (2018)
MSc Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Pakistan (2000)

I joined the University of Nottingham Ningbo China in March 2019 as a Maths Tutor and am teaching Foundation Calculus module for International Pathway students, along with facilitating mathematics students with problem solving in seminar sessions for the core module Foundation Algebra for Physical Sciences & Engineering.
Prior to this, I have taught in a number of positions in Oman and the UAE, teaching undergraduate and foundation mathematics courses to first year students from various specializations including Engineering, I.T., Applied Sciences & Business Studies. Having stayed and worked in the Middle East for over 12 years, I enjoyed overseas/cross cultural experience, had a chance to work in a multi- national environment and gained administrative as well as training experience. I had the privilege to work with non- native English speakers who did not possess standard entry requirements for a degree program. My job included training and helping them develop basic maths skills to unlock their potential and progress in academic study, and function effectively in international work environment. I also performed duties as an Academic Advisor/Counsellor for students by providing them educational guidance and assistance by planning schedules, recommending courses, and providing assistance for at-risk students.
To further enhance my professional abilities, I completed a master degree in Mathematics Education in 2018 and as part of the degree, I completed a dissertation on flipped learning in undergraduate mathematics educationand my inquiry was based on investigating how student learning is shaped in a blended learning environment and its impact on student autonomy, competence, and relatedness.In this investigation,I found thatundergraduatestudents’ majority perceived flipped classroom approaches as a positive step towards employing digital resources for teaching mathematics as well as engagement in active learning activities during in-class time.

Foundation Calculus F003
Foundation Algebra for Physical Sciences & Engineering CELEN036

My research interests include blended learning techniques in undergraduate mathematics education particularly flipped classroom approaches as well as e-assessment in mathematical sciences and e-learning. As part of the master degree, I completed a research project to investigate “students’ perspectives on the use of the flipped classroom approaches in undergraduate mathematics teaching: a step towards fostering student engagement in the classroom.”

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