

昆明动物研究所 考研网/2016-01-27

  1993.9–1997.7于安徽师范大学生物系获学士学位;1997.9–2003.2于中国科学院昆明动物研究所获博士学位;2003.2–2008.01于约翰霍普金斯大学医学院Wilmer眼科研究所 (Wilmer Eye Institute,Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine) 和美国国家健康研究院心脏、肺和血液研究所(National Heart,Lung,and Blood Institute,National Institutes of Health)从事博士后研究工作;2007年底通过中科院百人计划引进回昆明动物所组建疾病机理的遗传学学科组。长期从事人类和家养动物mtDNA遗传变异研究工作,对中华民族源流、血液干细胞mtDNA变异和衰老的关系、mtDNA突变和人类疾病、血管内皮细胞生长因子刺激血管内皮细胞和皮肤角质生成细胞基因表达有较为深入的研究。目前已在American Journal of Human Genetics,Blood,Human Molecular Genetics,PLoS Medicine,Molecular Biology and Evolution,Human Genetics 和Genome Biology等相关杂志发表论文和评述60余篇,其中SCI刊物54篇,相关论文被SCI引用870余次。曾获2006年度国家自然科学奖二等奖(第二获奖人)等多项科技奖项,博士论文被评为2005年度全国百篇优秀博士论文。

  1.Yao Y-G*,Ogasawara Y,Kajigaya S,Molldrem JJ,Falcã;o RP,Pintã;o M-C,McCoy JC,Jr,Rizzatti EG,Young NS.2007.Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in single cells from leukemia patients.Blood,109:756-762 (2006 impact factor 10.370)
  2.Yao Y-G*,Ellison FM,McCoy JP,Jr,Chen J,and Young NS.2007.Age-dependent accumulation of mtDNA mutations in murine hematopoietic stem cells is modulated by the nuclear genetic background.Human Molecular Genetics,16:286-294 (2006 impact factor 8.099)
  3.Yao Y-G*,Childs RW,Kajigaya S,McCoy JP,Jr,Young NS.2007.Mitochondrial DNA sequence heterogeneity of single CD34+ cells after nonmyeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplantation.Stem Cells,25:2670-2676 (2006 impact factor 7.924)
  4.Yao Y-G*,Bandelt H-J,Young NS.2007.External contamination in single cell mtDNA analysis.PLoS ONE,2:e681.
  5.Ji Y,Jia X,Zhang Q,Yao Y-G.2007.mtDNA haplogroup distribution in Chinese patients with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy and G11778A mutation.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,364:238-242 (2006 impact factor 2.855)
  6.Wu G-S,Yao Y-G,Qu K-X,Ding Z-L,Li H,Palanichamy Mg,Duan Z-Y,Li N,Chen Y-S,Zhang Y-P.2007.Multiple domestications of pigs in East Asia as inferred from phylogenomic analysis of mtDNA sequence variation in wild and domestic populations.Genome Biology,8:R245 (2006 impact factor 7.172)
  7.Yao Y-G*,Salas A,Bravi CM,Bandelt H-J.2006.A reappraisal of complete mtDNA variation in East Asian families with hearing impairment.Human Genetics,119:505-515 (2006 impact factor 3.662).
  8.Wang C-Y,Kong Q-P,Yao Y-G*,Zhang Y-P.2006.MtDNA mutation C1494T,haplogroup A,and hearing loss in Chinese.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,348:712-715 (2006 impact factor 2.855)
  9.Kong Q-P,Bandelt H-J,Sun C,Yao Y-G,Salas A,Achilli A,Wang C-Y,Zhong L,Zhu C-L,Wu S-F,Torroni A,Zhang Y-P.2006.Updating the East Asian mtDNA phylogeny:a prerequisite for the identification of pathogenic mutations.Human Molecular Genetics,15:2076-2086 (2006 impact factor 8.099)
  10.Man X-Y,Yang X-H,Cai S-Q,Yao Y-G,Zheng M.2006.Immunolocalization and expression of vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFRs) and neuropilins (NRPs) on keratinocytes in human epidermis.Molecular Medicine,12:127-136 (2006 impact factor 2.708)
  11.Lai S-J,Liu Y-P,Liu Y-X,Li X-W,Yao Y-G*.2006.Genetic diversity and origin of Chinese cattle revealed by mtDNA D-loop sequence variation.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,38:146-154 (2006 impact factor 3.528)
  12.Salas A,Yao Y-G,Macaulay V,Vega A,Carracedo A,Bandelt H-J.2005.A critical reassessment of the role of mitochondria in tumorigenesis.PloS Medicine,2:e296 (2006 impact factor 13.750).
  13.Yao Y-G,Yang HS,Cao Z,Danielsson J,Duh EJ.2005.Upregulation of placental growth factor by vascular endothelial growth factor via a post-transcriptional mechanism.FEBS Letters,579:1227-1234 (2005 impact factor 3.415)
  14.Yao Y-G,Kong Q-P,Wang C-Y,Zhu C-L,and Zhang Y-P.2004.Different matrilineal contributions to genetic structure of ethnic populations in Silk-Road region in China.Molecular Biology and Evolution,21:2265-2280.(2004 impact factor 6.355)
  15.Yao Y-G,Duh EJ.2004.VEGF selectively induces DSCR1 (Down syndrome critical region 1) gene expression in endothelial cells:a mechanism for feedback regulation of angiogenesis? Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,321:648-656.(2004 impact factor 2.904)
  16.Yao Y-G*,Macaulay V,Kivisild T,Zhang Y-P,and Bandelt H-J.2003.To trust or not to trust an idiosyncratic mitochondrial data set.American Journal of Human Genetics,72:1341-1346.(2003 impact factor 11.602)
  17.Yao Y-G,Kong Q-P,Man X-Y,Bandelt H-J,Zhang Y-P.2003.Reconstructing the evolutionary history of China:a caveat about inferences drawn from ancient DNA.Molecular Biology and Evolution,20:214-219.(2003 impact factor 6.050)
  18.Kong Q-P,Yao Y-G,Sun C,Bandelt H-J,Zhu C-L,and Zhang Y-P.2003.Phylogeny of East Asian mitochondrial DNA lineages inferred from complete sequences.American Journal of Human Genetics,73:671-676.(2003 impact factor 11.602)
  19.Yao Y-G,Kong Q-P,Bandelt H-J,Kivisild T,and Zhang Y-P.2002.Phylogeographic differentiation of mitochondrial DNA in Han Chinese.American Journal of Human Genetics,70:635-651.(2002 impact factor 10.649)
  20.Yao Y-G,Nie L,Harpending H,Fu Y-X,Yuan Z-G,and Zhang Y-P.2002.Genetic relationship of Chinese ethnic populations revealed by mtDNA sequence diversity.American Journal of Physical Anthropology,118:63-76.(2002 impact factor 2.117)




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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
  • 中科院昆明动物研究所导师介绍:赖仞
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27
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    昆明动物研究所 考研网 2016-01-27