

新疆大学 免费考研网/2016-01-31

兰海燕 兰海燕 LAN, Haiyan



1984/09-1988/06 西北农业大学 农学系/农学专业 学士

1988/09-1991/06 新疆大学 生物系/植物生态学 硕士

1995/09-1998/10 中国科学院 遗传研究所/分子遗传学 博士


{C}u {C}1991.8-1995.8 新疆农业科学院经作所 助理研究员

{C}u {C}1998.11-2000.9 新疆农业科学院经作所 副研究员

{C}u {C}2000.10-2002.6 新疆康地科技发展有限公司 实验室主任/副研究员

{C}u {C}2002.7-2004.10 澳大利亚科学与工业研究组织分子科学院(CSIRO) 博士后

{C}u {C}2005.3至今 新疆大学生命科学与技术学院 教授/博导

{C}u {C}2013.2-2014.2 英国剑桥大学植物科学系 访问学者


{C}u {C}研究方向:新疆特殊生境植物抗逆分子机理研究

{C}u {C}科研项目:主持国家自然科学基金项目(5项);主持国家科技部973前期项目(子课题);主持新疆自治区优秀青年科技人才培养项目;联合主持新疆十一五科技攻关重大专项;主持留学回国启动基金及自治区重点实验室开放基金(四项)等项目。


[1]Cui Wang, Daihong Huang, Junwen Yuan, Jing Cao, Haiyan Lan*. The differentiation of the seed coat and composition of mucilage of Lepidium perfoliatum L., a desert annual with typical myxospermy in China. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica (ABBS), 2015. [2] Jiajia Xing, Ming Cai, Shasha Chen, Ling Chen, Haiyan Lan*. Seed germination, plant growth and physiological responses of Salsola ikonnikovii to short-term NaCl stress. Plant Biosyst, 2013, 147(2): 285-297.

[3] Shasha Chen, Jiajia Xing and Haiyan Lan*. Comparative effects of neutral salt and alkaline salt stress on seed germination, early seedling growth and physiological response of a halophyte species Chenopodium glaucum. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(34): 8425-8432.

[4] Lili Gu, Dongsheng Xu, Tianyu You, Xiuming Li, Shixiang Yao, Shasha Chen, Juan Zhao, Haiyan Lan*, Fuchun Zhang. Analysis of Gene Expression by ESTs from Suppression Subtractive Hybridization Library in Halophyte Chenopodium album L. Under Salt Stress. Molecular Biology Report. 2011, 38(8): 5285-5295.

[5] Shixiang Yao, Haiyan Lan*, Fuchun Zhang. Variation of seed heteromorphism in Chenopodium album and the effect of salinity on the descendants. Annals of Botany, 2010, 105 (6): 1015- 1025.

[6] Shixiang Yao, Shasha Chen, Dongsheng Xu, Haiyan Lan*. Plant growth and antioxidative responses of Chenopodium album to long-term NaCl and KCl stress. Plant Growth Regul., 2010, 60(2): 115-125.

[7] Shixiang Yao, Shasha Chen, Juan Zhao, Dongsheng Xu, Haiyan Lan* and Fuchun Zhang. Effect of three salts on germination and seedling survival of dimorphic seeds of Chenopodium album. Botany, 2010, 88(9): 821-828.

[8] Yao Shixiang, Chen Shasha, Lan Haiyan*. Effects of different salt stresses on the contents of Na & K ions and the expression of relevant genes of Chenopodium album from Xinjiang. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2010,30 (8): 2281-2284

[9] 曹婧, 李晓荣, 王翠, 王璐, 兰欣欣, 兰海燕*. 外源激素ABA影响新疆荒漠盐生植物异子蓬异型种子萌发机制初探. 生态学报, 2015, 35(20): 1-16.

[10] 李晓荣, 姚世响, 陈莎莎, 兰海燕*. 藜异型性种子后代植株盐响应生理机制初探. 生态学报, 2015, 35(24): 1-15

