

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16

AuthorsListE:Xu Xiandong,Shan Wenliang,Cai Yunfan,Yu Xiaodan,Jia Hongjie
AuthorsHTMLE:Xu Xiandong,Shan Wenliang,Cai Yunfan,Yu Xiaodan,Jia Hongjie
Unit:天津市智慧能源与信息技术重点实验室(天津大学),天津 300072
Unit_EngLish:Key Laboratory of Smart Energy & Information Technology of Tianjin Municipality,Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072,China
Abstract_Chinese:随着风、光等间歇性可再生能源比例的提高,灵活性在电力系统中的重要性更加突出.作为重要电力负荷 之一,流程工业用电行为具有较强的多能互济特性,能够有效支撑电力系统灵活运行.然而,与一般居民和商业用 户侧综合能源系统不同,流程工业用户涉及多能源系统与生产过程的交互,灵活性更为复杂.本文首先从多能源系 统耦合分析和能量-物质流模型两个角度介绍了典型流程工业用能特征的描述方式.然后,梳理了流程工业综合能源 系统灵活调控的主要手段,包括热电联产系统调度、用电设备直接控制和非用电设备的间接调控.在此基础上,分 析了面向电力系统需求的流程工业用电灵活性指标及其评估方法.考虑到不同工业用户的特征差异和协同潜力,给 出了依托负荷聚合商的多用户聚合交易框架,以及用户、电力系统和市场的交易流程.最后,对灵活性分析领域待 研究方向进行了总结和展望.
Abstract_English:Along with the integration of interruptible renewable generation such as wind and solar,operational flexi\u0002bility is essential to the power grid. Processing industries,accounting for a large share of the load in the power grid, have great potentials in providing such flexibility by regulating their energy use. Unlike residential and commercial users,attaining the flexibility of processing industries is a great challenge due to the complex interactions between multi-energy systems and industrial processes. This study presented models of processing industries to address this issue by characterizing the interactions between various energy and material flows. Three main flexibility resources of industrial integrated energy systems are reviewed from three aspects:dispatch of combined heat and power units, direct control of electric loads,and indirect control through regulating manufacturing processes that are not driven by electicity. Indices and an evaluation framework for flexibility quantification of industrial integrated energy systems are discussed. Considering the differences in energy consumption features and flexibility provision potentials of various industrial sites,a market framework is presented for the trading and aggregation of multiple users through load ag\u0002gregators. Finally,future directions for flexibility analysis of industrial integrated energy systems are summarized and prospected.
Keywords_English:integrated energy systems operation;electricity flexibility;processing industries;load aggregation

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