闫澍旺, 陈静, 岳长喜, 孙立强, 郎瑞卿
AuthorsHTML:闫澍旺, 陈静, 岳长喜, 孙立强, 郎瑞卿
AuthorsListE:Yan Shuwang, Chen Jing, Yue Changxi, Sun Liqiang, Lang Ruiqing
AuthorsHTMLE:Yan Shuwang, Chen Jing, Yue Changxi, Sun Liqiang, Lang Ruiqing
Unit:天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津 300072
Unit_EngLish:State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract_Chinese:随着地下空间的开发利用, 在修建地铁及隧道的过程中, 经常遭遇易渗漏或者涌水突泥的地下环境, 地下水涌入隧道会对施工及周围环境造成恶劣影响, 为减少此类损失, 需要尽快将涌水区隔离.本文提出将橡胶气囊置于隧道中作为临时性挡水结构, 利用气囊充气膨胀后与隧道壁之间产生的摩阻力来抵抗压力, 使水体被阻隔在气囊一端, 起到有效隔离的作用.气囊是薄膜结构, 受隧道壁的环向约束, 其在外压作用下的变形特性以及保持稳定、不滑动、不损坏的控制条件是研究的重点和核心.本文建立了弹性气囊的受力分析模型, 考虑材料的拉伸特性, 结合气囊在隧道中的边界条件和受力条件, 对气囊一端在外压作用下的变形特性进行研究, 从而得到气囊自开始变形至极限状态的过程中的变形规律和内压增长的计算公式, 确定气囊保持稳定时所能够抵挡的最大外压.同时, 得到了气囊能够有效工作的3个控制条件, 即外压不能大于变形后的内压、外力不能大于最大静摩阻力和材料张力不能大于抗拉强度.采用伸缩性较大、变形明显的橡胶材料进行模型试验验证, 试验结果与理论分析得到的规律有很好的一致性.
Abstract_English:With the development and utilization of underground space,the construction of subways and tunnels are often confronted with bad underground environment,such as water and mud bursting. Groundwater pouring into the tunnel can adversely affect the consruction and surrounding environment. In order to reduce project losses,it’s necessary to isolate the gushing water area as soon as possible in order to repair. A method of disposing rubber airbag in tunnel as a temporary retaining structure is put forward. The contact area between the surface of the airbags and the inner wall of the tunnel will produce a frictional force to resist the fluid pressure in tunnel. The airbag has a membrane structure, constrained by the circumferential direction of the tunnel wall,which is different from conventional structure. Its deformation characteristics under external pressure in the tunnel and the stability control conditions of non-slip and non-destructive are the focus and core of the study. Based on this purpose,the airbag force analysis model is established. Considering the tensile properties of the airbag material,combined with the boundary conditions and stress conditions of the airbag in the tunnel,the shape and stress characteristics of the airbag under internal pressure are analyzed. The calculation formulas of the deformation law and the internal pressure increase during the deformation of the airbag from the initial state to the limit state are obtained,and the maximum external pressure that the airbag can withstand is determined. Three control conditions to keep the airbag stable are got,that is,the external pressure should not be greater than the internal pressure,the external force not greater than the maximum static friction resistance,and the material tension not greater than the tensile strength. The model test is carried out to verify the correctness of the theoretical research by using the rubber material with larger elasticity and obvious deformation. Experimental results are in good agreement with theoretical analysis.
Keyword_Chinese:隧道阻漏; 弹性橡胶气囊; 拉伸模量; 控制条件; 模型试验
Keywords_English:tunnel leakage blocking; tensile rubber airbag; tensile modulus; control condition; model test
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-16
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