基于SPM 的微纳米尺度力学特性测量
本发明属于光学图像处理和模式识别领域,为实现 FPP 条纹图的背景移除,方法抗噪声能力更强,计算时间更短。本发明采用的技术方案是,基于经验曲波变换的条纹投影轮廓术的形貌测量方法,步骤是,先通过经验曲波变换实现频域内对条纹图的傅里叶频谱分割,再通过选择合适的滤波器滤除噪声和背景部分,实现 FPP 条纹图的背景移除。
本发明属于光学检测和光信息处理技术领域,为改进图像分解算法中的数据保真项,提高图像分解算法的性能,提升图像分解算法去噪性能。本发明采用的技术方案是,含有非局域数据保真项的图像分解滤波方法,根据非局域均值滤波模型、非局域全变分滤波模型、适应性正则非局域均值滤波模型,构造非局域数据保真项,并分别与TV Hilbert??L2 模型、 TV G??Shearlet 模型结合,进行带有数据保真项的图像分解滤波。
本实用新型公开了一种基于分光镜的双光路三维散斑干涉系统,该系统包括激光器、第一分光镜、第二分光镜、第三分光镜、第四分光镜、第五分光镜、第一全反镜、第二全反镜、第三全反镜、第四全反镜、第一扩束镜、第二扩束镜、放大系统以及 CCD 摄像机。
本发明涉及图像信息处理技术,为实现充分利用三类电磁干扰回波的不同特征及 SVM 方法的优越性,可同时识别三类电磁干扰回波,提高电磁干扰回波识别的准确率。
A shape-preserving oriented partial differential equation based on a new fidelity term for electronic speckle pattern interfe
Texture preservation and speckle reduction in poor optical coherence tomography using the convolutional neural network
Generalized optical encryption framework based on Shearlets for medical image
Optical asymmetric cryptosystem for multi-image in cyan magenta-yellow-black color space
Image encryption algorithm based on gradient decomposition and improved logistic map
Optical image encryption based on biometric keys and singular value decomposition
Speckle removal in variable density ESPI fringe patterns with TGV-Hilbert-Shearlet algorithm
Skeleton extraction and inpainting from poor, broken ESPI fringe with an M-net convolutional neural network
Variational image decomposition for estimation of fringe orientation and density from electronic speckle pattern interferomet
Cascaded Fresnel holographic image encryption scheme based on a constrained optimization algorithm and Henon map
Image decomposition model Shearlet-Hilbert-L2 with better performance for denoising in ESPI fringe pattern
The oriented bilateral filtering method for removal of speckle noise in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes.
Binarization of ESPI fringe patterns based on local entropy.
Batch denoising of ESPI fringe patterns based on convolutional neural network.
Texture preservation and speckle reduction in optical coherence tomography using the shearlet-based total variation algorithm
Fuzzy c-means clustering based segmentation and the filtering method for discontinuous ESPI fringe patterns.
Weighted least-squares phase-unwrapping algorithm based on the orientation coherence for discontinuous optical phase patterns
Fully automated extraction of the fringe skeletons in dynamic electronic speckle pattern interferometry using a U-Net convolu
Greyscale image encoding and watermarking based on optical asymmetric cryptography and variational image decomposition.
Accurate and efficient extraction of fringe orientation from the poor-quality ESPI fringe pattern with a convolutional neural
Optical encryption scheme for multiple color images using complete trinary tree structure
Adaptive oriented PDEs filtering methods based on new controlling speed function for discontinuous optical fringe patterns
Optical single-channel color image cryptosystem based on vector decomposition and three-dimensional chaotic maps
Image decomposition and denoising based on Shearlet and nonlocal data fidelity term
A clustering framework based on FCM and texture features for denoising ESPI fringe patterns with variable density
Binarization of optical fringe patterns with intensity inhomogeneities based on modified FCM algorithm
Selective retinex enhancement based on the clustering algorithm and BM3D for OCT images
BM3D-based total variation algorithm for speckle removal with structure-preserving in OCT images
Single-lens Fourier-transform-based optical color image encryption using dual two-dimensional chaotic maps and the Fresnel tr
Optical colour image watermarking based on phase-truncated linear canonical transform and image decomposition
Combination of oriented partial differential equation and shearlet transform for denoising in electronic speckle pattern inte
General filtering method for electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringe images with various densities based on variatio
Optical image encryption based on mixed chaotic maps and single shot digital holography
Fourier-transform-based optical colorimage encryption using dual two-dimensional chaotic maps and the Fresnel transform
Gradient vector fields based on variational image decomposition for skeletonization of electronic speckle pattern interferome
Combination of oriented partial differential equation and shearlet transform for denoising in electronic speckle pattern inte
Shearlet transform for phase extraction in fringe projection profilometry with edges discontinuity
Two parabolic–hyperbolic oriented partial differential equations for denoising in electronic speckle
General construction of transform-domain filters, filtering methods for electronic speckle pattern interferometry, and compa
A 3D shape retrieval method for orthogonal fringe projection based on a combination of variational image decomposition and v
Image/video encryption using single shot digital holography
An efficient method for salt-and-pepper noise removal based onshearlet transform and noise detection
Exponential total variation model for noise removal,its numerical algorithms and applications
Image decomposition model BL-Hilbert-L2 for dynamic thermal measurements of the printed circuit board with a chip by ESPI
Switching degenerate diffusion PDE filter based on impulselike probability for universal impulse noise removal
Phase retrieval from single frame projection fringe pattern with variational image decomposition
ESPI filtering method based on radial basis function
Random-valued impulse noise removal using fuzzy weighted non-local means
Numerous possible oriented partial differential equations and investigation of their performance for optical interferometry f
The new second-order single oriented partial differential equations for optical interferometry fringes with high density
Application of two oriented partial, differential equation filtering models on speckle fringes with poor quality and their nu
Variational image decomposition for automatic background and noise removal of fringe patterns
Comparison on performance of some representative and recent filtering methods in electronic speckle pattern interferometry
Overview of anisotropic filtering methods based on partial differential equations for electronic speckle pattern interferomet
A new filter for the removal of random-valued impulse noise from highly corrupted images
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry for fracture expansion in nuclear graphite based on PDE image processing methods
A TVSOOPDE model for denoising fringe pattern in electronic speckle pattern interferometry
The sub-pixel searching algorithm based on gradient in digital speckle correlation method
Pde(ode)-based image processing methods for optical interferometry fringe
A new fourth-order oriented partial-differential equations for filtering in optical image
Fingerprint enhancement using the second-order oriented partial differential equation
Localized Fourier transform filter for noise removal in electronic speckle pattern interferometry wrapped phase patterns
PDE-Based Random-Valued Impulse Noise Removal Based on New Class of Controlling Functions
An efficient decision-based and edge-preserving method for salt-and-pepper noise removal,Pattern Recognition Letters
New fourth-order partial differential equations for filtering in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes
The orient-couple partial differential equations for filtering in wrapped phase patterns,
Contrast enhancement for electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes by the differential equation enhancement method
Second-order oriented partial-differential equations for denoising inelectronic-speckle-pattern interferometry fringes
Displacement field analysis based on the combination digital speckle correlation method with radial basis function interpolat
The arbitrary order implicit multistep schemes of exponential fitting and their Applications
Performance evaluation of partial differential equation models in electronic speckle pattern interferometry and δ-mollificati
tangent least-squares fitting filtering method for electrical speckle pattern interferometry phase fringe
The various order explicit multistep exponential fitting for systems of ordinary differential equations
High-order predictor-corrector of exponential fitting for the N-body problems
A new neural network model for medical color images segmentation
Estimation of fringe orientation for optical fringe patterns with poor quality based on Fourier transform
Denoising in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes by the filtering method based on partial differential equation
Denoising by coupled partial differential equations and extracting phase by backpropagation neural networks for electronic
Oriented couple gradient vector fields for skeletonization of gray-scale optical fringe patterns with high density,Applied Op
The oriented spatial filter masks for electronic speckle pattern interferometry phase patterns
The fringe patterns with high contrast in electronic speckle pattern interferometry by Monte Carlo Markov chain techniques
Nearly preprocessing-free method for skeletonization of gray-scale electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringe patterns
Noise reduction in electronic speckle pattern interferometry fringes by fourth-order Partial Differential Equations
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-13
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