

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-08

姓名: 李博
性别: 男
英文名: Li, Bo
职称: 副教授,博导
职务: 无 专业: 动力机械及工程
所在机构: 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室 个人主页: http://faculty.tju.edu.cn/libo/zh_CN/index.htm
邮箱: boli@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 办公室:内燃机大楼210;实验室:十四楼104
传真: 办公电话: +86(0)-8022
主要学历: 2008.3-2012.6, 瑞典隆德大学,燃烧物理系,燃烧物理专业,博士研究生,获工学博士学位
2002.9-2007.2, 吉林大学,超硬材料国家重点实验室,凝聚态物理专业,硕博连读,获理学博士学位
1998.9-2002.6, 吉林大学,物理学院,凝聚态物理专业,本科生,获理学学士学位

主要学术经历: 2016.9至今, 天津大学, 动力机械及工程专业, 博士生导师
2012.9至今, 天津大学, 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室, 副教授
2012.6-2012.8, 瑞典隆德大学,燃烧物理系,助教
2007.3-2008.2, 瑞典隆德大学,燃烧物理系,访问****

主要研究方向: 燃烧激光光谱诊断技术开发(Development of combustion laser diagnostics techniques)
燃烧激光诊断技术在内燃机研究中的应用(Application of combustion laser diagnostics in IC engine research)
基础层流和湍流燃烧(Fundamental laminar and turbulent combustion)

主要讲授课程: 1、“Optical Instrumentation and Diagnostics of Combustion Processes”(全英文留学生课程)

主要学术兼职: 学术组织:
国家自然科学基金审稿人,Fuel、Combustion Science and Technology、Microgravity Science and Technology、《光谱学与光谱分析》等杂志审稿人

主要学术成就: 论文:
发表论文60多篇,其中SCI论文40多篇。在燃烧领域的顶级刊物Proceedings of the Combustion Institute和Combustion and Flame上发表文章16篇,SCI影响因子>3的文章22篇。SCI的H因子为14。

1. 天津市“用三年时间引进千名以上高层次人才计划”(2013年);
2. 天津大学“北洋****·青年骨干教师计划”。

1. 美国GRC Laser Diagnostics in Combustion (2011年)会议,最佳poster(3 out of 134)。

1. 第二届国际燃烧流场的光学诊断技术学术研讨会,大会报告(2014年10月)
2. 第二届工程热物理青年学术论坛,分论坛报告(2015年1月)
3. 第一届全国青年燃烧学术会议,大会报告,分论坛协调人(2015年9月)

1. 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学术年会,程序委员会委员(2017年、2018年)
2. The 7th International Conference on Hydrogen Production,session chair (May, 2016)
3. 第一届全国青年燃烧学术会议,“燃烧诊断”分论坛主持(2015年9月)
4. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, session chair (July, 2015)

1. 李晓峰,2014级硕士生,国家奖学金(2015年)
2. 张大源,2015级硕士生,国家奖学金(2016年)

主要科研项目: 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目(2018-2021),负责人


代表性论著: 1D. Y. Zhang, B. Li*(李博), Q. Gao, Z. S. Li, Applicability of Femtosecond Laser Electronic Excitation Tagging in Combustion Flowfields Velocity Measurement, Applied Spectroscopy, (已接收)
2Bo Li(李博), D. Y. Zhang, X. F. Li, Q. Gao, Z. F. Zhu, Z. S. Li, Femtosecond Laser-Induced Cyano Chemiluminescence in Methane-Seeded Nitrogen Gas Flows for Near-Wall Velocimetry, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51 (2018) 295102
3G. Coskun, M. Jonsson, J. Bood, Z. S. Li, M. Aldén,M. Tunér, M. Algotsson, B. Li(李博), H. Serhad Soyhan, B. Johansson, Analysis of in-cylinder H2O2 and HO2 distributions in an HCCI engine - Comparison of laser diagnostic results with CFD and SRM simulations, Combustion and Flame, 162(2015)3131-3139.
4钟厦,何勇,邱坤赞*,王智化,李博,刘建中,岑可法,准东煤中碱金属含量的LIBS激光测量,强激光与粒子束,27(9)(2015)099002.(EI收录号: 20**1)
5 M.H. de A. Oliveiraa, N.-E. Olofsson, J. Johnsson, H. Bladh, A. Lantz, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Li, M. Aldén, P.-E. Bengtsson, C.C.M. Luijten, L.P.H. de Goey, Soot, PAH and OH measurements in vaporized liquid fuel flames, Fuel, 112(2013) 145-152.
6Y. He, J.J. Zhu, B. Li(李博), Z.H. Wang, Z.S. Li, M. Alden, K.F. Cen, In-situ Measurement of Sodium and Potassium Release during Oxy-Fuel Combustion of Lignite using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy: Effects of O2 and CO2 Concentration, Energy & Fuels, 27(2013)1123-1130.
7B. Li(李博), Y. He, Z.S. Li, A.A. Konnov, Measurements of NO Concentration in NH3-doped CH4 + Air Flames using Saturated Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Probe Sampling, Combustion and Flame, 160(2013)40-46.
8B. Li(李博), M. Jonsson, M. Algotsson, J. Bood, Z.S. Li, O. Johansson, M. Aldén, M. Tunér, B. Johansson, Quantitative detection of hydrogen peroxide in an HCCI engine using photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(2013)3573-3581.
9L.M. Verhoeven, M.H.A. Oliveira, A. Lantz, B. Li(李博), Z. Li, C.C.M. Luijten, J.A. Oijen, M. Aldén, and L.P.H. de Goey, Tar Conversion in Biogas by Partial Combustion: A Numerical and Experimental Study of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in a Laminar Diffusion Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 34(2013)1819-1826.
10E. Baudoin, X.S. Bai, B. Yan, C. Liu, A. Lantz, S.M. Hosseini, B. Li(李博), A. Elbaz, M. Sami, Z.S. Li, R. Collin, G. Chen, L. Fuchs, M. Aldén, and M.S. Mansour, Effect of Partial Premixing on Stabilization and Local Extinction of Turbulent Methane/Air Flames, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 90(2013)269-284.
11Z.H. Wang, L. Yang, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, M. Aldén, K.F. Cen, A.A. Konnov, Investigation of combustion enhancement by ozone additive in CH4/air ?ames using direct laminar burning velocity measurements and kinetic simulations, Combustion and Flame, 159(2012)120–129.
12C. Duwig, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Li, M. Aldén, High resolution imaging of ?ameless and distributed turbulent combustion, Combustion and Flame, 159(2012)306–316.
13O. Johansson, J. Bood, B. Li(李博), A. Ehn, Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, M. Jonsson, A.A. Konnov, M. Aldén, Photofragmentation laser-induced ?uorescence imaging in premixed ?ames, Combustion and Flame, 158(2011)1908-1919.
14Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博) and M. Aldén, Flame temperature diagnostics with water lines usingmid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 42(2011)1828–1835.
15B. Yan, Y. Wu, C. Liu, J.F. Yu, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Li, G. Chen, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, A.A. Konnov, Experimental and modeling study of laminar burning velocity of biomass derived gases/air mixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36(2011)3769–3777.
16 Z.W. Sun, M. F?rsth, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), and M. Aldén, Mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy: A tool for in situ measurements of toxic gases in smoke-laden environments, Fire Mater., 35(2011)527–537. (SCI)
17Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), Z.T. Alwahabi, M. Aldén, Quantitative C2H2 measurements in sooty flames using mid-infrared polarization pectroscopy, Appl. Phys. B, 101(2010)423-432.
18A. Ehn, O. Johansson, J. Bood, A. Arvidsson, B. Li(李博), M. Aldén, Fluorescence lifetime imaging in a ?ame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33(2010)807-813.
29B. Li(李博), J. Lindén, Z.S. Li, A.A. Konnov, M. Aldén, and L.P.H. de Goey, Accurate Measurements of Laminar Burning Velocity Using the Heat Flux Method and Thermographic Phosphor Technique, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 33(2011)939-946.
20J. Kiefer, J.W. Troger, T. Seeger, A. Leipertz, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Li, and M. Aldén, Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in gases using ungated detection in combination with polarization filtering and online background correction, Meas. Sci. Technol., 21(2010)065303.
21Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), M. Aldén, and P. Ewart, Detection of C2H2 and HCl using mid-infrared degenerate four-wave mixing with stable beam alignment: towards practical in situ sensing of trace molecular species, Appl. Phys. B, 98(2010)593–600.
22Z.H. Wang, B. Li(李博), A. Ehn, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, J. Bood, M. Aldén, and K.F. Cen, Investigation of flue-gas treatment with O3 injection using NO and NO2 planar laser-induced fluorescence, Fuel, 89(2010)2346–2352.
23B. Yan, B. Li(李博), E. Baudoin, C. Liu, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, G. Chen, and M.S. Mansour, Structures and stabilization of low calorific value gas turbulent partially premixed flames in a conical burner, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 34(2010)412–419.
24Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), Z.W. Sun, X.S. Bai, and M. Aldén, Turbulence and combustion interaction: High resolution local flame front structure visualization using simultaneous single-shot PLIF imaging of CH, OH,and CH2O in a piloted premixed jet flame, Combustion and Flame, 157(2010)1087–1096.
25H.D. Li, T. Zhang, L.A. Li, X.Y. Lu, B. Li(李博), Z.S. Jin, G.T. Zou, Investigation on crystalline structure, boron distribution, and residual stresses in freestanding boron-doped CVD diamond films, Journal of Crystal Growth,312(2010):1986-1991.
26B. Li(李博), B.B. Yan, C.Y. Liu, E. Baudoin, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, G. Chen, M. Mansour, Simultaneous OH/Fuel PLIF Imaging of a Partially Premixed Flame inside the Quartz Cone of a Conical burner, 4th European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
27Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), Z.W. Sun, X. S. Bai, M. Aldén, Turbulence and Combustion Interaction: High Resolution Local Flame Front Structure Visualization with Simultaneous Single-shot PLIF of CH and CH2O in a Piloted Premixed Jet Flame Spectroscopic, 4th European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
28B.B. Yan, B. Li(李博), E. Baudoin, C.Y. Liu, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, G. Chen, M. Mansour, Structures and Stabilization of Low Calorific Value Gas Turbulent Partially Premixed Flames in a Conical Burner,4th European Combustion Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2009.
29Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, B. Li(李博), and M. Aldén, Spatially resolved trace detection of HCl in flames with mid-infrared polarization spectroscopy, Optics Letter, 33(2008)1836-1838.
30Z.W. Sun, J. Kiefer, Z.S. Li, B. Li(李博), and M. Alden, Four Wave Mixing with Non-Resonant pump and Resonant probe for OH Detection in Flames, Appl. Phys. B, 92(2008)287-293.
31K. Tian, Z.S. Li, S. Staude, B. Li(李博), Z.W. Sun, A. Lantz, M. Aldén, and B. Atakan, Influence of Ferrocene Addition in a Laminar Premixed Flame: Laser Diagnostics, Mass Spectrometry and Numerical Simulations, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(2009)445-452.
32B. Li(李博), E. Baudoin, R. Yu, Z.W. Sun, Z.S. Li, X.S. Bai, M. Aldén, and M.S. Mansour, Experimental and Numerical Study of a Conical Turbulent Partially Premixed Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 32(2009)1811-1818.
33Z.S. Li, Z.W. Sun, B. Li(李博), M. Alden, Detection of HCl in a Premixed CH4/O2/Ar Flame Seeded with CHCl3 Using Mid-IR Polarization Spectroscopy, Proceedings of the Ninth Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, (2008)222-226. (SCI)
34Bo Li(李博), Bai Han, Xian-yi Lu, Hong-dong Li, Jian-Bo Wang, Zeng-Sun Jin, IR transmittance of large-sized free-standing transparent diamond films prepared by MWPCVD, New Carbon Materials, 23(2008):245-249.
35H.D. Li, H. Lu, D.D. Sang, D.M. Li, B. Li (李博), X.Y. Lu, G.T. Zou, Synthesizing of ZnO micro/nanostructures at low temperature with new reducing agents, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 2008(25), 1803-1806.
36H.D. Li, G.T. Zou, Q.L. Wang, S.H. Cheng, B. Li(李博), J.N. Lu, X.Y. Lu, Z.S. Jin, High-Rate Growth and Nitrogen Distribution in Homoepitaxial Chemical Vapour Deposited Single-Crystal Diamond, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 25(2008)1803-1806.
37M.J. Li, X.Y. Lu, B.R. Sun, C.Y. Li, B. Li(李博),Z.S. Jin, Nitrogen-doped diamond film and its doping behavior, New Carbon Materials, 22(2007)183-187.
38Chun-yan Li, Bo Li(李博), Xian-yi Lu, Ming-ji Li, Zong-li Wang, Chang-zhi Gu, Zeng-sun Jin, Superconductivity in Heavyly Boron-Doped Diamond Films Prepared by Electron Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition Method, CHIN. PHYS. LETT., 23(2006)2856-2858.
39C.Y. Li, K. Pan, X.Y. Lu, M.J. Li, Z.Y. Liu, Y.B. Bai, B. Li(李博), S.Z. Jin, Electrochemical properties of boron-doped polycrystalline diamond films, Chemical Journal Of Chinese Universities, 27(2006)2136-2139.

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