

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-09-08

姓名: 李君
性别: 男
英文名: Jun LI
人才称号: 无
职称: 副教授(博士生导师)
职务: 无 专业: 工程热物理
所在机构: 能源与动力工程系 个人主页:
邮箱: lijun79@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津大学北洋园校区34-A338
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 1998/9 - 2002/7,哈尔滨工业大学 热能与动力工程系,工学学士
2002/9 - 2004/7,哈尔滨工业大学 热能工程专业,工学硕士
2004/8 - 2009/7,新加坡国立大学 机械工程系,工学博士(PhD)

主要学术经历: 2012年1月至今,天津大学 机械工程学院 热能工程系,副教授
2013年, 天津大学 工程热物理(二级学科),硕士生导师
2014年,天津大学 动力工程(二级学科),硕士生导师
2018年,天津大学 工程热物理(二级学科),博士生导师

主要研究方向: 1. 微尺度燃烧(micro-scale combustion)
2. 微动力系统(micro power devices)
3. 增强型地热系统(enhanced geothermal system, EGS)
4. 地下自燃煤火(spontaneous underground coal fires)

主要讲授课程: 本科生,《燃烧学》,32学时

主要学术兼职: Applied Thermal Engineering,Energy,Energy Conversion and Management,Heat Transfer Engineering 等期刊的审稿人

主要学术成就: 2013年,入选天津大学 "北洋**** 青年骨干教师”

1. 孟龙,2011级本科生,毕业设计优秀论文(2015年)
2. 王源涛,2013级硕士研究生,“北洋英才奖”(2015年)、国家奖学金(2015年)
3. 李擎擎,2013级硕士研究生,天津大学优秀硕士论文(2017年)、宝钢奖学金(2017年)
4. 孟龙,2015级硕士研究生,国家奖学金(2017年)

主要科研项目: ————————— 项目负责人 —————————— Principal Investigator —————————
1. 国家自然科学基金外国青年****基金,Study on the environmental impacts of coal mining and coal fires in China with a multi-criteria decision making approach coupled with remote sensing(),2019年1月-2019年12月,20万;
2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),微小尺度空间预混过滤燃烧过程中驻定火焰的基本特征和稳定性研究(**),2018年1月-2021年12月,60万;
3. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金),部分填充多孔介质的平板微燃烧器的稳燃特性及耦合传热机理研究(**),2014年1月-2016年12月,26万;
4. 教育部博士点基金(新教师类),催化表面在微尺度燃烧中对稳燃的影响以及表面-气相反应之间的相互作用机理(20**9),2014年1月-2016年12月,4万;
5. 国家自然科学基金外国青年****基金,Modelling of reactive flows through porous media with application to underground fire safety(),2015年1月-2015年6月,10万;
6. 煤炭资源及安全开采国家重点实验室开放基金,用于地下煤火过程的多孔介质中的复杂反应流模型(14KF01),2015年1月-2016年12月,6万;
7. 煤燃烧国家重点实验室开放基金,微小尺度燃烧器中催化燃烧过程及其关键控制因素的研究(FSKLCC1411),2014年7月-2016年6月,5万;
8. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,多孔介质在微尺度燃烧过程中稳燃和强化换热作用的数值模拟研究,2013年1月-2013年12月,3万;

————————— 项目参与人 ————————— Participating Investigator ————————
1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),干热岩人工裂隙渗透特性与多场耦合传热传质机理研究,2013/1-2016/12,76万元
2. 863项目,干热岩发电及综合评价关键技术研究,2012/4-2015/3,528万
3. 863项目,中低温发电热力循环系统关键技术与部件研制,2012/11-2015/10,950万

代表性论著: —————————— 2012年1月之后 —————————— After Jan 2012 —————————
[1] Q. Li, J. Li* (李君), J. Shi, X. Liu, Z. Guo. Effects of heat transfer on flame stability limits in a planar micro-combustor partially filled with porous medium. Proc Combust Inst, DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.023.
[2] J. Li* (李君), Pengbin Fu, Qiren Zhu, Yandong Mao, Cheng Yang. A lab-scale experiment on low-temperature coal oxidation in context of underground coal fires. Appl Thermal Eng, 141, pp. 333-338, 2018.
[3] L. Meng, J. Li* (李君), Q. Li, J. Shi. Flame stabilization in a planar microcombustor partially filled with anisotropic porous medium. AIChE J, 64, pp. 153-160, 2018.
[4] L. Meng, J. Li* (李君), Q. Li. A miniaturized power generation system cascade utilizing thermal energy of a micro-combustor: Design and modelling. Int J Hydrogen Energ, 42, pp. 17275-83, 2017.
[5] 王聪, 李君*, 付彭宾. 煤自燃过程中的温升及CO生成特性, 燃烧科学与技术, 23(5): 458-464, 2017.
[6] Q. Li, J. Wang, L. Meng, J. Li* (李君), Z. Guo. CFD Study on stability limits of hydrogen/air premixed flames in planar micro-combustors with catalytic walls. Appl Thermal Eng, 121C, pp. 325-335, 2017.
[7] 陈金星, 李君*, 李擎擎. 多孔介质微燃烧器的稳燃范围的数值研究, 燃烧科学与技术, 23(3):231-235, 2017.
[8] K. Hooman*, J. Li (李君), M. Dahari. Thermal dispersion effects on forced convection in a porous-saturated pipe. Thermal Sci Eng Prog, 2C, pp. 64-70, 2017
[9] G. Stracher*, Y. White, J. Li (李君). Thermodynamic loop generated pressure-temperature stability diagrams for the nucleation of solids from coal-fire gas. SciTech Connect, Elsevier (online), 2017, http://scitechconnect.elsevier.com/thermodynamic-loop-coal-fire-gas-vents/.
[10] J. Shi*, H. Xiao, J. Li (李君), N. Li, Y. Xia, Y. Xu. Two-dimensional pore level simulation of low-velocity filtration combustion in a packed bed with staggered arrangements of discrete cylinders. Combust Sci Tech, 189, pp. 1260-1276, 2017,
[11] B. Bai*, Y. He, X. Li, J. Li (李君), X. Huang, J. Zhu. Experimental and analytical study of the overall heat transfer coefficient of water flowing through a single fracture in a granite core. Appl Thermal Eng, 116, pp. 79-90, 2017.
[12] B. Bai*, Y. He, X. Li, S. Hu, X. Huang, J. Li (李君), J. Zhu. Local heat transfer characteristics of water flowing through a single fracture within a cylindrical granite specimen. Environ Earth Sci, 75, 1460, 2016.
[13] 朱家玲, 张国伟, 李君*, 白冰. 裂隙通道内流固换热系数解析解及敏感性分析, 太阳能学报, 37(8):2019-2025, 2016.
[14] J. Li* (李君), Q. Li, J. Shi, X. Liu, Z. Guo. Numerical study on heat recirculation in a porous micro-combustor. Combust Flame, 171, pp. 152-161, 2016.
[15] X. Huang*, J. Zhu, J. Li (李君), C. Lan, X. Jin. Parametric study of an enhanced geothermal system based on thermo-hydro-mechanical modeling of a prospective site in Songliao Basin. Appl Thermal Eng, 105, pp. 1-7, 2016.
[16] X. Huang, J. Zhu, J. Li* (李君), B. Bai, G. Zhang. Fluid friction and heat transfer through a single rough fracture in granitic rock under confining pressure. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer, 75, pp. 78-85, 2016.
[17] J. Li* (李君), Y. Wang, J. Chen, J. Shi, X. Liu. Experimental study on standing wave regimes of premixed H2-Air combustion in planar micro-combustors partially filled with porous medium. Fuel, 167, pp. 98-105, 2016.
[18] K. Hooman, J. Li* (李君), M. Dahari. Slip flow forced convection through microducts of arbitrary cross-section: heat and momentum analogy. Int Commun Heat Mass Transfer, 71, pp. 176-79, 2016.
[19] J. Li* (李君), Q. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Guo, X. Liu. Fundamental flame characteristics of premixed H2–air combustion in a planar porous micro-combustor. Chem Eng J, 283, pp. 1187-96, 2016.
[20] J. Li* (李君), Y. Wang, J. Chen, X. Liu, Z. Guo. Effects of combustor size and filling condition on stability limits of premixed H2-air flames in planar microcombustors. AIChE J, 61, pp. 2571-80, 2015.
[21] J. Li* (李君), Y. Wang, J. Shi, X. Liu. Dynamic behaviors of premixed hydrogen-air flames in a planar micro-combustor filled with porous medium. Fuel, 145, pp. 70-78, 2015.
[22] Z. Wu*, L. Yue, Z. Li, J. Li (李君), A.S. Mujumdar, J.A. Rehkopf. Pulse combustion spray drying of egg white: energy efficiency and product quality. Food Bioprocess Tech, 8, pp. 148-57, 2015.
[23] X. Huang, J. Zhu, C. Niu, J. Li* (李君), X. Hu, X. Jin. Heat extraction and power production forecast of a prospective Enhanced Geothermal System site in Songliao Basin, China. Energy, 75, pp. 360-70, 2014.
[24] T. Li, J. Zhu, W. Zhang and J. Li* (李君). Thermodynamic optimization of a neoteric geothermal poly-generation system in an oilfield. Int J Energy Res, 37, pp.1939-51, 2013.
[25] W. Fu, J. Zhu, T. Li, W. Zhang and J. Li* (李君). Comparison of a Kalina cycle based cascade utilization system with an existing organic Rankine cycle based geothermal power system in an oilfield. Appl Thermal Eng, 58, pp. 224-33, 2013.

—————————— 2012年1月之前 —————————— Before Jan 2012 —————————
[1] S.K. Chou*, W.M. Yang, K.J. Chua, J. Li (李君) and K.L. Zhang. Development of micro power generators - A review, Appl Energy, 88, pp. 1-16, 2011.
[2] W.M. Yang*, S.K. Chou, K.J. Chua, J. Li (李君) and X. Zhao. Research on modular micro combustor-radiator with and without porous media, Chem Eng J, 168, pp. 799-802, 2011.
[3] S.K. Chou*, W.M. Yang, J. Li (李君) and Z.W. Li. Porous media combustion for micro thermophotovoltaic system applications, Appl Energy, 87, pp. 2862-67, 2010.
[4]W.M. Yang*, S.K. Chou, J.F. Pan, J. Li (李君) and X. Zhao. Comparison of cylindrical and modular micro combustor radiators for micro-TPV system application, J Micromech Microeng, 20, 085003 (8pp), 2010.
[5]W.M. Yang*, S.K. Chou and J. Li (李君). Microthermophotovoltaic power generator with high power density, Appl Thermal Eng, 29, pp. 3144-48, 2010.
[6] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M Yang. Development of a 1D model to predict the flame temperature in cylindrical micro combustors, Heat Transfer Eng, 31, pp. 581-91, 2010.
[7] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M. Yang. Experimental investigation of porous media combustion in a planar micro-combustor, Fuel, 89, pp. 708-15, 2010.
[8] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, W.M. Yang and Z.W. Li. Experimental and numerical study of the wall temperature of cylindrical micro combustors, J Micromech Microeng, 19, 015019 (11pp), 2009.
[9] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M. Yang. Development of 1D model for the analysis of heat transport in cylindrical micro combustors, Appl Thermal Eng, 29, pp. 1854-63, 2009.
[10] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, G. Huang, W.M. Yang and Z.W. Li. Study on premixed combustion in cylindrical micro combustors: transient flame behavior and wall heat flux, Exptl Thermal Fluid Sci, 33, pp. 764-73, 2009.
[11] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, W.M. Yang and Z.W. Li. A numerical study on premixed micro combustion of CH4-air mixture: effects of combustor size, geometry and boundary conditions on flame temperature, Chem Eng J, 150, pp. 213-22, 2009.
[12] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M. Yang. A potential heat source for the micro thermophotovoltaic (TPV) System, Chem Eng Sci, 64, pp. 3282-89, 2009.
[13] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M. Yang. Characterization of wall temperature and radiation power through cylindrical dump micro-combustors, Combust Flame, 156, pp. 1587-93, 2009.
[14] J. Li (李君), S.K. Chou*, Z.W. Li and W.M. Yang. A comparative study of H2-air premixed flame in micro combustors with different physical and boundary conditions, Combust Theory Modelling, 12, pp. 325-47, 2008.

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