籍 贯:湖南
性 别:男
民 族:汉
职 称:教授
工作单位:中国民航大学 航空工程学院
1987.8-1991.7 毕业于兰州大学力学系力学专业,获得学士;
1991.7-1997.9 工作于陕西飞机制造公司设计所,设计员;
1997.9-2000.3 毕业于福建农林大学机电系,获得硕士位;
2000.3-2003.1 毕业于天津大学力学系一般力学与力学基础,获得博士学位;
2003.3-2005.4 工作于天津大学动力工程博士后流动站;
2005.4-至今 中国民航大学航空工程学院。
(2)国际工程师协会《应用数学》编委(IAENG Journal Applied Mathematics)
1. Guanghui Qing, Tian Jia, Generalized partial-mixed methods based on the modified generalized H-R mixed variational principle, Journal of mechanics of materials and structures, , in press, (SCI: 待查)
2. Guanghui Qing, Tian Jia, Highly accurate symplectic element based on two variational principles). Acta Mechanica Sinica., , in press, 2017 (SCI: 待查)
3. Guanghui Qing, Mao Junhui, Liu Y. H., Generalized mixed finite element method for 3D elasticity problems,Acta Mech. Sin., 2017, ?(?) , (SCI: 待查)
4. Guanghui Qing, Mao Junhui, Liu Y. H., Highly Accurate non-compatible generalized mixed finite mixed finite element method for 3D elasticity problems, Journal of mechanics of materials and structures, 2017, 12(4): 505-517 (SCI: 待查)
5. Guanghui Qing, Fengxiang Wang, Yanhong Liu. State-space approach for energy release rate analysis of delaminated laminates with stiffeners. AIAA Journal, 2011, 49(10): 2123-2129.(SCI: 005, EI: 201** )
6. Li Dinghe, Xu Jianxin, Qing, Guanghui, Sensitivity analysis of composite laminated plates with bonding imperfection in Hamilton system, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2010 , 31 (12) :1549-1560 (SCI: 006, EI: 784)
7. Guanghui Qing, Liu Y. H., Li D. H. A semi-analytical model for the energy release rate analyses of composite laminates with a delamination. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2011, 47(9): 1017-1024 (SCI: 006, EI: 784)
8. Guanghui Qing, Liu Yanhong, Guo Qing, Zhang Dedeng. Dynamic analysis for three-dimensional laminated plates and panels with damping. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2008, 50(1), 83-91. (SCI: 008, EI: 889)
9. Guanghui Qing, Qiu Jia-Jun, Liu Yan-Hong. Hamiltonian parametric element and semi-analytical solution for smart laminated plates. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(1), 51-58. (SCI: 006, EI: 632)
10. Guanghui Qing, Xu Jian-Xin, Qiu Jia-Jun. State-vector equation with damping and vibration analysis of laminates. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007, 28(2), 253-259. (SCI: 014, EI: 685)
11. Guanghui Qing, Xu Jianxin, Qiu Jiajun. A new efficient numerical method and dynamic analysis of composite laminates with piezoelectric layers. Composite Structures, 2007, 78(4), 457-467. (SCI: 001, EI: 730)
12. Guanghui Qing, Jiajun Qiu, Yanhong Liu. A semi-analytical solution for dynamic analysis of plate with piezoelectric patches. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006, 43(6), 1388-1403. (SCI: 003, EI: 14)
13. Guanghui Qing, Liu Yan-Hong, Qiu Jia-Jun and Meng Xian-Ju. A semi-analytical method for the free vibration analysis of thick double-shell systems. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2006, 42(10), 837-845. (SCI: 003, EI: 201)
14. Guanghui Qing, Jiajun Qiu, Yanhong Liu. Free Vibration Analysis of Stiffened Laminated Plates. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2006, 43(6), 1357-1371. (SCI: 001, EI: 12)
15. Guanghui Qing, Feng Zhenyu, Liu Yanhong等.A semianalytical solution for free vibration analysis of stiffened cylindrical shells Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2006,1(1), 129-145.(SCI: 005)
16. Guanghui Qing, Qiu Jia-Jun, Liu Yan-Hong. Modified H-R variational principle for magnetoelectroelastic bodies and state-vector equation. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2005, 26(6), 722-728. (SCI: 006, EI: 62)
17. 卿光辉, 冯振宇, 邱家俊. 考虑阻尼力的H-R变分原理及其应用. 振动工程学报, 2007, 20(1), 29-34. (EI: )
18. 卿光辉, 邱家俊, 刘艳红. 智能板结构振动特性的半解析法. 固体力学学报,2006, 27(1), 23-24.
19. 卿光辉, 王喆, 刘艳红.厚度不连续悬臂梁板的自由振动分析. 复合材料学报, 2006,23(2), 158-162. (EI: )
20. 卿光辉, 邱家俊, 塔 娜. 弹性体的Hamilton正则方程和整体加筋板的固有频率分析. 力学学报,2004, 36(6), 749-756.
本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-05
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