

中国民航大学 免费考研网/2016-02-11




性 别:女

民 族:回

职 称:讲师

学 位:博士


通信地址:天津市 中国民航大学(北院)航空自动化学院


电 话:**(办)

传 真:**



● 2002.9-2006.7: 天津大学 自动化专业 本科

● 2006.9-2010.12: 天津大学 检测技术与自动化装置专业 硕博连读

● 2011.1-至今:中国民航大学航空自动化学院,讲师


● 天津市“131”创新型人才工程第三层次培养对象(2014年)

● 中国民航大学优秀教师(2013年)



● 航空材料无损检测技术

● 飞行器制导控制


科 研:






[1] 范文茹, 王化祥, 郝魁红,马敏. 基于TwIST-TV正则化算法的肺 萎陷电阻抗成像仿真研究. 中国生物医学工程学报, 2013, (1): 1-6

[2] Wenru Fan*. Electrical impedance tomography for human lung reconstruction based on TV regularization algorithm. Third International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, Dalian, 2012 .(EI: **)

[3] Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang. An image reconstruction algorithm based on preconditioned LSQR for 3D EIT. Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Hangzhou, 2011. (EI: **421)

[4] 范文茹*, 王化祥, 郝魁红. 基于两步迭代TV正则化的电阻抗图像重建算法. 仪器仪表学报, 33(3): 17-22, 2011. (EI: **236)

[5] Zhang Cao*, Lijun, Xu, Wenru Fan, and Huaxiang Wang. Electrical capacitance tomography for sensors of square cross sections using Calderon's method. IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement, 60(30): 900-907, 2011. (SCI: 717YP)

[6] Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, Chengyi Yang, Shiwen Ma. Time series of EIT measurements and images during lung ventilation based on principal component analysis. Transactions of Tianjin University, 16(5): 366-372, 2010. (EI: **220)

[7] Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, Maximum entropy regularization method for electrical impedance tomography combined with a normalized sensitivity map. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 21(3): 277-283, 2010. (SCI: 653IQ,EI:**234)

[8] Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, Electrode placement configuration and drive pattern for 3D ERT. 6th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT6), Beijing, 2010.

[9] Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, 3D modelling of the human thorax for ventilation distribution measured through electrical impedance tomography. Measurement Science and Technology, 21(11): 115801, 2010. (SCI: 653WJ)

[10]王化祥, 范文茹*, 胡里. 基于GMRES和Tikhonov正则化的生物电阻抗图像重建算法. 生物医学工程学杂志, 26(4): 701-705, 2009.

[11]范文茹*, 王化祥, 马雪翠. 基于先验信息的肺部电阻抗成像算法. 中国生物医学工程学报, 28(5): 680-683, 2009.

[12]Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, Xiaoyan Chen. Three dimensional EIT models for human lung reconstruction based on Schur CG algorithm. ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering, Tempe, AZ, United States, 2009. (EI: **729)

[13]Zhang Cao*, Lijun, Xu, Wenru Fan, and Huaxiang Wang. Electrical capacitance tomography with a non-circular sensor using the dbar method. Measurement Science and Technology, (1): p. 015502, 2009. (SCI: 530RP)

[14]Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang, A fast three-dimensional image reconstruction method for ERT. IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Shenzhen, China, 2009. (EI: **603)

[15]Wenru Fan*, and Huaxiang Wang. A preconditioned hybrid reconstruction algorithm for electrical impedance tomography. 7th International Symposium on Instrumentation and Control Technology, Beijing, China, 2008. ( EI: **617)

[16]Bailing Tian, Wenru Fan, Qun Zong, Jie Wang, Fang Wang. Adaptive High Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for Hypersonic Vehicle with Flexible Body Dynamics. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2013 (SCI:125AP)

[17]Bailing Tian, Wenru Fan, Qun Zong, Jie Wang, Fang Wang.Nonlinear robust control for reusable launch vehicles in reentry phase based on time-varying high order sliding mode.Journal of the Franklin Institute,380(7):1787-1807, 2013 (SCI:186NS).

[18]Tian Bailing, Fan Wenru, Qun Zong.Real-Time Trajectory and Attitude Coordination Control for Reusable Launch Vehicle in Reentry Phase. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (Accepted).

[19]Tian Bailing, Su Rui, Fan Wenru. Multiple Time Scale Smooth Second Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for Flexible Hypersonic Vehicles.Journal of Aerospace Engineering (Accepted).

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