
西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27

主页 - Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean个人信息

Marie-Jean Thoraval (陶益壮),

电话: +86-,






Splashing of a liquid drop containing one or a few spherical solid particles 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 含有气泡的液滴冲击研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
无 “青年拔尖人才支持计划”国拨科研补助经费 其他 2017-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
无 青年拔尖人才支持计划A类 其他 2016-7~ 负责人 其它
** 复杂流体液滴滴落碰撞问题研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-1~ 负责人 纵向项目


Photron Slow Motion Video Award 最佳科学奖,2018年:Rebound ofa oil-lubricated water drop on a hydrophilic surface (Nathan BLANKEN, Muhammad Saeed SALEEM, Carlo ANTONINI, Marie-Jean THORAVAL)
陕西省2017年优秀外籍教师,2017 年
西安交通大学第三届 “ 十大学术新人”,2017 年

西安交通大学第一届 “ 仲英青年****”,2017年 – 2019年
西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划” A,2016年 – 2021年
西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划” B,2015年 – 2016年
沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学奖学金,2009年 – 2013年
沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学校长奖,2009年 – 2011年
PEGASUS Award,2008年10月

主页 - Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean个人信息

Marie-Jean Thoraval (陶益壮),

电话: +86-,






Splashing of a liquid drop containing one or a few spherical solid particles 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
** 含有气泡的液滴冲击研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
无 “青年拔尖人才支持计划”国拨科研补助经费 其他 2017-1~ 负责人 纵向项目
无 青年拔尖人才支持计划A类 其他 2016-7~ 负责人 其它
** 复杂流体液滴滴落碰撞问题研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-1~ 负责人 纵向项目


Photron Slow Motion Video Award 最佳科学奖,2018年:Rebound ofa oil-lubricated water drop on a hydrophilic surface (Nathan BLANKEN, Muhammad Saeed SALEEM, Carlo ANTONINI, Marie-Jean THORAVAL)
陕西省2017年优秀外籍教师,2017 年
西安交通大学第三届 “ 十大学术新人”,2017 年

西安交通大学第一届 “ 仲英青年****”,2017年 – 2019年
西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划” A,2016年 – 2021年
西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划” B,2015年 – 2016年
沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学奖学金,2009年 – 2013年
沙特阿拉伯阿卜杜拉国王科技大学校长奖,2009年 – 2011年
PEGASUS Award,2008年10月

研究成果 - Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean发表论文

17. Siqi Zhu (朱思琦),Abderrahmane Kherbeche,Yumeng Feng (冯玉萌),Marie-Jean Thoraval (陶益壮).(2020)
Impact of an air-in-liquid compound drop onto a liquid surface
Physics of Fluids, 32 (4), 041705.

16. Zhen Jian, Murad Ali Channa, Abderrahmane Kherbeche, Hossain Chizari, Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen,Marie-Jean Thoraval.(2020)
To Split or Not to Split: Dynamics of an Air Disk Formed under a Drop Impacting on a Pool
Physical Review Letters, 124 (18), 184501.

15. Nathan Blanken, Muhammad Saeed Saleem, Carlo Antonini,Marie-Jean Thoraval.(2020)
Rebound of self-lubricating compound drops
Science Advances, 2020, 6 (11), eaay3499.
14. Weiwei Zhao (赵唯伟), Shiji Lin (林世玑), Longquan Chen (陈龙泉), Er Qiang Li (李二强), Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen,Marie-Jean Thoraval. (2020)
Jetting from an impacting drop containing a particle
Physics of Fluids, 32 (1), 011704.
13. Antonini, Carlo; Wu, Tingting; Zimmermann, Tanja; Kherbeche, Abderrahmane;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Nystr?m, Gustav; Geiger, Thomas. (2019)
Ultra-Porous Nanocellulose Foams: A Facile and Scalable Fabrication Approach
Nanomaterials, 2019, 9 (8), 1142.
12. Yang, Qingzhen; Ji, Yuan; Huang, Guoyou; Shen, Mingguang; Jian, Zhen;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Lian, Qin; Zhang, Xiaohui; Xu, Feng. (2019)
Improved Resolution and Fidelity of Droplet-Based Bioprinting by Upward Ejection
ACS Biomaterials-Science & Engineering, 2019, 5 (8), 4112-4121.
11. Kherbeche, Abderrahmane; Mei, Mei;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Hébrard, Gilles; Dietrich, Nicolas. (2019)
Hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer around a confined sliding bubble
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019.
10.Li, E. Q.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Marston, J. O. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2018)
Early azimuthal instability during drop impact
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,848, 821–835.
9.Thoraval, M.-J.; Li, Y. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2016)
Vortex-ring-induced large bubble entrainment during drop impact
Physical Review E,93(3), 033128,arXiv:1601.01760.
8.Zhang, F. H.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Thoroddsen, S. T. & Taborek, P. (2015)
Partial coalescence from bubbles to drops
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,782, 209–239.
7.Beilharz, D.; Guyon, A.; Li, E. Q.; Thoraval, M.-J. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2015)
Anti-bubbles and fine cylindrical sheets of air
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,779, 87–115.
6.Agbaglah, G.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Thoroddsen, S. T.; Zhang, L. V.; Fezzaa, K. & Deegan, R. D. (2015)
Drop impact into a deep pool: vortex shedding and jet formation
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,764, R1.
5.Thoraval, M.-J. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2013)
Contraction of an air disk caught between two different liquids
Physical Review E,88(6), 061001(R).
4.Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K.; Etoh, T. G. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2013)
Drop impact entrapment of bubble rings
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,724, 234–258,arXiv:1211.3076.
3.Thoroddsen, S. T.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K. & Etoh, T. G. (2012)
Micro-bubble morphologies following drop impacts onto a pool surface
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,708, 469–479.
2.Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K.; Etoh, T. G.; Popinet, S.; Ray, P.; Josserand, C.; Zaleski, S. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2012)
von Kármán vortex street within an impacting drop
Physical Review Letters,108(26), 264506,arXiv:1202.6569.
1.Thoroddsen, S. T.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K. & Etoh, T. G. (2011)
Droplet splashing by a slingshot mechanism
Physical Review Letters,106(3), 034501.

我们的团队 - Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean团队成员
Marie-Jean THORAVAL (陶益壮), 教授
办公电话: +86-29-8266 6239
学校主页: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/mjthoraval
个人主页: http://www.carva.org/marie-jean.thoraval
Yifei HE (何奕霏), 研究助理 heyifei@xjtu.edu.cn

Zhen JIAN (菅振) zhenjian@xjtu.edu.cn
Mostafa Abouelsoud mostafa.soud@xjtu.edu.cn
Wei ZHOU (周薇) feifei10160@xjtu.edu.cn

Yu WEI (魏瑀) weiyu@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Shuja URREHMAN urrehman.shuja@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Vinod Ashok THALE thalevinod@stu.xjtu.edu.cn

Yumeng FENG (冯玉萌) aq**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Lei WANG (王磊) wangleii@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Peng DENG (邓鹏) dengpeng123456@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Siqi ZHU (朱思琦) zhusiqi**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Paras DAUDPOTA parasdp@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Shiping XIANG (向诗评) xiangspreme@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Yangyu DUAN (段阳宇) yangyu_3@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Zeyang MOU (牟泽阳) mouzeyang1108@stu.xjtu.edu.cn

加入我们 - Thoraval Marie-Jean Marie-Jean加入我们


Marie-Jean THORAVAL教授团队目前正在招收2021年流体力学硕士、博士研究生。
? 实验室:高速多相流实验室( High Speed & Multiphase Flow Laboratory),该实验室隶属于机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室
? 工作地址:中国,西安市,西安交通大学
? 单位(affiliation):国际应用力学中心、机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室、航天航空学院、西安交通大学
Marie-Jean THORAVAL: 西安交通大学航天学院流体力学教授,硕士、博士研究生导师。
Marie-Jean THORAVAL教授分别于2007年和2008年在巴黎综合理工大学(法国巴黎)和法国国立高等航天航空学院(法国图卢兹)取得双硕士学位。之后,他在阿卜杜拉国王科技大学的Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen 教授指导下攻读流体力学博士学位并于2013年博士毕业。2013年至2015年,他以博士后的身份加入荷兰屯特大学流体物理学组工作,与Jacco Snoeijer教授、Frits Dijksman教授以及Detlef Lohse教授合作。自2015年起,Marie-Jean THORAVAL教授成为西安交通大学教授,并获得了国家青年特聘专家项目。
他的研究方向为界面流体,包括液滴和气泡,研究方法为结合高速摄影技术与大规模并行数值模拟。他的研究被发表在国际顶尖期刊上,如Physical Review Letters (PRL)、Journal of Fluid Mechanics(JFM)、Physical Review E(PRE)以及Chemical Engineering Journal(CEJ)。他的成果曾三次被选为Journal of Fluid Mechanics期刊封面。最近他获得 2018 Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award奖项。他目前正在承担两项国家自然科学基金项目。
在相关领域如力学、物理学、化学等专业取得学士/硕士学位 。
有意申请的同学请将申请材料发送至mjthoraval@xjtu.edu.cn ,申请材料应包含意向书、简历和其他相关材料,请在邮件中注明本网页链接。

Welcome - Marie-Jean ThoravalPersonal Information

Marie-Jean Thoraval
Professorat Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU),China
International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM)
School of Aerospace Engineering
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures

Office: +86-29-8266 6239
Mobile: +86-137 7207 3859
Address: Office East 213, School of Aerospace Engineering, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Beilin Disctrict, Xi'an City, Shannxi Province, China

Join Us

Master/PhD positions in Fluid Mechanics – Prof. Thoraval, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

The group of Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL is currently accepting applications for Master or PhD student positions starting in September 2021.
Laboratory: High Speed & Multiphase Flow Laboratory
Location: Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi'an, China
Affiliations: International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM), State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
Marie-Jean THORAVAL: Professor of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace of XJTU, MS/PhD supervisor, National Young Talent
Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL obtained his Master degrees from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France) in 2007 and Supaéro (Toulouse, France) in 2008. He then pursued his PhD in Fluid Mechanics with Professor Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), from where he graduated in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Physics of Fluids group in the University of Twente (The Netherlands), with Professor Jacco Snoeijer, Professor Frits Dijksman and Professor Detlef Lohse. Since September 2015, he is Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University where he received a National Young Talent Program.
His research focuses on interfacial flows, including drops and bubbles, combining the fastest high-speed cameras together with large parallel numerical simulations. His research has been published in top journals such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM), Physical Review E (PRE) and Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ). His results have been highlighted in three cover images of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and have recently received the 2018 Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award. He is currently in charge of two research funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) supporting his research.
Requirements: Obtain a degree in a related major, including Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry.
Contact information:
Please send your application to mjthoraval@xjtu.edu.cn explaining your motivation to apply and including your CV and other relevant materials. Also provide the link to this announcement.

Grants funded
NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists 2019 – 2020
Splashing of a liquid drop containing one or a few spherical solid particles ()
Young NSFC Project 2018 – 2020
Impact of a drop containing bubbles – 含有气泡的液滴冲击研究 (**)
260,000 CNY
NSFC Emergency Project 2016
Drop impact of complex fluids – 复杂流体液滴滴落碰撞问题研究 (**)
180,000 CNY
Young Talent Support Plan B of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2015 – 2021
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” B类
1 Million CNY

Highly motivated dynamic researcher with a strong multidisciplinary scientific training– Teamwork and management experience in international environments – Combiningexperimental and numerical approaches to study the fast dynamics of multiphase flows
Expertise: Fluid Mechanics – High-Speed Imaging – Multiphase Flows – Drops –Bubbles – Inkjet Printing – Complex fluids

Professional experience
Professor – 教授 From Jul 2016
XJTU – Xi’an Jiaotong University – 西安交通大学 Xi’an, China
ICAM – International Center for Applied Mechanics – 国际应用力学中心
School of Aerospace Engineering – 航天航空学院
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室
Tenure-track PI – 特聘研究员 Sep 2015– Jun 2016
XJTU – Xi’an Jiaotong University – 西安交通大学 Xi’an, China
ICAM – International Center for Applied Mechanics – 国际应用力学中心
School of Aerospace Engineering – 航天航空学院
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室
Postdoctoral Researcher Sep 2013 – Aug 2015
University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands
With: Profs. J. F. Dijksman, J. H. Snoeijer and D. Lohse Laboratory: Physics of Fluids group
Inkjet printing of suspensions – Drop impact splashing of complex fluids – Rheology of nano-particle dispersions – Surface characterization – Supervision of Ph.D. and Master students
Postdoctoral Researcher May – Aug 2013
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
With: Prof. S. T. Thoroddsen
Laboratory: High-Speed Fluids Imaging Laboratory
High-speed imaging of bubbles and droplets coalescence – Liquid drop impacts with different fluidsin the drop and the pool – Supervision of Master students
Teaching Assistant Sep – Dec 2009
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
Teacher: Prof. S. Chaieb
Class: Thermodynamics for graduate studies in thermal sciences (ME 270)
Aeronautics Analyst Nov 2008 – Mar 2009
French Embassy – Economic Department Beijing, China
Market research on the aeronautics industry in China – Meetings with industrials and officials
Reservoir Research Apr – Aug 2008
TOTAL Geoscience Research Centre Aberdeen, UK
Analysis of a Pore Network Modelling numerical code for water injection into viscous oil
Inkjet Printing Research Apr – Jun 2007
IMRE – Institute of Materials Research and Engineering Singapore
Characterization of the printing accuracy of the Microdrop AutoDrop System
Assistant Section Chief Nov 2004 – May 2005
93 ? Mountain Artillery Regiment of the French Army Varces, France
In charge of 32 personnels for physical and military activities – Special winter
training in the mountain – Patrolling mission at the Charles-de-Gaulle airport for 2 weeks

Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics 2009 – 2013
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
Advisor: Prof. S. T. Thoroddsen
Laboratory: High-Speed Fluids Imaging Laboratory Thesis title: Drop impact splashing and airentrapment Defence date: 17 March 2013
Funding class Ph.D. student in the first Ph.D. graduation of the university – Involved in thelaboratory development – High-speed imaging of drops and bubbles– Supercomputer parallelsimulations of interfacial flows with the Gerris code
Research Master 2007 – 2008
ISAE Supaéro – Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Toulouse, France
Research Master 2 DET – Option Fluid Dynamics Speciality: Fluid Dynamics
Ingénieur Supaéro (Master level) 2007 – 2008
ISAE Supaéro – Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Toulouse, France
Domain: Aeronautical Systems Speciality: Aerodynamics
Aircraft conception and optimisation – Physical modelling of aeronautical phenomena – Flight testsin a TB20 plane – Airfoil study in a wind tunnel
Ingénieur Polytechnicien (Master level) 2004 – 2008
Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France
Two majors in Fluid Dynamics, with experimental and numerical projects:
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) of a plume near an inclined wall – Air jet noise measurements inan anechoic chamber – Collective experimental and numerical study of a flapping wing
Took classes of: Profs. D. Quéré & C. Clanet
Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes écoles 2001 – 2004
Lycée privée Sainte-Geneviève Versailles, France
Intensive scientific preparation to the competitive entrance examination to the Grandes écoles,including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award 2018
Rebound ofa oil-lubricated water drop on a hydrophilic surface
Nathan BLANKEN, Muhammad Saeed SALEEM, Carlo ANTONINI, Marie-Jean THORAVAL
Excellent Foreign Teacher in Shaanxi Province 2017
Top ten new academic staff of XJTU 2017
西安交通大学第三届 “ 十大学术新人”
Tang Scholar program of the Cyrus Tang Foundation 2017 – 2019
西安交通大学第一届 “ 仲英青年****”
Young Talent Support Plan A of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2016 – 2022
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” A类
Young Talent Support Plan B of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2015 – 2021
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” B类
KAUST Fellowship 2009 – 2013
KAUST Provost Award 2009 – 2011
PEGASUS Award Oct 2008
100 young French scientists to visit China 23 – 30 October 2006
Selected as one of the 100 young French scientists to visit China with President Jacques Chirac –Reception with Previous President Hu Jintao – Official visits to universities and companies in Beijing,Wuhan and Shanghai


Welcome - Marie-Jean ThoravalPersonal Information

Marie-Jean Thoraval
Professorat Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU),China
International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM)
School of Aerospace Engineering
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures

Office: +86-29-8266 6239
Mobile: +86-137 7207 3859
Address: Office East 213, School of Aerospace Engineering, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Beilin Disctrict, Xi'an City, Shannxi Province, China

Join Us

Master/PhD positions in Fluid Mechanics – Prof. Thoraval, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

The group of Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL is currently accepting applications for Master or PhD student positions starting in September 2021.
Laboratory: High Speed & Multiphase Flow Laboratory
Location: Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi'an, China
Affiliations: International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM), State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
Marie-Jean THORAVAL: Professor of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace of XJTU, MS/PhD supervisor, National Young Talent
Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL obtained his Master degrees from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France) in 2007 and Supaéro (Toulouse, France) in 2008. He then pursued his PhD in Fluid Mechanics with Professor Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), from where he graduated in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Physics of Fluids group in the University of Twente (The Netherlands), with Professor Jacco Snoeijer, Professor Frits Dijksman and Professor Detlef Lohse. Since September 2015, he is Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University where he received a National Young Talent Program.
His research focuses on interfacial flows, including drops and bubbles, combining the fastest high-speed cameras together with large parallel numerical simulations. His research has been published in top journals such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM), Physical Review E (PRE) and Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ). His results have been highlighted in three cover images of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and have recently received the 2018 Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award. He is currently in charge of two research funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) supporting his research.
Requirements: Obtain a degree in a related major, including Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry.
Contact information:
Please send your application to mjthoraval@xjtu.edu.cn explaining your motivation to apply and including your CV and other relevant materials. Also provide the link to this announcement.

Grants funded
NSFC Research Fund for International Young Scientists 2019 – 2020
Splashing of a liquid drop containing one or a few spherical solid particles ()
Young NSFC Project 2018 – 2020
Impact of a drop containing bubbles – 含有气泡的液滴冲击研究 (**)
260,000 CNY
NSFC Emergency Project 2016
Drop impact of complex fluids – 复杂流体液滴滴落碰撞问题研究 (**)
180,000 CNY
Young Talent Support Plan B of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2015 – 2021
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” B类
1 Million CNY

Highly motivated dynamic researcher with a strong multidisciplinary scientific training– Teamwork and management experience in international environments – Combiningexperimental and numerical approaches to study the fast dynamics of multiphase flows
Expertise: Fluid Mechanics – High-Speed Imaging – Multiphase Flows – Drops –Bubbles – Inkjet Printing – Complex fluids

Professional experience
Professor – 教授 From Jul 2016
XJTU – Xi’an Jiaotong University – 西安交通大学 Xi’an, China
ICAM – International Center for Applied Mechanics – 国际应用力学中心
School of Aerospace Engineering – 航天航空学院
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室
Tenure-track PI – 特聘研究员 Sep 2015– Jun 2016
XJTU – Xi’an Jiaotong University – 西安交通大学 Xi’an, China
ICAM – International Center for Applied Mechanics – 国际应用力学中心
School of Aerospace Engineering – 航天航空学院
State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures – 机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室
Postdoctoral Researcher Sep 2013 – Aug 2015
University of Twente Enschede, The Netherlands
With: Profs. J. F. Dijksman, J. H. Snoeijer and D. Lohse Laboratory: Physics of Fluids group
Inkjet printing of suspensions – Drop impact splashing of complex fluids – Rheology of nano-particle dispersions – Surface characterization – Supervision of Ph.D. and Master students
Postdoctoral Researcher May – Aug 2013
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
With: Prof. S. T. Thoroddsen
Laboratory: High-Speed Fluids Imaging Laboratory
High-speed imaging of bubbles and droplets coalescence – Liquid drop impacts with different fluidsin the drop and the pool – Supervision of Master students
Teaching Assistant Sep – Dec 2009
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
Teacher: Prof. S. Chaieb
Class: Thermodynamics for graduate studies in thermal sciences (ME 270)
Aeronautics Analyst Nov 2008 – Mar 2009
French Embassy – Economic Department Beijing, China
Market research on the aeronautics industry in China – Meetings with industrials and officials
Reservoir Research Apr – Aug 2008
TOTAL Geoscience Research Centre Aberdeen, UK
Analysis of a Pore Network Modelling numerical code for water injection into viscous oil
Inkjet Printing Research Apr – Jun 2007
IMRE – Institute of Materials Research and Engineering Singapore
Characterization of the printing accuracy of the Microdrop AutoDrop System
Assistant Section Chief Nov 2004 – May 2005
93 ? Mountain Artillery Regiment of the French Army Varces, France
In charge of 32 personnels for physical and military activities – Special winter
training in the mountain – Patrolling mission at the Charles-de-Gaulle airport for 2 weeks

Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics 2009 – 2013
KAUST – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Thuwal, SaudiArabia
Advisor: Prof. S. T. Thoroddsen
Laboratory: High-Speed Fluids Imaging Laboratory Thesis title: Drop impact splashing and airentrapment Defence date: 17 March 2013
Funding class Ph.D. student in the first Ph.D. graduation of the university – Involved in thelaboratory development – High-speed imaging of drops and bubbles– Supercomputer parallelsimulations of interfacial flows with the Gerris code
Research Master 2007 – 2008
ISAE Supaéro – Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Toulouse, France
Research Master 2 DET – Option Fluid Dynamics Speciality: Fluid Dynamics
Ingénieur Supaéro (Master level) 2007 – 2008
ISAE Supaéro – Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace Toulouse, France
Domain: Aeronautical Systems Speciality: Aerodynamics
Aircraft conception and optimisation – Physical modelling of aeronautical phenomena – Flight testsin a TB20 plane – Airfoil study in a wind tunnel
Ingénieur Polytechnicien (Master level) 2004 – 2008
Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France
Two majors in Fluid Dynamics, with experimental and numerical projects:
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) of a plume near an inclined wall – Air jet noise measurements inan anechoic chamber – Collective experimental and numerical study of a flapping wing
Took classes of: Profs. D. Quéré & C. Clanet
Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes écoles 2001 – 2004
Lycée privée Sainte-Geneviève Versailles, France
Intensive scientific preparation to the competitive entrance examination to the Grandes écoles,including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award 2018
Rebound ofa oil-lubricated water drop on a hydrophilic surface
Nathan BLANKEN, Muhammad Saeed SALEEM, Carlo ANTONINI, Marie-Jean THORAVAL
Excellent Foreign Teacher in Shaanxi Province 2017
Top ten new academic staff of XJTU 2017
西安交通大学第三届 “ 十大学术新人”
Tang Scholar program of the Cyrus Tang Foundation 2017 – 2019
西安交通大学第一届 “ 仲英青年****”
Young Talent Support Plan A of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2016 – 2022
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” A类
Young Talent Support Plan B of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China 2015 – 2021
西安交通大学 “ 青年拔尖人才支持计划” B类
KAUST Fellowship 2009 – 2013
KAUST Provost Award 2009 – 2011
PEGASUS Award Oct 2008
100 young French scientists to visit China 23 – 30 October 2006
Selected as one of the 100 young French scientists to visit China with President Jacques Chirac –Reception with Previous President Hu Jintao – Official visits to universities and companies in Beijing,Wuhan and Shanghai


Research - Marie-Jean ThoravalPublications

17. Siqi Zhu; Abderrahmane Kherbeche; Yumeng Feng;Marie-Jean Thoraval(2020)
Impact of an air-in-liquid compound drop onto a liquid surface
Physics of Fluids.
16. Zhen Jian; Murad Ali Channa; Abderrahmane Kherbeche; Hossain Chizari; Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen;Marie-Jean Thoraval(2020)
To Split or Not to Split: Dynamics of an Air Disk Formed under a Drop Impacting on a Pool
Physical Review Letters.
15. Nathan Blanken; Muhammad Saeed Saleem; Carlo Antonini;Marie-Jean Thoraval(2020)
Rebound of self-lubricating compound drops
Science Advances, 2020, 6(11): eaay3499.
14. Weiwei Zhao; Shiji Lin; Longquan Chen; Er Qiang Li; Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen;Marie-Jean Thoraval.(2020)
Jetting from an impacting drop containing a particle
Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(1): 011704.
13. Antonini, Carlo; Wu, Tingting; Zimmermann, Tanja; Kherbeche, Abderrahmane;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Nystr?m, Gustav; Geiger, Thomas. (2019)
Ultra-Porous Nanocellulose Foams: A Facile and Scalable Fabrication Approach
Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(8): 1142.
12. Yang, Qingzhen; Ji, Yuan; Huang, Guoyou; Shen, Mingguang; Jian, Zhen;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Lian, Qin; Zhang, Xiaohui; Xu, Feng. (2019)
Improved Resolution and Fidelity of Droplet-Based Bioprinting by Upward Ejection
ACS Biomaterials-Science & Engineering, 2019, 5(8): 4112-4121.
11. Kherbeche, Abderrahmane; Mei, Mei;Thoraval, Marie-Jean; Hébrard, Gilles; Dietrich, Nicolas. (2019)
Hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer around a confined sliding bubble
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019.
10.Li, E. Q.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Marston, J. O. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2018)
Early azimuthal instability during drop impact
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,848: 821–835.
9.Thoraval, M.-J.; Li, Y. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2016)
Vortex-ring-induced large bubble entrainment during drop impact
Physical Review E,93(3): 033128,arXiv:1601.01760.
8.Zhang, F. H.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Thoroddsen, S. T. & Taborek, P. (2015)
Partial coalescence from bubbles to drops
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,782: 209–239.
7.Beilharz, D.; Guyon, A.; Li, E. Q.; Thoraval, M.-J. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2015)
Anti-bubbles and fine cylindrical sheets of air
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,779: 87–115.
6.Agbaglah, G.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Thoroddsen, S. T.; Zhang, L. V.; Fezzaa, K. & Deegan, R. D. (2015)
Drop impact into a deep pool: vortex shedding and jet formation
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,764: R1.
5.Thoraval, M.-J. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2013)
Contraction of an air disk caught between two different liquids
Physical Review E,88(6): 061001(R).
4.Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K.; Etoh, T. G. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2013)
Drop impact entrapment of bubble rings
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,724: 234–258,arXiv:1211.3076.
3.Thoroddsen, S. T.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K. & Etoh, T. G. (2012)
Micro-bubble morphologies following drop impacts onto a pool surface
Journal of Fluid Mechanics,708: 469–479.
2.Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K.; Etoh, T. G.; Popinet, S.; Ray, P.; Josserand, C.; Zaleski, S. & Thoroddsen, S. T. (2012)
von Kármán vortex street within an impacting drop
Physical Review Letters,108(26): 264506,arXiv:1202.6569.
1.Thoroddsen, S. T.; Thoraval, M.-J.; Takehara, K. & Etoh, T. G. (2011)
Droplet splashing by a slingshot mechanism
Physical Review Letters,106(3): 034501.

People - Marie-Jean ThoravalPeople
Marie-Jean THORAVAL (陶益壮), Professor
Office: +86-29-8266 6239
Mobile: +86-137 7207 3859
XJTU webpage: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/mjthoraval
Personal website: http://www.carva.org/marie-jean.thoraval
Yifei HE (何奕霏), Research Assistant heyifeii@xjtu.edu.cn

· Zhen JIAN (菅振) zhenjian@xjtu.edu.cn
· Mostafa Abouelsoud mostafa.soud@xjtu.edu.cn
· Wei ZHOU (周薇) feifei10160@xjtu.edu.cn
PhD students
· Yu WEI (魏瑀) weiyu@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Shuja URREHMAN urrehman.shuja@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Vinod Ashok THALE thalevinod@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Master students
· Yumeng FENG (冯玉萌) aq**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Lei WANG (王磊) wangleii@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Peng DENG (邓鹏) dengpeng123456@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Siqi ZHU (朱思琦) zhusiqi**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Paras DAUDPOTA parasdp@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Shiping XIANG (向诗评) xiangspreme@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Yangyu DUAN (段阳宇) yangyu_3@stu.xjtu.edu.cn
· Zeyang MOU (牟泽阳) mouzeyang1108@stu.xjtu.edu.cn

Join Us - Marie-Jean ThoravalJoin Us

Master/PhD positions in Fluid Mechanics – Prof. Thoraval, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China

The group of Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL is currently accepting applications for Master or PhD student positions starting in September 2021.
Laboratory: High Speed & Multiphase Flow Laboratory
Location: Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi'an, China
Affiliations: International Center for Applied Mechanics (ICAM), State Key Laboratory for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures, School of Aerospace Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU)
Marie-Jean THORAVAL: Professor of Fluid Mechanics, School of Aerospace of XJTU, MS/PhD supervisor, National Young Talent
Professor Marie-Jean THORAVAL obtained his Master degrees from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris, France) in 2007 and Supaéro (Toulouse, France) in 2008. He then pursued his PhD in Fluid Mechanics with Professor Sigurdur T. Thoroddsen in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia), from where he graduated in 2013. From 2013 to 2015, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Physics of Fluids group in the University of Twente (The Netherlands), with Professor Jacco Snoeijer, Professor Frits Dijksman and Professor Detlef Lohse. Since September 2015, he is Professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University where he received a National Young Talent Program.
His research focuses on interfacial flows, including drops and bubbles, combining the fastest high-speed cameras together with large parallel numerical simulations. His research has been published in top journals such as Physical Review Letters (PRL), Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM), Physical Review E (PRE) and Chemical Engineering Journal (CEJ). His results have been highlighted in three cover images of Journal of Fluid Mechanics and have recently received the 2018 Best Scientific Award of the Photron Slow Motion Video Award. He is currently in charge of two research funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) supporting his research.
Requirements: Obtain a degree in a related major, including Mechanics, Physics and Chemistry.
Contact information:
Please send your application to mjthoraval@xjtu.edu.cn explaining your motivation to apply and including your CV and other relevant materials. Also provide the link to this announcement.

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