梁旭个人主页 - 梁 旭基本信息
梁旭 副教授 硕导
航天航空学院 空天工程系
2005.06——2009.07 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 学士
2009.09——2014.12 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 博士(硕博连读)
2015.04——2018.04 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 讲师
2016.11——2017.11 美国西北大学 工程与应用科学学院 高级访问****
2018.04——至今, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 副教授
梁旭个人主页 - 梁 旭基本信息
梁旭 副教授 硕导
航天航空学院 空天工程系
2005.06——2009.07 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 学士
2009.09——2014.12 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 博士(硕博连读)
2015.04——2018.04 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 讲师
2016.11——2017.11 美国西北大学 工程与应用科学学院 高级访问****
2018.04——至今, 西安交通大学 航天航空学院 副教授
科研教学 - 梁 旭i-MECH
期刊论文:在Smart Materials and Structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters, Science China Mechanics, Phyisics and Astronomy等国内外学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。
Chen W H., Liang X(*)., Shen S P.,2021. Forced vibration of piezoelectric and flexoelectric Euler-Bernoulli beams by dynamic Green functions. Acta Mechnica, 232:449-460.
Deng Q., Lv S H., Li Z Q., Tan K., Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2020. The impact of flexoelectricity on materials, devices, and physics. Journal of Applied Physics, 128: 080902(Online).
陈春林,梁旭(*),胡淑玲,申胜平,2019,聚偏氟乙烯薄膜挠曲电效应的实验研究。实验力学,35(5): 738-746。
Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Deng Q., Shen S P(*)2020. Rayleigh waves in centrosymmetric flexoelectric materials. Ultrasonics (In Press)
Chen Min et al.,...Liang X.,...Xia W J(*)., Wang X F(*).,2019. Superhydrophobic Surface with Controllable Adhesion for Anti-Roof-Collapse Application in Flexible Microfluidics. Advanced Materials Interfaces **.(online)
Guo Q L., Koo J., Xie Z Q.,...Liang X.,...Huang Y G., Rogers J(*).,2019. A Bioresorbable Magnetically Coupled System for Low-Frequency Wireless Power Transfer. Advanced Functional Materials, **.(online)
Lu J F.,Liang X(*)., Yu W S., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2019. Temperature dependence of flexoelectric coefficient for bulk polymer polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 52: 075302.
Yang W J., Deng Q.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. Lamb wave propagation with flexoelectricity and strain gradient elasticity considered. Smart Materials and Structures, 27: 085003.
Yang W J., Hu T T.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. On band structures of layered phononic crystals with flexoelectricity. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88: 629-644.
Yu P F., Chen J Y., Wang H L.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. Path-independent integrals in electromechanical systems with flexoelectricity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 147: 20-28.
Hu T T., Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Wave propagation in Flexoelectric Microstructure Solids. Journal of Elasticity, 130: 197-210.
Liang X., Zhang R Z., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Flexoelectric energy harvesters based on Timoshenko laminated beam theory. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28: 2064-2073.
Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Love waves in layered flexoelectric structures. Philosophical Magazine, 97: 3186-3209.
Hu T T., Deng Q.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Measuring the flexoelectric coefficient of bulk barium titanate from a shock wave experiment. Journal of Applied Physics, 122: 055106.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Nanoscale mechanical energy harvesting using piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. Smart Materials and Structures, 26: 035020. (China Top Cited Author Award)
Zhang R Z.,Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2016. A Timoshenko dielectric beam model with flexoelectric effect. Meccanica, 51: 1181-1188.
Liang X., Yang W J., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2016. Buckling and vibration of flexoelectric nanofilms subjected to mechanical loads. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 49: 115307. (China Top Cited Author Award)
Zhang S W., Xu M L(*).,Ma G L.,Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2016. Experimental method research on transverse flexoelectric response of poly(vinylidene fluoride). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55: 071601.
Lu J F., Lv J Y.,Liang X(*)., Xu M L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Improved approach to measure the direct flexoelectric coefficient of bulk polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Applied Physics, 119: 094104.
Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Electromechanical response of piezoelectric nanoplates with flexoelectricity. Acta Mechanica, 226: 3097-3110.
Lu J F.,Liang X(*)., Hu S L(*)., 2015. Flexoelectricity in Solid Dielectrics: From Theory to Applications. CMC-Computer, Mechanics and Continua, 45(3): 145-162.
Zhang S W.,Xu M L(*).,Liang X., Shen S P., 2015. Shear flexoelectric response mu(1211) in polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Applied Physics, 117: 204102.
Zhang S W.,Liang X., Xu M L(*)., Feng B., Shen S P., 2015. Shear flexoelectric response along 3121 direction in polyvinylidene fluoride. Applied Physics Letters, 107: 142902.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Size-dependent buckling and vibration of piezoelectric nanostructures due to flexoelectricity. Smart Materials and Structures, 24: 105012.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Surface effects on the post-buckling of piezoelectric nanowires. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 69: 61-64.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2014. Effects of surface and flexoelectricity on a piezoelectric nanobeam. Smart Materials and Structures, 23: 035020.
Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2013. Size-dependent piezoelectricity and elasticity due to the electric field-strain gradient coupling and strain gradient elasticity. International Journalof Applied Mechanics, 5(2): **.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2013. A new Bernoulli-Euler beam model based on a simplified strain gradient elasticity theory and its applications. Composite Structures, 111: 317-323.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2013. Bernoulli-Euler Dielectric Beam Model Based on Strain-Gradient Effect. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 80(4): 044502.
Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2013. Dynamic analysis of Bernoulli-Euler piezoelectric nanobeam with electrostatic force. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(10): 1930-1937.
Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2012. Effect of electrostatic force on a piezoelectric nanobeam. Smart Materials and Structures, 21: 015001.
李斯,梁旭,申胜平,徐明龙,一种高精度基于金属弹性元件的挠曲电式压力传感器,专利号:ZL 6.8, 2015年8月26日
李斯,梁旭,张舒文,申胜平,徐明龙,一种基于测量电荷的挠曲电系数直接测量装置及方法,专利号:ZL 2014 1 **.9, 2015年4月15日
李斯,梁旭,申胜平,徐明龙,一种基于微机电系统的挠曲电式微压力传感器,专利号:ZL 8.X, 2015年8月26日
卢建锋,梁旭,胡淑玲,申胜平,徐明龙,一种高灵敏度叠层式挠曲电压力传感器,专利号:ZL 8.1, 2015年8月5日
学术活动 - 梁 旭学术交流
日常生活 - 梁 旭
English Version - 梁 旭(1.)Basic Information
Associate Professor. Liang Xu
School of Aerospace Engineering
1State Key Lab for Strength and Vibration of Mechanical Structures
2Shaanxi Engineering Laboratory for Vibration Control of Aerospace Structures
Xi'an Jiaotong University
No. 28 Xianning West Road, Xi'an 710049, Shaanxi, P.R. China
2009, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Aerocraft Design and Engineering, B.S.;
2014, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Solid Mechanics, Ph. D.
School of Aerospace Engineering
Deparment of Aeronautics
Room East 415
Email: xliang226@xjtu.edu.cn
(4.)Research and Publications
Flexo-electronics and devices;
Smart Materials and Structures;
Surface and Flexoelectricity;
Energy Harvesting;
Composite Materials and Structures;
Chen Min et al.,...Liang X.,...Xia W J(*)., Wang X F(*).,2019. Superhydrophobic Surface with Controllable Adhesion for Anti-Roof-Collapse Application in Flexible Microfluidics. Advanced Materials Interfaces **.(online)
Guo Q L., Koo J., Xie Z Q.,...Liang X.,...Huang Y G., Rogers J.,2019. A Bioresorbable Magnetically Coupled System for Low-Frequency Wireless Power Transfer. Advanced Functional Materials, **.(online)
Lu J F.,Liang X(*)., Yu W S., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2019. Temperature dependence of flexoelectric coefficient for bulk polymer polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 52: 075302.
Yang W J., Deng Q.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. Lamb wave propagation with flexoelectricity and strain gradient elasticity considered. Smart Materials and Structures, 27: 085003.
Yang W J., Hu T T.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. On band structures of layered phononic crystals with flexoelectricity. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88: 629-644.
Yu P F., Chen J Y., Wang H L.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2018. Path-independent integrals in electromechanical systems with flexoelectricity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 147: 20-28.
Hu T T., Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Wave propagation in Flexoelectric Microstructure Solids. Journal of Elasticity, 130: 197-210.
Liang X., Zhang R Z., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Flexoelectric energy harvesters based on Timoshenko laminated beam theory. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 28: 2064-2073.
Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Love waves in layered flexoelectric structures. Philosophical Magazine, 97: 3186-3209.
Hu T T., Deng Q.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Measuring the flexoelectric coefficient of bulk barium titanate from a shock wave experiment. Journal of Applied Physics, 122: 055106.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2017. Nanoscale mechanical energy harvesting using piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity. Smart Materials and Structures, 26: 035020.
Zhang R Z.,Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2016. A Timoshenko dielectric beam model with flexoelectric effect. Meccanica, 51: 1181-1188.
Liang X., Yang W J., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2016. Buckling and vibration of flexoelectric nanofilms subjected to mechanical loads. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 49: 115307. (China Top Cited Author Award)
Zhang S W., Xu M L(*).,Ma G L.,Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2016. Experimental method research on transverse flexoelectric response of poly(vinylidene fluoride). Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55: 071601.
Lu J F., Lv J Y.,Liang X(*)., Xu M L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Improved approach to measure the direct flexoelectric coefficient of bulk polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Applied Physics, 119: 094104.
Yang W J.,Liang X(*)., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Electromechanical response of piezoelectric nanoplates with flexoelectricity. Acta Mechanica, 226: 3097-3110.
Lu J F.,Liang X(*)., Hu S L(*)., 2015. Flexoelectricity in Solid Dielectrics: From Theory to Applications. CMC-Computer, Mechanics and Continua, 45(3): 145-162.
Zhang S W.,Xu M L(*).,Liang X., Shen S P., 2015. Shear flexoelectric response mu(1211) in polyvinylidene fluoride. Journal of Applied Physics, 117: 204102.
Zhang S W.,Liang X., Xu M L(*)., Feng B., Shen S P., 2015. Shear flexoelectric response along 3121 direction in polyvinylidene fluoride. Applied Physics Letters, 107: 142902.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Size-dependent buckling and vibration of piezoelectric nanostructures due to flexoelectricity. Smart Materials and Structures, 24: 105012.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2015. Surface effects on the post-buckling of piezoelectric nanowires. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures, 69: 61-64.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2014. Effects of surface and flexoelectricity on a piezoelectric nanobeam. Smart Materials and Structures, 23: 035020.
Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2013. Size-dependent piezoelectricity and elasticity due to the electric field-strain gradient coupling and strain gradient elasticity. International Journalof Applied Mechanics, 5(2): **.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2013. A new Bernoulli-Euler beam model based on a simplified strain gradient elasticity theory and its applications. Composite Structures, 111: 317-323.
Liang X., Hu S L., Shen S P(*)., 2013. Bernoulli-Euler Dielectric Beam Model Based on Strain-Gradient Effect. Journal of Applied Mechanics-Transactions of the ASME, 80(4): 044502.
Liang X., Shen S P(*)., 2012. Effect of electrostatic force on a piezoelectric nanobeam. Smart Materials and Structures, 21: 015001.
西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁 旭
本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-27
相关话题/西安交通大学 师资
西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 启达
刘启达的个人主页空间-刘启达基本信息姓名:刘启达职称:副教授,博士工作单位:航天航空学院,机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室,力学实验教学国家示范中心。联系方式西安交通大学航天航空学院邮政编码:710049电话:**电子邮件:qdliu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn站点计数器教育经历2003年-2 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-梁 勇奇
梁勇奇个人主页-梁勇奇基本信息梁勇奇博士、副教授中国数学学会均匀设计分会常务理事陕西省自动化协会青年委员会委员中国数学学会会员IEEEMember联系方式机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室电子邮箱:yqliang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn欢迎有志于从事无人智能系统设计、反导拦截、飞行器对抗研究 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 振
刘振的个人主页-刘振基本信息刘振飞行器设计专业博士流体动力学博士西安交通大学航天学院副教授高超地面模拟科学与技术中心负责人招生信息如果你致力于航天航空事业,并喜欢智能飞行器设计、综合力学环境,请同我联系。我们欢迎多学科人才加入我们的团队。依托多学科的研究团队、航空航天单位的合作研究、广泛的国际合作、 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-刘 咏泉
基本信息-刘咏泉基本信息刘咏泉(YongquanLiu)副教授/特聘研究员博导西安交通大学青年拔尖人才YongquanLiuAssociateProfessorDepartmentofEngineeringMechanicsSchoolofAerospaceXi'anJiaotongUniversi ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孟 雪广
Welcome-孟雪广基本信息孟雪广,男,1985年生,博士,航天学院,副教授联系方式办公室:西安交通大学航天学院教一北414邮箱:mengxg@xjtu.edu.cn地址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号站点计数器研究领域非定常空气动力学;仿生流体力学(仿生微型飞行器在军事及民用领域拥有广阔的应用 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-罗 亚军
个人信息-罗亚军基本信息罗亚军博士、副教授、博士生导师s航天航空学院工程力学系机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室陕西省航天结构振动控制工程实验室(副主任)西安交通大学闹钟站点计数器搜索研究领域简介:主要从事结构的动力学建模与特性分析、结构振动主被动控制、压电与电磁智能结构设计、星载柔性空间结构振动抑制 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-荣 海军
个人信息-荣海军基本信息荣海军,女,博士,副教授。主要研究方向为飞行器动力学与控制、模糊系统、神经网络、图像处理和无人机控制。2008年底进入航天航空学院工作,已发表论文40多篇,申请国家发明专利6项,授权4项,应邀撰写英文学术专著2章。先后主持西安交通大学基金项目3项、国家自然科学基金青年科学基金 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-裴 翠祥
个人简介-裴翠祥基本信息裴翠祥,副教授,博导航天航空学院,工程力学系出生于四川省达州渠县,西安交通大学工学学士、硕士,日本东京大学工学博士联系方式办公室:教一楼南414邮箱:pei.cx@xjtu.edu.cn通信地址:西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号,西安交通大学航天学院,710049站点计数器我的新闻 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-唐 敬达
个人主页-唐敬达基本信息唐敬达副教授硕导第二届博新计划入选者联系方式西安交通大学航天学院教一楼南406电话:邮箱:tangjd@xjtu.edu.cn站点计数器教育背景与工作经历2020.4-至今西安交通大学航天航空学院工程力学系副教授2017.3-2020.3西安交通大学航天航空学院工程力学系讲师 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27西安交通大学航天航空学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孙 剑
Welcome-孙剑基本信息孙剑:博士,副教授,博士生导师联系方式机械结构强度与振动国家重点实验室陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号qq:**Email:sunjian10@xjtu.edu.cn办公地点:教一楼北406站点计数器研究领域实验室拟招聘科研助理2名:硬件工程师1名,有过2年以上硬件电路的设计制 ...西安交通大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-06-27