
西安交通大学机械工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-蒋 维涛

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

基本信息 - 蒋 维涛蒋维涛

蒋维涛 教授 博士生导师
? 入选国家青年人才计划,获得2019年陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人)
? 第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文23篇,申请国家发明专利14项。
办公地址:西安交通大学曲江校区西五楼 A301
所在单位:机械工程学院先进制造技术研究所 机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室

?西安市机械工程学会微纳分会 秘书长
?陕西省石墨烯联合实验室 常务理事
?中国机械工程学会 3D打印分会 常务理事
SCI期刊审稿人 (2021)
?Advanced Materials(IF: 27.39)
?Advanced Functional Materials(IF: 16.83)
?Advanced Materials Technologies (IF:5.96)
?ACS Applied Materials and Interface (IF: 8.75)
?Journal of Power Sources(IF: 8.24)
?Langmuir(IF: 3.55)
?Applied Surface Science(IF: 6.18)
?Thin Solid Films(IF: 2.03)
?Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering(IF: 1.73)


My Research
1. 微纳制造工艺
2. 智能材料与智能结构制造
3. 精密测量

?2020– 至今 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 教授
?2014–2020 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 副教授
?2012–2014 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 讲师
?2012–2014 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 博士后
?2009 - 2011 剑桥大学,材料学,联合培养博士生
?2006 - 2012 西安交通大学,机械工程学院,博士
?2004 - 2006 西安交通大学, 机械工程学院,硕士

2020年 陕西省科技进步一等奖(第8完成人)
2019年 国家青年人才计划
2019年 陕西高等学校科学技术奖 一等奖 (第1完成人)
2016年 西安交通大学十大学术新人
2015年 山东省技术发明奖二等奖(第3完成人)
2014年 陕西省优秀博士论文
2014年 教育部科技成果鉴定1项
2012年 西安交通大学优秀博士论文
2009年 入选西安交通大学第一届优秀博士生培养计划

基本信息 - 蒋 维涛蒋维涛

蒋维涛 教授 博士生导师
? 入选国家青年人才计划,获得2019年陕西省高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人)
? 第一作者和通讯作者发表SCI论文23篇,申请国家发明专利14项。
办公地址:西安交通大学曲江校区西五楼 A301
所在单位:机械工程学院先进制造技术研究所 机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室

?西安市机械工程学会微纳分会 秘书长
?陕西省石墨烯联合实验室 常务理事
?中国机械工程学会 3D打印分会 常务理事
SCI期刊审稿人 (2021)
?Advanced Materials(IF: 27.39)
?Advanced Functional Materials(IF: 16.83)
?Advanced Materials Technologies (IF:5.96)
?ACS Applied Materials and Interface (IF: 8.75)
?Journal of Power Sources(IF: 8.24)
?Langmuir(IF: 3.55)
?Applied Surface Science(IF: 6.18)
?Thin Solid Films(IF: 2.03)
?Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering(IF: 1.73)


My Research
1. 微纳制造工艺
2. 智能材料与智能结构制造
3. 精密测量

?2020– 至今 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 教授
?2014–2020 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 副教授
?2012–2014 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 讲师
?2012–2014 西安交通大学,机械工程学院 博士后
?2009 - 2011 剑桥大学,材料学,联合培养博士生
?2006 - 2012 西安交通大学,机械工程学院,博士
?2004 - 2006 西安交通大学, 机械工程学院,硕士

2020年 陕西省科技进步一等奖(第8完成人)
2019年 国家青年人才计划
2019年 陕西高等学校科学技术奖 一等奖 (第1完成人)
2016年 西安交通大学十大学术新人
2015年 山东省技术发明奖二等奖(第3完成人)
2014年 陕西省优秀博士论文
2014年 教育部科技成果鉴定1项
2012年 西安交通大学优秀博士论文
2009年 入选西安交通大学第一届优秀博士生培养计划

科研项目与奖励 - 蒋 维涛科研项目
国家自然科学基金面上基金,**,空间探测中用于太赫兹波调制的柔性可重构超材料制造与主动操控,2017.01-2020.12, 63万,结题,主持
国家自然科学基金青年基金, **,主动式分子级靶标捕获的"纳米感知触角"定向/定域制造及位姿操控, 2014.01-2016.12, 25万,结题,主持
军委科技委前沿科技创新项目,结构XXXX热操控, 2019.07-2020.7, 50万,结题,主持;
军委科技委前沿科技创新项目,柔性xxxxxx制造及其操控, 2017.07-2019.7, 100万,结题,主持;
装备预研教育部联合基金,智能连续曲面变形镜制造及其型面操控, 2016.10-2018.10,80万,结题,主持
国家自然科学基金委重点基金,大量程纳米时栅传感测量原理及器件基础研究(**), ,2015.01-2019.12, 74万,结题,子任务负责人;
教育部博士后特别资助, 2014T70912,柔性纳米感知触角制造及位姿操控, 2014.10-2015.10, 15万,结题,主持;
教育部博后基金一等资助, 2012M520081,纳米级定向/定域“感知触角”制造, 2012.11-2014.11, 8万,结题,主持;
教育部博士点基金,20**6,高密度实时/域调焦液体微镜阵列预应力释放压印成型,2014.01-2016.12, 4万,结题,主持;
陕西省自然科学基金,2013JQ7021,直立柔性纳米结构定域化制造及其主动操控, 2013.01-2014.12, 5万,结题,主持
国家重大科研仪器研制项目, **,光学构件空间位姿监测用双频复合二维光栅多自由度纳米测量系统研究2015.01-2019.12, 860万,在研,参与;
国家自然科学基金委集成项目,,功能化大面积纳米结构的模板调制成形基础研究,2014.01-2017.12, 1400万,结题,参与;
973课题,2009CB724202,纳米结构的外场诱导流变成形规律与控制,2009.01-2013.12, 360万,结题,参与;
国家科技重大专项,2011ZX04014-071,高档数控机床用长光栅制造及读数方法研究,2011.01-2013.12, 920万,结题,参与;

论文与专利 - 蒋 维涛期刊论文

Weitao Jiang, Dong Niu, Hongzhong Liu, Chaohui Wang, Tingting Zhao, Lei Yin, Yongsheng Shi, Bangdao Chen, Yucheng Ding, Bingheng Lu. Photoresponsive Soft-Robotic Platform: Biomimetic Fabrication and Remote Actuation. Advanced Functional Materials. 2014,24(48),7598-7604. 封面文章
J. Han, W. Jiang*, D. Niu et al. Untethered Soft Actuators by Liquid–Vapor Phase Transition: Remote and Programmable Actuation. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 2019, 12, **. (封面文章
Weitao Jiang, Biao Lei, Hongzhong Liu, Fabrication of directional nanopillars with high-aspect-ratio using a stretching imprint process with a microcavity mold, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 2172–2177. , 封面文章
Hongzhong Liu, Tingting Zhao, Weitao Jiang*, Rui Jia, Dong Niu, Guanglin Qiu, Lin Fan, Xin Li, Weihua Liu, Lei Yin, Yongsheng Shi, Bangdao Chen, Bingheng Lu. Flexible battery-less bioelectronic implants: wireless powering and manipulation by near infrared light. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25(45), 7071–7079.
Tingting Zhao, Weitao Jiang*, Bin Liu, et al. Flexible multichannel stimulator for motor neuroprosthesis in vivo by remotely driven in vitro. Nano Energy, 2016, 30, 146-154.
Weitao Jiang, Dong Niu, Hongzhong Liu. Controllable actuation of photomechanical bilayer nanocomposites for in vitro cell manipulation, Carbon, 2018, 139, 1048-1056.
Lanlan Wang, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*, Rui Li, Fang Li, Zhongbo Yang, Lei Yin, Yongsheng Shi, Bangdao Chen. Capillary number encouraged the construction of smart biomimetic eyes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2015, 3, 5896-5902. 封面文章
Tingting Zhao, Weitao Jiang*, Dong Niu, Flexible pyroelectric device for scavenging thermal energy from chemical process and as self-powered temperature monitor , APPLIED ENERGY, 2017.6.1, 195: 754~760.
Tingting Zhao, Weitao Jiang*, Hongzhong Liu. Infrared-driven Flexible Pyroelectric Generator for Non-contact Energy Harvester. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 8111-8117. (IF: 7.2)
Dong Niu, Weitao Jiang*, Hongzhong Liu, Reversible Bending Behaviors of Photomechanical Soft Actuators Based on Graphene Nanocomposites. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6, 27366.
Lanlan Wang, Fang Li, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*, Dong Niu. Graphene-based bio-inspired compound eyes for programmable focusing and remote actuation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2015, 7 (38), 21416–21422.
Weitao Jiang, Najeeb Ullah., Giorgio Divitini et al. Vertically oriented TiOxNy nano-pillar arrays with embedded Ag nanoparticles for visible-light photocatalysis[J]. Langmuir, 2012, 28, 5427?5431.
Weitao Jiang, lanlan wang, Hongzhong Liu . Biomimetic magnetic-responsive cilia-like soft device: surface energy control and external field actuation. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2019, 1-6
Weitao Jiang, lanlan wang, Hongzhong Liu, Haoyun Ma, Hongmiao Tian, Bangdao Chen, Yongsheng Shi, Lei6 Yin, Yucheng Ding, Bio-inspired directional high-aspect-ratio nanopillars: fabrication and actuation. RSC Advances, 2014. 4 (79), 42002-42008.
Hongzhong Liu, Biao Lei, Weitao Jiang*. Ultrasound-assisted recovery of free-standing high-aspect-ratio micropillars. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 16640-16644. (SCI: , IF=3.2)
Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Lanlan Wang, Shuya Zhu et al. An effective route for transparent and superhydrophobic coating with high mechanical stability. Thin Solid Films. 2014, 562, 383–388.
Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng Ding. Selective-Filling Mold for Residual-Layer-Free Patterning of 3D Microstructures. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2013, 28, 101-105.
Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng, Ding, Yiping Tang, et al. Investigation of ink transfer in a roller-reversal imprint process. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2009, 19(1), 015033.
Dong Niu, Weitao Jiang*, Hongzhong Liu. Graphene-elastomer nanocomposites based flexible piezoresistive sensors for strain and pressure detection. Materials Research Bulletin, 2018.2.20, 102(6): 92~99.
Weitao Jiang*, Tingting Zhao, Hongzhong Liu. Laminated pyroelectric generator with spin coated transparent poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) electrodes for flexible self-powered stimulator, RSC Advances, 2018, 8, 15134-15140
Biao Lei, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*. Transparent film with inverted conical microholes array for reflection enhancement. Applied Surface Science. 2016, 369, 143-150. (IF=4.4)
Rui Li, Lanlan Wang, Hongzhong Liu , Weitao Jiang*. Tunable mirolens array with a large fill-factor: self-assembly fabrication and electrodrodynamic actuation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2016, 240, 85-91.
Hongzhong Liu, Dong Niu, Weitao Jiang*. Illumination-oriented and thickness-dependent photomechanical bilayer actuators realized by graphene-nanoplatelets. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2016, 239, 45-53.
Hongzhong Liu, Shuya Zhu, Weitao Jiang*. Rapid flame synthesis of multilayer graphene on SiO2/Si substrate. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS. 2015
Lanlan Wang, Weitao Jiang*, Hongzhong Liu, Zhongbo Yang, Yongsheng Shi, Lei Yin, et al. Adjusting light distribution for generating microlens arrays with controllable profile and fill factor. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2014, 24(12), 125012.
Lanlan Wang, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*, Wei Gao, Bangdao Chen, Xin Li, Yucheng Ding, Ningli An. Freestanding membrane composed of micro-ring array with ultrahigh sidewall aspect ratio for application in lightweight cathode arrays. Applied Surface Science. 2014, 332, 28-34.
Dong Niu, Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu.Photothermally triggered soft robot with adaptive local deformations and versatile bending modes. Smart Materials and Structures. 2018, Accept.
Guoyong Ye, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*. Design and development of an optical encoder with sub-micron accuracy using a multiple-tracks analyser grating. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2017, 88, 015003.
Fan Fan, Lanlan Wang, Weitao Jiang*, Bangdao Chen and Hongzhong Liu. A novel polyethylene microfiltration membrane with highly permeable ordered 'wine bottle' shaped through-pore structure fabricated via imprint and thermal field induction. Journal of Physics. D: Applied. Physics. 2016, 49, 125501
Hongzhong Liu, Lanlan Wang, Weitao Jiang*. Bio-inspired Eyes with Eyeball-shaped Lenses Actuated by Electro-Hydrodynamic Forces. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 23653-23657.
Hongzhong Liu, Haoyu Yu , Weitao Jiang*, An Accelerometer with Integrative Intensity-modulated Optical Encoder and Patterned Leaf Spring for Low-Frequency Vibration Monitoring. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2016, 251, 251, 75-83.
Shanjin Fan, Weitao Jiang*, Xuan Li, Haoyu Yu, Biao Lei, Yongsheng Shi, Lei Yin, Bangdao Chen and Hongzhong Liu. Fabrication of high-resolution reflective scale grating for an optical encoder using a patterned self-assembly process. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 2016, 26 075015. (IF=1.9)
Wei Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Lei Yin, Weitao Jiang, Yucheng Ding. Fabrication of Enhanced Electron Transport Layer by Laser Scanning Technology for Dye-sensitized Solar Cells. Electrochimica Acta, 2015,176,1036–1043
Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng Ding. Inherent constraint for three-dimensional patterning by microtransfer molding. Materials and Manufacturing Processes. 2014, 29, 59-63.
Shuya Zhu, Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, et al. Bioinspired uniform illumination by vibrated sessile droplet pinned by a hydrophilic/superhydrophobic heterogeneous surface. Optics Letters, 2013, 38(15), 3720-3722.
Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*, Yucheng Ding, Yongsheng Shi, et al. Roller-reversal imprint process for preparation of large-area microstructures[J]. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. 2010, 28(1), 104-109.
Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng Ding, Yongsheng Shi, et al. Investigation of pattern coating on mould roller in roller-reversal imprint process. Microelectronic Engineering, 2009, 86(12), 2412-2416.
Weitao Jiang, Yucheng Ding, Hongzhong Liu, Bingheng Lu, et al. Two-step curing method for demoulding in UV nanoimprint lithography. Microelectronic Engineering. 2008, 85(2), 458-464
Haoyu Yu, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang, Guoyong Ye, Transverse sensitivity suppression using multi-axis surface encoder with parasitic error compensation. Applied Physics Letters. 2017, 111, 113507.
Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*, Yucheng, Ding, Yiping Tang, et al. A novel loading and demoulding process control in UV nanoimprint lithography[J]. Microelectronic Engineering. 2009, 86(1), 4-9.
Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng Ding, Weitao Jiang*, Qin Lian et al. Novel imprint lithography process used in fabrication of micro/nanostructures in organic photovoltaic devices[J]. Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 2009, 8(2), 021170.
Weitao Jiang, Kartik Senapati, Lara San-Emeterio-Alvarez, Nadia A. Stelmashenko, et al. Nanoporous metallic templates for embedded magnetic nanostructured films. Thin Solid Films, 2011, 520(1), 533-536.
Haoyu Yu, Hongzhong Liu, Xuan Li, Guoyong Ye, Yongsheng Shi, Lei Yin, Weitao Jiang*. Calibration of non-contact incremental linear encoders using a macro–micro dual-drive high-precision comparator. Measurement Science and Technology. 2015, 26(9), 095103
Guoyong Ye, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang*; Lei Yin, Design and development of an optical encoder with sub-micron accuracy using a multiple-tracks analyser grating, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, 2017. 88(1), 124-127.
Lanlan Wang, Xuan Li,; Zhang, Jian ; Weitao Jiang*, ; Zhao, Hong, One-pot synthesis of holey MoS2nanostructures as efficient electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution , Applied Surface Science, 2017, 396: 1719~1725.
Xin Ren, Kartik Senapati, Weitao Jiang, Chuanhai Jiang. Formation of ordered TiO2 nanostructural arrays with tunable shapes by magnetron sputtering method. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2011, 126, 1-5.
Tongkai Gu, Lanlan Wang, Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Liquid microsphere arrays for imaging magnification. Optics Communications, 2018, 428, 89-94.
M.G. Tanner, L. San-Emeterio-Alvarez, W. Jiang, R.J. Warburton, Z.H. Barber and R.H. Hadfield. A superconducting nanowire single photon detector on lithium niobate. Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, 505201.
Yongsheng Shi, Yucheng Ding, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang, and Bingheng Lu. Growth of patterned and aligned carbon nanotube bundles on micro-structured substrate[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255(17), 7713-7718.
Jinyou Shao, Yucheng Ding, Hongzhong Liu, Weitao Jiang, Lei Yin.. Strategy for a loading force induced overlay position shift in step imprint lithography. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B, 2009; 223(1):009-017
Hongzhong Liu, Wei Jiang, Weitao Jiang. Enhanced photovoltaic performance of dye-sensitized solar cells with TiO2 micro/nano-structures as light scattering layer. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS. 2015,
Lanlan Wang, Jian Zhang, Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu, Hong Zhao, Free-standing, flexible β-Ni(OH)2/electrochemically-exfoliated graphene film electrode for efficient oxygen evolution. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 433, 88-93.
Tengfei Zheng, Chaohui Wang, Dong Niu, Weitao Jiang, Yongsheng Shi, Lei Yin, Bangbao Chen, Hongzhong Liu, Yucheng Ding. Exploitation of surface acoustic waves to drive nanoparticle concentration within an electrification-dependent droplet. RSC Advances. 2014, 4 (79), 46502-46507. (IF=3.71)
R.M. Heath, M.G. Tanner, A.C. Casaburi, M.G. Webster, L. San-Emeterio-Alvarez, Weitao Jiang. Nano-optical observation of cascade switching in a parallel superconducting nanowire single photon detector. Applied Physics Letter. 2014, 104, 063503.
Yajun Zhang, Xiangwen Zheng, Weitao Jiang*, Formation of highly ordered micro fillers in polymeric matrix by electro-field-assisted aligning. RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 15238.
Tian Li, Weitao Jiang*, Jie Han, Dong Niu, Hongzhong Liu, Bingheng Lu. Enhancements of Loading Capacity and Moving Ability by Microstructures for Wireless Soft Robot Boats, Langmuir. 2020, 36, 48, 14728–14736. 封面文章
Yajun Zhang, Weitao Jiang*, Tongkai Gu, Jie Han, Biao Lei, Lanlan Wang, Hongzhong Liu*. Multidomain Oriented Particle Chains Based on Spatial Electric Field and Their Optical Application. Langmuir. 2020, 36, 39, 11546-11555.
Tongkai Gu, Lanlan Wang, Mao Mao, Jie Han, Rui Li, Yajun Zhang, Biao Lei, Weitao Jiang, Hongzhong Liu*. Bilayer liquid-filled compound microlens arrays: A way to compensate aberration. Journal of Applied Physics. 2020, 128, 163101.
Dachao Li, Dong Niu, Guoyong Ye, Biao Lei, Weitao Jiang, Feng Luo, …Hongzhong Liu*. Intergrated Shape Memory Alloys Soft Actuators with Periodic and Inhomogeneous Deformations by Modulating Elastic Tendon Structures. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2020, Accept.
Jie Han, Weitao Jiang*, Hongjian Zhang, Yajun Zhang, Xueming Feng…. Untethered, ultra-light soft actuator based on positively charged 3D fluffy silica micro-nanofibers by electrospinning. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 12789-12800.
Jie Han, Weitao Jiang*, Hongjian Zhang, Biao Lei, Lanlan Wang, Hongzhong Liu. Submersible Soft‐Robotic Platform for Noise‐Free Hovering Utilizing Liquid–Vapor Phase Transition. Advanced Intelligent Systems. 2021, 3(1), **. 封面文章
Fahao Qin, Lanlan Wang, Weitao Jiang*, Yajun Zhang, Hongzhong Liu. Three-dimensional patterned distribution of thermal conductivity in the volume for effective thermal concentration. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021, 129, 055102.
张鸿健; 韩捷; 蒋维涛*; 牛东; 刘红忠。柔性水下悬停机器人的液气相变驱动及制造,西安交通大学学报, 2021, (02): 1-9

一种用于可控筛选流体中粒子的微反应器的制备方法, ZL9.0,排名:1;
一种基于红外光远程充电`的柔性植入式电源的制造方法, ZL1.5,排名:1;
一种操纵微纳米粒子的柔性微驱动器的制造操控方法, ZL5.1,排名1.
小间隙平面间相对转动测量和旋转定位系统及方法, ZL91, 已授权,排名:5;
染料敏化TiO2纳米晶太阳能电池的定制化导电薄膜及其制备, ZL87, 已授权,排名:6;
一种基于构造运动光场的单排时栅直线位移传感器, ZL9.4,已授权,排名:5;

科研团队 - 蒋 维涛主要成员
刘红忠 教授 团队负责人,微纳制造、精密测量 (http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/hzliu/1)
陈邦道 博士后 光电子制造,微纳制造工艺
史永胜 博士后 精密测量
尹磊 博士后 精密测量、纳米器件制造



招生信息 - 蒋 维涛硕士生招生信息


研究结果 - 蒋 维涛

相关话题/西安交通大学 机械工程学院