
西安交通大学化学学院导师教师师资介绍简介-孟 令杰

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-06-26

纳米诊疗实验室 - 孟 令杰基本信息

孟令杰,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,校分析测试中心主任、大型仪器设备共享实验中心副主任。研究方向为纳米生物材料,先后主持四项国家自然基金,一项科技部重点软课题,十余项省部级项目,并参与国家基础研发重大专项、国家863项目和上海市科委重大项目各一项。在“Angew Chem Int Ed”、“ Adv Funct Mater”、“Biomaterials”、“ACS Nano”、 ”Chem Sci”、”Chem Sov Rev”等高影响SCI期刊上发表论文90余篇,被国际同行他引3000余次。申请国家专利16项,已授权10项。目前任高校分析测试中心研究会青年部常务理事、中国高分子复合材料学会理事、CSTM/FC59电池及其相关材料领域委员会理事、陕西省体外循环专业委员会理事,西安市纳米学会常务理事,也是多个著名国际学术期刊的审稿人和国家自然基金、国家重大研发专项评审专家。


祝贺博士后闫凯综述被nanoscale Advances接受!

祝贺王大权老师和张柠论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收!

祝贺张柠论文被Colloids and surfaces B biointerface接收!

祝贺博士生胥艳子论文被Materials Chemistry Frontiers接收。 荐

博士生胥艳子论文被Materials Chemistry Frontiers接受,祝贺! 荐

热烈祝贺博士生胥艳子、徐若寒和党东锋副教授的综述被Chemical Society Review接受


2013.06 -西安交通大学理学院化学系 教授
2013.03 -2013.05 西安交通大学理学院化学系 兼聘教授
2011.09 -2012.08 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 访问****
2011.01 -2013.05上海交通大学化工学院 副研究员
2005.10 -2010.12 上海交通大学化工学院 讲师


2015 理学院优秀党员
2013.9 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”
2011.5 上海交通大学青年岗位能手。2010.4 全国生物材料大会青年****优秀论文奖二等奖;
2009和2010 两次获得上海交通大学年度教职工考核优秀;
2009.10 晨星青年****奖励计划优秀青年教师后备人才一等奖;
2008-2009Journal of Colloid and Interface Science最高引用奖;

邮 编:710049电子邮箱:menglingjie@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


纳米诊疗实验室 - 孟 令杰基本信息

孟令杰,教授,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,校分析测试中心主任、大型仪器设备共享实验中心副主任。研究方向为纳米生物材料,先后主持四项国家自然基金,一项科技部重点软课题,十余项省部级项目,并参与国家基础研发重大专项、国家863项目和上海市科委重大项目各一项。在“Angew Chem Int Ed”、“ Adv Funct Mater”、“Biomaterials”、“ACS Nano”、 ”Chem Sci”、”Chem Sov Rev”等高影响SCI期刊上发表论文90余篇,被国际同行他引3000余次。申请国家专利16项,已授权10项。目前任高校分析测试中心研究会青年部常务理事、中国高分子复合材料学会理事、CSTM/FC59电池及其相关材料领域委员会理事、陕西省体外循环专业委员会理事,西安市纳米学会常务理事,也是多个著名国际学术期刊的审稿人和国家自然基金、国家重大研发专项评审专家。


祝贺博士后闫凯综述被nanoscale Advances接受!

祝贺王大权老师和张柠论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收!

祝贺张柠论文被Colloids and surfaces B biointerface接收!

祝贺博士生胥艳子论文被Materials Chemistry Frontiers接收。 荐

博士生胥艳子论文被Materials Chemistry Frontiers接受,祝贺! 荐

热烈祝贺博士生胥艳子、徐若寒和党东锋副教授的综述被Chemical Society Review接受


2013.06 -西安交通大学理学院化学系 教授
2013.03 -2013.05 西安交通大学理学院化学系 兼聘教授
2011.09 -2012.08 美国德州大学奥斯汀分校 访问****
2011.01 -2013.05上海交通大学化工学院 副研究员
2005.10 -2010.12 上海交通大学化工学院 讲师


2015 理学院优秀党员
2013.9 教育部“新世纪优秀人才”
2011.5 上海交通大学青年岗位能手。2010.4 全国生物材料大会青年****优秀论文奖二等奖;
2009和2010 两次获得上海交通大学年度教职工考核优秀;
2009.10 晨星青年****奖励计划优秀青年教师后备人才一等奖;
2008-2009Journal of Colloid and Interface Science最高引用奖;

邮 编:710049电子邮箱:menglingjie@mail.xjtu.edu.cn


Theranostic Nanomaterial Lab - 孟 令杰(1.)Basic Information

Prof. Dr. Lingjie Meng
The Department of Chemistry, School of Science,
Xi'an Jiao Tong University, P.R. China

The Department of Chemistry,School of Science
Xi’an Jiao Tong University,Xi’an 710049, P. R. China
E-mail: menglingjie@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

2013- Xi’an Jiao Tong University, Professor
2012-2013The University of Texas at Austin, Visiting Scholar
2011-2012Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Associate Professor
2005-2010 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Lecturer

(5.)Scientific Research

---- Doped 2D nanomaterials such as Graphene, disulphides,manganese dioxides and their composites
---- Fluorescent nanoparticles for bioimaging
---- Targeting drug delivery
---- Magnetic nanomaterials for MRI
---- Nanomaterials for phototheral therapy
---- Discovery of natural anti-cancer drugs

2013 New Century Talent Supporting Project by Education Ministry of China
2011 Excellent young teacher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2010 Best thesis prize, 2010 National Biomaterials Conference of China
2009 Chenxing Award for excellent young teacher, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2009, 2010 Excellent teacher award, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

General Chemistry
Bioorganic Chemistry
Colliod and Interface Chemistry

Scientific Research - 孟 令杰您没有所需角色来访问此portlet。



Team members - 孟 令杰Blank6

孟令杰 教授 menglingjie@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

党东峰 副教授(硕导) 杨志伟 副教授(硕导) 王大权(助理教授)
dongfengdang@mail.xjtu.edu.cn yzws-123@mail.xjtu.edu.cn wangdaquan2019@xjtu.edu.cn

郭惠 姬文晨 闫凯
guohui**@163.com jiwenchenbaoyan@163.com appleyankai@163.com



梅劲 (2015级,在职) 贾文丽(2016级,在职) 张韫(2017级,在职)
tibetcn@aliyun.com @qq.com @qq.com

胥艳子 (2018级) 赵小平(2019级) 徐若寒
@qq.com @qq.com caihua41xrh@stu.xjtu.edu.cn



杨鸿博 王直 凡姝 夏欣怡
gstsby@stu.xjtu.edu.cn mm0508@stu.xjtu.edu.cn fanshu@stu.xjtu.edu.cn xxy**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn



陈彦妮 牛若昕
niu_rx@163.com @qq.com

邱瑶 申起飞 张作粮 张珮娟 qypsy99520@stu.xjtu.edu.cnsqf**@stu.xjtu.edu.cn

王 菲,2015级,澳大利亚
吕 燕,2011级,西安三星电子
陈 招,2011级,2014年5-8月短期访问,现为上海交通大学博士生
黄 娜,2013级,西安交大3D打印协同创新中心
刘 星,2014级,长鑫存储技术有限公司
郅 滢,2015级,西安交大3D打印协同创新中心
奚 朵,2017级,西安隆基硅材料新能源股份有限公司
张 柠,2018级,中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所(郑州)
闫 丽,2010级,科研训练,厦门集美大学
杨 宽,2010级,科研训练,西安医科大学
刘 玲,2010级,科研训练,西安医科大学
杨 春,2010级,科研训练,西安工程大学

Publications - 孟 令杰最近主要论文列表
89.Construction of hyperbranched and pH-responsive polymeric nanocarriers by yne-phenol click-reaction for tumor synergistic chemotherapy,Ning Zhang, Daquan Wang*, Tingting Yang, Xunan Jing, Lingjie Meng*, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 204, 111790,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.111790.

In past decades, to improve the chemotherapeutic efficiency and reduce the systemic toxicity of small molecule anti-cancer drugs, polymer-based drug delivery systems (DDSs) have attracted great attention for tumor treatment due to their remarkable biocompatibility and responsive degradation in tumor microenvironment (TME). Herein, we developed a kind of pH-responsive and degradable hyperbranched polymeric nanocarriers via yne-phenol click-reaction of resveratrol (RSV) with bifunctional n-butyl dipropiolate (BDP) for efficient doxorubicin (DOX) delivery. The natural product RSV with three phenol groups has excellent antioxidant activity and synergetic enhancement for some anticancer drugs such as DOX. RSV tends to attack the alkynyl groups on BDP by nucleophilic addition in the presence of base as catalyst to afford hyperbranched polyprodrug (denoted as RB). PEGylated RB (termed as RBP) were further synthesized to improve the water solubility and prolong blood circulation by the click reaction of propiolate-terminated RB with amino terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG-NH2). Interestingly, the RBP have high DOX loading ratio (~58.6 %) at neutral pH, but the vinyl-ether bonds in RB could break down at low pH conditions such as acidic TME (extracellular pH~6.8, endosomes and lysosomes pH~5.0) that leading to the targeting release of DOX and RSV. Therefore, the developed RBP@DOX nanoparticles exhibited high kill efficiency to tumor cells and slight damage to normal cells due to the effective delivery and release of DOX and RSV in tumor sites and the synergistic enhancement effect of two drugs.
88.Construction polyprodrugs by click-reactions and metal-coordination: pH-responsive release for magnetic resonance imaging guided chemotherapy,Daquan Wang, Ning Zhang, Tingting Yang, Xunan Jing, Lingjie Meng*,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021,422, 15, 130108,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.130108.

It is a long-pursued goal to construct various smart theranostics nanoplatforms by facile and repeatable method for personalized tumor treatment. Herein, we employed novel alkyne-phenol and alkyne-amine click-reaction to fabricate responsively biodegradable and multimodal polymeric nanoplatforms for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided effective chemotherapy. The antitumor drug doxorubicin (DOX) and some essential amino acid such as lysine could react with trimethylolpropane tripropiolate (TMP) in a quite mild conditions (room temperature and weak alkaline) by facile click-reactions to give polyprodrugs, the carboxyl and excess amino groups on LTD tended to further coordinate with Mn2+ to afforded metal-coordinated-polyprodrugs (termed as LTD@Mn2+). The resulting LTD@Mn2+ nanoparticles have high covalently drug loading ratio (up to 35%), and could effectively and responsively release DOX and Mn2+ in the acidic environment of tumor cells (extracellular pH ~6.8, endosomes and lysosomes pH ~5.0), because the resulting vinyl-ether and vinyl-amino bonds in LTD@Mn2+ are stable in neutral physiological environment but tend to be broken in acidic conditions. The smart LTD@Mn2+ nanoplatforms not only showed significant tumor inhibit efficiency and negligible damage to normal tissues both in vitro and in vivo due to the high drug loading ratio and controlled release properties, but also provided satisfied MRI quality for assessment the treatment effect because of the magnetic nature of Mn2+. Thus, the metal-ligated polyprodrug suggests a new strategy for the simple and repeatable preparation of polyprodrugs for precise and personalized treatment of tumors.
87.Boosting the AIEgen-based photo-theranostic platform by balancing radiative decay and non-radiative decay,Yanzi Xu,Dongfeng Dang*, Hongrui Zhu, Xunan Jing, Xun Zhu, Ning Zhang, Chunbin Li, Yizhen Zhao, Pengfei Zhang, Zhiwei Yang*,Lingjie Meng*,Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, Advance Article,https://doi.org/10.1039/D0QM01035A.

It is noted that developing a single-molecule-triggered photo-theranostic platform for precise diagnosis and efficient cancer therapy is of great significance, but it still remains a difficult issue. In particular, it is challenging to balance the radiative decay (fluorescence) and non-radiative decay (photothermal effects) pathways for developed theranostic systems. Hence, the donor–acceptor–donor (D–A–D)-type aggregation-induced emission luminogen (AIEgen) of DTPA-BBTD is designed in this study. This molecule exhibits excellent absorption in the first near infrared (NIR-I) window as well as high brightness in the second near infrared (NIR-II) region, together with the favorable photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 1.51% compared with the commercial NIR-II fluorescent dye IR 26 used as a reference. In addition, owing to its efficient twisted intramolecular charge transfer effects and loose molecular packing when aggregated, DTPA-BBTD also exhibits an efficient photothermal conversion capability, thus providing the single-molecule-triggered photo-theranostic platform. It is observed that DTPA-BBTD-based AIE dots are successfully applied for NIR-II fluorescence imaging and NIR-I photoacoustic imaging to visualize the vasculature of mice and observe tumors in vivo, respectively. Moreover, photothermal therapy by using the developed AIE dots under irradiation is finally applied to well hinder tumor growth. This result demonstrates that manipulating the molecular backbone in AIEgens to balance the radiative decay and non-radiative decay can be an efficient strategy for constructing high-performance photo-theranostic platforms for precise cancer diagnosis and therapy.
86.Facile preparation of pH/redox dual-responsive biodegradable polyphosphazene prodrugs for effective cancer chemotherapy ,Daquan Wang, Na Zhou, Ning Zhang, Zhe Zhi, Yongping Shao, Lingjie Meng*, Demei Yu*,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 200, 111573,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.111573.

In order to maximize the therapeutic effect and and minimize the systemtic side effect of the small molecule anticancer drugs, biodegradable drug delivery systems (DDSs) that respond to tumor microenvironment (TME) have attracted significant attention. Herein, a novel redox/pH dual-responsive and biodegradable polyphosphazene (PPZ) nano-prodrugs have been prepared via one-pot crosslinking of vanillin modified DOX (VMD, acid-sensitive) and 4,4′-dihydroxydiphenyl disulfide (HPS, GSH-responsive) with hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (HCCP). The phenol groups of the as-synthesized VMD and HPS have high nucleophilic substitution activity towards HCCP under base catalyst and afforded PPZ nano-prodrugs, denoted as HCCP-VMD-HPS, with a high drug loading ratio of up to 56.4 %. As expected, the skeleton of the PPZ consisting of imine bonds in VMD and the disulfide bonds in HPS and cyclotriphosphazenes inclined to be decomposed in low pH conditions and high level of GSH environments. The antitumor drug DOX was found to be controlled released in TME conditions (extracellular, pH~6.8 and endosomes, lysosomes pH~5.0 with ~10 mM GSH), rather than neutral physiological conditions (pH 7.4 with ~20 μM GSH). Moreover, the resulting HCCP-VMD-HPS nano-prodrug have obvious cytotoxicity to cancer cells while a negligible side effect to normal cells. We therefore believe that the prepared redox/pH dual-responsive and biodegradable PPZ DDSs have great potential in various field.
85.Donor-Acceptor Typed AIE Luminogens with Near-infrared Emission for Super-resolution Imaging,Qifei Shen, Ruohan Xu, Zhi Wang, Tianyu Zhao, Yu Zhou, Yanzi Xu, Zhiwei Yang, Ming Lei,* Lingjie Meng & Dongfeng Dang*,Chemical Research in Chinese Universities, 2021, 37, 143-149,https://doi.org/10.1007/s40242-021-0390-5.

Aggregation-induced emission(AIE) luminogens(AIEgens) with high brightness in aggregates exhibit great potentials in biological imaging, but these AIEgens are seldom applied in super-resolution biological imaging, especially in the imaging by using the structural illumination microscope(SIM). Based on this consideration, we synthesized the donor-acceptor typed AIEgen of DTPA-BTN, which not only owns high brightness in the near-infrared(NIR) emission region from 600 nm to 1000 nm(photoluminescence quantum yield, PLQYs=11.35%), but also displays excellent photo-stability. In addition, AIE nanoparticles based on 4,7-ditriphenylamine-[1,2,5]-thiadiazolo[3,4-c]pyridine(DTPA-BTN) were also prepared with highly emissive features and excellent biocompatibility. Finally, the developed DTPA-BTN-based AIE nanoparticles were applied in the super-resolution cellular imaging via SIM, where much smaller full width at half-maximum values and high signal to noise ratios were obtained, indicating the superior imaging resolution. The results here imply that highly emissive AIEgens or AIE nanoparticles can be promising imaging agents for super-resolution imaging via SIM.
84.An easily-synthesized AIE luminogen for lipid droplets-specific super-resolution imaging and two-photon imaging,Yanzi Xu,Haoke Zhang,Ning Zhang,Ruohan Xu, Zhi Wang,Yu Zhou,Qifei Shen, Dongfeng Dang,* Lingjie Meng,* Ben Zhong Tang.*Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 5, 1872-1883, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0QM00682C.

To obtain the lipid droplets (LDs)-specific super-resolution cellular imaging and deep-penetrated tissue imaging, an imaging platform of DTPA-BT-M with aggregation-induced emission (AIE) characteristics for stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy and two-photon fluorescence (TPF) microscopy is developed here. Benefiting from its excellent AIE properties, superior fluorescence properties in a deep-red region are observed for DTPA-BT-M with a high photoluminescence quantum yield of up to 33.96% in solid. In addition, DTPA-BT-M also exhibits large Stokes' shift, outstanding photostability, excellent biocompatibility and high LDs specificity. Furthermore, large two-photon absorption cross section of up to 1581 GM is also achieved in DTPA-BT-M since its symmetrical D-A-D architecture. Therefore, the developed AIE luminogen is simultaneously applied in STED nanoscopy and TPF microscopy, leading to an ultra-high resolution (full width at half-maximum value, FWHM= 95 nm) in DTPA-BT-M stained LDs via STED nanoscopy and also a much deep penetration of ~300 μm for lung tissue in BALB/C nude mice by TPF microscopy. The results here demonstrate that the easily-synthesized DTPA-BT-M can be an impressive imaging platform for LDs-specific super-resolution cells imaging and two-photon tissues imaging, thus providing the possibility to further understand LDs' roles in metabolic process in biological research.

83.Recent advances in luminescent materials for super-resolution imaging via stimulated emission depletion nanoscopy,Yanzi Xu,Ruohan Xu,Zhi Wang, Yu Zhou, Qifei Shen, Wenchen Ji, Dongfeng Dang*, Lingjie Meng*, and Ben Zhong Tang*,Chemical Society Reviews, 2021,50, 667-690, https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CS00676A.

Stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy is a promising fluorescence microscopy to detect unresolvable structures at the nanoscale level and then achieve a superior imaging resolution in material science and biological research. However, in addition to the optimization of microscope, luminescent materials in STED nanoscopy are also of great significance to obtain the imaging, visualization and even long-term tracking at an ultra-high resolution (less than 100 nm), but this is seldom summarized. Based on this consideration, recent progress on STED fluorophores for super-resolution imaging are outlined here, including inorganic fluorophores, fluorescent proteins, organic luminescent materials, aggregation-induced emission (AIE) luminogens, and fluorescent nanoparticles. The characteristics of these aforementioned STED fluorophores are also included and compared to provide a deep understanding of the relation between the properties in luminescent materials and their performance in STED imaging. According to the results on such luminescent materials, it is anticipated that guidelines to select proper probes and even develop new materials for super-resolution imaging via STED nanoscopy are provided here, finally promoting the development of super-resolution imaging in both material science and biological research.
82.Tuning Molecular Aggregation to Achieve Highly Bright AIE Dots for NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging and NIR-I Photoacoustic Imaging,Yanzi Xu, Chunbin Li, Ruohan Xu, Ning Zhang, Zhi Wang, Xunan Jing, Zhiwei Yang, Dongfeng Dang,* Pengfei Zhang* and Lingjie Meng*.Chemical Science, 2020, 11, 8157-8166

Currently, bright aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) with high photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs) in the NIR-II region are still limited, and thus an efficient strategy to enhance NIR-II fluorescence performance through tuning molecular aggregation is proposed here. The synthesized donor–acceptor tailored AIEgen (DTPA-TBZ) not only exhibits an excellent absorptivity in the NIR-I region, but also good fluorescence signals in the NIR-II region with an emission extending to 1200 nm. Benefiting from such improved intramolecular restriction and aggregation, a significant absolute PLQY value of 8.98% was obtained in solid DTPA-TBZ. Encouragingly, the resulting AIE dots also exhibit a high relative PLQY of up to 11.1% with IR 26 as the reference (PLQY = 0.5%). Finally, the AIE dots were applied in high performance NIR-II fluorescence imaging and NIR-I photoacoustic (PA) imaging: visualization of abdominal vessels, hind limb vasculature, and cerebral vessels with high signal to background ratios was performedviaNIR-II imaging; Moreover, PA imaging has also been performed to clearly observe tumorsin vivo. These results demonstrate that by finely tuning molecular aggregation in DTPA-TBZ, a good NIR-I absorptivity and a highly emissive fluorescence in the NIR-II region can be achieved simultaneously, finally resulting in a promising dual-modal imaging platform for real-world applications to achieve precise cancer diagnostics.

81.One-pot synthesis of acid-degradable polyphosphazene prodrugs for efficient tumor chemotherapy,Na Zhou, Ning Zhang, Zhe Zhi,Xunan Jing , Daomeng Liu , Yongping Shao , Daquan Wang* andLingjie Meng*,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020,8, 10540-10548. (Inside Cover)

In order to improve the therapeutic efficacy and reduce the side effects of anticancer drugs, stimuli-responsive and biodegradable drug-delivery systems have attracted significant attention in the past three decades. Herein, we report acid-responsive and degradable polyphosphazene nano-prodrugs synthesized via a one-pot cross-linking reaction of 4-hydroxybenzhydrazide-modified doxorubicin (BMD) with hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene (HCCP). The phenol groups in the as-synthesized BMD exhibited a high reactivity towards HCCP and in the presence of a basic catalyst the determined drug loading ratio of the nanoparticles, denoted as HCCP-BMD, was up to 85.64%. Interestingly, the hydrazone bonds in BMD and the skeleton of polyphosphazene tended to break down in acidic environments, and the antitumor active drug DOX was found to be released in an acidic tumor microenvironment (pH ~ 6.8 for extracellular, and pH ~ 5.0 for endosomes and lysosomes). The resulting HCCP-BMD prodrug exhibited high cytotoxicity to HeLa cells and could effectively suppress tumor growth, with negligible damage to normal tissues. We therefore believe that this acid- degradable polyphosphazene prodrug may offer great potential in various biomedical fields.

80.Continuous phase regulation of MoSe2from 2H to 1T for the optimization of peroxidase-like catalysis,Daomeng Liu,Daquan Wang,Xunan Jing,Xiaoping Zhao,Duo Xi,Dongfeng Dang,Lingjie Meng*,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,2020,8, 30, 6451-6458.

Nanozymes are a new generation of artificial enzymes that address the limitations of natural enzymes, with numerous reports on the development of high performance nanozymes for various applications. Herein, the phase regulation of network-like MoSe2 from the metal 1T phase to semiconductor 2H phase was achieved under different reaction conditions by a facile but efficient microwave-assisted solvothermal method. The coexisting 1T/2H-MoSe2 with edge enriched and defective nanostructures showed great enhancement of the peroxidase-like properties. This high enzymatic activity may arise from optimized active sites of 1T/2H-MoSe2, effectively leading to a rapid charge transfer within the substrate. In addition, chitosan functionalization not only greatly improves the dispersion stability of MoSe2, but also significantly increases its peroxidase-like activity, probably due to its enhanced affinity to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Based on these results we have established a highly sensitive colorimetric assay for the detection of H2O2 and glucose in human serum.

79.A tumor-microenvironment fully responsive nano-platform for MRI-guided photodynamic and photothermal synergistic therapy,Daquan Wang,Ning Zhang,Xunan Jing,Yun Zhang,Yanzi Xu,Lingjie Meng*,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020, 8 (36), 8271-8281.

Multifunctional intelligent theranostics agents are promising for next-generation oncotherapy. We fabricated a tumor-microenvironment (TME)-responsive carbon nanotube (CNT)-based nanoplatform for T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided synergistic photodynamic and photothermal therapy (PDT and PTT). CNTs convert near infrared (NIR) radiation into hyperthermia for PTT, and can effectively deliver their cargo into cells due to their unique 1D nanostructure. The CNT@MnO2-PEG@Ce6 nanomedicine was internalized into tumor cells, and rapidly released the photosensitizer (Ce6) in response to the low pH and high glutathione (GSH) levels characteristic of the TME. The degradation of the MnO2 layer under the same conditions released Mn2+ for T1-MRI. Furthermore, catalytic decomposition of the excess H2O2 into oxygen by MnO2 enhanced the efficacy of PDT, relieved hypoxia, and increased consumption of superfluous GSH to mitigate the effects of excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation during PDT. MRI-guided PDT and PTT synergistically inhibited tumor cell growth in vitro, and ablated tumors in vivo. The side effects were negligible due to specific tumor cell targeting via surface modification with folic-PEG, and enhanced permeability and retention. Taken together, CNT@MnO2-PEG is a fully TME-responsive theranostics nanoplatform for targeted tumor ablation and real-time disease tracking.

78. Acid Responsive and Biologically Degradable PolyphosphazeneNanodrugs for Efficient Drug Delivery,Na Zhou, Zhe Zhi, Daomeng Liu, Daquan Wang, Yongping Shao, Kai Yan, Lingjie Meng* and Demei Yu*,ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.0c00378

To enhance the therapeutic effects and reduce damage to normal tissues in cancer chemotherapy, it isindispensable to develop drug delivery carriers with controllable release and well biocompatibility. In this work, an acid responsive and degradable polyphosphazene nanoparticles were synthesized by reaction ofhexachlorotripolyphosphonitrile (HCCP) with 4-hydroxy-benzoic acid (4-hydroxy benzylidene) hydrazide (HBHBH) andanticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX)The controlled release of DOX could be realized based on the acid responsiveness ofacylhydrazone in HBHBH. It was found that the resulting polyphosphazene nanoparticles remain stable in body's normalfluids (pH~7.4), while they were degraded and controllable release of DOX in acid environment such as tumors (pH~6.8),and lysosome and endosome (~5.0) in cancer cells. In particularly, the DOX loading ratio was fair high and could be tunedfrom 10.6% to 52.6% by changing the dosing ratio of DOX to HBHBH. Meanwhile, the polyphosphazene nanodrugs showed excellent toxicity to tumor cells and reduced side effect to normal cells both in vitro and in vivo due to their enhanced permeability and retention effect and pH sensitive degradation properties. Therefore, the constructed pH sensitive drugdelivery system has great potential for cancer chemotherapy.
77.Versatile Nanoplatforms with enhanced PhotodynamicTherapy: Designs and Applications,Kai Yan, Yabin Zhang, Chenglong Mu, Qunna Xu, Xunan Jing, Daquan Wang, Dongfeng Dang, Lingjie Meng and Jianzhong Ma, Theranostics, 2020, in publishing.
As an emerging antitumor strategy, photodynamic therapy (PDT) has attracted intensive attention for the treatment of various malignant tumors owing to its noninvasive nature and high spatial selectivity in recent years. However, the therapeutic effect is unsatisfactory on some occasions due to the presence of some unfavorable factors including nonspecific accumulation of PS towards malignant tissues, the lack of endogenous oxygen in tumors, as well as the limited light penetration depth, further hampering practical application. To circumvent these limitations and improve real utilization efficiency, various enhanced strategies have been developed and explored during the past years. In this review, we give an overview of the state-of-the-art advances progress on versatile nanoplatforms for enhanced PDT considering the enhancement from targeting or responsive, chemical and physical effect. Specifically, these effects mainly include organelle-targeting function, tumor microenvironment responsive release photosensitizers (PS), self-sufficient O2 (affinity oxygen and generating oxygen), photocatalytic water splitting, X-rays light stimulate, surface plasmon resonance enhancement, and the improvement by resonance energy transfer. When utilizing these strategies to improve the therapeutic effect, the advantages and limitations are addressed. Finally, the challenges and prospective will be discussed and demonstrated for the future development of advanced PDT with enhanced efficacy.

76. Cui Yuting, Li Yuan, Huang Na, Xiong Yue, Cao Ruijun, Meng Lingjie, Liu Jiankang*, Feng Zhihui*. Structure based modification of chalcone analogue activates Nrf2 in the human retinal pigment epithelial cell line ARPE-19.Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2020, 148(20): 52-59.
Oxidative stress-induced degeneration of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells is known to be a key contributor to the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Activation of the nuclear factor-(erythroid-derived 2)-related factor-2 (Nrf2)-mediated cellular defense system is believed to be a valid therapeutic approach. In the present study, we designed and synthesized a novel chalcone analogue, 1-(2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl)-2-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-acrylketone (Tak), as a Nrf2 activator. The potency of Tak was measured in RPE cells by the induction of the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant genes HO-1, NQO-1, GCLc, and GCLm, which were regulated through the Erk pathway. We also showed that Tak could protect RPE cells against oxidative stress-induced cell death and mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore, by modifying the α, β unsaturated carbonyl entity in Tak, we showed that the induction of antioxidant genes was abolished, indicating that this unique feature in Tak was responsible for the Nrf2 activation. These results suggest that Tak is a potential candidate for clinical application against AMD.
75. Wang jinkai,Wang Hongkang*,Yao Tianhao,Liu Ting,Tian Yapeng, Li Chao, Li Fang, Meng Lingjie, Cheng Yonghong.Porous N-doped carbon nanoflakes supported hybridized SnO2/Co3O4 nanocomposites as high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries. Journal Of Colloid and Interfaces Science. 2020,560:546-554
Alloy-/conversion-type metal oxides usually exhibit high theoretical lithium storage capacities but suffer from the large volume change induced electrode pulverization and the poor electric conductivity, which limit their practical applications. Hybrid/mixed metal oxides with different working mechanisms/potentials can display advantageous synergistic enhancement effect if delicate structure engineering is performed. Herein, atomically hybridized SnO2/Co3O4 nanocomposites with amorphous nature are successfully cast onto the porous N-doped carbon (denoted as NC) nanoflakes through facile pyrolysis of the tin (II) 2-ethylhexanoate (C16H30O4Sn) and cobalt (II) 2-ethylhexanoate (C16H30O4Co) mixture within NC nanoflakes in air at 300 degrees C for 1 h. The Sn/Co atomic ratio and the loading amount of SnO2/Co3O4 can be readily controlled, whose effect on lithium storage are investigated as anodes for lithium ion batteries (LIBs). Notably, SnO2/Co3O4@NC (R-Sn/(Co) = 1.25) nanoflakes exhibit the most excellent lithium storage properties, delivering a reversible capacity of 1450.3 mA h g(-1) after 300 cycles at 200 mA g(-1), which is much higher than that of the single metal oxide SnO2@NC and Co3O4@NC electrodes.
74.Duo Xi, Yanzi Xu, Ruohan Xu, Zhi Wang, Daomeng Liu, Qifei Shen, Ling Yue, Dongfeng Dang*, and Lingjie Meng*. A Facilely Synthesized Dual‐State Emission Platform for Picric Acid Detection and Latent Fingerprints Visualization. Chemistry, A Europen Journal. 2020,26(12):2741-2748.
To achieve a highly efficient dual‐state emission platform for picric acid (PA) detection and latent fingerprints (LFPs) visualization, flexible alkyl chains were facilely attached to the commercial organic dye, then providing target molecules of PTCA‐C4, PTCA‐C6, and PTCA‐C12. Interestingly, all these molecules exhibited impressive fluorescence characteristics with high photoluminescence quantum yields (PLQYs) of ~93.0% in dilute solution. Also, emissive features can be achieved in their solid state due to the prevented close molecular packing, especially for PTCA‐C6 with high PLQY value of 49.0%. Benefiting from its impressive fluorescence performance in both solution and aggregates, PTCA‐C6 was used as a dual‐state emission platform for PA detection and also LFPs visualization. Among them, a double‐responsive fluorescence quenching in solution was observed in the PA detection, resulting high quenching constant values ( Ksv ) and also low limit of detection values (LOD). On the other hand, PTCA‐C6‐based fingerprint powder also provided impressive performance on various substrates in terms of fluorescence intensity and resolution, thereby clearly providing the specific details in latent fingerprint. These results further demonstrated that this facilely synthesized PTCA‐C6 with efficient dual‐state emission exhibited great potentials in the real‐world applications of PA detection and latent fingerprint visualization.
73.Yanzi XuHaoke ZhangNing ZhangXiaochi WangDongfeng Dang*Xunan JingDuo XiYing HaoBen Zhong Tang* and Lingjie Meng*.Deep-Red Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles with High Brightness and Photostability for Super-Resolution in Vitro and in Vivo Imaging Using STED Nanoscopy. ACS Advanced Materials & Interfaces. 2020,DOI:10.1021/acsami.9b18336.

To achieve super-resolution imaging in biological research using stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy, organic luminescent materials and their corresponding fluorescent nanoparticles with high brightness and photostability are of great significance. Herein, donor-acceptor-typed DBTBT-4C8 bearing flexible alkyl chains was developed, not only to afford deep-red emission from 600 to 800 nm but also to obtain high fluorescent brightness with the absolute photoluminescence quantum yields of 25%. After that, well-defined and monodispersed spherical nanoparticles using DBTBT-4C8 with bright emission, excellent biocompatibility, and photostability, which can easily mix with amphipathic block polymers, were then produced for super-resolution in vitro and in vivo imaging using STED nanoscopy. The observations showed that in contrast to confocal microscopy with a full width at half-maximum (FWHM) value of ≈400 nm, superior resolution with a significantly improved FWHM value of only 100 nm was achieved in biomedical cell imaging, which was also used to reconstruct three-dimensional images of stained HeLa cells at an ultrahigh resolution. More importantly, by using the prepared fluorescent organic nanoparticles (FONPs) in STED nanoscopy, in vivo imaging in glass catfish with largely enhanced resolution was also successfully achieved, demonstrating that these developed deep-red FONPs here are highly suitable for super-resolution in vitro and in vivo imaging using STED nanoscopy.

72. Xunan Jing, Ning Zhang, Huanhuan Song, Yanzi Xu,Guoqing Zhou, Daquan Wang, Yongping Shao, Lingjie Meng*. Multistage tumor microenvironment-responsive theranostic nanopeanuts: Toward multimode imaging guided chemo-photodynamic therapy. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020,385,123893.

It is of great importance to develop tumor microenvironment (TME) responsive and adjustable theranostic nano-systems for specific and efficient cancer treatment. However, carrier-based nanomedicines are often inefficaciousin vivodue to low drug-loading efficiency, lack of synergistic effects, poor targeting specificity and limited drug accumulation in tumor tissues. Herein, we report a new multimodal theranostic nanoplatform which is assembled from Fe3O4nanoclusters, MnO2nanosheets with multifunctional and cross-linked polyphosphazene. This peanut-like nanoplatform exhibited enhanced chemo/photodynamic therapy (CT/PDT) effect as well as significant tumor-targeting capacity. In addition, Fe3O4cores and MnO2nanoshells enablesT1/T2magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of tumor tissues, while photosensitizer methylene blue (MB) allows for fluorescence imaging and PDT simultaneously. Importantly, nanopeanut agents could dual-regulate intracellular oxygen and glutathione (GSH) levels in TME by MnO2shells, to relieve hypoxic condition and produce enough ROS to induce cell apoptosis. Our research demonstrated that the multistage TME-responsive nanoplatform is ideally suitable for tumor specific drug delivery and real-time disease tracking with enhanced theranostic properties.
71.Dongfeng Dang*, Haoke Zhang, Yanzi Xu, Ruohan Xu, Zhi Wang, Ryan T. K. , KwokJacky, W. Y. Lam, Lei Zhang, Lingjie Meng*, BenZhong Tang*.Super-Resolution Visualization of Self-Assembling Helical Fibers Using Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogens in Stimulated Emission Depletion Nanoscopy. ACS Nano, 2019,13(10):11863-11873.
Organic fluorophores for stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy usually suffer from quenched emission in the aggregate state and inferior photostability, which largely limit their application in real-time, in situ, and long-term imaging at an ultrahigh resolution. Herein, an aggregation-induced emission (AIE) luminogen of DP-TBT with bright emission in solid state (photoluminescence quantum yields = 25%) and excellent photostability was designed to meet the requirements in STED nanoscopy. In addition to its excellent fluorescence properties, DP-TBT could also easily form self-assembling helixes and finally be well-visualized by super-resolution STED nanoscopy. The observations showed that helical fibers of DP-TBT as dashed lines had a much decreased fiber width with also a full width at half-maximum value of only 178 nm, which is ~6 times higher than solid lines obtained by confocal microscopy (1154 nm). The STED nanoscopic data were also used to reconstruct 3D images of assembled helixes. Finally, by long-term tracking and dynamic monitoring, the formation and growth of helical fibers by DP-TBT in self-assembly processes were successfully obtained. These findings imply that highly emissive AIEgens with good photostability are highly suitable for real-time, in situ, and dynamic imaging at super-resolution using STED nanoscopy.
70.Jianhui Li, Wei Wei*, Lingjie Meng*.Liquid-phase exfoliated-graphene-supporting nanostructural sulfur as high-performance lithium–sulfur batteries cathode. Composites Communications. 2019,15,149-154.
Lithium-sulfur (Li–S) batteries with high energy density are promising candidates to satisfy emerging energystorage demands. Nevertheless, the poor conductivity of sulfur and fast capacity decay of the sulfur-based electrodes restrict its practical applications. Here, we report a facile and simple titration method to synthesize nano-sulfur@liquid-phase exfoliated graphene (Nano-S@LEGr) composites byin situgrowth of nanostructural sulfur on the LEGr surface. The as-prepared Nano-S@LEGr with tunable sulfur morphologies exhibited excellent electrochemical performance as the cathode material for Li–S batteries. In particular, the spherical Nano-S@LEGr composites with 68?wt% sulfur displayed a reversible capacity of 552.8 mAh g?1after 100 cycles at a current density of 0.5C. Even at a high current density of 1C, a discharge capacity of 532.8 mAh g?1could be delivered. Compared to rod-like Nano-S@LEGr and the graphene oxide derived cathode, the as-prepared spherical Nano-S@LEGr showed higher specific capacity, superior cycling stability and rate capability.
69.Xunan Jing, Yanzi Xu, Daomeng Liu,Youshen Wu,Na Zhou, Daquan Wang,Kai Yan and Lingjie Meng*.Intelligent nanoflowers: a full tumor microenvironment-responsive multimodal cancer theranostic nanoplatform.Nanoscale, 2019,11(33):15508-15518.
Although the collaborative therapy of chemotherapy (CT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT) is much more efficient for tumor treatment than monotherapies, premature leakage of drugs from nanocarriers and hypoxia in the tumor microenvironment (TME) result in systemic toxicity and suboptimal therapy efficiency. To overcome these limitations, we developed an intelligent nanoflower composite (termed FHCPC@MnO2) by coating functionalized polyphosphazene on superparamagnetic Fe3O4nanoclusters and then growing MnO2nanosheets as an outer shell. The FHCPC@MnO2nanoflowers with multistage H2O2/pH/GSH-responsive properties could fully exploit TME characteristics, including supernormal glutathione (GSH) levels, low pH and high H2O2, to realize the specific release of drugs in tumors and maximum synergetic therapeutic effects. The MnO2nanosheets can elevate O2concentration by catalytic decomposition of H2O2and can be simultaneously reduced to Mn2+by overexpressed GSH in the acidic TME. Meanwhile, the inner polyphosphazene containing (bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-disulfide) is GSH- and pH-sensitively biodegradable to release the anticancer drug curcumin (CUR) and photosensitizer chlorin e6 (Ce6) in the TME. Therefore, the “triple-responsive” and synergetic strategy simultaneously endows the nanoflowers with specific drug release, relieving hypoxia and the antioxidant capability of the tumor and achieving significant optimization of CT and PDT. In addition, the resulting Mn2+ions and Fe3O4core enablein vivo T1/T2magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), while the released Ce6 can simultaneously provide a fluorescence imaging (FL) function. Unsurprisingly, the intelligent nanoflowers exhibited remarkable multimodal theranostic performance bothin vitroandin vivo, suggesting their great potential for precision medicine.
68.Fei Wang, Jing Liu,Daquan Wang,Zhiwei Yang, Kai Yan and Lingjie Meng*.One-step synthesis of cross-linked and hollow microporous organic-inorganic hybrid nanoreactors for selective redox reactions .Nanoscale, 2019,11(33):15017-15022.
Hollow microporous nanostructures (HMNs) are powerful platforms for multiple promising applications, including energy storage, drug/gene delivery, nanoreactors/catalysis, adsorption, and separation. Herein, we report a facile one-step method to synthesize highly cross-linked organic–inorganic hybrid poly(cyclotriphosphazene-co-4,4′-sulfonyldiphenol) (PZS) HMNsviaa salt-induced liquid–liquid separation process. The size of inner cavities can be properly tuned by modulating the concentration of the NaOH solution. The regulation mechanism of the PZS HMNs was further confirmed by encapsulating water-dispersed Pt nanoclusters into the cavities. Interestingly, the resulting yolk–shell Pt@PZS serves as nanoreactors and exhibits excellent substrate selectivity and recyclability for the catalytic oxidation of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene.
67.Zhiwei Yang, Yizhen Zhao, Dongxiao Hao, Shunlin Ren, Xiaohui Yuan, Lingjie Meng, Shengli Zhang.Bindings of PPARγ ligand-binding domain with 5-cholesten-3β, 25-diol, 3-sulfate: accurate prediction by molecular simulation.Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2019,doi.org/10.1080/**.2019.**.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) has recently been identified as an attractive target for atherosclerosis intervention. Given potential relevance of 5-cholesten-3β, 25-diol, 3-sulphate (CHOS) and PPARγ, an integrated docking method was used to study their interaction mechanisms, with the full considerations to distinct CHOS conformations and dynamic ensembles of PPARγligand-binding domain (PPARγ-LBD). The results revealed that this novel platform is satisfactory to the accurate determination of binding profiles, and the binding pattern of CHOS is rather similar as those of current PPARγfull/partial agonists. CHOS contributes to the stabilization of the AF2 and β-sheet surfaces of PPARγ-LBD and promotes the configuration adjustment of Ω loop, in order to inhibit the Cdk5-mediated PPARγphosphorylation. Nonetheless, there are clear differences in term of occupation of full or partial agonist-like binding models. The energetic and geometric analyses further revealed that CHOS may be fond of partial agonist-like binding, and its sulfonic group and carbon skeleton are helpful for the binding process. We hope that the results will aid our understanding of recognitions involving CHOS with PPARγ-LBD and warrant the further aspects to pharmacological experiments.
66.Jianhui Li, Shaobo Han, Chgenyu Zhang, Wei Wei*, Meng Gu*, Lingjie Meng*.High-Performance and Reactivation Characteristics of High-Quality, Graphene-Supported SnS2Heterojunctions for a Lithium-Ion Battery Anode.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2019,11, 22314-22322.(IF=8.097)
SnS2 has received tremendous attention as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries owing to its high theoretical capacity and low cost. However, its applications are limited by its inferior cycling stability and poor rate performance. In this study, graphene@SnS2 heterojunction nanocomposites are synthesized using a microwave-assisted solvothermal approach on liquid-phase exfoliated graphene (LEGr). Compared with graphene oxides, LEGr layers with an intrinsic atomic structure show extraordinary conductivity and serve as robust substrates for in situ growth of SnS2 with improved interfacial contact. A LEGr-derived SnS2 hybrid shows remarkable storage capacity, superior rate capability, and excellent cycling stability. The storage capacity remains at 664 mAh g–1 after 200 cycles at 300 mA g–1 current density. Furthermore, lithiation-induced reactivation of LEGr-based SnS2 is investigated using in situ transmission electron microscopy, giving an in-depth explanation of the electrochemical reaction mechanisms.
65.Xunan Jing, Zhe Zhi, Liming Jin, Fei Wang, Youshen Wu, Daquan Wang, Kai Yan, Yongping Shao andLingjie Meng*.pH/redox dual-stimuli-responsive cross-linked polyphosphazene nanoparticles for multimodal imaging-guided chemo-photodynamic therapy. Nanoscale. 2019, 19(11):9457-9467.(IF=7.233)
Multifunctional nanodrugs with the integration of precise diagnostic and effective therapeutic functions have shown great promise in improving the efficacy of cancer therapy. We report herein a simple and effective approach to directly assemble an anticancer drug (curcumin), a photodynamic agent (Ce6) and tumor environment-sensitive molecules into cross-linked polyphosphazene and coat on superparamagnetic Fe3O4nanoclusters to form discrete nanoparticles (termed as FHCPCe NPs). FHCPCe NPs have high physiological stability and good biocompatibility, and can enhance accumulation in tumor tissueviathe enhanced permeability and retention effect. Meanwhile, the FHCPCe NPs exhibit an effective performance of dual-modality magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to the Fe3O4cores and fluorescence imaging (FL) in the xenografted HeLa tumor because of the fluorescence of Ce6. Importantly, under the conditions of supernormal glutathione levels and acidic microenvironment in tumor tissue, curcumin and Ce6 can be effectively released by the degradation of FHCPCe NPs. Therefore, excellent anti-tumor effects bothin vitroandin vivohave been achieved by synergistic chemotherapy/photodynamic therapy (CT/PDT) using multifunctional NPs. Our study highlights the promise of developing multifunctional nanomaterials for accurate multimodal imaging-guided highly sensitive therapy of cancer.
64.Jianhui Li, Hongkang Wang, Wei Wei*,Lingjie Meng*.Advanced MoS2and graphene heterostructures as high-performance anode for sodium-ion batteries. Nanotechnology. 2019, 30(10):104003.(IF=3.404)
Layer-structured MoS2is a promising anode material for sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) because of its high storage capacity, abundance in nature, and cost-effectiveness. However, the use of MoS2is limited by its low electronic conductivity, inferior cycling stability, and poor rate capability. To overcome these drawbacks, liquid-phase exfoliated graphene (LEGr) was used as the support, for which MoS2@LEGr heterostructures with a tunable loading amount of MoS2were fabricated by a microwave-assisted solvothermal method. LEGr with its exceptional atomic structure not only serves as a robust structural support of MoS2but also provides rapid electrical and ionic transfer pathways of the electrode material. When MoS2@LEGr heterostructures were applied for SIB anodes, the heterostructures exhibited a considerably enhanced sodium storage performance compared to pure MoS2, including higher sodium storage capacity as well as superior cycling stability and rate capability.
63.Jianhui Li, Haiting Yan, Wei Wei,Lingjie Meng*. Microwave-assisted mass synthesis of Mo1?xWxS2alloy composites with a tunable lithium storage property. Dalton Transction. 2018, p1-3.(IF=4.099)

Mo1?xWxS2(0 ≤x≤ 1) alloyed nanomaterials were successfully synthesized by a facile but high-efficiency one-pot microwave-assisted solvothermal method, and the relationship between structure of Mo1?xWxS2and their properties such as characteristic Raman scattering, electronic conductivity and lithium storage properties are investigated as well.

62.Jianhui Li, Haiting Yan, Wei Wei, Lingjie Meng*. Salt and water co-assisted exfoliation of graphite in organic solvent for efficient and large scale production of high-quality graphene.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018, P92-99. (IF=5.091)

Graphene has attracted enormous attention due to its unique physical properties and attractive applications in many fields. However, it is an ongoing challenge to develop a facile and low-cost method for the large scale preparation of high-quality graphene (HQGr). In this work, we have developed an improved liquid-phase exfoliation method to mass produce HQGr. This method is quite simple but efficient by exfoliation of graphite in organic solvent with the co-assistance of sodium citrate and water. Remarkably, the concentration of as-exfoliated HQGr was as high as 0.71?mg/mL under optimal conditions, while the oxygen content in HQGr was only 2.39%. After annealing at 500?°C for 2?h in argon atmosphere, the mean conductivity of annealed HQGr was as high as 1.4?×?104?S?m?1. Therefore, this facile method for liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite has excellent potential in the industrial-scale production of HQGr for numerous applications in energy storage, optical and electronic fields.
61. Jing Liu, Lingjie Meng*, Zhaofu Fei*, Paul J Dyson, Lei Zhang.On the origin of the synergy between the Pt nanoparticles and MnO2nanosheets in Wonton-like 3D nanozyme oxidase mimics. Biosensor & Bioelectronics. 2018., p159-165. (IF=8.173)
We describe a 3-dimensional scaffold nanocomposite oxidase nanozyme (termed PtNPs@MnO2) formed from 2-dimensional MnO2nanosheets grown on the surface of large platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs). The two components act synergistically in the catalytic oxidation of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), due to the intimate contact between the two components and mutual electron transfer phenomena. The Wonton-like 3-dimensional structure of the nanocomposite is highly stable and was characterized by cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM). The PtNPs@MnO2nanocomposite was employed in a sensing assay for the determination of glutathione (GSH) and dopamine (DA) with a linear range of 0.2μM ? 11μM for GSH and 0.1μM ? 1.1μM for DA. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) of GSH are 0.05μM (S/N=3) and 0.17μM (S/N=10), respectively. The LOD and LOQ for DA were estimated as 0.025μM and 0.083μM. The method was applied to analyze GSH in human serum samples and DA in pharmaceuticals.
60.Jianhui Li, Haiting Yan, Wei Wei*, Xifei Li, Lingjie Meng*. Enhanced Lithium Storage Performance of Liquid‐Phase Exfoliated Graphene Supported WS2Heterojunctions. ChemEletroChem,2018,https://doi.org/10.1002/ celc..(IF=4.446)
To improve the electrical conductivity and the cycling stability of layered transition metal disulfides (TMDs) as lithium‐ion battery anode, graphene@WS2heterojunction composites are prepared by a facile one‐pot process, involving liquid‐phase exfoliation of graphene inN‐methylpyrrolidone, followed by in‐situ growth of WS2in the graphene dispersion induced by a microwave‐assisted solvothermal method. The liquid‐phase exfoliated graphene (LEGr) with exceptional atomic structure not only serves as a substrate to couple WS2, but also serves as a mini‐current collector for the rapid transport of electrons within the anode. The LEGr‐based heterojunction WS2composites exhibit improved lithium storage performance compared to the counterpart based on graphene oxide (GO), including higher lithium storage capacity, superior rate capability and outstanding cycling stability. This protocol enables processing and construction of advanced TMD heterojunction electrodes based on LEGr using an economical pathway.
59. Yanzi Xu, Lin Ren, Dongfeng Dang*, Ying Zhi, Xiaochi Wang, Lingjie Meng*. A Strategy of "Self‐Isolated Enhanced Emission" to Achieve Highly Emissive Dual‐State Emission for Organic Luminescent Materials.Chem. Eur. J. 2018, https://doi.org/ 10.1002/chem.. (IF=5.317)
Currently, the commonly developed organic luminescent materials (OLMs) usually exhibit poor luminescent performance in aggregated solid states compared with their well‐dissolved solution states, making it a tough goal to achieve the highly emissive dual‐state emission. To overcome this limitation, "Self‐Isolated Enhanced Emission" (SIEE) strategy through flexible alkyl chains to suppress the emission‐quenched π‐π stacking in solids is proposed here and based on this guideline, remarkable emission efficiency with photoluminescence quantum yields up to 99.72% in solution and 77.46% in solid state are finally achieved for the SIEE constructed DBBT‐C8, which is then successfully used in the solid state display and data encryption.
58. Dongfeng Dang,Xiaochi Wang,Daquan Wang,Zhiwei Yang,Dongxiao Hao,Yanzi Xu,Shengli Zhang, and Lingjie Meng*. Fluorescent Organic Nanoparticles Constructed by a Facile “Self-Isolation Enhanced Emission” Strategy for Cell Imaging.ACS Appl. Nano Mater.,2018,1(5),pp 2324–2331
To achieve the highly emissive features and overcome the troublesome photobleaching for fluorescent organic molecules, a facile and versatile strategy named “self-isolation enhanced emission (SIEE)” was developed to prevent the π–π stacking of organic fluorophores by linking alkyl chains on their conjugated backbones. As a proof-of-concept, one or two octyl groups were grafted onto the backbone of 4,7-di(thiophen-2-yl)benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (termed as DTBT-0), resulting in two different molecules, termed as DTBT-1 and DTBT-2, respectively. Compared with DTBT-0, DTBT-1 and DTBT-2 exhibited remarkably enhanced fluorescent properties in both aggregated thin films and nanoparticles, demonstrating that the SIEE method could isolate the fluorophores effectively and then prevent their π–π stacking to achieve the impressive fluorescent properties. After proper surface modification, excellent water dispersibility, biocompatibility, and improved resistance to photobleaching were also achieved for highly emissive DTBT-2-based nanoparticles, which were then successfully applied for cellular imaging.
57.Daquan Wang, Lingjie Meng*, Zhaofu Fei, Chen Hou, Jiangang Long, Leli Zeng, Paul J. Dyson and Peng Huang.Multi-layered tumor-targeting photothermal-doxorubicin releasing nanotubes eradicate tumorsin vivowith negligible systemic toxicity. Nanoscale, 2018,10, 8536-8546 .(IF=7.233)
Multi-layered single-walled carbon nanotubes, termed SWNT@BSA@Au-S-PEG-FA@DOX, which integrate photothermal therapy with small molecule drug delivery, were prepared using a facile layer-by-layer assembly process. Oxidized and cut single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were coated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to provide abundant active sites for the nucleation of Au seeds, which are subsequently converted into gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) byin situreduction. The resulting SWNT@BSA@Au material exhibits ideal photothermal properties. Further modification of the nanomaterial with folic acid terminated-polyglycol (FA-PEG-SH) and subsequent loading with doxorubicin (DOX) afford the SWNT@BSA@Au-S-PEG-FA@DOX. The FA terminated PEG endows the material with high water-dispersibility, biocompatibility and cancer cell selectivity. A high drug loading ratio for DOX of up to 590% was achieved, with the drug release being pH and temperature dependent, adding to the selectivity of the system. High efficacy of the SWNT@BSA@Au-S-PEG-FA@DOX material, when combined with photothermal therapy (irradiation of the tumor with an 808 nm laser, 1 W cm?2for 5 min, 24 h after systemic injection of the nanomedicine), was demonstratedin vivo, resulting in complete tumor eradication. Remarkably, the side effects are negligible with only minor damage to normal tissues including the liver and kidneys being observed.
56.Zhi, Ying;Zhao, Baofeng;Cao, Ruijun;Xu, Yanzi;Wang, Jianguo;Dang, Dongfeng* ;Gao, Chao;Meng, Lingjie*.Triphenylamine cored electron-donors for solution-processed organic solar cells: From tri-armed molecules to tetra-armed molecules.DYES AND PIGMENTS,153:291-299.(IF=3.767)

A novel tetra-armed D-A type small molecule 4BTF-DTPA-T was designed here by utilizing the thiophene connected ditriphenylamine (DTPA) core and fluorinated benzothiadiazole (BTF) arms. To make a better comparison, tri-armed (star-shaped) 3BTF-TPA was also synthesized. Although a similar absorption spectra covering from 300 to 600 nm was observed for 3BTF-TPA and 4BTF-DTPA-T, much higher extinction coefficient was achieved for tetra-armed 4BTF-DTPA-T in both solution and thin films. Bulk hetero-junction (BHJ) organic solar cells were also fabricated to investigate their photovoltaic performance and as anticipated, a moderate PCE value of 2.61% with a V-oc of 1.00 eV was observed in 3BTF-TPA-based solar cells. However, when the tetra-armed 4BTF-DTPA-T was employed as the electron-donors, much enhanced J(EC) and FF values up to 9.33 mA/cm(2) and 44.80% were achieved for its homogeneous morphology in solar cells, finally leading to the maximum PCE value of 3.68%, indicating that the tetra-armed small molecules could be the promising electron-donors for solution processed organic solar cells.
55.Haiting Yan, Jianhui Li, Daomeng Liu, Xunan Jing, Daquan Wang and Lingjie Meng*.Controlled preparation of high quality WS2nanostructures by a microwave-assisted solvothermal method.CrystEngComm, 2018,20, 2324-2330.(IF=3.304)
Thin-layered WS2nanostructures have attracted great attention owing to their superior structures and properties when compared to MoS2, including larger layer-spacing, higher energy gap and better photothermal and lubrication properties. However, it is still challenging to prepare high-quality WS2nanosheets and assemble them into large quantities. In this work, we report a facile and efficient microwave-assisted solvothermal method for the synthesis of WS2nanostructures inN-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) using cheap tungsten hexachloride (WCl6) and elemental sulfur (S) as starting materials. The formation of WS2nanosheets and their controlled assembly into different morphologies (such as nanocones and nanoworms) were studied by adjusting the reactant concentration and reaction temperature. This method has also been successfully applied for preparation of other transition-metal dichalcogenides such as MoS2. The resulting WS2and MoS2nanomaterials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. The photothermal properties of WS2nanostructures have been investigated and it was found that the WS2nanosheets have the best photothermal efficiency and stable photothermal capacity, exhibiting great potential for photothermal therapy and other fields.
54.Xunan Jing,Zhe Zhi,Daquan Wang,Jing Liu,Yongping Shao, andLingjie Meng*.Multifunctional Nanoflowers for Simultaneous Multimodal Imaging and High-Sensitivity Chemo-Photothermal Treatment.Bioconjugate Chem.,2018,29(2), pp 559–570.(IF=4.485)
Liver cancer is currently among the most challenging cancers to diagnose and treat. It is of prime importance to minimize the side effects on healthy tissues and reduce drug resistance for precise diagnoses and effective treatment of liver cancer. Herein, we report a facile but high-yield approach to fabricate a multifunctional nanomaterial through the loading of chitosan and metformin on Mn-doped Fe3O4@MoS2nanoflowers. Mn-doped Fe3O4cores are used as simultaneousT1/T2magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) agents for sensitive and accurate cancer diagnosis, while MoS2nanosheets are used as effective near-infrared photothermal conversion agents for potential photothermal therapy. The surface-functionalized chitosan was able not only to improve the dispersibility of Mn-doped Fe3O4@MoS2nanoflowers in biofluids and increase their biocompatibility, but also to significantly enhance the photothermal effect. Furthermore, metformin loading led to high suppression and eradication of hepatoma cells when photothermally sensitized, but exhibited negligible effects on normal liver cells. Due to its excellent combination ofT1/T2MRI properties with sensitive chemotherapeutic and photothermal effects, our study highlights the promise of developing multifunctional nanomaterials for accurate multimodal imaging-guided, and highly sensitive therapy of liver cancer.
53.Wang, Junli; Dou, Chenxi; Chen, Lei;Yan, Haiting; Meng, Lingjie; Zhu, Jiangfeng; Wei, Zhiyi.High energy passively Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser based on Mo0.5W0.5S2 saturable absorber. Optical Materials Express. 2018,8:324-331.(IF=2.566)

A passively Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser based on a novel transition metal sulfide (TMDs) Mo0.5W0.5S2 absorber is reported for the first time. There are two different types of Mo0.5W0.5S2-based saturable absorbers (SAs) that achieve Q-switching operation, one of which is depositing the Mo0.5W0.5S2 on the surface of the tapered fiber, and the maximum single pulse energy of 172.91 nJ and minimum pulse width of 1.42 mu s is obtained. While the other is transferring Mo0.5W0.5S2-PVA(polyvinyl alcohol: PVA) SA film onto a standard FC/APC fiber end face, the high single pulse energy of 246.5 nJ and the minimum pulse width is 1.92 mu s is obtained, and the modulation depth of SAs detected by the twin-detector method is 15%. The experiment results show that Mo0.5W0.5S2 can be considered as a promising candidate for pulse fiber laser applications and other photoelectric devices.
52. Hongxiao Wang, Xiaohui Zhang*, Yugang Duan,and Lingjie Meng*.Experimental and Numerical Study of the InterfacialShear Strength in Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Resin Composite underThermal Loads.International Journal of Polymer Science. 2018,doi.org/10.1155/2018/**.(IF=1.718)

This study examined the influence mechanism of temperature on the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) between carbon fiber (CF)and epoxy resin (EP) matrices under various thermal loads using experimental and numerical simulation methods. To evaluatethe change in IFSS as a function of the increase in temperature, a microbond test was performed under controlled temperatureenvironment from 23 ° C to 150 ° C. The experimental results showed that IFSS values of CF/EP reduce significantly when thetemperature reaches near glass transition temperature. To interpret the effect of thermal loads on IFSS, a thermal-mechanicalcoupling finite element model was used to simulate the process of fiber pull-out from EP. The results revealed that temperaturedependence of IFSS is linked to modulus of the matrix as well as to the coefficients of thermal expansion of the fiber and matrix.
51. Daquan Wang, Yibo Ren, Yongping Shao and Lingjie Meng*.Multifunctional polyphosphazene-coated multi-walled carbon nanotubes for the synergistic treatment of redox-responsive chemotherapy and effective photothermal therapy. Polymer Chemistry. 2017,8,6938-6942.(IF=4.927)
It is a long-pursued goal to improve the antitumor efficiency while decreasing the systemic side effects of therapeutic agents of cancers. In this study, a multifunctional drug delivery system (DDS) for chemo-photothermal therapeutics was developed by coating an anticancer-drug-containing polyphosphazene (PPZ) onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs)viaone-potin situpolymerization of doxorubicin (DOX) and bis-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-disulfide (HPS) with hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene. The DOX loading ratio and release rate were precisely tunedviathe adjustment of the DOX to HPS molar ratio. MWNTs were used as a nanotemplate and near-infrared photothermal conversion agent for effective photothermal therapy. Remarkably, this multifunctional DDS selectively suppressed and killed cancer cells, but negligibly affected normal cells. Hence, this DDS demonstrates the proof-of-concept for effective chemo-photothermal synergistic therapy.
50.Daquan Wang, Yibo Ren, Yongping Shao, Demei Yu, Lingjie Meng*.Facile Preparation of Doxorubicin-Loaded and Folic Acid-Conjugated Carbon Nanotubes@Poly(N-vinyl pyrrole) for Targeted Synergistic Chemo–Photothermal Cancer Treatment. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 2017,DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00515.(IF=4.485)

We developed a bifunctional nanoplatform for targeted synergistic chemo–photothermal cancer treatment. The nanoplatform was constructed through a facile method in which poly(N-vinyl pyrrole) (PVPy) was coated on cut multiwalled carbon nanotubes (c-MWNTs); FA-PEG-SH was then linked by thiol–ene click reaction to improve the active targeting ability, water dispersibility, and biocompatibility and to extend the circulation time in blood. The PVPy shell not only enhanced the photothermal effect of c-MWNTs significantly but also provided a surface that could tailor targeting molecules and drugs. The resulting MWNT@PVPy-S-PEG-FA possessed high drug-loading ratio as well as pH-sensitive unloading capacity for a broad-spectrum anticancer agent, doxorubicin. Owing to its outstanding efficiency in photothermal conversion and ability in targeted drug delivery, the material could potentially be used as an efficient chemo–photothermal therapeutic nanoagent to treat cancer.
49. Songxia Yu, Zhiqiang Wang, Ruijun Cao, Lingjie Meng*. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Small and Water-Dispersible Lanthanide-Doped NaGdF4 Nanocrystals for PL/CT/MR Multimodal Imaging. SM Journal Clinical and Medical Imaging. 2017,3(1), 1011-1016.

Multimodal imaging is advantageous in overcoming the deficiencies of individual imaging modalities. Herein, small, monodisperse and water-dispersible NaGdF4: Ln (Ln = Eu, Tb, Dy) Nano Crystals (NCs) were successfully prepared in a facile manner by one-pot microwave-assisted solvothermal reaction in ethylene glycol. The morphology, size distribution, zeta potential, and crystal structure of the resulting NCs were well characterised by transmission electron microscopy, Nano-ZS90 Zetasizer, and X-ray diffraction analyses. These as-synthesised NaGdF4: Ln (Ln = Eu, Tb, Dy) NCs exhibited a low cytotoxicity for Hela and C9H2 cells. Moreover, the doping concentrations of Eu3+, Tb3+, and Dy3+ ions were optimised for efficient Photoluminescence (PL) under the excitation of 273 nm in water. Furthermore, these NCs exhibited excellent relaxivity parameters (r1) in Magnetic Resonance (MR) imaging and Hounsfield units in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) imaging in vitro. Therefore, these NCs have great potential to construct a unique platform for PL/CT/MR multimodal imaging simultaneously.

48. Songxia Yu, Zhiqiang Wang, Ruijun Cao, Lingjie Meng*. Microwave–assisted synthesis of water–disperse and biocompatible NaGdF4: Yb,Ln@NaGdF4nanocrystals for UCL/CT/MR multimodal imaging. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2017, 200, 77-83.(IF=1.879)
In this paper, we have developed a series of rare earth fluoride nanocrystals (NCs) that can be used for multimodal imaging applications. Three highly monodisperse and water dispersible NaGdF4:Yb,Ln@NaGdF4(Ln=Er, Tm, Ho) upconversion luminescence (UCL) NCs with an average size of 75nm were prepared using a facile and efficient microwave–assisted solvothermal reaction in ethylene glycol (EG). The morphology, crystal structures, size distributions and zeta potentials of the resulting NCs were fully characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X–ray diffraction (XRD) and Nano–ZS90 Zetasizer. The obtained NaGdF4:Yb,Ln@NaGdF4(Ln=Er, Tm, Ho) NCs could emit bright blue, green and red luminescence in water upon laser excitation at 980nm. Furthermore, these core–shell NCs exhibited low cytotoxicity for HeLa and C9H2 cells, separately. Moreover, these NCs also displayed excellent Hounsfield units (HU) values in X–ray computed tomography (CT) imaging and high relaxivity parameters (r1) in magnetic resonance (MR) imagingin vitro. Thus, these small, water–dispersible and biocompatible NCs show excellent potential as contrast agents for UCL/CT/MR multimodal imaging and other biomedical applications.

47.Dongfeng Dang*, Ying Zhi, Xiaochi Wang, Baofeng Zhao*, Chao Gao*, Lingjie Meng*.A1-A-A1type small molecules terminated with naphthalimide building blocks for efficient non-fullerene organic solar cells. Dyes and Pigments. 2017, 137, 43-49.(IF=3.767)
Novel non-fullerene acceptors with an A1-A-A1framework were designed and synthesized, in which benzothiadiazole and diketopyrrolopyrrole building blocks were employed as the A unit and naphthalimide units were incorporated as the A1units. Both acceptor systems exhibited a broadened absorption spectra from 300nm to 700nm in contrast to that of fullerene derivatives. Meanwhile, high-lying LUMO energy levels were also observed for both developed acceptors. To investigate photovoltaic properties of the acceptors, bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells were fabricated using an established electron donating polymer as the donor material. As anticipated, efficient non-fullerene OSCs with highVocvalues up to 1.01–1.12V were achieved when the new molecules were employed as electron acceptors, leading to the PCE values of 1.23% and 1.64% in their solar cells. Our results here demonstrate that the A1-A-A1type small molecule containing naphthalimide building blocks in molecular backbone could be the promising electron acceptor in organic solar cells.

46.Sweejiang Yoo, Jin Hou, Wenhui Yi*, Yingchun Li, Weiping Chen, Lingjie Meng*, Jinhai Si & Xun Hou. Enhanced Response of Metformin towards the Cancer Cells due to Synergism with Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Photothermal Therapy. Sci Rep. 2017,DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01118-3. (IF=4.122)

45.Daquan Wang, Chen Hou, Lingjie Meng,* Jiangang Long, Jiange Jing,Dongfeng Dang, Zhaofu Fei and Paul J. Dyson.Stepwise growth of gold coated cancer targeting carbon nanotubes for the precise delivery of Doxorubicin combined with photothermal therapy. Journal of Material Chemistry B,2017, 5, 1380 - 1387. (IF=4.776)

44. Liu Jing, Lingjie Meng*, Zhaofu Fei, Paul J Dyson, Jing Xunan, Liu Xing. MnO2Nanosheets as an Artificial Enzyme to Mimic Oxidase for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Glutathione. Biosensor and Bioelectronics. 2017,69-74. (IF=8.173)

43. Dang Dongfeng*, Zhou Pei, Zhi Ying, Bao Xichang*, Yang Renqiang, Meng Lingjie*, Zhu Weiguo*. Spirobifluorene-cored small molecules containing four diketopyrrolopyrrole arms for solution-processed organic solar cells. Journal of Materials Science, 2016,51(7):8018-8026. (IF=2.993)

Spirobifluorene-linked three-dimensional small molecules of SF(DPP)(4) and SF(TDPP)(4) containing four diketopyrrolopyrrole arms were designed and synthesized. Both molecules displayed a broad and strong absorption in the region of 300-700 nm with suitable HOMO and LUMO energy levels as well as high charge carrier mobility. Meanwhile, solution-processed organic solar cells with a device structure of ITO/PEDOT:PSS/active layer/Ca/Al was also fabricated to investigate the photovoltaic properties of SF(DPP)(4) and SF(TDPP)(4). In contrast to that of star-shaped TPA(DPP)(3) in solar cells, enhanced photovoltaic performance with an impressive open circuit voltage of 0.95 V and short-circuit current density of 9.12 mA/cm(2) was achieved, leading to the maximum power conversion efficiency of 3.72 %. Our result here demonstrated that the three-dimensional-type small molecule in a D-A framework is a promising candidate as electron-donor materials for efficient organic solar cells.
42. Dang Dongfeng*, Wang Xiaochi, Zhi Ying, Meng Lingjie, Bao Xichang*, Yang Renqiang, Zhu Weiguo*. Synthesis and characterization of D-A-A type regular terpolymers with narrowed band-gap and their application in high performance polymer solar cells. Organic Electronics. 2016,32, 237-243.(IF=3.68)

Two novel D-A-A type regular terpolymers of PBDT-DTQ and PIDT-DTQ were designed and synthesized, in which benzodithiophene and indacenodithiophene building blocks were employed as the D unit, and quinoxaline building block was introduced as the A unit. Owing to the strong intra-molecular charge transfer effect in polymer backbone, much broader absorption spectra covering from 320 to 800 nm with the narrowed band-gap were obtained for the developed D-A-A type polymers in contrast to their corresponding D-A type polymers. On the other hand, compared with PBDT-DTQ, PIDT-DTQ exhibited a deeper HOMO energy level and also higher charge carrier mobility. To investigate the photovoltaic properties of PBDT-DTQ and PIDT-DTQ in detail, bulk hetero-junction polymer solar cells with a structure of ITO/PEDOT: PSS/Active Layer/Ca/Al were fabricated. PBDT-DTQ-based solar cells exhibited a moderate PCE value of 3.84%, however, an increased J(sc) of 11.42 mA/cm(2), V-oc of 0.86 V and FF of 65.77% was achieved for PIDT-DTQ-based device, leading to the maximum PCE up to 6.41%. Our results here demonstrated that using the regular terpolymers as electron donor materials could be an efficient way to broaden the absorption of polymers and improve the photovoltaic performance of PSCs.
4 41.Min Hu*, Dandan Ma, Chengcheng Liu, Jing Wang, Zhenxi Zhang and Lingjie Meng*. Intense white emission from a single-upconversion nanoparticle and tunable emission colour with laser power. Journal of Material ChemistryC 2016,4,6975.(IF=5.976)

40.Dandan Ma, Xiang Xu, Min Hu,* Jing Wang, Zhenxi Zhang, Jian Yang, and Lingjie Meng*. Rare-Earth Based Nanoparticles with Simultaneously Enhanced Near-Infrared (NIR)-Visible (Vis) and NIR-NIR Dual-Conversion Luminescence for Multimodal Imaging. Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2016,11(7),1050-1058. (IF=3.692)

2015 年
39. Daquan Wang, Ying Hu, Lingjie Meng,* Xiaochi Wang and Qinghua Lu. One-pot synthesis of fluorescent and cross-linked polyphosphazene nanoparticles for highly sensitive and selective detection of dopamine in body fluids.RSC Advances 2015, 5, 92762-92768. (IF=2.936)

38. Songxia Yu, Ruijun Cao, Jun Li, Lingjie Meng*. Controlled synthesis of NdF3and NaNdF4micro- or nanocrystals by one-pot microwave-assisted hydrothermal reaction. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 2015, 178, 286-290.(IF=2.213)
37. 王晓驰,常刚,曹瑞军,孟令杰*。近红外荧光染料的结构、性质及生物荧光成像应用。化学进展,2015,27(7)794-805.

36.Dandan Ma, Lingjie Meng, Yuzhong Chen, Min Hu,* Yanke Chen, Chen Huang,* Jin Shang, Ruifeng Wang, Youmin Guo and Jian Yang. NaGdF4:Yb3+/Er3+@NaGdF4:Nd3+@Sodium-Gluconate: Multifunctional and Biocompatible Ultrasmall Core.Shell Nanohybrids for UCL/MR/CT Multimodal Imaging.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 16257-16265.(IF=8.097)

35. 刘天辉,常刚,曹瑞军,孟令杰*超顺磁性Fe3O4纳米粒子在磁共振造影中的应用。化学进展,2015,27(5):601-613.

34. Lingjie Meng*, Chengqiang Xu, Tianhui Liu, Hua Li, Qinghua Lu* and Jiangang Long:One-pot synthesis of highly cross-linked fluorescent polyphosphazene nanoparticles for cell imaging. Polymer Chemistry 2015, 6,3155-3163. (IF=4.927)

33. Zhao Chen, Xiaochi Wang, Hua Li, Chao Li, Qinghua Lu, Guang Yang,Jiangang Long and Lingjie Meng*:Controllable and mass fabrication of highly luminescent N-doped carbon dots for bioimaging applications. RSC Advances 2015, 5, 22343-22349. (IF=2.936)

32. Lijuan Sun, Tianhui Liu, Hua Li, Liang Yang, Lingjie Meng*, Qinghua Lu*, and Jiangang Long: Fluorescent and Cross-linked Organic?Inorganic Hybrid Nanoshellsfor Monitoring Drug Delivery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 4990-4997.(IF=8.097)

2014 年
31. Meng Lingjie*, Xia Wenjian, Liu Li, Niu Lvye, Lu Qinghua*. Golden Single-Walled Carbon nanotubes Prepared Using Double Layer Polysaccharides Bride for Photothermal Therapy. ACS Applied Materials and Surface, 2014,30, 4485-64.(IF=8.097)

30.Hu Ying, Meng Lingjie*, Lu Qinghua*. "Fastening" Porphyrin in Highly Cross-linked Polyphosphazene Hybrid Nanoparticles: Powful Red Fluorescent Probe for Detecting Mercury Ion. Langmuir, 2014, 6(7):4989-96.(IF=3.789)

2013 年
29. Hu ying, Meng Lingjie*, Niu Lvye, Lu Qinghua*. Facile Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Fe3O4@polyphosphazene@Au Shells for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Photothermal Therapy. ACS Applied Materials and Surface, 2013, 5(11), 4586-91.(IF=8.019)

28. Hu ying, Meng Lingjie*, Niu Lvye, Lu Qinghua*. Highly Cross-linked and Biocompatible Polyphosphazene Coated Fe3O4 Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Langmuir, 2013, 29(29):9156-63.(IF=3.789)

27.Niu Lvye, Meng Lingjie*, Lu Qinghua*. Folate-Conjugated PEG on Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Targeting Delivery of Doxorubicin to Cancer Cells. Macromolecular Bioscience 2013, 13(6):735-44.(IF=3.392)
26. Meng Lingjie, Niu Lvye, Li Ling, Lu Qinghua*, Fei Zhaofu, Dyson Paul J*. Gold nanoparticles grown on ionic liquid-functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes: new materials for photothermal therapy. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2012,18(42) , 13314-13319.(IF=5.319)

25. Hongdan Peng, Lingjie Meng, Lvye Niu, Qinghua Lu. Simultaneous Reduction and Surface Functionalization of Graphene Oxide by Natural Cellulose with the Assistance of the Ionic Liquid. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, 116 (30), pp 16294–16299。(IF=4.484)

24. Peng, Hongdan, Meng, Lingjie, Lu, Qinghua, Zhaofu Fei, Paul J Dyson. Fabrication of reduced graphene oxide hybrid materials that exhibit strong fluorescence. Journal of Material Chemisty, 2012, 20(26): 5493-8.(IF=6.010)

23. Meng Lingjie, Zhang Xiaoke, Lu Qinghua*, Fei Zhaofu, Dyson Paul J. Single walled carbon nanotubes as drug delivery vehicles:targeting doxorubicin to tumors. Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 1689-1697.(IF=8.806)

22. Ji Zongfei, Lin Gaofeng, Lu Qinghua, Meng Lingjie*, Shen Xizhong, Dong Ling, Fu Chuanlong, Zhang Xiaoke. Targeted Therapy of SMMC-7721 Liver Cancer in Vitro and in Vivo with Carbon Nanotubes Based Drug Delivery System. Joural of Colloid and Interface Science, 2012, 365,143-149.(IF=5.019)

21. Da Xi, Sheng Dong, Xiaoxi Meng, Qinghua Lu, Lingjie Meng* and Jin Ye ,Gold nanoparticles as computerized tomography (CT) contrast agents. RSC Adv., 2012,2, 12515-12524.(IF=2.293)

20. Zhou Junfeng, Meng Lingjie*, Lu Qinghua*, Feng Xinliang. One-pot Synthesis of Highly Magnetic Sensitive Nanochains Coated with Highly Cross-Linked and Biocompatible Polymer. Angew Chemistry International Edit. 2010, 49, 8476-80.(IF=12.102)

19. Zhou Junfeng, Meng Lingjie*, Lu Qinghua*. Core@Shell Nanostructures for Photothermal Conversion: Tunable Noble Metal Nanoshells on Cross-linked Polymer Submicro-spheres. Journal of Material Chemisty, 2010, 20(26): 5493-8.(IF=6.01)

18. Meng Lingjie*, Fu Chuanlong, Lu Qinghua, Fei Zhaofu*, Dyson Paul J. Photochemical Behavior of High Quantum Yield SWNTs Functionalized with Anthracene Salts. Chemistry-A Asian Journal, 2010, 9(5):1988-1991.(IF=4.592)

17. Meng Lingjie*, Fu Chuanlong, Lu Qinghua, Fei Zhaofu*, Dyson Paul J. Coordination chemistry on the surface of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Inorg. Chim. Acta. 2010, 363, 3926-31.(IF=2.264)
16. Zhang Xiaoke, Meng Lingjie, Wang Xuefeng, Lu Qinghua. Preparation and Cellular Uptake of pH-Dependent Fluorescent Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes. Chemistry-A European Journal, 2010,16,556-61.(IF=5.019)

15. Lin Gaofeng, Meng Lingjie, Zhang Xiaoke, Lu Qinghua: Non-Covalent Separation of Metallic and Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. Progress in Chemistry. 2010, 22, 331-337.

14. Xia Wenjian,Meng Lingjie, Liu Li, Lu Qinghua: Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Noble Metal Nanoparticles. Progress in Chemistry. 2010, 22, 2298-2308.
13. Fei Zhaofu, Zhu Dunru, Yang Xue, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, et al. An Internal Fluorescent Probe Based on Anthracene to 8319)
12. Meng Lingjie, Fu Chuanlong, Lu Qinghua (2009). Advanced technology for functionalization of carbon nanotubes. Process in Naturnal Science, 2009,19,801-810.
11. Zhou Junfeng, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, Fu Jianwei, Huang Xiaobin. Superparamagnetic submicro-megranates: Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with highly cross-linked organic/inorganic hybrids. Chemical Communications, 2009, 42:6370-2.(IF=6.29)

10. Zhang Xiaoke, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, Fei Zhaofu, Dyson Paul J. Targeted delivery and controlled release of doxorubicin to cancer cells using modified single wall carbon nanotubes. Biomaterials, 2009, 30: 6041-7.(IF=8.557)

9. Zhang Xiaoke, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua. Cell behaviors on polysaccharide-wrapped single-wall carbon nanotubes: a quantitative study of the surface properties of biomimetic nanofibrous scaffolds. ACS Nano, 2009, 3:3200-6.(IF=13.709)

8. Li Ling, Meng Lingjie, Zhang Xiaoke, Fu Chuanlong,Lu Qinghua. Ionic liquid- associated synthesis of water-soluble and biocompatible cellulose/SWCNTs complex. Journal of Material Chemisty, 2009, 19, 3612-7.(IF=6.101)

7. Fu Chuanlong, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, Fei Zhaofu, Dyson Paul J. A facile strategy for preparation of fluorescent SWNT complexes with high quantum yields based on ion exchange. Advanced Functional Materials. 2008, 18, 857-64.(IF=13.325)
6. Zhang Jichun, Meng Lingjie, Zhao Dongbin, Fei Zhaofu, Lu Qinghua, Dyson Paul J. Fabrication of dendritic fold nanoparticles by use of an ionic polymer template. Langmuir, 2008, 24, 2699-704.(IF=4.457)

5. Ren Lanzheng, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, Fei Zhaofu, Dyson Paul J. Fabrication of gold nano- and microstructures in ionic liquids - A remarkable anion effect. Joural of Colloid and Interface Science, 2008, 323, 260-6.(IF=5.019)
4. Ren Lanzheng,Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua. Mass Synthesis of Large, Single-crystal Gold Nanoplates Using a Pyridinium-based Ionic Liquid. 2008,2nd IEEE International Nanoelectronics Conference.
3. Ren Lanzheng,Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua. Fabrication of octahedral gold nanostructures using an alcoholic ionic liquid.Chemistry Letter.2008,37,106-107.(IF=1.625).
2. Fu ChuanLong; Meng LingJie; Lu QingHua. 'Hierarchical self-assembly' of helical amylose/SWNTs complex. Science in China Series B-Chemistry. 2008, 51, 269-274.
1. Fu Chuanlong, Meng Lingjie, Lu Qinghua, Zhang Xiaoke, Gao Chao. Large-scale production of homogeneous helical amylose/single-walled nanotubes complexes with good biocompatibility. Macromolecule Rapidly Commmunacation, 2007, 28, 2180-4.(IF=4.441)

Patents - 孟 令杰发明专利
13. 左旋肉碱修饰多酚类抗氧化剂及其合成方法,申请号:3.9.
12. 一种二氧化锰纳米片模拟氧化物酶检测还原性生物分子的方法,申请号:3.X
11. 一种氮、磷、硫掺杂或共掺杂碳点及其批量可控制备方法和应用,申请号:9;
10. 荧光离子液体功能化的碳纳米管的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 2007 1 **.3;
9. 生物相容性螺旋形貌直链淀粉功能化碳纳米管的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 2007 1 **.9;
8. 生物相容性的纤维素功能化碳纳米管的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 2007 1 **.6;
7. 单壁碳纳米管金属有机框架的制备方法, 专利号:ZL 2008 1 **.X;
6. 金属纳米粒子修饰多糖包覆碳纳米管制备方法, 专利号:ZL 2010 1 **.X;
5. 多糖改性碳纳米仿生纳米纤维结构生物支架制备方法, 申请号:7.2;
4. pH响应性碳纳米管荧光探针的制备方法, 申请号:5.3;
3. 一维四氧化三铁磁性纳米链及其制备方法,申请号:2.5;
2. 壳聚糖或海藻酸钠改性碳纳米管靶向缓释载体的制备方法, 申请号:6.8;
1. 具有靶向MR显像和光热疗性能的纳米复合物粒子及其制备方法,申请号:0.1;

Teaching - 孟 令杰讲授课程
《大学化学》 面向全校本科生课程;
《生物有机化学》 化学专业本科生课程;










张珮娟.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

张作粮.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

申起飞.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

邱瑶.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

1-s2.0-S2344-ga1_lrg.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

微信图片_407.png1 个月之前被孟 令杰

**_10.1039_D0QM01035A.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

1-s2.0-S0175-ga1.jpg1 个月之前被孟 令杰

微信图片_703.png1 个月之前被孟 令杰

6.png6 个月之前被孟 令杰

5.png6 个月之前被孟 令杰

4.png6 个月之前被孟 令杰



现在由 {title}

Recruitment - 孟 令杰博士招生专业和考试科目
080500 材料科学与工程 考试科目
14功能聚合物材料 ① 1101 英语
18 纳米生物材料② 2225功能材料
③ 3331 材料科学进展

070301 无机化学 考试科目
01 无机纳米化学 ① 101 思想政治理论
02 无机-有机杂化纳米材料 ② 201 英语一
③ 723 物理化学
④ 821 有机化学
070305 高分子化学与物理
01 生物高分子材料 ① 101 思想政治理论
② 201 英语一
③ 723 物理化学
④ 821 有机化学

Memory - 孟 令杰媒体库













相关话题/西安交通大学 化学学院