

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10

陈雪利 华山********

通讯地址:陕西省西安市长安区西沣路兴隆段266号 邮编 710126
电子邮箱:xlchen at xidian.edu.cn


2017.07-至今,西安电子科技大学,生命科学技术学院,教授 (年限破格)


2021.01-至今,Frontiers in Oncology,客座副主编
2020.03-至今,Frontiers in Oncology/Pharmacology,客座副主编
2020.01-至今,Artifical Intelligence in Medical Imaging,主编

IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., IEEE Photonics J., Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express, Phys. Med. Biol., Biomed. Opt. Express, Eur. Radiol., Opt. Commun., Appl. Opt., J. Biomed. Opt., J. Biomed. Nanotech., Oncogene, Chin. Opt. Lett., etc.

截至2020年12月,研究室主持包括国家重点研发计划课题,国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目课题、面上项目,国家级青年人才项目,陕西省****科学基金、“特支计划”青年人才项目等省部级科研项目18项;已在Nature Communications、Photonics Research、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering、European Radiology等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文80余篇;获授权美国专利2项,中国发明专利20余项;获陕西省自然科学奖二等奖、教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖、陕西省科学技术奖三等奖、陕西高校科学技术奖一等奖等多项省部/厅局级科技奖励。










陈雪利 华山********

通讯地址:陕西省西安市长安区西沣路兴隆段266号 邮编 710126
电子邮箱:xlchen at xidian.edu.cn


2017.07-至今,西安电子科技大学,生命科学技术学院,教授 (年限破格)


2021.01-至今,Frontiers in Oncology,客座副主编
2020.03-至今,Frontiers in Oncology/Pharmacology,客座副主编
2020.01-至今,Artifical Intelligence in Medical Imaging,主编

IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., IEEE Photonics J., Opt. Lett.,Opt. Express, Phys. Med. Biol., Biomed. Opt. Express, Eur. Radiol., Opt. Commun., Appl. Opt., J. Biomed. Opt., J. Biomed. Nanotech., Oncogene, Chin. Opt. Lett., etc.

截至2020年12月,研究室主持包括国家重点研发计划课题,国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目课题、面上项目,国家级青年人才项目,陕西省****科学基金、“特支计划”青年人才项目等省部级科研项目18项;已在Nature Communications、Photonics Research、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering、European Radiology等国际学术期刊发表SCI论文80余篇;获授权美国专利2项,中国发明专利20余项;获陕西省自然科学奖二等奖、教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖、陕西省科学技术奖三等奖、陕西高校科学技术奖一等奖等多项省部/厅局级科技奖励。










快速高分辨率相干拉曼显微成像技术(基于Raman tag的多色/多通道免标记成像)
基于无透镜模式的计算显微成像技术(高通量细胞计数/flow cytometry imaging)







陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年人才项目,2015JQ6249、内窥式契伦科夫荧光三维成像方法与信号增强技术研究、2015/01-2016/12、2万元 (评价结果为优)。(项目负责人:陈雪利)
科技部973项目(多模态分子影像关键科学问题研究) 子课题,2011CB707702、多源影像信息融合与计算平台及多模态成像系统、2011/01-2015/12、93万元。(课题骨干:陈雪利;可支配经费20万元)

Book Chapters

Xueli Chen, Dongmei Chen, Fenglin Liu, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang, and Jimin Liang*. Optical-CT Imaging (Chapter 11), Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications (Editors: George C. Kagadis, Nancy L. Ford, Dimitrios Karnabatidis, and George K. Loudos), Taylors & Francis Inc, 11/03/2016
Jie Tian, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, and Xiaochao Qu. Molecular Optical Simulation Environment (Chapter 2), Molecular Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications (Editor: Jie Tian), Zhejiang University Press and Springer-Verlag, 15-46, 2012.

Selected Papers

Xueli Chen#,*, Xinyu Wang#, Lin Wang#, Peng Lin, Yonghua Zhan, and Ji-Xin Cheng,“Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering medium using self-reconstructing Bessel beams,” Photonics Research 2020, 8(6), 929-939. DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.384604. (Raman)
Xueli Chen#,*, Shouping Zhu#, Huiyuan Wang, Cuiping Bao, Defu Yang, Chi Zhang, Peng Lin, Ji-Xin Cheng, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Accelerated stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from sparse-view data,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020, 67(5), 1293-1302. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.** (Raman)
Yunpeng Dai#, Guodong Wang#, Duofang Chen, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Intravenous administration-oriented pharmacokinetic model for dynamic bioluminescence imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2019, 66(3), 843-847. (Quantification)
Xueli Chen#, Chi Zhang#, Peng Lin, Kai-Chih Huang, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography,” Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15117. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15117 (Raman)
Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Fangfang Sun, Xu Cao, and Jimin Liang*, “Adaptively alternative light-transport-model-based three-dimensional optical imaging for longitudinal and quantitative monitoring of gastric cancer in live animal,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2016, 63(10), 2095-2107. (Quantification)
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yonghua Zhan, Xu Cao, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Intensity enhanced Cerenkov luminescence imaging using terbium-doped Gd2O2S microparticles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(22), 11775-11782. (Cerenkov endoscope)
Hao Hu#, Xin Cao#, Fei Kang#, Min Wang, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Shujun Li, Liping Yao, Jie Liang, Jimin Liang, Yongzhan Nie, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang*, Kaichun Wu*, “Feasibility study of novel endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system in detecting and quantifying gastrointestinal disease: first human results,” European Radiology 2015, 25(6), 1814-1822. (SCI Citation: 25) (Cerenkov endoscope)
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images,” Optics Express 2010, 18(19), 19876-19893. (SCI Citation: 36) (Quantification)


Xinyu Wang, Lin Wang, Peng Lin, Hui Xie, Xinyi Xu, Qi Zeng, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, "Simulation of stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering tissues excited by Bessel beams," Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2021, Accepted.
Shenghan Ren#, Yanxia Luo#, Tianyu Yan, Lin Wang, Duofang Chen*, and Xueli Chen, “Machine learning based automatic segmentation of region of interest in dynamic optical imaging,” AIP Advances 2021, 11(1), 015029. DOI: 10.1063/5.**.


Xin Cao, Jun Zhang, Jianan Yang, Chuixiao Fan, Fengjun Zhao, Wei Zhou, Lin Wang, Guohua Geng, Mingquan Zhou, and Xueli Chen*, “A deep unsupervised clustering-based post-processing framework for high-fidelity Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” Journal of Applied Physics 2020, 128, 193104. DOI: 10.1063/5.**
Xueli Chen#,*, Xinyu Wang#, Lin Wang#, Peng Lin, Yonghua Zhan, and Ji-Xin Cheng,“Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering medium using self-reconstructing Bessel beams,” Photonics Research 2020, 8(6), 929-939. DOI: 10.1364/PRJ.384604.
Xueli Chen#,*, Shouping Zhu#, Huiyuan Wang, Cuiping Bao, Defu Yang, Chi Zhang, Peng Lin, Ji-Xin Cheng, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Accelerated stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from sparse-view data,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020, 67(5), 1293-1302. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.**
Yunpeng Dai#, Duofang Chen#, Guodong Wang, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan*, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Kinetic modeling and analysis of dynamic bioluminescence imaging of substrates administered by intraperitoneal injection,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 2020, 10(2), 389-396.
Duofang Chen, Shouping Zhu, Yi Huang, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Removal of random-valued impulse noise from Cerenkov luminescence images,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2020, 58(1), 131-141.
Nan Wang#, Honghao Cao#, Lin Wang, Feng Ren, Qi Zeng, Xinyi Xu, Jimin Liang, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, “Recent advances in spontaneous Raman spectroscopic imaging: instrumentation and applications,” Current Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 27(36), 6188-6207. DOI: 10.2174/6**1
Ruichan Lv*, Fan Yang, Xue Jiang, Bo Hu, Xianghan Zhang, Xueli Chen, and Jie Tian, “Plasmonic modulated upconversion fluorescence by adjustable distributed gold nanoparticle,” Journal of Luminescence 2020, 220, 116974.
Shenghan Ren, Lin Wang, Qi Zeng, Duofang Chen*, Xueli Chen, and Jimin Liang, “Effective reconstruction of bioluminescence tomography based on GPU-accelerated inverse Monte Carlo method,” AIP Advances 2020, 10, 105329.
Shenghan Ren#, Tianyu Yan#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Jimin Liang, Qi Zeng*, and Xueli Chen, “Wide-field Raman spectroscopic imaging with frequency modulation based spatially encoded light illumination,” AIP Advances 2020, 10, 095012.


Yunpeng Dai#, Guodong Wang#, Duofang Chen, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Intravenous administration-oriented pharmacokinetic model for dynamic bioluminescence imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2019, 66(3), 843-847.
Ke Li#, Wenhua Zhan#, Yulong Chen, Rajiv Kumar Jha*, and Xueli Chen*, “Docetaxel and doxorubicin codelivery by nanocarriers for synergistic treatment of prostate cancer,” Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019, 10, 1436. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01436
Tianyu Yan#, Qi Zeng#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Honghao Cao, Xinyi Xu, and Xueli Chen*, “Harnessing the power of optical microscopic and macroscopic imaging for natural products as cancer therapeutics,” Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019, 10, 1438. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01438
Lin Wang, Honghao Cao, Xin Cao, Shenghan Ren, Ke Li, Yonghua Zhan, Xueli Chen*, and Xiaowei He*, “Adaptively hybrid 3rd simplified spherical harmonics with diffusion equation based multispectral Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” IEEE Access 2019, 7, 160779. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.**
Hui Xie#, Huiyuan Wang#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Jimin Liang, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, “Comparative studies of total-variation-regularized sparse reconstruction algorithms in projection tomography,” AIP Advances 2019, 9, 085122. Aug. 23, 2019. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Nan Wang#, Duofang Chen#, Dan Chen, Cuiping Bao, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Shouping Zhu*, “Feasibility study of limited-angle reconstruction for in vivo optical projection tomography based on novel sample fixation,” IEEE Access 2019, 7(1), 87681-87691.
Xinyi Xu#, Hanrui Li#, Ke Li, Qi Zeng, Yin Liu, Yun Zeng, Dan Chen, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Yonghua Zhan*, “A photo-triggered conjugation approach for attaching RGD ligands to biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the tumor fluorescent imaging,” Nanomedcine-Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2019, 19(4), 136-144.
Xiaoxia Cai, Qingxia Zhu, Yun Zeng, Qi Zeng, Xueli Chen, and Yonghua Zhan*, “Manganese oxide nanoparticles as MRI contrast agents in tumor multimodal imaging and therapy,” Internal Journal of Nanomedicine 2019, 14, 8321-8344.
Hanrui Li#, Ke Li#, Qi Zeng, Yun Zeng, Dan Chen, Liaojun Pang, Xueli Chen, and Yonghua Zhan*, “Novel vinyl-modified RGD conjugated silica nanoparticles based on photo click chemistry for in vivo prostate cancer targets fluorescence imaging,” RSC Advances 2019, 9, 25318.
Qi Zeng, Hongjin Song, Xinyi Xu, Wenjie Mao, Hui Xie, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, Dan Chen, and Yonghua Zhan*, “Health effects of kiwi wine on rats: an untargeted metabolic fingerprint study based on GC-MS/TOF,” RSC Advances 2019, 9(24), 13797-13807.


Yunpeng Dai#, Guodong Wang#, Duofang Chen, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*,“Intravenous administration-oriented pharmacokinetic model for dynamic bioluminescence imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2018, In press. DOI:10.1109/TBME.2018.**
Yun Zeng#, Jingwen Ma#, Yonghua Zhan, Xinyi Xu, Qi Zeng, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*,“Hypoxia-activated prodrugs and redox-responsive nanocarriers,” International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018, 12(9-10), 542-546.
Lin Wang#, Xin Cao#,*, Xu Cao, Fei Kang, Yonghua Zhan, Xiaowei He, Jing Wang*, and Xueli Chen*,“Feasibility study of radioluminescence film imaging: an optical way to detect medical radionuclides,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2018, 12(9-10), 542-546.
Defu Yang, Chenggang Yan*, Lei Yang, Dongliang Peng, and Xueli Chen*,“An alternative reconstruction framework with optimal permission source region for bioluminescence tomography,” Optical Communications 2018, 427(11), 112-122.
Defu Yang, Lin Wang, Dongmei Chen, Chenggang Yan, Xiaowei He, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Filtered maximum likelihood expectation maximization based global reconstruction for bioluminescence tomography,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2018, Online. DOI:10.1007/s11517-018-1842-z
Hanrui Li#, Ke Li#, Yunpeng Dai, Xinyi Xu, Xu Cao, Qi Zeng, Huyulong He, Liaojun Pang, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Yonghua Zhan*,“In vivo near infrared fluorescence imaging and dynamic quantification of pancreatic metastatic tumors using folic acid conjugated biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles,” Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine 2018, 14(6),1867-1877.
Lin Wang, Xin Cao, Qingyun Ren, Xueli Chen*, Xiaowei He*,“Hybrid model based unified scheme for endoscopic Cerenkov and radio-luminescence tomography: simulation demonstration,” Journal of Applied Physics 2018, 123(18), 184701.
Yunpeng Dai#, Xueli Chen#,*, Jipeng Yin, Guodong Wang, Bo Wang, Yonghua Zhan*, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Investigation of the influence of sampling schemes on quantitative dynamic fluorescence imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 2018, 9(4), 1859-1870.
Lin Wang, Shenghan Ren, andXueli Chen*, “Comparative evaluations of the Monte Carlo-based light propagation simulation package for optical imaging,”Journal ofInnovative Optical Health Sciences2018, 11(1), **.
Hui Xie, Yonghua Zhan, Xueli Chen, Qi Zeng, Dan Chen, and Jimin Liang, “Brevinin-2 drug family-new applied peptide candidates against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus arreus and their effects on Lys-7 expression of innate immune pathwary DAF-2/DAF-16 in Caenorhabditis elegans,” Applied Science 2018, 8, 2627.
Xu Cao, Yuzhu Gong, Shouping Zhu, Xuanxuan Zhang, Xueli Chen, and Yonghua Zhan*,“In vivo optical imaging with Y2O2S:Eu:Mg:Ti persistent luminescent nanoparticles,” Optoelectroincs and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2018, 12(7-8), 467-471.
Xuanxuan Zhang, Shouping Zhu, Yang Li, Yonghua Zhan, Xueli Chen, Fei Kang, Jing Wang, and Xu Cao*,“Gamma rays excited radioluminescence tomographic imaging,” Biomedical Engineering Online 2018, 17, 45.


Xueli Chen#, Chi Zhang#, Peng Lin, Kaichih Huang, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography,” Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15117. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15117
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Xin Cao, Yingchao Li, Jie Tian, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Silica Cross-Linked Micellar Core-Shell Nanoparticles Encapsulating IR-780 with Strong Bright and Good Biocompatibility for Optical Imaging In Vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2017, 13(2), 144-154. DOI:10.1166/jbn.2016.2332
Yonghua Zhan#, Wenhua Zhan#, Hanrui Li, Xinyi Xu, Xu Cao, Shouping Zhu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “In vivo dual-modality fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging-guided lymph node mapping with good biocompatibility manganese oxide nanoparticles,” Molecules 2017, 22(12), 2208. DOI: 10.3390/molecules**
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen*, Chunhui Zhang, Lu Wang, Fanzhen Meng, Qingguo Xie, and Jimin Liang, “Cerenkov luminescence imaging guided selective-reconstruction for a flexible dual-head PET,” Journal of Instruments 2017, 12(4), P04005. DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/04/P04005
Lin Wang#, Yonghua Zhan#, Defu Yang, and Xueli Chen*, “Specific modeling of light propagation in live body with coupled SP3-radiosity-diffusion equation,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2017, 7(4), 820-832.DOI:10.1166/jmihi.2017.2088
Xin Cao#, Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Harnessing the power of Cerenkov luminescence imaging for gastroenterology: Cerenkov luminescence endoscopy,” Current Medical Imaging Reviews 2017, 13(1), 50-57. DOI: 10.2174/**66**4
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Yingchao Li, Xueli Chen*, and Xiaofeng Huang*, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel apogossypolone derivative,” Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 2017, 14(1), 96-101. DOI: 10.2174/**66**5
Fanzhen Meng, Xu Cao, Xuezhou Cao, Jianxun Wang, Liang Li, Xueli Chen, Shouping Zhu*, and Jimin Liang*, “Influence of rotation increments on imaging performance for a rotatory dual-head PET system,” Biomed Research International 2017, **.
Fanzhen Meng, Shouping Zhu*, Liang Li, Jianxu Wang, Xuezhou Cao, Xu Cao, Xueli Chen, and Jimin Liang,“Performance evaluation of a rotatory dual-head PET system with 90o increments for small animal imaging,” Journal ofInstrumentation 2017, 12(9), P09001.


Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Fangfang Sun, Xu Cao, and Jimin Liang*, “Adaptively alternative light-transport-model-based three-dimensional optical imaging for longitudinal and quantitative monitoring of gastric cancer in live animal,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2016, 63(10), 2095-2107. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2015.**.
Yunpeng Dai, Xueli Chen*, Jipeng Yin, Xiaoyu Kang, Guodong Wang, Xianghan Zhang, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Investigation of injection dose and camera integration time on quantifying pharmacokinetics of a Cy5.5-GX1 probe with dynamic fluorescence imaging in vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2016, 21(8), 086001. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.8.086001.
Yunpeng Dai, Jipeng Yin, Yu Huang, Xueli Chen*, Guodong Wang, Yajun Liu, Xianghan Zhang, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “In vivo quantifying molecular specificity of Cy5.5-labeled cyclic 9-mer peptide probe with dynamic fluorescence imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 2016, 7(3), 1149-1159. DOI:10.1364/BOE.7.001149
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Xin Cao, Fei Kang, Jing Wang, Jimin Liang, Zhimin Li*, and Xueli Chen*, “Simultaneous multimodality molecular imaging with neodymium-doped Y3Al3O12 nanoparticles,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2016, 10(9-10), 685-688.
Shenghan Ren, Haihong Hu, Gen Li, Xu Cao, Shouping Zhu, Xueli Chen, and Jimin Liang*, “Multi-atlas registration and adaptive hexahedral voxel discretization for fast bioluminescence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 2016, 7(3), 1549-1560.
Shenghan Ren, Xueli Chen, Xu Cao, Shouping Zhu, and Jimin Liang*, “GPU accelerated simplified harmonic spherical approximation equations for three-dimensional optical imaging,” Chinese Optics Letters 2016, 14(7), 071701.
Fengjun Zhao, Jimin Liang*, Xueli Chen, Junting Liu, Dongmei Chen, Xiang Yang, and Jie Tian, “Quantitative analysis of vascular parameters for micro-CT imaging of vascular networks with multi-resolution,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2016, 54(2-3), 511-524.
Xu Cao, Yang Li, Yonghua Zhan, Xueli Chen, Fei Kang, Jing Wang, and Jimin Liang*, “Removing noises induced by Gamma radiation in Cerenkov luminescence imaging using a temporal median filter,” Biomed Research International 2016, **.


Xueli Chen*, Fangfang Sun, Defu Yang, and Jimin Liang, “Coupled 3rd order simplified spherical harmonics and diffusion equation based fluorescence tomographic imaging of liver cancer,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2015, 20(9), 090502. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.9.090502
Xueli Chen*, Fangfang Sun, Defu Yang, Shenghan Ren, Qian Zhang, and Jimin Liang*, “Hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with diffusion equation for fluorescent light propagation in tissues,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 2015, 60(16), 6305-6322.
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yonghua Zhan, Xu Cao, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Intensity enhanced Cerenkov luminescence imaging using terbium doped Gd2O2S microparticles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(22), 11775-11782. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00432. Jun 10, 2015
Xin Cao, Xueli Chen*, Fei Kang, Xu Cao, Yonghua Zhan, Jing Wang, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Sensitivity improvement of Cerenkov luminescence endoscope with terbium doped Gd22S nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106(21), 213702. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Hao Hu#, Xin Cao#, Fei Kang#, Min Wang, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Shujun Li, Liping Yao, Jie Liang, Jimin Liang, Yongzhan Nie, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang*, Kaichun Wu*, “Feasibility study of novel endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system in detecting and quantifying gastrointestinal disease: first human results,” European Radiology 2015, 25(6), 1814-1822. DOI: 10.1007/s00330-014-3574-2
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Performance investigation of SP3 and diffusion approximation for three-dimensional optical imaging,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015, 53(9), 805-814. DOI: 10.1007/s11517-015-1293-8
Chuihui Zhang, Xueli Chen, Shouping Zhu, Lu Wan, Qingguo Xie, and Jimin Liang*, “Performance evaluation of a 900-rotating dual-head small animal PET system,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 2015, 60(15), 5873-5890.
Fengjun Zhao, Jimin Liang*, Dongmei Chen, Chuan Wang, Xiang Yang, Xueli Chen, and Feng Cao, “Automatic segmentation method for bone and blood vessel in murine hindlimb,” Medical Physics 2015, 42(7), 4043-4054.

2014YEAR and Before

Xueli Chen*, Defu Yang, Qitan Zhang, and Jimin Liang*, “L1/2 regularization based numerical method for effective reconstruction of bioluminescence tomography,” Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115(18), 184702. May 14, 2014
Xueli Chen*, Qitan Zhang, Defu Yang, and Jimin Liang*, “Hybrid radiosity-SP3 equation based bioluminescence tomography reconstruction for turbid medium with low- and non-scattering regions,” Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115(2), 024702. Jan 14, 2014
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Hao Hu, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Performance evaluation of endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system: in vitro and pseudotumor studies,” Biomedical Optics Express 2014, 5(10), 3660-3670.
Xueli Chen*, Jimin Liang, Xin Cao, Defu Yang, Dongmei Chen, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “Feasibility study of endoscopic X-ray luminescence computed tomography: simulation demonstration and phantom application,” Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 114(8), 084701. Aug 28, 2013
Defu Yang#, Xueli Chen#, Zhen Peng, Xiaorui Wang, Jorge Ripoll, Jing Wang, and Jimin Liang*, “Light transport in turbid media with non-scattering, low-scattering and high absorption heterogeneities based hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with radiosity model,” Biomedical Optics Express 2013, 4(10), 2209-2223.
Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Xiaochao Qu, Hao Hu, Jimin Liang*, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tian*, “Comparisons of hybrid radiosity-diffusion model and diffusion equation for bioluminescence tomography in cavity cancer detection,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2012, 17(6), 066015.
Zhenhua Hu#, Xueli Chen#, Jimin Liang*, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Weidong Yang, Jing Wang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*, “Single photon emission computed tomography- guided Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 112(2), 024703.
Qitan Zhang#, Xueli Chen#, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Comparative studies of lp-regularization-based reconstruction algorithms for bioluminescence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 2012, 3(11), 2816-2836.
Xueli Chen, Jimin Liang*, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Shouping Zhu, Duofang Chen, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tian*, “Mapping of bioluminescent images onto CT volume surface for dual-modality BLT and CT imaging,” Journal of X-ray Science and Technology 2012, 20(1), 31-44.
Xueli Chen, Jimin Liang*, Heng Zhao, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Qitan Zhang, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tain*, “Modeling and reconstruction of optical tomography for endoscopic applications: simulation demonstration,” Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99(7), 073702.
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images,” Optics Express 2010, 18(19), 19876-19893.
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian*, “Generalized free-space diffuse photon transport model based on the influence analysis of camera lens,” Applied Optics 2010, 49(29), 5654-5664.
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Lin Wang, Da’an Yang, Anikitos Garofalakis, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “A study of photon propagation in free-space based on hybrid radiosity-radiance theorem,” Optics Express 2009, 17(18), 16266- 16280.

Conference Presentations

Nan Wang, Feng Ren, Xu Nie, Xinyu Xu, Qi Zeng, Yonghua Zhan, Shouping Zhu, and Xueli Chen*, “Drug detection in different pharmaceutical dosage forms with Bessel beam-based Raman spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West 2021, March 6-11, 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral Presentation.
Feng Ren, Haoyu Wang, Nan Wang, Yichao Liu, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, “Feasibility study of Bessel beam based Raman spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West 2020, February 1-6, 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation.
Duofang Chen, Xixin Luo, Zhaohui Wang, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Label-free cell analysis and classification with lens-less computational imaging,” SPIE Photonics West 2020, February 1-6, 2020, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation.
Xixin Luo, Duofang Chen, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Raman tomography with frequency modulated excitation and spatially coded detection,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10890, **. DOI: 10.1117/12.**
Tianyu Yan, Feiyang Lu, Duofang Chen, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Raman spectroscopic imaging with frequency modulation based spatially encoded light,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10890, **. DOI: 10.1117/12.**
Xinyu Wang, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Simulation of the stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering media excited by Bessel beams,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10890, 108900R. DOI: 10.1117/12.**
Huiyuan Wang, Cuiping Bao, Shouping Zhu, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Fast stimulated Raman projection tomography with iterative reconstruction from sparse projections,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXVI 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10883, 108830E. DOI: 10.1117/12.**
Nan Wang, Duofang Chen, Cuiping Bao, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, and Shouping Zhu*, “Feasibility study of limited-angle reconstruction based in vivo optical projection tomography,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXVI 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10883, 108830S. DOI: 10.1117/12.**
Yonghua Zhan*, Xu Cao, Xueli Chen, and Jimin Liang, “Radiolabeled antibody- conjugated manganese oxide nanoparticles as a platform for tumor vasculature target PET and MRI,” 2018 SNNMI Mid-Winter Symposium and ACNM Annual Meeting, January 25-27, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA. Oral presentation.
Xueli Chen*, Xin Cao, Fei Kang, Muhan Liu, Yonghua Zhan, Jing Wang, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Monitoring ApoG2 therapy in gastric and colorectal cancer with endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging and positron emission tomography,” Proceeding of the 2014 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 17-20. Oral presentation.
Xueli Chen*, Defu Yang, Xin Cao, and Jimin Liang, “Specific modeling of light transport in biological tissues for Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” 2014 Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, June 7-11, 2014, St. Louis, USA. Oral presentation; included in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2014, 55(Supp1), 264.
Xin Cao, Hao Hu, Yenan Lin, Xiaowei Ma, Xueli Chen, Jing Wang, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “A feasibility study of an endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system,” 2013 Annual Meeting of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, June 8-12, 2013, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Oral presentation; included in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2013, 52(Supp2), 599.
Yunpeng Dai, Xueli Chen*, and Jimin Liang, “In vivo quantifying dose-dependent pharmacokinetics of Cy5.5-labeled cyclic 9-mer peptide probe with dynamic fluorescence imaging,” Proceeding of the 2016 World Molecular Imaging Congress, New York USA, Sep. 7-10. Poster presentation. (Winner of student travel award)
Xin Cao, Yenan Lin, Fei Kang, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “A novel imaging algorithm for endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” Proceeding of the 2014 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 17-20. Poster presentation. (Winner of student travel award)
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen*, Fanzhen Meng, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Image reconstruction for a dual-head PET guided by the Cerenkov luminescence imaging,” Proceeding of the 2014 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Seoul, Korea, Sep. 17-20. Poster presentation. (Winner of student travel award)
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian*, “Light transport in turbid media based on simplified spherical harmonics coupled with radiosity theory,” Proceeding of the 2012 World Molecular Imaging Congress, Dublin, Ireland, Sep. 5-8. Poster presentation. (Winner of student travel award)
Xueli Chen, Jimin Liang, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Defu Yang, and Jie Tian*, “Endoscopic bioluminescence tomography: A new solution to deep bioluminescent probe imaging,” Proceeding of the 2011 World Molecular Imaging Congress, San Diego, USA, Sep. 7-10. Poster presentation. (Winner of student travel award)


2019年10月26-27日,陈雪利,Nature转化影像学会议(Nature BME与ISMI 2019共同主办)青年****奖报告(Wide-field, high-throughput imaging of pathological slides with lens-less computational imaging),广东珠海。
2019年10月23-25日,陈雪利,第二届海峡两岸生物医学前沿交叉学术研讨会邀请报告(Quantitative biophotonic imaging: a platform for gastric cancer detection),台湾新竹。
2018年10月27-28日,陈雪利,第二届珠海分子影像国际论坛特邀报告(Quantitative Biophotonics Imaging: a platform for gastric cancer detection),广东珠海。
2019年8月22-25日,徐欣怡、陈雪利,中国生物材料大会暨中国生物医学工程学会生物材料分会年会墙报快速演讲(A photo-triggered conjugation approach for attaching RGD ligands to biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the tumor fluorescent imaging),辽宁大连。
2019年8月17-19日,王汇元、陈雪利,第十二届光学与光电子国际学术会议口头报告(Comparative studies of TV-regularized sparse reconstruction algorithms in projection tomography),陕西西安。
2018年12月7-10日,王楠、陈雪利,全国第二届生物医学拉曼光谱学术会议口头报告(Fast stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from few-views data),上海。
2018年11月5-9日,王楠、陈雪利,第八届光学方法高级研讨会口头报告(Fast stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from few-views data),广东深圳。
2018年11月5-9日,曹鸿昊、陈雪利,第八届光学方法高级研讨会口头报告(Performance improvement of Cerenkov luminescence endoscope by optimizing system structure),广东深圳。
2018年11月5-9日,闫天宇、陈雪利,第八届光学方法高级研讨会口头报告(Raman spectroscopic imaging with frequency modulation based spatially encoded light),广东深圳。
2018年11月5-7日,蔡晓霞、詹勇华、陈雪利,生物医学材料国际合作论坛暨第十届全国低场核磁共振技术与应用研讨会口头报告(Radiolabeled, Antibody-Conjugated Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Vasculature Targeted Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging),浙江宁波。

转化应用:与临床医院合作开展的胃肠道肿瘤内窥契伦科夫荧光成像临床试验相关工作(European Radiology 2015, 25(6), 1814-1822)受到了成像领域著名专家和临床医生的高度评价。国际同行(契伦科夫荧光成像概念提出者之一的A.E. Spinelli,法国马赛大学医院核医学科医生D. Ta?e,契伦科夫荧光成像领域著名专家、美国纽约纪念斯隆凯特琳癌症中心的J. Grimm,以及英国国王健康联盟癌症中心主任、英国癌症研究协会高级临床顾问、伦敦国王学院乳腺癌专家A. Purushotham)的高度评价,称我们首次获得了病人的内窥式契伦科夫荧光成像结果(引文见Biomed. Opt. Express 2015, 6(6): 2168-2180),这在胃肠道恶性肿瘤的检测中具有潜在应用价值(引文见Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 2015, 42(7): 1144-1155),是首次的临床研究(引文见J. Nucl. Med. 2016, 57(11): 1661-1666),是迄今为止契伦科夫荧光成像技术的三个临床试验之一(引文见J. Nucl. Med. 2017, 58(6), 891-898)。
成像系统:高分辨率定量三维受激拉曼显微成像技术(Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15117)被哥伦比亚大学Wei Min教授在国际顶级期刊上撰文称候选人研发的快速三维受激拉曼显微成像技术为深层组织、大体积活体成像提供了希望(Nat. Commun. 2018,9:29995)、与样本透明化相结合可实现快速三维成像(PNAS 2019,116: 6608);卡迪夫大学P. Borri教授在分析化学顶级期刊上撰文称实现了快速三维容积成像(Anal. Chem. 2018,90:3775)。内窥契伦科夫荧光成像系统(Biomedical Optics Express 2014, 5, 3660)被国际同行、达特茅斯大学B. Pogue教授评价称通过采用内窥的方式探测人体内部器官是可行的(Biomed. Opt. Express 2015, 6, 3053)。
成像理论:关于自由空间光传输模型的研究结果(Optics Express 2010, 18(19), 19876-19893)得到光学三维成像领域国际著名专家(时任Opt. Express 副主编) Hamid Dehghani的肯定评价,称该工作扩展了自由空间光传输理论建模问题,为透镜系统提供了概念上的准确描述,同时可准确地提供体表三维能量的定性分布,对生物发光断层成像是非常有用的(引文见J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2013, 30(12): 2572-2584)。关于生物组织光传输混合模型的研究结果(Journal of Biomedical Optics 2015, 20(9), 090502)得到国家同行、印度理工学院坎普尔分院N. Naik博士的肯定评价,在医学影像领域顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging上撰文称该模型实现了计算效率和建模精度之间的平衡(IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 2017, 36: 2308)。针对胃癌肿瘤特性的空腔结构处理模型(Applied Optics 2013, 52(3), 400-408)被意大利博洛尼亚大学先进信息与通信电子系统研究中心的S. Placati 博士评价为我们的方法相比于简单扩散近似模型显著改进了精度,相比于辐射传输方程或蒙特卡洛方法显著改进了计算效率(IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 2016, 63:1874)。
成像方法:基于L0正则化的三维重建算法(Biomedical Optics Express 2012, 3(11), 2916-2936)被生物医学成像领域国际著名专家、德克萨斯大学分子影像中心的Eva M Sevick- Muraca 教授评价为其改进了计算效率和重建图像质量(Phys. Med. Biol. 2014, 59:R1)。


Nature转化影像学会议青年****奖(Nature Biomedical Engineering与ISMI 2019共同主办)
陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(2019, 1/9)
西安电子科技大学第六届新开发实验及新研制实验设备成果奖(2018, 2/6)
第一届海峡两岸生物医学前沿交叉学术研讨会优秀墙报奖(2017, 国家自然科学基金委与台湾李国鼎发展基金会主办)
陕西高等学校科学技术奖二等奖(2014, 1/8)
陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖(2011, 6/11)
世界分子影像大会旅行资助奖(WMIC 2011, 中国大陆仅6人获得)
教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖二等奖(2011, 6/9)


国际学术会议青年学子奖(ISMI 2018):李函蕊、蔡晓霞
国际学术会议最佳摘要奖(ISMI 2018):曹鸿昊
国际学术会议学生旅行资助奖(Student travel award, WMIC):杨德富(2012, 2014)、曹欣(2014)、代云鹏(2016)
研究生国家奖学金:王楠(2019)、李函蕊(2018)、代云鹏(2016)、曹欣(2015, 2014, 2013)、杨德富(2012)


Xueli Chen, Yonghua Zhan, Nan Wang, Honghao Cao, Duofang Chen, Shouping Zhu, Jimin Liang; Two-mode Raman projection tomography system, US patent: US10,365,219 B1, July 20, 2019.
Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, Xiaochao Qu, Shouping Zhu, Duofang Chen, Heng Zhao, Jie Tian; System and method for X-ray luminescence computed tomograhpic imaging, US patent, US 10,034,647, July 31, 2018.




1.Nan Wang#, Duofang Chen#, Dan Chen, Cuiping Bao, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*,and Shouping Zhu*, “Feasibility study of limited-angle reconstruction for in vivooptical projection tomography based on novel sample fixation,” IEEE Access 2019, 7(1), 87681-87691.
2.Nan Wang#; Honghao Cao#; Lin Wang; Feng Ren; Qi Zeng; Xinyi Xu; Jimin Liang; Yonghua Zhan; Xueli Chen, “Recent advances in spontaneous Raman spectroscopic imaging: instrumentation and applications,”Current Medicinal Chemistry 2020, 27(36), 6188-6207.
3.Nan Wang, Duofang Chen, Cuiping Bao, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, and Shouping Zhu*, “Feasibility study of limited-angle reconstruction based in vivo opticalprojection tomography,” SPIE Photonics West 2019, February 2-7, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral presentation. Appear in the Three-Dimensional andMultidimensionalMicroscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXVI 2019, Proc. of SPIE 2019, 10883, 108830S. DOI: 10.1117/12.**.
4.Nan Wang, Feng Ren, Xu Nie, Xinyu Xu, Qi Zeng, Yonghua Zhan, Shouping Zhu, and Xueli Chen*, “Drug detection in different pharmaceutical dosage forms with Bessel beam-based Raman spectroscopy,” SPIE Photonics West 2021, March 6-11, 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA. Oral Presentation.
王楠 2018级博士研究生 1.Nan Wang, Xueli Chen*, Fast stimulated Raman projection tomography (SRPT) by sparse reconstruction from few-view data. 第八届光学方法高级研讨会,广东深圳,口头报告.
研究方向:光学-拉曼投影成像 2.王楠,陈雪利*,基于不完全角度数据稀疏重建的快速受激拉曼投影断层成像。全国第二届生物医学拉曼光谱学术会议,上海,口头报告.
及其应用 3.Nan Wang, Xueli Chen*, Chemical sensing of drugs in scattering media with bessel beam Raman spectroscopy. 第二届全国光子技术论坛,广东广州,口头报告.
邮箱: nwang_2@stu.xidian.edu.cn 4.王楠,陈雪利*,基于贝塞尔光拉曼光谱仪的散射介质中药物检测,第四届光学青年科学家论坛,浙江宁波,poster.
1.Two-mode Raman optical projection tomography system,US 10,365,219 B1
3.一种基于空间编码光的拉曼成像系统, 7.0

1.Tianyu Yan#, Qi Zeng#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Honghao Cao, Xinyi Xu, Xueli Chen*, “Harnessing the power of optical microscopic and macroscopic imagingfor natural products as cancer therapeutics,” Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019, doi: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01438
2.Tianyu Yan, Feiyang Lu, Duofang Chen, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, “Raman spectroscopic imaging with frequency modulation based spatially encoded light,” Proceedings of SPIE 2019, doi: 10.1117/12.**
1.Tianyu Yan, Xueli Chen*, Raman spectroscopic imaging with frequency modulation based spatially encoded light. 第八届光学方法高级研讨会,广东深 圳,口头报告.
闫天宇 2019级博士研究生 专利
研究方向:荧光-拉曼双模成像 一种基于空间光编码器联结的契伦科夫内窥镜系统(4.3)

康欢 2020级博士研究生

1.Xueli Chen#,*, Xinyu Wang#, Lin Wang#, Peng Lin, Yonghua Zhan, and Ji-Xin Cheng, "Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering medium using self-reconstructing Bessel beams," Photonics Research 2020, 8(6), 929-939.
2.Xinyu Wang, Lin Wang, Peng Lin, Hui Xie, Xinyi Xu, Qi Zeng, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, "Simulation of stimulated Raman scattering signal generationin scattering tissues excited by Bessel beams," Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2021.
1.Simulation of the Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering media excited by Bessel beams. Prof. of SPIE 2020. (oral presentation)
王鑫宇 2021级博士研究生(2018级硕士研究生)

李宇 2021级博士研究生






毕业时发表第三作者文章1篇(指导教师为前两共同作者,IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.), 共一文章1篇(AIP Advance), 国际会议论文1篇(SPIE, Oral)


毕业时发表第一作者国际会议论文1篇(SPIE, Oral), 第二作者国际会议论文1篇(SPIE, Oral), 受理中国发明专利3项

毕业时发表第一作者国际会议论文1篇(SPIE, Oral),第二作者国际会议论文1篇(指导教师为第一作者, SPIE), 授权中国发明专利1项, 受理中国发明专利1项


毕业时发表第三作者SCI论文1篇(planta medica),共一作者发表国际期刊论文2篇(journal of bio-x),第二作者发表国际期刊论文1篇(journal of bio-x)

毕业时发表共一作者SCI论文1篇(Curr.Med. Chem.),第二作者SCI论文1篇(IEEE Access),授权美国专利1项、PCT国际专利1项,受理中国发明专利1项,软件著作权2项,国际学术会议口头报告1次

毕业时发表第二作者SCI论文1篇(指导教师为第一作者,IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.)

毕业时发表第一作者SCI论文2篇(Biomed. Opt. Express、J. Biomed. Opt.),在审3篇(Biomed. Opt. Express、IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng.、Phys. Med. Biol.;在审分别于2018年发表于Biomed. Opt. Express、2019年发表于IEEE Trans. Biomed Eng.、2020年发表于Quantat. Imaging Med. Surg.)。

毕业时发表第一作者SCI论文4篇(ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., Appl. Phys. Lett., Biomed. Opt. Express, Current Med. Imaging Rev.)

毕业时发表第二作者SCI论文2篇(指导教师为第一作者,Phys. Med. Biol., J. Biomed. Opt.)

毕业时发表第一作者SCI论文5篇(Biomed. Opt. Express, Appl. Opt., Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., JINST, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~





?[2021-6-15]Congratulations!祝贺团队陈雪利教授、王鑫宇同学关于信号增强型契伦科夫荧光内窥镜的文章被Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery接收(中科院医学II区)。祝贺!


王鑫宇 西安电子科技大学博士研究生
王汇元 北京航空航天大学博士研究生
王浩宇 深圳迈瑞生物医疗电子股份有限公司
罗锡鑫 招商网络科技有限公司
任枫 中国移动通信集团湖南有限公司
刘一超 余姚舜宇智能光学
聂旭 中国银行软件中心(西安)


?[2021-4-21]Congratulations!祝贺团队陈多芳副教授、王朝晖同学关于基于无透镜计算成像+深度网络的细胞分类文章被Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery接收(中科院医学II区)。祝贺!

?[2021-4-4]热烈祝贺闫胚娆、杨慧婷、黄鹏飞、彭扬尧、孟煜、孙致远、关慧迪、张健、林江涛通过研究生复试!!欢迎夏冉、闫胚娆、杨慧婷、黄鹏飞、彭扬尧、孟煜、孙致远、关慧迪、张健、林江涛加入BMI Lab大家庭!!!




BMI特殊贡献奖:用于表彰对研究室有突出贡献的BMI Lab学子!获得本年度BMI突出贡献奖的同学是王鑫宇,成果发表于Photonics Research,实现研究室I区文章的突破(光学I区,中国期刊)。
BMI成果奖:用于表彰积极参与科研,并取得较高科研成果的BMI Lab学子!获得本年度BMI成果奖的同学有王楠、王鑫宇、刘慧芳、闫天宇、曹鸿昊、罗艳霞。
BMI事务奖:用于表彰积极参与研究室公共事务的BMI Lab学子!获得本年度BMI事务奖的同学有王楠、王鑫宇、刘慧芳、王浩宇、闫天宇、范大玮、聂旭、郑运。
BMI团建运动奖:用于表彰积极参与研究室每周的体育锻炼,并参与次数排在前三的BMI Lab学子!获得本年度BMI团建运动奖一等奖的同学有韩明、刘慧芳;二等奖的同学有王鑫宇;三等奖的同学有常鹏、郑运。

?[2021-1-11]Congratulations!2018级硕士研究生王鑫宇同学关于贝塞尔光受激拉曼显微成像术在散射组织中的仿真研究成果被光学领域重要中国期刊Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences接收。这是鑫宇同学的第二篇SCI论文,祝贺!

https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/TD3RQSUzIRVzSE4F9uPY6g (人才陕西)




国际化MOOC课程(国家级, 2020)
陕西省省级示范性虚拟仿真实验教学项目(陈雪利、谢晖, 2018)









?[2020-11-11]2020年11月11日,SPIE Photonics West 2021结果出炉,研究室投稿1篇摘要被录用为oral presentation。祝贺王楠!!!








?[2020-05-27]热烈欢迎韩明、刘瑞、张娇娇、贺江山、张瑞瑞、陈凯、张鹏源加入成像课题组;同时欢迎李丽、刘思婷、王庆雅、仪同、康雪晴、王莹、常鹏加入BMI Lab!!!


?[2020-04-17]实验室关于基于贝塞尔光的受激拉曼显微成像在散射介质中的应用论文已在Photonics Research (中科院I区,光学I区,中国期刊)上在线发表;欢迎老师同学们下载阅读:http://www.clp.ac.cn/EN/Article/OJd82de**b5c



?[2020-03-25]Congratulations!研究室关于基于贝塞尔光的受激拉曼显微术在散射组织中的应用论文被Photonics Research (中科院I区,光学I区)接收!


?[2020-01-03]2020年01月03日,研究室举办主题为“Look back on 2019, look forward to 2020”年终总结计划会,并对在2019年做出贡献的同学颁发“科技成果奖”和“小蜜蜂事务奖”;研究室并正式更名为"生物医学光子学与分子影像研究室BMI Lab"。


?[2019-12-13]Congratulations!研究室代云鹏博士关于动态生物发光定量方法的论文被Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery接收!

?[2019-11-28]Congratulations!研究室博士研究生闫天宇(博一)关于光学分子成像技术在天然药物抗癌作用中应用的综述论文在Frontiers in Pharmacology (中科院II区)上发表!

?[2019-11-05]Congratulations!研究室陈多芳博士关于契伦科夫荧光图像去噪的论文被Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing接收!

?[2019-10-26]Congratulations!研究室负责人陈雪利教授Nature转化影像学会议青年****奖;该会议是有Nature期刊与ISMI2019共同承办,获奖者由Nature Biomedical Engineering期刊邀请专家评出。

?[2019-10-24]2019年10月23-25日,研究室负责人陈雪利教授应邀参加第二届海峡两岸生物医学前言交叉研讨会(中华台北),并作邀请报告:Quantitative biophotonic imaging: a platform for gastric cancer detection。

?[2019-10-01]2019年10月1日,SPIE Photonics West 2020结果出炉,研究室投稿4篇摘要均被录用,其中2篇选为oral presentation。


?[2019-08-22]2019年8月22-25日,研究室曾鋆、徐欣怡、陈雪利应邀参加中国生物材料大会暨中国生物医学工程学会生物材料分会年会(辽宁大连),并作墙报快速演讲:A photo-triggered conjugation approach for attaching RGD ligands to biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the tumor fluorescent imaging。



?[2019-08-16]Congratulations!研究室研究生谢晖、王汇元关于稀疏投影重建方法的论文在AIP Advances上发表!

?[2019-08-12]Congratulations!研究室关于稀疏受激拉曼投影断层成像方法的论文被IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(中科院II区)接收!


?[2019-07-30]Congratulations!研究室获授权一项关于双模态拉曼-光学投影成像系统的美国发明专利(US 10,365,219 B1)。


?[2019-06-13]Congratulations!研究室博士生王楠同学关于光学投影断层成像的论文被IEEE Access(中科院II区)接收!




?[2019-04-18]2019年4月18日,恭喜研究室徐欣怡博士关于光点击偶联的荧光纳米探针的论文被Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine接收!

?[2019-03-26]2019年3月26日,恭喜王汇元同学投稿The 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2019)的摘要被录用并选为oral presentation!


?[2019-01-12]研究室举办主题为“Look back on 2018, look forward to 2019”年终总结计划会,并对在2018年做出贡献的同学颁发“科技成果奖”和“小蜜蜂事务奖”。


?[2018-12-08]2018年12月7-10日,研究室王楠、任枫参加全国第二届生物医学拉曼光谱学术会议(上海),其中王楠在会上做题为“Fast stimulated Raman projection tomography (SRPT) by sparse reconstruction from few-views data”口头报告。


?[2018-11-07]2018年11月5-7日,研究室徐欣怡博士、蔡晓霞参加生物医学材料国际合作论坛暨第十届全国低场核磁共振技术与应用研讨会(宁波),其中蔡晓霞(研二)在会上做“Radiolabeled, Antibody-Conjugated Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles for Tumor Vasculature Targeted Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging”口头报告。

?[2018-11-05]2018年11月5-9日,研究室陈雪利教授、陈多芳副教授、王楠、曹鸿昊、闫天宇参加第八届光学方法高级研讨会(深圳, AOWM 2018),其中王楠(博一)、曹鸿昊(研二)、闫天宇(研二)分别在会上做英文口头报告。


?[2018-10-28]2018年10月27-28日,研究室负责人陈雪利教授应邀参加第二届珠海分子影像国际论坛,并做了题为“Quantitative Biophotonics Imaging: a platform for gastric cancer detection”的特邀报告。


?[2018-10-01]Congratulations!课题组投稿SPIE Photonics West的6篇摘要均被录用,其中5篇录用为oral presentation,1篇录用为poster presentation。恭喜王楠(博一)、闫天宇(研二)、王汇元(研一)、王鑫宇(研一)、罗锡鑫(研一)、曹鸿昊(研二)同学。

?[2018-09-18]2018年9月11-17日,课题组陈雪利教授、詹勇华副教授、李函蕊博士参加了在美国西雅图举办的世界分子影像大会(WMIC 2018)。


?[2018-07-18]Congratulations!课题组代云鹏博士关于动态生物发光定量成像的论文被IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering(中科院II区)接收!

?[2018-04-27]Congratulations!课题组博士生李函蕊关于荧光纳米探针的论文被Nanomedicine-Nanotechnology Biology and Medicine(中科院I区)接收!

?[2018-03-31]Congratulations! 陈雪利教授入选陕西省首批青年拔尖人才!!!祝贺!!!

?[2018-03-18]Congratulations!课题组博士生代云鹏的关于定量动态荧光成像的论文被Biomedical Optics Express接收!

?[2018-03-04]Congratulations! 陈雪利教授获批“霍英东教育基金会第十六届高等学校青年教师基金资助项目”!!!祝贺!!!





?[2017-11-17]应陈雪利教授邀请,美国波士顿大学的Delong Zhang博士来学院访问交流,并做了题为“Chemical Imaging with Molecular Vibrational Fingerprint”的学术报告。


?[2017-11-15]应陈雪利教授邀请,澳大利亚卧龙岗大学的Shiyang Tang博士来学院访问交流,并做了题为“Gallium-based Liquid Metals in Microfluidics”的学术报告。




?[2017-09-28]陈雪利教授参加了在苏州召开的第14届生物&医学光子学与成像国际会议(PIBM 2017),并应邀作为Best Poster Award的评审组成员。











?[2017-03-02]Congratulations!!!课题组负责人陈雪利副教授的文章“Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography”被Nature Communications接收,这是西电首篇以第一单位发表的Nature子刊论文。

Xueli Chen, Ph.D., Professor
Director of Biomedical-photonics & Molecular Imaging Lab
Affiliation: School of Life Science and Technology, Xidian University

Contact Information
Address: 266 Xinglong Section of Xifeng Road, Xi\'an, Shaanxi 710126, China
Email: xlchen at xidian.edu.cn
Tel: 86-

Course for Undergraduate
Medical Instrumentation
Calculation Method
Course for Graduate
Biomedical Photonics
Advanced Medical Instumentation

Awards & Honors
Second Prize of Natural Science Award of Shaanxi Province
Young Investigator Award of the Nature Conference on Translational Imaging (with ISMI 2019)
First Prize of Science & Technology Award in Shaanxi Universities
Young Top-notch Talent of Special Support Plan in Shaanxi Province
Young Teacher Fund of Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation of China
Young Star of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province

Xueli Chen, Professor of Xidian University, Director of Biomedical-photonics & Molecular Imaging Lab. Chen carried out his undergraduate and doctoral studies at Xidian University of China from 2003 to 2012. Chen received his Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering and PhD degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System in 2007 and 2012 respectively. His doctoral dissertation was selected as the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Xidian University. Chen joined Xidian University in 2012 as Assistant Professor in School of Life Science and Technology, promoted to Associate Professor in 2014 and Full Professor in 2017. During 2015 to 2017, he worked as a research postdoctoral fellow at Purdue University (Ji-Xin Cheng\'s group) on stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Chen and his team have been constantly at the most forefront of multiscale biomedical photonics imaging in innovation, application, and clinical translation.Professor Chen has co-led the development of Cerenkov luminescence endoscope and further explored the application in early detection of clinical gastrointestinal tumors. Professor Chen has also developed the stimulated Raman projection tomography technology which can perform the volumetric imaging of single cells in a label-free manner. Professor Chen has served as the member of SPIE, OSA, IEEE, and as a committee member of the Branch of Contrast Technology in China Medicinal Biotech Association, the Nuclear Medicine Committee of Shaanxi Cancer Association, and the Shaanxi Society of Biomedical Engineering.

Selectedrepresentative papers
Xueli Chen#,*, Xinyu Wang#, Lin Wang#, Peng Lin, Yonghua Zhan, and Ji-Xin Cheng, “Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering medium using self-reconstructing Bessel beams,” Photonics Research 2020, in press. (Raman)
Xueli Chen#,*, Shouping Zhu#, Huiyuan Wang, Cuiping Bao, Defu Yang, Chi Zhang, Peng Lin, Ji-Xin Cheng, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Accelerated stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from sparse-view data,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020, in press. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.** (Raman)
Yunpeng Dai#, Guodong Wang#, Duofang Chen, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Intravenous administration-oriented pharmacokinetic model for dynamic bioluminescence imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2019, 66(3), 843-847. Mar. 2019. (Quantification)
Xueli Chen#, Chi Zhang#, Peng Lin, Kai-chih Huang, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography,” Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15117. Apr. 24, 2017. (Raman)
Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Fangfang Sun, Xu Cao, and Jimin Liang*, “Adaptively alternative light-transport-model-based three-dimensional optical imaging for longitudinal and quantitative monitoring of gastric cancer in live animal,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2016, 63(10), 2095-2107. Oct. 1, 2016. (Quantification)
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yonghua Zhan, Xu Cao, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Intensity enhanced Cerenkov luminescence imaging using terbium-doped Gd2O2S microparticles,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(22), 11775-11782. Jun 10, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00432. (Cerenkov endoscope)
Hao Hu#, Xin Cao#, Fei Kang#, Min Wang, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Shujun Li, Liping Yao, Jie Liang, Jimin Liang, Yongzhan Nie, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang*, Kaichun Wu*, “Feasibility study of novel endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system in detecting and quantifying gastrointestinal disease: first human results,” European Radiology 2015, 25(6), 1814-1822. May 2015. (Cerenkov endoscope)
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images,” Optics Express 2010, 18(19), 19876-19893. Sep. 13, 2010. (Quantification)

Research Interests
We develop multiscale, quantitative optical imaging technologies from micro to macro scale at cell-animal-human level, and apply these technologies to enable early detection and accurate diagnosis of cancers. With integrated expertise in engineering, electronic information, optics, chemistry, biology, and medicine, our lab focuses on:
Raman-based high resolution, label-free dynamic imaging technology
Multiscale, multimodality optical-Raman projection tomography/Raman sheet-projection tomography
Fast, high-resolution coherent Raman scattering microscopic imaging
Raman probe-based CW stimulated Raman scattering microscopy
Bessel beam excited porable Raman spectroscopic imaging
Len-free mode-based computational microscopic imaging technology (Flow cytometry imaging)
Fluorescence-based high resolution microscopic imaging technology
Confocal based microscopic imaging (endoscopy, super resolution, confocal)
Super resolution optical projection tomography
Gene coding fluorescent probe and its applications
Quantitative and highly-sensitive optical imaging technology for small animals
Theory and method of quantitative optical imaging for specific gastric cancer
Quantification software of dynamic fluorescence/radioluminescence imaging
highly-sensitive weak signal detection techniques for optical imaging
Multimodality, multifunctional molecular imaging probes and their applications
In vivo quantitative visualization of tumor hypoxia
Intelligent nano-drug delivery system and in vivo quantitative visualization technology
Translational study of multimodal optical imaging for detection of cancers

In recent years, Prof. Chen focuses mainly on the development of multiscale, quantitative optical imaging technology at micro to macro scale from cell-animal-human level. The ultimate goal is to provide solutions to early detection and accurate diagnosis of cancers. The research contents include the theoretical methods, imaging systems, and biomedical applications, which have been linked together as the main research lines. Prof. Chen has been supported by the National Key R&D projects, the Major R&D Instruments projects of the NSFC, the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation of China, and so on. The total research fund reached 16 million RMB.

On-going Projects:
PI, General Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, Limited-angle and sparse sampling-based Raman-optical projection tomography, 2019.01.01-2022.12.31, 0.57 million.
PI, Subproject of the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No. 2018YFC**, Research and development of high spatiotemporal resolution, high sensitivity, multi-scale, and multimodality molecular imaging technology for precise diagnosis and treatment of esophageal cancer, 2018.07.01-2020.12.31, 2.8845 million.
Co-PI, Secondary Subproject of the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No. 2018YFC**, Development of molecular imaging probe with high specificity and high biosafety for esophageal cancer, 2018.07.01-2020.12.31, 0.9615 million.
PI, Youth Teacher Fund of Fok-Ying Tong Education Foundation of China under Grant No. 11604, Signal enhancement and three-dimensional reconstruction for endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging, 2018.03-2021.03, 0.174 million.
PI, The Youth Talent Support Program in Shaanxi Province, Multi-scale, multimodality biophotonics imaging, 2018.01.01-2020.12.31, 1 million
PI, Subproject of Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, The development and clinical application of multimodality digestive endoscopy, 2017.01.01-2021.12.31, 2.2 million.

Recently Completed Projects:
PI, The Research Fund for Young Star of Science and Technology in Shaanxi Province under Grant No. 2018KJXX-018, Endoscopic radioluminescence imaging technology and 3D imaging method, 2018.01.01-2019.12.31, 0.1 million.
PI, The Best Funded Projects for the Scientific and Technological Activities for Excellent Overseas Researchers in Shaanxi Province under Grant No. **, Bessel beam based spontaneous Raman projection tomography, 2018.01.01-2019.12.31, 0.05 million.
PI, General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, Three-dimensional quantification of tumor receptor by using multimodality imaging of radioluminescence-PET-CT, 2016.01.01-2019.12.31, 0.56 million.
PI, Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China under Grant No. 2015JQ6249, Research on endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence tomographic method and signal enhanced techniques, 2015.01.01-2016.12.31, 0.02 million.
PI, Youth Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, Endoscopic tomography for Cerenkov luminescence imaging, 2012.01.01- 2014.12.31, 0.23 million.
PI, Open Project Program of the State Key Laboratory of Management and Control for Complex System in CAS under Grant No. **, Development of the Endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system, 2012.12.01-2014.12.31, 0.06 million
PI, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (JB171202, JBG151206, NSIY061406, K).
Participant, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. U**, Study on the key issues of surgery-assisted system for complex congenital heart diseases surgery with multimodality images fusion and visualization technology, 2015.01.01-2018.12.21, 0.968 million.
Participant, Subproject of Major Scientific Research Instrument Development Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, Development of the optical-PET-CT multimodality imaging system, 2013.01.01-2017.12.31, 10 million (2 million).
Participant, Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, Study of the key point in developing multimodal Radionuclide-Cerenkov fusion imaging, 2013.01.01-2017.12.31, 2.8 million.
Participant, Subproject of the Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. **, 2011.01.01-2014.12.31, 2.01 million (0.5 million).
Participant, Subproject of the Program of the National Basic Research and Development Program of China (973) under Grant No. 2011CB707702, Platform for multimodality image fusion and computing, 2011.01.01-2015.12.31, 0.93 million (0.2 million).
Participant, National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos., **, **, etc. during years of 2009-2012.

The current research accomplishments: 76 peer-reviewed journal publications, including 50 first and corresponding author publications, and 2 book chapters.

Book chapters
Xueli Chen, Dongmei Chen, Fenglin Liu, Wenxiang Cong, Ge Wang, and Jimin Liang*. Optical-CT Imaging (Chapter 11), Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications (Editors: George C. Kagadis, Nancy L. Ford, Dimitrios Karnabatidis, and George K. Loudos), Taylors & Francis Inc, 11/03/2016
Jie Tian, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen, and Xiaochao Qu. Molecular Optical Simulation Environment (Chapter 2), Molecular Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications (Editor: Jie Tian), Zhejiang University Press and Springer-Verlag, 15-46, 2012.

First & Corresponding author peer-reviewed papers
Xueli Chen#,*, Xinyu Wang#, Lin Wang#, Peng Lin, Yonghua Zhan, and Ji-Xin Cheng, “Stimulated Raman scattering signal generation in scattering medium using self-reconstructing Bessel beams,” Photonics Research 2020, in press.
Xueli Chen#,*, Shouping Zhu#, Huiyuan Wang, Cuiping Bao, Defu Yang, Chi Zhang, Peng Lin, Ji-Xin Cheng, Yonghua Zhan, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Accelerated stimulated Raman projection tomography by sparse reconstruction from sparse-view data,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2019.**
Yunpeng Dai#, Duofang Chen#, Guodong Wang, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan*, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Kinetic modeling and analysis of dynamic bioluminescence imaging of substrates administered by intraperitoneal injection,” Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery 2020, in press. DOI: 10.21037/qims.2020.01.01
Duofang Chen, Shouping Zhu, Yi Huang, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Removal of random-valued impulse noise from Cerenkov luminescence images,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2020. DOI: 10.1007/s11517-019-02069-9. Nov. 21, 2019
Yunpeng Dai#, Guodong Wang#, Duofang Chen, Jipeng Yin, Yonghua Zhan, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Intravenous administration-oriented pharmacokinetic model for dynamic bioluminescence imaging,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2019, 66(3), 843-847. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2018.** Mar. 2019
Ke Li#, Wenhua Zhan#, Yulong Chen, Rajiv Kumar Jha*, and Xueli Chen*, “Docetaxel and doxorubicin codelivery by nanocarriers for synergistic treatment of prostate cancer,” Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019, 10, 1436. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01436
Tianyu Yan#, Qi Zeng#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Honghao Cao, Xinyi Xu, and Xueli Chen*, “Harnessing the power of optical microscopic and macroscopic imaging for natural products as cancer therapeutics,” Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019, 10, 1438. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01438
Nan Wang#, Honghao Cao#, Lin Wang, Feng Ren, Qi Zeng, Xinyi Xu, Jimin Liang, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, “Recent advances in spontaneous Raman spectroscopic imaging: instrumentation and applications,” Current Medicinal Chemistry 2019, 26, 1-19. DOI: 10.2174/6**1
Hui Xie#, Huiyuan Wang#, Lin Wang, Nan Wang, Jimin Liang, Yonghua Zhan, and Xueli Chen*, “Comparative studies of total-variation-regularized sparse reconstruction algorithms in projection tomography,” AIP Advances 2019, 9, 085122. Aug. 23, 2019. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Lin Wang, Honghao Cao, Xin Cao, Shenghan Ren, Ke Li, Yonghua Zhan, Xueli Chen*, and Xiaowei He*, “Adaptively hybrid 3rd simplified spherical harmonics with diffusion equation based multispectral Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” IEEE Access 2019, 7, 160779. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.**
Nan Wang#, Duofang Chen#, Dan Chen, Cuiping Bao, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Shouping Zhu*, “Feasibility study of limited-angle reconstruction for in vivo optical projection tomography based on novel sample fixation,” IEEE Access 2019, 7(1), 87681-87691. DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.**
Xinyi Xu#, Hanrui Li#, Ke Li, Qi Zeng, Yin Liu, Yun Zeng, Dan Chen, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Yonghua Zhan*, “A photo-triggered conjugation approach for attaching RGD ligands to biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles for the tumor fluorescent imaging,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2019, 19, 136-144. June 2019
Yunpeng Dai#, Xueli Chen#,*, Jipeng Yin#, Guodong Wang, Bo Wang, Yonghua Zhan*, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Investigation of the influence of sampling schemes on quantitative dynamic fluorescence imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 2018, 9(4), 1859-1870. Mar. 26, 2018.
Defu Yang, Lin Wang, Dongmei Chen, Chenggang Yan, Xiaowei He, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Filtered maximum likelihood expectation maximization based global reconstruction for bioluminescence tomography,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2018, 56, 2067-2081. (2nd affiliation) Oct. 2018
Lin Wang, Shenghan Ren, and Xueli Chen*, “Comparative evaluations of the Monte Carlo-based light propagation simulation packages for optical imaging,” Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 2018, 11(1), **. DOI: 10.1142/S**00171 (2nd affiliation) Nov. 2017
Yun Zeng#, Jingwen Ma#, Yonghua Zhan, Xinyi Xu, Qi Zeng, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Hypoxia-activated prodrugs and redox-responsive nanocarriers,” International Journal of Nanomedicine 2018, 13, 6551-6574. Oct. 2018
Defu Yang, Chenggang Yan*, Lei Yang, Dongliang Peng, and Xueli Chen*, “An alternative reconstruction framework with optimal permission source region for bioluminescence tomography,” Optics Communications 2018, 427(11), 112-122. (2nd affiliation) June 2018
Lin Wang#, Xin Cao#,*, Xu Cao, Fei Kang, Yonghua Zhan, Xiaowei He, Jing Wang*, and Xueli Chen*,“Feasibility study of radioluminescence film imaging: an optical way to detect medical radionuclides,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2018, 12(9-10), 542-546. (2nd affiliation) Sep.-Oct. 2018
Hanrui Li#, Ke Li#, Yunpeng Dai, Xinyi Xu, Xu Cao, Qi Zeng, Huyulong He, Liaojun Pang, Jimin Liang, Xueli Chen*, and Yonghua Zhan*,“In vivo near infrared fluorescence imaging and dynamic quantification of pancreatic metastatic tumors using folic acid conjugated biodegradable mesoporous silica nanoparticles,” Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2018, 14(6), 1867-1877. Jul. 2018
Lin Wang, Xin Cao, Qingyun Ren, Xueli Chen*, Xiaowei He*,“Hybrid model based unified scheme for endoscopic Cerenkov and radio-luminescence tomography: simulation demonstration,” Journal of Applied Physics 2018, 123(18), 184701. (2nd aff.) May 2018
Xueli Chen#, Chi Zhang#, Peng Lin, Kai-Chih Huang, Jimin Liang, Jie Tian, and Ji-Xin Cheng*, “Volumetric chemical imaging by stimulated Raman projection microscopy and tomography,” Nature Communications 2017, 8, 15117.Apr. 24, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15117
Yonghua Zhan#, Wenhua Zhan#, Hanrui Li, Xinyi Xu, Xu Cao, Shouping Zhu, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “In vivo dual-modality fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging-guided lymph node mapping with good biocompatibility manganese oxide nanoparticles,” Molecules 2017, 22(12), 2208. Dec. 2017.
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen*, Chunhui Zhang, Lu Wang, Fanzhen Meng, Qingguo Xie, and Jimin Liang, “Cerenkov luminescence imaging guided selective-reconstruction for a flexible dual-head PET,” Journal of Instrumentation 2017, 12(4), P04005. Apr. 2017
Lin Wang#, Yonghua Zhan#, Defu Yang, and Xueli Chen*, “Specific modeling of light propagation in live body with coupled SP3-radiosity-diffusion equation,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 2017, 7(4), 820-832. Aug. 2017
Xin Cao#, Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao, Jimin Liang, and Xueli Chen*, “Harnessing the power of Cerenkov luminescence imaging for gastroenterology: Cerenkov luminescence endoscopy,” Current Medical Imaging Reviews 2017, 13(1), 50-57. Apr. 2017
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Xin Cao, Yingchao Li, Jie Tian, Jimin Liang*, and Xueli Chen*, “Silica Cross-Linked Micellar Core-Shell Nanoparticles Encapsulating IR-780 with Strong Bright and Good Biocompatibility for Optical Imaging In Vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2017, 13(2), 144-154. Apr. 2017. DOI: 10.1166/jbn.2016.2332
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Yingchao Li, Xueli Chen*, and Xiaofeng Huang*, “Synthesis and biological evaluation of a novel apogossypolone derivative,” Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 2017, 14(1), 96-101. Apr. 2017DOI: 10.2174/**66**5
Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Fangfang Sun, Xu Cao, and Jimin Liang*, “Adaptively alternative light-transport-model-based three-dimensional optical imaging for longitudinal and quantitative monitoring of gastric cancer in live animal,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 2016, 63(10), 2095-2107. Oct. 1, 2016. DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2015.**
Yonghua Zhan#, Xu Cao#, Xin Cao, Fei Kang, Jing Wang, Jimin Liang, Zhimin Li*, and Xueli Chen*, “Simultaneous multimodality molecular imaging with neodymium-doped Y3Al3O12 nanoparticles,” Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 2016, 10(9-10), 685-688. Sep.-Oct. 2016
Yunpeng Dai, Xueli Chen*, Jipeng Yin, Xiaoyu Kang, Guodong Wang, Xianghan Zhang, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Investigation of injection dose and camera integration time on quantifying pharmacokinetics of a Cy5.5-GX1 probe with dynamic fluorescence imaging in vivo,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2016, 21(8), 086001. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.8.086001 Sep. 2016
Yunpeng Dai, Jipeng Yin, Yu Huang, Xueli Chen*, Guodong Wang, Yajun Liu, Xianghan Zhang, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “In vivo quantifying molecular specificity of Cy5.5-labeled cyclic 9-mer peptide probe with dynamic fluorescence imaging,” Biomedical Optics Express 2016, 7(4), 1149-1159. DOI: 10.1364/BOE.7.001149 Apr. 2016
Xueli Chen*, Fangfang Sun, Defu Yang, and Jimin Liang, “Coupled third-order simplified spherical harmonics and diffusion equation-based fluorescence tomographic imaging of liver cancer,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2015, 20(9), 090502. Sep. 21, 2015. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.20.9.090502
Xueli Chen*, Fangfang Sun, Defu Yang, Shenghan Ren, Qian Zhang, and Jimin Liang*, “Hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with diffusion equation for light propagation in tissues,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 2015, 60(16), 6305-6322. Aug. 3, 2015
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yonghua Zhan, Xu Cao, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Intensity enhanced Cerenkov luminescence imaging using terbium-doped Gd2O2S microparticles,”ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(22), 11775-11782. Jun 10, 2015. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b00432.
Defu Yang, Xueli Chen*, Xu, Cao, Jing Wang, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Performance investigation of SP3 and diffusion approximation for three-dimensional whole-body optical imaging of small animals,” Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 2015, 53(9), 805-814. DOI: 10.1007/s11517-015-1293-8 Sep. 2015
Xin Cao, Xueli Chen*, Fei Kang, Xu Cao, Yonghua Zhan, Jing Wang, Kaichun Wu, and Jimin Liang*, “Sensitivity improvement of Cerenkov luminescence endoscope with terbium doped Gd2O­2S nanoparticles,” Applied Physics Letters 2015, 106(21), 213702. DOI: 10.1063/1.** May 2015
Hao Hu#, Xin Cao#, Fei Kang#, Min Wang, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Shujun Li, Liping Yao, Jie Liang, Jimin Liang, Yongzhan Nie, Xueli Chen*, Jing Wang*, Kaichun Wu*, “Feasibility study of novel endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system in detecting and quantifying gastrointestinal disease: first human results,” European Radiology 2015, 25(6), 1814-1822. (2ndaffiliation) May 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s00330-014-3574-2
Xin Cao#, Xueli Chen#, Fei Kang#, Yenan Lin, Muhan Liu, Hao Hu, Yongzhan Nie, Kaichun Wu, Jing Wang*, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Performance evaluation of endoscopic Cerenkov luminescence imaging system: in vitro and pseudotumor studies,” Biomedical Optics Express 2014, 5(10), 3660-3670. Oct. 1, 2014. DOI:10.1364/BOE.5.003660
Xueli Chen*, Defu Yang, Qitan Zhang, and Jimin Liang*, “L1/2 regularization based numerical method for effective reconstruction of bioluminescence tomography,” Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115(18), 184702. May 14, 2014. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Xueli Chen*, Qitan Zhang, Defu Yang, and Jimin Liang*, “Hybrid radiosity-SP3 equation based bioluminescence tomography reconstruction for turbid medium with low- and non-scattering regions,” Journal of Applied Physics 2014, 115(2), 024702. Jan 14, 2014. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Defu Yang#, Xueli Chen#, Zhen Peng, Xiaorui Wang, Jorge Ripoll, Jing Wang, and Jimin Liang*, “Light transport in turbid media with non-scattering, low-scattering and high absorption heterogeneities based on hybrid simplified spherical harmonics with radiosity model,” Biomedical Optics Express 2013, 4(10), 2209-2223. Oct. 1, 2013
Xueli Chen*, Jimin Liang, Xin Cao, Defu Yang, Dongmei Chen, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “Feasibility study of endoscopic X-ray luminescence computed tomography: simulation demonstration and phantom application,” Journal of Applied Physics 2013, 114(8), 084701. Aug 28, 2013. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Xueli Chen#, Defu Yang#, Xiaochao Qu, Hao Hu, Jimin Liang*, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tian*, “Comparisons of hybrid radiosity-diffusion model and diffusion equation for bioluminescence tomography in cavity cancer detection,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 2012, 17(6), 066015. Jun. 5, 2012. DOI: 10.1117/1.JBO.17.6.066015
Zhenhua Hu#, Xueli Chen#, Jimin Liang*, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Weidong Yang, Jing Wang, Feng Cao, and Jie Tian*, “Single photon emission computed tomography- guided Cerenkov luminescence tomography,” Journal of Applied Physics 2012, 112(2), 024703. Jul. 25, 2012. DOI: 10.1063/1.**
Qitan Zhang#, Xueli Chen#, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang*, and Jie Tian*, “Comparative studies of lp-regularization-based reconstruction algorithms for bioluminescence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express 2012, 3(11), 2816-2836. Nov. 1, 2012
Xueli Chen, Jimin Liang*, Xiaochao Qu, Yanbin Hou, Shouping Zhu, Duofang Chen, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tian*, “Mapping of bioluminescent images onto CT volume surface for dual-modality BLT and CT imaging,” Journal of X-ray Science and Technology2012, 20(1), 31-44. Apr. 1, 2012. DOI 10.3233/XST-2012-0317
Xueli Chen, Jimin Liang*, Heng Zhao, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Qitan Zhang, Xinbo Gao, and Jie Tain*, “Modeling and reconstruction of optical tomography for endoscopic applications: simulation demonstration,” Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99(7), 073702. Aug. 16, 2011. DOI:10.1063/1.**
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Xiaohui Zhao, Man Shen, Xiangsi Li, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “3D reconstruction of light flux distribution on arbitrary surfaces from 2D multi-photographic images,” Optics Express 2010, 18(19), 19876-19893. Sep. 13, 2010
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Duofang Chen, Xiaopeng Ma, Jimin Liang, and Jie Tian, “Generalized free-space diffuse photon transport model based on the influence analysis of camera lens,” Applied Optics 2010, 49(29), 5654-5664. Oct. 7, 2010
Xueli Chen, Xinbo Gao*, Xiaochao Qu, Jimin Liang, Lin Wang, Da’an Yang, Anikitos Garofalakis, Jorge Ripoll, and Jie Tian*, “A study of photon propagation in free-space based on hybrid radiosity-radiance theorem,” Optics Express 2009, 17(18), 16266- 16280. Aug. 31, 2009

Awards & Honors
2020: Second Prize of Shaanxi Natural Science Award, P.R. China (1st position)
2019: Young Investigator Award of the Nature Conference on Translational Imaging in Partnership with the International Symposium on Molecular Imaging (ISMI 2019).
2019: First Prize of Science & Technology Award in Shaanxi Universities, P.R. China (1st position)
2018: Young Top-notch Talent of Special Support Plan in Shaanxi Province
2018: Youth Teacher Fund of Fok-Ying Tong Education Foundation of China
2018: The Young Star of Science and Technology of Shaanxi Province
2017: Best poster award of 1st Cross-Strait Academic Symposium on Biomed. Frontiers
2015.03-2017.03: been awarded a scholarship under the State Scholarship Fund from CSC to pursue study in the USA as a postdoctoral researcher
2014: Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Xidian University
2014: Second Prize of Science & Technology Award in Shaanxi Universities, P.R. China (1st position)
2011: First Prize of Science & Technology Award in Shaanxi Universities, P.R. China (6th position)
2011: Travel Award of the World Molecular Imaging Congress 2011 (only 6 in China)
2010: Second award for the Scientific and Technological Advancement of Outstanding Achievement of Scientific Research in University, P.R. China (6th position)
2010~2012: Outstanding Doctoral Degree Funding from Xidian University (40000 CNY/ Year)

CHEN Xueli, Professor (Principal Investigator, Biomedical-photonics & Molecular Imaging Lab)
ZENG Qi, Associate Professor (Extraction, modification and evaluation of therapeutic effect of natural drugs)
CHEN Duofang, Associate Professor (Computational microscopic imaging and quantitative opticla imaing)
XU Xinyi, Assistant Professor (Nano-antibody imaging of gene encoding unnatural amino acids based on optical click method)
XIE Hui, Associate Professor (Microbial drug screening based on OPT and computational microscopic imaging)
Wangting Zhou
Shenghan Ren

Current Members
YAN Tianyu, Ph.D. Student (2019.09~)
WANG Nan, Ph.D. Student (2018.09~)
LI Hanrui, Ph. D. Student (2018.03~)
Cao Honghao, Master Student (2017.09~)
WANG Huiyuan, Master Student (2018.09~)
WANG Xinyu, Master Student (2018.09~)
WANG Haoyu, Master Student (2018.09~)
LIU Yichao, Master Student (2018.09~)
LUO Xixin, Master Student (2018.09~)
REN Feng, Master Student (2018.09~)
ZHENG Yun, Master Student (2019.09~)
FAN Dawei, Master Student (2019.09~)
LUO Yanxia, Master Student (2019.09~)
HAO Wenqing, Master Student (2019.09~)
WANG Zhaohui, Msater Student (2019.09~)

Lab Alumni
YAN Tianyu, Master Student (2017.09~2019.08)
WANG Nan, Master Student (2017.09~2018.08)
BAO Cuiping, Master Student (2015.09~2018.06)
DAI Yunpeng, Ph.D. Student (2013.09~2017.12)
CAO Xin, Ph.d. Student (2013.09~2017.12)
SUN Fangfang, Master Student (2013.09~2015.12)
YANG Defu, Ph.D. Student (2011.09~2015.06)

Group Events
to be updated.......

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