

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-10

西安电子科技大学 生命科学技术学院

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5193-3511


西安电子科技大学 生命科学技术学院

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5193-3511


&2021年4月,热烈庆祝Biolight Lab主页访问人数突破3万。
&2021年3月,热烈庆祝宜浪浪、胡青青和薛启禄获得2021年“科研创新奖”!设立“科研创新奖”奖学金是对潜心向学,积极参加科学研究,全面提高科研能力和创新水平的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
&2021年1月,热烈庆祝张婷获得首个最佳实验室管理奖!鼓励她在实验室管理方面的突出成绩。设立“最佳实验室管理奖”奖学金是对在实验室管理工作中做出突出贡献的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
&2021年1月,热烈庆祝宜浪浪获得2021年Biolight Star荣誉称号!鼓励他在高水平论文发表方面的突出成绩。设立“Biolight Star”奖学金是对成绩优秀、富有创新创业精神的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
& 2020年12月,热烈祝贺Analyst杂志在2020年最后一天接收了我们的文章,感谢殷朋举和李国倩的辛苦工作,这是最好的新年礼物,期待2021年大家继续奋斗,勇往直前,创造更加灿烂的辉煌!
&2020年9月,热烈祝贺“Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统”,荣获第十届“挑战杯”陕西省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖!
&2020年8月,热烈祝贺“Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统”,荣获西安电子科技大学第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛金奖!
& 2020年7月,翩翩少年,且行且歌。鲜衣怒马,整装出发。祝前程似锦,大展宏图!
& 2020年7月,热烈祝贺陈泽州获得2020届优秀毕业研究生!
& 2020年7月,热烈祝贺年颖玉获得2020届优秀本科毕业论文!
& 2020年7月,热烈祝贺实验室本科生王翀获得2020届本科生毕业之星提名奖!
& 2020年5月,热烈祝贺陈泽州、程贺、范金坤和郑雨思顺利通过硕士论文答辩!
& 2020年5月,热烈祝贺殷朋举顺利通过博士论文答辩!
& 2020年2月,热烈祝贺宜浪浪的文章被选为back cover of lab on a chip,感谢他的辛苦劳动!
& 2020年2月,热烈祝贺殷朋举的文章被soft matter杂志接收,希望大家都能够在这个艰难的时候努力工作,坚持理想,终会战胜一切困难!
& 2020年1月,热烈祝贺宜浪的文章被Labonachip接收,感谢他的出色的工作和艰苦的努力!新年新气象,预祝大家都能取得满意的成果!OnwardandUpward!
&2020年1月,热烈庆祝李国倩、胡青青、宜浪浪、张宏飞、殷朋举和张婷获得首届“科研创新奖”!设立“科研创新奖”奖学金是对潜心向学,积极参加科学研究,全面提高科研能力和创新水平的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
&2020年1月,热烈庆祝陈泽州、魏璐捷和宜浪浪获得Biolight Star荣誉称号!设立“Biolight Star”奖学金是对成绩优秀、富有创新创业精神的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
&2019年10月,热烈祝贺团队主办的“2019年国际肿瘤与生物标志物研讨会/2019 Workshop on Cancer and Biomarkers”圆满成功!
&2019年9月,热烈祝贺泽州的文章被《Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical》接收,这是我们组今年第二篇中科院一区文章,我们的工作越来越被认可,感谢大家的辛苦劳动,祝贺泽州!
&2019年8月,热烈祝贺续小丁发表在《Analytical Chemistry》上的新文章,以中文简讯的形式在微信公众号“X-MOL资讯”(微信号:X-molNews)、App以及X-MOL平台网站(网址:www.x-mol.com)发表,欢迎查阅。具体查阅方式为:
* X-MOL平台文章链接:https://www.x-mol.com/news/18472
&2019年7月,热烈庆祝Biolight Lab主页访问人数突破2万。
&2019年7月,热烈庆祝胡青青、李国倩和魏璐捷获得首届Biolight Star荣誉称号!设立“Biolight Star”奖学金是对成绩优秀、富有创新创业精神的Biolight Lab学子给予奖励!Onward and Upward!
&2019年6月,热烈祝贺焦志强的文章被Analytical Methods杂志选为封面,期待课题组更多封面的入选!
&2019年6月,热烈祝贺小丁的Analytical Chemistry文章刚刚被接收,这是我们组的第一篇一区文章,是大家努力拼搏的结果,希望大家再接再厉做出有显示度的工作!祝贺小丁!
&2019年6月,热烈祝贺焦志强的文章被Analytical Methods接收,希望大家继续努力,做出有显示度的工作!
这个大奖是大家的,请告诉你的家人和朋友,你赢得了这项大奖。 我们对未来期望无限,让我们团结一致,努力工作,快乐成长,让科技改变世界。
&2015年6月,欢迎陈泽州 (大二)、蒋宁(大二)、梁晨(大二)、吕德元(大二)、李南啸(大二)加入本课题组。

胡波,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,陕西省高层次青年人才,华山****“菁英人才”, 国家重点研发计划评审专家,中国高校创新创业教育研究中心专家库第一批入库专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心博士学位论文通讯评审专家,陕西省科技厅评审专家,陕西省科技奖励评审专家,中国生物医学工程学会会员,中国微米纳米技术学会会员,中国化学会会员,中国生物物理学会会员,高级技术经理人。
2005 - 2008
中国科学技术大学,无机化学,导师: 俞书宏教授

2002 - 2005

1998 - 2002

2015 - 至今

2014 - 2015
美国华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校, 机械工程与材料科学系,博士后

2011 - 2014

2010 - 2011

2008 - 2010

申请人一直致力于智能医学及其在生物医学工程领域应用的研究,取得一系列重要的研究成果。在国际核心期刊上发表高水平论文37篇,IF>10论文6篇,中科院一区15篇,其中,第一作者和通讯作者22篇,IF>10论文3篇,中科院一区9篇。总影响因子达到200多,H因子18,SCI他引2130余次,共引用2500余次(google scholar)。授权美国专利1项,授权中国专利2项,申请中国专利9项,受邀第一作者撰写英文专著2个章节。论文发表在Adv. Mater. 1篇,ACS Nano 3篇,Adv. Funct. Mater. 2篇,Chem. Mater. 1篇,以及五篇封面文章。根据Web of Science统计,单篇最高SCI引用超过980次,超过100次论文4篇,超过50次的论文有11篇,两篇高被引论文名列前1% 引用文章(ISI)。申请人作为项目负责人主持国家重点研发计划,国家基金面上项目, 陕西省社会发展科技攻关项目,西安市留学回国人员创新创业扶持项目,华山****“菁英人才”计划项目,博士后基金。

Royal Society of Chemistry: Chemical Communications; Journal of Materials Chemistry B;Journal of Materials Chemistry C;CrystEngComm; RSC Advances; Dalton Transactions; Analyst
Elsevier: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical
Springer Nature:Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
Taylor & Francis Group:International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Borderless Science: Canadian Chemical Transactions
World Scientific: Nano LIFE

27. 2020年,陕西省科普文艺创作征文活动,《待到樱花烂漫时》荣获优秀奖。
26. 2020年,“奋斗的我,最美的国-礼敬中华告白祖国”西安电子科技大学第四届经典诵读大赛,《樱花守望》荣获优秀奖。
24.2020年,第十届“挑战杯”陕西省大学生创业计划竞赛,《Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统》荣获金奖!
23. 2020年,西安电子科技大学第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,《Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统》荣获金奖!
22. 2020年,2020年陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛,《乐享筑构”--新冠肺炎疫情科普平台》项目荣获三等奖!
21. 2020年,第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级选拔赛暨西安电子科技大学第六届“校长杯”创新创业大赛,《乐构--中小学精准科普公益教育》荣获银奖!
20. 2019年,在第五届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛项目指导中表现突出,授予“优秀创新创业导师”称号。
19. 2019年,在西安电子科技大学创新创业组织工作中表现突出,被评为“先进个人”。
18. 2019年,荣获西安电子科技大学星火园丁奖!
17. 2019年,第八届中国创新创业大赛(陕西赛区)暨第五届陕西科技创新创业大赛,《基于微流控芯片的乳腺癌智能检测技术》项目获得二等奖。
16. 2019年,陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛,《乐享筑构科普教育》项目获得三等奖。
15. 2019年,陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛,《基于微流控芯片的乳腺癌循环肿瘤细胞智能检测技术》项目获得三等奖。
12. 2018年,在第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛项目指导中表现突出,授予“优秀创新创业导师”称号。
11. 2018年,第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国总决赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得主赛道银奖。
10. 2018年,第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西省复赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得主赛道金奖,总决赛亚军。
9. 2018年,第五届“创业张家港”青年精英创业大赛西安赛区,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得一等奖。
8. 2018年,第七届中国创新创业大赛(陕西赛区)暨第五届陕西科技创新创业大赛,《基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查系统》项目获得优秀奖。
7. 2018年,第四届西电全球校友创业大赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得三等奖。
4. 2018年,陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛,《乳腺癌诊断新技术》项目获得三等奖。
3. 2017年,陕西省青年人才项目。
2. 2015年,西安电子科技大学华山****“菁英人才”计划。
1. 2009年,中国科学院王宽诚人才工作奖励基金。

14. 胡波,3D打印制备惯性聚焦微流控芯片及其在细胞富集中的应用,第四届微流控技术应用创新论坛,深圳,2020.12.05-07
13. Bo Hu,Smart Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Based on the Circulating Tumor Cells,The 3rd International Conference on Food Nutrition & Safety and Medicinal Chemistry,Tianjin,2020.12.04-05
11. Bo Hu,Smart Diagnostic System For Circulating Tumor Cells,International Conference on Innovative Solutions: Cancer, Aging and Genetic diseases,Paris,2020.10.27-30
9. 胡波,乳腺癌循环肿瘤细胞智能检测技术,第六届“论道?长安”乳腺疾病长安论坛会议,西安,2020.09.10-13
8. 胡波,拉曼光谱在无标记细胞检测微流控芯片的应用,“逐梦光电”卓立汉光第一届线上新品与应用研讨会,北京,2020.06.10-12
7. 胡波,拉曼光谱的动态流体软管微流控芯片及其无标记细胞检测应用,第三届微流控技术应用创新论坛,厦门,2019.12.28-31
6. Bo Hu,River Meander-inspired Cross-section in 3D-printed Helical Microchannels for Inertial Focusing and Enrichment,Conference of Cancer and Aging, Wuhan,2019.10.28-10.31
5. 胡波,基于软管微流控的动态流体SERS平台用于无标记细胞检测,第十二届全国微全分析系统学术会议,第七届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议,第七届国际微流控学学术论坛,杨凌,2019.5.17-5.20
4.Bo Hu, Limitlessness of limited 3D-printed microfluidics: inerfial focusing of the tumor cells, Conference of Cancer and Aging, Wuhan, 2018.10.23-10.26
3. 胡波,3D打印制备惯性聚焦微流控芯片及其在细胞操控的应用,2018年海峡两岸微/纳米生物医学学术研讨会,西安,2018.6.26
2. 胡波,工程化去除 3D 打印微流控芯片通道支撑材料,首届微流控技术应用创新论坛,深圳,2017.12.9-12.11
1. Bo Hu, Surface Plasmon-Photosensitizer Resonance Coupling: An Enhanced Singlet Oxygen Producation Platform for Photodynamic Therapy International, Conference of Cancer and Aging, Wuhan, 2017.10.24-10.27

1.“2019年国际肿瘤与生物标志物研讨会/2019 Workshop on Cancer and Biomarkers”,于2019年10月24日至25日在西安电子科技大学顺利召开。本次大会由生科院和分子与神经影像教育部工程研究中心主办,University of Evry (France)、 University of Paris-Saclay、 French Embassy in China、西安高新技术产业开发区创业园发展中心和西安联创生物医药孵化器有限公司协办。大会在生科院报告厅开幕,大会主席学术负责人陕西“青年百人”胡波教授,西安电子科技大学生科院党委书记王丽玲,国际合作与交流部部长陈浩,天津科技大学生物工程学院副院长、法国国家药学科学院外籍院士郁彭教授,法国CIPREVO首席执行官、IPSEN科学事务肿瘤学主任Grégoire Prévost教授出席大会并致辞。

(2) 单细胞拉曼光谱检测技术、测试平台及应用;
(4) 3D打印微流控芯片的设计开发及其在生物医学诊疗中的应用;
(5) 拉曼光谱的智能分析方法。

序号 项目来源 项目名称 金额(万元) 起止时间 备注
7 国家自然科学基金面上项目 基于表面等离子体共振匹配的诊疗一体化纳米探针及其在三维成像指导光动力和光热治疗食管癌中的应用 50 2018-2021 主持、(1/9)、在研
6 西安市留学回国人员创新创业扶持项目 基于微流控芯片的乳腺癌早期诊断技术 50 2019-2020 主持、(1/1)、在研
5 陕西省青年人才计划 单细胞拉曼光谱检测 50 2017-2019 主持、(1/1)、在研
4 国家重点研发计划数字诊疗装备研发专项“青年科学家”项目 乳腺癌循环肿瘤细胞成像和检测数字诊疗新技术研究 200 2016-2018 主持、(1/16)、结题
3 陕西省科学技术研究发展计划项目社会发展科技攻关 基于细胞芯片的小儿肺炎致病菌诊断新策略和新技术研究 7 2016-2017 主持、(1/10)、结题
2 西安电子科技大学“华山****”菁英人才启动基金 微纳米生物工程材料在分子影像中的应用基础研究 12 2015-2018 主持、(1/1)、结题
1 西安电子科技大学基本科研业务费 共振耦合效应增强光敏剂的光动力学治疗和成像 6 2015-2016 主持、(1/1)、结题


23. 2020年,陕西省科普文艺创作征文活动,《待到樱花烂漫时》荣获优秀奖。
22. 2020年,“奋斗的我,最美的国-礼敬中华告白祖国”西安电子科技大学第四届经典诵读大赛,《樱花守望》荣获优秀奖。
20. 2020年,第十届“挑战杯”陕西省大学生创业计划竞赛金奖,《Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统》荣获金奖!
19. 2020年,西安电子科技大学第十二届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛,《Cell hunter-循环肿瘤细胞智能检测系统》荣获金奖!
18. 2020年,2020年陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛,《乐享筑构”--新冠肺炎疫情科普平台》项目荣获三等奖!
17. 2020年,第六届中国国际“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛校级选拔赛暨西安电子科技大学第六届“校长杯”创新创业大赛,《乐构--中小学精准科普公益教育》荣获银奖!
16. 2020年,陈泽州荣获2020届优秀毕业研究生!
14. 2020年,王翀荣获2020届本科生毕业之星提名奖!
13. 2019年,在第五届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛项目指导中表现突出,授予“优秀创新创业导师”称号。
12. 2019年,在西安电子科技大学创新创业组织工作中表现突出,被评为“先进个人”。
11. 2019年,荣获西安电子科技大学星火园丁奖!
8. 2018年,在第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛项目指导中表现突出,授予“优秀创新创业导师”称号。
7. 2018年,第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛全国总决赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得主赛道银奖。
6. 2018年,第四届“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛陕西省复赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得主赛道金奖,总决赛亚军。
5. 2018年,第五届“创业张家港”青年精英创业大赛西安赛区,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得一等奖。
4. 2018年,第七届中国创新创业大赛(陕西赛区)暨第五届陕西科技创新创业大赛,《基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查系统》项目获得优秀奖。
3. 2018年,第四届西电全球校友创业大赛,《医者仁芯-基于微流控芯片技术的乳腺癌早期筛查智能系统》项目获得三等奖。

Onward and Upward!



赵磊 陈晨

18 级
20 级
18 级
薛启禄 胡青青 魏璐捷 周小莉 陆雪婷
19 级
张婷 张宏飞 周博 武建铎
20 级
刘翔 种昱颖 叶紫云 梁明辉

14 级
17 级

陈泽州 范金坤 程贺 郑雨思
16 级

续小丁 洪芬香 焦志强 蔡诗轩
15 级

[38] He Cheng,# Langlang Yi,#Jianduo Wu, Guoqian Li, Gang Zhao, Zhixiang Xiao, Bo Hu,* Lei Zhao,* Jie Tian*Drug preconcentration and direct quantification in biofluids using 3D-Printed paper cartridge, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021, 189, 113266.
[37] Pengju Yin,# Guoqian Li,# Baoyue Zhang, Haque Farjana, Lei Zhao, Hongwei Qin, Hongyan Shi, Bo Hu,* Jianzhen Ou,* Jie Tian*Facile PEG-Based Isolation and Classification of Cancer Extracellular Vesicles and Particles with Label-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Pattern Recognition Algorithm, Analyst , 2021, 146(6), 1949-1955.
[36] Lei Zhao, Bingyao Dong, Wei Li, Hongfei Zhang, Yusi Zheng, Chu Tang, Bo Hu,* and Shifang Yuan* Smartphone-based Quantitative Fluorescence Detection of Flowing Droplets Using Embedded Ambient Light Sensor,IEEE Sensors Journal , 2021, 21(4), 4451-4461.
[35]Ruichan Lv,* Fan Yang, Xue Jiang, Bo Hu, Xianghan Zhang, Xueli Chen, Jie TianPlasmonic modulated upconversion fluorescence by adjustable distributed gold nanoparticles,Journal of Luminescence, 2020,220,116974.
[34] Pengju Yin,Lei Zhao,Zezhou Chen, Zhiqiang Jiao, Hongyan Shi,Bo Hu,*Shifang Yuan*andJie Tian*Simulation and practice of particle inertial focusing in 3D-printed serpentine microfluidic chipsviacommercial 3D-printers,Soft Matter,2020, 16, 3096-3105.
[33] Langlang Yi,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,He Cheng,Hongyan Shi,Jinkun Fan,Shixuan Cai,Guoqian Li,Bo Hu,*Liyu Huang*andJie Tian*Non-Powered Capillary Force-Driven Stamped Approach for Directly Printing Nanomaterials Aqueous Solution on Paper Substrate,Lab on a chip2020, 20,931-941.
[32] Fenxiang Hong,#Chu Tang,#Qilu Xue,Lei Zhao,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Xianghan Zhang*Simultaneously Enhanced Singlet Oxygen and Fluorescence Production of Nanoplatform by Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling for Biomedical Applications,Langmuir2019, 35,46,14833-14839.
[31] Shixuan Cai,# Hongyan Shi,# Guoqian Li, Qilu Xue, Lei Zhao,*Fu Wang,*Bo Hu*3D-Printed Concentration-Controlled Microfluidic Chip with Diffusion Mixing Pattern for the Synthesisof Alginate Drug Delivery Microgels,Nanomaterials,2019, 9, 1451.
[30] Zezhou Chen,# Lei Zhao,# Lujie Wei, Ziyu Huang, Pengju Yin, Xiaowen Huang,*Hongyan Shi,Bo Hu,*Jie Tian*River Meander-inspired Cross-section in 3D-printed Helical Microchannels for Inertial Focusing and Enrichment,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2019, 301, 127125.
Corrigendum to “River meander-inspired cross-section in 3D-printed helical microchannels for inertial focusing and enrichment” [Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 301 (2019) 127125],Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2020,302, 128488.
[29]Xiaoding Xu,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,Jinkun Fan,Qingqing Hu,Chu Tang,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Jie Tian*Dynamic Liquid Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Platform Basedon Soft Tubular Microfluidics for Label-Free Cell Detection,Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91, 7973-7979.
[28]Zhiqiang Jiao#,Lei Zhao#,Chu Tang, Hongyan Shi, *Fu Wang,*Bo Hu,*Droplet-based PCR in a 3D-printed microfluidic chip for miRNA-21 detection,Analytical Methods,2019, 11, 3286–3293.
[27]Feng Miao, Lv Ruichan*, Xiao Liyang, Hu Bo, Zhu Shouping, He Fei, Yang Piaoping*,Tian Jie*, Highly Erbium-Doped Nanoplatform with Enhanced Red Emission for Dual-Modal Optical-Imaging-Guided Photodynamic Therapy.Inorganic Chemistry, 2018,57,14594-14602.
[26]Pengju Yin#, Bo Hu#,*, Langlang Yi, Chun Xiao, Xu Cao, Lei Zhao,*Hongyan Shi*,Engineering of Removing Sacrificial Materials in 3D Printed Microfluidics,Micromachines,2018, 9, 327.

[25] Ruichan Lv, Piaoping Yang, Bo Hu, Jiating Xu, Wenting Shang, Jie Tian*, In Situ Growth Strategy to Integrate Up-Conversion Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall CuS for Photothermal Theranostics, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 1064-1072.(ESI高被引论文)
[24]Guoyou Huang,Limei Tian,Keng-Ku Liu,Bo Hu,Feng Xu,Tian Jian Lu,Rajesh R. Naik, andSrikanth Singamaneni*, Elastoplastic Deformation of Silk Micro- and Nanostructures,ACSBiomaterials Science& Engineering,2016, 2, 893-899.
[23]Bo Hu, Xian Cao,Ms. Tevhide Ozkaya Ahmadov, Rui Ding,Hong Tang, Peng Zhang*,Light-Harvesting Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria under Both Visible and Near-Infrared Excitations, Chemistry-AnAsianJournal, 2016,11, 1092-1097.

[22]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Keaton Nahan, Joseph Caruso, Hong Tang, Peng Zhang*, Surface Plasmon-Photosensitizer Resonance Coupling: An enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production Platform for Broad-Spectrum Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria,Journal ofMaterialsChemistry B 2014, 2, 7073-7081.

[21]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Peng Zhang*, Selective Colorimetric Detection of Glutathione Based on Quasi-Stable Gold Nanoparticles Assembly, NewJournal of Chemistry, 2013, 37, 3853-3856.

[20]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Peng Zhang*, Dual Control of Interparticle Forces in Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles, ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78, 506-514.

[19]Bo Hu, Yang Zhao, Haizhou Zhu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Selective Chromogenic Detection of Thoil-Containing Biomolecules Using Carbonaceous Nanospheres Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles as Carrier, ACS Nano 2011, 5, 3166-3171.

[18]Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Liheng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Markus Antonietti, Maria-Magdalena Titirici*, Engineering Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization Process of biomass, AdvancedMaterials 2010, 22, 813-828.(ESI高被引论文)

[17]Hongyan Shi#, Bo Hu#, XiaoChun Yu, RongLi Zhao, XiFeng Ren, ShiLin Liu, JianWei Liu, Mei Feng, AnWu Xu,Shu-Hong Yu*, Ordering of Disordered nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned, Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface,Advanced Functional Materials, 2010, 20, 958-964 (# contribute equally).

[16]Bo Hu, Liheng Wu, Shujuan Liu, Shaofeng Chen, Hongbin Yao, Hongyan Shi, Gongpu Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Indium Tungsten Oxide Mesocrystals: Selective Photocatalytic Properties, ChemicalCommunications, 2010, 46, 2277-2279.

[15]Bo Hu, Liheng Wu, Zhi Zhao, Meng Zhang, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Hongyan Shi, Zejun Ding, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hierarechical Silver Indium Tungsten Oxide Mesocrystals with Morphology-, Pressure-, and Temperature-dependent Lumniescent Properties, Nano Research, 2010, 3, 395-403.

[14]Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Lei Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Functional Carbonaceous Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass: An Effective Chemical Process, DaltonTransactions, 2008, 5414 - 5423. Perspective. Cover. Highlighted by RSC.

[13]Bo Hu, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Qingsong Wu, Weitang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable Synthesis of Zinc-Substituted alpha- and beta-Nickel Hydroxide Nanostructures and Their Collective Intrinsic Properties, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2008, 14, 8928 – 8938.

[12]Bo Hu, Shang-Bing Wang, Kan Wang, Meng Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Microwave Assisted Rapid Facile “Green” Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanoparticles: Self-Assembly into Multil[ant]ayered Films and Optical Property, Journal ofPhysicalChemistryC, 2008, 112, 11169-11174.

[11]Xian Cao,Bo Hu, Rui Ding, Peng Zhang*, Plasmon-enhanced homogeneous and heterogeneous triplet–triplet annihilation by gold nanoparticles, PhysicalChemistryChemical Physics, 2015, 17, 14479-14483.

[10]Xian Cao, Bo Hu, Peng Zhang*, High Upconversion Efficiency from Hetero Triplet–Triplet Annihilation in Multiacceptor Systems, Journal ofPhysicalChemistryLetters, 2013, 4, 2334-2338.

[9]Yongming Lu, Haizhou Zhu, Weigu Li, Bo Hu and Shu-Hong Yu*, Size-Controllable Palladium Nanoparticles Immobilized on Carbon Nanospheres for Nitroaromatic Hydrogenation, Journal ofMaterialsChemistry A, 2013, 1, 3783–3788.

[8]Liheng Wu, Hongbin Yao, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Unique Lamellar Sodium/Potassium Iron Oxide Nanosheets: Facile Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties, Chemistry of Materials, 2011, 23, 3946-3952.

[7]Guo-Ping Guo, Rui Yang, Xi-Feng Ren*, Lu-Lu Wang, Hong-Yan Shi, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Guang-Can Guo, Excitation of Surface Plasmons in a Single Silver Nanowire using Higher-Order-Mode Light, Phys E, 2010, 42, 1751-1754.
[6]Lei Liu, Bo Hu, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Jun Jiang, Guobin Cai, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mineralization of Calcite Ribbons on An Allium Fistulosum L. Bulb Inner Membrane in An Ethanol–Water Mixed Solvent under Control of Polyacrylic Acid by a Double Diffusion Method, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 3593-3598.

[5]Dian He, Bo Hu, Qiaofeng Yao, Kan Wang and Shu-Hong Yu*,Large-Scale Synthesis of Flexible Free-Standing SERS Substrates with High Sensiticity: Electrospum PVA nanofibers em[ant]bedded with Controlled Alignment of Silver Nanoparticles,ACS Nano, 2009, 3, 3993-4002.

[4]Shujuan Liu, Junyan Gong, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mesocrystals of Rutile TiO2: Mesoscale Transformation, Crystallization and Growth by a Biologic Molecules-Assisted Hydrothermal Process, CrystalGrowth& Design, 2009, 9, 203–209.

[3]Shujuan Liu,Xiaoxi Wu, Bo Hu, Junyan Gong, Shu-Hong Yu*,Novel Anatase TiO2 Boxes and Tree-like Structures Assembled by Hollow Tubes: d,l-Malic Acid-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Photocatalytic Properties, Growth Mechanism and Photocatalytic Properties, CrystalGrowth& Design, 2009, 9(3), 1511-1518.

[2]Junjie Wang, Jun Jiang, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Uniformly Shaped Poly (p-phenylenediamine) (PpPD) Microparticles: Shape Control Synthesis and Their Potential Application in Removal of Lead Irons in Water, Advanced Functional Materials, 2008, 18, 1101-1111.

[1]Shang-Bing Wang, Bo Hu, Chang-Chang Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Syringe Pump-Assisted Synthesis of Water-Soluble Cubic Structure Ag2Se Nanocrystals by Cation-Exchange Reaction, Journal ofColloidandInterfaceScience, 2008, 325, 351-355.

[1]Bo Hu, Haizhou Zhu, and Shu-Hong Yu*, “Hydrothermally Synthesized Carbonaceous Nanocomposites” In “Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Processes”, Edited by MARIA-MAGDALENA TITIRICI, by A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication,2013, pp 101-125.
[2] Bo Hu, Yongyan Shi, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Synthesis of metal Nanostructures by Photoreduction” In “Recent Advances in Nanoscale Science and Technology (RANST)", Edited by Sunil Kumar Bajpai, Murali Mohan Yallapu,byBentham Science Publishers Ltd., UK,2009, pp 38-53.

[15]陈朝晖,吴巍炜,胡波,吕锐婵,前沿交叉学科“课程思政”教学改革实践探索—以生物医用材料课程为例,教育教学论坛,2020,47, 57-58.
[14]陈泽州,胡波,基于微流控芯片何表面增强拉曼散射的乳腺癌循环肿瘤细胞检测数字诊疗新技术,科技成果管理与研究,2020,15(1), 73-75.
[13]王佳, 田蕊, 胡青青, 胡波, 王婷,动手实践科普教育创新模式研究,青年时代,2019,71(21), 251-252.
[12]赵恒,陈娱欣,续小丁,胡波,基于局部对称重加权惩罚最小二乘的拉曼基线校正,中国激光, 2018, (12), 280-291.
[11] 胡波,拉曼光谱检测和荧光成像助推循环肿瘤细胞检测——“乳腺癌循环肿瘤细胞成像和检测数字诊疗新技术研究”项目简介,健康之路, 2016, (09), 245-246
[10]韩效钊*, 胡波, 陆亚玲, 肖正辉, 张卫新, 钾长石与氯化钠离子交换动力学, 化工学报, 2006, 57, 2206-2206.
[9]韩效钊*, 胡波, 陆亚玲, 肖正辉, 阎勇,正交法钾长石与磷矿共酸浸提钾工艺研究, 化肥工业,2006, 33(3), 17-20.
[8]韩效钊*, 胡波, 肖正辉, 陈敏, 茅伟, 钾长石与磷矿共酸浸提钾过程实验研究, 化工矿物与加工,2005,34 (9), 1-3.
[7]韩效钊*, 胡波, 高新勤, 唐述培, 表面活性剂与钾长石提钾过程的相容性研究, 矿产综合利用,2005, 26 (6), 3-7.
[6]胡波,韩效钊*,肖正辉, 陆亚玲,陈敏,我国钾长石矿产资源分布、开发利用、问题与对策,化工矿产地质,2005, 27(1), 25-32.
[5]韩效钊*,阎勇,胡波,胡献国,钾长石与磷矿磷酸反应机理研究,磷肥与复肥2007, 22(5), 19-22.
[4]韩效钊*,姚卫棠,胡波,邓正涛,离子交换法从钾长石提钾,应用化学2003, 20(4), 373-375.
[3]韩效钊*,姚卫棠,胡波,金国清,封闭恒温法由磷矿磷酸与钾长石反应提钾机理探讨,中国矿业2003, 15(5), 56-58.
[2]姚卫棠*,韩效钊,胡波,邓正涛,论钾长石的研究现状及开发前景,化工矿产地质2002, 24(3), 151-156.
[1]韩效钊*,姚卫棠,金国清,胡波,邓正涛,安徽宁国钾长石共烧结工艺研究,矿物岩石地球化学通报2002, 21(3), 210-213.

[1]Pengju Yin, Bo Hu*, Shoupin Zhu, Jie Tian. Inertial focusing circulating breast cancer cells based on the novel 3D-printed serpentine microfluidic chips. Cancer Research, 2017, 77(4), pp.P1-01-20.

Inside Back Cover
Langlang Yi,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,He Cheng,Hongyan Shi,Jinkun Fan,Shixuan Cai,Guoqian Li,Bo Hu,*Liyu Huang*andJie Tian*Non-Powered Capillary Force-Driven Stamped Approach for Directly Printing Nanomaterials Aqueous Solution on Paper Substrate,Lab on a chip,2020, 20,931-941.
The recent boom of nanomaterials printing in the fields of biomedical engineering, bioanalysis and flexible electronics has greatly stimulated researchers' interest in printing technologies. However, specifically formulated nanomaterial inks have limited the types of printable nanomaterials. Here, a unique non-powered capillary force-driven stamped (CFDS) approach, combining a 3D-printed stamper with a paper substrate, is developed for directly printing patterned nanomaterials aqueous solution. The CFDS approach has two processes, including the loading process in which the capillary force of the stamper channel is stronger than gravity, and the deposition process, in which the synergistic action of the capillary force of the paper fibre tubes and gravity is approximately 20 times the capillary force of the stamper channel. Four additive-free nanomaterial aqueous solutions, including nanowires, nanosheets, nanostars and nanogels, are used to print patterns, and show slight diffusion and desired uniformity with a diffusion rate and roundness of 1.12 and 0.78, respectively, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach. Four kinds of nanogel with different fluorescence labels are simultaneously printed to challenge the approach and demonstrate its flexibility and scalability. The resolution of the approach is 0.3 mm. Without any post-processing, the stamped paper substrates directly serve as paper-based surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates with an enhancement factor of 4 × 106and as electrodes with a resistance of 0.74 Ω, demonstrating their multi-functionality. Due to its general, flexible and scalable applicability, this simple, low-cost and non-powered approach could be widely applied to the personalized printing of nanomaterials on paper substrates.

Supplementary journal cover
Fenxiang Hong,#Chu Tang,#Qilu Xue,Lei Zhao,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Xianghan Zhang*Simultaneously Enhanced Singlet Oxygen and Fluorescence Production of Nanoplatform by Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling for Biomedical Applications,Langmuir,2019, 35,46,14833-14839.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and fluorescence imaging offer the possibility of precise and personalized treatment of cancer, but low singlet oxygen production of a commercial photosensitizer and the quenching effect of fluorescent dyes limit the further application of PDT treatment and fluorescence imaging. In addition, the single nanoplatform that simultaneously achieved singlet oxygen and fluorescence enhancement is rare. In this paper, a novel simultaneously enhanced singlet oxygen and fluorescence production nanoplatform of AuNR@mSiO2–Ce6–Cy5.5 has been successfully designed and synthesized by surface plasmon resonance coupling. The as-synthesized nanoplatform achieved a 1.8-fold enhancement of the singlet oxygen production of Ce6 and a 5.0-fold enhancement of the fluorescence production of Cy5.5 by surface plasmon resonance coupling. The as-synthesized nanoplatform simultaneously enhances the photodynamic therapy and fluorescence imaging of cancer, which will have great potential in biomedical applications.

Outside frontcover
Zhiqiang Jiao#,Lei Zhao#,Chu Tang,Hongyan Shi, *Fu Wang,*Bo Hu,*Droplet-based PCR in a 3D-printed microfluidic chip for miRNA-21 detection,Analytical Methods,2019, 11, 3286–3293.
3D-printed microfluidic chip was designed and fabricated for droplet-based PCR detection of miRNA-21. In this chip, the capacity of monodisperse droplet generation was demonstrated. Moreover, the temperature of the chip was uniform and sufficiently stable, meeting the requirement for the PCR process. In addition, the working conditions of the droplet-based PCR process in the 3D-printed chip were explored. Finally, the droplet-based PCR detection of miRNA-21 levels in the MCF-10A cells and MDA-MB-231 cells was successfully achieved using the 3D-printed chip. We expect that the enormous potential of 3D printing technology in the research area of microfluidics will be explored in the future.

Inside frontcoverHongyan Shi#,Bo Hu#, XiaoChun Yu, RongLi Zhao, XiFeng Ren, ShiLin Liu, JianWei Liu, Mei Feng, AnWu Xu,Shu-Hong Yu*,Ordering of Disordered nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned, Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface,Advanced Functional Materials,2010,20, 958-964(# contribute equally).
Highly aligned, ultralong Ag nanowire films can spontaneously form at the three-phase interface of oil-water-air. The ordered films exhibit intrinsic large electromagnetic (EM) fields that are localized in the interstitials between adjacent nanowires. This new three-phase interface approach has been found to be a general route, and can be extended to self-assemble other ultralong nanowires to produce ordered films.
Most Accessed article:http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/**/home/2126_mostaccessed_all.html

Outside frontcoverBo Hu, Kan Wang, Lei Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*,Functional Carbonaceous Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass: An Effective Chemical Process,DaltonTransactions, 2008, 5414 - 5423.
RSC Dalton Transactions highlights nanomaterials for energy solutionsNanotubes from biomass: Hydrothermal Carbonization

[5] 赵恒,陈娱欣,宜浪浪,续小丁,胡波,庞辽军,“基于非对称加权最小二乘的拉曼光谱检测基线校正方法”,2018,中国发明专利,专利号ZL8.X.
[4] 王佳,胡青青,胡波,“一种用于水车物理实验的拼插科普玩具”. 2019,中国实用新型专利,专利号ZL4.9.
[3] Peng Zhang,Bo Hu, Hong Tang, “Silver nanoparticle-enhanced photosensitizers”. 2018,US patent,US **.
[2] 胡波,续小丁,洪芬香,赵磊,施红雁,郑雨思,程贺,“一种进行生物化学实验的拼插科普玩具”,2018,中国实用新型专利,专利号ZL5.1.
[1] 韩效钊, 姚卫棠,, 阎勇, 陆亚玲, 刘荃,“一种用钾长石制备氮磷钾复合肥的方法”, 2009,中国发明专利, 专利号CN1.

[5] 胡波,宜浪浪,武建铎,程贺,"用于体液中抗癌药物检测的试纸盒及其制备和使用方法”. 2020,中国发明专利,专利号8.3.
[4] 续小丁,胡波,薛启禄,赵磊,施红雁,“一种动态流体无标记细胞表面增强拉曼散射检测装置及方法”. 2019,中国发明专利,专利号6.5.
[3] 胡波,宜浪浪,魏璐捷,赵磊,唐初,施红雁,“一种毛细力驱动的纸基纳米材料的印刷装置及印刷方法”. 2019,中国发明专利,专利号4.0.
[2] 胡波,陈泽州,赵磊,施红雁, “一种3D打印类河弯截面微流通道的微流控芯片及微流通道的设计方法”. 2019,中国发明专利,专利号9.3.
[1] 胡波,宜浪浪,牛兴振,赵磊,袁时芳,“一种微流管道引导的微电极制备方法”,2018,中国发明专利,专利号5.2.

2. 生物3D打印创新实验室,2019年与西安真我三维科技有限公司共建



2019年国际肿瘤与生物标志物研讨会/2019 Workshop on Cancer and Biomarkers

2019 年




Bo Hu, Ph. D., Professor
School of Life Science and Technology
Xidian University

Contact Information
Address:School of Life Science and Technology, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710126, China
Email: bohu@xidian.edu.cn
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5193-3511

Bo Hu Group

Our research focuses on the 3D printed Imaging and sensing technology, which has the characterization of multidisciplinary cross connection. Based on the life science problem, we use multi-technology, including molecular biology, nanotechnology, photochemistry, medical imaging technology, and electronic engineering for the development of materials and microdevicesin the early detection, imaging, and therapy of serious diseases.

Research Topics
Single cell Raman spectra biosensor;
3D printed microfluidics with novel printed materials and fabrication thechnology;
Image-guided photodynamic therapy.

Principle Investigator
Bo HuPh. D.
School of Life Science and Technology
Xidian University
266 Xingfeng Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710071, China
Dates Institution Degree
2005-2008 University of Science and Technology of China, Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Shu-Hong Yu
2002-2005 Hefei University of Technology, School of chemistry and Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Xiaozhao Han
1998-2002 Hefei University of Technology, School of chemistry and Engineering
2014-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Science, Washington University in St. Louis

2011-2014 Postdoctoral Fellow in theDepartment of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati­
2010-2011 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
2008-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China


[38] He Cheng,# Langlang Yi,#Jianduo Wu, Guoqian Li, Gang Zhao, Zhixiang Xiao, Bo Hu,* Lei Zhao,* Jie Tian*Drug preconcentration and direct quantification in biofluids using 3D-Printed paper cartridge, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021, 189, 113266.
[37] Pengju Yin,# Guoqian Li,# Baoyue Zhang, Haque Farjana, Lei Zhao, Hongwei Qin, Hongyan Shi, Bo Hu,* Jianzhen Ou,* Jie Tian*Facile PEG-Based Isolation and Classification of Cancer Extracellular Vesicles and Particles with Label-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Pattern Recognition Algorithm, Analyst , 2021, 146(6), 1949-1955.
[36] Lei Zhao, Bingyao Dong, Wei Li, Hongfei Zhang, Yusi Zheng, Chu Tang, Bo Hu,* and Shifang Yuan* Smartphone-based Quantitative Fluorescence Detection of Flowing Droplets Using Embedded Ambient Light Sensor,IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(4), 4451-4461.
[35]Ruichan Lv,* Fan Yang, Xue Jiang, Bo Hu, Xianghan Zhang, Xueli Chen, Jie TianPlasmonic modulated upconversion fluorescence by adjustable distributed gold nanoparticles,Journal of Luminescence, 2020,220,116974.
[34] Pengju Yin,Lei Zhao,Zezhou Chen, Zhiqiang Jiao, Hongyan Shi,Bo Hu,*Shifang Yuan*andJie Tian*Simulation and practice of particle inertial focusing in 3D-printed serpentine microfluidic chipsviacommercial 3D-printers,Soft Matter,2020, 16, 3096-3105.
[33] Langlang Yi,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,He Cheng,Hongyan Shi,Jinkun Fan,Shixuan Cai,Guoqian Li,Bo Hu,*Liyu Huang*andJie Tian*Non-Powered Capillary Force-Driven Stamped Approach for Directly Printing Nanomaterials Aqueous Solution on Paper Substrate,Lab on a chip,2020, 20,931-941.
[32] Fenxiang Hong,#Chu Tang,#Qilu Xue,Lei Zhao,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Xianghan Zhang*Simultaneously Enhanced Singlet Oxygen and Fluorescence Production of Nanoplatform by Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling for Biomedical Applications,Langmuir2019, 35,46,14833-14839.
[31] Shixuan Cai,# Hongyan Shi,# Guoqian Li, Qilu Xue, Lei Zhao,*Fu Wang,*Bo Hu*3D-Printed Concentration-Controlled Microfluidic Chip with Diffusion Mixing Pattern for the Synthesisof Alginate Drug Delivery Microgels,Nanomaterials2019, 9, 1451.
[30] Zezhou Chen,# Lei Zhao,# Lujie Wei, Ziyu Huang, Pengju Yin, Xiaowen Huang,*Hongyan Shi,Bo Hu,*Jie Tian*River Meander-inspired Cross-section in 3D-printed Helical Microchannels for Inertial Focusing and Enrichment,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2019, 301, 127125.
[29]Xiaoding Xu,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,Jinkun Fan,Qingqing Hu,Chu Tang,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Jie Tian*Dynamic Liquid Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Platform Basedon Soft Tubular Microfluidics for Label-Free Cell Detection,Analytical Chemistry,2019, 91, 7973-7979.
[28]Zhiqiang Jiao#,Lei Zhao#,Chu Tang, Hongyan Shi, *Fu Wang,*Bo Hu,*Droplet-based PCR in a 3D-printed microfluidic chip for miRNA-21 detection,Analytical Methods,2019, 11, 3286-3293.
[27]Feng Miao, Lv Ruichan*, Xiao Liyang, Hu Bo, Zhu Shouping, He Fei, Yang Piaoping*,Tian Jie*, Highly Erbium-Doped Nanoplatform with Enhanced Red Emission for Dual-Modal Optical-Imaging-Guided Photodynamic Therapy.Inorganic Chemistry, 2018,57,14594-14602.
[26]Pengju Yin#,Bo Hu#,*, Langlang Yi, Chun Xiao, Xu Cao, Lei Zhao,*Hongyan Shi*,Engineering of Removing Sacrificial Materials in 3D Printed Microfluidics,Micromachines,2018, 9, 327.

[25] Ruichan Lv, Piaoping Yang, Bo Hu, Jiating Xu, Wenting Shang, Jie Tian*, In Situ Growth Strategy to Integrate Up-Conversion Nanoparticles with Ultrasmall CuS for Photothermal Theranostics, ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 1064-1072.
[24]Guoyou Huang,Limei Tian,Keng-Ku Liu,Bo Hu,Feng Xu,Tian Jian Lu,Rajesh R. Naik, andSrikanth Singamaneni*, Elastoplastic Deformation of Silk Micro- and Nanostructures,ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.,2016, 2, 893-899.
[23]Bo Hu, Xian Cao,Ms. Tevhide Ozkaya Ahmadov, Rui Ding,Hong Tang, Peng Zhang*,Light-Harvesting Photosensitizers for Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria under Both Visible and Near-Infrared Excitations,Chem Asian J.,2016,11, 1092-1097.
[22]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Keaton Nahan, Joseph Caruso, Hong Tang, Peng Zhang*, Surface Plasmon-Photosensitizer Resonance Coupling: An enhanced Singlet Oxygen Production Platform for Broad-Spectrum Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria,J. Mater. Chem. B,2014, 2, 7073-7081.

[21]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Peng Zhang*, Selective Colorimetric Detection of Glutathione Based on Quasi-Stable Gold Nanoparticles Assembly,New J. Chem., 2013, 37, 3853-3856.

[20]Bo Hu, Xian Cao, Peng Zhang*, Dual Control of Interparticle Forces in Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles,ChemPlusChem, 2013, 78, 506-514.

[19]Bo Hu, Yang Zhao, Haizhou Zhu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Selective Chromogenic Detection of Thoil-Containing Biomolecules Using Carbonaceous Nanospheres Loaded with Silver Nanoparticles as Carrier,ACS Nano2011, 5, 3166-3171.

[18]Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Liheng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Markus Antonietti, Maria-Magdalena Titirici*, Engineering Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization Process of biomass,Adv. Mater. 2010,22, 813-828.

[17]Hongyan Shi#,Bo Hu#, XiaoChun Yu, RongLi Zhao, XiFeng Ren, ShiLin Liu, JianWei Liu, Mei Feng, AnWu Xu,Shu-Hong Yu*, Ordering Disordered Nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2010,20, 958-964(# contribute equally).

[16]Bo Hu, Liheng Wu, Shujuan Liu, Shaofeng Chen, Hongbin Yao, Hongyan Shi, Gongpu Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Indium Tungsten Oxide Mesocrystals: Selective Photocatalytic Properties,Chem. Comm.,2010,46, 2277-2279.

[15]Bo Hu,Liheng Wu, Zhi Zhao, Meng Zhang, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Hongyan Shi, Zejun Ding, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hierarechical Silver Indium Tungsten Oxide Mesocrystals with Morphology-, Pressure-, and Temperature-dependent Lumniescent Properties,Nano Research, 2010,3, 395-403.

[14]Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Lei Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Functional Carbonaceous Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass: An Effective Chemical Process,Dalton Trans., 2008, 5414 - 5423. Perspective.Cover. Highlighted by RSC.

[13]Bo Hu, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Qingsong Wu, Weitang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable Synthesis of Zinc-Substituted a- and b-Nickel Hydroxide Nanostructures and Their Collective Intrinsic Properties,Chem. Eur. J.,2008,14, 8928 – 8938.

[12]Bo Hu, Shang-Bing Wang, Kan Wang, Meng Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Microwave Assisted Rapid Facile “Green” Synthesis of Uniform Silver Nanoparticles: Self-Assembly into Multil[ant]ayered Films and Optical Property,J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008,112, 11169-11174.
[11]Xian Cao,Bo Hu, Rui Ding, Peng Zhang*, Plasmon-enhanced homogeneous and heterogeneous triplet–triplet annihilation by gold nanoparticles,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,2015, 17, 14479-14483.

[10]Xian Cao,Bo Hu, Peng Zhang*, High Upconversion Efficiency from Hetero Triplet–Triplet Annihilation in Multiacceptor Systems,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2013, 4, 2334-2338.

[9]Yongming Lu, Haizhou Zhu, Weigu Li,Bo Huand Shu-Hong Yu*, Size-Controllable Palladium Nanoparticles Immobilized on Carbon Nanospheres for Nitroaromatic Hydrogenation,J. Mater. Chem. A,2013, 1, 3783–3788.

[8]Liheng Wu, Hongbin Yao,Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Unique Lamellar Sodium/Potassium Iron Oxide Nanosheets: Facile Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Magnetic and Electrochemical Properties,Chem. Mater., 2011, 23, 3946-3952.

[7]Guo-Ping Guo, Rui Yang, Xi-Feng Ren*, Lu-Lu Wang, Hong-Yan Shi,Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Guang-Can Guo, Excitation of Surface Plasmons in a Single Silver Nanowire using Higher-Order-Mode Light,Phys E, 2010, 42, 1751-1754.
[6]Lei Liu,Bo Hu, Shaofeng Chen, Shujuan Liu, Jun Jiang, Guobin Cai, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mineralization of Calcite Ribbons on An Allium Fistulosum L. Bulb Inner Membrane in An Ethanol–Water Mixed Solvent under Control of Polyacrylic Acid by a Double Diffusion Method,CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 3593-3598.

[5]Dian He,Bo Hu, Qiaofeng Yao, Kan Wang and Shu-Hong Yu*,Large-Scale Synthesis of Flexible Free-Standing SERS Substrates with High Sensiticity: Electrospum PVA nanofibers em[ant]bedded with Controlled Alignment of Silver Nanoparticles,ACS Nano, 2009,3, 3993-4002.

[4]Shujuan Liu, Junyan Gong,Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mesocrystals of Rutile TiO2: Mesoscale Transformation, Crystallization and Growth by a Biologic Molecules-Assisted Hydrothermal Process,Cryst. Growth Des.,2009,9, 203–209.

[3]Shujuan Liu,Xiaoxi Wu,Bo Hu, Junyan Gong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Novel Anatase TiO2Boxes and Urchin-Like Flowers Assembled by Hollow Tubes: D,L-Malic Acid-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Photocatalytic Properties,Cryst. Growth Des.,2009,9(3), 1511-1518.

[2]Junjie Wang, Jun Jiang,Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Uniformly Shaped Poly (p-phenylenediamine) (PpPD) Microparticles: Shape Control Synthesis and Their Potential Application in Removal of Lead Irons in Water,Adv. Funct. Mater., 2008, 18, 1101-1111.

[1]Shang-Bing Wang,Bo Hu, Chang-Chang Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Syringe Pump-Assisted Synthesis of Water-Soluble Cubic Structure Ag2Se Nanocrystals by Cation-Exchange Reaction,J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2008, 325, 351-355.

Conference Paper
[1] Pengju Yin, Bo Hu*, Shoupin Zhu, Jie Tian. Inertial focusing circulating breast cancer cells based on the novel 3D-printed serpentine microfluidic chips. Cancer Research, 2017, 77(4), pp.P1-01-20.

Inside Back Cover
Langlang Yi,# Lei Zhao,# Qilu Xue,He Cheng,Hongyan Shi,Jinkun Fan,Shixuan Cai,Guoqian Li,Bo Hu,*Liyu Huang*andJie Tian*Non-Powered Capillary Force-Driven Stamped Approach for Directly Printing Nanomaterials Aqueous Solution on Paper Substrate,Lab on a chip,2020, 20,931-941.
The recent boom of nanomaterials printing in the fields of biomedical engineering, bioanalysis and flexible electronics has greatly stimulated researchers' interest in printing technologies. However, specifically formulated nanomaterial inks have limited the types of printable nanomaterials. Here, a unique non-powered capillary force-driven stamped (CFDS) approach, combining a 3D-printed stamper with a paper substrate, is developed for directly printing patterned nanomaterials aqueous solution. The CFDS approach has two processes, including the loading process in which the capillary force of the stamper channel is stronger than gravity, and the deposition process, in which the synergistic action of the capillary force of the paper fibre tubes and gravity is approximately 20 times the capillary force of the stamper channel. Four additive-free nanomaterial aqueous solutions, including nanowires, nanosheets, nanostars and nanogels, are used to print patterns, and show slight diffusion and desired uniformity with a diffusion rate and roundness of 1.12 and 0.78, respectively, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach. Four kinds of nanogel with different fluorescence labels are simultaneously printed to challenge the approach and demonstrate its flexibility and scalability. The resolution of the approach is 0.3 mm. Without any post-processing, the stamped paper substrates directly serve as paper-based surface enhanced Raman scattering substrates with an enhancement factor of 4 × 106and as electrodes with a resistance of 0.74 Ω, demonstrating their multi-functionality. Due to its general, flexible and scalable applicability, this simple, low-cost and non-powered approach could be widely applied to the personalized printing of nanomaterials on paper substrates.

Supplementary journal cover
Fenxiang Hong,#Chu Tang,#Qilu Xue,Lei Zhao,Hongyan Shi,*Bo Hu,*Xianghan Zhang*Simultaneously Enhanced Singlet Oxygen and Fluorescence Production of Nanoplatform by Surface Plasmon Resonance Coupling for Biomedical Applications,Langmuir,2019, 35,46,14833-14839.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and fluorescence imaging offer the possibility of precise and personalized treatment of cancer, but low singlet oxygen production of a commercial photosensitizer and the quenching effect of fluorescent dyes limit the further application of PDT treatment and fluorescence imaging. In addition, the single nanoplatform that simultaneously achieved singlet oxygen and fluorescence enhancement is rare. In this paper, a novel simultaneously enhanced singlet oxygen and fluorescence production nanoplatform of AuNR@mSiO2–Ce6–Cy5.5 has been successfully designed and synthesized by surface plasmon resonance coupling. The as-synthesized nanoplatform achieved a 1.8-fold enhancement of the singlet oxygen production of Ce6 and a 5.0-fold enhancement of the fluorescence production of Cy5.5 by surface plasmon resonance coupling. The as-synthesized nanoplatform simultaneously enhances the photodynamic therapy and fluorescence imaging of cancer, which will have great potential in biomedical applications.

Outside frontcover
Zhiqiang Jiao#,Lei Zhao#,Chu Tang,Hongyan Shi, *Fu Wang,*Bo Hu,*Droplet-based PCR in a 3D-printed microfluidic chip for miRNA-21 detection,Analytical Methods,2019, 11, 3286–3293.
3D-printed microfluidic chip was designed and fabricated for droplet-based PCR detection of miRNA-21. In this chip, the capacity of monodisperse droplet generation was demonstrated. Moreover, the temperature of the chip was uniform and sufficiently stable, meeting the requirement for the PCR process. In addition, the working conditions of the droplet-based PCR process in the 3D-printed chip were explored. Finally, the droplet-based PCR detection of miRNA-21 levels in the MCF-10A cells and MDA-MB-231 cells was successfully achieved using the 3D-printed chip. We expect that the enormous potential of 3D printing technology in the research area of microfluidics will be explored in the future.

Inside frontcoverHongyan Shi#,Bo Hu#, XiaoChun Yu, RongLi Zhao, XiFeng Ren, ShiLin Liu, JianWei Liu, Mei Feng, AnWu Xu,Shu-Hong Yu*,Ordering of Disordered nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned, Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface,Advanced Functional Materials,2010,20, 958-964(# contribute equally).
Highly aligned, ultralong Ag nanowire films can spontaneously form at the three-phase interface of oil-water-air. The ordered films exhibit intrinsic large electromagnetic (EM) fields that are localized in the interstitials between adjacent nanowires. This new three-phase interface approach has been found to be a general route, and can be extended to self-assemble other ultralong nanowires to produce ordered films.
Most Accessed article:http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/**/home/2126_mostaccessed_all.html

Outside frontcoverBo Hu, Kan Wang, Lei Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*,Functional Carbonaceous Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass: An Effective Chemical Process,DaltonTransactions, 2008, 5414 - 5423.
RSC Dalton Transactions highlights nanomaterials for energy solutionsNanotubes from biomass: Hydrothermal Carbonization

Book Chapter
[1]Bo Hu, Haizhou Zhu, and Shu-Hong Yu*, “Hydrothermally Synthesized Carbonaceous Nanocomposites” In “Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization”, Edited by MARIA-MAGDALENA TITIRICI, by A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication,2013, pp 101-125.
[2] Bo Hu, Yongyan Shi, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Synthesis of me[ant]tal Nanostructures by Photoreduction” In “Recent Advances in Nanoscale Science and Technology (RANST)", Edited by Sunil Kumar Bajpai, Murali Mohan Yallapu,byBentham Science Publishers Ltd., UK,2009, pp 38-53.


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