本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-07-08
Use theoretical and molecular modeling approaches to understand:
1. Dynamic processes and biophysical basis of protein folding and aggregation.
2. Mechanisms of protein-DNA recognition.
3. Structure-based drug design.
4. Allosteric communication in protein-DNA complex.
Use theoretical and molecular modeling approaches to understand:
1. Dynamic processes and biophysical basis of protein folding and aggregation.
2. Mechanisms of protein-DNA recognition.
3. Structure-based drug design.
4. Allosteric communication in protein-DNA complex.
14. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi, Phuong H. Nguyen, Fabio Sterpone, Freddie R. Salsbury, Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.
Amyloid-β(29–42) Dimeric Conformations in Membranes Rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2019, 123 (12), 2687-2696.
13. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi, Freddie R. Salsbury, Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.
Influence of electric field on the amyloid-beta(29-42) peptides embedded in a membrane bilayer.
The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018, 148, 045105.
12. Yan Lu, Xiao-Feng Shi,Freddie R. Salsbury Jr., and Philippe Derreumaux.
Small static electric field strength promotes aggregation-prone structures in amyloid-β(29-42).The Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 146, 145101.
11. Yan Lu and Freddie R. Salsbury Jr.
Recapturing the Correlated Motions of Protein Using Coarse-Grained Models.
Protein & Peptide Letters 2015, 22(7): 654-659.
10. Yan Lu and Freddie R. Salsbury Jr.
Autoinhibitory mechanisms of ERG studied by molecular dynamics simulations.
AIP Advances 2015, 5, 017130.
9. Xiaojun Zhang, Ana Carolina Dantas Machado, Yuan Ding, Yongheng Chen, Yan Lu, Yankun Duan, Kenneth Tham, Lin Chen, Remo Rohs, and Peter Qin.
Conformations of p53 Response Elements in Solution Deduced Using Site-Directed Spin Labeling and Monte Carlo Sampling.
Nucleic acids research 2014, 42 (4), 2789-2797.
8. Karin Drotschmann Scarpinato, ElShimaa AbdelHafez, Andrew Diamanduros, Lacramioara Negureanu, Yan Lu, Jessica Hayley Bean, Katherine Zielke, Brittany Crowe, Aksana Vasilyeva, Jill Clodfelter, Omar Aly, Gamal Abuo-Rahma, Freddie R Salsbury, and Stephen Bruce King.
Computational and synthetic studies towards improving rescinnamine as an inducer of MSH2-dependent apoptosis in cancer treatment.
Molecular Cancer Biology 2013, 1(1).
7. Tianyin Zhou, Lin Yang, Yan Lu, Iris Dror, Ana Carolina Dantas Machado, Tahereh Ghane, Rosa Di Felice, and Remo Rohs.
DNAshape: a method for the high-throughput prediction of DNA structural features on a genomic scale.
Nucleic acids research 2013, 41 (W1),W56-W62.
6. RECOMB/ISCB Top-10 Paper in Regulatory and Systems Genomics in 2012/13
Allan Lazarovici, Tianyin Zhou, Anthony Shafer, Ana Carolina Dantas Machado, Richard Sandstrom, Peter J. Sabo, Yan Lu, Remo Rohs, John A. Stamatoyannopoulos, and Harmen J. Bussemaker.
Probing DNA shape and methylation state on a genomic scale with DNase I.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110 (16), 6376-6381.
5. Yan Lu, Wenhui Xi, and Guanghong Wei.
Structural insight into the polymorphism of NNQNTF protofibril: importance of interfacial water, polar and aromatic residues.
Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 2013, 12(08, **).
4. Yan Lu, Guanghong Wei, and Phillippe Derreumaux.
Structural, thermodynamic, and dynamic properties of oligomers formed by the amyloid NNQQ peptide: insights from coarse-grained simulations.
J. Chem. Phys. 2012, 137, 025101.
3. Yan Lu, Guanghong Wei, and Phillippe Derreumaux.
Effects of G33A and G33I mutations on the structures of monomer and dimer of the amyloid β fragment 29-42 by replica exchange molecular dynamics simulations.
J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, 115(5), 1282–1288.
2. Yuxiang Mo, Yan Lu, Guanghong Wei, and Phillippe Derreumaux.
Structural diversity of the soluble trimers of the human amylin(20-29) peptide revealed by molecular dynamics simulations.
J. Chem. Phys. 2009, 130, 125101.
1. Yan Lu, Philippe Derreumaux, Zhi Guo, Normand Mousseau, and Guanghong Wei.
Thermodynamics and dynamics of amyloid peptide oligomerisation are sequence dependent.
Proteins 2009, 75, 954-963.
Prospective undergraduates and graduate students are welcome to join the lab.
International students would like to have a look at the application process from HERE.
Yan Lu
luyan AT xidian.edu.cn
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基本信息秦翰林 博士教授博士生导师硕士生导师博士学科:光学工程硕士学科:光学工程、电子与通信工程 工作单位:物理与光电工程学院联系方式通信地址:西安电子科技大学204信箱电子邮箱:hlqin@mail.xidian.edu.cn办公电话:办公地点:西大楼三区227个人简介学习经历2000年08月-- ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-聂丁
基本信息聂丁副教授硕士生导师西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院联系方式通信地址:陕西省西安市雁塔区太白南路2号西安电子科技大学273信箱电子邮箱:dnie(at)mail.xidian.edu.cn办公地点:西大楼III-316最新动态【2018.09】获CSC项目资助赴美国俄勒冈州立大学开展访问研 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任宽芳
基本信息任宽芳教授法国鲁昂大学硕士/博士生导师西安电子科技大学博士生导师博士学科:光学与光学测量硕士学科: 工作单位:法国鲁昂大学联系方式通信地址:CORIA/UMR6614CNRS&UniversityofRouenNormandy675avenuedelUniversit,BP1 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-任保文
基本信息任保文 副教授工作单位:理学院联系方式通信地址:电子邮箱:办公电话:办公地点:个人简介学习:78-82年在西安电子科技大学学习进修:91年在复旦大学进修班深造.工作简历:82年毕业后一直在物理系工作.主要研究方向物理和数学教学.基本信息任保文 副教授工作单位:理学院联系方式通信地址:电子邮箱 ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-邵晓鹏
基本信息邵晓鹏 教授物理与光电工程学院副院长博士学科:光学工程博士招生研究方向:(1)计算成像与图像处理;(2)光电仪器研制与测试。硕士学科:光学工程硕士招生研究方向:光电图像处理与模式识别。联系方式通信地址:西安电子科技大学204信箱邮编:710071电子邮箱:1、xpshao@xidian.ed ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院导师教师师资介绍简介-尚庆超
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Researchgoal:EnjoyingthebeautyofHISuniverseTheworldweliveinisverygood,inthateverythingissoorganized.Whenlookingatitemsassmallasatomsandelectrons,thela ...西安电子科技大学师资导师 本站小编 Free考研考试 2021-07-08