

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-12-04





电话: E-mail: zhangxs@sdau.edu.cn


张宪省,博士、教授、博士生导师,山东农业大学校长,作物生物学国家重点实验室主任。担任中国植物学会植物细胞生物学专业委员会副主任,中国遗传学会理事,山东省遗传学会理事长,山东省植物学会副理事长,美国植物生物学会会员。《Plant Cell Reports》副主编,《植物学报》和《遗传》编委。




1. 植物发育的分子基础: 本研究方向主要研究植物开花时间、有性生殖、种子发育等植物发育的重要科学问题,尤其是研究植物细胞全能性和器官发育的分子机制。目的旨在解析上述发育过程的基因调控网络,阐明植物发育的细胞分子基础。
2. 植物生物技术: 本研究方向主要分离控制重要农艺性状的基因,改良小麦和玉米的重要农艺性状和品质性状,提高作物产量,改良作物品质。


1. 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:玉米叶片功能期延长和粒重增加等转基因新材料和新组合筛选(2016ZX**-002),2016-2020年。
2. 重大科学研究计划项目(973):植物传粉与受精的分子调控网络(2013CB945100),2013-2017年。
3. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划:生长素和细胞分裂素调节离体器官发生的分子调控网络(**),2013-2015年。
4. 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:高产转基因玉米新品种培育(2014ZX08003-003),2014-2015年。
5. 山东省农业良种工程:高产优质彩糯小麦种植材料创新与新品种培育,2013-2015年。
6. 重大科学研究计划项目(973计划):植物授粉细胞识别的分子机理研究信号通路(2007CB947600),2007-2011年。
7. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:植物激素调节体细胞胚胎发生的分子机理研究(**),2010-2013年。
8. 重大科学研究计划项目(973):植物干细胞维持和分化的分子机理研究(2007CB948200),2007-2011年。
9. 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:高产转基因玉米新品种培育(2013ZX08003-003),2013年。




1. 小麦TaTOC1基因及其克隆方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2011 1 **.7。
2. 一种用于改良玉米株型和提高玉米产量的基因的获得方法和应用,专利号:ZL 2013 1 **.3。
3. 小麦TaGI1基因及其克隆与应用,专利号:ZL 2004 1 **.7。
4. 紫花苜蓿Na+/H+反向转运蛋白基因及其克隆与应用,专利号ZL 2004 1 **.2。
5. 紫色小麦二氢黄酮醇还原酶基因及其克隆与应用,专利号ZL 2004 1 **.8。
6. 小麦周期蛋白基因及其分离方法与应用,专利号ZL 02 1 35544.4。
7. 偃麦草钠离子反向转运蛋白基因及其克隆方法与应用,专利号ZL 02 1 35545.2。
8. 山农紫糯1号,农业部新品种保护权。
9. 山农紫糯2号,审核中,农业部新品种保护权。


1. Cheng ZJ1, Zhao XY1, Shao XX1, Wang F, Zhou C, Liu YG, Zhang Y and Zhang XS (2014) Abscisic Acid Regulates Early Seed Development in Arabidopsis by ABI5-Mediated Transcription of SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1, Plant cell, 26: 1053-1068.
2. Su YH and Zhang XS (2014) The Hormonal Control of Regeneration in Plants. In Brigitte Galliot, editor: Mechanisms of Regeneration, 108: 35-69
3. Li YL, Dai XR, Yue X, Gao XQ and Zhang XS (2014) Identification of small secreted peptides (SSPs) in maize and expression analysis of partial SSP genes in reproductive tissues. Planta, 240: 713-728
4. Dai XR1, Gao XQ1, Chen GH, Tang LL, Wang H and Zhang XS (2014) ABNORMAL POLLEN TUBE GUIDANCE1, an endoplasmic reticulum-localized mannosyltransferase homolog of GLYCOSYLPHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL10 in yeast and PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL GLYCAN ANCHOR BIOSYNTHESIS B in human, is required for Arabidopsis pollen tube micropylar guidance and embryo development. Plant Physiology, 165:1544–1556
5. Yue X1, Gao XQ1, Wang F and Zhang XS (2014) Transcriptional evidence for inferred pattern of pollen tube-stigma metabolic coupling during pollination. PLoS One, 9(9): e107046. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.**
6. Bai B, Su YH, Yuan J and Zhang XS (2013) Induction of Somatic Embryos in Arabidopsis Requires Local Auxin Biosynthesis Mediated by the Down-regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis. Molecular Plant, 6: 1247-1260
7. Su YH, Su YX, Liu YG and Zhang XS (2013) Abscisic acid is required for somatic embryo initiation through mediating spatial auxin response in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regul. 69: 167-176
8. Zhao XY, Su YH, Zhang CL, Wang L, Li XG and Zhang XS (2013) Differences in capacities of in vitro organ regeneration between two Arabidopsis ecotypes Wassilewskija and Columbia. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult 112: 65-74
9. Li XM, Sang YL, Zhao XY and Zhang XS (2013) High-Throughput Sequencing of Small RNAs from Pollen and Silk and Characterization of miRNAs as Candidate Factors Involved in Pollen-Silk Interactions in Maize. PLoS One, 8:e72852
10.Xu XH, Wang F, Chen H, Sun W and Zhang XS (2013) Transcriptome Analysis of Maize Silks Reveals Effective Activation of Genes Involved in Microtubule-based Movement, Ubiquitin-dependent Protein Degradation, and Transport in the Pollination Process. PLoS One, 8:e53545
11.Cheng ZJ, Wang L, Sun W, Zhang Y, Zhou C, Su YH, Li W, Sun TT, Zhao XY, Li XG, Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Xie Q and Zhang XS (2012) Pattern of auxin and cytokinin responses for shoot meristem induction results from the regulation of cytokinin biosynthesis by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3. Plant Physiol. 161: 240-251
12.Xu XH1, Chen H1, Sang YL, Wang F, Ma JP, Gao XQ and Zhang XS (2012) Identification of genes specifically or preferentially expressed in maize silk reveals similarity and diversity in transcript abundance of different dry stigmas. BMC Genomics 13:294-310
13.Sang YL, Xu M, Ma FF, Chen H, Xu XH, Gao XQ and Zhang XS (2012) Comparative proteomic analysis reveals similar and distinct features of proteins in dry and wet stigmas. Proteomics 12:1983-1998
14.Gao XQ and Zhang XS. (2012) Metabolism and Roles of Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate in Pollen Development and Pollen Tube Growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Siganling and Behavior 7:2, 1-5
15.Xu N, Gao XQ, Zhao XY, Zhu DZ, Zhou LZ and Zhang XS (2011) Arabidopsis AtVPS15 is Essential for Pollen Development and Germination through Modulating Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate Formation. PMB 77(3): 251-60
16.Li W, Liu H, Cheng ZJ, Su YH, Han HN, Zhang Y and Zhang XS (2011) DNA Methylation and Histone Modifications Regulate de novo Shoot Regeneration in Arabidopsis by Modulating WUSCHEL Expression and Auxin Signaling. Plos Genetics 7:8el002243
17.Su YH, Liu YB and Zhang XS (2011) Auxin-cytokinin interaction regulates meristem development. Molecular Plant 4 (4): 616-625
18.Li X, Chen GH, Zhang WY and Zhang XS (2010) Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of maize endosperm in response to ae wx double mutation. JGG. 37: 749-762
19.Su YH, Cheng ZJ, Su YX and Zhang XS (2010) Pattern analysis of stem cell differentiation during in vitro Arabidopsis organogenesis. Front. Biol. 5(5): 464-470
20.Cheng ZJ, Zhu SS, Gao XQ and Zhang XS (2010) Cytokinin and auxin regulates WUS induction and inflorescence regeneration in in vitro in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Rep 29:927-933.
21.Gao XQ, Zhu DZ and ZhangXS (2010) Stigma factors regulating self-compatible pollination. Front. Biol. 5(2): 156-163
22.Li XG, Su YH, Zhao XY, Li W, Gao XQ and Zhang XS (2010) Cytokinin overexpression-caused alteration of flower development is partially mediated by CUC2 and CUC3 in Arabidopsis. Gene 450:109-120
23.Guo J, Wang F, Song J and Zhang XS (2010) The expression of Orysa;CycB1;1 is essential for endosperm formation and causes embryo enlargement in rice. Planta 231:293-303
24.Ma Y, Wang F, Guo J and Zhang XS (2009) Rice OsAS2 Gene, a Member of LOB Domain Family, Functions in Regulation of Shoot Differentiation and Leaf Development. Journal of Plant Biology 52:374-381
25.Su YH, Zhao XY, Liu YB, Zhang CL, O’Neill SD and Zhang XS (2009) Auxin-induced WUS expression is essential for embryonic stem cell renewal during somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal 59:448-460
26.Su YH and Zhang XS (2009) Auxin gradients trigger de novo formation of stem cells during somatic embryogenesis. Plant Signaling and Behavior 4:7, 574-576
27.Zhou Y, Zhang XJ, Kang XJ, Zhao XY, Zhang XS and Ni M (2009) SHORT HYPOCOTYL UNDER BLUE1 associates with MINISEED3 and HAIKU2 promotes in vivo to regulate Arabidopsis seed development. Plant Cell 21:106-117
28.Ma Q, Dai X, Xu Y, Guo J, Liu Y, Chen N, Xiao J, Zhang D, Xu Z, Zhang XS and Chong K. (2009) Enhanced tolerance to chilling stress in OsMYB3R-2 transgenic rice is mediated by alteration in cell cycle and ectopic expression of stress genes. Plant Physiology 150:257-271
29.Luo Y, Liu YB, Dong YX, Gao XQ and Zhang XS. (2009) Expression of a putative alfalfa helicase increases tolerance to abiotic stress in Arabiodopsis by enhancing the capacities for ROS scavenging and osmotic adjustment. Journal of Plant Physiology 166:385-394
30.Wang B, Sang Y, Song J, Gao XQ and Zhang XS. (2009) Expression of a rice OSARGOS gene in Arabidopsis promotes cell division and expension and increases organ size. J. Genet. Genomics 36:31-40
31.Sun Z, Ma L, Murphy RW, Zhang XS and Huang DW. (2009) Factors affecting mito-nuclear codon usage interactions in the OXPHO system of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Genet. Genomics 35:729-735
32.Sun Z, Wan DG, Murphy RW, Ma L, Zhang XS and Huang DW. (2009) Comparison of base composition and codon usage in insect mitochondrial genomes. Genes & Genomics 31:65-71
33.于明明,李兴国,张宪省。APETALA1 启动子驱动AtPT4在转基因拟南芥中表达导致花和花器官发育异常。植物学报44(1):59-68
34.Wu XQ, Li XG and Zhang XS. (2008) Molecular analysis of hormone-regulated pedal regeneration in Petunia. Plant Cell Reports 27:1169-1176
35.Zhao XY, Su YH, Cheng ZH and Zhang XS. (2008) Cell fate switch during in vitro plant organogenesis. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology 50 (7):814-822
36.An BY, Luo Y, Li JR, Qiao WH, Zhang XS and Gao XQ. (2008) Expression of a vacuolar Na+/H+ antiportor gene of alfalfa enhances salinity tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. Acta Agronomica Sinica 34:557-564
37.Guo J, Song J, Wang F and Zhang XS. (2007) Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of rice cell cycle genes. Plant Molecular Biology 64:349-360
38.Qiao WH, Zhao XY, Li W and Zhang XS. (2007) Characterization of a root-specific vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter gene in Agropyron elongatum and its expression involved in the salt tolerance of plants. Plant Cell Reports 26:1663-1672
39.Dong YX, Zhao XY, Wang JW, Yuan GL and Zhang XS. (2007) Improvement for Agronomic Traits of Partial Waxy Wheat by Combination of Backcrossing with a PCR-based DNA Marker. Journal of Genet. Genomics 34:836-841
40.Guo SJ, Zhou HY, Zhang XS, Li XG and Meng QW. (2007) Overexpression of CaHSP26 in transgenic tobacco alleviates photoinhibition of PSII and PSI during chilling stress under low irradiance. Journal of Plant Physiology 164:126-136
41.Chu ZQ, Chen H, Zhang YY, Zhang ZH, Zheng NY, Yin BJ, Yan HY, Zhu L, Zhao XY, Yuan M, Zhang XS and Xie Q. (2007) Knockout of the AtCESA2 gene affects microtubule orientation and causes abnormal cell expansion in Arabiodpsis thaliana. Plant Physiology143:213-224
42.Ma XJ, Tao Y, Zhao XY and Zhang XS. (2007) Wheat TaAS2, a member of LOB-Domain family, affects the adaxial-abaxial polarity of leaves in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Science 172: 181-188
43.Wang F, Huo SN, Guo J and Zhang XS. (2006) Wheat D-Type cyclin Triae;CYCD2;1 regulate development of transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Planta 224:1129-1140
44.Guan CM, Zhu SS, Li XG and Zhang XS. (2006) Hormone-regulated inflorescence induction and TFL1 expression in Arabidopsis callus in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 25:1133-1137
45.Zhao W, Su HY, Song J, Zhao XY and Zhang XS. (2006) Ectopic expression of TaYAB1, a member of YABBY gene family in wheat, causes the partial abaxialization of the adaxial epidermises of leaves and arrests the development of shoot apical meristem in Arabidopsis, Plant Science 170:364-371
46.Guo SJ, Li JR, Qiao WH and Zhang XS. (2006) Analysis of amylose accumulation during seed development of maize. Acta Genetica Sinica 32:846-854
47.Zhao XY, Liu MS, Li JR, Guan CM and Zhang XS. (2005) The wheat TaGI1, involved in photoperoidic flowering, encodes an Arabidopsis GI ortholog. Plant Molecular Biology 58:53-64
48.Zhao XY, Cheng ZJ and Zhang XS. (2006) Overexpression of TaMADS1, a SEPALLATA-like gene in wheat, causes early flowering and the abnormal development of floral organs in Arabidopsis. Planta 223:698-707
49.Su HY, Li QZ, Li XG and Zhang XS. (2005) Characterization and expression analysis of a MADS box gene, HoMADS2, in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Acta Genetica Sinica 32: 1191-1198
50.Liu MS, Wang F, Dong YX and Zhang XS. (2005) Expression analysis of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in purple grains of Triticum aestivum. Journal of Intergrative Plant Biology 47 (9): 1107-1114
51.Li JR, Zhao W, Li QZ, Ye XG, An BY, Li X and Zhang XS. (2005) RNA Silencing of waxy gene results in low levels of amylose in the seeds of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Acta Genetica Sinica 32: 846-854
52.Xu HY, Li XG, Li QZ, Bai SN, Lu WL and Zhang XS. (2004) Characterization of HoMADS1 and its induction by plant hormones during in vitro development in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Plant Molecular Biology 55:209-220
53.Lan LF, Chen W, Lai Y, Suo JF, Kong ZS, Can Li, Lu Y, Zhang YJ, Zhao XY, Zhang XS, Zhang YS, Han B, Cheng J and Xue YB. (2004) Mornitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice (Oryza sativa L.) using 10K cDNA microarray. Plant Molecular Biology 54:471-483
54.An YR, Li XG, Su HY and Zhang XS. (2004) Pistil induction by hormones from callus of Oryza sativa in vitro. Plant Cell Reports 23:448-452
55.Li JR, Wang F, Zhao XY, Dong YX, Zhang LY, An BY and Zhang XS. (2004) Analysis of Seed Expressed Sequence Tags in Triticum aestivum. Acta Botanica Sinica 46 (3): 363-370
56.Zhang XS, Wang X, Li QZ, Huo SN, Li XG and Ye BX. (2003) A seed-specific gene RS6, encodes a putative cupin domain protein, is essential for seed development in Oryza sativa L. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Plant Biology, Abstract p49
57.Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL and Zhang XS. (2002) Isolation of HAG1 and its regulation by plant hormones during in vitro floral organogenesis in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Planta 215:533-540
58.Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL and Zhang XS. (2001) Isolation and expression of HAP2 in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Development & Reproductive Biology10: 69-75
59.Zhang XS, Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN and Lu WL. (2000) Molecular cloning and expression analysis of HAG1 in the floral organs of Hyacinthus orientalis L. Science in China C, 2000, 43: 395-401
60.Zhang XS, Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN and Lu WL. (2000) Regulation of homeotic gene expression in the regenerated flowers of Hyacinthus. Plant Biology, The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiologists 80: p39
61.Li QZ, Li XG, Sun JQ and Zhang XS. (2000) Isolation and expression of an AGAMOUS homolog in the flower of Cucumber (Cucumis sativas L.). Development & Reproductive Biology 9: 69-76
62.Zhang XS, Zheng CC and O'Neill SD. (1999) Expression of ethylene biosynthetic genes regulated by pollination-associated factors in Doritaenopsis flowers. Acta Botanica Sinica 41 (5): 468-471
63.Zheng CC and Zhang XS. (1999) Cloning and characterization of a circadian rhythm-regulated psaH cDNA in Pharbitis nil. Acta Botanica Sinica 41 (8): 820-824
64.Zhang XS, Li QZ and Zheng CC. (1999) Hormonal regulation of postpollination development of Doritaenopsis flowers by auxin and ethylene. Acta Phytophysiologica Sinica 25 (2): 178-186
65.Wang L, Zhang XS, Zhong HW and Li QZ. (1999) Expression and sequence analysis of a cDNA relative to Orchid ovule development. Acta Botanica Sinica 41(3): 276-279
66.Nadeau JA, Zhang XS, Li J and O'Neill SD. (1996) Ovule development: Identification of stage-specific and tissue-specific cDNAs. Plant Cell 8:213-239
67.O'Neill SD, Zhang XS and Zheng CC. (1994) Dark and circadian regulation of mRNA accumulation associated with photoperiodic flower induction. Plant Physiology104:569-580
68.Zhang XS, Nadeau JA, Li J and O'Neill SD. (1994) Isolation of cDNA clones specific to developing and mature ovules of orchid flowers. Plant Physiology 124: Supplement
69.Zhang XS and O'Neill SD. (1993) Ovary and gametophyte development are coordinately regulated by auxin and ethylene following pollination. Plant Cell 5:403-418
70.Nadeau JA, Zhang XS, Nair H and O'Neill SD. (1993) Temporal and spatial regulation of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase in the pollination-induced senescence of orchid flowers. Plant Physiology 103:31-39
71.O'Neill SD, Nadeau JA, Zhang XS, Bui AQ and Hallevy AH. (1993) Interorgan regulation of ethylene biosynthetic genes by pollination. Plant Cell 5:419-432

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