

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27

祁自忠(QI Zi-Zhong),男,1970年12月生,河南信阳人。理学博士,硕士生导师;中国海洋大学海洋生命学院高级工程师。
(3) 运用海洋细菌的富集培养和分离鉴定技术,研究了滨海沉积物和海底微生物燃料电池电极表面可培养细菌群落,重点分析了芽孢杆菌菌群的演替,分离得到了海洋细菌新种海洋底泥食冷菌Algoriphagus faecimaris;研究了海洋光合细菌的富集培养系统和微微型海洋浮游生物沉降系统,为海洋微生物资源开发利用奠定了基础。
2010-现在: 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院,海洋微生物实验室,高级工程师。
2003.10-2008.12: 中国海洋大学与比利时大学发展委员会合作项目:“ 有益微生物调控水产育苗微生物区系(**)”。


1. Zizhong Qi, Kristof Dierckens, Tom Defoirdt, Patrick Sorgeloos, Nico Boon, Zhenmin Bao,Peter Bossier. (2009) Effects of feeding regime and probionts on the diverting microbial communities in rotifer Brachionus culture. Aquacult Int 17:303–315. SCI
2.Zizhong Qi, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Nico Boon, Peter Bossier. (2009) Probiotics in aquaculture of China-Current state, problems and prospect. Aquaculture 290 15–21. SCI
3. Zizhong Qi, Kristof Dierckens, Tom Defoirdt, Patrick Sorgeloos, Nico Boon, Zhenmin Bao, Peter Bossier. (2009) Analysis of the evolution of microbial communities associated with different cultures of rotifer strains belonging to different cryptic species of the Brachionus plicatilis species complex. Aquaculture 292 23–29. SCI
4. 孙进,于敏,任晓亮,张月月,宋福来,祁自忠*(通讯)。2009(海藻叶面附着细菌群落生理特性与荧光原位杂交分析。海洋湖沼通报。4)51-61。核心。
5. Han, Y., Li, X., Qi, Z., Zhang, X.-H. and Bossier, P. (2010) Detection of different quorum sensing signal molecules in a virulent Edwardsiella tarda strain LTB-4. Journal of Applied Microbiology108:139-147. SCI
6. Yongxia Li, Shulin Yan, Qian Yang, Zizhong Qi*, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Yu-bin Fu. (Corresponding author). Algoriphagus faecimaris sp. nov., a novel bacterium isolated from Yellow Sea coastal sediment, China. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol first published on January 21, 2011 as doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.027862-0. SCI
7. 韩茵,李永霞,李杰,唐磊,祁自忠*。两种海洋细菌对海底沉积物微生物燃料电池产电效能及其阳极表面细菌群落的影响。海洋科学进展,2011,29:36-42.
参加欧盟项目“对虾对虾苗期细菌病害的诊断与控制”; 参与组织联合国教科文组织项目:“UNESCO中国海洋生物工程中心”1-4期国际培训课(主题:水产养殖动物病害;海产动物养殖技术;海藻及药物海洋生物;亚洲地区对虾养殖病害与生态防治)。参加和组织国际海洋生物工程进展与展望学术大会;参加国际学术大会与工作会议11次。与比利时根特大学、荷兰瓦赫宁根大学、挪威科技大学及越南、泰国、马来西亚、沙特阿拉伯等国同行保持良好合作关系;为亚欧水产科技平台和根特校友会成员。并以国家自然科学基金合作为基础,引进分子微生物学外国专家一名。
Email: zizhongqi@ouc.edu.cn

Curriculum Vitae
Zizhong QI
Address: Yushan Road No. 5,
College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China
266003 Qingdao, China
E-mail: zizhongqi@ouc.edu.cn

Date of birth: 14th December 1970, Male
Place of birth: Xinyang, Henan, China
Nationality: Chinese
Undergraduate study in Ocean University of Qingdao, College of Marine Life Sciences
Excellent bachelor
Thesis: “Studies on the effect of different feeds on the health of larvae of Penaeus chinensis and the bacterial analysis in rearing water” performed at the Laboratory of Marine Microbiology. Promoter: Professor Huai-Shu Xu, Grade: A.
Master study in Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Science in Aquaculture
Thesis: “Using different formulations probiotics to improve the rotifer (Brachious plicatilis) culture” performed at the Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology. Promoter: Professor Willy Verstraete, Grade: 15/20.
Doctoral study in Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering/Ocean University of China, College of Marine Life Sciences
Applied Biological Sciences
Thesis: “The dynamics of microbial communities and probiotic supplements in the marine larviculture feed chain” performed at the Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center, Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology and Laboratory of Marine Genetic Breeding. Promoter: Professor Peter Bossier, Co-promoter Professor Nico Boon, Local promoter: Professor Zhenmin Bao.

Professional record
Research assistant at Laboratory of Marine Microbiology, Ocean University of Qingdao. Director: Prof. Huai-Shu Xu.
Administrative assistant of Chinese Center of Marine Biotechnology/BAC/UNESCO. Director: Prof. Huai-Shu Xu.
Participated in European Economic Community project: “Diagnosis and control of bacterial diseases in penaeid shrimp hatchery-relationships between microbial flora, nutrition, production techniques and health status of penaeid shrimp”.
Participated in National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) project: “Marine biofouling and microbial control”.
Participated and assisted 4 times training courses of Marine biotechnology and aquaculture in Chinese Marine Biotechnology Center /BAC/UNESCO
Participated in the International Symposium on Progress and Prospect of Marine Biotechnolgy (ISPPMB’98).
Authored and co-authored 11 articles in local journals.
Senior engineer at Laboratory of Marine Microbiology, Independent senior researcher.
?Doctoral research with Prof. dr. ir. P. Bossier (Laboratory of Aquaculture and Artemia Reference Center, Ghent University), Prof. dr. ir. N. Boon (Laboratory of Microbial Ecology and Technology, Ghent University) and Prof. Zhenmin Bao (Laboratory of Marine Genetics and Breeding, Ocean University of China) as scientific promoters. Research was supported by a grant of VLIR scholarship.
?Lecturing courses “Live food production” (2003), “Microbiology” (2008-2013) , “Marine Microbiology” (2009-2013) and “Diving and oceanic survey” for undergraduate students.
?Tutor of 21 undergraduate and 8 graduate students in biosciences during their graduated thesis (2003-2013).
?Collaborator in State Oceanic Administration project “Oceanic resource survey-picoplankton and nanoplankton” in North yellow sea and Qingdao coastal area.
?Collaborator in the Key technology R&D program of Ministry and Science and Technology “Integrated algae and shellfish cultures in shallow seawater-Integration and Demonstration”
?Collaborator in the High-tech program of Ministry and Science and Technology “Self-clean anti-fouling coat in deep sea environment”.
?Collaborator in 4 NSFC projects “Hemolysin in marine Vibrios”, “Functions of hemolysin in V. harveyi”,”CO2 concentration gene clone and expression in Arthrospira (Spirulina)” and “Respiratory Metabolism to Sulfide Exposure in Urechis unicinctus”
?Coordinator in NSFC project “The relationship of disease with the composition and dynamics of microbial communities on sea cucumber and abalone seeds settlement plates”
?Co-inventor of Chinese patent n°90 “A low mucosity algin producing method”.
Publications in recent five years (including international peer-reviewed journals):
Rombaut, G., Grommen, R., Qi, Z-Z., Vanhoof, V., Suantika, G., Dhert, P., Sorgeloos, P., Verstraete, W. (2003) Improved performance of an intensive rotifer culture system by using a nitrifying inoculum (ABIL). Aquaculture Research 34(2): 165-174.
LI, Y.,Yan, L-Y., Li, J., Qi, Z-Z,Zhang, X-H,Wang, X-H Xu, H-S. (2004) Study of heterotrophic bacterial flora,dominant Vibrios composition of larvae and postlarvae of Penaeus chinensis and its relationship with disease. Periodical of Ocean University of China. 34(6): 1003-1007 (in Chinese, Abstract in English).
Mu, C-H., Bao, Z-M., Cheng, G., Hu, J-J., Hao, L-J.,, QI, Z-Z., Li, G-X. (2005) Bacterial diversity in the sediments collected from the Shikoku Basin. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 24(3) 114-121.
Mu, C-H., Bao, Z-M., Chen, G., Hao, L-J, QI, Z-Z., Lao, J., Li, G-X., Hu J-J. (2006) Bacterial diversity in the sediments collected from the Northwest Pacific. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2006 (28) 4:121-128.
Bai, B., Pang, L., Qi, Z-Z., Chen J., Austin, B. and Zhang, X.-H. (2008) Distribution of five vibrio virulence-related genes among Vibrio harveyi isolates The Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 54: 71-78.
Qi, Z-Z., Dierckens, K., Defoirdt, T., Sorgeloos, P., Boon, N., Bao, ZM., Bossier, P. (2009) Effects of feeding regime and probionts on the diverting microbial communities in rotifer Brachionus culture. Aquaculture International 17: 303–315.
Qi, Z-Z., Defoirdt, T., Dierckens, K., Sorgeloos, P., Boon, N., Bao, ZM., Bossier, P. Analysis of the evolution of microbial communities associated with different cultures of rotifer strains belonging to different cryptic species of the Brachionus plicatilis species complex. Aquaculture 292: 23-29.
Qi, Z-Z., Zhang, X-H., Bossier, P. (2009) Current status and prospect of probiotics in aquaculture of China. Aquaculture 290: 15-21.
Sun, J., Yu, M., Ren, X-L., Zhang, Y-Y., Song, F-L, Qi, Z-Z. (2009) Ecophysiological characteristic and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of the epiphytic microbial community of Ulva lactuca and Undaria pinnatifida. Transactions of Oceanology and Limnology 4: 51-56.
Han, Y., Li, X., Qi, Z., Zhang, X.-H. and Bossier, P. (2010) Detection of different quorum sensing signal molecules in a virulent Edwardsiella tarda strain LTB-4. Journal of Applied Microbiology108:139-147. (SCI, IF2008: 2.028).

Li, Y.,Yan, S.,Yang, Q.,Qi, Z.*,Zhang, X. H.,Fu, Y. B. Algoriphagus faecimaris sp. nov., isolated from coastal sediment[J]. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2011, 61 (12): 2856-2860.
HAN Yin,LI Yong-xia, LI Jie, TANG Lei, QI Zi-Zhong*. The Influences of two marine bacteria to the bacterial community compositions of the anode and the electricity production efficacy of marine benthic microbial fuel cell. Advances in Marine Science., 2011 29: 36-42.
Papers in Conference Proceedings
Z-Z. Qi, ZM. Bao, B. Sun, P. Sorgeloos, N. Boon, P. Bossier. 2005. Evaluating the effect of potential synbiotics on in vitro antagonism against a pathogen using DGGE. Larvi 2005 fish & Shelfish larviculture Symposium C.I. Hendry, G. Van Stappen, M. Wille and P. Sorgeloos (Eds). European Aquaculture Society Special publication no 36, Oostende, Belgium.
Workshops and course
Workshop: Recirculation in marine fish/shellfish larviculture. 14 Nov. 2003 Ghent university, ‘t Pand Onderbergen 1 Gent, Belgium.
Workshop: Environment & Ecosystem preservation, 23-26, April 2005, Qingdao, PR China.
Mini-symposium: Biofilm. 13 Nov. 2007. Ghent university, ‘t Pand Onderbergen 1 Gent, Belgium.
Course: Molecular workshop: Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) training course, 5-6, June, 2007, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, P.R. China.
Research theme
Our research has focused on the microbial community of ocean, marine sediment, aquaculture systems, microbial fuel cells, intestinal ecosystems of marine animals and wastewater treatment systems. The areas of interests have been the using of molecular methods for the qualitative and quantitative description of opportunistic pathogens and investigations of microbial processes in live food production in aquaculture, novel symbiotic strategies for disease control and the selection and application of beneficial bacteria--probiotics. The research interests are focused on the analysis of microbial network to link the functionality of probiotics in vivo. The central theme of this research is to understand of the dominance of beneficial bacterial populations within a microbial community. This strategy is called Sustainable Probiotic Dominance (SPD).

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