

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27


邮箱:xhzhang@ouc.edu.cn电话: (办公室)
地址:青岛市鱼山路5号 青岛266003 中国海洋大学海洋生命学院



2009.012011.12主持国家自然科学基金委与香港研究资助局(NSFC-RGC)联合科研基金项目“弧菌毒力因子对鱼类细胞保护和细胞调亡的作用研究” (),内地经费31.5万元。
2008.122012.12国家 863计划重点项目“迟钝爱德华氏菌毒力相关功能基因研究及疫苗开发”(2008AA092501),参与,个人经费84万元。
2012.012015.12国家 863计划重点项目“深海微生物分离培养与基因资源获取技术研究”(2012AA092103)子课题“深海微生物高通量分离培养技术及装置研发”,主持,经费190万元。
2013.012018.12国家自然科学基金创新群体项目“海洋有机生物地球化学”(** &延续**),参加,个人经费34万元。
2018.012020.12青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室山东省海洋科技资金重大科技专项“蓝色药库”技术创新工程项目“海洋药源生物基础研究”课题 6-4海洋细菌多样性、分子生态学及功能解析 (2018SDKJ0406-4),参加。经费60万元。

1. 入选2004年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。
2. 获2010年国家海洋局海洋创新成果二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:哈维氏弧菌溶血素的发现与致病机理。
3. 获2014年国家海洋局海洋科学技术二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:海洋微生物培养新技术的建立及菌种库建设。
4. 获2014年青岛市自然科学二等奖(第1位),获奖题目:海水鱼类主要病原菌的致病性及其环境适应机制。
5.获 2014、2016、2017和2019年山东省优秀硕士/博士学位论文指导教师。

Zheng Y, Wang J, Zhou S, Liu J, Xue C-X, Williams BT, Zhao X, Zhao L, Zhu X-Y, Sun C, Xiao T, Todd JD*, ZhangX-H*. Bacteria are important dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in marine aphotic and high-pressure environments. Nat Commun, 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-18434-4 (IF2019:12.121)
Liu J, Zhu S, Liu X, Yao P, Ge T, Zhang X-H*.Spatiotemporal dynamics of the archaeal community in coastal sediments: assembly process and co-occurrence relationship. ISME J, 2020, doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-0621-7.(SCI, IF2019: 9.180 )
Zhong H, Lehtovirta-Morley L, Liu J, Zheng Y, Lin H, Song D, Todd JD, Tian J, Zhang X-H*. Novel insights into the Thaumarchaeotain the deepest oceans: their metabolism and potential adaptation mechanisms. Microbiome, 2020, 8:78.(IF2019: 11.607)
Wang X, Liu J, Liang J, Sun H, Zhang X-H*. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the total and active Vibriospp. populations throughout the Changjiang estuary in China. Environ Microbiol, 2020, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15152 (IF2019: 4.933)
Xue C-X, Zhang H, Lin H-Y, Sun Y, Luo D, Huang Y, Zhang X-H*, Luo H*. Ancestral niche separation and evolutionary rate differentiation between sister marine flavobacteria lineages. Environ Microbiol, 2020, 22: 3234–3247.(IF2019: 4.933)
Sun H, Zhang Y, Tan S, Zheng Y, Zhou S, Ma QY, Yang GP, Todd JD*, Zhang X-H*. DMSP-producing bacteria are more abundant in the surface microlayer than subsurface seawater of the East China Sea. Microb Ecol 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s00248-020-01507-8. (IF2019: 3.356)
Song D, Zhang Y, Liu J, Zhong H, Zheng Y, Zhou S, Yu M, Todd JD* and Zhang X-H*. Metagenomic insights into the cycling of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and related molecules in the eastern China marginal seas. Front Microbiol, 2020, 11:157. (SCI, IF2019: 4.235)
Wang X, Yu M, Wang L, Lin H, Li B, Xue C, Sun H, Zhang X-H*. Comparative genomic and metabolic analysis of manganese-oxidizing mechanisms in Celeribacter manganoxidansDY25T: its adaptation to the environment of polymetallic nodules. Genomics, 2020, 112:2080-2091. (SCI, IF2019: 6.205)
Xue C-X, Liu J, Lea-Smith DJ, Rowley G, Lin H, Zheng Y, Zhu X-Y, Liang J, Ahmad W, Todd JD, Zhang X-H*. Insights into the vertical stratification of microbial ecological roles across the deepest seawater column on earth. Microorganisms, 2020, 8:1309. (IF2019: 3.690)
Liu J, Zheng Y, Lin H, Wang X, Li M, Liu Y, Yu M, Zhao M, Pedentchouk N, Lea-Smith DJ, Todd JD, Magill CR, Zhang W-J, Zhou S, Song D, Zhong H, Xin Y, Yu M, Tian J*, Zhang X-H*. Proliferation of hydrocarbon degrading microbes at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Microbiome, 2019, 7: 47.(SCI, IF2018: 10.465)
Williams BT, Cowles K, Martínez AB, Curson ARJ, Zheng Y, Liu J, Newton-Payne S, Hind A, Li C-Y, Rivera PPL, Carrión O, Liu J, Spurgin LG, Brearley CA, Mackenzie BW, Pinchbeck BJ, Pratscher J, Zhang X-H, Zhang Y-Z, Murrell JC, Todd JD. Bacteria are important dimethylsulfoniopropionate producers in coastal sediments. Nat Microbiol, 2019, 4:1815–1825. (SCI, IF2017: 14.174)
Liang J, Liu J, Wang X, Lin H, Liu J, Zhou S, Sun H, and Zhang X-H*. Spatiotemporal dynamics of free-living and particle-associated Vibrio communities in the northern Chinese marginal seas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2019, 85:e00217-19.(SCI, IF2018: 4.077)
Wang X, Liu J, Li B, Liang J, Sun H, Zhou S, and Zhang X-H*. Spatial heterogeneity of Vibrio spp. in sediments of Chinese marginal seas. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2019, 85:e03064-18.(SCI, IF2018: 4.077)
Xu T, Yu M, Liu J, Lin H, Liang J, and Zhang X-H*. Role of RpoN from Labrenzia aggregate LZB033 (Rhodobacteraceae) in formation of flagella and biofilms, motility, and environmental adaptation. Appl Environ Microbiol, 2019, 85:e02844-18.(SCI, IF2018: 4.077)
Zhang X-H*, Liu J, Liu J, Yang G-P, Xue C, Curson ARJ, Todd JD. Biogenic production of DMSP and its degradation to DMS– their roles in global sulfur cycle. Sci China Life Sci, 2019, 62, 1296–1319.(SCI, IF2018: 3.583)
Su Y, Tang K, Liu J, Wang Y, Zheng Y, and Zhang X-H*. Quorum sensing system of Ruegeria mobilis Rm01 controls lipase and biofilm formation. Front Microbiol, 2019, 9:3304. (SCI, IF2018: 4.259)
Liu J, Xue C-X, Sun H, Zheng Y, Meng Z, Zhang X-H*. Carbohydrate catabolic capability of a Flavobacteriia bacterium isolated from hadal water. Syst Appl Microbiol, 2019, 42, 263-274.(SCI, IF2018: 2.808)
Zhang X-H*, Lin H, Wang X, Austin B. Significance of Vibrio species in the marine organic carbon cycle – a review. Sci China Earth Sci, 2018, 61(10): 1357-1368. (SCI, IF2018: 2.258;封面文章)
Liu J, Liu J, Zhang S-H, Liang J, Lin H, Song D, Yang G-P, Todd JD*, Zhang X-H*. Novel insights into bacterial dimethylsulfoniopropionate catabolism in the East China Sea. Front Microbiol, 2018, 9: 3206. (SCI, IF2018: 4.259)
Lin H, Yu M, Wang X, and Zhang X-H*. Comparative genomic analysis reveals the evolution and environmental adaptation strategies of vibrios. BMC Genomics, 2018, 19:135. (SCI, IF2017:3.730)
Wang L, Yu M, Liu Y, Liu J, Wu Y, Li L, Liu J, Wang M and Zhang X-H*. Comparative analyses of the bacterial community of hydrothermal deposits and seafloor sediments across Okinawa Trough. J Mar Sys, 2018, 180: 162-172. (SCI, IF2017: 2.506)
Curson A, Liu J, Martinez AB, Green R, Chan Y, Carrion O, Williams B, Zhang S-H, Yang G-P, Page PB, Zhang X-H*& Todd J*. 2017. Dimethylsulphoniopropionate biosynthesis in marine bacteria and identification of the key gene in this process. Nat Microbiol, 2017, 2: e17009. (SCI, IF2017: 14.174)
Zheng Y, Yu Min, Liu J, Qiao Y, Wang L, Li Z, Zhang X-H* and Yu M*. Bacterial community associated with healthy and diseased Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) larvae and rearing water across different growth stages. Front Microbiol, 2017, 8:1362. (SCI, IF2017: 4.019)
Gao M, Liu J, Qiao Y, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2017. Diversity and abundance of the denitrifying-microbiota in the sediment of eastern China marginal seas and the impact of environmental factors. Microb Ecol, 73, 602–615. (SCI, IF2017: 3.614)
Yu S, Yao P, Liu J, Zhao B, Zhang G, Zhao M, Yu Z and Zhang X-H*. 2016. Diversity, abundance, and niche differentiation of ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotes in mud deposits of the eastern China marginal seas. Front Microbiol, 7:137. (SCI, IF2016: 4.165)
D'Hondt S, Inagaki F, Zarikian C, Abrams L, Dubois N, Engelhardt T, Evans H, Ferdelman T, Gribsholt B, Harris R, Hoppie B, Hyun J-H, Kallmeyer J, Kim J, Lynch J, McKinley C, Mitsunobu S, Morono Y, Murray R, Pockalny R, Sauvage J, Shimono T, Shiraishi F, Smith D, Smith-Duque C, Spivack A, Steinsbu B, Suzuki Y, Szpak M, Toffin L, Uramoto G, Yamaguchi Y, Zhang G-L, Zhang X-H, and Ziebis W. 2015. Presence of oxygen and aerobic communities from seafloor to basement in deep-sea sediment. Nature Geoscience, 8(4), 299-304. (SCI, IF2015: 12.508)
Tang K, Su Y, Brackman G, Cui F, Zhang Y, Shi X, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. MomL, a novel marine-derived N-acyl homoserine lactonase from Muricauda olearia. Appl Environ Microbiol, 81:774 –782. (SCI, IF2015: 3.823)
Zhang Y, Liu J, Tang K, Yu M, Coenye T, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genome analysis of Flaviramulus ichthyoenteri Th78T in the family Flavobacteriaceae: insights into its quorum quenching property and potential roles in fish intestine. BMC Genomics, 16:38. (SCI, IF2015: 3.867)
Liu J, Fu B, Yang H, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Phylogenetic shifts of bacterioplankton community composition along the Pearl Estuary: the potential impact of hypoxia and nutrients. Front Microbiol, 6, 64. (SCI, IF2015: 4.165)
Fu B, Liu J, Yang H, Hsu TC, He B, Dai M, Kao SJ, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Shift of anammox bacterial community structure along the Pearl Estuary and the impact of environmental factors. J Geophys Res – Oceans, 120, 2869–2883. (SCI, IF2015: 3.318)
Liu J, Liu X, Wang M, Qiao Y, Zheng Y, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Bacterial and archaeal communities in sediments of the north Chinese marginal seas. Microb Ecol, 70, 105-117. (SCI, IF2015: 3.232)
Jatt AN, Tang K, Liu J, Zhang Z, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Quorum sensing in marine snow and its possible influence on production of extracellular hydrolytic enzymes in marine snow bacterium Pantoea ananatis B9. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 91, 1-13. (SCI, IF2015: 3.53)
Xu T, Yu M, Lin H, Zhang Z, Liu J, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genomic insight into Aquimarina longa SW024T: its ultra-oligotrophic adapting mechanisms and biogeochemical functions. BMC Genomics, 16:772. (SCI, IF2015: 3.867)
Zhang L, Wang X, Yu M, Qiao Y, Zhang X-H*. 2015. Genomic analysis of Luteimonas abyssi XH031T: insights into its adaption to the subseafloor environment of South Pacific Gyre and ecological role in biogeochemical cycle. BMC Genomics, 16:1092. (SCI, IF2015: 3.867)
Liu J, Yu S, Zhao M, He B, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Shifts in archaeaplankton community structure along ecological gradients of Pearl Estuary. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 90, 424-435. (SCI, IF2013: 3.875)
Tang K, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Quorum quenching agents: resources for antivirulence therapy. Mar Drugs, 12, 3245-3282. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)
Liu J, Yang H, Zhao M, Zhang X-H*. 2014. Spatial distribution patterns of benthic microbial communities along Pearl Estuary. Syst Appl Microbiol. 37, 578-589. (SCI, IF2013: 3.366)
Cui F, Dong S, Shi X*, Zhao X, Zhang X-H. 2014. Overexpression and characterization of a novel thermostable β-agarase YM01-3, from marine bacterium Catenovulum agarivorans YM01T. Mar Drugs, 12, 2731-2747. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)
Yuan M, Yu Y, Li H-R, Dong N,Zhang X-H. 2014. Phylogenetic diversity and biological activity of actinobacteria isolated from marine sediments of the Chukchi Shelf, arctic ocean. Marine Drugs, 12, 1281-1297. (SCI, IF2013: 3.512)
Tang K, Zhang Y, Yu M, Shi X, Coenye T, Bossier P, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Evaluation of a new high-throughput method for identifying quorum quenching bacteria. Sci Rep, 3, 2935. (SCI, IF2013: 5.078)
Yu M, Tang K, Liu J, Shi X, Gulder TAM, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Genome analysis of Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchraJG1 reveals various survival advantages in marine environment. BMC Genomics 14:707. (SCI, IF2012: 4.397)
Wang B, Yu T, Dong X, Zhang Z, Song L, Xu Y, Zhang X-H*. 2013. Edwardsiella tardainvasion of fish cell lines and the activation of divergent cell death pathways. Vet Microbiol, 163, 282-289 (SCI, IF2011: 3.127)
Yu M, Wang J, Tang K, Shi X, Wang S, Zhu W-M* and Zhang X-H*. 2012. Purification and characterization of antibacterial compounds of Pseudoalteromonas flavipulchra JG1. Microbiology (SGM), 158, 835 – 842. (SCI, IF2011: 3.061)
Han Y, Yang C-L, Yang Q, Qi Z, Liu W, Xu Z-H, Zhu W-M*, Bossier P & Zhang X-H*. 2011. Mutation of tryptophanase gene tnaAin Edwardsiella tardareduces lipopolysaccharide production, antibiotic resistance and virulence. Environ Microbiol Rep, 3, 603-612. (SCI, IF2011: 3.232)
Sun B, Zhang X-H*, Tang X, Wang S, Zhong Y, Chen J & Austin B. 2007. A particular single residue change in Vibrio harveyihemolysin (VHH) results in the loss of phospholipase and hemolytic activities and pathogenicity to turbot (Scophthalmus maximus). J Bacteriol, 189, 2575-2579. (SCI, IF2007: 4.013)
Zhong Y, Zhang X-H*,Chen J, Chi Z, Sun B, Li Y & Austin B. 2006. Overexpression, purification, characterization and pathogenicitiy of Vibrio harveyihemolysin VHH. Infect Immun, 74, 6001-6005. (SCI, IF2006: 4.004)
Zhang X-H, Axton JM, Drinjákovic J, Lorenz L, White-Cooper H & Renault AD. 2004. Spatial and temporal control of mitotic cyclins by the Gnuregulator of embryonic mitosis in Drosophila. J Cell Sci, 117, 3571-3578. (SCI, IF2004: 7.250)
Renault AD, Zhang X-H, Alphey LS, Frenz LM, Glover DM, Saunders RDC & Axton JM. 2003. giant nucleiis essential in the cell cycle transition from meiosis to mitosis. Development, 130, 2997-3005. (SCI, IF2004: 7.149)
Zhang X-H, Meaden PG. & Austin B. 2001. Duplication of hemolysin genes in a virulent isolate of Vibrio harveyi. Appl Environ Microbiol, 67, 3161-3167. (SCI, IF2004: 3.810)

Curriculum Vitae
Name:Xiao-Hua Zhang
Title: Professor in Microbial Oceanography
Email:xhzhang@ouc.edu.cn Tel:0086- (office)
Colleage of Marine Life Sciences
Ocean University of China
Yushan 5 Road, Qingdao 266003,China

PhD in Microbiology, Department of Biological Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, U.K.

MSc in Physiology, Biological Department, Shandong University, China

BSc. in Zoology, Biological Department, Shandong University, China

Employment and experience
Professor in Marine Microbiology, Colleage of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, China


Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Genetics, Cambridge University, U.K.

Postdoctoral Researcher in Department of Zoology, Oxford University, U.K.

Lecturer and Associate Professor in Marine Microbiology, Colleage of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, P.R. China

Research associate in Shandong Institute of Marine Materia Media, China

TeachingMicrobiology, Marine Microbiology and Biological Oceanography

Research Interests
Microbial oceanography (including roles of marine microorganisms in driving biogeochemical cycles; bacterial quorum sensing and quorum quenching; marine bacterial taxonomy and applications)

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