

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27



[1] 黄海冷水团及其周边海域真菌多样性与分布格局研究,国家自然科学基金,2017-2020,主持,71.6W.
[2] 环渤、黄海山东沿岸潮间带藻生真菌物种多样性研究,国家自然科学基金,2012-2014,主持,20W.
[3] 环渤、黄海山东沿岸潮间带藻生真菌物种多样性初步研究,中央高校基本科研业务经费,2011-2013,主持,7W.
[4] 一种海带新病害的病原性质及侵染规律的研究,山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金,2009 -2012,主持,5W.
[5] 一种海带新病害病原性质的研究,中科院海洋所实验海洋生物学国家重点实验室开放基金,2010-2012,主持,3W.
[6] 海带配子体无性繁殖系一种真菌性病害的研究,青岛市科技计划基础研究项目,2009-2011,主持,3W.
[7] 海带养殖中真菌物种多样性的研究,中国博士后基金,2008-2010,主持,5W.
[8] 努利虫疠霉对蚜虫寄主的感染特性及其影响因子,中科院动物所农业虫鼠害国家重点实验室开放基金,2005 -2007,2007-2009(连续资助),主持,7W.
[9] 徐大堡核电厂厂址附近海域生物生态调查,横向课题,2008-2010,子课题负责人,40.5W.
[10] 温州欧飞围垦工程规划及相关专题,2010-2011,参与,10W.
[11] 莆田市石门澳海域用海规划海域使用论证报告书编制,2010年,参与,20W.
[12] 莆田市涵江临港产业园用海规划及相关专题,横向课题,2010-2013,参与,20W.
[13] 莆田市涵江机电一体化项目填海工程及20个报告表的编制,2013-2014,主持,55W.
[14] 滨海大道徐圩新区段海洋环境影响报告书编制,2013,主持,12W.

1. Wang XF, Wang MM, Zhao Y, Li CL, Li W*. Diversity of culturable fungi associated with marine macroalgae from coast of Qingdao, China. Mycosystema, 2017/1114, in press.
2. Wang MM, Shenoy BM, Li W*, Cai L*. Molecular phylogen of Neodevriesia, with two new species and several new combinations. Mycologia, 2017/12/07, in press.
3. Li W*, Wang MM, Pan HQ, Burgaud G, Liang SK, Guo JJ, … Cai L*. (2017). Highlighting patterns of fungal diversity and composition shaped by ocean current using the East China Sea as a model.Molecular Ecology. doi:10.111/mec.14440.
4. Li W*,Wang MM, Bian XM, Guo JJ, Cai L*. (2016). A high-level fungal diversity in the intertidal sediment of Chinese seas presents the spatial variation of community composition. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7(5995):2098. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02098.
5. Li W*, Wang MM, Wang XG, Cheng XL, Guo JJ, Bian XM, Cai L*. (2016). Fungal communities in sediments of subtropical chinese seas as estimated by DNA metabarcoding. Scientific Reports. 6, 26528. doi: 10.1038/srep26528.
6. 王蒙蒙,李长林,孙开明,潘好芹,李伟*. 海藻内生真菌的三个中国新记录种. 菌物学报,2016,35(5):636-640.
7. 卞晓萌,郭佳佳,赵勇,李长林,李伟*. 分离自海洋沉积物的四个中国真菌新记录种. 菌物学报,2016,35(10):1273-1279.
8. Xiao-Li Cheng, Wei Li*, Lei Cai*. (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Ascotricha, including two new marine algae-associated species, Mycologia, 107:490-504.
9. Xiao-Li Cheng, Wei Li*, Tian-Yu Zhang. (2014) A new species of Phaeoisariafrom intertidal marine sediment collected in Weihai, China Mycotaxon, 127:17-24.
10. 李长林,李伟*. 分离自海洋环境的枝孢属三个中国新记录种. 菌物学报,2014,33(4):932-936.
11. Peng Yan-ting, Wei Li*. (2013). A bacterial pathogen infecting gametophytes of Saccharina japonica(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 31(2):366-373.
12. 李长林,李伟*,分离自海藻的青霉属三个中国新记录种. 菌物学报,2013,32(4):752-757.
13. 冯春辉,李长林,彭艳婷,孙开明,李伟*,南黄海沉积物中的丝孢菌初报. 菌物学报,2013,32(1):35-41.
14. Xiao-Li Cheng, Kai-Ming Sun, Wei Li *et al. (2011) A new species of Hansfordiaisolated from the marine brown alga, Copomenia sinuosa. Mycotaxon, 116:431-436.
15. Li W., Zhang T.Y. & Tang X.X. (2010) Oomycetes and fungi: important parasites on marine algae, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 29(5): 74-81.
16. 孙开明,唐学玺,张天宇,李伟*. 砂生小树状霉与盐水小树状霉分类地位初探。中国海洋大学学报,2010,40(Sup.):147-150.
17. Zhang Q.S., W. Li, S. Liu and J.H. Pan. (2009) Reproductive pattern of Sargassum thunbergii(Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) in Bohai Bay, China. Aquatic Botany, 91:194-198.
18. Li W. & C.F. Sheng*. (2007) Occurrence and distribution of entomophthoralean fungi infecting aphids in mainland China. Biocontrol Science and Technology,17(4): 433-439.
19. 李伟,甘雅玲,盛承发*. 努利虫疠霉感染寄主桃蚜的扫描电镜观察. 昆虫学报,2007,50(2): 202-206.
20. Li W., W.A. Xu, C.F. Sheng*, H.T. Wang & W.J. Xuan. (2006) Factors affecting sporulation and germination of Pandora nouryi (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraecae), a pathogen Infecting Myzus persicae(Homoptera: Aphididae). Biocontrol Science and Technology,16(5/6): 647-652.
21. Li W., X.F. Wang & C.F. Sheng*. (2004) Impact of sixteen chemical pesticides on conidial germination of two entomophthoralean fungi: Conidiobolus thromboidesandPandora nouryi. Biocontrol Science and Technology,14:737-741.
1. 李伟,单秀娟,程晓丽。一种用于丝状真菌显微形态观察的制片方法,授权号:ZL 1.2。
2. 李伟,唐学玺,孙开明,于子山。海洋底泥样本的无菌采集方法,授权号:ZL 8.0。
3.李伟,唐学玺,孙开明。海洋高等真菌的大批量长期保存方法,授权号: ZL 7.6。

Curriculum Vitae
Name: Wei Li
Title: Ph.D /Associate Professor
Address:Yushan Road 5#, Qingdao, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China

Ph.D. in Ecology (2005), Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
M.S. in Biocontrol of Pest Insects (2002), Department of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China
B.S. in Plant Protection (1999), Department of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China
Professional experience
2011- Associated professor and scientific research secretary, in diversity of marine fungi, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
2011- Registered Engineer of Environmental Impact Assessment, in impact assessment of marine environment, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China
2008-2011Postdoctoral researcher, in fungal taxonomy, Department of Plant Protection, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China
2005-2008Lecturer, in marine ecology, College of Marine Life Sciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China
Teaching experience
2005- Impact Assessment of marine environment, Ocean University of China, China
2006- Basic Ecology, Ocean University of China, China
2008-2009 Biodiversity, Ocean University of China, China

Research Interests:
Research of our group mainly addresses the amazing diversity of fungi derived from marine environment. These include taxonomy, phylogenetic analysis and molecular ecology based on the traditional methods and molecular sequences. At present, fungal diversity of sediments and algae from north of the Yangtze river estuary waters was conducted based on cultured-dependent and cultured-independent methods and many interesting species had been described and reported.
In addition, impact assessment of marine environment is other important work for our group.

Li, W.*, Wang, M. M., Pan, H. Q., Burgaud G., Liang, S.K., Guo, J. J., … Cai, L*. (2017). Highlighting patterns of fungal diversity and composition shaped by ocean current using the East China Sea as a model.Molecular Eology. doi:10.111/mec.14440.
Wei Li*,Mengmeng Wang, Xiaomeng Bian, Jiajia Guo, Lei Cai. (2016). A high-level fungal diversity in the intertidal sediment of Chinese seas presents the spatial variation of community composition. Frontiers in Microbiology. 7(5995):2098. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.02098.
Wei Li*, Meng Meng Wang, Xi Guang Wang, Xiao Li Cheng, Jia Jia Guo, Xiao Meng Bian & Lei Cai. (2016). Fungal communities in sediments of subtropical chinese seas as estimated by DNA metabarcoding. Scientific Reports. 6, 26528. doi: 10.1038/srep26528.
Xiao-Li Cheng, Wei Li*, Lei Cai*. (2015) Molecular phylogeny of Ascotricha, including two new marine algae-associated species, Mycologia, 107:490-504.
Peng Yan-ting, Wei Li*. (2013). A bacterial pathogen infecting gametophytes of Saccharina japonica(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae). Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 31(2):366-373.
Li Chang-lin, Li Wei*. (2013). Three new recordsofPenicilliumisolated from seaweeds inChina. Mycosystema. 32(4):752-757. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Feng Chun-hui, Li Chang-lin, Peng Yan-ting, Sun Kai-ming, Li Wei*. (2013). A preliminary report of hyphomycetes from sediment of South Yellow Sea. Mycosystema. 32(1):35-41. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Xiao-li Cheng, Kai-ming Sun, Wei Li*. Tian-yu Zhang & Chang-lin Li. (2011). A new species of Hansfordiaisolated from the marine brown alga, Copomenia sinuosa. Mycotaxon, 116:431-436.
Li Wei, Zhang Tian-yu & Tang Xue-xi. (2010). Oomycetes and fungi: important parasites on marine algae. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 29(5): 74-81.
Kai-ming Sun, Xue-xi Tang, Tian-yu Zhang, Wei Li*. (2010). The primary study on the taxonomic position of Dendryphiella arenariaand D. salina. Journal of Ocean University of China. 40(Sup.):147-150. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Zhang Quan-sheng, Wei Li, Su Liu and Jin-hua Pan. (2009). Reproductive pattern of Sargassum thunbergii(Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) in Bohai Bay, China. Aquatic Botany, 91:194-198.
Li Wei, Wang Hong-tuo, Xuan Wei-jian & Sheng Cheng-fa. (2008). A preliminary study on the occurrence and epizootics of two natural enemies of cereal aphids in Taian. Plant Protection. 34(1):107-111. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Li Wei & Sheng Cheng-fa. (2007). Occurrence and distribution of entomophthoralean fungi infecting aphids in mainland China. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 17(4): 433-439.
Li Wei, Gan Ya-ling & Sheng Cheng-fa. (2007). Invasive processes of Pandora nouryi(Remaudire & Hennebert) Humber in green peach aphid Myzus persicae( Sulzer ) observed with scanning electronic microscopy. Acta Entomologica Sinica. 50(2):202-206. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Li Wei, Wang Hong-tuo, Xuan Wei-jian & Sheng Cheng-fa. (2007). Effects of 12 insectides on conidial germination of two entomophthoralean fungi attacking aphids. Plant Protection. 33(3):125-127. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Li Wei, W.A. Xu, C.F. Sheng, H.T. Wang & W.J. Xuan. (2006). Factors affecting sporulation and germination of Pandora nouryi (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraecae), a pathogen Infecting Myzus persicae(Homoptera: Aphididae). Biocontrol Science and Technology, 16(5/6): 647-652.
Li Wei, Wang Xiu-fang & Sheng Cheng-fa. (2004). Impact of sixteen chemical pesticides on conidial germination of two entomophthoralean fungi: Conidiobolus thromboidesandPandora nouryi. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 14:737-741.
Li Wei, Shan Xiu-Juan, Cheng Xiao-Li, 2014. A new slide-making method for morphlogoical observation of anamorphic fungi (ZL 1.2 ) (in Chinese)
Li Wei, Tang Xue-Xi, Sun Kai-Ming, Yu Zi-Shan, 2010. Sterilized collection method for sea deposit sample (ZL 8.0 ) (in Chinese)
Li Wei, Tang Xue-Xi, Sun Kai-Ming, 2010. Long-term store method for a large number of marine fungi (ZL 7.6) (in Chinese)
Awards & Honors
2013 the Opening foundation of State Key Laboratory of Mycology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Diversity of fungi derived from marine sediment
2013 Assessment Project of Marine Environment, the impact of Putian fill sea project on marine environment and related issues
2012 National Natural Sciences Foundation, Fungal diversity of marine algae from the coast of Shandong province
2011 Assessment Project of Marine Environment, the impact of Oufei fill sea project on marine environment
2009 Prominent Teacher of Ocean University of China
2009 Award Program for Outstanding Young Researchers of Shandong Province, A pathogen infecting gametophytes of Saccharina japonica(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)
2009 Postdoctoral Research Foundation, Fungal diversity during the kelp cultivation
2008 Marine investigation project, biodiversity of marine area nearby Xudabao Nuclear Power Station
2005 the Opening Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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