

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-27


E-mail 地址:binaishuang@ouc.edu.cn

1. 学习经历
中国海洋大学, 地质学理学学士学位,中国青岛,2004.07
中国海洋大学, 海洋地质学博士学位,中国青岛,2009.07
2. 工作简历
2013/01至今 中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院副教授
2009/07—2012/12 中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院讲师
3. 承担课程
4. 主持和参加的重要科研项目
1. 学科方向:河口海岸学、海洋地质学、沉积动力学
2. 应用基础:利用现场观测、卫星遥感和三维数值模拟,研究大河沉积物在中国近海的源汇过程及其环境效应。
3. 近期研究兴趣:
1.Wu X., Bi N., Kanai Y., Saito Y., Zhang Y., Yang Z., Fan D., Wang H., 2015. Sedimentary records off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and their response to deltaic river channel shifts over the last 200 years. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 108: 68-80.
2.Wu X., Bi N., Yuan P., Li S., Wang H., 2015. Sediment dispersal and accumulation off the present Huanghe (Yellow River) delta as impacted by the Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme. Continental Shelf Research, 111(B): 126-138.
3.Bi N., Wang H., Yang Z., 2014. Recent changes in the erosion-accretion patterns of the active Huanghe (Yellow River) delta lobe caused by human activities. Continental Shelf Research, 2014. 10.1016/j.csr.2014.02.014.
4.Bi, N., Yang, Z., Wang, H., Xu, C., Guo, Z., 2014. Impact of arti?cial water and sediment discharge regulation in the Huanghe (Yellow River) on the transport of particulate heavy metals to the sea. CATENA, 121: 232-240.
5.Bi, N., Yang, Z., Wang, H., Fan, D., Sun, X. and Lei, K., 2011. Seasonal variation of suspended-sediment transport through the southern Bohai Strait. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(3): 239-247.
6.Yang, Z., Ji, Y., Bi, N.,Lei, K. and Wang, H., 2011. Sediment transport off the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and in the adjacent Bohai Sea in winter and seasonal comparison. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93(3): 173-181
7.Wang Y., Wang H., Bi N., Yang Z., 2011. Numerical modeling of hyperpycnal flow in an idealized river mouth. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 93(3), 228-238
8.Wang H., Yoshiki Saito, Zhang Y., Bi N., Sun, X., Yang Z., 2011. Recent changes of sediment flux to the western Pacific Ocean from major rivers in East and Southeast Asia. Earth-Science Reviews, 108(1-2),80-100.
9.Bi, N., Yang, Z., Wang, H., Hu, B. and Ji, Y., 2010. Sediment dispersion pattern off the present Huanghe(Yellow River) subdelta and its dynamic mechanism during normal river discharge period. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86(3): 352-362.
10.Wang, H., Bi, N., Wang, Y., Saito, Y., Wang, Y., Zhang, J. and Yang, Z., 2010. Recent changes in sediment delivery by the Huanghe (Yellow River) to the sea: Causes and environmental implications in its estuary. Journal of Hydrology, 391(3-4): 302-313.
11.Wang, H., Bi, N., Wang, Y., Saito, Y. and Yang, Z., 2010. Tide-modulated hyperpycnal flows off the Huanghe (Yellow River) mouth, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(11): 1315-1329.
12.Qiao S., Shi X., Zhu A., Bi N., Fang X., and Yang G., 2010. Distribution and transport of suspended sediments off the Yellow River (Huanghe) mouth and the nearby Bohai Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 82(3): 337-344.
13.Hu B., Yang Z., Wang H., Sun X., Bi N., and Li G., 2009. Sedimentation in the Three Gorges Dam and the future trend of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) sediment flux to the sea. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2253-2264.
14.毕乃双,杨作升,王厚杰,范德江,季有俊, 2010.黄河调水调沙期间黄河入海水沙的扩散特征和影响机制黄河口快速沉积及其动力过程,海洋地质与第四纪地质.30(2)27-34
1.Bi N., Wang H., Xing G., Yang Z. 2016. Spatial and temporal variation in erosion and accumulation of thesubaqueous Yellow River delta (1976-2004). Ocean Science Meeting, Feb, 21-26, New Orleans, USA.
2.Bi N., Wang H., Yang Z., 2015. Evolution of river deltas under the impacts of climate change and human activities. Sino-German Symposium 2015: The Issues in Coastal Sustainability– Challenges and Perspectives, Sep 14-20, Bremen, Germany.
3.Bi N., Wang H., Yang Z., 2014. Recent changes in the erosion-accretion patterns of the active Huanghe (Yellow River) delta lobe by human activities. Ocean Science Meeting, February 23-28, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
4.Bi N., Yang Z., Wang H., Fan D., Sun X., 2012 Change of the mass flux of the Huanghe (Yellow River) to the sea due to the artificial flood by the Huanghe Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme since 2002. Ocean Science Meeting, February 20-24, Salt Lake City, USA.
5.Bi N.,Yang Z., Wang H., Fan D., 2010. Seasonal variation of suspended sediment transport through the southern Bohai Strait. Chapman Conference on Source to Sink Systems Around the World and Through Time, January 24-27, 2010, Oxnard, California, USA.
6.Bi N., Yang Z., Wang H., 2009. Suspended sediment dispersal pattern off the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and its geomorphological response. JSPS and CCOP/GSJ/AIST Seminar on Coastal Erosion in the Deltas, November 1-7, Bangkok, Thailand.
7.Bi N., Yang Z., Wang H. et al., 2008. The suspended sediment dispersal off the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta during river low water discharge period. An international Conference on DELTAS (Shanghai-Qingdao venue), October 26-November 2, Shanghai and Qingdao, China.
8.Bi N., Yang Z., Fan D. et al., 2008. Centurial high resolution records of the sediment grain-size variation in the subaqueous Changjiang (Yangtze River) delta and their influential factors. An International Conference on DELTAS (Bangladesh venue): Deltaic Gateways – Linking Source to Sink, January 6-13, 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
9.杨作升,毕乃双,李云海,王厚杰. 2012. 风暴海况下陆架海沉积动力过程及观测需求. 第一届海底观测科学大会,11月7-9日,上海.
10.毕乃双,王厚杰,杨作升,范德江. 2009. 渤海海峡南部海域悬浮泥沙输运的季节性变化. 中国科协第208次青年科学家论坛, 12月26-28日,南京.

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